Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine- October 2018 issue

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Ch anges f or New Hope Humani tari an M agazi ne Bringing Compassionate People Around The World Together October 2018 Vol . 2 Issu e 10

Changes for New Hope Celebrates Nine Years Serving the Children of the Peruvian Andes Bur ning Sh o es and Pseudo -r ag e

The Nike/Kaepernick Controversy Gi v i n g W i t h ou t Gi v i n g Don or Ad v i sed Fu n d s W h o i s Bei n g Ser v ed ?

Welcom e Back !

Her e i s What You Wi l l Be En j oy i n g i n Thi s I ssue I Love Solu t ion s ! Your mist akes, your ut - ohs and your perceived f ailures are all part of your ult imat e success.

Bu r n in g Sh oes an d Psu edo-Rage Nike and Colin Kaepernick outraged a Nation with a new advertising campaign. Protestors are burning their shoes while poor kids wear recycled tires. Majoring on minor issues and vice versa?

Changes f o r N ew H o pe Celeb r at es N ine Year s ser ving t he child r en in t he Per uvian And es.

In The "I Can 't Bel ieve It " Depar t men t Donor Advised Funds provide a tax relief for the uber-wealthy. Surprisingly however, the poor receive only a small fraction of those donated funds. Giving without giving is an article that will rattle more than a few cages.

This Way In....Enjoy!

Jim Killon

Editor 's Corner

Recipient of the David Chow Humanitarian Award 2017 Everything we do is an expression of our thoughts and beliefs, wouldn't you agree? Regardless of the obstacles and challenges that everyone of us face, those thoughts and beliefs carry us into the battles of each day and cause us to become the very best versions of ourselves. Our personal value is not best manifested by certificates and trophies on our walls but in our daily actions toward our human community. Many times that is in spite of the less that fair actions of those in that community. We share articles of humanitarians that succeed when everyone is pulling against them. A fair example is Joshua Chiamba in Cameroon who is currently in hiding because of political oppression and soldiers killing his villagers. Maybe your challenges are not that drastic but regardless of what they may be, it is perseverance that will bring you out to the other side. This magazine seems to be morphing into a medium of encouragement in the face of aridity and obstacles. A mode of motivation and encouragement when success and victory seems as elusive as a winning lottery ticket. Personally, I am no stranger to temporary defeat and disappointment. I can tell you that those stumbling blocks are turning into stepping stones as I write. In July, I was almost killed in a senseless attack in front of my home. Add that to the disappointments of friends that failed us, promises that vaporized and unfairness of ludicrous decisions, it would be easier to simply give up, walk away and retire with fond memories. No chance in hell that is going to happen! I will heal, I will bounce back, I will jettison those who can not share the same belief and thoughts that have made everything we endeavor to accomplish into a victory or an incredible learning experience. It is my gift to you, in this issue of our magazine and every one that will follow, words of progress and development, if only pending at the moment. It is my heartfelt obligation to you to bring you light at the end of every tunnel, rewire the thinking of the apathetic and rattle the cages of those who have pulled the ladder up behind themselves. We are one human family, a community of interconnection as is evidenced by people's addiction to social media to know ,feel and see what is happening around the world. If my life serves to merely be a spark that ignites your flame that influences positive changes, I live in pure gratitude. If you stand on my shoulders to reach your highest dreams, do not worry, I have you. This magazine is my humble offering to bring you messages of love, hope and encouragement, so I hope you read each article with the same sense of compassion that brought it to you. Live large my friends, live deliberately. ~~~


Letters To The Editor

Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

Your article, What a Senseless, Murderous Attack Taught Me About Inner Strength and the Value of Life Based in Purpose upset me that the world has such evil people in it. However the inspiration I received from your reaction to what happened to you, the value you are to so many who follow you encourages us to have purpose in our lives because we never know when we will be taken away.

The Power of ..Yet was a wake up because I had always said "It is what it is". Now I say that I am not there, yet. My mind knows I will get to many of my goals simply by firmly believing that I can and my actions will follow. Please continue writing articles about motivation and inspiration because I am sure many like me, grab onto your words and make dreams our realities. ~~Mike F. , Gainesville Fla.

