Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine - November 2018 issue

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Ch anges f or New Hope Humani tari an M agazi ne Bringing Compassionate People Around The World Together November 2018 Vol. 2 issue 11

Hero-Anthony Capra of

It Ain't Over

One for All All for One

Unt il It 's Over Lessons in Tenacity Victories in Uncertainties

Shares How It All Began

An d m u ch m or e in side

Welcom e Back

m ag azine

Her e i s What You Wi l l Be En j oy i n g i n Thi s I ssue Anthony Capra created One For All - All For One an NPO that is touching the lives of people in Haiti and Cuba. Read how it all began.

Three Questions What do you deserve? Why don't you have it yet? Are you ready to leap? Your feel good article for November.

It Ain't Over Until It's Over A reflection in tenacity When the worst situations become the opportunities you never considered

We are pleased to introduce you to the awe inspiring photography of

Lydia Reznicakova

No onecan grow beyond thebeliefs that wehaveabout ourselves

Edit or 's Corner

Jim Killon

Recipient of the 2017 David Chow Humanitarian Award Changing the world is no small task. In fact it is impossible. Am I a pessimist? Not at all. For anyone wanting to try to change the world we need to understand how to back into it. Changing attitudes, changing preconceptions and changing deep seated defeatism causes desperate issues that strangle hope and opportunities around the world, this is the first step. People change when they see and understand a compelling reason to change. Imagine if I told you to get up and run out of the room, you would probably not move. If I said, "There is a gas leak and you need to get out quickly else you will be blown to smithereens", you would be out in a flash. You had a reason, one that you could understand and relate to and you would act upon it immediately. You would reach out to those that you care about to persuade them to also make it out too. The proverbial first domino toppling. What we hope to accomplish in our magazine here is to encourage positive change. To be that first domino to topple into a long string of subsequent changes. In 3rd world environs, we create opportunities and motivation to ignite a desire to develop communities. In developed nations, when reaching out to those who may be quite comfortable in their lives, we encourage a change of heart from apathy and indifference toward those in destitution. We hope you will see and understand the situations that surround the children and their families in these countries and decide to take action. Whether in your home town or somewhere else around the world. We melt apathy, we rattle cages, we abhor "poverty porn" and instead, share a reason to care. As Elie Wiesel said, "The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference." The greatest anathema of humanity is to pull the ladder up behind one's self. Like love, the only way to have more of it is to share it with others and we all have something to share with the rest of our human family, wouldn't you agree? ~~~ Jim


Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Congrats on your 9th anniversary of Changes for New Hope's launch. I have followed your project for the past few years and watched you grow into an NGO that is influencing people around the world as well as helping thousands of needy kids in Peru. Kudos. What's next? ~~ Dawn R. Hesse, Germany

Dear Editor, Your "Final Thought" page jolted me awake. Why should I care what other people think who do not make any impact on my success or failure? I no longer allow people's limitations to become mine. Thank you. Love this magazine. Keep up the good work! ~~ Nathan K. Taipei City, Taiwan

Dear Editor, Your article, "Burning Shoes and Pseudo-Rage" brings to light the ridiculousness of people's outrage over such petty issues that does not concern their lives at all. Millions of kids walk around barefoot in the 3rd world and people burn $70 shoes. Has our world become this off the rails nuts? ~~ Brian T. Cleveland, Ohio U.S.

Dear Editor, Pam Cavallo's Neuromat is amazing. Thanks for featuring this. I work with special needs kids and this will definitely help them. People making the world a better place for the most disadvantaged among us is where heroes can be found, agree? ~~ Barbara L. Madrid, Spain

