Carbon footprint pupil booklet (1)

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Carbon Footprint Carbon Footprint

S3 Form Challenge

Carbon Footprint A carbon footprint is defined as the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused directly or indirectly by an organization, event, product or person and is expressed as a carbon dioxide equival ent (CO2e) Carbon dioxide equivalent . Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) is the unit of measurement which allows different greenhouse gases to be compared on a like for like basis relative to one unit of CO2. CO2e emissions are calculated by multiplying the emissions of each of the six greenhouse gases by its 100-year global warming potential (GWP).

A carbon footprint includes all six Kyoto GHG emissions: • carbon dioxide (CO2) • methane (CH4) • nitrous oxide (N2O) • hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) • perfluorocarbons (PFCs) • sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). Do you know what the Kyoto agreement was and who was involved? Do you know anything else about the climate change debate? What are the reasons to look at footprinting our school?

There are 2 types of footprint – organisational and product. As a school we need to look at the organisational footprint. Most of the carbon footprint comes from fuel emissions so we can measure our energy usage and calculate what proportion of this comes from unsustainable sources which emit gasses that cause climate change in the atmosphere. Over the next few weeks, you are going consider the Hutchie carbon footprint and compare (Benchmark) this against acceptable levels. You are then going to look at the issue, perhaps including a proposed improvement or a change in attitude within school.

Footprint steps 1. Consider the Hutchie footprint and compare this to acceptable levels (benchmarks) 2. Review an area of interest through written articles provided in Form Class  Either research an alternative technology  Or Research current thinking on Global Warming 3. Propose a change  this could be a futuristic view of how Hutchie may be in the future  or a detailed proposal of how a particular technology could change things NOW  or a campaign to convince your peers that change is needed 4. Your conclusions could be written, video diaried, a pictorial representation, campaign leaflet, whatever you feel is appropriate. Be ready to discuss your ideas at the end.


Factsheet 

The school has a Facilities manager who is in charge of the school premises. It also has a Finance team who monitor the budget and bills. The school also uses external advice to help find the best price for the fuel that we use.

We use gas – principally for the boiler but also in the kitchens We use electricity for many areas in the school. For the calculation you are doing, presume that neither gas or electricity is ‘green’. Our electricity is drawn from the National Grid which is supplied by a mix of sources which is the same for all households or businesses irrespective of whether they are on a ‘green’ tariff or not. Green energy is energy that has been produced from a sustainable source such as Wind, Sun, Wave. 

There will be electricity and Gas meters around the school which will be read periodically to calculate usage – just like at your home.

A new energy efficient boiler was installed in April 2014 which should improve our Gas consumption. So it makes sense to take the annual figure for last year from April 2013 until April 2014 and use it for our footprint. Next year we can look at it again and hope that there is an improvement.


April 2013 – April 2014 usage for Beaton Road and the Fotheringay – not Drama! Gas KwH 2,372,672 KWh (Fossil Fuels)


Electric KwH


Total Floor Area


Number of pupils in school

1,267,549 KWh 22,000 sq m not including drama – Calculated from a building plan from the Geography department. Each level adds another floor area. approx. 900 at Beaton Rd

The Benchmarks given on the next page are based on a typical building occupancy of 9 hours per day, 5 days per week for 38 weeks. Is that reasonable for us? The acceptable levels are those suggested by the Carbon Trust who are a well-recognised body in the area of the Carbon Emissions Debate.


Calculating our footprint

12 months energy usage in KWh

Leading to Kg of CO2 emissions

(Kg of CO2 divided by floor area)



450,807.7 Kg

20.49126 Kg per sq m



545,046.1 Kg

24.77482 Kg per sq m

Benchmark 1 Kg of CO2 per square metre emitted for fossil fuels (gas)

  

Fossil Fuels If your figure is more than 27, the school emissions from fossil fuels are higher than typical. Higher than 36 is poor practice. Prioritise taking action to reduce your consumption. If your figure is between 21 and 27, then the school fossil fuel emissions are typical. You can probably reduce use of heating further with better management, controls and insulation If the figure is less than 21 then the school is demonstrating best practice – well done.

Benchmark 2 Kg of CO2 per square metre emitted for electricity

 

Electricity If this figure is more than 14, your school electricity emissions are higher than typical. Higher than 18 is poor practice. Prioritise taking action to reduce your consumption and significant cost savings are likely. If the figure is between 11 and 14 then your school is fairly typical in its electricity emissions. You may well be able to reduce your consumption further through behavioural changes and more efficient appliances. If this figure is less than 11, your school demonstrates best practice use of electricity. Well done! But don’t forget there is still room to reduce carbon emissions and bills further.

What conclusions can you draw from this?


Your ideas A. If you want to look at a technology, read some literature and look at the Carbon Trust Guide

Here are some possible ideas…… Heating- thermostats Hot Water- where is it needed – is it efficient Building – insulation – green roof Lighting – new lighting technologies to save energy – switch off! Electrical equipment – ICT – switch off! Electriical equipment – Science equipment Electrical equipment – vending machines Electrical equipment – kitchens Electrical equipment – school office/trust office Green energy – wind turbines Green energy – solar panels Green energy – biomass boiler

B. If you want to discuss the issues, read some literature and put forward your opinion which may convince others that change is needed…or not!

Useful References Here is a list of starter web sites that could be useful. There will also be a set of reference materials available from the library that your form teacher will distribute. General: for circular economy ideas eco schools

Energy: for sustainable energy ideas renewable energy options Scottish green roof site green roofs the carbon trust – biomass Philips lighting


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