~~ Sally T., Boise Montana

Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

Your article about what you own starts owning you hit home with me. All my life I strove to be my perception of successful. That meant making as much money and buying things I wanted. True that it began owning me. I worried about breakdowns, repairs, how much is enough and getting the newest versions of whatever I owned. What a waste of energy! I will always be wealthy but now I want to become wealthy inside, by sharing and developing opportunities for others. Wide awake now!

White Savior Mentality? Really? shared a story of your frustration with an ungrateful and belligerent girl that apparently is pervasive among the 20-somethings who feel their entitlements, Starbucks and iphone lives supersede the needs of 3rd world challenges. Anybody who serves the poor is a white savior and those that don't are white privileged apathetic. Keep doing what you do and forget the haters! Their lives will amount to nothing anyway. ~~ Donald W., Brisbane Australia

~~ Glen E., Harrisburg Pa.

Have a com m en t abou t ou r ar t icles or a su ggest ion ? Let 's h ear f r om you . Con t act u s at cn h m agazin e@gm

I L ov e Sol u t i on s! Many of us give somet hing t hat w e are int erest ed in a t ry, our best shot and w hen w e hit t he f irst obst acle, w e quit . W e decide t hat w e are not good enough, lack t alent or int elligence suf f icient t o t he t ask at hand. Did you know t hat art ist s st art of f w it h a rough sket ch bef ore t hey ever pick up a paint brush? W rit ers use an out line and a rough draf t , discarding ideas dozens of t imes, bef ore t hey share t heir f inished project w it h t he w orld? Their end result is not how t hey st art ed. Your mist akes, your ut - ohs and your perceived f ailures are all part of your ult imat e success. Those yellow st icky not es on every of f ice desk in t he w orld w as a f ailed experiment t o make a permanent glue product . Penicillin w as discovered af t er bread molded. At Changes f or New Hope, our f irst big art exhibit ion (of eight w e have successf ully held in museums and ot her venues) w as creat ed w hen t he direct or of t he nat ional museum agreed t o give us a main exhibit ion hall and asked if w e could f ill it by Monday. "No problem", I t old him. W as I going t o t ell him t hat I had no idea how I w as going t o do it ? I pulled out every piece and sket ch t hat I w as going t o t hrow aw ay, mount ed each one on a background as a f rame and t ook all of t hem t o t he exhibit ion hall. People gat hered around admiring t hem, t aking phot os and even asking of t he pieces w ere f or sale. You never f ail, you f ind unique and unusual w ays t o succeed. It 's all a mat t er of percept ion

You r Healt h an d Welln ess Only about 54% of the people have their high blood pressure under control.Many youth are also being diagnosed with high blood pressure. This common condition increases the risk for heart disease and stroke, two of the leading causes of death for Americans.

Here are some of the issues that high blood pressure causes: High blood pressure can harden your arteries, which decreases the flow of blood and oxygen to your heart and lead to heart disease. In addition, decrease blood flow to the heart can cause;

Wh at Cau ses High Blood Pr essu r e? The exact causes of high blood pressure is not known, but several things may play a role, including:


Chest pain also called angina.


Heart failure, a condition when your heart can not pump enough bloodand oxygen to your organs


Heart attack which occurs when the blood supply to your heart is blocked



and the muscle begins to die without


Being overweight or obese

enough oxygen. The longer the blood


Lack of physical activity

flow is blocked the greater the damage


Too much salt in the diet


Too much alcohol consumption (more than 2 drinks a day)

to the heart. The Brain High blood pressure can burst or block arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the




Older age

duringa stroke because they do not get



enough oxygen. Stroke can cause serious


Family history of high blood

disabilities in speech, movement and other

pressure -

Chronic kidney disease


Adrenal and thyroid disorder


Sleep apnea

brain. This can cause a stroke. Brain cells die

basic activities and a stroke can kill you. The Kidneys Adults with diabetes, high blood pressure or both have a higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease than those without these diseases. Approximately 1 of 3 adults with high blood pressure have chronic kidney disease.

