Ch anges f or New Hope Humani tari an M agazi ne Bringing Compassionate People Around the World Together AU GU ST 2 0 1 8 VOL. 2 ISSUE 8 It 's Alr eady a Beau t if u l Wor ld A belief that the world is a beautiful place creates it
Th e Valu e of Ever yt h in g is a M at t er of Per cept ion In clu din g Edu cat ion
M ak e Us Or din ar y Please Heroes, visionary and humanitarians are rare. We believe the extraordinary should be commonplace
Saying Hello to You from Pampas Chico Peru
ar t icle by author
L orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est L orem ipsum dolor sit amet. L orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata.
HEADER L orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est L orem ipsum dolor sit amet. L orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est L orem ipsum dolor sit amet. L orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est L orem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Her e i s What You Wi l l Be En j oy i n g i n Thi s I ssue Th e Cr u el an d Un u su al Lif e
Yesterday same as the day before and the day before that? How can we expect tomorrow to be any different unless we change our habits to turn an existence into a life?
A Passion Fr om Wit h in
Volunteer Karina Amalbert shares what it was like to be boots on the ground in Peru with Changes for New Hope. It is never as easy as it looks.
It 's Alr eady a Beau t if u l Wor ld
Th e Valu e of Ever yt h in g is a M at t er of Per cept ion What makes a Starbucks coffee worth $4.75 or an ounce of gold over $1200? Value is whatever we think anything is worth, it is our perception. Educating children in the 3rd world may be the most valuable asset of all.
Wh en M or alit y Clash es w it h Wh at is Legal Many things that are legal are not necessarily morally correct. How do we determine when moral issues should take a front seat to cold legalism?
M ak e Us Or din ar y Please
Your idea of a beautiful world creates one. It is already a beautiful world and surrounding what is lacking with love and compassion, turns the tide.
Heroes, visionaries, luminaries are extraordinary individuals while serving the disadvantaged around the world. We want to be ordinary. We believe that we can all be heroes and our altruistic actions should be commonplace.
And much mor e wait ing t o inspir e you ...
Editor 's Corner
Jim Killon
2017 Recipient of the David Chow Humanitarian Award
We are doing what most people thought was not possible. I love that part of the story, which is probably why I talk about it so often. I share it as a way of saying thank you to those who believed in me and supported our project. We are making a conceivable end to destitution possible for as many as we can reach. This magazine shares those accomplishments and of other humanitarians around the world who we have featured as well. It is important to me personally that I fulfill of each and every one of our promises. This has laid a foundation of trust and credibility that enables us to approach and conquer even bigger challenges. The next challenge already awaits us. Over the next several months, we plan on launching several new initiatives that will alter the path of Changes for New Hope. These new advances have been planned out with responsible forethought to assure its success. They will be based in the values that inspired our success up to this point in time. We know that every child has a dream, a hope and sometimes an emergency. We treat each one with the same love and energy that we relentlessly employed to build our project over the last nine years. We are deeply proud of our accomplishments, up to now, including the thousands of children that are living better lives today because of our compassion in action in dozens of pueblos and villages. but I acknowledge gratefully that every smile, every victory, every pair of shoes and every anemia fighting medicine or vitamin, every notebook and pencil set is largely thanks to our sponsors, donors and compassionate friends that continue to support and follow our work here in Peru and around the world where we have partnered with other like minded humanitarians.
Letters to th e Edi tor Dear Editor,
Dear Editor,
Your Health and Wellness article which included Self Talk was motivating. What we say to ourselves, our brains hear and reacts to. I never thought of that until now, thank you for this.
Bertrand Hebert's article The Walking Group Opens Young Minds to the World shows how every effort is valuable to share the needs of the disadvantaged in the world. It all starts with awareness. Then action.
~~ Peter H., Stockton Ca.
~~ Pierre L., Quebec, Canada Dear Editor, Dear Editor,
A Starving Wolf and a Hungry Wolf was an article that rocked me. You can only help people who want to help themselves, though all may need it. A starving wolf, so to speak, will take what they are given and take more when you are not watching, a lesson I learned the hard way as well.
I follow your page "Doing Good Feels Great" every month and find it inspiring. Each month your magazine gives us a bit more to consider. The "feel good" chemicals that our brains pours into our system when we do good for others. It is the only drug I need. Thanks again.
