The Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Awards Magazine August 2017

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The Second Annual Changes for New Hope International Photo Contest Call for submissions is now ON!

ALBENDAZOLE Parasitic micro-organisms infect millions of children throughout the third world. What are the effects and what is the nearly free solution?

The Edit or 's Cor ner

Jim Killon

Gratitude is one of those qualities that will keep you stable when the world goes out of focus and all blurry. This magazine is one of the monthly activities that I find myself very grateful to be doing for you . To share the incredible success of the Photo Exhibition in the national museum in Huaraz Peru, last month and the amazing photographers' works, we are now to be proud to announce the Second Annual Changes for New Hope International Photo Contest, This is pure joy. You will see why you will want to be a part of this contest in this month's issue. You are going to meet Jim Paradiso, who is working with the sight impaired in Ecuador after losing his own sight just a few years ago. His incredible bounce back from a stroke, diabetes, a flesh eating bacteria and blindness to become a hero and humanitarian to those who need a guiding hand, is an inspiration to us all. We are going to share the simple solution to a silent and slow killer which is common in the third world, parasitic micro-organisms. Albendazole is so cheap it is nearly free and recommended by the World Health Organization to eradicate most of these ubiquitous worms in millions of people. I am also excited to share that your own life can be enhanced with my newly published digital book, The Changes That You Deserve , which is being offered to you for free on While benefiting the less fortunate throughout the world where and as we can, we also wanted to reach out to you, the readers who make this project such a wonderful success. The selfless individuals serving tirelessly around the world, the generous supporters , the sponsors and those who live each day hoping for a better life are all tied together in gratitude with each other. I believe, and I trust you will agree, that we are one human tribe, one humanity and by our love, one family. Enjoy this issue which I believe is our finest offering to you yet. ~~~~ Jim

" You can n ot grow b eyon d you r own i m age of you rsel f . So, rai se you r sel f i m age" "Who do you t hin k you are?" Didn ' t w e hear t hat of t en en ough b y p aren t s an d t eachers w hen w e w ere a child? How ever, in realit y, w e act accordin g t o w hat w e t hin k w e are already. The great am on g us do great t hin gs don ' t t hey? Those w ho t hin k t hey can n ot do an y m ore in lif e t han w hat t hey curren t ly do, drif t alon g in lif e, get t in g b y an d do a lot less. I m agin e if w e could en courage t hose livin g in dest it ut ion , t hose w ho lack op p ort un it ies in t he t hird w orld out t here. The an sw er is n ot alw ays t o t hrow m on ey at t he p rob lem . Mon ey is f in it e. I m agin e w hat b ooks could do in a rem ot e p ueb lo school in an area w here b ooks in schools are a rare p rivilege.

Educational opportunities for children throughout the world helps all of us, everywhere.

Is it a pill too big to swallow to believe the solution could be this simple?

How ?

This is our revolution now. Without a shot being fired. Without consideration of religions or political posturing or socio-economic conditions. Educating kids in the third world has a profound impact with results benefiting everybody in the developed nations. Ask any American soldier 's mother whose son won't be coming home. Ask a CEO of a multinational corporation with business interests in the third world how labor negotiations are going. Ask a child who has received donations of school supplies, books, and had dedicated teachers who ask where he or she is going in life. It won't be to a drug corner or to join a militia.

When educational opportunities are available. Students become professionals, not criminals. Not drug dealers, not child soldiers, not teen aged mothers, not disadvantaged, angry and resource draining members of society. Let's consider a wider view. Can you imagine Africa, Latin America and Asia with a well educated population like there is in Europe, North America and Australia? Is it too great of a leap to believe that revolutions, violent overthrows and terrorism would have never occurred.?

Edu cat ion !

Let s m ak e gr eat t h in gs h appen !