You r Healt h Issu es Af f ect Ever yon e Ar ou n d You

You can make changes to your lifestyle that will help you control your blood pressure. Your doctor might prescribe medications that can help you. By controlling your blood pressure, you will lower your risk for the harmful effects of high blood pressure. Wor k w it h you r h ealt h car e t eam . Team -based care that includes you, your doctor, and other health care providers can help reduce and control blood pressure issues. If you already have high blood pressure, your doctor may prescribe medications and lifestyle changes. Lifestyle changes are just as important as medications. Follow your doctor 's instructions and stay on your medications. Do not stop taking your medications before talking to your doctor or pharmacist. All drugs have side effects so talk to your doctor regularly. As your blood pressure improves, your doctor will check it often. M ak e lif est yle ch an ges. Lifestyle changes can help you control your blood pressure. -

Diet. Eat a healthy diet that is;

low in salt (sodium) total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. High in fresh fruits and vegetables. -

Be active. Try taking a brisk 10 minutes walk three times a day five days a week.


Do not smoke. If you smoke, stop as soon as possible. The information source provided for this article is the U.S. Center for Disease Control

Ma r ke t D a y in t he Pe r uvia n An d e s

Bef or e Long , You' ll Belong Do you want to know why?

We are a community, all of us. Maybe the reason we don't realize it is because we have been distracted by our own concerns, issue, worries and advancements. We know what our online friends ate for breakfast but avoid eye contact with our next door neighbor when we leave the house simultaneously. Community is a word that describes like energies coming together. I saw a documentary on YouTube about, of all things, the Ku Klux Klan and why people join them. A hate group watched by Federal authorities and abhorred by pretty much everybody and yet their numbers are

growing? The reasons they gave was that people wanted to belong to something, to have a sense of purpose in life. How's that for riding a psychotic horse into a burning barn? Everybody wants to be a part of a community at any cost. Let's be a community of altruistic people. Let's see what great things we can accomplish together. If hatred is growing, shouldn't compassion be a much greater movement? Get in touch with us, let us share with you how we did it and you can be part of it too. See what we are doing at

Doi ng Good Feel s Great So m e peo ple have ask ed m e w hy I po st so m any upb eat , po sit ive and m o t ivat io nal id eas. (vid eo s ar e co m ing so o n) I t ho ught it w as o b vio us. I w ant t o b e lo ved . I w ant t he lo ve t hat I have f o r yo u, f o r t he k id s her e in Per u's And es, f o r t ho se in high places and t ho se in lo w places, t he d est it ut e and t he af f luent , t o b e shar ed b ack t o m e and w it h each o t her . N o t just a no d in m y gener al d ir ect io n, b ut a lo ve ener gy t hat em b r aces m e and o t her s ar o und t he w o r ld . I k no w t hat I can never b e lo ved b y yo u, no r co uld yo u lo ve anyo ne else, unless yo u lo ve yo ur self f ir st . Living lar ge and living d elib er at ely is lo ve. I t is t hat all po w er f ul ener gy t hat k no w s no lim it s. Let 's b e lim it less.

The David Chow Humanitarian Award

Changes f o r Celeb r at es D evelo ping O ppo r t unit ies, Fight ing D est i

Alm o st 4 0 0 0 child r en r eached , 8 ar t exhib it io ns, o ver 9 t o ns o f clo t hing, scho o l supplies m agaz ine, r eceived t he 2 0 1 7 D avid Cho w H um anit ar ian Aw ar d , cit y- w id e D o The Right eco - f r iend ly hand cr ank ed w asher s f o r w o m en, cr eat ed lib r ar ies in scho o ls, self est eem

t he peo ple via Julian Lenno n's W hit e Feat her Fo und at io n. I t m ay no t have alw ays b een e

Thank You f or Your Compassionat e Support

r N ew H o pe N ine Year s t ut io n and Anem ia I n The Per uvian And es

s and o t her m at er ial suppo r t , nam ed N GO o f t he m o nt h, M ay 2 0 1 6 - Living in Per u Thing cam paign in H uar az , m assive vit am in and par asit e er ad icat io n pr o gr am s, pr o vid ed /lif e enhancem ent b uild ing classes and r aised int er nat io nal aw ar eness f o r t he plight o f

easy b ut it w as alw ays w o r t h t he ef f o r t .

