Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Awards Magazine-November 2017

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Changesfor for New Changes NewHope Hope Hum anit arian Awards Magazine

Humanitarian Awards Magazine Bringing Compassionate People Around the World Together Bringing Compassionate People Around theNOVEMBER World Together 2017 November 2017

Per cep t ion is Realit y

Per cept ion is Realit y I s how you choose t o see t hings

Is how you choose to see it

How it really is?

how it really is?

Your Life Enhancem ent boost for Novem ber

Ruf f ling t he Feat her s

Ruffling Feathers about about Pr ayer Prayer There are over 795 million

795 million people worldwide hungry people in the world. are hungry Is praying for them enough?

Meet our Humanitar ian of the Month Hing Channarith of the Cambodian Children's Advocacy Foundation Meet our Humanitarian of the Month

Hing Channar ith of the Cambodian Children?s Advocacy Foundation

The Ancianos The old people of the Peruvian Andes are called "Ancianos'". Their dark brown, weathered faces are carved with lines that gives them the appearance of sculptured wood. They rarely smile. It is hard to smile after so many decades upon decades of hard, manual, backbreaking work. Hand chopped wood, split and dragged down from the mountains which then enables them to cook their food on open fires that blacken the adobe walls of their houses. Sandals called "llanques", made from old tires are the usual footwear. It is hard to save for their retirement when they made just a few dollars a day throughout their working lives so impoverishment is inevitable. Many are abandoned, forgotten and left to fend for themselves. It is their eyes, their soulful, expressive eyes that tell stories of a life most of us could never imagine. Totally intriguing and at the same time, deeply haunting.

Jim Killon

Editor 's Corner

An art exhibition that we did at the National Institute of Culture, there was a drawing that seemed to attract more attention than most of the other pieces. It contained the words, in Spanish, "Have you ever noticed that when you focus on a problem you always have one but when you look for a solution, you always find one?" It has been representative of my time over the last several years that I have devoted my life to the disadvantaged and destitute. Finding the solutions is my daily journey. Nothing gives me more satisfaction and pure joy than to find people in pueblos doing all they can to better their situations in life. Children clamor around little flashlights that we provide because now they can do their homework after dark. They realize that studying and education is their sole ticket out of destitution. They know the value of solutions. I roll through daily emails from people who share with me how they wish they could do something to help these poor children here and around the world that we highlight in this magazine. We offer solutions, You can send a postcard with a message of hope, love and encouragement. Share just your pocket change, hell, just share our magazine on your social media pages with your friends. The sound of crickets chirping becomes louder. Few will be honest enough to say, "Frankly, I really don't care about those kids or any other that I did not spawn myself. " I'd have more respect for them if they did. Solutions become more valuable with each passing day. Carnival Lines does not lament about those they invited on the luxury cruise that are not going, Instead, they party hardy with those who get on the ship. Likewise, we celebrate the partnership of sponsors, donors, NGO leaders and compassionate friends who join our efforts, humanitarians who seek out ways to make this world a better place for those who need and deserve it the most. Without excuses, they turn their "One day" into "Day one." The world becomes a brighter place for these children who believed a solution would somehow arrive for them. Comments? Let's hear them. Send letters to the editor at

Her e i s j ust some of what y ou wi l l be en j oy i n g i n t hi s mon t h's i ssue

Perception is Reality How is it that some people fall every time they try to stand up yet others step into success like it was their destiny? How you perceive your life is how it will be. You actually design your success or failure before you even take that first step. This article will be a wake up call to many who want a life of their dreams. and on their own terms.

Ruff ling Feathers about Prayer The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. We take a look at prayer objectively, minus the religious attachments, as it relates to helping the destitute of the world. You may find that a shift in your thinking is appropriate to being a better human being.

Meet our Humanitar ian of the Month, Hing Channar ith of the Cambodian Children?s Advocacy Foundation After the death and destruction caused by the Khmer Rouge of Pol Pot, Cambodia was left in ruins. Hing Channarith saw the UNICEF relief and was inspired to create his own humanitarian project. This month we share the story and inspiration of the Cambodian Children's Advocacy Foundation. This story will stay with you long after you have read it. Photo by Cecilia Falco Hirt

Dedicated, Compassionate Volunteers No words can sufficiently express the gratitude and appreciation that we have for those who trade their time and self interests for an experience in 3rd world situations to help the disadvantaged. These are just a few of the thousands that come into the uncertainty and the unfamiliar to make the world a Better Place .