Dear Editor, Can it be true that DAFs (Donor Advised Funds) actually allow the rich to donate and get a tax break without actually putting their dollars into action for the destitute around the world? Could the wealthy have hearts that hard? Will Congress in the U.S. restructure the loophole so the poor can actually benefit from the donation as the rich take the tax-break? ~~ Kathy G. Eagle Pass, Texas Yes Kathy, the gap between the well-abled rich and the marginalized poor continues to grow, DAFs being one of the reasons. My observation is that most of the support for NGOs around the world comes from middle or working class people who make a sacrifice to share while wealthier people, make a much smaller contribution. Crumbs from their tables so to speak, though there are rare exceptions that do make generous contributions where they see the need. While we never try to shame anyone, it still amazes me that, with 785 million hungry children in the world, some folks simply choose to look the other way. Ironically, the more money you make the less motivating it is to have it while the closer you come to achieving a humanitarian objective, the more motivating it continues to become. I have been on both sides of wealth and both sides of humanitarianism and I'll take the latter any day of the week. With that said, it is up to us and so we maximize our efforts

Three Quest ions... Jim K illon I have three questions for you today; 1) W hat do you deserve in life? 2) W hy aren't you there yet? 3) Are you ready to leap? W hether we are getting exactly the life we think we deserve or we are coming up short, we have some personal growth to consider. How can I make that statement? T hink about this; if you are getting exactly what you think you deserve, is your self esteem shortchanging you? I f you are not getting what you deserve, don't you think it's about time? I t is time to leap either way. Wouldn't you agree?

LEADING A HORSE TO WATER I n an effort to feed our heads as often as we fed our bodies, it seems clear that many want success and prosperity by simply waking up one morning to a surprise in their lifestyles and bank accounts. T he word around the water cooler is that people want better relationships, better lives and incredible success however few will concede that such a leap of change must first start inside of our own heads and ways of thinking. For great things to be accomplished in our lives we first must believe in our own ability to be great. T here is greatness within each of us though few acknowledge that fact by acting upon it. Narcissistic? Not at all, there is nothing false or pretentious to believe that each of us have the brain pan, potential and, given the opportunities, inevitable success. W hy then is it not realized more often? Well, we can lead a horse to water but we can not make them drink, meaning that people must come to realize the possibility, people need to put themselves mentally in a place where development can happen and be ready to

step over negativity and naysayers filled with ready discouragement. I n our efforts in 3rd world countries, we motivate people that they deserve everything the rest of us accept as our destiny. We believe that once that notion is accepted as fact, it is a small step toward action. We believe that in this manner we are helping those currently in destitution, to help themselves up and out. T hose who embrace out guidance are already seeing results. How about you? W hat do you believe that you deserve? I f you are not enjoying the maximum benefits of your potential, why not become limitless? I t is as difficult as you think it is, or just as easy. I nitially, my dream was to enhance the lives of these children in the Peruvian Andes. Realizing what makes them feel inferior is exactly what makes people around the world also feel inferior. W hat works for the kids can work for you too, if you are ready to leap. L ive large my friends, live deliberately.

HERO- ANTHONY CAPRA, CREATOR OF ONE FOR ALL- ALL FOR ONE SHARES HOW IT ALL BEGAN It had been two weeks since I officially created a non profit organization and now I found myself on a flight heading to Peru. For five years I had been thinking about starting my own organization, now I was on my way to collaborate on my first charity project. Immediately after creating 1.4.All.4.1 I emailed over a hundred different organizations/projects that were doing humanitarian work in hopes of teaming up together with them to help people in need. The following day I checked my email and I saw that I had received 50 automated responses and only one actual response. I didn?t know it at the time but the one person that did reply would go on to be a mentor to me. Someone who would be guiding me while I learned how to set the foundations of the work that I would be doing for the following years. His name is Jim Killon, he was the founder of Changes for New Hope, an organization that was created in 2009 with the aim of enhancing the lives of children living in destitution and extreme conditions in the Peruvian Andes. I was so eager to help that I simply asked Jim to tell me what I could do and when I could go. He explained to me that the children he was helping at the time were in need of basic necessities such as gloves and scarves for the weather but also board games, coloring books, crayons, toys and anything else that would help enrich their lives. Over the next two weeks, I filled up 3 suitcases with donations that I?d received from over 30 family members and friends. On June 11th, 2016, I landed in Lima, Peru and hopped on a bus to start my 8 hour ride to Huaraz where I would be meeting with Jim. The ride was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. We drove through a different range of views from beautiful desert landscapes to scenic mountains, all while whipping around sharp turns that seemed to be hanging off steep drops that triggered my fear of heights. While everyone else was at ease with the ride, I was praying. During the drive my mind was racing through a range of emotions. ?Did I make the right decision??, ?people are counting on you.?, ?did Jim catfish me?!? I was in a state of being excited, nervous, and anxious all at the same time. When we finally arrived to Huaraz, I stepped off the bus and was greeted by Jim with a huge smile and an even bigger handshake. He led me to where I would be staying for the night. The following day we were up early to go visit a group of kids that lived on a mountain top who Jim had been contributing to. Everything had happened so quickly but now everything was starting to settle in.

