Get a job abroad teaching English – a How To Guide

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A How To Guide from EBC International TEFL Certificate training and worldwide job support

EBC International TEFL Certificate—Accredited TEFL training

Not sure how to get a teaching job abroad LET EBC DO IT FOR YOU OR DO IT YOURSELF

This e-book explains how to get a job abroad teaching English in easy to follow steps. The steps are easy to follow but are not necessarily easy to do. Do what EBC Madrid graduate, Emolyn Liden and thousands of others did. Take a four week EBC TEFL course and use our worldwide, lifetime job placement programme.


This is probably the easiest way to get a job abroad teaching English because all you have to do is give us your CV and then attend the interviews when language schools








call you. You are free to accept or reject offers if you do not like them. “Once you acquire a certification, the job hunt begins. EBC will send out your resume and language schools are quick to call. For this reason it is important to have a cell phone to schedule appointments. Academies rarely schedule through email and you want to avoid just dropping by. English teachers are in high demand and what you may find is that academies are eager to hire.” – Emolyn Liden. You do not want EBC to get you a job, you can do it yourself. It will take a lot longer, cost a lot more, ensure that you waste the time you could have used to start earning and may lock you in to a job you do not like.

We have been helping people find work all over the world since 2002.

We are well qualified and very knowledgeable about all the issues that will help you get a job abroad teaching English.

If you do not want EBC to help you get a job abroad teaching English and you prefer to do it yourself, please keep reading to find out what you will need to do.


IMPORTANT: The rest of the content in this eBook is only relevant if you choose to get certified with another training school. If you attend an EBC course, we do everything for you except decide where you would like to teach.

EBC International TEFL Certificate—Accredited TEFL training


Online only TEFL certification

Hybrid TEFL certification – a blend of online and practical training

A four week residential TEFL course, preferably accredited by an examination board or university


In your home country

Choose how to get qualified

In the country where you would like to teach

You will need to get certified as an EFL/ESL teacher. These days you have three primary choices: 1.

Online only TEFL certification


Hybrid TEFL certification – a blend of online and practical training

Your choices will have a direct impact on your ability to get a job abroad teaching English.


A four week residential TEFL course, preferably accredited by an examination

Your choices will dictate how quickly and easily you will be able to find a job, interview and start working.


Assessing the options and deciding what is the best choice is the most important thing you will do.

You will have to decide where you want to study. You have two choices for where to


board or university Your choice will have a direct impact on your ability to get a job abroad teaching

Choose where you will study take your TEFL certificate course: 1.

In your home country


In the country where you would like to teach

Your choice will have a direct impact on your ability to get a job abroad teaching English.

EBC International TEFL Certificate—Accredited TEFL training


Online only TEFL certification

Hybrid TEFL certification – a blend of online and practical training

A four week residential TEFL course, preferably accredited by an examination board or university


In your home country

In the country where you would like to teach


The best way to get a teaching job abroad TRAIN ABROAD The best way to get a job abroad teaching English is to train abroad. If you are serious about getting a job abroad teaching English, attend a four week

Your choices will have a direct impact on your ability to get a job abroad teaching English.

residential TEFL course, preferably accredited by an examination board or university.

Your choices will dictate how quickly and easily you will be able to find a job, interview and start working.

This is the fastest and cheapest way to get a job abroad teaching English. Keep

Assessing the options and deciding what is the best choice is the most important thing you will do.


You will gain an internationally accepted TEFL certificate, train in the country where you want to teach, attend interviews and get hired for local teaching jobs.

reading to find out why.

If you do not want to train abroad, here are the challenges for the rest of the options to get a job abroad teaching English. All the other options have a unique set of challenges that you must address. If you cannot come up with a workable and affordable solution for each challenge, forget about your desire to get a job abroad teaching English. IMPORTANT NOTE: Almost all quality language schools will want to meet you in person before they make a job offer. A school that will hire you without meeting you may not be a school. Check first to avoid potentially dangerous/fatal situations. The next sections use a job prospect and success rating scale of one to ten where one is the worst and ten is the best.