Non e Dare Cal l I t Povert y ...because poverty does not exi st

When you t hin k of t he w ord Poverty w hat is t he im age t hat com es t o your m in d? I s it hazy, am b iguous, m ayb e a t ad ab st ract ? Would you like t o kn ow w hy? I t is b ecause p overt y, t he w ord, n ot t he con dit ion , sim p ly doesn't exist . Can w e def in e p overt y? Arguab ly, n o, it is like describ in g t he At lan t ic ocean . We kn ow t here is an At lan t ic ocean b ut t o def in e it ? I t could t ake m on t hs an d w ho has t hat kin d of t im e? The dis- service b ein g don e t o t hose livin g in t hird w orld dest it ut ion is t o b ury t he sp ecif ic reason s w hy t hese p eop le are dest it ut e b y f oggin g over t he def in it ion w it h a w ord t hat has n o sign if ican t or clear m ean in g. How do w ere solve p overt y if it is t oo vast t o com p rehen d? I f t his con dit ion is con sidered un f at hom ab le, how m uch m ore so are t he solut ion s? At least in our p ercep t ion s.

How ever, it is t hose solut ion s t hat w e n eed t o address. I ssues such as adequat e an d clean drin kab le w at er. suf f icien t f ood f or t hose w ho are in volun t arily un der- em p loyed or f oot w ear f or children w ho curren t ly cut holes in t he t oes t o get an ot her year out of t hem , garb age rem oval, sew age an d san it at ion f acilit ies. Vit am in s can elim in at e an em ia, b lin dn ess an d crip p lin g diseases. We can at t ack an en em y t hat w e can see, un derst an d an d t ear ap art , p iece b y p iece an d en d it s ef f ect s up on t hose w ho n eed our sup p ort . What is t he w ord poverty? I t is n ot hin g b ut a sm okescreen t o b lin d us f rom t he challen ges t hat w e can solve t oget her. Let ' s do it right . Let ' s do it t oget her, st art in g t oday!

Announcing The Second Annual Changes f or New Hope Int er nat ional Phot o Cont est Talen t ed art ist s are everyw here. I w ould b et t hat you are on e t oo. Talen t un exp ressed is a p it y. The graveyards are f ull of p eop le w ho w ere goin g t o exp ress t heir t alen t s on e day an d n ever got aroun d t o it . Here is your ow n op p ort un it y t o exp ress your p hot ograp hic exp ression s, an d w in p rizes, b e exhib it ed in a Nat ion al Museum , an d help t he children of our p roject all at t he sam e t im e. Win - w in f or everyb ody. This year w ill b e b et t er t han last year. Sixt een p hot ograp hers w ere exhib it ed f rom our 20 16 con t est at t he m useum an d p eop le w ere am azed. Join us. Sub m it your b est p hot os an d let ' s m ake t his a huge successf ul f or everyon e.

The Second Annual Ch an ges f or New Hope In t er n at ion al Ph ot o Con t est July 1, 2017 -October 1, 2017 There are $1500 in total cash prizes and an opportunity to be an exhibited photographer in the Nat ion al In st it u t e of Cu lt u r e M u seu m in Huaraz Peru. See the full details to enter at "A Beau t if u l Day " is this year 's theme... The Changes for New Hope Photo Contest has been created for you to express your creative photographic talent, have an opportunity to win some great prizes, and have your photos exhibited in a prestigious museum in Peru, the National Institute of Culture. At the same time you are helping children living in destitution and impoverishment in the Peruvian Andes with your entry fee. So, you have several reasons to feel good about being part of this Photo Contest. I want to thank you for taking part in this project with us. Past e t his lin k t o your b row ser t o see t he exhib it at t he m useum

Phot o; Bret t Davies

Meet our Humanit arian and Hero of t he Mont h Jim Paradiso Con sider, if you w ill, a m an n am ed Jim Paradiso. Here is a hero t hat con siders him self "Not hin g sp ecial." How ever, b ased on his p erson al st ory, sp ecial is t he on ly t hin g t hat could describ e him . His st ory is n ot hin g short of am azin g an d an en couragem en t f or us all. I m et Jim in 20 16 at a caf e w it h som e f rien ds in Huaraz, w here I f irst heard his in credib le st ory. Sin ce t hat t im e he has m igrat ed t o Loja, Ecuador w here he w orks at t he Byron I n st it ut e f or t he Blin d, on his ow n t im e an d n ickel.

Photos: Facebook- Blind Jim Can't Do That

He r eaches out t o t he blind childr en of Loja Ecuador t o build a new sense of self conf idence and independence t hat t hey never knew befor e. In t he only blind school in t he ar ea, Jim spends his t ime wit h t went y t hr ee childr en each week, t eaching t hem how t o be mobile and independent . He t akes childr en out side for t he f ir st t ime in t heir lives, out side, t o walk around t he st r eet s wit hout someone at t ached t o t heir ar ms. He sees t he childr en as br illiant , t hey just can't see, he explained t o me.

