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11 2012 / 2013


And many more...

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“C – Comfort. R – Reliability. O - Outstanding performance. W – Welcoming. N – Nostalgic experience.”


From the Editor & Patron From the Chairpersons


02 03

Mohamed Hussein Varvani Editor In-Chief Mohamoud Abubakr Managing Editor

Devolved Government

04 05

Suleiman Ismail Dadacha Deputy Managing Editor

Muslim Youths In Sorry State


Mursal Dige Features Editor

Islam, Science And Technology


Medical Value of Honey

10 12

Letter to 1st Year Sisters

The Hijab Wealth & happiness Shortest way to success Wafuateni Nanyi Mtaongoka Value of Time Gallery Jihad Concepts MUMSA project (Hijaz Dishes)

13 14 16 17 18 20 22

Their Story - my woes

23 25 26 27 29 30 32

Advice to 1st Years


Mumsa najihisi pweke (poem)




Islam & Westernization


Haram or Halal earnings Coffee Break Taqwa Muslim Women Letter to Divorced parents A true Believer

Abass Sheikh Barre Production Manager Fatma Salim Mkwariza Marketing Executive Zaynab Abdou Sales Manager Ali Hussein Abdi Graphic Designer Mahmoud M. Burhan Assistant Production Manager Zeinab Adow Gulia Assistant Features Editor THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Jamal Bugo - Chairman Omar Swaleh - Vice Chairman Ashraf Zuberi - Chairlady Adam Diba - Organizing Secretary Ayyan Ali - Treasurer Yasir Yusuf - Public Relations officer Al-Siraj is a publication of Moi University Muslim Students Association(MUMSA). All rights Reser ved Š Design Consultancy-JIM NJOROGE & VINCENT OKOTH

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All praise is to Allah (swt) lord of the heavens and the earth and may His peace blessings and mercy be upon His prophet Muhammad (saw). My message to the Muslim youth especially here in campus is that you should be good ambassadors to the religion and yourselves too. You should fear Allah in all your under takings and always remember the reason that brought you to campus. I wish to state that serving the association as patron has had its own challenges but I am grateful to the support received from the officials and also the members in fostering unity and enhancing activities for the association. With collaborative effort we will be able to achieve greater heights. As ALLAH permits I will continue serving the association by forging constructive relationships between the association and sponsors, university administration and other strategic partners. I wish the association all the best in its future endeavors. Yours in Islam,

EDITOR’S DESK All praises be to Allah (SWT) the creator of all humankind, the most forgiving, the most merciful and whose bounties are endless. When the Executive Committee approached the Editorial Board to come up with the next issue of AlSiraj, it was not an easy task fulfilling the steps of our previous editors, as the standards set have been very high. However, the dedication and hard work from the entire editorial board lessened this burden. It is now with great humility and profound gratitude I present the 11th issue of Al-Siraj magazine. We all believe in Allah (SWT) and we have full faith that He will guide us towards the right path. When we delegate a certain task, we have to have trust that it will be completed without interference. When we make a commitment, we are not just making it to the community at large, but to ourselves as well. We have to ensure that we fulfill our obligations with a clear mind and avoid any influence in order to feel selfsustained. I would like to thank the Executive Committee for its commitment, the various writers for their contribution and the entire Editorial Board members for their dedication and sacrifice to ensure quality production and timely release of this magazine. More importantly, I would like to recognize the efforts of our advertisers in facilitating the designing and printing of this magazine. Let me conclude by saying that it has been an honour and privilege to serve MUMSA since 2009 when I was first the ‘Assistant sales and Marketing Executive’, then the ‘Deputy Managing Editor’ in 2010, then the ‘Managing Editor’ in 2011 and now as the ‘Editor-In-Chief’. It is my hope that you will gain from this publication for that “Knowledge fills a large brain; it merely inflates a small one.” Great reading!




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All praise is to ALLAH (SWT) the most gracious most merciful and may His peace mercy and blessings be upon His beloved and noble prophet Muhammad (saw). I wish to thank ALLAH (SWT) for His countless blessings on us and in specific for the blessing of Islam. Academic year 2012/2013 has been a challenging year for the association as a result of many reasons but I commend the resilience and will of MUMSA members who managed to overcome all the odds to ensure the successful completion of our goals and objectives for this academic year. It is entirely out of the tawfiq of Allah swt that we have now successfully put in place a joint executive that will govern all the four satellite Moi university campuses under one

banner of MUJMA ( Moi university joint Muslim students association). The journey towards this endeavor has been tiresome and painful but we thank Allah that finally we have managed to unite all the campuses under one umbrella with the objective of empowering the Muslim community spiritually, economically and socially in a collective and just manner. It is a certainty that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one, and as MUMSA we are proud to say that ALLAH has bestowed upon us tremendous blessings and favors over the years and the fact that we now have a joint association, we were able to conduct the first ever joint annual marhaba day to welcome our first years, we conducted a joint annual Islamic rally hosted by annex campus(law school) and we are now looking forward to a joint farewell dinner for our finalists to be hosted in main campus is a direct manifestation of the growth of the association. The prophet said that ‘’ Those who don’t thank people will never thank Allah’’ I wish to tender special thanks to all the mumsa members and officials for their unconditional support towards the association,

special thanks goes to our joint patron and of course we cannot forget our sponsors and well wishers. May Allah (swt) grant them success in this world and the hereafter. My experience with the Muslims here in campus has been that of joy, brotherhood and mutual respect. I will be forever indebted to my fellow brothers and sisters for the support and the endless love they gave to me over the years. As I prepare to leave university my one and only advice to myself and everyone else especially the young brothers and sisters I’m leaving behind is ‘’ only through the fear of Allah will come ultimate salvation and perpetual bliss””. In case anyone wronged me knowingly or unknowingly by ALLAH I have forgiven you all my brothers and incase I wronged anyone either in my position as a leader or otherwise I sincerely hope that I will be forgiven for I am only human and just tried to do my best as a Muslim and as your leader. May the almighty ALLAH (SWT) forgive our sins and have mercy on us. ALLY.A.SHARIFF JOINT CHAIR-MUMSA (MUJMA).

CHAIRMAN Main Campus

In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful, he who deserves all praises and may peace be upon our beloved prophet Mohammad(S.A.W).Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, the most of the favours that Allah (S.W) has given to human beings is Islam. Allah(S.W) has set guidance to us in it and has set limits so that we do not transgress(Maidah:7).Therefore the success of all human beings today and in the hereafter is by following the guidance i.e. Islam and upholding the good deeds. We can only do that by embracing Islam fully and try to eliminate our weaknesses. We should also be unified in the religion by avoiding confrontations at all cost and focus on our own weaknesses instead of others. Above all we should be patient and merciful to others and in turn Allah (s.w) will be merciful to us. Thanks and I love you all for the sake of Allah. JAMAL BUGO CHAIRMAN MUMSA - MAIN CAMPUS


Open Letter To First Year Sisters In Campus BY ABDIRIZAK ADEN NOOR


y younger Muslim sisters, welcome to the highest learning institution – University, in your earnest endeavor to complete the final phase of the tedious 8-4-4 system. In the ideal situation it is a place to acquire superior education and shine at the job market unlike the unlucky ones you left at the village. Unfortunately it is not a merry making trip neither is it a bed of roses but it a journey full of twist and turns. The challenges that awaits you ahead is enormous and the best remedy is to be yourself and avoid the temptations the environment offers to you just to regret later, by now you must have seen the culture shock in the campus, a grown up women drinking beer, scantily dressed with a skirt the size of a handkerchief which reveals the forbidden part for a woman to display to strangers these are direct invitation for troubles. As you know a Muslim lady is obliged to cover her body decently, avoid any behavior that is immoral and tempting to keep the predators away but if you do the contrary and chat with men without shy and give them a deceptive smile you are opening a leeway for the hungry predators, in the short run it may look fashionable and in line with campus “civilization” but in the long run when the dust settles and dawn for reality breaks you are the one who will regret. When Allah talked about zinaa women were mentioned first this shows that they are the agent that can stop or spread the vice. In

an agreement there are offer and acceptance, when you display your beauty to the world you are putting yourself on an offer and the those who get attracted are just accepting the offer, therefore you will be the culprit for the sin committed even though the man who falls for your offer will not be innocent but you and him will be pari delicto (equally guilty). Based on their behavior, men became creative and classified ladies into two; wife material and girlfriend material. The respected ladies who practice their religion avoid illegal relationships and the company of the wicked ones are the ones referred to as wife material and they are the dream of every man to have that type as a wife and the of desire of every brother to have that kind of a sister and the prayer of every parent to have such kind of a daughter. The ill-natured one who is found amidst men who are not her next of kin, who is available in places which are abomination and disgusting for a lady to be found, who involves herself in an illegal and degrading relationship is the one they call girlfriend material, this category is dreaded by men to have as their wives and abhorred by every brother to have as a sister and detested by every parent to be associated with as their daughter. The repercussion of being a girlfriend is that it has a lifetime effect. You are degraded by a boy/ man who do not value you and have no intention of accompanying to your legitimate nuptial bed but dump you


for a younger and fresh one while you are becoming “older and stale”. The worst part of it is that no one else is ready to go down the aisle with a girl who did not preserve herself as bad information spread like bush fire and this is one reason your marriage may delay as everybody avoids you like a plague including the one whom you spent your “heyday” together. You will witness the wedding of many of your age mate and you can only wish such decent weddings. It is my prayer that you adhere to the Islamic teaching and avoids imitating those who went astray, book hostel rooms with pious and righteous Muslim friends who will advice you and lead you by examples, avoid the friendship of those who will lead you to the wrong path by so doing you will enjoy brilliant future with no regrets in this world and in the hereafter you will save yourself and your brothers from hell fire. Your loved ones including your parents will all be all in jubilation, happy and jolly if you graduate with your moral CV reading excellent in line with your academic success. In case of any transgression you have to repent and never repeat, every saint has a past and every sinner has a future and the future is now. The prophet (PBUH) said every human being commits a sin and the best of the sinners are those who repent. The writer is a finalist in the school of business and economics

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enya is no doubt a new state not because its clothed by mega engineering arts and structures like the so called Thika super high way nor they got a vision they found within a coalition government called vision 2030, after all its clear that grand coalition is worth than a unitary thing such as “Chama cha baba na mama”, since “consultation” was key issue on their marriage. We now have a new constitution and the nation is born again, so every citizen can feel proud in one way or another; I mean the constitution, they say everybody should act upon it, whether you voted YES or NO and for those who never voted because they had their noble time to look after their worth assets like camels, you are not spared too since the majority have said yes and they called it democracy. My fellow marginalized men to be on precise by extension you voted yes even if some of you did not vote at all. I wish to share with you a critical

thing about what the Kenyan preponderance decided for you which is about giving guidelines as far as taming you and your camel is concern within this piece of land called Kenya, that is the layman definition of this constitution and so is who will rule you my fellow men. Business is not as usual now and the government is no longer based in Nairobi as per your imaginations, they say service closer to the people and the people participation is key in governance and so the government in Nairobi will shift to your county meaning you will have Kibaki ,Kalonzo and Marende like in your own county backyard with decorated names as governor, deputy governor and county assembly and every Kenya county will have piece of such structure in their own county while the central government in Nairobi will work with the senators, area MP and women representatives, but now relieved from the burden of duty and so the usual say of “serikali iingilie Kati” will end there. You will be


left in the hand of your own “serikali ndogo” to either expound or exploit you. The central government will be watching the steps of every “serikali” at county level for constructive competition on social economic and even political indicators and then ranks you according to how you utilize your resources and in turn empower your people on other essential central roles like education and healthcare. I know my fellow marginalized men will disagree with this counties competition arrangement and claim: for any competition fair ground is what gives it credibility; even in the world of Olympic the runners shall start the race at a level bar at the same time, equally in football the playing teams shall play in equal number unlike Kenya counties competition. But wait this is not a new concern my fellow men even the central government knows the inequality involved and they called us funny names like marginalized and minority and do I had them right saying you will earn

