Ch anges f or New Hope Humani tari an M agazi ne Bringing Compassionate People Around the World Together Vol . 2 issu e 5 | M ay
Wh at is a M ood Hoover ? Be Your Ow n Status Symb ol Finding true value in life has nothing to do with mansions Rolex watches, cars and boats....
...and why do we need to avoid them?
May 2018 Vol. 2 Issue 5
Making t he Ext r aordinar y Ordinar y What happens when gr eat t hings become an ever yday exper ience? Is it possible?
Be sure to check out ou
Saying hello to you from Huaraz Peru
ur all new website
Her e Is Wh at Yo u Wil l Be Enjo ying Th is Mo nt h Making t he Ext r aor dinar y, Or dinar y A Reflection about reaching for the stars and touching them. It is a matter of attitude, tenacity
How "Conne c t e d " Ar e We Re a lly ? We know who is doing what across the world via social networks but how connected
and focus.
are we to the people standing right next to us?
Di d Yo u Kn o w ? Some interesting facts about children around the world and the conditions and situations that the face every day.
Evoluti on of a Non-Profi t Organi zati on. How do we get There from Here. A simplified step by step process that shares that success comes from within each of us who made the leap into humanitarianism.
The Mood Hoovers Some people you meet try to suck the joy out of your life. If your purpose in life is solid, their words have no impact. Here's how to do it.
Editor's Corner
Jim Killon
Reci pi ent of th e Dav i d Ch ow Humani tari an A w ard-2017
Passion, a life without it is no life at all. This month's magazine is a product of the passion that has moved many of us into new levels and to reach out for new horizons. I was in contact with one of our featured humanitarians who is in hiding in Cameroon because of an uprising in his community where heads are being chopped off as warning by vicious warlords. I saw the compassion of people who stepped up to help buy shoes for children in the Andes who wear recycled tire pieces for shoes. I dealt with cosmetic christians who bemoaned my highlighting the fact that there are 1.3 billion pronounced christians in the world and 785 million hungry people, mostly small children. I questioned why hunger couldn't be eradicated with small, bible-mandated, compassionate, donations from 1/2 of them. Using their retort and apparent resistance to helping the poor, I branded them "cosmetic" because I am that passionate about those who suffer in this world. The David Chow Humanitarian Award was not presented to me as a token prize for anemic effort. Solutions are available but with held and that is something that we, as humanitarians, can not countenance. So this month, as we come into May, our stories and observations will rattle some cages, open some eyes, raise awareness, share some great "Hows" and "Whys", ask questions and demand some answers. making the Extraordinary, ordinary is one of these articles. Heroes are only needing a nudge to emerge from out of any one of us. The great ones just got nudged sooner. Mood Hoovers, as we will share, will suck the joy out of your passion for life. The people that can find the cloud in every silver lining, maybe you know someone like that. Do you know how to manage them? In this issue you will get a glimpse into a few solutions. You can be your own status symbol without the burdens of accumulations that others seem to believe is the ultimate sign of having "made it". Enjoy this issue my friends, I trust you will feel it and experience it once again.
Letters to th e Edi tor Dear Editor,
Dear Editor,
Congrats to Jim Killon of receiving the David Chow Humanitarian Award. His years of dedication and perseverance in Peru has finally been recognized on the international stage. I read his book, A Gringo in Peru and know the struggles he endured to get where he is. Great things don't come easily.
Your article about Gemma Lee was moving. While we all look for the complicated and expensive way to make the world a happier place, she demonstrates that just being a clown for children is enough to make those changes. Happy is an inside job. ~~ Tom R., Denver Co.
~~ Rafael I., Leeds U.K.
Dear Editor, The energy of Maria Cercedo (Editorial Contribution) to create Smiles or Miles to help Peruvian children is amazing. Such a young girl with ambitions already to make a better world. It encourages me to see what I could be doing too. Keep up the good work Maria! ~~ Stephen D., Buffalo NY.
Dear Editor, "Infringe Me? A Solution to Consider for Gun Violence in America" that Jim Killon authored is a point of view that maybe we haven't considered fully yet. Changing the gun culture in America and the environment that "shootings are cool" to being "uncool" using mass media is brilliant. If it worked for smoking cigarettes in the 1980s making smoking "uncool" why wouldn't it work here? ~~ Rubin H. Gary, In.