EBC International TEFL Certificate—Accredited TEFL training


Online only TEFL certification

Hybrid TEFL certification – a blend of online and practical training

A four week residential TEFL course, preferably accredited by an examination board or university


In your home country

How to get a job with an online certificate

In the country where you would like to teach

Paid teaching job prospects: one, at best two

THE IMPACT OF YOUR CHOICES Your choices will have a direct impact on your ability to get a job abroad teaching English.

Your choices will dictate how quickly and easily you will be able to find a job, interview and start working. Assessing the options and deciding what is the best choice is the most important thing you will do.


Most schools that hire teachers want to meet a candidate face-to-face before making a job offer. If you are in your home country and you are asked to attend an interview in, for example Peru, how are you going to get there?

Good schools will expect a prospective teaching candidate to have attended a course with teaching practice. If you have not done any teaching practice, how are you going to convince schools that you can teach and manage a classroom better than a candidate who has attended a course with teaching practice?

How long are you willing to wait at home before you get a job abroad teaching English? It will probably take a few months to find something.

How much are you willing to spend over and above the course fee to travel to the country, maintain yourself and attend interviews in the hope that you will get hired?

How much are you willing to spend on a volunteer programme when you find out that joining one is your only option to get some teaching experience?

Can you accept the real probability of having to work as an unpaid teaching assistant or classroom helper for several months or even longer?


Hit job portals hoping that you get lucky. This is one that is quite good: TESALL. You will have to search well because most of the jobs require certification that included teaching practice and at least one hundred classroom hours. You will be one of hundreds of applicants for each position.

If this fails, your best option is to join a volunteer/internship teaching programme to get some experience. You’ll pay a few thousand dollars to get your teaching experience. One example that we found is a two week volunteer programme in China starting at $2,695.00

EBC International TEFL Certificate—Accredited TEFL training


Online only TEFL certification

Hybrid TEFL certification – a blend of online and practical training

A four week residential TEFL course, preferably accredited by an examination board or university


In your home country

How to get a job with a hybrid certificate

In the country where you would like to teach

Paid teaching job prospects: If taken at home – five or six. If the practicum is taken in the country where you want to teach – nine or ten.

THE IMPACT OF YOUR CHOICES Your choices will have a direct impact on your ability to get a job abroad teaching English.

Your choices will dictate how quickly and easily you will be able to find a job, interview and start working. Assessing the options and deciding what is the best choice is the most important thing you will do.

YOUR CHALLENGES The root of the problem lies in where you are. Getting a job abroad teaching English is location, location, location. If you take the practical part of the course in the country where you want to teach, your chances of getting a job abroad teaching English with a hybrid TEFL certificate increase to nine or ten. If you want to teach in Spain, EBC runs the practical side of its hybrid course in Madrid.

Most schools that hire teachers want to meet a candidate face-to-face before hiring them. If you are in your home country and you are asked to attend an interview in, for example Argentina, how are you going to get there?

How long are you willing to wait at home for a job? It will probably take a few months to find something.

How much are you willing to spend over and above the course fee to travel to the country, maintain yourself and attend interviews in the hope that you will get hired?


Hit job portals hoping that you get lucky. This is one that is quite good: TESALL. You will be one of hundreds of applicants for each position.

How to get a job with a 4 week certificate If you took your four week TEFL certificate course in your home country, you will have the same challenges as shown in the hybrid TEFL certificate section.

EBC International TEFL Certificate—Accredited TEFL training


Short-list countries

Contact consulates

Research moving costs

What certificate you will need?


Course fee


Subsistence until you are interviewed and hopefully hired

Volunteer programme fees


Preparation is everything

Be thorough

Try to stay positive

Practical tips and advice If you are not in the country where you would like to teach, here is what you will need to do. RESEARCH AND PLAN 

Short-list countries where you would like to teach.

Be realistic and pragmatic by keeping the list to three countries or less.

Contact the consulates or embassies of these countries to find out how you will be able to work there. Their answers will indicate what type of entry visa you will need (if any) and if your choice is working on the books or off the books.

NEVER get consular or embassy information from a third party. This information changes regularly. It is impossible for a third party to maintain 196 countries immigration and labour laws. ALWAYS get information directly from a consulate or embassy.

