Ch anges f or New Hope Humani tari an M agazi ne Bringing Compassionate People Around the World Together June 2018 Vol.2 Issue 6
Before Long You'll Belong It always seems impossible until it is accomplished You r Healt h an d Welln ess
Your greatest plans can end at the doctor's office if you are not living healthy.
A nd M uch M ore f or You I nsi de Th i s I ssue . . .
Saying Hello to You from Nairobi Kenya
Light of Hope Youth Initiative International
He r e i s Wh a t
Yo u Wi l l
Be En j o y i n g i n T h i s I s s u e
Before Long, You'll Belong... Nelson Mandela did not always look like a visionary, Matt Damon wasn't always finding solutions for sanitation. Who knows what shape
Meet Lizet h Yar lequ ĂŠ
your future might take.
Documentary filmmaker, storyteller and humanitarian who is as inspirational in front of a camera as behind it
You r Healt h an d Welln ess Let's face it, unless you have your health, not much else is going to matter. We are adding a health and wellness article each month to share ideas and solutions for you to be at optimum fitness.
It 's No t My Respo n sibil it y R e a lly ? Yo u Mig ht Be R ig ht
In f act very f ew things actually are your responsibility... driving the speed limit, showing up f or work on time but what a masquerade of a lif e that would be. Let's f ind out how we can add value to our lives and make the world a better place along the way.
Excer pt Fr om A Gr ingo in Per u
Doing Good Feels Great ! Luigi is a pizza maker who became a hero and mentor f or children
How did a project grow from a simple vision into something that has reached over 3000 children in the Andes? This excerpt from the chapter, Growing Roots in the Andes shares an amazing story of love and understanding
Jim Killon
Edit or 's Cor n er
Recipient of t he David Chow Humanit arian Aw ard
Welcome to our June 2018 issue which I can promise you will embrace with endearment. And why not? Our articles reveal the best of the human spirit, the passionate energy of some very special people whose talents illuminate the dark places in the world. Consider Lizet h Yarl equĂŠ of Lima Peru who uses her talent as a filmmaker to share the struggles of those in the desert slums outside of Lima, as well as sharing the beauty of movement by filming acro-yoga experiences and the fun of Spanish classes in Ireland. She shows us that humanitarianism isn't always sacrifice and mutual suffering. Our new column Your Heal t h and Wel l ness will help you to have a well tuned body that lasts a lifetime with correct care and nutrition. After all, how many bodies will you have during your life? Just one. We have always heard it is the "Little Things" that makes a difference. Luigi Enrique might be a little guy but he has a big heart and his way of contributing to ease the struggle of kids in the Andes is to offer pizza parties for them to brighten their mood and situation. He shares how he developed a dream to be a top shelf pizza maker into his current success. In each new issue you will see a continuing development toward an even better magazine that shares stories of humanitarians, their altruism, places that you perhaps have never heard of and the solutions that can make all they difference. Nothing is more important as understanding why. It is the Whys in life that inspire, motivate and cause us to become our very best version of ourselves. I am personally grateful for your interest and involvement, if only to read and share this magazine. The ripple effect inspires and influences those imperative changes around the world.
Letters to th e Edi tor Dear Editor, I was wondering how you found the various NGOs that you feature in your magazine. Thanks, ~~ Steve D. Sitka, Alaska We reach out to many NGO leaders that we see on various websites and ask to interview them. If they are the "real deal" we develop a partnership. The challenge is to find and share their stories accurately and capture their passion for making a better world in print form. We are particularly interested in small, obscure but dedicated Ngos and their leaders because that is what Changes for New Hope began as and continues to be today. Raising awareness for their causes, we feel, is as important as promoting our own. ~~ The Editor
Dear Editor, Dear Editor, In your article "Making the Extraordinary Ordinary", (May 2018) I wanted to applaud your ability to gently motivate the average person to become extraordinary like the heroes that we admire.
Your article,"Be Your Own Status Symbol" was clever in showing that the accumulation of stuff that everyone tries to acquire is just stuff. The stuff that matters is what is in our hearts. Thanks for the 'wake-up!'
~~ Sandra H. Oakland Ca.
~~ Tony R. Orlando Fl.