The city of Huaraz lays in the Huaylas Valley, it has an elevation of 10,000 feet and is surrounded by mountains. The streets are filled with vendors selling food, souvenirs, and hand knit sweaters made of llama fur. We jumped in a combie which is a minivan taxi that is used as a means of public transportation throughout Peru. The boy that was working the door was no older than 12, the combi was packed with people, and by the way the driver was racing through the streets you would?ve thought it was grand theft auto. My mind was trying to process the culture shock I was experiencing. The combi left us in front of a tiny store outside of Huaraz where two elder women and two young girls greeted Jim with a warm smile. Adjacent to the store was a narrow path that led up the mountain, the path was fairly steep but quickly faded away and turned into a mixture of running water, dirt, mud and loose rocks that made it feel like it was a Spartan race. I did my best to hide that it was difficult for me knowing that 70 year old men and women walked up this mountain several times a day. After a thirty minute climb we reached our destination where we were rewarded with a stunning view. I took a minute to soak it all in. We were greeted by a young boy named John and before I could introduce myself he addressed me by my first name telling me how happy he was to meet me. He led Jim and I to the ?sala? classroom where we we were met by the echoes of 18 students singing a welcome song, a sign for me, and even a cake. One by one each child came up to me politely to introduce himself. They were ecstatic to see Jim! You would?ve thought he was like Mickey Mouse at Disney world. But it was when Jim started handing out the items we came to donate that they reached their peak excitement. As Jim distributed the donations, they were filled with happiness and in that moment I felt the stress I experienced was all worth it. I was filled with a sense of purpose. The culmination of 5 years of thinking about doing charity work mixed with their joy was confirmation that this was everything that I wanted to do. We all shared the cake then circled around to listen to Jim speak. One of the main things Jim does is to plant seeds of doing good in the minds of the children. He stresses to them the importance of doing the right thing, to be honest, and to not steal. For the next five days, we went to different places and centers that Jim works directly with to impact and bring help to. I was soaking each and every moment in. Storing every bit of it as a learning experience that I could use for when the time would come to do my own projects. Jim had set the bar for me, showing me that through passion and love for the world you could have a real impact on peoples lives.

Learn more about Anthony's continuing humanitarian work at

Join u s in ou r pr ogr ess an d devel opm en t to br in g sol u tion s to th ose wh o wou l dn 't h ave a ch an ce with ou t u s. W e can al l be h er oes... Now is your tim e. Th is is a Social M ovem en t! Lear n h ow at an gesfor n ewh

It Ain't Over Unt il It 's Over ! Lessons in Tenacity Victories in Uncertainties Reflection by Jim K illon Have you ever had "One of those days?"

Did You Know?...

Every traffic light is red, you button your shirt

Colonel Harland Sanders was down to just his $105 a month social security check after he was forced to close his restaurant when the state rerouted the highway bypassing his place. He was out of the chicken restaurant business but he still had the essence of his success. The recipe. At 62 years old he went from restaurant to restaurant with his special recipe trying to convince owners to use it and pay him just four cents for every piece of chicken they sold. Over 1000 times he was rejected.