I thought it would be hard, and it was. I imagined it to be nearly impossible, and it was. Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right." People seem to have a 6th sense about failure and already know they will fail before they do. Contrariwise, people who are great successes know that they are going to be great before they even get out of bed in the morning. How did they know? How did they step into success like a fine suit that they knew was going to fit them perfectly? How does success move toward them?

The first man to run a four minute mile saw himself In both cases, failure or success, neither knew the doing it even when doctors and physiologists said no outcome that was "out there". The result that they one can run that fast. You have to see and envision the believed was going to happen was "in them" already. We end from the beginning You have to dream the dream, move toward, gravitate to what we already think is going with specific and clear results with no regard to how to happen. Fearful people live in fear and fear follows ridiculously out of reach it seems. You can not trip over them. People that know the best is due them, not for the "Hows" because those will flow into your orbit in free, maybe not easily, but is due to end up in their hands time. Never doubt that you can accomplish the will act according as a person who already has the goal impossible. Remember, the self driving car, space accomplished. Then accomplishing that goal, however stations and robots were all considered impossible seemingly impossible, becomes the possible. when your father was your age.

This may be your bigges t concer n t oday......but

Some people have bigger things to worry about..... Whether it is down the street or across the the world... Care enough to share......

Let 's Tak e a Look at Som e of t h e Developin g Solu t ion s Hu m an it ar ian s ar e Wor k in g On

Wonder Wash

The Neuromat

Blind Mobility

Changes for New Hope

Brain ABCs

Jim Paradiso

The indigenous women in the Peruvian Andes wash clothes in cold glacier water by hand everyday for hours at a time. Whether bent over rivers or in plastic basins, it is time consuming and takes time away from their children who need them, working outside the home, or furthering their education.

Brain ABCs's Pam Cavallo introduced

If anybody has the right to say that life isn't fair, it has to be Jim Paradiso. After suffering an exploded aneurysm in his brain that cost him his eyesight, he endured an excruciating battle against a flesh eating bacteria that necessitated the amputation of a few of his toes, and struggles with diabetes on top of all of that. Job has nothing on this guy, not by a long shot. But Jim didn't lay down and give up living. Instead he turned toward being a humanitarian and has found a home in Loja Ecuador where he helps children who are blind to become self confident, mobile and live a regular life in the community. Jim's lives with passion and purpose these days.

the Neuromat as a way for young children to develop their brains and early learning abilities. This will further enhance their educational opportunities. It is also useful in helping the elderly who have suffered a stroke. We have shared Pam's story in our previous issues

We found this device called the Wonder Wash, offered by Laundry Alternatives, a company in the United States. This eco-friendly device can do an hour's worth of laundry in just ten minutes . It uses less water, time and is hand cranked instead of using electricity. Changes for New Hope has received the first dozen of these units to distribute to larger families. Its success will revolutionize the way women do laundry. It will enable and empower them toward a life that serves them instead of enslaving them to their chores.

but feel the incredible advancements

The website for Laundry Alternatives is;

balance may be ill affected. The benefits

that this product is making for young children is worth repeating. When education and learning is fun, learning happens at a faster rate and is retained much easier. Pam and her partner Rodney Pate are innovative and passionate about making these units available everywhere. In regions of the world where children are encased in mantas on their mother's backs for the first few years of life, learning to walk, peripheral vision and of this unit will be immense. For more

information about the Neuromat,


contact them at

He is collecting donations for canes and technology with GPS capabilities that speak to the blind and allows them to get around, read menus, see faces and comprehend surrounding conditions almost as easily as sighted people. His transformation of attitude among the blind in Ecuador has gained him international attention. To talk to him, you would think that he hasn't got a care in the world, an inspiration for us all. Jim know how to turn lemons into lemonade. He currently is raising awareness and crowd funding via this web page;

Did you miss a back issue of The Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Awards Magazine? No worries. You can see every issue published at, the f ree on line library...

Lear n about the solutions we seek out to make your wor ld a better place. Read about our gr owing gr oup of humanitar ian par tner s f r om Tanzania, Camer oon, Scotland, Miami, Haiti, Chicago, Per u, Cambodia and Ecuador .

Do you have a her o or or ganization that you would like to see f eatur ed in our magazine? Wr ite to us at the link below. We'd love to hear f r om you.