Dear Editor,
Dear Editor, Reebok's ad campaign, "Be More Human" is inspiring and ingenious to promote fitness and not just sell shoes. You use it likewise as well as other articles and photos to promote making the world a better place for everybody and not just for those in the 3rd world that you and other NGOs serve. You focus to serve all of humanity, 1st and 3rd world, not just raise funds, which many non-profits seem to do. Kudos, ~~ Sophia D. Salzburg, Austria
In your "The Final Thought" last month, you mentioned that you had no intention to lull readers into a comfortable confirmation of their static lives. I totally agree. No social change ever took place staying right where we already are. Finding solutions, not complaining, is the answer. ~~ Francis G. Aga, Egypt
What would you like to tell us? How did our articles move you? Send us your comments at
Wa it !
Wh a t ?
You t h ou gh t you w er e ju st goin g t o r ead a m agazin e? Not by a long shot, Friends. This is the magazine that you feel, you can sense in your very core and carry with you throughout your day. The stories here, the feel good articles, the photos are now part of your consciousness. You are now aware of a larger world. You can never go back to who you once were, frankly speaking, would you really want to? You are closer today to the person that you have always wanted to become.
Congratul ati ons !!
You r Heal t h an d Wel l n ess My Dad went to the doctor because he wasn't feeling well. A scan came back showing small cell cancer throughout his body. Diagnosis: three to four weeks to live. The doctors were spot on accurate. That was 2015. My older brother died of kidney failure in 2016. The Grim Reaper must have been on vacation in 2017 because nobody died in my family. He made up for lost time this year as my younger brother was diagnosed with colon cancer and a few weeks later my mother wrote to say she has lung cancer. As you might imagine I have been nudged to think about health issues of late. I am doing well, in case you were wondering, but what about the millions of people who face health issues that debilitate them, leave them financially crippled, medicines that are so expensive that the decision has to be made to choose between food or medication? I have been looking into health issues lately and it is astounding how many issues can be prevented with proper diet, exercise, drinking adequate water and mental attitude. I will be adding Health and Wellness articles each month to our magazine as a regular column for you to enjoy and consider. Here is the bottom line my friends, whatever your goals, dreams or visions, no matter how much you want to do great things in the world, if you are not healthy, if your lifestyle is one that is slowly killing you, your greatest plans end right there at a doctor's office. Those white spots on a CAT scan makes all of your possessions, investment statements and future plans virtually worthless. Let's get healthy and stay that way. Consider what we put in our mouths, our consumption. Not everything on your plate is food.
Consider our diets. Can we control our health risks based on what we eat? Absolutely. Here is a short list of diseases that can be managed by a proper diet; -
Celiac and other gluten related conditions Heart disease Cancer Obesity Osteoporosis Diabetes High Blood Pressure Thyroid conditions Autoimmune disease...
You would think that doctors get plenty of dietary training in med school but that is not the case at all. One study found the following while polling medical schools about nutritional curriculum: -
Only 25% of schools required a dedicated nutritional class (down from 30% in 2004). Medical students received 19.6 contact hours in nutrition during their total education (down from 22.3 hours in 2004). Only 27% of medical schools met the minimum 25 hours required by the National Academy of Sciences (down from 38% in 2004).
Source: Acad Med. 2010 Sep;85(9):1537-42.
Her e ar e a f ew Helpf u l ideas f or you ... Ar e You Dr in k in g En ou gh Wat er ? Here are a few reasons why you should 1. In cr eases En er gy & Relieves Fat igu e
Alw ays eat br eak f ast Studies show that individuals who eat a substantial breakfast lose more weight than those who have a small breakfast. Choose eggs or baked beans on wholegrain bread, or muesli with fruit and yogurt.