~~ Marianne R., Bogotรก
~~ Sean P., Kinsale Ireland
Dear Editor, After reading your article, "A Belief in Better World Creates One" I thought about how many of us see the world. If we see disaster everywhere then we face altruistic solutions with a defeatist attitude. It is a beautiful world and sharing why will bring more of us into it. ~~ Grant K., Desden Germany
Dear Editor,
Have a comment about our articles or a suggestion? Let's hear from you! Contact us at
Your excerpt of the e-book,"The Changes That You Deserve" was a great read and after finishing the book on, feel a sense of new empowerment and I now know that I do deserve the best in life. You're the Best! ~~ Nia M. Auckland NZ.
You r Healt h an d Welln ess A Good Night's Sleep is Good for Your Health A good night's sleep is incredibly important for your health. In fact, it?s just as important as eating healthy and exercising. Unfortunately, the Western environment is interfering with natural sleep patterns. People are now sleeping less than they did in the past, and sleep quality has decreased as well. Here are some reasons why good sleep is important : 1. Good Sleep Can Improve Concentration and
Sleep is important for various aspects of brain function. This includes cognition, concentration, productivity and performance. All of these are negatively affected by sleep deprivation.. A study found that short sleep can negatively impact some aspects of brain function to a similar degree as alcohol intoxication. On the other hand, good sleep has been shown to improve problem-solving skills and enhance memory performance of both children and adults
2. Poor Sleepers Have a Greater Risk of
Heart Disease and Stroke
It?s known that sleep quality and duration can have a major effect on many health risk factors. These are the factors believed to drive chronic diseases, including heart disease. A review of 15 studies found that people who don?t get enough sleep are at far greater risk of heart disease or stroke than those who sleep 7? 8 hours per night
3.Sleep Affects Glucose Metabolism
and Type 2 Diabetes Risk
Experimental sleep restriction affects blood sugar and reduces insulin sensitivity. In a study in healthy young men, restricting sleep to four hours per night for six nights in a row caused symptoms of pre-diabetes.These symptoms resolved after one week of increased sleep duration. Poor sleep habits are also strongly linked to adverse effects on blood sugar in the general population.Those sleeping less than six hours per night have repeatedly been shown to be at an increased risk of type 2 diabetes
You r Good Healt h Af f ect s Ever yon e Ar ou n d You 4. Poor Sleep Is Linked to Depression
Mental health issues, such as depression, are strongly linked to poor sleep quality and sleeping disorders. It has been estimated that 90% of people with depression complain about sleep quality. Poor sleep is even associated with an increased risk of death by suicide. Those with sleeping disorders like insomnia or obstructive sleep apnea also report significantly higher rates of depression than those without 5. Sleep Improves Your Immune Function
Even a small loss of sleep has been shown to impair immune function. One large two-week study monitored the development of the common cold after giving people nasal drops with the cold virus. They found that those who slept less than seven hours were almost three times more likely to develop a cold than those who slept eight hours or more. If you often get colds, ensuring that you get at least eight hours of sleep per night could be very helpful. Eating more garlic can help as well.
6. Poor Sleep Is Linked to Increased
Sleep can have a major effect on inflammation in your body. In fact, sleep loss is known to activate undesirable markers of inflammation and cell damage. Poor sleep has been strongly linked to long-term inflammation of the digestive tract, in disorders known as inflammatory bowel diseases. One study observed that sleep-deprived people with Chrone's disease were twice as likely to relapse as patients who slept well . Researchers are even recommending sleep evaluation to help predict outcomes in individuals with long-term inflammatory issues. 7. Sleep Affects Emotions and Social
Sleep loss reduces your ability to interact socially. Several studies confirmed this using emotional facial recognition tests. One study found that people who had not slept had a reduced ability to recognize expressions of anger and happiness. Researchers believe that poor sleep affects your ability to recognize important social cues and process emotional information.