t and Believing in t he Fut ure of Our Children

Wri te For Us

You have somet hing t o say about t he wor ld and t he life you exper ience in it ? You have someone who inspir ed you t o be a bet t er human being? You r ead somet hing t hat would inspir e ot her s t o go t o t he next level? You want t o shar e why life is gr eat , power ful and beaut iful? Well t hen, don' t keep it a secr et ...shar e wit h us, t he wor ld wait s t o see good news, gr eat st or ies and shar ed inspir at ions. Wr it e it , send it and r ead it next mont h. Send your ideas, st or ies and exper iences t o us at

What Did Yo u Mis s In o ur Pr evio us Is s ues o f t he Chang es f o r New Ho pe Humanit ar ian Mag az ine?

Enjoy Every Issue of Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine at Absolutely Free! Commentaries, Articles That Will Rebuild Your Life, Photography From Places You Need To Know About, Feel Good Stories and Heroes In The Field Around The World That Are Making Your World Better.

Bu r n in g Sh oes an d Psu edo-Rage Commentary by Jim Killon

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color, To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder." ~~ Colin Kaepernick

Nike Inc. leaps int o t he media spot light w it h it s cont roversial new advert isement f eat uring Colin Kaepernick, f ormer U.S. f oot ball player. In t he ad, in case you haven't seen it , is t he capt ion "Believe in somet hing. Even if it means sacrif icing everyt hing." The short version of t he cont roversy is t hat Kaepernick did not st and during t he nat ional ant hem during his games but knelt t o prot est police brut alit y and ot her nat ional injust ices against people of color. St anding has been a t radit ion, t hough not required by law , t o show respect t o t he Unit ed St at es values and respect t o American service personnel in t he milit ary w hose sacrif ice secured t hose American values. Kaepernick creat ed a nat ional f irest orm of conf lict ing opinions. W hile raising aw areness f or t he injust ices t hat people of color st ill endure daily, he also ignit ed t he w rat h of millions in t he milit ary, vet erans and ot her pat riot ic cit izens, including President Donald Trump. Then Nike brought him int o t heir f old and public out rage against t he company w ent viral. Calls f or boycot t of Nike product s and burning t heir already purchased shoes. Burning shoes you already paid f or t o prot est a company's ad is akin t o set t ing your ow n money on f ire t o prot est t he Federal Reserve int erest rat es. 785 million people in t he w orld are hungry, even st arving. Most of t hem are children. Nearly 1/2 of t he w orld's populat ion ? more t han 3 billion people ? live on less t han $2.50 a day. More t han 1.3 billion live in ext reme impoverishment ? less t han $1.25 a day. According t o UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due t o impoverishment . Americans are burning $70 shoes w hile w e see kids everyday w earing recycled pieces of t ires just t o have f oot w ear. The psuedo- concern w ill surely pass. Nike st ock w ill soar due t o t he at t ent ion just as Unit ed Airlines, Equif ax and W ells Fargo's did af t er t heir cont roversies. W e live in a superf icial, bark but not bit e, f ive second at t ent ion span w orld. Dest it ut e children around t he globe w ill cont inue t o die. Imagine if t he millions of people enraged over t he act ions of a shoe company and an ex- f oot ball player redirect ed t heir energies t o solving t he act ual issues t hat plague t he w orld. Three dollars w ould put a pair of shoes on a dest it ut e child. How do I know ? Changes f or New Hope has acquired several hundred pairs f or t hem. You can't get a lit t le bit pregnant . Eit her t he injust ices of t he w orld appall you int o act ion or you are just part of a crow d t hat shakes t heir heads, burns t heir sneakers and goes t o lunch.

....How many times must a man look up Before he can see the sky? ..How many deaths will it take 'til he knows that too many people have died? The answer my friend, is blowin' in the wind ~~~ Bob Dylan Blowin' in the Wind

A path y i s h umani ty's most prof ound h umi l i ati on

Can a Sol uti on Be Th i s Si mpl e? Brai n A BC's Pam Cav al l o Ex pl ai ns Th e Neuromat