crooked and your shoes are on the wrong

Then finally someone said yes. And another, and another. In 1965, Colonel Sanders sold his interest in Kentucky Fried Chicken for 2 million dollars (over $15 million in today's dollars) He retained a seat on the board of directors, received a $75,000 lifetime salary and remained the brand ambassador. Imagine if he quit when he reached his 999th rejection. Whether business, personal, non-profit or in sports, persistence in the face of upsetting defeats and disappointments will help you to find a new and even better direction for your efforts. 2018 has been one tough year and it would be easy to accept defeat after defeat and walk off into the sunset. Changes for New Hope is my secret recipe and when rejected a thousand times I will re-adjust, jettison what doesn't work, find what does and do it bigger and better going forward. If you are with us, feel the love. After all, it ain't over until it's over.

feet? How about one of those years? 2018 has provided more than its share of kicks in the head and I have been getting dizzy from them, let me tell you. Spoiler alert, this does have a happy ending, as all my stories do. I will even share the reason, in advance, that I am writing this story for you and that is, never give up. If you have a project, a business, a relationship or a passion in your life that suddenly, and inexplicably goes horribly off the rails, ask yourself if the idea was worth your effort to begin with (of course it was) and how horrific it would be to walk away from it, if that would be your choice. (of course it isn't) 2018 arrived on the heels of December's 2017's final disappointment with the benefit rock concert I had planned for the victims of the El NiĂąo phenomenon which devastated the coast of Peru and left thousands homeless. Planners, the bands scheduled to play and the publicity organizer, just vanished, without a note or goodbye, into thin air and it had to be canceled. Those who lost everything in the devastation, still have not recovered and I was absolutely sick over it. Solutions were available and were just shrugged off. Apathy is humanity's most profound humiliation.

Then 2018 arrived.

Not a word of explanation or a

attacked in front of my home

Chronologically, it unfolded like

goodbye, just zap, a ghost. We

by two thugs for unknown

this; February our friend who has

had to find new support for the

reasons and was nearly beaten

managed our website for eight

children that he had generously

to death. Though I filed criminal

years, was contacted to see why

provided for many years. Not an

charges, they in turn filed

our website

easy task, let me tell you. And

charges against me because I suddenly then, I got an email from my

defended myself quite

and unexpectedly converted to

vigorously. Concerned friends

mother, now well into her nineties, saying she has been

advised me to leave the country

diagnosed with lung cancer. A

and abandon everything here,

ghost, vanished, and left me to

week later she writes to tell me

however, I am dug in and refuse

fend for myself. Thousands of

that my younger brother has also to surrender to issues just

After several excuses, he went

followers could no longer find us. been diagnosed with colon I found a new site builder and had cancer and the outlook is grim.

because it gets tough.

to reconstructed everything into

organization, that CNH has been

The community leaders at

In August a volunteer placement

Secsecpampa, where we had our partnered with in the U.S. for almost a decade, decided that scratch, regrowing our base again. one group of children for over eight years, announced that they "our values were not in Then a long time friend and want their building back to store alignment" anymore and supporter of Changes for New terminated our relationship. I Hope also vanished expectantly. construction equipment and that suppose that was based on my we needed to vacate it. We did and finally decided that it was no position that volunteers arriving from

longer conducive to have classes with us need to be mentored to grow and learn. I believe that we in a tiny room that a family

Victims of the 2017 El NiĂąo floods

offered us. Regrettably,

have an obligation as leaders to

Secsecpampa disbanded after

be mentors. I considered their

serving several dozen children

anemic efforts akin to a glorified

over the years. Donations have

puppy mill that collects

not been sufficient to acquire

significant fees from potential

another location.

volunteers and sends them off

In July, as you may have read in

with little concern for what

our August issue, I was viciously

happens to them afterward.