Ruff ling Feathers about Prayer Jim Killon

It needs to be said The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. Apathy is humanity's most profound humiliation

Spoiler alert. You are going to read this article and either nod in quiet affirmation or search the alleys for road kill to mail to me. In any case, it needs to be said. Many will be enlightened and nudged toward a more honest outlook on their notion of altruism. Others may fold their arms across their sanctimonious chests and declare that their deity, far superior to any other, says they are the bomb. With that said, let's take a closer and candid look at prayer. Regardless of the religion you cleave to or who/what you pray to, (or don't) the idea of prayer seems

to be a part of any belief system. The reason why I am writing about it is because of the 7.3 billion people on the planet, approximately 795 million of them, or one in nine, are living in hunger, according to The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. No doubt many of them pray for deliverance and millions more pray for them. Yet they still are starving. Is it too much of a reach to believe that these people need food more than prayers? When you are hungry do you pray or eat? Did you know that there is enough food currently in storage , (cont'd)

A Jew must be sensitive to the pain of all human beings. A Jew can not remain indifferent to human suffering ... The mission of the Jewish people has never been to make the world more Jewish, but to make it more human. Elie Wiesel

to provide every man, woman and child on the planet with 2000 calories a day, according to The Hunger Project. Are there enough charitable organizations to help the poor and the destitute? According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics (NCCS), more than 1.5 m illion n on pr of it or gan izat ion s are registered in the U.S. Russia has over 277,000 NGOs registered and India has 2 million. China reports having 440,000 NGOs. Imagine if the adequate donated resources by those, who are now only praying for the poor, were provided, literally millions more could be lifted out of destitution almost immediately. Prayer was never intended to be a substitute for action, much to the contrary, if you embrace the Bible as true, Christ said that we should serve the poor. The apostle James wrote, "Faith without works is dead being alone." For many that I communicate with, prayer seems to be a ecclesiastical "Get out of jail free" card that excuses actually feeding and serving the poor and destitute. Many of you reading this who pray can bear this out, people's prayers in many cases, are quite self serving. Praying for what you personally want, for your self interests, for things to go your own way, for your team to

win, for the light to stay green, or to get out of the consequences for your actions. Am I right? Prayer for some is just pure wishful thinking or a simple gesture. In a hospital people will pray but they will still get the operation. You take appropriate action, not just prayer, when it is for you, what about the destitute? Do you know what happens when you only pray for the hungry children in 3rd world despair? They starve to death. If proven science has a voice in this article, it has been established that fervent prayer or rubbing a "sacred stone", chanting into the air while saying "ooga booga" often enough will cause the brain to release the same feel good chemicals into your system, serotonin, dopamine and endorphins and you will feel a sense of deep and profound serenity. The urgency of putting compassion in action fades. That twinge of conscience passes. Nothing but actual material help, whether a box of clothing, a letter of encouragement and yes, a generous check, will do anything to alter the fate of our human family that suffers through no fault of their own.

It is necessary to help others, not only in our prayers but also in our daily lives

continued on the next page

I make no apologies for this article. I intended to touch a nerve. Motivate and inspire you toward actual altruism. I have promised from the first issue that this would be a magazine that you would feel and experience as well as read. Humanitarianism isn't always pretty. In fact, those of us serving in 3rd world environs know that what we see everyday is pretty saddening and short of having a strong stomach many would have abandoned their altruism long ago. To be clear, I am not suggesting that you jettison whatever you choose to believe. As a matter of fact I am asking you to embrace the tenants of your faith that encourage, and require you, to help the destitute, in any way you see fit and are able. Don't just pray. Apathy is humanity's most profound humiliation. The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. I hope that I have moved you away from it., if only with the first few critical steps.

Th e Ch an ges f or New Hope Hu m an it ar ian Aw ar ds 2017

We are looking forward to the nominations of those who you feel serve selflessly, helping the destitute anywhere around the world. We want to recognize those individuals who are tucked away in places most wouldn't be able to find on a map, in virtual obscurity. The world will always recognize the high profile and glamorous people. This humanitarian award program is to connect the unsung heroes and heroines to the rest of the world. It is to honor their service and sacrifice, raise awareness for their projects and to gain support for the people they are selflessly helping with what resources they have available to them. Go to our website under Humanitarian Awards Nomination, h t t p:/ / w w an gesf or n ew h ope.or g/ h u m an it ar ian -aw ar d-n om in at ion s.h t m l If you look on line, as we have, there are virtually no humanitarian awards or recognition for the many thousands of dedicated and selfless individuals who are out there, putting their lives and careers on hold to reach out to the destitute and disadvantaged around the world. We ar e all abou t solu t ion s. This is one of those solutions and I trust that you will join me in bringing these incredible people into the forefront of our hearts and minds. It may not be The Oscars or The Nobel Peace Prize, but, does it have to be? It is simply, " Th e Ch an ges f or New Hope Hu m an it ar ian Aw ar ds f or 2017" Be part of it with us!

