Crisis choco pdf

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SOS OBISPOS DE APARTADO, ISTMINA-TADO Y QUIBDO CRISIS HUMANITARIUA DEL CHOCO CRISIS HUMANITARIA del CHOCO Defensoria del Pueblo, Agencia de Derechos Humanos de la Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas‌

SOS Choco, 2014- English v=mD87t3iyWMY Presenter- Few places exist in the world with the biological and geographic conditions as the Department of Choco, Colombia. With its 46 thousand square kilometers of water, jungles, rivers and bio diversity and few with the infrahuman conditions offered by the State to their native people.

Regardless of the effort of the people by centuries to live in harmony with the environment. It is a land belonging to 50 thousand natives from the ethnic Groups of Embera, Katio, Chami, Mungnan, y Tule and near 400.000 Afro descendents that are today cornered by violence. SingerSo much water, so much gold, so much land and so many riches‌ for what? So that a few corrupt people gain, while the people die of hunger So that a few corrupt people gain, while the people die of hunger The people die, the people, agonize‌

Gold and wood that foreign companies take Palm trees and land that kill the soul. There is no consideration, And the worse education. Those in a tie and others are in charged of the corruption Worse is the health, the doctors prescribe the coffin. This has to stop! We don’t want more war, no, we don’t want more violence Together Blacks, Indians and mestizos, join the resistance. We don’t want more war, no, we don’t want more violence Together Blacks, Indians and mestizos, join the resistance. Presenter- In Choco, as in all the Pacific, the

guerilla has rearmed and increased its influence with strikes and permanent attacks. The Public Force was increased on January 9 with the task force “Titan”, leaves many doubts by the way they solve conflict. At the same time the Paramilitary have been united in Choco with the groups Urabeños, Rastrojos and Aguilas Negras. And have formed the “Auto defensas Gaitanistas”. Since April, they started operations in Baudo, against the guerilla of the ELN (National Liberation Army) which has left close to 3,000 Embera Indians and many Afro Colombians displaced and missing. Is this a coincidence? Or is Colombia looking into another “Operación Genesis” like in 1997 which left lots of death and more than 17.000 people displaced in Bajo Atrato. The truth is that the Public force has grown exponentially in Choco in the last 15 years, but

they have not been able to control any of the armed groups, the narco traffickers, or the illegal mining. The Anti drugs Policies and the Anti-narcotics Police, have not stopped the growth of the coca plantations, and the intense aereal fumigations with gliphosfate are not killing the coca, but poisoning the plantations of “Pancoger�, the water and the air. At the same time, the fumigations have generated the death of boys and girls due to malnutrition, skin problems and gastro intestinal diseases. TV Presenter- This measure to end the illicit crops is generating a grave food crisis. Fr. Albeiro Parra Solis, Diocesis Quibdo-The Indigenous territories, have become war scenarios. It is there where the armed groups at the margin of the law have their camps, and this has presented many problems to the Natives

since they are in the middle of the clashes and this is creating a grave humanitarian crisis. Lorenzo Campos, Katio Leader Alto Andagueda- Near the area of Pescadito there was an explotion and in September the ELN was shooting in the Brisa Community. They were looking for FARC members, but they were not there. The shooting created lots of fear and stress, women were crying, the kids ran to the mountain, and then Thank God the Native guard was able to bring them back. Presenter- A similar situation is experienced with the illegal mining. Both activities are supported by the armed groups and a conspiracy among some politicians and entrepreneurs who interfere with the government of the Indigenous Communitary Councils, and they threaten them permanently when they oppose their goals.

In environmental matters, according to the data obtained by the Ombudsman, at least seven rivers of Choco, Atrato, San Juan, Andagueda, Apartado, Bevara, Bevarama y Quito,have been contaminated with Mercury and Cyanide. Americo Mosquera, Cocomopoca, Alto AtratoThe sedimentation is very thick, and the holes have not been covered, and we could say the responsibility lies in the Ministry of the Enviroment, through corporations like Codechoco because they do not apply the Law 685. The most grave is the effect of these chemicals in the health of the community. Bishop Luis Carlos Barrera, Diocesis Quibdo- It has not been proven that the mechanized mining is ecological in Choco and that it can provide economic support for the population and if it is the best option than the agriculture, livestock

and fisheries and other factors that sustain the community. For that reason we have met with the community to discuss the fallacy that represents opening the doors to the mechanized mining. Senador Luis Carlos Avellaneda, President Comision Law of Victims - Effectively, we have a problem of the model of Economical Development. A model which is based in an extracting model where natural resources and the mining have become very popular, and it is displacing people of their territories. Presenter- According to the Private Regional Corporation of CODECHOCO, they have more than 800 excavators and 50 dragons which have increased to 184% from the equipment they had in 2012. How have the excavators entered into Choco, if Choco only has 2 roads that connect to the Andean mountains? Where have they come from? The Public authorities are on the roads