Dear Editor, In your article, "Finding Our Empathy Again" I wonder if Mr. Killon understands that people work hard for their money and while there may be 785 million hungry people in the world as he points out, are they my problem because I live in a country that is wealthy? Should I consider all the world as my family as he suggests? This summer I am buying a boat, because I want one. If the poor of the world will go hungry as a result, it really isn't my fault or concern. If that makes me selfish, so be it. If they want what I have, they can get it the same way I got mine, get a job and earn it! ~~ Name with held by request Editor's comment: You are certainly entitled to do what you want with what is yours. However, consider if we all acted with compassion and made a small contribution of time or money, to relieve the suffering of the poor, who, through no fault of their own, suffer daily. Imagine the power of ten million people contributing a dollar per week, over 34 million meals would be served and you still get to buy your boat. We believe it isn't a matter of 'can't', but 'won't' when deciding to help the destitute as you have demonstrated. Apathy is humanity's most profound humiliation.
Send your Letters to the Editor to
Become Your Ow n Status Symbol No mansion? No private jet? Rolls Royce, not yet? No flashy Rolex watch? You lived this long without them, haven't you? Status is not something you acquire by what you purchase or tack onto your mounting debt load. Your notable position and station in life is matter of how you chose to go through it and who you choose to take along with you. Show the world what greatness actually is, make humanitarianism part of who you are and what you care about. The disadvantaged of the world need you to pick a cause that affects them and ultimately you will benefit as well. Altruism feels great every day, you'll see! That is real status. Seriously, join us, be a hero with us. Live large, live deliberately .
There are individuals that we admire. People like Elon Musk who bet his last dollar on his third rocket launch after the
Your safe 9-5 job, 40 years drifting to a farewell lunch is why you need the action thriller movies, the week every year Disney experience, the escape from reality at the local pub watching football. Why not choose to live?
first two blew up. We admire Apple Computer and came
M ak in g t h e Ext r aor din ar y, Or din ar y
back ten years later to make it
Reflection by Jim Killon
Steve Jobs who was fired from
the most valuable company on the planet. We admire Nelson Mandela who eradicated Apartheid after spending twenty seven years in prison. These are extraordinary people that, in my opinion, ought to be ordinary people. I say that because I believe that our lives were never meant to be mundane, dull and uninspiring.
I go to a restaurant and eat a meal then ask myself how could I make this even better. I watch a concert and ask what could I do as a performer, a producer or promoter to make this even better. I watch a movie and wonder how it was made and if I could some how create a masterpiece of my own. Not for the money or the fame. Those things are just results, but how can each of us do something, anything really, that would improve the quality of life for ourselves. Those are
I believe extraordinary should
great questions to be asking
be the routine and run-of
ourselves wouldn't you agree?
-the-mill experience and that every one of us should be aspiring to greatness. I believe that while watching greatness in the form of innovators, sports figures, inspirational actors and motivational speakers that we need to be asking ourselves, "What can I do that also inspires?" I might be a tad different from most of you.
Those who are moving the needle forward, red lining the gears toward the incredible are not smarter, more talented nor greater in any way than you or me. Just more passionate. Instead of being the thermometer they want to be the thermostat. I sure do. Don't you?
ial i l l en n
We inspire so that you will aspire... We can all be h er oes.. DI D YOU KNOW? Number of children in the world
from the developing world, there are:
* 2.2 billion
Number in poverty
* 1 billion or about every other child. According to
UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty. And they die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scrutiny and the conscience of the world. Being meek and weak in life makes these dying multitudes even more invisible in death. For the 1.9 billion children
640 million without adequate shelter (1 in 3) 400 million with no access to safe water (1 in 5) 270 m illion with no access to health services (1 in 7)
South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Healt h of ch ildr en Worldwide, -
121 m illion children are out of education worldwide
Around 27-28 percent of all children in developing countries are estimated to be underweight or stunted. The two regions that account for the bulk of the deficit are
2.2 million children die each year because they are not immunized 15 million children orphaned due to HIV/AIDS (similar to the total children population in Germany or United Kingdom) 3.1 million kids die each year of hunger meaning 6 every minute.
Th e M ood Hoover s Never r esen t t h e obst acles an d disappoin t m en t s t h at h appen in t o you r pat h .
People getting in your way? Expect it. There will be those who encourage you but there are those who are "Mood Hoovers". Remember those suck-it-all-up vacuum cleaners? If you weren't careful you could lose your cat using that Hoover cleaner. Some people are the human version of those machines, sucking the joy out of anything you want to accomplish. Got a dream? They will try to convince you of the impossibility of its success. Why? Probably because they have never dreamed and set out to accomplish anything in their lives. They are still waiting to hit the lottery. Many times that comes from those closest to you. Knowing how to neutralize them is a matter of survival. What made me the man that I am today, in part, were those experiences with people who were not who they promised to be. Friends that are behind you and when you look back, they are indeed behind you, usually about two miles or so. When the bottom fell out, I was left to learn, develop, grow and succeed virtually on my own. Like pushing a giant boulder up a hill, when I stopped pushing, it stopped moving. Have you ever felt like that? On you job, in school projects, maybe even in your own home. If it is going to succeed, it is going to be you doing it, alone. The 80/20 rules is very real. In any company, organization or project, it is always 20% of the people doing everything. While 80% may be card carrying members of the club or on the payroll, you would never know they existed otherwise. The Mood Hoovers will be there to tell you why you should quit, why it is impossible and they will have a list of reasons to prove it.