Ever wonder what humanitarians are doing out there? Here is a quick snapshot of just a few of the endeavors by some of those we have featured in this magazine so far....

Programs to enable and empower women in Cameroon.

Education for disadvantaged children, single mothers and the abandoned of Tanzania.

Providing shoes for those too destitute to provide them for their families in the Peruvian Andes.

Bringing humanitarian aid and supplies to children of Haiti.

Educational and other life sustaining opportunities in Cambodia

Sharing the enhanced health and emotional well being via The Global Gratitude Project

Me e t O ur Hum a n it a r ia n a n d He r o o f t he Mo n t h

Hin g Chan n ar it h ("Rit h")

Founder of t he Cambodian Chil dr en?s Advocacy Foundat ion Created in 2006, CCAF was created to engage in areas of Cambodia where children are at a higher risk of receiving a low standard of education, and who have the most marginalized voice of their country. CCAF hopes to reduce poverty, and assist the Cambodian government by filling critical gaps in existing services. The goal is to help improve the standard of living for the rural populations in Cambodia. With programs working in several districts within Kampot, Kampong Speu, and soon Kampong Chhnang provinces, CCAF has several focuses which include; * The cultivation of mushrooms for a Home Gardening Project * 354 families were introduced to the Chicken Farming Project. * Family Fishponds Project The benefit of development of family fish ponds is to allow farmers to cover food for feeding their families members or to trade with villagers to get some incomes. * 15 different village based Preschools in Kampot Province and Kampong Speu Province, with a total of 3,724 students as of July 2017 * English Language Project in Kampong Speu Province, which served 278 students (152 girls) * As of November CCAF will aim to establish an English School in Kampong Leaeng that will potentially have 375 students enrolled. The programs are nondiscriminatory, and serve men, women, and children of all backgrounds. CCAF wishes to expand the English class but it is quite difficult to find qualified local English teachers to teach the students. This is due to the English Schools being located in some of the most remote areas where most local English teachers do not like to work or live.

Cambodians experienced civil war in the past under Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge, which has led to more than two million deaths in the conflict. It is Rith?s vision in 1974, when he saw the

UNICEF teams distributing

student materials to the children, that he was encouraged to become a humanitarian himself. After the Khmer Rouge regime collapsed, he tried to look for work in the humanitarian field but was not able to reach his goal until 1996. Rith?s idea is to educate the younger generation so they would be able to contribute to their community in a positive way. He wants to reach the children who are from the most vulnerable families and give them a chance to better their lives. CCAF also focuses to support the children and parents in the areas of, intervention and the prevention of child labor, trafficking and oppression. CCAF faces their own set of challenges while reaching out to help so many in these remote Cambodian areas. According to Rith, some of these are; - Financial support- through donations and partnerships we are able to provide services, schools, supplies, employment opportunities, and facilities to the people we serve. - Volunteers- work groups, and dedicated humanitarians have helped us build, supply, and decorate the schools we have now. We always need people to donate their time to help us train teachers, equip our facilities, and better the services we provide. - Awareness- we have a lot of bold ideas and projects to help then to realize their potental, but we need people to spread the word and help us help others! For more information about CCAF, contact them at ccaf -k h m er .or g and Rith directly at r it h @ccaf -k h m er .or g