IT'S ALREADY A BEAUTIFUL W ORLD W hen you know better, you do better. I wanted to make the world a better place, a beautiful world for as many as would hear the message that it is possible and together we can get there. Now I see an even brighter path. You might be asking, "W hat is brighter than that?" Well, try this on for size, instead of constantly driving on a rough road to get there, let's pave the road and drive on a smoother journey. W hat if we acknowledge that it is already a beautiful world? W hat if we decide that what we see all around us are the wonderful things that make being a human being an incredible experience? "But doesn't the world have problems and suffering for so many billions of people around the world, after all isn't that why you write this magazine, to raise awareness? "Yes indeed. We can not ignore nor neglect the challenges,
But, if we can believe in the goodness that already exists, our job is so much easier to guide our suffering human family toward the goodness that we live in. T he R.A.S. short for (the reticulating activating system) in our brains looks for the things we have already told ourselves exists. I f we wake up believing that the day is going to grind us down, it will. I f we believe that the morning is a new opportunity to become our very best selves, nothing can stop you. I t is already a beautiful, exciting and a wonderful world, regardless of the twists and turns that life is loaded with. We can only share what we have in us. How can we share what we don't have? Have you ever seen a lifeguard that couldn't swim? L ive in joy, live in peace. L ive with the absolute expectation that the best is due to you, then share that greatness, that victory that starts with the morning alarm going off, with those who have yet to see the solutions, the power and joy of this thing we call L I FE. L ive large, my friends, live deliberately!
Jim Killon
AN UGLY CHALLENGE AND A BEAUTIFUL SOLUTION 10,000 New Ch ildr en Will Be Reach ed in An cash Per u Th e Ch allen ge is the region of Ancash that still reports anemia is 54% among the children. This is the worst in Peru. Donors can be scarce, Volunteers can only help us a few months before their jobs, universities or life obligations recall them back. Meanwhile, parasites infestation, which almost all children show signs of, cause anemia, stunted growth, mental and physical disabilities and cause children to miss school. Lacking an education, children opt for other pseudo-opportunities which include menial labor jobs, worse, criminal activity, drug addictions, gang violence, early, single parent pregnancies and terrorism. Impoverishment is a primary cause of terrorism, political instability and disease according to several studies. Th e Goal is to get life saving albendazole, an anti-parasite medicine, to 10,000 children. We also provide bars of hand soap in our presentations in schools and community centers to underscore the importance of preventing infection and staying healthy. Washing hands is the single best solution to resist disease Th e Solu t ion is to minimize the expense, eliminate the need for several boots on the ground volunteers and do it without relying on regular donors. Reaching 10,000 children with effective anti-parasite solutions, one group at a time, alone if necessary, carrying the entire program in a backpack. This is what a humanitarian does. Albendazole costs over $400 in the U.S. but in Peru the same 2 tablets cost a mere 12 cents. We can reach 10,000 children, in 35 schools, averaging 300 children with the help of teachers, community leaders and students, within the course of the school year. Hand soap and albendazole for 10,000 children can be provided for a cost of only $1814. Printed materials and transportation to reach these schools may take us to $2000. It is our objective to bring the anemia rate of 54% in Ancash down to 15% which would represent the lowest numbers in Peru. And we are going to do it!
The Cr uel and Unusual Life Woke up, fell out of bed Dragged a comb across my head Found my way downstairs and drank a cup And looking up I noticed I was late Found my coat and grabbed my hat Made the bus in seconds flat Made my way upstairs and had a smoke And somebody spoke and I went into a dream
~~ From "A Day in the Life" by The Beatles
A day in your life, W hat is that like? Is it filled with passion and anticipation? W hat are you looking forward to in the next twelve months or even the next week? W hat books are you reading to develop that incredible human brain that separates us from the animals in the jungle? Are your emotions right now filled with love, compassion, joy and contentment or do you surge with latent anger, envy, competition and quiet fears, like most do? My friends, life is yours, all eighty plus years that you are expected to be on this planet. If your yesterday was no different than your last week and last week was no different than your last year, what do you think your future is going to be like if you don't consider making some significant changes, Right now! Goals, dreams, a vision for your own sense of success and prosperity as an incredible and compassionate human being exists within you already. We were born with a sense of being more than a corporate drone, churning out quotas to finance a life of mundane existence. A world exists out there for you, if you will set aside the streaming NetFlix weekends, clever Facebook posts >>