Research flight costs, accommodation and cost of living for each country.


Expect rejections and no reply

Know your stuff

Expect to be asked to travel for a face to face interview

Research current job offers to get an idea of what is available and what certification is acceptable.

Do not compare your potential earnings to your home currency. Always view earnings by its local spending power.

Choose a course that will give you the required certification.

EBC International TEFL Certificate—Accredited TEFL training


Short-list countries

Contact consulates

Research moving costs

What certificate you will need?


Course fee


Subsistence until you are interviewed and hopefully hired

Volunteer programme fees

Practical tips and advice If you are not in the country where you would like to teach, here is what you will need to do.


SET YOUR BUDGET - online only TEFL certificate holder

Preparation is everything

If you want to take an online course that does not include teaching practice and then try to get a job abroad teaching English, you should budget between $400 to $500 for a decent online only TEFL certificate course.

Be thorough

Try to stay positive


Expect rejections and no reply

Know your stuff

Expect to be asked to travel for a face to face interview

When you have your online certificate you will have to decide whether you want to look for a paying job or spend a few thousand dollars more on a volunteer programme so that you can get some unpaid classroom teaching experience. Budget calculation for looking for paid work on your own Time: Allow two to three months before finding schools that are interested in hiring you. Money: Add the total cost of a flight, accommodation and living expenses to cover you for at least 2 months to the online course fee. This should cover you for interviewing and subsistence until you finally get a job offer and receive your first wages. Budget calculation if you use a volunteer/internship programme as a short-cut If you volunteer or join an internship programme, you can pay for your classroom training. These types of programme are usually unpaid and you may have to start work as a classroom assistant rather than a teacher. The price depends on how long you want to spend as a volunteer or intern. Price ranges we have seen on the internet range from around $2,500 for two weeks through to about $5,000 for twelve weeks. Add the volunteer/internship programme fee to the course fee.

EBC International TEFL Certificate—Accredited TEFL training


Short-list countries

Contact consulates

Research moving costs

What certificate you will need?


Course fee


Subsistence until you are interviewed and hopefully hired

Volunteer programme fees


Preparation is everything

Be thorough

Try to stay positive


Expect rejections and no reply

Know your stuff

Expect to be asked to travel for a face to face interview

Practical tips and advice If you are not in the country where you would like to teach, here is what you will need to do. FINDING JOBS TO APPLY FOR 

As you are not using the EBC job programme, your only option is to use the same internet job portals that thousands of other prospective and active teachers use.

IMPORTANT: EBC does not use job portals. We do not join the job queue because we have direct contacts with hiring managers.

There are many portals and there is a good probability that the same job is listed on more than one of them.

Make a list of the jobs you would like to apply for.

Do not spend too long making the list because some of the job positions will probably be stale and those that are not will be filled fairly quickly.

Prepare your CV/resume so that it addresses the requirements of the jobs. Depending on what the job is, you may need to tailor your CV/resume for each job you apply for. If you do this, MAKE SURE YOU KEEP TRACK OF THE JOB AND THE CV YOU SENT.

Triple check your contact details and send in your job applications.

This is optional but recommended. Call the school to make sure that they received your job application.

Make sure that you check your email in tray and spam tray at least once a day.

Do not be surprised if you do not get a reply.

There will be hundreds of applications some of which will be from teachers already in the school's country so they will get preference.

Do not give up if you do not get the response you had hoped for. You decided to go it alone so keep trying. Your luck may change.

EBC International TEFL Certificate—Accredited TEFL training


Short-list countries

Contact consulates

Research moving costs

What certificate you will need?


Course fee


Subsistence until you are interviewed and hopefully hired

Volunteer programme fees


Preparation is everything

Be thorough

Try to stay positive

Practical tips and advice If you are not in the country where you would like to teach, here is what you will need to do. USUAL REASONS WHY YOU MAY NOT GET A REPLY With the exception of your certificate course choice and study location choice, the rest are all outside your control. Here is a list of the usual reasons why you may never receive a reply to your job application or receive a rejection letter/email.

Your certification is not accredited by an examination board or university.