In Ecuador t hey wer e t aught t hat t hey couldn't do anyt hing because t hey wer e blind. Jim has changed t hat per cept ion. Childr en who haven't vent ur ed away f rom t heir homes in t heir ent ir e lives ar e now ambient t hroughout t he cit y, because Jim has inst illed a conf idence and a knowledge of t heir sur roundings. It is f r eedom. In our int er view Jim shar es t hat t echnology has come a long way f rom t he whit e cane and br aille. An iPhone now has t he t echnology t o "see" pr et t y much ever yt hing t hat a sight ed per son can see and int er pr et it int o audible words t o t he individual. This makes t hat blind per son f ully independent . The cost per device-$150 for t ot al independence. I was falling out of my chair , "$150 PER CHILD TO ACQUIRE TOTAL INDEPENDENCE!!??" I know people t hat would send t hat much on dinner and a movie" I t old him.

Jim's story goes much

deeper. As well as being blind, due to several strokes, he also is diabetic, and encountered a flesh eating bacteria that caused him to have a few of his toes amputated. He does not speak Spanish but manages well enough. His sense of humor has got to be one of his best survival attributes. He and I laughed throughout our interview. He makes being a hero and humanitarian look easy. He doesn't consider himself to be anything special. He simple took his situation and made the best of it. Jim has been contacted by individuals and groups throughout the world for ideas, assistance and partnerships. He shared with me the amazing blind individuals who are preparing to break land speed records and make cinematographic specials.

He shares his own personal successes. A girl, age 15, has never been outside of her house who now walks around the city without needing an escort. Another woman, a teacher with a master 's degree, Jim has helped to gain the confidence to travel outside of Loja on her own. "This is freedom for them. This is breaking outside of the limits that they were told existed because they were blind.", Jim explains.

Jim says that going blind was the best thing that could ever have happened to him. "If it weren't for being blind I would never have had the opportunity to meet these kids or these people around the world. "Many of my accomplishments would have been lost in the shuttle if I wasn't blind." he says.

He says. "I don't do anything that I don't want to do. This is what I enjoy doing, I'm no different than you or anybody else. I just wonder why others don't help the less fortunate too. I say. "Become an inspiration as well. If I can do it, so can you!" What will it take to make these kids independent? He is looking for $30,000 to put iphones in the hands of the children which will have the capacity to give them the ability to travel beyond their houses, walk freely around and do everything that sighted people can do. Mobility, independence, and freedom. Sight is probably one of the most precious gifts we have. We can give that gift to these children for the cost of a car. Can't we? Jim Paradiso can be reached directly on his Facebook page under his own name. His other Facebook page is called, "Blind Jim can't do that"

I Li k e Ban an as but I 'm no M on k ey ! The Lighter Side of the Life in the Andes of Peru..... When I began Changes for New Hope back in 2009, I was not sure exactly what form the project would morph into. I had the general idea that the destitution found among the children would be eliminated where I could address it. With each passing week the lines were colored in and the project was more clearly defined as to what we needed to be doing. The children themselves were the best teachers to show me what their needs were in each growing group. Then there was Valeria. Valeria was one of the sweetest little children among our Secsecpampa group. Getting to Secsecpampa was a workout. After a short combie ride, we trek up the side of a mountain whose path was a series of narrow muddy paths with long drops to the hard ground below with washed out rocky gorges. We pull ourselves along using exposed root systems. I am quite sure that the mountainside gets higher with every passing year. I take more breaks now than I did years ago. When she was just a little five year old, wide eyed curious newcomer, she told me something that amazed me. ?My mommy said I can not come here anymore and I am sad.? I couldn?t imagine why, so I asked with gentle concern. ?She said you are a Gringo and all Gringos are monkeys.? I could hear the needle scratching across a record. ?Oh really! I am a gringo, but do you think I am a monkey?? Valeria was confused, ?No, that is why I am sad. Maybe you should come talk to my mommy.? Oh yes dear girl we will definitely be having a little chat with mom. As it turned out her mother had never actually met anyone who was a gringo before, had no experiences with gringos except for passing them in the Huaraz streets when she went to the market each week. Somewhere along the way she had come to the conclusion that, as a gringo, I was no more evolved than my chimpanzee ancestors. While there may be a series of broken hearts back in Baltimore that would concur, in Peru, I had to end this before her racism spread to ill affect the entire village. What else could I say? ?I like bananas but I am no monkey!? I went on to explain who I was, let her get to know me and once she understood and accepted why I was there, the fear of the unknown melted and we became friends. Valeria, seven years later, is a junior leader in our project. I happliy walked along the trail toward home, enjoyng the banana that she gave me to snack on. ~~ Jim Killon