and hours sitting on a laptop searching for other peoples' idea of a great life. You have ever opportunity that the rock star, the corporate executive, the community leader and the successful parent has. So what is the difference between their success and your lack thereof? They do whatever it takes. You do what's convenient. Consider how you spend your days. Sure, there has got to be time for relaxation and recreation. Do you read books? They are free on line, there are audio books that you can listen to on that long boring drive to and from work everyday. Are you feeding your head everyday with something useful and positive? Most people are led, even driven, by circumstances and opinions that others dictate to them. Reactionary. Few have original thoughts and ideas. W hat is ordinary, usual, status quo, "the way it has always been and always will be" is your slow, miserable demise. It changes when you want to see a change. I urge you to take a precarious and unfamiliar step and do something different. Maybe not skydiving or starting a nationwide franchise to begin with, but how about taking a walk around the neighborhood. Stand up and stretch your muscles for ten minutes. Sit down and consider ten things that you can be very grateful for. Go out tomorrow and be determined to see the best in everything around you and everybody you meet. Turn off the television. W hen I say that, what I mean is Turn-Off-The-Television. Learn to dream, to fantasize about how your best self would look like, talk like, act like and do. Then begin to step into that character. Do you think it will feel silly? Probably so, but everyone who ever did anything great, anything noteworthy, anything that made life better for the millions of people who followed them, stepped into a life they were not yet living and became the greatness they once could only imagine. We all have the same brain pan. We can all learn something new, something wonderful and become the person we always wished we could be. W hen you see greatness in others, don't envy them, emulate them. Live large my friends, live deliberately. .
~~ JimKillon
Bef or e Long , You' ll Belong D o y ou wa nt t o know why ? Ev e r y b o d y wa n t s t o b e l o n g t o s o me t h i n g b i g g e r t h a n t h e ms e l v e s . We we a r c l o t h e s s u p p o r t i n g o u r f a v o r i t e t o u r f a v o r i t e b a n d s t h a t we wa n t t o i d e n t i f y wi t h . We t h e s e n s e o f f a mi l i a r i t y . I t f e e l s g o o d t o t o b e p a r s o me t h i n g g r e a t a n d t o k n o w t h a t we h e l p e d t o ma k e t g r e a t t h i n g s h a p p e n , i n s o me s ma l l wa y .
e a ms o r l i ke t of hos e
Yo u mi g h t b e r e a d i n g o u r ma g a z i n e o u t o f c u r i o s i t y , d e e p i n t e r e s t o r ma y b e j u s t t o s e e wh a t o t h e r s a r e d o i n g . Ho we v e r , i n s i d e y o u wa n t t o s e e t h e b e s t t h i n g s u n f o l d f o r t h e d i s a d v a n t a g e d o f t h e wo r l d , d o n ' t y o u ? Th e s i c k g e t b e t t e r , t h e h u n g r y f e d a n d t h e a b a n d o n e d e mb r a c e d . J o i n u s a n d h e l p u s t o ma k e t h a t h a p p e n . Yo u k n o w y o u wa n t t o . www. c h a n g e s f o r n e wh o p e . c o m If w e ju st w an t ed ever ybody t o lik e u s, w e'd be givin g aw ay ice cr eam con es.
W hat did you miss in our previous issues? M ay 2018
How Connected Are We Really? We know whats going on in Hollywood, New York and Moscow but do you know the name of your next door neighbor?
Oct ober 2017
Self Compassion is not Selfish You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm
Jan u ar y 2018
The Beauty of Failure Standing alone with your vision and crawling back up to new heights after your fail.
. . . Good n ews! You can st i l l r ead ev er y back i ssue of
Ch anges f or New Hope Humani tari an M agazi ne On I ssuu. com t he Fr ee on l i n e l i br ar y .
The Value of Everything is a Matter of Perception, Including Education
The value of anything depends on what you think it is worth, wouldn't you agree? People buy life insurance, for example, in case they should die prematurely leaving a family behind. Insurance is air, not an actual tangible product, Our perception is the security it offers, which feels good to us. Feeling good. What is the value of a cup of coffee? A dollar? Yet people line up, will be late for urgent appointments, to get their morning Starbucks double tall vanilla soy latte no foam, extra shot drink and it is considerably more than a dollar. How did the Starbucks marketing people steer the perception of hundreds of millions of people to the value that now is associated with a cup of coffee? Hot water trickled through ground beans? $4.75 please. We do everything in life for two reasons; to gain pleasure or avoid pain. Think about it.