A SILVER LINING YET? Add these factors to the day to day

years of our project being an after school

occurrences that life, anywhere for anyone,

program, I decided we can be far more

deals with and you might imagine that I would

effective and reach thousands of new children

be at the breaking point. I mean, what the hell, I

by focusing on anti-parasite/ vitamin campaigns

had a good run. Almost ten years in Peru,

at schools and communities throughout the

almost 4000 children are living better lives

Ancash region of Peru. Our target is 10,000

because of what we have done for them. Six

children. Anemia rates of 54% (and higher in

books written, eight art exhibitions, five in

rural areas) will no doubt be greatly reduced.

national museums, this successful magazine,

Narcissistic international volunteers will be

winning the David Chow Humanitarian Award.

replaced with local teachers and community

In nine years I have done more than the next

leaders with a vested interest in our progress.

twenty organizations with a fraction of the

After my attack, I have healed up completely.

support or boots on the ground help. Now it all

As it turns out my attacker has a previous

seems to be coming to an end, involuntarily. At

criminal history for assault, making his claim

age 62, social security will support me

that I attacked him ludicrous. The volunteer

comfortably in Peru, my residency card is on its

puppy mill that jettisoned us will be featured in

way so I never have to leave. I could retire, live

an upcoming article with, no apologies. What

my life selfishly, maybe even travel and have

are we going to do for donations? In 2019 we

some incredible memories of those wonderful

have a fund raising event planned in the

children over these last many years.

Boston area with the kindness of a country club

But t hat ' s not t he w ay I' m w ir ed ! Sure, I get disappointed just like anybody

there and in Caraz we are planning a 3 day international retreat to teach mindfulness, meditation, personal growth and development,

else. I am human too and feel depression just

living to your fullest potential. Limitlessness.

like we all do. The difference between a

This monthly magazine will continue to be

humanitarian hero and everybody else

printed and reach thousands and we finally will

however, is we get back up. Too many people

be developing YouTube videos about success

are counting on us while others may be trying

in life regardless of the obstacles. Never give

to count us out. Solutions exist. If I am looking

up, live large my friends, live deliberately .

for them, I will find them. I always have.


Th e Si l v er Li ni ng! I found supporters that replaced our phantom friend, in fact, they quadrupled his past support. I created a new website that is even better than the old one. Check it out Mom got radiation therapy and the cancer is in remission. After

What Did Yo u Mis s In o ur Pr evio us Is s ues o f t he Chang es f o r New Ho pe Humanit ar ian Mag az ine?

Enjoy Every Issue of Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine at Absolutely Free! Commentaries, Articles That Will Rebuild Your Life, Photography From Places You Need To Know About, Feel Good Stories and Heroes In The Field Around The World That Are Making Your World Better.

We are pleased to introduce you to the awe inspiring photography of

Lydia Reznicakova

To see mor e of Lydia' s phot ogr aphy go t o her sit e at ht t ps:/ / beaut ifullyt ender .exposur

Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the the people Sharing all the world... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one

~ Im agin e Joh n Len n on .

A path y i s Humani ty's M ost Prof ound Humi l i ati on

Bef or e Long ..... You' ll Belong Do You Want To Know Why? Whether you want to be an influence around the corner or around the world you already know that your life was never meant to park yourself in a cubicle, a factory, behind a wheel or a corner office with a big window. Breaking out, beyond the nine to five, it is the after hours activities that define you as a human being. Who can benefit from what you know? Those ideas that you might think are insignificant right now might change the world. When you reach out into the Universe, you will see that it is reaching back to you as well. We experienced the greatness of something bigger than ourselves by simply starting. Take the leap!

One Simple Pill: De-worming the World by Kat ie Pace, Helminthes. It sounds like a character out of a poorly written book that wants you to struggle with the pronunciation. Worms, now we all know what that means. Or do we? It?s not extremely common in the United States to hear that a child has worms, our pets, yes frequently ? but not our children. You might think that a worm isn?t a big deal, but in the developing world it can take a severe toll on a child?s most formative years.