Eat you r f r u it an d veg Since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate Aim for three cups of vegetables and two fruits each day. better and be more alert. As an added Fill half your plate with veggies at lunch and dinner, and bonus, your energy levels are also boosted! add fruit to your breakfast and for a snack on the way home from work 2. Pr om ot es Weigh t Loss Tak e t im e t o sh op each w eek Removes by-products of fat, reduces eating intake (by filling up your tummy if If the food is not in the house, how can you eat well? consumed prior to meals), reduces hunger Schedule in time to shop each week or shop online.b (hello natural appetite suppressant!), raises Walk f or 10,000 st eps or exer cise f or an h ou r each your metabolism and has zero calories! day 3. Flu sh es Ou t Toxin s A pedometer is extremely useful in providing feedback on Gets rid of waste through sweat and how many steps you are racking up each and every day. urination which reduces the risk of kidney Sit dow n at t h e t able t o eat stones and UTI?s (urinary tract infections). Not only do you eat more slowly and often less food, but 4. Im pr oves Sk in Com plexion you'll enjoy the social experience of dining. Moisturizes your skin, keeps it fresh, soft, Alw ays car r y a pr ot ein -r ich sn ack w it h you glowing and smooth. Gets rid of wrinkles. It?s the best anti-aging treatment around! This way you'll avoid eating high-fat food on the run. Great options to keep handy include nut- or protein-based snack 5. M ain t ain s Regu lar it y bars, hard fruit such as an apple or a few wholegrain rice. Aids in digestion as water is essential to Have a gr een t ea af t er m eals digest your food and prevents constipation. Green tea is high in antioxidants and can help increase metabolic rate. 6. Boost s Im m u n e Syst em A water guzzler is less likely to get sick. And who wouldn?t rather feel healthy the majority of the time? Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu, cancer and other ailments like heart attacks. 7. Nat u r al Headach e Rem edy Helps relieve and prevent headaches (migraines & back pains too!) which are commonly caused by dehydration.
Alw ays car r y a w at er bot t le Drink at least two bottles of water a day instead of juice, cordial or soft drinks. Ch oose w h olegr ain , low -GI br ead an d br eak f ast cer eal Aim for the best-quality breads, crackers and breakfast cereals, as these are foods we eat every day. Alw ays eat car boh ydr at es an d pr ot ein s t oget h er
8. Pr even t s Cr am ps & Spr ain s
Try eggs on grain toast, yogurt and fruit, crackers and cheese and wholegrain bread with tuna or chicken.
Proper hydration helps keep joints lubricated and muscles more elastic so joint pain is less likely.
Note: This article should not be considered medical direction or advice contrary to your own doctor 's orders.
Saying Hello to You from Haiti and Cuba
Never miss another issue of Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine...
Ever y back issu e can be f ou n d on Issu u .com t h e f r ee on lin e libr ar y.... Ever y st or y, ar t icle an d h u m an it ar ian h igh ligh t ed is r igh t t h er e f or you t o en joy. Over a year of in spir at ion , f r ee!
War ning--: Reading t his magazine may caus e a change of at t it ude, incr eas e l evel s of compas s ion and a concer n f or t he l es s f or t unat e in t he wor l d. An incr eas e s el f of s el f wor t h and es t eemmay al s o devel op f r ombecoming par t of t he s ol ut ions .
Th is book is available f or f r ee on Issu u .com t h e f r ee on lin e libr ar y
excerpt... The adults were pretty much set in their ways. ?Heads like a box of rocks?, I would say of their resistance to change. The answer was to create a desire within them to want to change. An intrinsic spark that would cause them to move from, ?The way it?s always been? to ?Let?s try something new and see if it works?. Slowly, we began introducing meetings with the parents to share with them the incredible progress of their children and how they can help us by also setting good examples. Sneaking in through the back door was a plan that seemed to work best. Every parent was given a ?Do the Right Thing? wristband to wear. Passing out toothbrushes for the children was the next hurdle. Many of the children had toothbrushes that were years old. Many had decaying teeth at very young ages. Many homes had no toothpaste. Upon a closer investigation I was told that it is their belief that decaying teeth was a hereditary factor, therefore brushing one?s teeth was a waste of time. ?How do you figure?? I asked them. It was explained to me that their grandfather ?s teeth fell out, the fathers teeth also fell out so it was just a matter of time that their own teeth will also fall out. Therefore, brushing them was useless. Siri and Cecilia were two beautiful ladies who came to us from Sweden to volunteer. I had explained the dilemma with them. They had a computer program that clearly explained, in Spanish, with photos, what will happen if the children did not brush their teeth and how such demise is easily preventable. Their presentation was chilling and informative. The children now brush their teeth and are given replacement toothbrushes every six months. Richard makes sure a shipment of new tooth brushes is included in every visit to see me. In my journal I wrote,? It is now glaringly obvious that there is no finish line to this project and our objectives. Our work here will never be finished. As some children advance, new children, new groups will arrive and we start again. While cash is king to enable us to purchase what we need, cash doesn?t buy hope, compassion or love that the children need to see every day. Our time is the most valuable commodity here. It has taken two years just to be headed in the right direction, find our center and see a noticeable progress among the children. No one will be able to step in and pick up where I left off. This is home for me now. What was once strange and bizarre is now commonplace and my everyday life in the Peruvian Andes. I am loved and appreciated throughout the communities. I can never leave here.? From the chapter Growing Roots in the Andes.. Jim Killon 2013