For decades the price of gold was $35 an ounce. Have you priced the metal lately? It is $1223 at the time of this writing. Why? Global uncertainty, unstable equity markets, a hedge against financial collapse. Whatever the reason, gold, a shiny metal, is perceived by all to be valuable and it, feels good. to have a stack of it. If you think about it, anything and everything that feels good is justified in our minds as worth the risk, the effort, the expense and time to have it. At $1223 an ounce, we wouldn't complain about carrying the weight of a hundred pounds, would we? If the doctor found white spots on our lungs we would be willing to spend any amount and endure whatever treatment to get well, If you want that new iPhone, you have to have it, cost is no object, am I right? If it is for our own benefit and pleasure, no expense is too much, is it?
When we consider education it becomes a different story. Most people today are not working in the field that they have a degree in. People are questioning the perceived value of a $150,000 student loan that will take decades to pay off just to have a diploma that employers are becoming less impressed with. Auto mechanics and plumbers are making more than master degreed teachers and administrators of Fortune 500 companies. However, in 3rd world environs, education is still the single, best and most economic path out of destitution and impoverishment. The perceived value of education from kindergarten to university is cherished as the "Light at the end of the tunnel" and this perception is true. The alternatives in lieu of an education is to be relegated to the fields as a sheep herder, crop picker, selling products in a crowded market sixteen hours a day. The contrast between receiving an education and not is enormous, yet the cost is prohibitive for the poor. (cont'd>)
Edu cat ion al Oppor t u n it ies w ill in f lu en ce Posit ive Ch an ges in t h e 3r d Wor ld
Educating children in 3rd world countries is not money, resources and volunteer time tossed into the wind, though some may think so. I have been told that volunteering in 3rd world countries by individuals from developed nations was merely mental masturbation. He added that the problem was so vast that our meager efforts were a popcorn belch into a strong wind. Our perceptions are our reality. How much effort will be put into a task that we believe is a losing enterprise? Zero? .ooo1% ? I do not pity those who are struggling in 3rd world places who are doing all they can to get that education. Our project uses the bulk of our resources to provide the materials and supplies to make that education possible. As donations permits, we want to provide scholarships to those with the grades, but not the resources, to get an university education, modeling the altruism of Chuck Feeney who is using his billions to provide education for poor but smart kids which creates a better society. I see those who have the tools for an education, getting that education with such a passion and thirst that I am forced to pity those in developed countries because of the value they place on their Starbucks lattes and social presence on their devices with people they will never meet, Education?
If you do not get a university education in developed countries of the United States, the U.K. Europe or Australia, you just end up doing some other job that doesn't require a degree. Have you ever wondered what the alternatives are to 3rd world kids who do not get an education? Well to name a few, at best, farming, having a small family store or restaurant in the market. At worst, girls can be sold to other people as "housekeepers" in other cities, a euphemism for forced prostitution. The human trafficking trade is a $150 billion trade worldwide. Child soldiers and assorted terrorism is an unfortunate choice for those who have no other options available to them. Gang violence and crime in poor areas is a means to survive when forced to choose between hunger and stealing. Drug trafficking and para-military revolutions, which directly affect the children's lives in your own cities and neighborhoods, is result of people without opportunities that education would afford. Yes, what happens in 3rd world countries is your problem, and your solutions are deeply needed to make the "dent in the Universe" to borrow a Steve Jobs expression.
Like the "feel good" comfort of a new iPhone, double lattes, social media connections, gold, earning a very comfortable salary and a secure future, education for those in 3rd world environs needs to be close to the top of your list of valuable things to consider and act upon. Your contributions, time and efforts, turn the tide of suffering, disease, corruption and violence around the world. Some have many complaints about charitable giving down to "I don't like the taste of the glue on the envelope to mail the check". (I swear I am not making this up) The child that you sponsor may become the next human rights leader to guide their people into peace and prosperity. It is the value of your dollar, not the amount, that will make this a better world. Apathy is humanity's most profound humiliation. It is why there are so many starving, destitute people in the world, mostly small children and it is preventable. Consider this article as your invitation to turn the tide through education.