making sure that this phenomenon stops growing to scandalous levels. th At the end of the 20 Century, the armed conflict has left thousands of people dead and 60% of the population of Choc贸 has been displaced. Paradoxically, a look at the health services, education, employment and basic needs concludes that the least of the ills is the armed conflict. Juan Carlos Murillo, Alto Andagueda- The children continue to die, fever, headaches, diarrhea, vomit and they are dying of that. Since December, 2013 until April 9, 2014, it was reported that nineteen children have died in zone 2. Presenter- Regardless, the Health in Choc贸 is being administered by the Superintendent of Health, since 2007 the indicators show that there have not been any improvement in the health

services. Woman- When we go to the Health Center, they scold us. They say things such as “the parasites are still there” and “you need to make an appointment two days before to be seen.” Presenter-The San Francisco of Assis Hospital is the only level 2 Center available to see the 480.000 people of the region, and it covers less than 50% of the basic attention to see the children in Choco. Presenter- It is worrisome that the maternal and infant mortality in Choco, is five times higher than the rest of the country. The percentage of malnutrition, the global percentage is double in Choco than the national average. So, a great percentage of the population ends the day without one of the three needed meals.

Presenter-The salary levels of people in Choco, are the lowest in the country. With 5 dollars a day, they must pay for food for their family, which is the most expensive in the country. Singer- The people are dying… agonizing… Presenter-The lack and deficient coverage of services and the absence of sewer systems in most of the municipalities of the department, forces people to consume water not apt for human beings. In Quibdó, Capital of the department of Choco, only 4,100 of the approximately 120.000 inhabitants of the city have access to a sewer system. The lack of access to the right of potable water turns into the diseases of poverty, which increase the preventable deaths especially in boys and girls. Presenter- The education has also been intervened.

Fulvio Ismare, Lider Community Union – Wounaan, San Juan- Regarding education, we have a building, with roof, but no walls or floors. Therefore, it is an effort for the community. Presenter- In Choco, the rate of illiteracy is three times higher than the national average. The budgets for education are an illusion, since there is no money for uniforms, or transportation or food. And the quality of education leaves much to be desired. In education Choco is to Colombia in the SABER tests, what Colombia is to the world in the PISA tests. Presenter- Regarding superior education, the only public institution available in Choco is the UTCH Technological University of Choco. Which has the most expensive tuition in Colombia. Compared to other public

universities, only 20 of 100 students are able to study at this university. Presenter- In Quibdo converge all the problems of Choco. More than 40.000 people who are displaced arrive to Quibdo and live in ten underprivileged barrios. The panorama that we see is a 60% rate of unemployment, even though the DANE does not recognize it. In Quibdo there are hundreds of streets where people do not have secure employment. The informal and subsistence economy proliferates through the moto-taxi, sales, and bartering in centers and plazas. In Choco the SOS is urgent to protect the basic rights of the population. Singer- Is dying‌ Presenter- Facing the armed conflict. It is necessary that the government expedites

protective regulations to the territories in Choco. That it establishes special rules to protect the fundamental rights and the international human rights in connection with the ethnic and social organizations. Senador Luis Evelis Andrade Casama. Emberra- The experience of the displaced citizens has demonstrated that it is not the safety, nor the military presence that guarantees the return of the displaced people to their communities. What we need to strengthen is the strategies of empowerment of our own government, strengthening of the indigenous guard. Rosmira Salas, Rep. COCOMACIA- We are 63 organizations that form the Interethnic Forum. But even with 63 organizations, the government has not heard us. Presenter- A peace scenario is possible if the

investments in Choco are not done by the public force, but with the civil institutions working hand in hand with the communities and their organizations. Those who have elaborated the development plans and their life plans, these plans need to be implemented. A peace scenario is the judgement T 025 and its laws issued by the Constitutional Court. Also the law 70 of 1993, as an element of community development, as an affirmative action and strategy to dignify life in the black community. Rosmira Salas- One Choco, one Colombia, where people live in peace, with dignity, so we are not begging. It is not fair, if we are all sons and creation of God, we have inherited something from God and it is for all so that we can all enjoy it. But that is not the way. Some people feel empowered or they think they have the rights to govern the world and the rest of us are “rentersâ€?. Some people say we are going to develop a mega project here‌

Presenter- A peace scenario is to listen to the victims of the armed conflict in the dialogues in Habana, Cuba. Is to build the post conflict with the victims and with the base organizations. Native Woman- We want peace, we want to be able to work with freedom. We are from these territories, we don’t have anywhere to go. We are the owners of these territories, and if they are going to bother us we are going to resist. Singer- We don't want war We don't want any more violence We don’t want more war, no, we don’t want more violence Together Blacks, Indians and mestizos, join the resistance. We don’t want more war, no, we don’t want more violence Together Blacks, Indians and mestizos, join the resistance.

Directed and Presented by Dianne Paola Rodriguez M. Produced by Mons. Juan Carlos Barreto B. Music: Nacho Velez

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