You do not have a certificate from a course that included at least 100 classroom hours and six or more hours of observed teaching practice.

You are not in the country where the school is situated making it impossible to have a face-to-face interview.

Your application was rejected by the school's spam filter.

Your application was too late to make the short-list.

The position has already been filled.

The position has been withdrawn.


Expect rejections and no reply

Know your stuff

Expect to be asked to travel for a face to face interview

EBC International TEFL Certificate—Accredited TEFL training


Short-list countries

Contact consulates

Research moving costs

What certificate you will need?


Course fee


Subsistence until you are interviewed and hopefully hired

Volunteer programme fees


Preparation is everything

Be thorough

Try to stay positive


Practical tips and advice If you are not in the country where you would like to teach, here is what you will need to do. REPLYING TO EMPLOYER INTEREST AND INTERVIEWING 

Be very positive.

Do not be demanding.

Ask what the interview process is so that you know if you can afford to continue with the job application.

Try to convince the school to have a video conference/Skype interview.

Rehearse your answers to the challenges we mentioned earlier.

Prepare and be convincing.

Expect rejections and no reply

Brush up everything you learned on your course because you will be asked about everything a trained EFL teacher should know.

Know your stuff

Expect to be asked to travel for a face to face interview

If you do well at the first interview, do not be surprised if the school asks you to interview in person in the school.

If you are asked to attend a face-to-face interview, decide whether you want to risk travelling to the country in the hope that you will pass the interview and be offered the job.

EBC International TEFL Certificate—Accredited TEFL training


Short-list countries

Contact consulates

Research moving costs

What certificate you will need?


Course fee


Subsistence until you are interviewed and hopefully hired

Volunteer programme fees

Conclusion If you do all of your own job searching, a realistic time estimate for you to get a job abroad teaching English on your own and start earning will probably be between three to six months. If you decide to pay to attend a volunteer/internship pro-


gramme, the time will be much shorter but you will have to pay a few thousand dollars to join the programme.

Preparation is everything

Be thorough

Try to stay positive

Jobs through employment programmes, like JET, may include some cost-saving benefits. These jobs are almost always for people who have attended a four week residential course with observed teaching practice and a year or two of teaching experience. These programmes also lock you in to a job for at least one year and there are financial penalties if you break the contract because you do not like the job, working


conditions or living conditions. The JET programme has a limited number of positions each year and requires a face-to-face interview in London, England.

Expect rejections and no reply

Know your stuff

Expect to be asked to travel for a face to face interview

The total cost of studying at home and then looking for work in the country where you would like to teach could end up costing you between $5,000 and $6,000. In comparison, an estimate to take the EBC four week course, get a job teaching English in Madrid and house yourself until your first wage payment would be about 20% cheaper.

EBC makes sure you are interviewing right after the course.

This translates into having a job within about a week of finishing the course.

Your course will have paid for itself within just over a month of graduating.

We send your CV to schools we know and you choose the job offers you like.

If you would like more information about EBC, our TEFL courses, job placement programme and other support services, please contact us.


Phone: (+34) 915 553 975

Skype: ebcteflcourse

EBC International TEFL Certificate—Accredited TEFL training

READY TO START? EBC’s mission is to ensure that you achieve your teaching goals and get you started on a successful EFL career. We focus on quality training and getting you a job in the shortest time possible, usually within a week or less. The four week, intensive EBC International TEFL Certificate course is a practical and thorough course designed for candidates with no previous experience teaching English. It is also suitable for candidates with some experience but no formal training in the TEFL TESOL field. The EBC online TEFL course offers weekly tutorial and feedback sessions live with your trainer and even better, 6 hours of observed teaching practice given to real English language learners. Our EBC hybrid TEFL course is the same as the online course except that you do your teaching practice with us in Madrid. EBC is an accredited centre of the College of Teachers and awards TEFL certificates that are internationally recognised.

EBC International TEFL Certificate—Accredited TEFL training courses and jobs

EBC International TEFL Certificate Calle Orense 16, 2E, 28020 Madrid, Spain. (+34) 915 553 975 phone (+34) 917 702 112 fax Skype: ebcteflcourse


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