15% extra allocation as compared to the developed competitors. Now you see democracy is forged you can’t compete in this unfair ground afer all your history is known; you are known for all negative ends, tribal clashes, hunger, diseases, refugees, massacres, shifta war, MRC, extra judicial killings and where you are going is determined by your history: you are unequal partner in this competition and so shall we drop out of the race and claim republic? NO come on marginalized men! we tried it before and even others who share the same marginalization are trying it today as an option but is not anywhere near the solution. Legal Republic already you are my thrilled people; you have it in terms of the decision making opportunity and the government structure to implement it within your own county. It was an opportunity that was denied before which left you in this situation and gave you the identity through your history as non potential to these race run by the rest of the counties. I know it’s a difficult journey but it’s never impossible, even to earn GOD’s heaven the path is not an easy one for every believer, though with difficulties others still make it and the difference is due to the efforts planted in the past. We may not have a proud past like other Kenyans to steer us through this race but with belief and early preparations, we stand a chance to catch up the rest. The devolved government will be more tragic if not carefully handled,

peace is never granted in Kenya as a whole, leave alone our troubled forgeted land, the mhushimiwa’s are more than before, thus consensus and dialogue is the sober way not the forged democracy preached by the west and majority minded figures. Corruption and self-interest is not the way forward but the answer lies on integrity in our affairs. Let’s enforce our strength (strongholds) and reform from our weakness on social economic and political lifestyle. One or two setbacks are already happening in the new error of the so called constitutional dispensation, internal security is more alarming and military trends of the massacre style is evidenced in some part of the region where the residents property were reduced to ashes, may be according to their enemy they were above the expected poverty line. Therefore it’s time we stand together and face those who derailed us out of the race than to concentrate on one another’s whims. Let’s see the larger picture and have a common ground to fight against one adversary; this is how nationalism is created and nations were built. We have a legal republic on which we can decide its fate is either we fall out of the race or endeavor to succeed since the blame game of the central government is over, it’s time to administer our affairs wisely. The writer is a finalist pursuing community development in the school of Arts and Social Sciences and the features editor of Al-Siraj Magazine.

We now have a new constitution and the nation is born again, so every citizen can feel proud in one way or another;

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reminisce about one serene afternoon after my usual siesta; I got out of my rather vanished room in hostel H on my way to the ground for the normal ‘ligi ndogo’. On the way I burst into a friend or for that matter a Muslim comrade whom we haven’t met for sometime, after the usual chit chat we engaged in a banter concerning the place of religion in our campus. “Excuse me, who is your role model?” I enquired seemingly confused and rather furious about his response concerning the beautiful religion of Islam. He confidently quipped “lily Wayne”. He added salt to my injury and I was left wondering, “How can a sane Muslim regard such a man as his role model”? The aforementioned scene is a clear testimony of the rotten Muslim youths of the 21st century. Why can’t we regard great personalities in the Muslim history who have left a trail on the phase of this universe as our role models?

Allow me to pick on some few great men who went far down the road of achievement both in their worldly affairs and that of their hereafter. Didn’t you hear about Imam Bin Qayyim Al Jawziya (rahimahullah); a chemist, an astronomer, a philosopher and above all a Muslim devout who due to his influence in the teaching of Islam and his saying earned himself a name ‘the scholar of the heart’. Comrade, why not have a glimpse of such a man’s life and follow in his footsteps? As I conclude let me throw the ball in your court. Choice and not chance will determine our destiny; we choose what we want in life and let’s choose the best. Islam is the best, and the Sunnah of the prophet (S.A.W) as the best Islamic tenets is the best. The writer is a first year student in School of Human Resource Development.


Choice and not chance will determine our destiny; we choose what we want in life and let’s choose the best.



he framework of Islamic thought represents a comprehensive view of life and the universe. A Muslim is therefore required to acquire both religious and worldly knowledge. In fact, Islam advocated knowledge at a time when the whole world was engulfed in ignorance. In a matter of years, the early generation of Muslims became a learned and refined people, for Islam had awakened in them the faculty of intellect. Those early Muslims understood from the teachings of their religion that useful knowledge is necessary for the benefit of the self and of humanity. Hence, they pursued it to such a degree that they surpassed other nations in development and productivity and carried the torch of civilization for many centuries. Muslim history abounds with examples of scientific and cultural ingenuity. Muslims inherited the knowledge of the nations that came before them, developed it and placed it in the context of a precise moral framework. Muslim


scholarship made a vital contribution to the enrichment and advancement of human civilization. While Europe was still in the dark ages, religious Muslims were making great advances in the fields of medicine, mathematics, physics, astronomy, geography, architecture, literature, and history documentation to mention but a few. Many important new procedures were transmitted to medieval Europe from Muslim regions, such as Arabic numerals with the principle of the zero vital to the advancement of mathematics and the use of algebra. Sophisticated instruments, including the astrolabe and the quadrant, as well as good navigational maps, were first developed by Muslims. Only after people lost sight of their religious beliefs and obligations did the scientific achievements of the Muslim world cease and fall into obscurity. Similarly, Islam does not now oppose any modern inventions that are beneficial to mankind. It is sufficient 1434 A.H/2013

Al-Sira -Sirajj Al

While Europe was still in the dark ages, religious Muslims were making great advances in the fields of medicine, mathematics, physics, astronomy, geography, architecture, literature, and history documentation to mention but a few.

that they be used in the name of God and for His cause. In reality, machines, instruments and devices have no religion or homeland. They can be used for either good or bad objectives, and the way they are used can affect much of the earth’s population. Even something as simple as a glass can be filled either with a nourishing drink or with a poison. Television can provide education or immorality. It is up to the user to decide, and a Muslim is commanded to make good use of all the means at his disposal while being prohibited from causing harm to himself or others. Failure to use the proper means towards benefit is, in effect, a deprecation of Islamic teachings. A truly Islamic government is required to the best of its ability to provide all means that promote adequate education for its citizens. Education is a right for all individuals and the required moral duty of every capable Muslim. All able, intelligent and skilled individuals in an Islamic society are required to educate themselves not only in the basics of their religion but in necessary worldly affairs. Further, it is obligatory upon qualified people to study every beneficial field of knowledge. For example, since every society needs doctors, it becomes obligatory for some people to go into the field of medicine to fulfill the needs of society. Advancements in science and technology are among the ways and means to achieve development of the Muslim world. Islam calls upon Muslims to pursue knowledge in the broadest sense of the word. Prophet Muhammad said, “Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim.”[Narrated by Ibn Majah] He also said, “For one who treads a path to knowledge, Allah will make easy the path to Paradise.”[Narrated by Muslim] And the Qur’an contains numerous references to knowledge and its importance, such as: “Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day are signs for those of understanding.”[3:190] “Say, ‘Are those who know equal to those who do not know?’”[39:9] “Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge by degrees.”[58:11]


Qur’anic verses encourage study and contemplation of the universe that surrounds us and is particularly concerned with those sciences that give human beings the ability to benefit from the world around them. While encouraging investigation, the Qur’an contains references to a variety of subjects which have been shown to be scientifically accurate. This is the fulfillment of God’s statement over 14 centuries ago: “We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth.”[Q41:53] Thus, when a Muslim has a sincere and wholesome intention to obtain knowledge, it will also have a positive effect on his faith for knowledge reinforces textual evidence for the existence of the almighty Creator and assists in appreciation of the many scientific allusions found in the Qur’an. There has never been an established scientific fact that contradicted the teachings of Islam. Whatever modern science discovers only increases the Muslim’s knowledge of God’s magnificent creation. Thus, Islam actively encourages scientific endeavors and the study of God’s signs in nature. It also welcomes beneficial technological advances and allows people to enjoy the fruits of human ingenuity. To a Muslim, conflict between science and religion is impossibility, for religion comes from God and so does His system of creation and development. The modern, purely materialistic approach to scientific and technological advancement has indeed granted man a measure of physical comfort, but not mental or spiritual comfort. Islam advocates the incorporation of knowledge within a just and balanced value system where anything beneficial for one’s spiritual and worldly improvement is encouraged and advocated. Let’s seek for more knowledge, pursue science and technology in the light of Islam my beloved brothers and sisters. The writer is a finalist in the school of Arts and Social sciences and the production Manager of Al-Siraj Magazine.


“Honey has tremendous medicinal value, because it washes away the harmful substances that might be collected in the veins and the intestines.


oney is one of the greatest medicinal blessings which Allah has bestowed upon mankind. It is not only a great remedy, but also a great means of prevention against numerous illnesses. In addition to its vast range of medical benefits, it is also one of the most delightful sources of natural sugar, minus harmful side effects. The Noble Qur’an informs of its remedial qualities in the above verse from Surah al-Nahl, meaning ‘the Bee’. It explains the bees’ submissive trait in following Allah’s instruction, to collect nectar and pollen and then travel straight back to its hive.


And then Allah says “Truly in this is a sign for those who reflect,” – Regarding this, as quoted from the tafseer of Hafiz ibn Kathir, it is explained; “Meaning, in the fact that Allah inspires this weak little creature to travel through the vast fields and feed from every kind of fruit, then gather it for wax and honey, which are some of the best things - in this is a sign for people who think about the Might and Power of the

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Al-Siraj bee’s Creator, Who causes all of this to happen. From this, they learn that He is the Initiator, the All-Powerful, the All-Wise, the All-Knowing, the Most Generous, the Most Merciful.” The Numerous Wonders of Honey Extracted from the al-Tibb al-Nabawi (Prophetic Medicine) by Imam ibn Qayyim al-Jawziya: “Honey has tremendous medicinal value, because it washes away the harmful substances that might be collected in the veins and the intestines. Honey, in addition, dissolves excess moisture, is beneficial as a drink and as an ointment. It is of great value for the elderly, and those suffering from phlegm and cold moods or condition (chills). Adding to all these benefits that we mentioned, honey does not have any side effects, nor harm except for those suffering from bile and who should take it with vinegar to neutralize its harm. Honey is, in addition, a food, a drink, a sweet, a remedy, a type of refreshment and an ointment, along with its numerous medicinal values. Therefore, there is no other substance that is more beneficial than honey or that even rivals its value. This is why the people of old relied on honey, for most of the books of old do not mention sugar, as this was discovered in modern times.” Uses & Application of Honey 1.Stomach and abdominal illness Regarding the application and usage of honey, one of its main uses is for abdominal maladies, as taught by the best of teachers to mankind, the Beloved Messenger of Allah. Honey is proven to ease and treat ulcers, acid reflux, cramps and other abdominal discomfort. The Prophetic medicine also teaches us its ability to cure loose bowels. A very effective treatment which provides instant relief for general stomach pain and discomfort is to drink a mixture of warm water and honey. This causes the stomach to settle and soothes it almost immediately. 2.General well-being It is recommended to drink and apply honey even when one is healthy, for overall health benefits, and also because it is a great means of prevention from stomach problems etc, as described above in the extract from Imam ibn Qayyim. Furthermore, the Beloved Messenger of Allah used to like honey and it was his Sunnah to drink it. This therefore increases the benefits and reward for one who implements its use with the niyyah of also following his blessed example. 3.Skin care Honey is a great natural antioxidant, making it extremely effective in improving skin condition and increasing the radiance in its complexion. It has also been proved as a truly effective treatment for burns, minor acne and for eliminating scars. The different ways to apply honey for skin benefits range from simply applying it directly, either to the whole face or an affected area, or mixing it into a facial mask e.g. with natural yogurt, which should be left to work for 10-15 minutes before rinsing. This natural process rejuvenates skin without any harm

or side effects, and is ideal for every skin type due to its pure nature. This is very unlike many of the commercial products sold today, and still even more effective in boosting the skin’s condition. 4.Coughs and chest infections Honey is again one of the oldest yet most effective remedies for coughs and chest infections. It clears phlegm and improves immunity levels, making breathing easier and treating such ailments effectively. One of the most common ways to use honey for coughs or chest infections is to drink a mixture of several teaspoons in a mug of hot water. Another effective method is to take a teaspoon of honey several times a day or with half a teaspoon of crushed ginger to further help ease. The writer is a student in the school of Agriculture and Bio-technology at Sacred Training Institute, Bungoma




n the beginning such cases of pupils/ students being chased from school for wearing hijabs were only heard in foreign countries like France. Well! Guess what, it is now happening in the countries we are in at the moment. Not long ago we heard and saw it in the media sources that pupils/students were sent back home from some schools for being in hijabs. An example of these schools is Kenya High that did the same to some of its Muslim students. It is sad to say that some of our Muslim learners are willing to sacrifice their religion and face such humiliation just to get the western education; more worrying is the support they get from their parents. So mine is to try and show such mistaken Muslim what a grave mistake they are committing by doing so. So what is THE HIJAB AND WHY IS IT A MUST? So what is this hijab? For the non-believers they would go ahead to say that, the hijab is just a piece of clothing that is used to restrict the freedom of women to their beauty. Indeed literally the hijab is a cloth but according to DR. Muhammad Ismail in his book (THE HIJAB…WHY?) it is a critical aspect of a firm protection for the believing women from falling down to the lowest levels of humilities. The hijab is obligatory clothing for the believers, since Allah (SWT) ordered that women put on hijab where He says… “And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things) and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) and not to show off their adornment except what must (ordinarily) appear thereof, that they should draw their veils over their Juyubihinna.”(QU’RAN 24: 31)