At BrainABC?s, Inc we are continually striving to make an impact and we are honored to be able to help the students at the School for Special Needs in Yungay, Peru! When Rodney and I met Jim Killon a few years ago we knew we had formed a friendship that through collaboration, could offer solutions to parents and teachers who otherwise do not have effective resources available to them. I think my daughter, Natalie Cavallo, say it bests, ?Many think the figure 8 movement is just a fundamental basketball dribbling skill, or a way to calibrate the compass on Google Maps, but it is far more powerful than this. The motor movement of walking in a figure 8 can ?calibrate? the brain by helping create new neural pathways and increase efficiency. Using this science, BrainABC?s neuromat ÂŽ was born?. We want readers to understand that recent neurological research has been ground-breaking and, in a sense, gives us an understanding of the power to change the way our student?s and client?s brains work. I believe that brains are both magical and mystical. When I?m working with an individual I not only believe I can change their brain, I expect it! We now know that brains are capable of changing throughout our lifetimes. How exciting is that? As parents, teachers and therapists it is our job to change the brains of our children, students and clients. And, with the neuromatÂŽ we are able to offer a low-cost, fun and simple solution. We are on a mission to change lives around the world, and we believe we can accomplish that goal. The neuromatÂŽ is a simple but highly effective tool. The progress we are witnessing is nothing less than amazing.

The n eu r om at ÂŽ is a colorful, fun and easy way to facilitate walking in a figure 8 pattern. It offers parents, teachers, and therapists a multi-sensory approach to teaching virtually any person at any age how to walk (forward/backward), crawl, hop, skip or jump in a simple figure 8 pattern. For years, we have known that this type of motor movement helps the brain create new neural pathways and in turn make the brain more efficient. As one moves through the figure 8 pattern, the brain has to quickly send and receive sensory data from one hemisphere to the other. The motor movement of walking in a figure 8 pattern is based on years of research. Th is st r at egic m et h od en cou r ages t h e br ain t o in t egr at e m an y f u n ct ion al sk ills at t h e sam e t im e, t h u s in cr easin g it s abilit y t o m u lt i-t ask . Wh en t h e br ain is able t o pr ocess sen sor y in f or m at ion an d t u r n t h ose m essages in t o appr opr iat e m ot or act ion s, lear n in g t ak es place. There are many different cognitive ability levels, but the ability to use the brain to the best of its?ability, is a skill that must be developed, practiced and maintained.

Research confirms that the brain is a very powerful and pliable tool. Wh en a n ew n eu r opat h w ay is f or m ed, it m u st be pr act iced in or der t o becom e a learned skill. This new skill must be practiced again and again and again. Having said that, it is when this new skill becomes difficult and you work through the difficulty, that real change occurs. Muscles react much the same way. A muscle gets stronger when fatigue sets in and the muscle is pushed to go further. Think of your brain as the most important muscle in your body. The n eu r om at ÂŽ helps to develop skills, including but not limited to: -


The brain?s ability to multi-task Attention Bilateral and mid-line movement Body in space awareness Motor planning Sensory awareness and integration Balance Motor Coordination Visual attention Pre-readiness learning skills (color identification, counting, one-to-one correspondence) Receptive and expressive language

Join u s in ou r pr ogr ess an d devel opm en t to br in g sol u tion s to th ose wh o wou l dn 't h ave a ch an ce with ou t u s. W e can al l be h er oes... Now is your tim e. Th is is a Social M ovem en t! Lear n h ow at an gesfor n ewh

Fr o m t h e " I Do n't Bel iev e it Depar t ment "

Giv ing Wit h o ut Giv ing Some months ago I wrote about Private Foundations.


distribution requirement by moving funds


into a DAF. Want hard numbers? Today,

organizations that provide for wealthy

there are approximately 300,000 DAFs in

individuals and families to park their

the U.S. that are holding 100 Billion dollars

excessive, unused assets into a charitable

(that's nine zeros, my friends) In 2016,

foundation, self directed that lowers their

donors recommended grants amounting

taxable income. At first blush it sounds

to $15.75 Billion dollars. Said another way,

terrific for charities. However, only 5% per

more than 84 cents of every tax exempted

year of the total assets being held needs to


actually be distributed to the delegated







Private Foundations can satisfy their 5%



disadvantaged people via public charities. In other words, it is akin to getting a swimming trophy for just dipping your toe in the pool. Then I read about Donor Advised Funds or DAFs and began fuming. Donor