Parasitic micro-organisms are slowly killing third world children from the inside out. One solution costs mere pocket change. It is called

Alben dazole Pin worms, flatworms, whip worms, roundworms and tapeworms are just a few of the parasites that affect almost every organ in a child's growing body. The list of ailments that these worms cause could fill a medical journal. Stunted growth, heart, lung and brain deficiencies are just a few. Parasites devour the food that the child consumes, then slowly begins to consume the child themselves. The symptoms are insidious and are often mistaken for other ailments by substandard medical examiners. That is the problem, the bad news and the quiet killer. The solution is so inexpensive and readily available, to ignore its widespread distribution should be an additional tragedy.

Albendazole was developed in 1975. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system. In the United States it can sell, under various names, for $50 or more. In developing nations, like Peru, it is obtainable for pennies. 200 mgs. of Albendazole can eradicate a myriad of parasitic worms for 12 cents. Frida, the owner-technician of the laboratory where samples were being examined, invited me to peer into the microscope at a slide she had prepared to examine a stool sample from one of the children. We were looking for eggs, the tell tale sign left by worms. I expected to see a few dozen perhaps. The field was completely covered. There were tens of thousands, ready to hatch. One child, a tiny fourteen year old suffering with anemia, had eight different parasites in her body. We purchase Albendazole so often that when I arrive in the pharmacy, they are already reaching for it. $6.15 USD to help 50 children at a time. A simple solution. All with donated funds from supporters who understand and care.

Now Available... The Changes That You Deserve. Imagine your life, on your own terms. Imagine designing your life as you want it to be, limitless, free from the opinions and negativity of others. Then creating that life, stepping into it and enjoying it, today and every day! People are doing just that, right now, all around you. They are not super human, extra special or genetically engineered. They are people just like you who believed that a better life was, not only possible, but due to them. They dared to dream big, took risks and followed their hearts into the beautiful life. The Changes That You Deserve shares simple steps for anyone interested in learning how to live their dreams and erase their inhibitions. This new digital book is being offered to you free of charge at, an on line library, by Jim Killon, the publisher of this magazine. This is his 5th book. Among his other offerings on the subject of life enhancement is his first book, A Gringo in Peru-A Story of Compassion in Action and Living Large Living Deliberately, both are available, free of charge ,on the Issuu website. You can have the life of your dreams starting now, just jettison your fears. Just cut and paste this link..

Th e Ch an ges f or New Hope Hu m an it ar ian Aw ar ds 2017 In our issue last month we rolled out the 2017 Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Awards program. In it we outlined the how's and why's and who's and what's so everyone would have a clear idea about this nomination process. We are looking forward to the nominations of those who you feel serve selflessly, helping the destitute anywhere around the world. We want to recognize those individuals who are tucked away in places most wouldn't be able to find on a map, in virtual obscurity. The world will always recognize the high profile and glamorous people. This humanitarian award program is to connect the unsung heroes and heroines to the rest of the world. It is to honor their service and sacrifice, raise awareness for their projects and to gain support for the people they are selflessly helping with what resources they have available to them. You can see the details and nomination forms by either by going to last month's article here; (cut and paste into your browser) or go to our website under Humanitarian Awards Nomination, here; If you look on line, as I have, there are virtually no humanitarian awards or recognition for the many thousands of dedicated and selfless individuals who are out there, putting their lives and carers on hold to reach out to the destitute and disadvantaged around the world. We are all about solutions. This is one of those solutions and I trust that you will join me in bringing these incredible people into the forefront of our hearts and minds.

It may not be The Oscars or The Nobel Peace Prize, but, does it have to be? It is simply and passionately " Th e Ch an ges f or New Hope Hu m an it ar ian Aw ar ds f or 2017" Be part of it with us!