When you are all alone, one question stares back at you from every mirror you look into, "How much does your vision really mean to you?" You not only find out how valuable your vision is but your own value as a human being. You find the inner reserves of energy and creativity to see it through. You find strength to continue over and around every obstacle somehow. You find yourself going deaf to the Mood Hoovers that try to drag you down, make false promises, and would love to hear about your tough times. You find yourself slicing away "friendships" and relationships that held you to the ground like a pair of cement shoes. In my earlier e-book, The Changes That You Deserve, I wrote about friends I had since junior high school and into my adulthood. We had plenty of great times together and laughed at the years gone by. Twenty years later, still sitting on bar stools laughing, drinking, reminiscing about the old days, it became apparent, to me at least, that we were getting older but we have not progressed in our lives, or been of value to anyone but the bar owners and the cable pay-per-view companies. I dreaded the thought that we had "maxed out" our usefulness to anyone by time we were old enough to vote. And then what? Drift like a floating log in a river carried downstream with whatever current took us there? In today's world we call those things, apps. news feeds and social media posts. Empty opinions of the world as we watch it pass by.
Was that life? When I decided to begin doing something more productive and beneficial with my life, they laughed, then scoffed, then ridiculed. As success began mounting for me they realized the life we had together was coming to a close. They realized that what was always possible and available for them as well, was pushed aside because it got in the way of Monday Night Football or some other diversion. The contrast of my growing success and their stagnation was embarrassing to them and the Mood Hoovers came out. Eventually, my move to Peru to pursue my dream to build a project for poor children here was the final break. I became an award winning humanitarian, an author of several books, an exhibited artist in museums, a life enhancement speaker reaching thousands by offering support and encouragement.
The last I heard, my old friends were retiring from tedious jobs they held onto just for a paycheck, some faced D.U.I.s, others were getting operations common in men whose sedentary lives made it almost routine and some had died. Had my vision not been more powerful than their criticism, I would be right there alongside of them as another wasted life without purpose or meaning. A harsh reality maybe, but true. I saved my own life to launch a new one with value. Telling me I couldn't accomplish my mission, my defined purpose in life was motivating to me. Like an oyster that takes an annoying grain of sand and forms a pearl around it, I used obstacles as the resistance to make myself stronger, more resourceful and ultimately victorious. I don't fear obstacles, I embrace them. The stumbling blocks of today, where ever they may be, are the stepping stones of tomorrow that I climb onto so I can see farther than I ever could before. I am neither greater nor lesser than any other human being, I am just different. I demand more out of life than what is a given. Based on what I have endured, grown out of and into, if anybody asked what I am today, I am going to tell them I AM AWESOM E an d you can be t oo!
What Your Kids Want
Saying Hello to You from Mwanza Tanzania
What Our Kids Want
D o in g G o o d Fe e ls G r e a t !
Be One of Us! We Are Making Positive Changes Around the World. You are already THISCLOSE ! Learn how.
One hundred years ago families ate together, they talked about what was going in in their lives, they learned from each other. Fifty years ago, my parents knew all my friends names, their parents and what they did for a living. We communicated, eyeball to eyeball. Television had three channels and portable video games, iphones and personal computers were not yet invented. We were connected. We were a town. Now we call ourselves connected because the internet has us electronically tied to every new piece of information as soon as it happens. But are we really connected? I sat in a cafe and watched a couple on a date text messaging each the same table! We seem to know everything happening on the ground in Bejing and who got divorced in Hollywood but have no clue who lives next door to us, nor do we care if we are being honest. This impacts our level of compassion, altruism and concern for our fellow man. The fellow man in the car in front of us while we are texting, and the hungry child in Cambodia or Honduras with malaria because, if it doesn't show up in our news feed on social media, we are not thinking about it. Real life, laugh, live and love in real time, face to face. Let 's get re-connected. Let 's become humans who talk, think and share with each other again, before we become so numbed out and robotic that we need an app to tell us how we should feel.
How " Connect ed" Ar e We Real l y? A Question by Jim Killon
al¡tru¡ism ?altro?o?iz?m/ noun 1. the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.