Cor por at ion s, Bu sin ess Ow n er s, We n eed you ! One of the biggest issues in today?s business world is Corporate Social Responsibility, with companies focused on how they can support charities whilst also maximizing benefits for their business. Below are some ideas on how your company can help Changes for New Hope raise funds and boost its public image! Ch ar it able cor por at e even t Organize a charitable corporate event! Treat your staff and customers to a memorable social occasion whilst raising much needed funds for the charity. Whether it?s a black tie dinner or a workplace sporting competition, there?s something out there for everyone to enjoy. Payroll Giving Implement a payroll giving plan deducting a small amount from the pay of your employees and choose Changes for New Hope as a charity to which you wish to allocate your donations. Payroll giving is usually set-up with a government agency and is known to be one of the most-tax efficient ways to donate. Cau se M ar k et in g Donate a percentage of your sales to Changes for New Hope! Enhanced public image, boosted staff morale and increased sales and productivity can all be achieved from a meaningful and well managed corporate-charity partnership. Your business may introduce various creative, interesting and lucrative promotions, part the proceeds of which would go to Changes for New Hope. Jean s Fr iday f or Ch ar it y Many businesses allow their employees to wear jeans on Fridays, but only if they donate to a charity. Pick Changes for New Hope as a charity you support and spread the word among your colleagues! Oftentimes the business will match employee donations. We can be contacted at

What ar e we going t o accomplish wit h t his magazine and humanit ar ian award progr am?

1. To recognize humanitarians and like minded individuals for their selfless work in the field. 2. To raise awareness for their projects by sharing their stories and projects with the world. Hopefully this will encourage fund raising efforts and support. 3. To draw corporate sponsorship to our program for mutual benefit. Corporate PR can be enhanced by their association. Funding for this program will be used as prizes to the winners of the award. Additional funding will support the projects throughout the world that meet criteria we believe is critical. 4. To develop an alliance among individuals to share ideas, challenges, "how to" support and stories of progress. To be there for each other in good times and bad. We are no longer alone. 5. To provide independent credibility to individuals leading projects for their further development. 6. To give you a platform and a forum for your ideas and thoughts. What you have learned, you can share. 7. To provide transparency for NGOs so that donors and sponsors understand that each partner is fully vetted and contribution can be sent with confidence. 8. To melt the indifference and apathy in the world that enables suffering in 3rd world countries to continue. 9. To present nominated NGO leaders with a humanitarian award for their selfless service toward the disadvantaged, under-served and destitute. 10. To ultimately alleviate the desperation, the destitution and suffering that countless thousands endure which we encounter each day and restore human dignity, compassion in action and well being for everyone. Note; We are seeking to hire a Digital Sales Manager and sales team shortly. If you are interested in an opportunity that combines your sales skills, altruism and connecting companies with NGOs for mutual benefit, contact us at

Have you noticed that every time you focus on a solution that you always find one but if you focus on a problem you always have one?

Doing Good f eels Gr eat ! When you support our partner organizations around the world amazing things begin to happen for those who only knew desperation and impoverishment

We can all be heroes Donate generously at

Thank You.....

Changes for New Hope is a registered NGO, non-profit organization with the Peruvian government since 2010. Our focus is to help children living in destitution and inadequacies in the Andean region. This magazine is expanding that focus to partner with other NGOs and their leaders around the world.

The project creator is Jim Killon, an American born humanitarian, author/writer, exhibited artist, and life enhancement speaker. His writings, articles and publications can be seen on The Good Men Project, Living in Peru magazine, Inspire Me Today, as well as self publishing "A Gringo in Peru-A Story of Compassion in Action," "Living Large-Living Deliberately" and the just published "The Changes That You Deserve" . Jim Killon is available for speaking engagements and interviews. For more information, contact him through our email at or on Facebook.... Jim Killon

Changes for New Hope is a 100% donation supported NGO project and is not affiliated with any religious or political organization.

Copyright 2017 All Rights Reserved. Photo: Cecilia Falco Hirt

Ch an ges f or New Hope Hu m an it ar ian Aw ar ds M agazin e Sh ar e u s w it h you r f r ien ds an d on social m edia Join ou r gr ow in g t eam of par t n er s an d com passion at e f r ien ds w w an gesf or n ew h ope.or g Qu est ion s or com m en t s? Wr it e t o u s at : cn h m agazin e@gm

The Final Thoug ht

Your bod y is a ging. You c a n't r un a s f a st a s y ou use d t o. You be gin t o f e e l y our se lf slow ing d ow n a bit . Your

mind , y our

ima gina t ion a nd

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c r e a t ivit y ne ve r

a ge s. Your d r e a ms a nd visions c a n soa r int o limit le ssne ss bey ond

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sha c kle s


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mor t a lit y . At

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r e ga r d le ss of a ny p hy sic a lit y . Huma nit a r ia ns know t his. We exp e r ie nc e t his e ve r y d a y .

Be Limitless.... Find your purpose....Live your Dreams

Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Awards Magazine

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