Before long.... You'll belong... Nelson M an dela didn?t alw ays look lik e a vision ar y. In fact, for 27 years, he simply looked like a prisoner, locked up in South African jail cells for his Anti-apartheid activism. However, after his release in 1990 he became his country?s president, and today he?s celebrated not as an outlaw but as an icon of commitment and compassion. Fortunately, visionary thinkers aren?t always imprisoned, but they are often ridiculed, marginalized, or just plain dismissed for proposing big ideas that may sound outlandish to others. Eradicating anemia for ten thousand children in the Peruvian Andes? Right, sure you will. Use a simple message "Do the Right Thing" to shift the thinking of entire communities and suggest success can be simple? Who do you think you are? Whether it is Elon Musk's vision to rocket himself to Mars, Bill Gates providing immunizations for
millions of children around the world or Matt Damon providing sanitation where toilets don't exist yet, we all want to see a better world. Some folks simply wish it were so. Others have a plan but have no way to bring it into reality and some are so close that they can almost taste the victory of accomplishment. Others are getting it done. When you see the logos and hear the stories of the projects that we share in this magazine, we bring the impossible a tad closer to reality. William I. Johnson's Hope for Destitute People Foundation in Tanzania is finding ways to make communities self sustainable. Anthony Capra, a barber, created One for All and All for One which brings humanitarian supplies to Haiti and Cuba as well as providing free haircuts. Small ways to create sustainability, such as providing sanitary pads to girls so they won't have to miss school a week out of a month, self esteem building with art projects to develop children's mental attitude about themselves before negative influences can ill affect them. Elaine Poggi provides large photo art to hospitals because it improves healing and patient wellness. These are just a few of the heroes that we encourage you to draw closer to. These good folks have something to say and their compassion is contagious. Not everybody can hop on the next plane to Kenya or Ecuador but we can be part of the special projects that are already there. If people understood how every dollar added to the dollar of every other hero goes to provide such relief, or how a postcard with a message of hope moves a child to show up to school and get that education, so many more would arrive. Victory is impossible if we only wish for it. We all won't be Nelson Mandelas, or Elon Musks, or Bill Gates, but where we are and what we do is appreciated just as much. There is one more bit of good news....there is room for you too!
... A nd
Hel p us Spr ead t he Wo r d Ch anges f or New Hope Humani tari an M agazi ne
We Need You To Join The Social Movement Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Issuu
What we ar e accomplishing wit h t his magazine?
1. To recognize humanitarians and like minded individuals for their selfless work in the field. 2. To raise awareness for their projects by sharing their stories and projects with the world. Hopefully this will encourage fund raising efforts and support. 3. To draw corporate sponsorship to our program for mutual benefit. Corporate PR can be enhanced by their association. Funding will support the projects throughout the world that meet criteria we believe is critical. 4. To develop an alliance among individuals to share ideas, challenges, "how to" support and stories of progress. To be there for each other in good times and bad. We are no longer alone. 5. To provide independent credibility to individuals leading projects for their further development. 6. To give you a platform and a forum for your ideas and thoughts. What you have learned, you can share. 7. To provide transparency for NGOs so that donors and sponsors understand that each partner is fully vetted and contribution can be sent with confidence. 8. To melt the indifference and apathy in the world that enables suffering in 3rd world countries to continue. 9. To present nominated NGO leaders with a humanitarian award for their selfless service toward the disadvantaged, under-served and destitute. 10. To ultimately alleviate the desperation, the destitution and suffering that countless thousands endure which we encounter each day and restore human dignity, compassion in action and well being for everyone.
M eet
Lizet h Yar lequ ĂŠ
Docu m en t ar y Film m aker at Hu m an Film s Wor ld Most filmmakers capture images and events as they happen without getting too close to the action. They record the news, the events, the story and stay safely behind the camera. Then there is Lizeth Yarleque. On a Facebook post she shared the story of a woman living in the slums just outside of Lima in the desert with her two daughters in a shack. The short documentary that she made was compelling. Many saw it, liked it and moved on to other posts. I contacted Lizeth because she asked who could assist her to help this family as they struggled without electricity, purchased water had to be dragged up a steep hill in buckets and food sources were scant. I was headed to Lima to pick up a new volunteer and we stayed long enough to meet Lizeth and the family she was taking supplies to.