Saying Hello to You from Cuba
W HEN W HAT IS LEGAL CLASHES W ITH W HAT IS MORAL W hen t his magazine w as creat ed, it w as my int ent ion t o st eer clear of polit ics. You can not w in a polit ical debat e, you can only avoid being less dist urbing t han t he ot her person. Moral issues are anot her dilemma alt oget her. I f eel t hat having a f orum, such as t his magazine, and not speaking up f or t he morally w rong and inhumane incarcerat ion and det ent ion of children under Unit ed St at es aut horit y w ould make me as morally bankrupt as t he decision t hat t raumat izes t hese children. Let me say t hat I am an American born, Unit ed St at es cit izen. Though t he leaders of my count ry of birt h have made decisions t hat def y logic, reason, and in some cases legal support , I believe t hat in t he end, t he right decisions w ill prevail. Slavery ended. Jim Crow law s w ere abolished. W omen w ere given t he right t o vot e and earn equal pay. Companies t hat w ere poisoning our w at er and air w ere st opped. A count ry of law s w ill prevail over anyt hing else t hat w ould rule over t he people of a nat ion. W hen law s supersede human dignit y, w e need t o reconsider w hat is t he right t hing, t he morally correct t hing t o do. W hile t he media, t hose w ho are polit ically opposed t o t he president and prot est ers rage night and day, t he f act is t hat t he act ions t aken are absolutely legal.
Now w hat ? Get arrest ed prot est ing a legal act ion? Ref use t o obey t he law s w e don't agree w it h? Is moralit y t he t rue lit mus t est ? W ho decides? But moralit y has t o f ind a place in our halls of just ice t o balance t he cold hand of law s and rules. W it hout it w e are monst ers. W ere t he f amilies ent ering t he count ry illegally? Yes t hey w ere and t hen det ained in preparat ion t o be send back. But t o separat e children f rom t heir parent s? Unless t he parent is clearly a danger t o t he child, it is morally reprehensible, t raumat izing f or t he child under such unf amiliar condit ions and paint s t he Unit ed St at es w it h t he same brush as heart less despot s in t yrannical nat ions. As Mart in Lut her King Jr. said, "Never f orget , everyt hing t hat Hit ler did in Germany w as legal." Being legal does not make an act ion t he morally right t hing t o do. Jew ish ships, escaping t he Nazis, arrived on, t hen neut ral, American shores, in t he 1930s and w ere t urned back. A legal decision how ever not a moral one. Today, people f leeing t heir count ries w it h not hing more t han t he shirt s on t heir backs are t rying t o ent er t he U.S. unable t o speak English, have no job of f ers, no possessions nor money t o survive and came anyw ay. W hat ever t hey w ere escaping had t o be unimaginably horrif ic. They deserve bet t er t reat ment t han w hat t hey had f led. They should have a bet t er shot here because it is w ho w e are. A land of t he f ree.
Doi ng Good Feel s Great!
Many people don't want a solution, they want answers that they are pre-prepared to hear. They don't want to see new, different and unique people, they want to meet their clones, individuals that think, act and are pretty much just like themselves. It seems like they need a mirror, not a handshake. Tiny microcosms of groups of very cookie cutter people knowing that their thoughts, opinions and ideas are the right ones, why?, everybody in their circle believes it too. How can they grow beyond what they are today? If I am in Baltimore, Maryland, my hometown, and ask one thousand random people who is the best baseball team in the world, 999 of the people will say, the Baltimore Orioles (one visitor from New York will say the Yankees, but do they know?) It can be a challenge when we reach out to large sections of the population to open their minds to embrace the disadvantaged in other parts of the world. Outside of their microcosm, their social media, their sports teams and local watering holes they do not understand that there is a whole world out there. It's hard to care about the unknown. Would you like to knock over the first domino and start a huge tipping point of change? Tell them that you helped a homeless person, gave old clothes in your closet to a shelter or bought some school supplies to an inner city school. And just watch.
Make Us Or dinar y, Please!
