2 minute read

10 years at Changes for New Hope

This is a question that I am asked often enough to share it with you now with my considered response.



When you look around at the world that we live in, we see people who are face down in their phones, emotionallywrapped around self centered pursuits and the hamster wheelchase for more money, more recognition and more material things leaving little or no time to reflect on the one thing thatmatters most; our sense of true purpose in our lives. Thedistractions and issues that concern everyone, whether real orimagined, consume us, blind and deafen us from the callsfrom adobe houses, straw huts and scrap wooden shacks in3rd world environs. Some may say that these are not myproblems, these are not my family members, why should I care? The answer is more clear now than ever before. Oneof the longest wars in recent times continues to rage on in theMiddle East in an effort to stop terrorism., with no end in sight. Destitution is a human condition that corrupts a person.

We begin to realize that reaching out with our abundance to places around the world, that barely creep by on a meredollar a day, is the single simplest and most cost efficientsolution to interrupt terrorism, alleviate disease and develop healthy future generations throughout the world where theyare. One percent of our day is just fourteen minutes and one percent of our abundance is a penny on a dollar. Whether you share that small bit of help with an elderly neighbor down thestreet or provide mosquito nets to Central American familes to prevent malaria or help to drill a well in desert floors of Africa, your joy and new-found purpose in life will make any new gizmo or gadget you just bought pale in comparison.Look up and look around, there is a world that needs yourlove and compassion. Money is secondary, first, you have to give a damn, then how you show your support for thedisadvantaged in the world is up to you. A better world is the responsibility of us all and there is no insignificant kindness.It is time to be who you were born to become. A value to the human family however you decide to do it, now is the time.

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