Lizeth films humanitarian issues. She captures ideas, environmental issues and people who are making the world a better place. She breathes life into situations whether it is a woman in the desert slum of Lima, A Spanish class in Ireland or an acro-yoga class that brings happiness to those who want to live a fuller, healthier experience. Lizeth brings the human experience to vivid life. Not all humanitarians are Indiana Jones wannabes who machete their way through a jungle curing malaria. Lizeth shows us that altruism can be sharing what is beautiful, what can add value to our humanity and she gets involved. Toting a heavy backpack filled with food and other supplies we climbed up into the steep hills and talked to the woman and her children. If we hadn't have joined her, Lizeth, at about 100 pounds standing only five foot tall, was prepared to carry it up by herself. Karina Amalbert, who arrived in Peru earlier that week, got her first hint of what Peruvian destitution looked firsthand as Lizeth guided us up the steep desert slope to a shack where this family emerged, grateful to see us arrive.
Lizet h w it h Elizabet h an d h er ch ildr en ... on e less day t o su f f er becau se of h er
Follow Lizeth Yarleque on Facebook and see her videos that are inspiring others. Human Films World with Lizeth behind the lens is going to be a project to watch. Check out her website at; w w w.lizet h yar lequ e.w or dpr
Kar in a an d I clim bin g t h e h ill
After almost a decade in Peru, I still have moments where I see people surviving in seemingly impossible situations with no other options and my jaw drops in amazement. Lizeth, is grateful for the opportunity to be there for them. To be able to be of value for the destitute is all the reward any humanitarian ever asks for. Lizeth shares the story because it needs to be part of our human consciousness. While so many nod thoughtfully mumbling,"There but for the grace of God, go I", people like Lizeth make an impact in the suffering to relieve the despair and humbly asks other to step in. Some may, others decline. We did, and found a new place in our hearts where compassion will grow.
Lizet h , join ed by Kar in a Am alber t an d I
It 's No t My Respo n sibil it y ! Real l y? Yo u Might Be Right ... If you think about it, ver y f ew thing ar e. Aside f r om taking car e of your own f amily, paying your taxes and bills, showing up f or wor k on time and dr iving under the speed limit, ther e is not much else that is your r esponsibility. But what a dull existence, masquer ading as a lif e, that would be. If you lived that kind of lif e, you wouldn't be dead technically, it would just seem that way, or a typical day dur ing the Cold War Soviet Union f r om f if ty year s ago. Har dly a lif e at all. The r eason why we go dancing, enjoy concer ts and spor ts events, take up hobbies and tr y new r estaur ants is to make lif e mor e inter esting. It is exciting to add value to your human exper ience. Why not f eel gr eat, along with thousands of other s who ar e moving the human r ace f or war d in f ar away places. How about sending a letter with a message of hope and encour agement to 3r d wor ld kids? Lear n about the conditions and str uggles ther e and what you can do to make a her o's dif f er ence. You can make a better wor ld, the gr eatness is alr eady in you. Visit www.changesf or
Doing good feels great
Luigi owns a pizza shop in Huaraz Peru. What did he do to help the kids living in the outbacks of the Andes? He invited them ALL to a pizza party at his shop. Some of these kids have never been invited to a sit down meal at a restaurant before. Luigi sat with us as the pizzas were in the oven and talked about his thoughts sharing why they should stay in school, how he struggled to achieve his own dreams and accomplished them through his own dedication and focus. Luigi used what he had available to share with these kids who needed to hear what is possible if they want to reach out for it. Luigi is a hero and a great pizza chef. He recently tried to prove it to the world in a Las Vegas World Competition. Luigi believes in himself and his abilities. What he shared with these children will inspire them to new and great things, making them limitless. https:// luigispizzaperu/ We can all be heroes. It's your turn....
Wr it e For Us....... Everybody has a story to tell. Whether it is your own or a story about great things that are happening all around you. Share with us so we all can be engaged with you. Not a writer? Neither was I at one time, now you see I write most of the content for this magazine... for now. The biggest leap of faith is to simply begin. Your photos, stories, articles and points of view will help us to make this magazine even better for everyone who is reading it around the world. Nobody is born a great anything. Nobody would ever become great if they never started. So, feel free to share with us. Send us your submissions to our email address at We can all be heroes.