WE HAVE BEEN CALLED HEROES, VISIONARIES, INSPIRATIONS AND EXTRAORDINARY Did you see th e Robin W il l iam s m ovie Patch Adam s? It is th e stor y of an Am er ican ph ysician , com edian , social activist, cl own , an d au th or. H e fou n ded th e Gesu n dh eit! In stitu te in 1971. Each year h e or gan izes a gr ou p of vol u n teer s fr om ar ou n d th e wor l d to tr avel to var iou s cou n tr ies wh er e th ey dr ess as cl own s in an effor t to br in g h u m or to or ph an s, patien ts, an d oth er peopl e. Gem m a Lee (ph otoed with h im at l eft) join ed h im in Ecu ador as a cl own an d sh ar ed h is am azin g activities with u sdu r in g h e visit. At 73 year s ol d at th e tim e of th is wr itin g, h e is stil l goin g str on g. For th e m om en t, Patch Adam s is extr aor din ar y. Jim Par adiso, wh en a br ain an eu r ysm str u ck h im bl in d in h is l ate 50's, su ffer in g with diabetes an d con tr acted a fl esh eatin g bacter ia th at cost h im a few of h is toes, cou l d h ave cal l ed it a day. In stead h e u sed h is tal en ts to bu il d th e l ives of bl in d ch il dr en in Loja, Ecu ador teach in g th em m obil ity an d con fiden ce to l ive a r egu l ar an d active l ife. H e h as fou n d h is pu r pose an d val u e in l ife wh ich h e n ow u n der stan ds is in ser vin g th e n eeds of oth er s. H u m an itar ian s h ave fed th e h u n gr y,pu t n ew sh oes on ch il dr en th at wer e wear in g r ecycl ed tir e pieces, pr ovided an em ia cr u sh in g vitam in s an d an ti-par asite m edicin e for th ou san ds, pr ovided cl asses in sel f esteem bu il din g, br ou gh t sch ool su ppl ies to th ou san ds m or e, stepped in to pr even t bu l l yin g in com m u n ities, su ppl ied san itar y n apk in s to Afr ican gir l s so th ey won 't m iss a week per m on th of sch ool an d pr ovided h an d cr an k wash in g m ach in es for in digen ou s wom en ju st to n am e a few l ife ch an gin g effor ts ar ou n d th e wor l d. Ou r dr eam is to do extr aor din ar y th in gs bu t as m or e peopl e tak e u p ou r cau ses, we wil l soon becom e or din ar y. Extr aor din ar y sh ou l d be com m on pl ace don 't you agr ee?
M ak e us or d inar y , p lease !
Stand ing Strong and Tall Sel f Es t eem Buil d ing You can't see it immediately. The development of self esteem among children in 3rd world conditions is slow, built day by day and in time, when the challenges appear in a child's life, you see them manifest that self esteem. The reactions to negative influences are met with extraordinary character, integrity and right responses. Self esteem is what will separate university graduates from career criminals. It will make the difference between a responsible parent and a dead beat dad. Expanding into a community and society, self esteem will lift people out of destitution and despair. We make self esteem an important part of our activities because it is just that important. Reach up!
Wr it e For Us
Everybody has a story to tell. Whether it is your own or a story about great things that are happening all around you. Share with us so we all can be engaged with you. Not a writer? Neither was I at one time, now you see I write most of the content for this magazine... for now. The biggest leap of faith is to simply begin. Your photos, stories, articles and points of view will help us to make this magazine even better for everyone who is reading it around the world. Nobody is born a great anything. Nobody would ever become great if they never started. So, feel free to share with us. Send us your submissions to our email address at
What we ar e accomplishing wit h t his magazine?
1. To recognize humanitarians and like minded individuals for their selfless work in the field. 2. To raise awareness for their projects by sharing their stories and projects with the world. Hopefully this will encourage fund raising efforts and support. 3. To draw corporate sponsorship to our program for mutual benefit. Corporate PR can be enhanced by their association. Funding will support the projects throughout the world that meet criteria we believe is critical. 4. To develop an alliance among individuals to share ideas, challenges, "how to" support and stories of progress. To be there for each other in good times and bad. We are no longer alone. 5. To provide independent credibility to individuals leading projects for their further development. 6. To give you a platform and a forum for your ideas and thoughts. What you have learned, you can share. 7. To provide transparency for NGOs so that donors and sponsors understand that each partner is fully vetted and contribution can be sent with confidence. 8. To melt the indifference and apathy in the world that enables suffering in 3rd world countries to continue. 9. To present nominated NGO leaders with a humanitarian award for their selfless service toward the disadvantaged, under-served and destitute. 10. To ultimately alleviate the desperation, the destitution and suffering that countless thousands endure which we encounter each day and restore human dignity, compassion in action and well being for everyone.