“And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things) and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) and not to show off their adornment except what must (ordinarily) appear thereof, that they should draw their veils over their hinna.”(QU’RAN 24: 31)

VIRTUES OF THE HIJAB 1.It is an act of OBEDIENCE to Allah’s order 2.It is Iffah (MODESTY) for the apparent beauty of a woman is harmful for her 3.It is Tahara (PURITY) for the hearts of believers as it screens against heartly desires 4.It is a Sitr’ (SHIELD) against the spread of evil manifested by display of beauty to strangers 5.It is Taqwa (RIGHTOUSNESS) as it manifests the order of Allah to believing women to safeguard their bodies and cover their private parts 6.It is Iman (BELIEVE/FAITH) as Allah(SW) did not address his word about hijab except to the believing women(Almominat) 7.It is Haya’ (BASHFULNESS) which is part of the nature of women Muslim 8.It is Gheerah which is an integral part of Islam faith that drives the straight man to safeguard any Muslim women related or not from strangers OBLIGATORY CONDITIONS FOR AN ISLAM HIJAB 1.It must cover the body 2.It should not be of display in itself 3.Not transparent 4.Must be roomy and flowing and not tight 5.Must not be perfumed for the Prophet(S.A.W) says….”any woman who perfumes herself and passes by people that they smell her scent is a ZANNIYAH( Prostitute) 6.It should not resemble men’s wear as narrated by Abu-Huraira (R.A) that “The Prophet (SAAW) cursed the man who wears the dress of a woman and the woman who wears the dress of a man.” 7.It should not resemble garments of the Kuffar for “he who takes similitude of a certain people becomes one of them,” said Allah’s Messenger(S.A.W) 8.Not for fame for Allah (S.W.T) will make you wear a garment of humility on the day of resurrection and set him/her ablaze. 9.Watch out for concealed ways of display as many consider what they wear now wrongly as hijab. Women should be cautious of these modern/contemporary hijab The writer is a student in the School of arts of and social sciences


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pronounced sheikh asked this question in a Moi University Student Rally some years back. His eventual conclusion that indeed, money does not bring happiness. But in my heart, I disagreed with him. And the more I thought about it, the more I became etched in my opinion. I do not argue here that the answer is wrong; I just strongly feel that the question itself is flawed. This is because happiness is grossly over-rated. The prophet said so himself. In a hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah: Allah’s apostle said: ‘the world is a prison-house for the believer and paradise for a non-believer.’ And where has our love for soft, easy lives come from anyway? Wealth, on the other hand, is a different story. The pillars of Islam are the shahada, swalah, zakat, sawm and hajj. The zakkah is the annual tax the rich give to the poor, one of the purposes of sawm is for the rich to feel the burden and suffering of the poor, and hajj is mandatory for the affording and able. Isnt it then obvious? That it stands to reason that a bare minimum of resources are required for one to practice all aspects of religion…. The ashabi of the prophet’s time realised this. In a hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah: “some people came to the prophet and said ‘the wealthy will get higher grades and will have permanent enjoyment and they pray like us and fast as we do. They have more money by which they perform Hajj and Umra; fight and struggle in Allah’s cause and give in charity.’ The prophet said ‘Shall I not tell you a thing upon which if u acted you would catch-up with those who hav surpassed you?’ ” And the Rasool (saw) asked them to recite 33 tasbeeh, 33 tahmeed and 33 takbeer after salah. But when the poor returned to the prophet after they discovered that the wealthy also made these recitations after salah, the prophet told them to be patient as it is Allah (sw) who decides everyone’s destiny.


So therefore, it is completely beyond me why a sheikh would stand on a student platform and attempt to dampen their quest for wealth. And in this age, where so many poor need feeding and clothing, wells need digging and madrassa teachers need paying. Who then, if not us, will come through for the religion? Ironically, it is the same breed of sheikhs that experience first-hand how their daawa initiatives stall and collapse in the absence of proper financing. Wouldn’t it be ideal and prudent, if some of us with proper iman and ideals went forth and dedicated our efforts in search of wealth for Allah (sw) and the causes we believe in? It is absurd, as it is inaccurate to conceive that our religion is against grand ambition. For it is Islam that turned the illetrate, pagan hordes of Quraish into a resounding force that was poised to conquer all of Arabia and beyond. And Islam has provides adequate guidance on how to deal with excess wealth * and power. So why do we hold back? Unfortunately, the fault lies only with ourselves. Our culture is one that values words over actions. One who is quick in noticing flaws in society, and complains all day about how bad things are is hailed as religious with utmost faith; while the one who toils endlessly, building the religion brick by brick is largely ignored and forgotten. Allah (sw) knows best. I desperately long for the heydays of Islam to return. When the faithful led the Ummah by solid example in all walks of life, and were never satisfied in contributing just by words. Interestingly, the sheikh finished up his talk in the rally that day by sharing his thoughts on why muslims lagged behind in the world today. Unfortunately, he forgot to mention his own contribution to that. *I doubt if such a thing exists. The writer is a 4th Year Student at Moi University,School of Medicine




n the scheme of creation, every being that comes into existence develops and grows in struggle and adversity right from the first day of its life until the time when it attains to the apex of its perfection. This is a law of nature that rules over all existents. Every person is inclined to select the shortest route to success in life and to get the fastest results from his/ her efforts. But in any enterprise one cannot shorten his/her route without patience and reach the desired objective. There is no possibility of progress or development without this moral virtue. Patience is one of the most important actions of the heart mentioned in the Qur’an. Because of its importance, patience is regarded as half of one’s religious life (the other half is thankfulness). The Qur’an

orders patience in many verses, such as: “seek help in patience and prayer” (NOBLE QURAN 2:45) and: “Endure, vie with each other in endurance (Q3:199). Anyone who desires to achieve success and lead a fruitful existence, whether he/she is a person of ordinary talents or someone endowed with exceptional creativity, will power, intelligence and genius, must cultivate patience by drawing inspiration from the working of the system of creation. With wisdom and a realistic outlook, he/she should view life in its vast and resplendent panorama. A great work is never accomplished instantaneously and spontaneously. A huge amount of energy and time is required to implement big plans and to bring valuable undertakings to fruition. A short-lived effort, however brilliant, will not result in lasting


success. Yes, it is by self-reliance and endurance that one can remove all the kinds of obstacles from the path of progress and plow through adversity and hardship, because victory is always associated with a series of problems and impediments. We observe some people achieve remarkable success in life, while there are some who languish behind the caravan of life. The basic difference between those who succeed and others who fail lies in the quality of their efforts and to the extent of their steadfastness in the face of life’s adverse factors. There are many people who, instead of thinking of a solution, come to a standstill as soon as they encounter a small obstacle on their way, although they possess real and remarkable abilities; or they act in a haphazard manner

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“In the same way as the best and strongest tools are forged with the help of the heat of a furnace, so also noble morals develop in the straits of hardship. The greater the hardness and brilliance of a diamond, the more is the friction required to grind it”.

without accomplishing with seriousness and steadfastness any of the tasks that they undertake. Their morality is always shaky and accompanied with a lack of confidence. Negligence and default have become second nature with them. Such people never achieve success in life. Life is a relentless and intense struggle extending from the first phases of life to its last moments. Patience and fortitude is the most effective weapon in this unceasing battle. Victory on this battlefield belongs to those who are courageous and unflinching and who do not succumb to obstacles under any condition. No matter how frequent they may stumble and fall, they rise up and continue their endeavor and overcome difficulties with sagacity and levelheadedness. If our spiritual capacities be of a mediocre or even a poor quality and should we be of quite ordinary intelligence, fortitude can strengthen and complement our personality. The removal of one obstacle and the solution of a problem prepare us further for facing new obstacles and create a measure of inner resilience. EVERY SMALL TASK THAT WE ACCOMPLISH ADDS TO THE MOMENTUM OF THE FLYWHEEL OF OUR ACTIVITY, GUIDES US TOWARDS BIGGER AND WORTHIER TASKS, and gives greater preparedness to our minds in combating problems and pursuing our goals. Dr. Marden describes the role of adversity in the development of man’s spiritual faculties in these words: “In the same way as the best and strongest tools are forged with the help of the heat of a furnace, so also noble morals develop in the straits of hardship. The greater the hardness and brilliance of a diamond, the more is the friction required to grind it”. Kant, the German philosopher and economist, says: “A pigeon in its flight considers the air to be the only hindrance in its way; it imagines that had there been no air it would have flown faster and with greater ease. Yet without the air it would have been unable to fly in a vacuum and would fall to the ground. Hence the same element that poses resistance to the pigeon in its flight is basically that which makes flight at all possible”. The effort to climb to an elevated station is greatly valuable: even if one fails to reach his/her intended goal, such effort would make him/her stronger. An encounter with great events may lead


lethargic persons who do not use their brains and have no aim in life to acquire unprecedented abilities and success in life. Often a young person when faced with his/her father’s death or the loss of wealth or some other calamity loses the crutches that he/she leaned upon and acquires an unusual and remarkable vigour. Imprisonment has often revealed the hidden fire that lay in many individuals. When God wishes to train a man and raise him/her to a high station, He sends him/her to the school of necessity and need, not to that of ease and good fortune. Take two acorns each of which has been plucked from the same oak tree and which are almost identical. Plant them in two separate places, one on a mountain slope and another in a dense forest. Then observe how their roots grow. The oak tree that grows on the mountainside where it has to withstand wind, rain, and storms, runs its roots in all directions and grows into a sturdy and shadowy tree. But the oak planted in the woods, since it is situated under the shadow of other trees, grows to be lean and weak. In the same way, take two boys who are about similar and bring them up in two different places. That is, put one of them in an environment where he is forced to face hard and difficult conditions right from his childhood and is deprived of wealth or any kind of supports. Such a boy, should he stumble and fall, will get up again with a firmer determination, like a ball which bounces to a greater height the more forcefully it is hit against the ground. The greater the obstacles he encounters, the more determined he will become. But the other child brought up with ease and plenty and in the care of team of nurses, who got everything he desired and lots of money, will be less resistant in the face of hardship and will break down sooner. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, if we need success not only in this world but also in the hereafter, we have to come out of our comfort zones, prepare and expect the hardships that will come along and face them with courage, perseverance, patience, hope, constant prayer towards ALLAH and make ISLAM to be our way of life. This will be the only solutions for our problems and success. The writer is a finalist in the school of Business and Economics.