Cor por at ion s, Bu sin ess Ow n er s, We n eed you ! One of the biggest issues in today?s business world is Corporate Social Responsibility, with companies focused on how they can support charities whilst also maximizing benefits for their business. Below are some ideas on how your company can help Changes for New Hope raise funds and boost its public image! Ch ar it able cor por at e even t Organize a charitable corporate event! Treat your staff and customers to a memorable social occasion whilst raising much needed funds for the charity. Whether it?s a black tie dinner or a workplace sporting competition, there?s something out there for everyone to enjoy. Payroll Giving Implement a payroll giving plan deducting a small amount from the pay of your employees and choose Changes for New Hope as a charity to which you wish to allocate your donations. Payroll giving is usually set-up with a government agency and is known to be one of the most-tax efficient ways to donate. Cau se M ar k et in g Donate a percentage of your sales to Changes for New Hope! Enhanced public image, boosted staff morale and increased sales and productivity can all be achieved from a meaningful and well managed corporate-charity partnership. Your business may introduce various creative, interesting and lucrative promotions, part the proceeds of which would go to Changes for New Hope. Jean s Fr iday f or Ch ar it y Many businesses allow their employees to wear jeans on Fridays, but only if they donate to a charity. Pick Changes for New Hope as a charity you support and spread the word among your colleagues! Oftentimes the business will match

employee donations. We can be contacted via our website at Changes for New Hope using this convenient link- just cut and paste into your browser.

Wh at ar e w e goin g t o accom plish w it h t h is m agazin e an d h u m an it ar ian aw ar d pr ogr am ?

1. To recognize humanitarians and like minded individuals for their selfless work in the field. 2. To raise awareness for their projects by sharing their stories and projects with the world. Hopefully this will encourage fund raising efforts and support. 3. To draw corporate sponsorship to our program for mutual benefit. Corporate PR can be enhanced by their association. Funding for this program will be used as prizes to the winners of the award. Additional funding will support the projects throughout the world that meet criteria we believe is critical. 4. To develop an alliance among individuals to share ideas, challenges, "how to" support and stories of progress. To be there for each other in good times and bad. We are no longer alone. 5. To provide independent credibility to individuals leading projects for their further development. 6. To give you a platform and a forum for your ideas and thoughts. What you have learned, you can share. 7. To provide transparency for NGOs so that donors and sponsors understand that each partner is fully vetted and contribution can be sent with confidence.

Note; We are seeking to hire a Digital Sales Manager and sales team shortly. If you are interested in an opportunity that combines your sales skills, altruism and connecting companies with NGOs for mutual benefit, contact us at;

Did you m iss ou r pr eviou s m on t h s' issu es?

No Problem, get the back issues at Just type in the title and month and there you go.

Coming up in our September 2017 Issue Meet o ur her o an d human it ar ian o f t he mo n t h William I. Joh n son of Tanzania's

Putting the car t bef or e the hor se. Non-profits looking for the donations ..Donors looking for the Why first

Sawil Pax Upendo Academy Her o es an d Vil l ain s Which ar e yo u r eal l y? It is t he o bst acl es in l if e t hat def in e whet her yo u ar e a

Th e Tallest Midget The difference between being the fastest in a slow race or the slowest in a fast race and being effective

her o o r a vil l ain .

And Much Much Mor e See You in Sept ember !

Changes for New Hope is a registered NGO, non-profit organization with the Peruvian government since 2010. Our focus is to help children living in destitution and inadequacies in the Andean region. This magazine is expanding that focus to partner with other NGOs and their leaders around the world.

The project creator is Jim Killon, an American born humanitarian, author/writer, exhibited artist, and life enhancement speaker. His writings, articles and publications can be seen on The Good Men Project, Living in Peru magazine, Inspire Me Today, as well as self publishing "A Gringo in Peru-A Story of Compassion in Action," "Living Large-Living Deliberately" and the just published "The Changes That You Deserve" . Jim Killon is available for speaking engagements and interviews. For more information, contact him through the project's website at or on Facebook.... Jim Killon Changes for New Hope is a 100% donation supported NGO project and is not affiliated with any religious or political organization. Copyright 2017 All Rights Reserved.

Photo: Cecilia Falco Hirt

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