Join u s in ou r pr ogr ess an d devel opm en t to br in g sol u tion s to th ose wh o wou l dn 't h ave a ch an ce with ou t u s. W e can al l be h er oes... Now is your tim e. Th is is a Social M ovem en t! Lear n h ow at an gesfor n ewh
A Passi on From Wi th i n
K ari na A mal bert sh ares w h at sh e h as l earned as a boots-on-th e-ground v ol unteer at Ch anges f or New Hope i n th e Peruv i an A ndes
If I told you my experience as a volunteer for Changes for New Hope was filled with blue skies, willing city officials, and perfect accommodations for every task I would be stretching the the breaking point. More often than we would like to accept, we paint a picture-perfect image on social media, hiding all the actual realities that go into what could be considered a successful mission. Being a first-generation college student, I am usually lost and too scared to ask for help. Thankfully being a Latina has been to my advantage when it comes to speaking Spanish but I was nowhere near prepared for all the lessons learned. Shortly before the trip, someone important in my life once told me that we never lose, we only learn; little did I know this advice would stay with me the entire trip. No matter how many times an experienced adult will guide you, it is important for the individual to learn by themselves or else the lessons are not valued. Life is all about taking the lessons learned and finding the balance between the good days and the bad days. There were moments Jim Killon and I were on our top game helping hundreds of children a day learning how to combat anemia and parasite ingestion. There were also moments I found myself sitting in municipal offices for someone who was never going to show up as the previous individual said whatever they needed to tell me to get me out of their space. Persistence Throughout my Peruvian adventure, I have been robbed, lied to and bitten by dogs, persistence was the lesson I needed to learn. I needed to fall short over and over again in order to value my progress with my special needs children in our school. There is never an end goal; there is no limit to how far we could go as a non-profit based on the available resources and volunteer staff at the time. All we can possibly do is remain persistent. Sometimes we become so desperate for short-term happiness that we overlook the long-term successes. which persistence will make inevitable. Although my time in Peru has ended, my time as a volunteer for Changes for New Hope has not. If you are not able to travel to Peru there are still ways to help whether that be by donations, helping with connections to other NGOs, or by sharing your best with those that need it so desperately. ~~ Karina Amalbert
If you on ly don at e t o ch ar it y on ce a m on t h , r em em b
ber u s n ext t im e ok ? w w an gesf or n ew h
The Fin al Tho ught
Aver age people do just enough not t o get fir ed, not t o be t alked about , just enough t o st ay out of t r ouble. They st r ive for invisibilit y. Limit less people have no quot as, t hey do not need agendas, r ules, or or der s t o obey because t hey ar e seeking t o be boundless ever yday. Limit less people ar e t he invent or s of solut ions, t he people ot her people gat her ar ound because t hey make good t hings happen. They get t hings done. Limit less people ar e t he r eason we live bet t er lives and t hey inspir e us t o become our ver y best ver sions of our selves I want t o be limit less, don' t you?
Changes for New Hope is a registered NGO, non-profit organization with the Peruvian government since 2010. Our focus is to help children living in destitution and inadequacies in the Andean region. This magazine is expanding that focus to partner with other NGOs and their leaders around the world. The project creator is Jim Killon, an American born humanitarian, author/writer, exhibited artist, and life enhancement speaker.
His writings, articles and publications can be seen on The Good Men Project, Living in Peru magazine, Inspire Me Today, as well as self publishing: "A Gringo in Peru-A Story of Compassion in Action," "Living Large- Living
"The Changes That You Deserve" .
and the newly published "Infringe Me?" Jim Killon is a 2017 recipient of The David Chow Humanitarian Award. He is available for speaking engagements and interviews. For more information, contact him through our email at cn h m agazin e@gm Changes for New Hope is a 100% donation supported NGO project and is not affiliated with any religious or political organization.
Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved. Photo: Cecilia Falco Hirt
Ch anges f or New Hope Humani tari an M agazi ne
Be sure to check out our all new website at w w an gesf or n ew h
This magazine is provided to you free of charge and we are grateful to share it with you. If you would be kind enough to provide a small contribution to help us continue our work, we would deeply appreciate it. Just go to the website above. Thank you .