S2 revision test may 2015

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Revision test-Open Booklet


Look at the diagram. The Appalachian Mountain range of the USA and the Caledonian mountain ranges of Norway and British Isles have similar height, rock type and the same south-west to north-east trend. In what way does this help to explain continental drift?

2. Define the following terms:

A. Convection current B. Magma C. Epicentre D. Fold mountain E. Plate boundary F.


3. Name two ways in which continental plates and oceanic plates are different.

4. Describe in detail what happens when an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate.

5. Explain how moving plates can cause earthquakes.

6. Describe how the events of March 11 th 2011 affected: The physical landscape Buildings and transport, energy supplies Peoples’ lives 7. Why are old mountain ranges like the Scottish Highlands lower than more recent ranges like the Himalayas ? 8. “ I bet that Big Issue seller is a thief” This is an example of: Stereotype Prejudice Discrimination “Women need to leave school at age 14” This is an example of: Stereotype Prejudice Discrimination 9. Which of the following is/are a measure of standard of living: A. gross national product B. life expectancy C. percentage of people who are literate D. average income of people in a country 10. Define: a. Primary product b. Tertiary product

11. Country X is in the tropics and grows cocoa beans. Country Y buys cocoa beans to make chocolate in large factories and sell it in the shops.

Which country X or Y do you think has a higher standard of living?

What might country X buy from country y?

Why does country X not make its own chocolate?

Look at the diagram.

Select ONE Millennium Development goal. Explain why you think it is important


Calbuco Volcano, Chile (credit: BBC news)

For a volcano you have studied, list the reasons why you think it was the “world’s worst volcano”

14. What can the following groups do to reduce inequality: (a) government, (b) people (c) school

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