WAFUATENI NANYI MTAONGOKA BY FATUMA MKWARIZA “Kwa jina la Mwenyezi Mungu mwingi wa rehema na mwenye kurehemu” Abdur Rahman bin Auf (radhi za Allah ziwe juu yake)alisema kwamba alimsikia Mtume Muhammad (rehma na amani zimshukie yeye)akisema “Abu-Bakr ataingia peponi, Uthman ataingia peponi, Umar ataingia peponi, Ali ataingia peponi, Twalha ataingia peponi, Zubeir ataingia peponi, Abdur Rahman bin Auf ataingia peponi, Sa’ad bin Waqqas ataingia peponi, Sa’id bin Zaid ataingia peponi na Abu ‘Ubaida bin Al-Jarrah ataingia peponi.” (Tirmidhi na Ibn Majah) Radhi za Mwenyezi Mungu Bwana wa viumbe ziwe juu yao. Mashallah walibashiriwa pepo ikiwa bado wa ngali hai na haikutokea hata siku moja wakachoka kumuomba Allah kwa dhati, wala wakamkufuru,wala kumfanyia mzaha katika ibada zao. Walimfuata na kumpenda Mtume (SAW) kwa kila hali na mali, wakaitetea dini yake kwa uta na upanga bila ya kulalamika. Hawakuweweseka wala kutingishika katika kutetea haki za wanyonge. Twaweza sema ,walkua wamekamilika kiimani. Kwenye vitabu vya riwaya, wamemiminiwa sifa furi furi. Walikua mashujaa walioogopewa na kuheshimiwa. Tuchukue mfano wa Umar bin Al-Khatab(r.a) aliogopewa mpaka na Iblisi kwa sababu alikuwa mwenye imani ya dini, mkali na mwenye nguvu. Leo hii Ibilisi kafanya nyoyo zetu uwanja wa kuchezea. Yuwajacheza anapotaka na hucheza mchezo anaojisikia tukajikuta twafanya mambo ambayo hata hayaingii akilini;badala ya kuchekesha yahuzunisha. Maswahaba walimuogopa Allah (sw),walilokatazwa walilikimbia na kujitenga nalo kama ukoma.walikuwa wenye upendo na hekima. Waadilifu kama hao hakuna. Sifa hizi hazikubadilika hata baada ya wao kubashiriwa pepo. Tujiulize mimi na wewe,leo hii

tukaja bashiriwa pepo(Allah nakutaka msamaha kama nasema kufru) tutakuaje? Naona kitakua kizaazaa, tutakua twanyoosha miguu utafikiri twapiga makuti;hatuswali,hatufungi ,tupo tu. Kwa nini tufanye ibada na pepo ni yetu? Tutakua twajiuliza. Lile tuliloharamishiwa tutalifanya halali. Kisha, tutajifanya wasomi kumsuta yule atakae tukumbusha turudi kwa Allah kwa kumuuliza maswali ya kejeli kama, “mbwa wamletea chumo ndani ya nyumba atatoka nje kutafuta nini?” Subhana Allah!tunasahau kabisa hata twajiita mbwa. Sisi wenyewe pepo hatuna uhakika nayo na mambo ni kama yalivyo. Imani zetu dhaifu. Tukikatazwa hili twazua lingine jipya lisilo na msingi , ilimradi tu. Wasia wa wazee na mashekhe wetu waangukia “deaf ears” kama wamombo wanavyosema. Ama huingia kwa sikio moja,tena kwa dhiki na taabu manake saa zingine hua hatusikizi yale tunayoambiwa,na kutoka kwa sikio lengine kwa urahisi wa kutambaa nyoka nyasini. Hatuyazingatii kabisaa tunayoambiwa. Tumepewa tahadhari ya kuwa mwenye kukosa kipindi kimoja cha swala atapata adhabu ya miaka 80 motoni. Subhana –Allah! mimi na wewe tumekosa vipindi vingapi vya swala ? Tena kwa sababu za kipuuzi. Swala twazifanyia masikhara,tukiwa na dhiki imani yapanda asilimia mia. Allah akiturudia matakwa yetu, haooo! sisi twaingia mitini. Japo tuliambiwa “heri dhiki inayokuletea karibu na Allah kuliko faraja inayokupeleka mbali naye” basi hivi?? Tuzingatie swala zetu kwani ni ufunguo wa imani. Ya Allah tujaalie tuwe miongoni mwa waswalihina. Wanawake nasi twajua adhabu ya kuacha nywele wazi,lakini wacha niwakumbushe sisi pia ni binadamu, sahau ni katika umbile letu;twenda jibu kwa kila unywele tuliouacha wazi ukaonekana na wasiokua maharimu zetu,tutakwenda ning’inizwa kwa nywele zetu huku tukichemshwa miili


kwa maji moto,Subhana-Allah! (Ya Allah tunusuru na adhabu za moto wa jahannam). Lakini bado baada ya kuambiwa haya yote hijabu siku hizi twazifanyia utani. Eti twazifunga ‘kidesign’. Design gani zakuacha nywele wazi? Twafunika nywele nusu twabakisha kishungi ili walimwengu nao waone nasi tuna nywele. Nywele gani basiii?? Tunkwenda zitia kemikali kisha tukazimiminia mafuta zikawa kama kifaranga aliyenyeshewa, zingine ngumu kama nyasi kavu. Waliokua na nywele nzuri MaashaAllah walizifunika wakafurahishia nazo waume zao. Twaringia nani?? Wanaume kwa wanawake siku hizi twashindana kwa urembo. Mke akipaka “carolite”, mwanamume ywapaka “fair and handsome”, mke akivaa “pensil” mume avaa “tight jeans”, mke akidunga sindano kutengeza umbo namba 8 mume yuadunga yake ya six pack,tuweje jamani? Mke akitia kibandiko kwenye nywele mume anyoa baloteli. Haturidhiki tulivyoumbwa. Tumesahau ya kwamba Mtume (saw) kasema “Allah amemlaani yeyote atakae badilisha maumbile yake na amemlaani mume atakaye jifanya mke na mke atakaye jifanya mume.” ‘Uthman’ na ‘Umar’ na ‘Fatma’ wa siku hizi ni balaa. Majina makubwa makubwa lakini kucha kutwa watamani, wala sio kuwa kama maswahaba bali watamani raha za dunia. Mtume(saw) kasema “bora katika umma wangu ni wale watakao niamini pasi na kuniona. ” Tuifwateni Qur’an na sunnah jameni. Na akasema tena Mtume (saw) “ maswahaba zangu ni kama nyote wafwateni nanyi mtaongoka.” Tabia zao ni za kuigwa. Wamombo watuambia “borrow a leaf”,nami nawaulizeni mbona jani moja ilhali mti wote wapendezaa??? The writer is a 3rd year electrical and electronics engineering student in the school of Engineering. 1434 A.H/2013


Al-Sira -Sirajj Al



ho would have believed that a year has gone by so unbelievable fast? People say they are used to sign 2012 and now it’s 2013, 365 days have passed by so quickly. I didn’t even feel it. Allah (SWT) reminds us in the holy Quran that it is He who made the day and night alternate and that towards the end of time Allah will take the blessing of time. The blessing of time will be stretched so much as that a year will pass by so quickly as if it’s a month, a month as if it’s a week, a week as if it’s a day and a day as if it’s a moment Subhanaallah! Many people are caught off guide that the month is over and it’s time to pay rent. However,they are not even over with the rent of last month and its already time to pay the rent of this month. Imam fakhruddin Razi was once walking in the market and he heard a man shouting O people please come and buy time for I am selling time, Razi is thinking to himself that the man is a fool. How does one sell time? He decided to go to him and see how he sells time, he got to him and the man was selling ice. For every minute which passes by he loses money. That was when Razi believed when Allah said by the token of time indeed man is in loss. Many times we don’t appreciate time, so beautifully it was once said that if you want to know the value of a year asks a student who has failed that year means a lot to that student. If you want to know the values of a month, ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby because for her, that month does matter. If you want to appreciate the value of a week

ask a journalist of a weekly magazine who has not met his deadline. Similarly if you want to know the value of a day, ask a husband or a wife who is eagerly waiting for his/ her spouse to come from a journey, Subhanaallah! To appreciate a minute ask a person who has just missed a flight by a minute and ask a person who has just escaped an accident by a second to know its value, and if you want to know the value of a millisecond ask an athletic who just missed gold by millisecond. What do we need time for? Sometimes we think of time as the amount alluded to us so that we can squeeze in more events in it. I can get this and this done in an hour, Mashaallah! That is just maximizing on time. We invent fast devices as planes, computers to mention a few with the view to operationalizing things fast and saving much time. The important question to ask is, “where is the time we saved?” We really didn’t save time but what we did is we just rushed ourselves. There is more to life than just increasing the speed of life. The prophet (SAW) said: “Two things which are of valuable to a man are time and healthy living, so make good use of them before seven calamities arise, these are: an ailment which damages your health, an old age which will harm your senses, sudden death, the Dajjal, starvation which will impair your wisdom, prosperity which will mislead you and the judgment day which indeed is the hardest”. Death does not make an

There is more to life than just increasing the speed of life. 17

appointment. It strikes suddenly and it will be our own loss to have lived the years Allah has given us only to go to hellfire. Allah says in the holy Quran: By (the token of) time verily man is in loss, except those who have faith, and do righteous deeds and (join together) in the mutual teaching of truth and of patience and constancy. (Q103:1-3). Many people have New Year’s resolution. Many people think a lot about the dunya, they say this year I want to hit the gym to be physical, some say this year I want to have a partner among other worldly affairs. Why don’t we say this year I want to be a better husband, wife, father, mother, son or daughter? Why don’t people say this year Insha’Allah I want a better relationship with ALLAH. It’s much better to give our family a quality time than a lifestyle. What good is it that we build and buy all this big expensive houses but we never take the time to make a home out of them? What good is it that we go out there and work so hard to bring in a lot of money but we never take the time to spend it with our families because we are always busy? With all that we have, what good is it then if we don’t give time to the one who created us? Every day that passes is a day closer to Allah, what we will answer when we face Him, for all the time he gave us here in the dunya? Let’s bring change into effect then. The writer is a 4th year Sociology student in the School of Arts and Social Sciences

G e r u t c i p

y r e l l a G



e are living in a period of time where an intolerant culture has sprung up and wants to dominate the world. It’s a culture that cannot co-exist with others and wants to severe the roots of other people and subject them to their will. The only thing standing in the way of this modern era colonialists is the light of Allah. It’s only islam if practised to the letter that can stand against this powerful but wicked ideology that only aims to be prevalent over others by using deception and propaganda. The most unfortunate thing about the western ideology is that if you resist it they send f16 bombers over you. You either accept their way of life or they inflict all kind of atrocities on you. Allah in his infinite knowledge and his vast mercy gave us a solution for a situation like this in his book. Allah the most high prescribed the physical jihad (qitaal) to prevent transgression, spread of corruption (of all kinds be it moral and all types of violation) and establish justice in the land. In this article I have compiled the works of different muslim scholars (may Allah preserve them) from various islamic publications with the aim of educating fellow muslim brothers and sisters on the objectives of jihad. This article in shaa Allah will answer frequently asked questions such as what is jihad and what are its aims and remove misconception about jihad that it is a war waged against non-muslims to force them into islam. THE FIRST OBJECTIVE OF JIHAD Elimination of Persecution Every Muslim is bound to continue fighting against the disbelievers as long as they in any part of the world have power and strength enough to persecute the Muslims and as long as a person desiring to accept Islam is reluctant to do so jut because he fears to be persecuted and tortured by the disbelieves and if he somehow enters the fold of Islam, he becomes a target of their (i.e. the disbelievers’) oppression. Allah the most glorified has said: And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah.