Soil-transmitted helminthes, or the parasite so commonly called worms is one of the most common infections in developing countries. It can cause children to suffer from internal bleeding, causing anemia, it inhibits the absorption of vital nutrients, causes diarrhea, severe stomach pain, loss of appetite and itchy scaly rashes caused by secretions and waste that the worms release into the body. Children with worms often suffer from nutritional impairments and pain that causes them to lose focus at school. These tiny little worms can negatively impact a child?s growth and development and take away their energy levels. Helminthes are on the WHO?s list of 17 Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD). NTD?s are a group of chronic disabling infections that affect more than 1 billion people worldwide, mainly in Africa and people living in remote rural areas, urban slums and conflict zones. So how do children get worms in the first place? Poor water and sanitation, which includes feces contaminating the soil and transmitting the eggs right into the feet of children who are barefoot. There are approximately two billion people worldwide that are infected with soil-transmitted helminthes. If you?ve never had a parasite inside of you, it?s quite painful. Even as an American with substantial access to healthcare, worms can be debilitating. So image this in a child that can?t receive treatment or relief from the pain and diarrhea.

So how do we stop these microscopic enemies? Albendazole, health education and improvement of water and sanitation. Albendazole is the miracle drug when it comes to deworming children, and is an on the essential medicines list from the World Health Organization. It?s simple, beyond cost effective and can be given anywhere. This broad-spectrum anthelmintic is a single pill that is given twice a year, and doesn?t have to be administered by a physician. Large deworming campaigns at schools and clinics have seen high impacts. ?Deworming is at the foundation of being able to help the malnourished people recover because unless you rid their bodies of the parasites first, no amount of nutritious food you provide them will help?, said Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director at Love A Child Haiti. ?The worms steal all the nutrients intended for the patient. Lack of adequate food is only one part of the equation of malnutrition. Solve the parasite issue then you can truly help them recover with proper nutrition.? This is why we provide our partners with deworming medicines. It is critical in keeping children healthy. MAP provides over 1 million deworming tabs each year, treating 500,000 people. The price of Albendazole in the US has increased by nearly 4,000% since 2010, causing MAP to purchase in bulk from Europe to keep the cost down to around two cents per 200mg tablet. ?Deworming meds are very inexpensive, making it one of the most cost effective ways to prevent a Neglected Tropical Disease?, said Kipp Branch, MAP?s Director of Medicines. ?Two simple pills a year can improve the quality of life for a child in the developing world.? This is Ezekiel, he lives in Cote d?Ivoire and just turned eleven. For years Ezekiel has had regular stomach pain, bloating, nausea and itching and it has caused him to have trouble focusing in primary school. ?I felt tired all the time,? says Ezekiel. ?All these troubles made it hard for me to follow carefully in classes. Today I feel better.? This year, Ezekiel was giving deworming medication from MAP International. ?Since then, these troubles have totally disappeared.? Ezekiel says, ?Today, thanks to this deworming I feel better.?

What we ar e accomplishing wit h t his magazine?

1. To recognize humanitarians and like minded individuals for their selfless work in the field. 2. To raise awareness for their projects by sharing their stories and projects with the world. Hopefully this will encourage fund raising efforts and support. 3. To draw corporate sponsorship to our program for mutual benefit. Corporate PR can be enhanced by their association. Funding will support the projects throughout the world that meet criteria we believe is critical. 4. To develop an alliance among individuals to share ideas, challenges, "how to" support and stories of progress. To be there for each other in good times and bad. We are no longer alone. 5. To provide independent credibility to individuals leading projects for their further development. 6. To give you a platform and a forum for your ideas and thoughts. What you have learned, you can share. 7. To provide transparency for NGOs so that donors and sponsors understand that each partner is fully vetted and contribution can be sent with confidence. 8. To melt the indifference and apathy in the world that enables suffering in 3rd world countries to continue. 9. To present nominated NGO leaders with a humanitarian award for their selfless service toward the disadvantaged, under-served and destitute. 10. To ultimately alleviate the desperation, the destitution and suffering that countless thousands endure which we encounter each day and restore human dignity, compassion in action and well being for everyone.

Doi ng Good Feel s Great The value that you are to the world has nothing to do with impressing others or trying to prove someone else wrong. Limitlessness is achieved as you reach out to become your fullest potential. That can't happen if you are looking back to see who might be watching or what others are thinking about you. Lindsay Gale of The Gratitude Project

Wri te For Us...