Edit or ial Con t r ibu t ion - Kar in a Am alber t
19 and Al o ne. When you have been defeating the odds for a majority of your life, your age becomes just a number to celebrate years of survival. I am a proud Latina Puerto Rican studying Interdisciplinary Social Sciences at Florida State University. I am also extremely self-conscious and self-doubtful yet here I am, in Peru, thinking I could possibly change someone?s life. I have been here for almost two weeks working with Changes for New Hope establishing a mentality of ?Haz Lo Correcto?within children. I had prepared for months with new hiking shoes and a grand knowledge of avoiding buzzwords such as volun-tourism yet, there was one field I did not prep before embarking to Peru, my mental health. Being alone is a really funny feeling that quickly takes over your entire body. A mixture of altitude sickness and self-doubt created this bubble I forced myself into. A note to future volunteers: BURST THAT BUBBLE! Mental health is something that does not really ride alongside with international development, but it should! My ego pushed myself to go to a completely foreign country alone fore twelve weeks and my ego also forced me to think ?why am I even here?? ?Am I really that individual that could change the minds of individuals?? After all, I am only 19, how could I even be worthy of such a large task? Being so young and so far from home has been such a difficult task to manage, more difficult than I imagined. I want future volunteers to know they are not alone; this world is too big to be alone. We are in complete control of our thoughts, therefore, it is important to remember self-care while being abroad. This looks different for everyone as it may be avoiding social media or needing to take a nap in the middle of the day. YOU COME FIRST! When you place yourself first, others will follow suit. Friendly reminder the law of attraction is real, meaning if you put out into the universe positive thoughts, positive actions will follow. Doors will only open if you allow the doors to open and you never lose, you only learn!
Sol ut ions
In t he Quechua l anguage of nat ive Per uvians No wor d exist s f or Hope
Unt il NOW!!! Once social chang e has beg un, it can not be r ever sed . You can not uned ucat e a p er son w ho has lear ned t o r ead . You can not humiliat e a p er son w ho f eels p r id e. You can not op p r ess p eop le w ho ar e no long er af r aid . W e have seen t he f ut ur e and it is our s! *** Cesar Chavez
Th e Final Th o ug h t
A Bet t er Kin d of Self ish n ess I came to the conclusion that I am selfish. I had become a minimalist by choice, I had shared my life savings to develop my project that was influencing positive changes in the lives of thousands of destitute Peruvian children. I have distributed over eight tons of clothing, school supplies and other materials that made their lives bearable and more comfortable. I have dedicated tens of thousands of hours to make this project, Changes for New Hope, relevant and valuable to the people here and to those who read our website, magazine, blog posts and follow us on social media around the world. I have never considered this a sacrifice nor have I ever considered giving up when it gets difficult or challenging. I am selfish and you might ask, "how so?" I was unaware in the beginning that the contribution I made to humanity greatly enhanced my own humanity. My own self worth and self esteem is so clearly evident during every waking moment that I understand why people become firefighters or paramedics. I understand why social reformers would take on impossible tasks for the benefit of thousands that they will never meet and have no obligation to. Finding that human value inside each of us is like striking oil. Giving of ourselves, in whatever way we can, makes us more valuable, a deeper person, it gives us the ability to become limitless, like having a super power. If no one else can understand it, that is fine, shine on anyway, be the beacon of direction for those who are looking to become a human being no one can ever forget. Become selfish.
Changes for New Hope is a registered NGO, non-profit organization with the Peruvian government since 2010. Our focus is to help children living in destitution and inadequacies in the Andean region. This magazine is expanding that focus to partner with other NGOs and their leaders around the world
The project creator is Jim Killon, an American born humanitarian, author/writer, exhibited artist, and life enhancement speaker.
His writings, articles and publications can be seen on The Good Men Project, Living in Peru magazine, Inspire Me Today, as well as self publishing
"A Gringo in Peru-A Story of Compassion in Action," "Living Large-Living Deliberately" "The Changes That You Deserve" .
and the newly published "Infringe Me?" Jim Killon is a 2017 recipient of The David Chow Humanitarian Award. He is available for speaking engagements and interviews. For more information, contact him through our email at cn h m agazin e@gm Changes for New Hope is a 100% donation supported NGO project and is not affiliated with any religious or political organization. Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved. Photo: Cecilia Falco Hirt
Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine
Be sure to check out our all new website at w w an gesf or n ew h
This magazine is provided to you free of charge and we are grateful to share it with you. If you would be kind enough to provide a small contribution to help us continue our work, we would deeply appreciate it. Just go to the website above. Thank you .