But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrong doers. (Al-Baqarah: 193) THE SECOND OBJECTIVE Dominance of Islam Until Islam as a Way of Life dominates the whole of the world and until Allah’s Law is enforced everywhere in the world, it is binding and incumbent upon the Muslims to fight on against the disbelievers. And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is all for Allah. But if they cease, then lo! Allah is Seer of what they do. (Al-Anfaal: 39) Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) has said: I have been ordained (by Allah) to fight on against people till they testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger, and they offer Salat perfectly, and pay Zakat, so if they perform all these, their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf except when justified by (Islamic) Law and their accounts and reckoning rests with Allah. (sahih Bukhari and Muslim) THE THIRD OBJECTIVE To Force the Disbelievers to Pay Jizya The Muslims are to go on fighting against the disbelievers till they feel themselves subdued and accept to pay the Jizya. Fight against those who (1) Believe not in Allah, (2) Nor in the Last Day, (3) Nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, (4) And those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture, until they pay Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued (Al-Tawbah: 29) THE FOURTH OBJECTIVE To Help the weak and the Oppressed If anywhere in the world, the weak and feeble are being oppressed and persecuted; it is incumbent on the Muslims to continue fighting against the oppressors till the weak and feeble are made free of this oppression and tyranny. And what is wrong with you that you


fight not in the Cause of Allah, and for those weak, ill-treated and oppressed among men, women and children, whose cry is: “Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors, and raise for us from you one who will protect, and raise for us from you one who will help. (Al-Nisa: 75) THE FIFTH OBJECTIVE To Seek Revenge for the Murder of a Muslim If the disbelievers kill a Muslim, revenge and retribution has been prescribed. To seek revenge on a disbeliever is binding except that he accepts Islam. O ye who believe “Retribution is prescribed for you in the matter of the murderer.” (Al-Baqarah: 178) In 6 A.H., the Messenger Allah (PBUH) approached Makkah with no other intention than to perform Umrah. He had no intention, at all, to fight, but the disbelievers would not allow him to perform Umrah. Even then he avoided fighting.He sent Uthman (God be Pleased with him) as an envoy to Makkah to negotiate. Negotiations prolonged and Uthman’s (God be Pleased with him) arrival was considerably delayed. The Muslims began to suspect a foul play o the part of the Quraish. Somehow they came to believe that Uthman (God be Pleased with him) had been murdered at the hands of the Quraish. When Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) learnt this news, he declared that they (the Muslims) would depart from that place only when they had taken the revenge for Uthman’s murder. Then fourteen hundred companions of the Prophet (PBUH) took a solemn pledge at the hand of the Prophet (PBUH) that they would sacrifice their lives to avenge the death of Uthman (God be Pleased with him). When the news of this pledge reached the disbelieves, they at once dispatched Uthman (God be Pleased with him) back to Allah’s messenger (PBUH) and his companions (God be Pleased with him).(Mukhtasar Seeratur Rasool) It goes without saying that the Muslims had taken this solemn pledge to avenge the death of Uthman (God be Pleased with him). 1434 A.H/2013

Al-Sira -Sirajj Al Allah the most high put his seal of approval and pleasure on this oath and made it public forever through the Holy Qur’an. Indeed, Allah was pleased with the believers when they gave their Bai’a (pledge) to you (O Muhammad PBUH) under the tree: (Al-Fath: 18) In 8 A.H. Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) sent Harith Bin Umair Azdi (God be Pleased with him) with a letter addressed to the ruler of Basra. On his way to Basra, he was intercepted and martyred by Shurahbeel Bin Amr Ghassani who was the governor of the Balqa of Sham (Syria) on behalf of the Caesar. When Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) got this sad news,he was greatly shocked. He at once arranged and organised an army of 3000 men. It was the largest army ever mobilized so far by the Prophet (PBUH) excepting the occasion of the War of the Trench (the Ghazwa of Al-Khandak). He (Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) appointed Zaid Bin Haritha to lead the army and ordered him to reach the scene of Harith’s murder. There he was, first, to invite the people of that place to enter the fold of Islam and believe in Allah and if they accepted this invitation, they were not to be harmed. Otherwise, the Muslims were to seek help from Allah and fight against them. This was the famous battle of Mauta and in it three thousand Muslims fought against two hundred thousand disbelieves. Three commanders of theMMuslim army were blessed with martyrdom one after the other. At last, Khalid Bin Waleed, the Sword of Allah, came forward, took the command of the Muslim army and Allah, at his hands, and granted victory to the Muslims. (Ar Raheeq Al Makhtoom) To teach a further lesson to the people of that area, Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) commanded to start yet another military campaign against the people of that place. This time Usama son of Zaid Bin Haritha was to lead the mission which was accomplished in the reign of Caliph Abu Bakr (God be Pleased with him). THE SIXTH OBJECTIVE To Punish those who violate their oaths If a nation break their pledge after giving word, it is incumbent on the Muslims to fight them. But it they violate their oaths after their covenant, and attack you religion with disapproval and criticism then

fight (you) the leaders of disbelief___ for surely their oaths are nothing to them ___ so that they may stop (evil actions). (Al-Tawba: 12) The Muslims who fight against the people who back their pledge and violate their oaths (after their covenant) have been promised six good things by Allah the most merciful. Fight against them so that (1) Allah will punish them by your hands and (2) disgrace them and (3) give you victory over them and (4) heal the breasts of a believing people, (5) and remove the anger of their (believers’) hearts (6) Allah accepts the repentance of whom He wills. Allah is all knowing, Wise. (Al-Tawba:14, 15) An 6 A.H. Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) came to a peace agreement with the Quraish of Makkah to be in effect for ten years. (For the cause of peace) he had agreed even to such hard and stiff terms as were very shocking to the Muslims.But, in 8 A.H., the Quraish, without caring and honouring a bit for the clauses and conditions of the treaty, participated in a military campaign against Banu Khuza’ah, a proven ally of the Muslims, and thus they broke their pledge. Upon this Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) invaded Makkah with ten thousand devoted and faithful companions and conquered it. Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) had reached an agreement for peace and mutual cooperation with the Jewish tribes that settled in Madina. But they (the Jews) refused to honor this peace treaty. Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) laid siege to Banu Qainuqa and Banu Nadhir. They, at last, surrendered themselves to the Prophet (PBUH) and he ordered them to leave Madina and settle somewhere else. Another Jewish tribe, Banu Qurayza (who had been the Prophet’s ally, but deserted to the hostile camp at the Battle of al Khandaq (The battle of the Trench) were also besieged by Allah’s Messenger. Their adult men were killed and women and children were taken prisoners. THE SEVENTH OBJECTIVE Fight to Defend against an external attack If a people launch an offensive against the Muslims, it is obligatory for the Muslims to fight to defend themselves. And fight in the Way of Allah those who fight you, but transgress not the limits.Truly,


Allah likes not the transgressors. (Al-Baqarah: 190) At the Battle of the Trench, when ten thousand disbelievers from all corners of Arabia attacked Madina, Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) commanded all the Muslims to participate in the battle to resist the aggression. At the battle of Tabuk, he commanded all the men who could fight to leave the Arabian Peninsula and fight the enemy who had attacked the Muslims. Despite the season which was very hot for the long journey. THE EIGHTH OBJECTIVE To Recapture the Occupied Territory If any territory belonging to the Muslims is occupied by the disbelievers, it is prescribed for the Muslims to drive the disbelievers out of that place and restore their possession of the land. And slay them wherever you find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out. (Al-Baqarah: 191) The battle banu Israeel fought under the command of Talut (whose mention has been made in Sura Al-Baqarah) had no other objective than to reclaim and repossess the Muslim territories. Allah The most high has approved and quoted the saying of the Mujahideen participating in this battle. They said: Why should we not fight in Allah’s way when we have been driven out of our dwellings with our children. (AlBaqarah: 246) The Muslims who were but a small group, by Allah’s Grace and Help, overwhelmed the disbelievers who were a mighty host. Dawood (peace be upon him) killed the enemy’s commander Jalut and put the disbelievers to rout. Though the immediate cause of the attack on Makkah by Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) was the violation of the conditions of the peace Treaty on part of the Makkans, yet the fact should not be disregarded that the Makkans had driven the Muslims out of their hearth and home in Makkah, so through the conquest of Makkah they, following the teachings of the Holy Qur’an, were able to get back their land. The writer is a 4th year strategic management student in the school of Human Resource Development.


Hijaz Dishes

ll praise is due to Allah (SWT), Lord of the heavens and the earth and may His mercy be upon our noble prophet Muhammad (SAW). Hijaz Dishes was officially and successfully opened for business as MUMSA’s first mega-project on 3rd February 2012.The main objective behind the establishment of this restaurant is to put an end to the Associations’ financial constraints and act as MUMSA’s backbone of financial growth. We seek to make the Association self-reliable and independent in order to enhance its activities such as the Annual Rally, Da’awah Programmes, and the Ramadhan Iftar Programme among others. After nearly 14 months of operation, the Project has given us a lot to learn about and at the same time shown us great potential to cater for the Associations needs. Despite various challenges that limited its growth, we are thankful to Allah (SWT) for it is with His help and guidance that we have been able to get through many hurdles. The major challenge limiting the growth of Hijaz Dishes has been inconsistency in the University’s academic calendar that has kept the progress of this great project lagging. Short breaks in the academic calendar have caused a drop in business profit since the restaurants success depends solely on the university population at large. We thank Allah (SWT) for guiding us through the challenges that have come our way. MUMSA as a family have been very supportive towards the project and I would like to thank all those members who have stood by and contributed their time, money and efforts towards this noble cause. And we pray to Allah (SWT) that this project continues to act as a platform to unify us as brothers and sisters in Islam and helps us become better muslims. As Allah (SWT) says in the Holy Quran : “by such people whom neither business nor business profit can divert from the remembrance of Allah, nor from establishing salah and nor from paying Zakah, for they fear the Day of Judgement when hearts will be overturned and eyes will be

petrified.” (Quran :24:37) We hope and pray that this great project keeps blossoming and prospering until a stage where it is financially stable as a business. To my dear brothers and sisters in MUMSA, hopefully with the grace of Allah (SWT) we shall dawn closer to the success of this project as long as we keep the struggle in the path of Allah (SWT) going. As Allah (SWT) says in the Holy Quran : ”O Prophet, tell them : If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your spouses, your relatives, the wealth that you have acquired, the business in which you fear a loss, and the homes which you like are dearer to you than Allah, His Rasool, and making Jihad (struggle) in His Way, then wait until Allah brings about His decision. Allah does not guide the transgressors.” (Quran : 9:24) Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the moral and support from our esteemed MUMSA members, the Executive Committee, the Hotel Committee, our Patron and all our sponsors and well wishers for their constant encouragement and assistance. Bilal Abdulaziz Varvani 5th Year Civil and Structural Engineering Chairman – Hijaz Dishes.