Wh et h er you ar e a special per son ... or an aver age per son ... Ever ybody h as a st or y t o sh ar e, som et h in g t h at you k n ow t h at ot h er s w ou ld ben ef it f r om h ear in g. So let 's h ear it ! Wr it e t o u s an d sh ar e you r br illian ce... Sen d you r t h ou gh t s, com m en t s, you r f eelin gs or r an t s t o u s at cn h m agazin e@gm

W E START HERE.. W E END THERE. W HATEVER W E CHOOSE TO DO IN BETW EEN IS THE W ORLD W E OFFER THE NEXT GENERATION This little one will be coming into the world next March. Children born today are expected to live over one hundred years on average. One hundred years ago it was only half that. The world that this child will be born into is hardly conducive to a beautiful life right now. W ill there be enough food, clean air and water in fifty years? W ill higher education be available to the average citizen? W ill science be able to keep up against diseases. Can our natural resources support another 2 billion new lives by 2075? We do not have those answers today. However, we do have the power however to create a better world right where we are starting inside of our own hearts and minds. He will learn whatever we teach him. W hat is the message that we are sending out to the world after we are no longer here ourselves? The values and dreams he will believe are the ones we fel are worth living for. W hat is the definition of love, of compassion and selflessness that he will understand? W ill he strive to make the world a better place or will he grab everything he can for himself? You already know the answer by what you teach him.

Buried in graveyards. They all had dreams. They were born just like the little one will be next March. They had good times and bad times. If they were born in 1910 they were expected to live about 48 years. W hatever they hoped to accomplish had a very loud ticking clock. Today we expect to live well into our 80s. We have more time, more opportunities with the advent of the world wide web,. Social media can connect us to anyone in the world in a second. Medicine can cure diseases on an out-patient basis which a hundred years ago were fatal. More inventions advancing mankind have been created in the last sixty years than all the years before. We have the power, the resources and the ability to be great by any standard. W hy is it that, for most people, their days will be spent earning a living, because that is what every generation before us did.? W hy is it that people will stream NetFlix all weekend, text friends endlessly and drink or drug into oblivion in the greatest age mankind has ever known? W ith the power to know, become and to do almost anything with limitlessness, why do we allow time to drift away from us? We have too few tomorrows and too many yesterdays.

Changes for New Hope is a registered NGO, non-profit organization with the Peruvian government since 2010. Our focus is to help children living in destitution and inadequacies in the Andean region. This magazine is expanding that focus to partner with other NGOs and their leaders around the world. The project creator is Jim Killon, an American born humanitarian, author/writer, exhibited artist, and life enhancement speaker.

His writings, articles and publications can be seen on The Good Men Project, Living in Peru magazine, Inspire Me Today, as well as self publishing: "A Gringo in Peru-A Story of Compassion in Action," "Living Large- Living


"The Changes That You Deserve" .

and the newly published "Infringe Me?" Jim Killon is a 2017 recipient of The David Chow Humanitarian Award. He is available for speaking engagements and interviews. For more information, contact him through our email at cn h m agazin e@gm Changes for New Hope is a 100% donation supported NGO project and is not affiliated with any religious or political organization.

Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved. Photo: Cecilia Falco Hirt

The Fin al Tho ught H u m an bein gs ar e th e on l y species on th e pl an et th at m ar k s tim e. H ou r s, days, week s an d year s. Satu r day m or n in g's attitu de is n ot th e sam e th at m ost h ave on M on day m or n in gs. W h y? It is ju st th e tick in g of a cl ock . Th e su n r ises an d sets th e sam e way ever y sin gl e day bu t attitu des, m oods an d en er gy l evel s ar e al l differ en t. You wan t to k n ow wh o is pr etty dam n h appy to see M on day m or n in g ar r ive? Ter m in al l y il l patien ts l yin g in h ospice beds. Em br ace M on day as YOUR day to th r ive, cel ebr ate, car e, l ove, en joy an d sh ar e it. Live l ar ge m y fr ien ds, l ive del iber atel y!

Ch anges f or New Hope Humani tari an M agazi ne

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