Funds steroids.





approved, wealthy individuals can park excess wealth into these vehicles with no distribution requirements. Funds can sit dormant for years while enjoying tax breaks immediately. In

fairness, DAFs

report 16-20% of their funds received are being distributed to charities each year. However, an IRS study showed nearly 22% of DAF sponsors made zero distributions.

sits dormant


DAF vehicles. (cont'd) >.>

Some may retort that any giving to charity is better than none at all. Aren't DAFs another way that the disadvantaged are better served? After all, $15.75 billion dollars is nothing to sneeze at. True, however,considering the uber-wealthy have appreciated more than six times that amount in tax benefits, shouldn't there be some moral imperative to do more for those that initiated the tax break for them in the first place? Have they forgotten who brought them to the dance? As though it couldn't be more anemic, studies show that 85% of American dollars donated goes to charities solely in the United States. Let's save some time for those

calculating it, that is 2.36 billion reaching the destitute around the world. Just a quick reminder, there is 185 million people going to bed hungry tonight, most are little children. That represents about $1.28 per international person, per year. When it is shown in this light, it becomes obvious that those that are best situated to help the poor have done a small fraction of what they could while at the same time benefiting handsomely for their charitable giving that hypothetically may not happen for years to come, if ever. Having a pebble in your show doesn't make anyone a land baron. At the risk of sounding clichĂŠ, damn it share the wealth! *

What we ar e accomplishing wit h t his magazine?

1. To recognize humanitarians and like minded individuals for their selfless work in the field. 2. To raise awareness for their projects by sharing their stories and projects with the world. Hopefully this will encourage fund raising efforts and support. 3. To draw corporate sponsorship to our program for mutual benefit. Corporate PR can be enhanced by their association. Funding will support the projects throughout the world that meet criteria we believe is critical. 4. To develop an alliance among individuals to share ideas, challenges, "how to" support and stories of progress. To be there for each other in good times and bad. We are no longer alone. 5. To provide independent credibility to individuals leading projects for their further development. 6. To give you a platform and a forum for your ideas and thoughts. What you have learned, you can share. 7. To provide transparency for NGOs so that donors and sponsors understand that each partner is fully vetted and contribution can be sent with confidence. 8. To melt the indifference and apathy in the world that enables suffering in 3rd world countries to continue. 9. To present nominated NGO leaders with a humanitarian award for their selfless service toward the disadvantaged, under-served and destitute. 10. To ultimately alleviate the desperation, the destitution and suffering that countless thousands endure which we encounter each day and restore human dignity, compassion in action and well being for everyone.

"When we look at a statue of someone great we think that they have something that we don't. We are trained to think that only a tiny percentage of us will ever cure any diseases or slay any dragons. But every single one of us is called to be a hero in our ordinary lives.... We don't build statues to worship the exceptional life, we build them to remind ourselves what is possible in our own." ~~ Dr. Chris Stout

Changes for New Hope is a registered NGO, non-profit organization with the Peruvian government since 2010. Our focus is to help children living in destitution and inadequacies in the Andean region. This magazine is expanding that focus to partner with other NGOs and their leaders around the world. The project creator is Jim Killon, an American born humanitarian, author/writer, exhibited artist, and life enhancement speaker.

His writings, articles and publications can be seen on The Good Men Project, Living in Peru magazine, Inspire Me Today, as well as self publishing: "A Gringo in Peru-A Story of Compassion in Action," "Living Large- Living


"The Changes That You Deserve" .

and the newly published "Infringe Me?" Jim Killon is a 2017 recipient of The David Chow Humanitarian Award. He is available for speaking engagements and interviews. For more information, contact him through our email at cn h m agazin e@gm Changes for New Hope is a 100% donation supported NGO project and is not affiliated with any religious or political organization.

Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved. Photo: Cecilia Falco Hirt

The Fin al Tho ught

What do you care what other people, who are not you, who are not wearing your shoes, who do not pay your bills, thinks of you? You are the best version of you that ever was! People who live with limitations can only see and offer you their own limits. Be Limitless... Live large my friends, live deliberately!

Ch anges f or New Hope Humani tari an M agazi ne

Be sure to check out our website at w w an gesf or n ew h

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