We hope and pray that this great project keeps blossoming and prospering until a stage where it is financially stable as a business

1434 A.H/2013





rom Kenya’s furthest corner, let me thank the Almighty Allah for giving me this great opportunity to have my first say in Al-Siraj Magazine. May I attribute my special acknowledgement to my brother Abass Sheikh Barre for the direction and insightful ideas with regards to the publishing of this article. Each morning the Allah showers His mercy upon us, even before the rays of sunlight reach our eyes. It is only through His mercy that we awaken from death itself. Each night, our souls leave our bodies only to be returned to us by the mercy and will of Allah Ta’ala. A process each and every one of us go through everyday yet we fail to realize the power of the being who is behind this process. It has been narrated on the authority of Hadhrat Abu Maalik Al-Haarith bin Al-Haarith al-Ash’aree (R.A) that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “...Every person starts his day as a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or causing its ruin.” [Sahih Muslim] The seeking of a permissible (Halal) livelihood is an obligation after

the obligatory acts (Faraa’idh)” On the authority of Hadhrat (R.A), the prophet (SAW) is reported to have also said: “If you placed your trust in Allah, in the manner in which He should be trusted, then He would arrange sustenance for you just as He provides for the birds; they leave in the morning with their stomachs empty and return with their stomachs filled in the evening.” [Sunan ut-Tirmidhi] On the other hand, the haram earnings are forbidden and those who earn haram by any means are said to be committing a grave sin. Verses of Quran and hadith are there to make people understand but people do not understand even after reading them. In fact, the Quran is made so sacred by people that they read them occasionally and instead of getting guidance or fearing Allah, they read Quran Arabic text without


understanding its meaning thus there is no proper reflection of what it forbids and what it enjoins. Today, corruption for instance is the biggest evil in our society and it’s too unfortunate that we made it a necessary evil and it has given rise to bribery. For the people who are bribed and who give money, both will go to hell as per the authentic hadith of the prophet Muhammad (SAW) which said that. “The one who takes money in bribe and the one who gives money in bribe will both be in hell fire”. Thus the haram earnings by any means are not only curse in this world but will be a curse in the hereafter as well. It is well known saying that the haram money is never blessed one. It goes from where it comes. This is very true, just look at the people around you who earn haram. Their life style will be a witness of their earnings. They will spend more and more and will be extravagant and there will come more troubles in their lives and they will spend even more to resolve those

troubles, and eventually, they die in the same state. But those who earn halal may earn small amount of money but even then they make it able to spend easily and throughout the period till they earn more. If money earned in haram and money earned in halal are both equal in measure and value at a given time, the halal money will be as if it is doubled or tripled and the haram money will be as if it is cut to half or even half of the half with time. When a person earns through halal means, he/she fears Allah and he fears that he might not make his family eat from a disgusting thing. So Allah (SWT) bestows on him/her His mercy and makes their small earning a big one. But when a person earns haram, he/ she does not think about Allah, and he only thinks about what more does he/she want at home. Their desires and their needs circle before their eyes and instead of asking Allah, they try to grab whatever comes their way. My fellow students, as you flock to the world market in search of job opportunities don’t forget to pray to Allah to guide you to the right firm that gives you a halal earning. Remember that if you are not sincerely working on your job, you are certainly making a part of your pay haram because the pay slip has to be worked for justly. But if you are doing your job sincerely and with utmost honesty and integrity then your earning will certainly be halal if the source is halal. Similarly, if you deceive your boss, your earning will be haram because you haven’t worked for. If you work at a place where you know haram acts are done, your earnings will be from haram source. If you are working on a project which has caused harm to the society by any measure, your earnings will not be justified because in Islam the halal earnings mean to give positive to the society and not to harm the society. Therefore as you search for the perfect organization that will employ you, you must weigh the job in the balance of halal and haram, and not just keep in eyes your own needs and desires. Remember, when Allah has

sent you in this world, He has taken the responsibility of your rizq, so ask Allah for halal rizq sources and do not fall for you selfish interests or your families’ desires which if not fulfilled, may put you into dilemma in your perception. In a nutshell therefore dear readers, the seeking of sustenance is an obligatory act just as Salaah, Sawm, Zakaah and Hajj are, yet earning one’s sustenance should be done whilst placing trust and belief in Allah Ta’ala. We should convince our hearts to believe that no matter what efforts we put into earning sustenance, at the end of the day, it is Allah Ta’ala’s will and decision as to how much we earn and what we shall receive. No effort of man can change the amount that Allah Ta’ala has written for us. It is vital to note that the earning of Halal livelihood is directly connected to the eating of Halal. Many people are in falsely deluded to think that Halal and Haram consumption is limited to the ingredients of a product. However, the chain of Halal and Haram begins from the earnings of person. Furthermore, the earnings of a person does not become Haram only by a person selling alcohol or other forbidden products, but earnings will also have an indication of impermissibility is a person seeks that earning by neglecting his Salaah or any other Fardh (obligatory) activity. Similarly, if a person does not rightfully return money belonging to someone, or acquires money by cheating someone, then that money will also be regarded as Haram. Kindly be informed of this and take the necessary precaution as early as now. May Allah (SWT) save us all from the harms and punishments of Haram earnings. May He give us the strength, ability, inclination and means to acquire sustenance that is totally Halal so that we can make the nourishment our body receives from it can be a cause for good deeds. Aameen.

When a person earns through halal means, he/ she fears Allah and he fears that he might not make his family eat from a disgusting thing. So Allah (SWT) bestows on him/ her His mercy and makes their small earning a big one.

The writer is a form four student in Sheikh Ali High School, Mandera.


1434 A.H/2013

k a e r B Coffee



A man is taking a walk in Central park in New York. Suddenly he sees a little girl being attacked by a pit bull dog. He runs over and starts fighting with the dog. He succeeds in killing the dog and saving the girl’s life. A policeman who was watching the scene walks over and says: “You are a hero, tomorrow you can read it in all the newspapers: “Brave New Yorker saves the life of little girl” The man says: - “But I am not a New Yorker!” “Oh, then it will say in newspapers in the morning: ‘Brave American saves life of little girl’” – the policeman answers. “But I am not an American!” – says the man. “Oh, what are you then?” The man says: - “I am a Saudi!” The next day the newspapers say: “Islamic extremist kills innocent American dog. Once, the people of the city invited Mulla Nasruddin to deliver a speech. When he got on the minbar (pulpit), he found the audience was not very enthusiastic, so he asked “Do you know what I am going to say?” The audience replied “NO”, so he announced “I have no desire to speak to people who don’t even know what I will be talking about” and he left. The people felt embarrassed and called him back again the next day. This time when he asked the same question, the people replied “YES” So Mullah Nasruddin said, “Well, since you already know what I am going to say, I won’t waste any more of your time” and he left. Now the people were really perplexed. They decided to try one more time and once again invited the Mullah to speak the following week. Once again he asked the same question - “Do you know what I am going to say?” Now the people were prepared and so half of them answered “YES” while the other half replied “NO”. So Mullah Nasruddin said “The half who knows what I am going to say, tell it to the other half” and he left! Here is the story of an Imam who got up after Friday prayers and announced to the people:”I have good news and bad news. The good news is, we have enough money to pay for our new building program. The bad news is, it’s still out there in your pockets.” “When I was in the desert,” said Nasruddin one day, “I caused an entire tribe of horrible and bloodthirsty bedouins to run.” “However did you do it?” asked a person. “Easy. I just ran, and they ran after me.”

BRAIN TEASE 1.What does the name of Allah, Al-Baaari mean in English? 2.What is the other name of Madinah? 3.Who was Mus-ab bin Umeir? 4.Give an instance when supplications are answered by Allah? 5.I am a wife of the prophet. My nikkah was initialized from heaven by Allah. Who am I? 6.What is the other name of Lailatul Qadr? 7.The adulteration of goods in business is called? 8.What was the name of the boy servant of Nabii Musa who accompanied him at the time when he was searching for knowledge? 9.Which Surah warns Muslims against mixing traditional beliefs with Islamic beliefs? 10.The first mosque which was constructed by the Muslims after Hijra to Madinah was? 11.Which surah was revealed to the prophet to console him on his misfortune of not having any son alive at the time when the unbelievers laughed at him? 12.Which companion of the prophet (S.A.W) will enter paradise mainly because he was ever in state of wudhuu (Ablution). 13.Which surah in the holy Quran has its revelation explaining the encounter of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) with a blind man? 14.In whose reign were the Taraweeh prayers prayed in Congregation at the mosques during Ramadhaan? 15.Who was the swahaba to recite the Quran loud in Makkah second to the prophet (S.A.W)?



2 Who was the only person to ever be killed by rasulallah himself? 4 Which surah in the Qur’an is refered to as the heart of the Qur’an? 5 What drink did the prophet (SAW) take during Isra wa Miraj 7 Which cave did the Prophet (SAW) and AbuBakar (RA) take refuge on their way to Madina? 9 Which Prophet did Allah declare him his best friend? 10 Which of the prophets was a descendant of nabii Musa (AS) 11 How many children did hazrat Fatima have? 14 What was the real name Abdul Mutalib 16 Which city is also known as Yasrab? 19The prophet (SAW) is also known as the son of two sacrificed ones. They are Ismail and ……………


1 Which year was Prophet Muhammad (SAW) born? 3 What was Phira’un’s wife’s name 5 Who is the only woman mentioned by name in the Qur’an? 6 Where did al-Bara ibn Malik die? 8 Which surah in the Qur’an that does not contain mym? 12 Which of the Prophet’s wives was sent to salaam by Allah and Gebriel? 13 What is the name of the angel that guards Jannah 15 Which companion has been mention in the Qur’an by name? 17 In whose house did the Prophet (SAW) stay when he reached Madina? 18“Put aside your pride, set down your arrogance and remember your grave” whose words are this?




aqwa is the beauty of Islam. This is the abstinence, fear and forbearance. It is the high state of heart which always keeps conscious of Allah (SWT) and His presence. Taqwa motivates a person to perform righteous deeds at all times whether in private or in public. One can compare Taqwa with walking through a narrow path with thorny bushes on both sides and a person like you and me passing through it with silk clothing and tries his/her best to save the clothes from being torn. The thorns are the sins of this world and the silk clothes are one’s iman. Allah (SW) says Al-Imraan (3:102). “O you who believe! Have Taqwa of

Allah, as you should have of Him and do not die except as Muslims.” Taqwa alone is the criterion of Greatness in the sight of Allah. The essence of Taqwa is to prevent ourselves from the anger and wrath of Allah and His punishment too. Better off explained is to make a shield against Allah’s wrath. This shield is to obey His commandments taught both by His beloved prophet (SAW) and in the Holy Book the Quran. Umar ibn Khattab (RA) wrote to his son, ”Verily I advise you to have Taqwa(fear) of Allah ,the Majesty, for whoever fears Allah, Allah will reward him, and whoever thanks Him, Allah will increase him.” “It is not Taqwa that you turn your faces toward East or West but


it is Taqwa to believe in Allah and the last day, Angels and Book and the Messenger, to spend of yours substance out of Love of Him, for ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayers and practice regular charity to fulfill the contracts you have made; to be firm and patient, in pain and adversity. Those are Muttaqun.”(Quran 2:177) It is Taqwa that gives meaning to our simple worship rituals that otherwise would be nothing without it. Let’s ensure therefore that our worship is not limited to empty acts but is rather adorned with Taqwa. The writer is a student in the school of education specializing in Mathematics and Business studies

1434 A.H/2013

Al-Sira -Sirajj Al



career woman is a talented woman who needs to manage her talent for her to be successful. How many professional women are successful? It is only those who have been able to manage their talents. To be a career Muslim woman does not necessarily mean that she should work outside the home. She can work in the public sector or in the private sector. All she needs to know is that for her to be successful, she needs to reconcile her schedule of duty (that is, she needs proper planning). The types of careers Muslim women choose and factors influencing their choices are relevant issues to examine since the essence of creation is to serve the Almighty Allah in total submission to His wills and dictates and this could only be achieved through the institution of a social family background in which the mother is the nucleus that


determines the success or failure of the family. This, in essence, extends to the larger society. If her primary traditional role is that of a home maker, child rearer and bearer, a wife and all the rest, how does she cope with all these responsibilities that go simultaneously with her career outside the home? There are relative differences among career women. The problem is not the job or the profession but its demands. Some professions demand more time than the other. A teacher has more time to herself and the family more than any other career woman but what is important is how the time is utilized and on what it is used. A banker with very tight schedule could be more useful than a teacher who has all the time to herself. In essence, a Muslim woman is not restricted to any lawful profession provided it is in agreement with Islam, what

As a Muslim woman that has responsibilities towards her Creator (Allah), His worship must come first in all activities although some may be combined with traditional roles.