Saying Hello to You From Phnom Penh Cambodia
Don't Miss Any of the Back Issues of Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine
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War n in g: Readin g Chan ges f o r New Ho pe Human it ar ian Magazin e may cause chan ges in yo ur l evel o f co mpassio n , co n cer n f o r t he disadvan t aged o f t he wo r l d an d has been kn o wn t o mel t apat hy
What we ar e accomplishing wit h t his magazine?
1. To recognize humanitarians and like minded individuals for their selfless work in the field. 2. To raise awareness for their projects by sharing their stories and projects with the world. Hopefully this will encourage fund raising efforts and support. 3. To draw corporate sponsorship to our program for mutual benefit. Corporate PR can be enhanced by their association. Funding will support the projects throughout the world that meet criteria we believe is critical. 4. To develop an alliance among individuals to share ideas, challenges, "how to" support and stories of progress. To be there for each other in good times and bad. We are no longer alone. 5. To provide independent credibility to individuals leading projects for their further development. 6. To give you a platform and a forum for your ideas and thoughts. What you have learned, you can share. 7. To provide transparency for NGOs so that donors and sponsors understand that each partner is fully vetted and contribution can be sent with confidence. 8. To melt the indifference and apathy in the world that enables suffering in 3rd world countries to continue. 9. To present nominated NGO leaders with a humanitarian award for their selfless service toward the disadvantaged, under-served and destitute. 10. To ultimately alleviate the desperation, the destitution and suffering that countless thousands endure which we encounter each day and restore human dignity, compassion in action and well being for everyone.
Ev ol uti on of a Non Prof i t Organi zati on A Great Idea! Based in compassion and a concern for the less fortunate whether close to home or in a far away place. Dammit you are going to change the world!
You tell your friends and family. Set up a website. Whistle up people you know who will share your vision. You just know the support will be there because it is such a great idea.
You evaluate your degree of passion and commitment. Can you do this alone? Do you fully understand the power of your WHY? Do you have the tenacity ?
~~ George M.Moore Jr.
You realize that not everyone shares your compassion nor enthusiasm. Their own lives are their central and many times exclusive focus. Reality sets in.
You jettison early disappointments, usually in the form of "friends" telling you to give up. If it was important to start this project it is important to continue.
You read, learn, find out how others have done this successfully. How to get resources and stay on course. Your WHY makes the obstacles seem manageable
A winner is just a loser that tried one more time
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. ~~Margaret Mead
You begin connecting the disadvantaged with those that can help. If only a few immediately, your project grows, more support will help more people in need. You are glad you believed in your vision. The world is a better place with you in it.
You start getting some responses. Website hits, emails, you learn that like energies attract. You are starting to make a difference in the lives of some disadvantaged people.
Never, never, never, never give up..... ~~ Sir Winston Churchill
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Why not make it yours? Become part of our solutions? Share this magazine with your friends on social media. Let's go viral! Do you have a topic you would like to share? Write for us, whether it is a comment to "Letters to the Editor" submit an article for publication or a photo where you are that expresses your feelings about humanitarianism, altruism and making the world a better place. Write to us at
Th e Fi n al Th ou gh t
I don't want to distract you from your lives like a comedian or a good book might. I want to interrupt your lives, your ordinary thought processes and your dangerous comfort zones. I know that my comments rattles cages, I intended them to. Many of my writings, magazine articles, and essays are not to lull people into a comfortable confirmation that their static lives are satisfactory, much to the contrary. whatever we are doing... we need the dis-comfort to know that there is no "good enough". Myself included, I wake up every morning to the new challenge that after almost 10 years here, I have just scratched the surface. ~~ Jim Killon
Changes for New Hope is a registered NGO, non-profit organization with the Peruvian government since 2010. Our focus is to help children living in destitution and inadequacies in the Andean region. This magazine is expanding that focus to partner with other NGOs and their leaders around the world.
The project creator is Jim Killon, an American born humanitarian, author/writer, exhibited artist, and life enhancement speaker. His writings, articles and publications can be seen on The Good Men Project, Living in Peru magazine, Inspire Me Today, as well as self publishing
"A Gringo in Peru-A Story of Compassion in Action," "Living Large-Living Deliberately" "The Changes That You Deserve" .
and the newly published "Infringe Me?" Jim Killon is a 2017 recipient of The David Chow Humanitarian Award. He is available for speaking engagements and interviews. For more information, contact him through our email at cn h m agazin e@gm Changes for New Hope is a 100% donation supported NGO project and is not affiliated with any religious or political organization. Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved. Photo: Cecilia Falco Hirt
Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine
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