her husband wants and her own interest. What is needed is her commitment, dedication and integrity that will make the Muslim Ummah be proud of her. A trader could be busier than a medical doctor but what every one of us should realize is that we need to be everywhere but not everybody can be in the same profession. We must have representatives; and for a career Muslim woman to perform, she needs serious planning. Whether a woman works inside or outside the home or combines the two, all that she needs is to keep the fear of Allah (SWT) in mind at all times, always remember her responsibilities which could only be achieved through proper planning in the best Islamic way. The importance of time in the life of a Muslim could cannot be over emphasized. She needs to sit down and make a time table, duty roster, and meal table and know how to make good use of the 24hrs in a day which is a blessing from the Almighty Allah. A day in the life of a Muslim is so important that not a minute should be wasted or used in vain since Allah (SWT) has instructed that every second spent shall be accounted for. In dividing the number of hours in a day, a good Muslimah (Muslim woman) must try and schedule her time for the following – Salat, Nawafil, Quran recitation, Tahajud, household chore, childcare, attendance to the husband, other family members and her career. It pays, saves time and energy when a duty roster, and meal table for menu are made, Time to visit friends and relation whenever the need arises, time for shopping (daily, weekly, or yearly basis). And also remember that she has responsibilities towards her creator ALLAH (S.A.W.), her humble self and fellow human beings and she must fulfill everyday of her life. What makes the tasks easy? It is only when she puts her trust in Allah (SWT) and asks for His guidance and protection in all affairs that she finds things easy, because Allah (SWT) says “in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest” (satisfaction). The role of Istikhara is very relevant in planning


schedules for the guidance of Allah is the only true guidance. This will always help in planning her program of activities. Division of Labour All activities in the home except those that are personal should be divided among people living with you irrespective of age and gender. Everyone must have something to do to keep the house clean and tidy and preparation of meals as at when due. Playing with the kids to prevent disturbance is an activity that needs to be attended to. Prioritize activities As a Muslim woman that has responsibilities towards her Creator (Allah), His worship must come first in all activities although some may be combined with traditional roles. As a mother for instance, recitation of the holy Quran may take place while breast feeding the baby while dhikr (remembrance of Allah) may come in while playing with children even when cooking or washing. Doing assignment together with the children is an act of worship. As she plans her activities in order to give the husband the maximum attention, affection, admiration at all times is part of Ibadah. When making herself presentable to the husband and children, it is a form of dawah that speaks volume to the coming generation. Being neat and tidy is another aspect of worship which Allah (SWT) loves most because Prophet said that ALLAH (S.W.T) says He is pure and will never accept anything that is impure. Have good intention In planning activities the intention must be to satisfy the Almighty Allah. Choosing a career must be for the purpose of Islam and nothing else. Therefore our profession should have the aim of making a better Muslim who will always be a good ambassador of Islam wherever she finds herself whether as a low income earner or as head of organization or a leader in her place of work. My dear sisters, let’s therefore not block our way to education for fear that we may not perform in the job market in the future. The writer is a 2nd year nursing student at Kenya Medical Training College, Kabarnet Campus. 1434 A.H/2013

Al-Sira -Sirajj Al



ometimes I just feel like I don’t deserve to be present in this world. I ask myself a string of endless questions. Why was I born? Is it my fault that you are not together? Why does it have to be me? Am I a worthless creature on this earth? What did I do to deserve so much pain? Why is this animosity being inflicted on me? Why am I being separated from my beloved parents? Don’t they love me anymore? Am I not their child? Why are they depriving me of their love? Why? Why? Parents think that the best solution for them when they don’t get along with each other is to dissolve their marriage. They feel like they have a sense of relief soon after the divorce has been finalized. There is a sense of freedom from the trap of a fruitless marriage. They get ample time to go out with friends and they begin their lives afresh. But do they consider the feelings of their children? Although the termination of this reunion has some positive impacts to the couple, the group which is most affected by its consequences is the children. What happens when the divorce is finalized? The parents separate. The children’s dream of seeing their parents happily together is tarnished. Each parent takes a different direction as if there was no passion between them; as if there was no love, patience, understanding and tolerance between them. The siblings become separated. The strong bond between them is torn apart. Why do we have to become victims of such a circumstance? Why are you taking my brother away from me? Why do you advocate for splitting up our lovely family? I can’t tolerate such a painful situation. Father, mother, can’t you see that you are torturing me? Look keenly at my current situation…I am psychologically traumatized! Am filled with anxiety, sadness, guilt,

frustration and loneliness. I feel alone in this world. You don’t even save some time for me. All you think about is yourself, your friends and your appearance. When will you have time for me? Why do you tend to disregard my feelings? You make me feel unwanted .Can’t you see that you are making me cultivate a negative attitude towards marriage, family and relationships? Sometimes I just inflict pain on myself. I hit my toes against the wall when am frustrated. I cry my heart out every night but you don’t take the effort of asking me how my sleep was. Don’t deprive me your love…please. You are my parents and I adore you. Don’t make me feel insecure just because I don’t have you in my life. If you are not here for me, whose responsibility am I? Whom will I disclose my grievances to? Questions just keep on banging my head such that I can’t focus on my studies. When I fail in my examinations, you only know how to provoke me, insult me and lay your hand on me. But you never sit down to ask me the reason behind my poor performance. I want to make it clear to both of you, don’t allow this Satan called “divorce” serve as a bridge between you and your children. Children need parental assistance and support to cope with this tough situation. We are so sensitive such that when we lose something, we will be anxious and angry. We need your love and support. You should never allow this sense of hatred between the two of you to get to ours heads. You are our role models, Please don’t poison our minds against you. We need both of you to stay involved in our lives. At least make regular phone calls, visits, ask about our social and educational life. Get involved in our lives. You are my mum and dad for God’s sake! Make me feel important; make me feel wanted and appreciated. Show your affection and love towards me.


Please stop fighting because am tired of your screams which haunt me day and night. Try to work hard towards getting along with each other. You make me feel guilty because I always feel am the root cause of your problems. Communicate directly and don’t use me to send messages back and forth. Please don’t put me in a situation in which I have to take sides. After all this you expect me to love one parent more than the other? Hell no! What will you lose if you say something nice about my other parent? You don’t need to convince me to hate my mum or dad. Remember I want both of you in to be part of my life. Say you love me so I can at least feel confident of myself. Fix breakfast for me before I go to school and when I return from school, assist me in doing my homework whenever am stranded. Do I need to fight for your attention so that you can recognize my presence? I will do it every now and then as long as I live. You need to clear up your misunderstandings by letting me know that your divorce isn’t my fault. Avoid blaming my other parent and just be respectful to your spouse. Reassure me that both of you will be there for me. I know you are frustrated due to the situation but try and be patient. Talk to Allah, pray and ask Him for patience and guidance, eat a healthy diet and do some exercise which will help you in releasing stress and frustration. Interact with beneficial people who can raise your self-esteem and avoid lose talks about the termination of your marriage. It is my pleasure to wish you a happy and prosperous life beside me, In sha Allah. Yours lovingly daughter,

Zubeida The writer is a 2nd year Counseling Psychology student in the school of Arts and Social Sciences.



y distinguished brothers and sisters in Islam, allow me to take this precious moment to remind my own soul and yours that its incumbent upon every believing man and woman to always understand that all praises and gratitude are solely due to Allah (SWT) for making us to be part and parcel of the Muslim Ummah because us being in Islam wasn’t our effort neither our choice but it is through the mercy and grace of God that we belong to this magnificent faith of Islamic monotheism. We are therefore undoubtedly obliged to bear witness that there is no other true deity worthy of worship except Allah (SWT) and that Muhammad (S.A.W) is His

servant and messenger. Besides, we are all aware about the numerous trials and tribulations that exist within this contemporary and material world in wherever we go, attracting our attention thus luring us so that we can deviate from the course of Allah (SWT) either intended to destruct our faith or coming with the advent of the so-called civilization and modernization, which can be enough to claim our hereafter if we are not diligent enough before we are enslaved by it leading to our high rate of moral decadence. For example in today’s world the use of technology has taken its toll thus replacing human labor in almost all sectors of the economy. the use of computers


and other useful gadgets like mobile phones in the business sector as well as in learning institutions could not be underestimated, therefore despite its enormous contribution and other advantages it requires all the rationality and the moral consciousness when making use of the technology, since it has the potential to meet one ‘s interest whether good or bad, for instance one could think of accessing to pornographic materials, which could pose lots of inexplicable harm to him/her either spiritually, morally or even psychologically. I therefore urge my respectable Muslim brothers and sisters to completely desist from any uncouth usage of the prevailing technologies which could lead to

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Al-Sira -Sirajj Al irreligious and anti-Islamic malpractices that can disorient and jeopardize your faith and psychological functioning as a practicing Muslim. That isn’t enough, the fashion and style of dressing has drastically changed from the descent ways to an intolerable and astonishing style which equals to total indecency, disgusting and nudeness in our contemporary world. This does not mean we embrace this way of life without questioning or making use of our God-given intellect as a Muslim on its consequences, or can we behave just like any other person regardless of his/her faith? NO! We are required to consider if it contravenes our Islamic obligation on dressing and how the best of mankind, our beloved prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) used to dress and taught us through his Sunnah as well as the mode of dressing of his honorable wives and distinguished companions. The Sunnah of our beloved prophet(S.A.W) does not change with time thus authentic .Also God has gifted us with the power of rationality which could guide our actions as well as decision regarding the Do’s and the Don’ts in Islam. This unique divine provision of intellect significantly differentiates us from other animals. This indecent dressing style clearly manifest itself In most of our conventional learning institutions in the country i.e. secondary schools, colleges and more so in universities where students, especially the ladies feel liberated from the extreme chains of parental control and counseling not because they are lesser beings but due to their high degree of vulnerability. Therefore I wish to pass my entreaty to all Muslim men and women wherever they are to fear Allah and refrain from any act which displeases Allah (SWT) since we cannot bear the wrath and torment of God. Let us also lower our gaze as practicing Muslims, desist from shaking hands with the opposite sex or hugging them regardless of the faith they allude to as long as u can legally be married to one another because it’s one of the teachings of the prophet (S.A.W) which could help us do away with any immoral thoughts, emotions and actions. The glorious Quran also says that it’s those who believe in God and all the unseen matters of faith and do righteous deeds sincerely for the sake of Allah that can truly enjoy the life of this world with contentment and satisfaction and also in the Hereafter they are promised a life

of permanent bliss and enjoyment. “Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he/she is a believer-we will surely cause him/ her to live a good life, and we will surely give them their reward(in the hereafter) according to the best of what they used to do(Quran 16:97)” “Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction. For those who believe and work righteousness, is (every) blessedness, and a beautiful place of (final) return.(Quran 13:28-29)”. We should therefore fear Allah in wherever we are, enjoining virtues and forbidding each other of the vices. And this is the category of persons that God has praised in the glorious Quran and who will be enjoying the enormous reward that Allah has provided for them in the Hereafter. The source of all the existing worldly problems emanates from our failure to learn, understand, absorb and practically apply the teachings of the noble Quran in our everyday life as well as propagating its message to the rest of the humanity who are in dire need of knowing the true faith in the sight of God, which is unequivocally Islam and when human beings resorted to defy the message of the glorious Quran by being oblivious in its correct application thus reducing mankind to this deplorable state it finds itself in today’s world. Let me finally conclude by a word of admonishment to all my valuable brothers and sisters in Islam wherever they are, that our secular education regardless of how high we achieved in studies, the huge profit that accrues from our lucrative businesses could be meaningless and deficient of Allah’s blessings if we are not God-fearing. I therefore call upon all the Muslims to be extra-vigilant and upheld the tenets of Islam under all circumstances since its deviance could qualify us to be on the crossroads to myriads of problems that can negatively affect our joyful peace of mind, our existence and the rest of humanity. Let’s always hasten in repentance and seek Allah’s forgiveness for our evil sins before we are overtaken by our timely inevitable death since Allah is ever generous and merciful. The writer is a 4th year Sociology student in the school of Arts and Social Sciences.


“Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction. For those who believe and work righteousness, is (every) blessedness, and a beautiful place of (final) return. (Quran 13:28-29)”.



he war that has raged apart my native soil unfortunately dejects me when whenever I wake up in the morning the first thing I see or hear in the television is the dark and murky faces of poor citizens of a country run by greedy, corrupt and wicked individuals who hunk after the blood of the common people. It keeps me nonplus and down in the dumps not knowing what to expect then. I loathe the barbaric acts that are done in my motherland; Somalia, it derails my confidence and hopes; I am repulsed by what I see in the media, how energetic, zesty men and women lives go down the drain. With no justice nothing at all, yet the death rate adds up in number every year. Moreover, what confounds me most is the catastrophe that has dazed the arm responsible for exposing this dirty business. It slows down my heart a bit when I read stories in the press of epic and friends in the field lose their lives inside every week. The hefty burden of being without a free and democratic government is crystal. In most modern democratic societies the importance of the press which includes both print and electronic to the sustenance and nourishment of democratic systems is no longer a subject of debate. The press is therefore, in those jurisdictions regarded as the fourth estate. The first,

second and third being government, parliament and the judiciary respectively. Nevertheless, the story takes a different shape in Somalia as the journalists are intimidated and the media houses shutdown if they fail to adhere to the word on the table. Overall 46 journalists were killed in Somalia in the last two decades, the highest in the whole world. This year alone ten journalists from national Radio and Television media houses were murdered in and around Mogadishu. The killers’ also targeted international media like the BBC and Aljazeera. The committee for the protection of journalist (CPJ) said 55 percent of death was caused by political groups such as the Alshabab and other divergent sects operating on their own. The report also shows that 28 percent of crimes were equally caused by mob violence and unknown people. Criminal groups stand at 7 percent while military and government officials are at stake with 3 percent each. As the report corroborate the demise was majorly instigated by people with political ambitions who clear their path in order to ascend to the throne. Thus in the process of achieving their whims they step on everyone who attempts to create pitfalls for them and unfortunately the journalists, due to the nature of their

work are killed and bodies dumped. The future of many innocent faces relies wholly on mouthed sopranos and people who care less about the needs of naïve and feeble citizens. Moreover, their days in this lawless and war-stricken country just gets worse as they are threatened and bombed whenever they gather to mark social events. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel after a new president was elected on September. The expectation are at the peak and first on the list is security of disturbed citizens of a failed state, amelioration of living standards as well as revamping the country’s dented image. Hopes are high and many Somalis around the globe are optimistic that it will bring to an end one of the most recurrent violence of all time. I echo their wishes and dream to see my fellow mates in grins just like others but still the celebrations is cut short by the thousands living in fear. More so some are scared; others are in a quagmire, while majority others are rotting in refugee camps and worst of all a huge number remain under the sod. It pains, twinges and grieves me! The writer is a finalist in the School of Human Resource Development (Bsc Comm&Journalism)

Overall 46 journalists were killed in Somalia in the last two decades, the highest in the whole world 32

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slam is not, as many people incorrectly assume, merely a religion, but instead, a way of life which practically deals with all facets of human living encouraging both man and woman to live out their lives in the best way possible. Of course, it may be argued that this is something relative, but in defining the term ‘best’, a mere glance at the Qur’an, is enough to understand that the ‘best’ way is that which is in keeping with the highest morals and standards whilst perfecting our interactions with one another. In everyday life, no less at university, we are caught in a constant struggle between that which our Islamic morals and values call us towards, and that which typical university life tends to promote. Undeniably, the thrill of clubbing, consuming alcohol and drugs, and sexual flirtation (all of which are momentary) are attractive to young hearts and minds, yet the reality of these vices are more than apparent once the moments lapse. Clubs are indisputably the most wicked of places given that they manage to gather all forms of evil under one roof. Alcohol and drugs only provide a momentary lapse away from reality, but if reality is good as many claim, then why the need to leave it? Sexual flirtation only leads to more, and in the end we are left with fornication, adultery, unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, all abhorrent in the sight of God and corruptive in nature. There is no lasting benefit from sin; indeed there can never be, for good is not born out of wickedness but out of goodness: guidance from God which is accepted in the hearts

of beings. Thus it is upon us to cling to that which is righteous in the sight of God and shun those who call us to disobedience. Indeed, our Lord is One and to Him alone are we obedient.‘Friends’ work most notably as our peers at university, they encourage (unknowingly through their misguidance) that which is sinful, and in a bid to foster a sense of belonging we go along. Thereafter, we become caught up with the notion that religion is backward and that true rationality and sense belongs to that which is secular.So naturally, such an individual comes to feel inferior amongst his/her nonMuslim friends,and hides his/her faith assuming that it is something to be ashamed of. Such a view is extremely wrong, not only from the point of view that low moral standards should never be perceived as being superior, but that the Muslim inherently accepts that death is inevitable and that the final judgment is the ultimate form of pressure (as opposed to peerpressure) that we should conform to. Likewise we are told in regards to the various ways of life, {And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.} [Surah Aali Imran 3:85]. To be a Muslim is an honour that Allah the Most high bestows upon people, for had Hewilled we would have been misguided. Thus, Allah warns that if a people are to disregard such guidance they will be easily replaced.The Muslims, those who


truly submit to God and are conscious of His divine presence not only live in ways that are most upright, but carry a sense of nobility and superiority in being the true worshippers of the Most High. They neither feel a sense of shame nor are they shy about that which Allah has ordained, but instead, speak openly in righteousness,calling towards it, and are committed to Islam and content with it in this life, whilsthoping for God’s mercy and eternal success in the next. {You are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin good and forbid evil, and you believe in Allah...} [Surah Aali Imran 3:110]. Many modernists claim that Islam must be changed for contemporary society but they overlook the fact that Allah is timeless and so are His words. Thus, the Qur’an is timelessly applicable, the principles it establishes are evidently divine given the great spiritual and wordly benefit that is accrued from them.Thus, in analyzing the reality of Islam as an intelligent individual, there can be no doubt that the divine way of life ordained by Allah the most High is of the highest merit. Islam is supreme and will continue to be, something Muslims wholeheartedly submit to,and the path that guides to God is indisputably the supreme One. The writer is an electrical and electronics engineering student in the school of Engineering and the managing editor of Al-Siraj Magazine.

Al-Siraj Mumsa Najihisi Pweke BY SALIM ALI GANYUMA

1-Miaka tatu imetimu , Moi nishaizoea Ila kunayo magumu , nashindwa kuvumilia Chama cha waisilamu , ndugu watuangamia Mumsa najihisi pweke , vipenzi wanikimbia

6.Ni nyingi mno adhabu , siwezi kukadiria, Dada yetu Zainabu , muda umeshawadia, Nawwali na Ashirafu, punde tatuondokea, MUMFA mtabaki pweke, vipenzi watukimbia

2-Sitowakumbuka kullu , hofu nisijekawia Namtaja Abdinuru , baba aliyenilea Shaffi pamoja na Nuru , moi walinipokea Mumsa mebakia pweke , vipenzi wanikimbia

7.-Moyo umejaa hofu, kikumbuka mazowea Ali Omari Sharifu, mengi ametutendea Mwingi wa uadilifu, amani katuletea Mumsa taniacha pweke , vipenzi wanikimbia

3-Kubwa linaloniudhi , wendako hatuonana Osmani muhammadi, Wahida na Fauzani Moyoni wameshadidi , si Duli si Imrani Mumsa najiona pweke , vipenzi wanikimbia

8.-Mawazo yanipa joto, nifikapo uwanjani Kiondoka Omarito, boli tacheza na nani? Hakuna tena mvuto, wa Bigi na Suleimani Mumsa nitacheza peke, vipenzi wanikimbia

4-Msinione mzembe , machozi kijimwagia Kassimu Kassimu Jembe , wapi amepotelea ? Ni kiongozi kabambe , poleni msomjua Mumsa mezidi upweke , vipenzi wanikimbia

9.-Kabla sijafika tama, bora niweke amani Nimpe yake heshima, mtunzi wa hii fani Salimu Ali Ganyuma, asomjua ni nani ? Mumsa menipa upweke, vipenzi wanikimbia

5-Bora niseme dhahiri , nisighurike moyoni Simuoni Mukhtari , Dhugi wala Luqmani Kesho aenda Taheri , na Bilali Varvani Mumsa nimekuwa pweke , vipenzi wanikimbia

10.-Tama naiomba dua, Ya Allahu itikia Wendao wasamehea, dhambi walokutendea Neema wazidishia, za akhera na dunia MUMSA izidibakia, dini kuitumikia AMEEN

Answers To Brain Tease 1. The inventor of all things 2. Yathrib 3. He was a teacher sent by the prophet (S.A.W) to Madinah as a teacher to spread Islam. He also died as a shaheed in the battle of Badr. 4. At the end of obligatory salat 5. Zeinab, God be pleased with her

6. Lailatul Mubaarakah 7. Ghush 8. Yushaa bin Nuun 9. Al kaafirun 10. Masjidu-Nabawi 11. Al kowthar 12 Bilal Ibn Rabah (R.A) 13. Suratu Abasa. 14. Omar bin Khataab (R.A) 15. Abdullah bin Masuud (R.A)


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PREPARED BY KHADIJA ANWAR Ingredients: 1. Prawns-1/4 kg 2. 3 Capsicum/pilipili boga (green) 3. 3 Onions (medium) 4. Masala- 2 to 3 tbsp 5. Grated coconut- 1 cup 6. Turmeric powder- Âź tbsp 7. 5 Garlic pods 8. Salt (as required) 9. Ginger-3/4 piece 10. Oil- 2-3 tbsp 11. 4 Tomatoes (medium) 12. Coriander leaves/ Dania- 3 stems You can add more spices such black pepper, dhana jeera etc and have it as spicy as you want it to be.

Procedure: Marinate the prawns with masala, salt and turmeric powder. Keep aside for minimum half an hour. Heat oil in a pan. Add chopped onions and sautĂŠ them well. Add chopped ginger and garlic and keep stirring. Add finely cut tomatoes and allow the tomatoes to set in. Add the marinated prawns and cover with a lid. Allow it to cook. Finally, add capsicum and remove from fire, when the capsicum too is done. Garnish with coriander leaves Serve with chapatti, tandoori, roti and the like. Bon appetite The writer is a 2nd year student in the school of Business and Economics

Crossword Solutions 11. Abdullah 12. Madina 13. Ridhwan 14. Milk 15. Khadija

1. Zayd 2. Cairo 3. Thoor 4. Kauthar 5. Ayyub

16. Sofia 17. Mariam 18. Yasin 19. Ibrahim 20. Asiah


Down 35

6. Two 7. Phil 8. Ubayy 9. Ali 10. Sheybah





ell! Well! Well! Do they call it modern Islam? I wonder whether if Islam has changed or was it meant to change? Currently, how are Muslims conducting their political, economic and social affairs? Is it in accordance to the teachings of the prophet? Or is it in accordance with the holy Quran? Or have Muslims deviated from straight path? Are Muslims assimilating to westernization? Well…..`` I think YES.” Ranging from how we Muslims live, dress and how we even talk indicates slow assimilation to westernization, to a point of having Dotcoms in Islam. They call it error. It is really shameful when Muslim banats copy mode of dressing and filthy behaviors’ from the Hollywood –celebrities. Do you agree with me? Or will you say am exaggerating and imagining things? Well…. Look at the miniskirts and tight trousers our sister’s wear; they lower their dignity because they are half naked against the Islamic

teachings. Look at the modern buibui (it is tightened at the hips and very transparent). It has been fully corrupted and hence very ironic. Well….do you get where the irony is? I think it is meant as a Hijab (a cover) but the same same is now exposing them. I stand to be corrected if my perspective is wrong though am convinced am right. Look at them!!! Who? Them. Our Muslim brothers. They call it the current ``swag”. They are typical women ranging from head to toe. I cannot even differentiate them. Their hairstyles and mode of dressing is like that of girls. Allah has cursed men who wear women attire and women who wear men attire. The so called sharobaro men wear pipes and even put on earrings nowadays. Subhanallah, may Allah guide them to the right path. The Muslim youth are now adapting the kufar`s ways of living. How can a Muslim brother offer a Muslim sister a date? And obviously it is not a brother—sister outing, you know it.


Do we no longer value our chastity? Zinaa has been the order of day to day life. Don`t we recall the ayah in the Quran which says: Nor come nigh to adultery for its shameful and an evil deed opening the road to other evils”.Qur17:32 Do current Muslims read Quran and listen to Islamic sermons during leisure time. Nay! They don’t. They have been married to the western cultures where they watch movies and listen dirty songs. The ink in my pen is almost drying up. As I conclude I pray and hope that we Muslims will strive with our wealth, resources and everything that we own in the right way that Allah wants. As we know we aren`t in Dunia forever. One day everyone will die and one will be answerable for one`s act. Oh! My dear beloved brothers and sisters please turn to Allah and fear him. The writers are students in the School of education & Media science respectively

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