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Georgia Change of Command CLAY NATIONAL GUARD CENTER, Marietta, Ga., Sept. 30, 2011 – Members of the three branches of the Georgia Department of Defense were standing in formation as various civilian dignitaries (including current Gov. Nathan Deal and former Gov. Sonny Perdue) looked on as Maj. Gen. Jim Butterworth was became the 41st Adjutant General of the State of Georgia at a change of command ceremony Friday. Governor Deal appointed Butterworth, a former state senator, to replace the retiring Maj. Gen. William T. Nesbitt, and handed him the colors of the Georgia Department of Defense, which were firmly grasped by Butterworth signifying acceptance of command from Nesbitt, who has served for four years as the commander the Georgia Department of Defense. Butterworth thanked Gov. Deal for his “faith and trust, and for this opportunity to lead the great men and women of the Georgia National Guard.”Participating in the ceremony were units representing each branch of the Georgia Department of Defense. The Georgia State Defense Force was Georgia Change of represented by 30 soldiers led by COL C.J. West. The unit in formation along-


side their counterparts from the Army and Air and Army Guard, the Georgia State Defense Force soldiers performed in a sharp, polished, highly military manner indistinguishable from their Army and Air Guard counterparts as Governor Deal and Major Generals Nesbitt and Butterworth trooped the line to review the troops. Maj. Gen Butterworth acknowledged the sacrifices and service rendered by the Citizen-Soldiers and Airmen who form the ranks of the State Defense Force, Army and Air Guard, and their families in his remarks. Butterworth stated, “My primary goal is to serve you, as I begin my tenure as your adjutant general,” speaking to the formation of Soldiers and Airmen that stood before him. “Going forward, my role will be to ensure that we are mentally, physically and logistically prepared to carry out any and all missions we are asked to fulfill.” In photo L-R, Maj. Gen. William Nesbitt, Gov. Nathan Deal, Maj. Gen Jim Butterworth Story by CPT Andrew Creed, PAO

1BDE Picnic

Top Cop

Doc in the House

Who is This?

Public Health

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Command Sergeant Major George “Randy” Garrett GO FIGURE 105; 1448; 176,424. 3894. 310; 930; 148,000. 11,664; 4,232; 4,232. Those that know me are well aware of my allergy to statistics. We don’t mix well. So why the numbers? Soldiers, these numbers tell our story for the last 18 months: 105 GaSDF Soldiers have spent 1448 man hours in support of our Warfighter brothers and sisters at Ft. Stewart as the PTAE OPFOR. Saved the Guard $176, 424. Most importantly, Soldiers lives were saved. 310 GaSDF Soldiers spent 930 man-days on the ground during the recent tornado relief mission. Savings of $148,000 were realized. During our Training Year 2010, GaSDF Soldiers performed 11,644 training man-days and 4,232 man-days were spent in actual support of civil authorities and the Georgia National Guard. The estimated cost savings there? $737,360. All this and fun too on an annual budget of $76,000? I had the honor of presenting these figures and other GaSDF update information at the Joint Senior Enlisted Leadership Conference and Spouse Workshop recently. Looking across the audience of 200 plus senior Noncommissioned Officers, both Army and Air, the majority combat veterans, I realized the greatest reaction, the smiles, the heads nodding in agreement, came with the PTAE OPFOR numbers. GaSDF Soldiers made a difference in their training experience; GaSDF Soldiers saved lives. What better measurement of service. We continue to have the opportunity to make a difference. If you are able to volunteer your time, please do so through your local unit. You will make a difference.

Required Annual Security-Related Training for GSDF Members Antiterrorism Level 1 Training to be completed by the end of 2011 In your Internet browser Google this: atlevel 1 Or go to webpage: https://atlevel1.dtic.mil Depending on your browser you may have to deal with security certificates. Click on the instructions that allow you to continue. One of the choices which will be shown will be: Anti-Terrorism Training, click on it. When that page appears, click on “I Agree”. When the next page appears, click on the “continue” box and follow the instructions given. The course will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. Once you are done you will be given the opportunity to display and print a certificate of completion. Once you navigate to that certificate, first save it to the file of your choice. Then, print two copies, one for your personal GSDF file (which you should be maintaining for yourself) and one copy which you should give to your training NCO/Officer. This is a reportable item to higher command. There will be a space provided in the lower left portion of the certificate for a “certifying authority”. That does not apply to GSDF members and is to be left blank at all staff levels. The Proponent Office for this document is the G2 and Safety Office, ATTN: CW4 Wilson CW4 Wilson may be contacted at: jandjwilson@clear.net, (770) 603-6118 2

HEADS-UP | October 2011

1BDE Families Gather For Annual Picnic ACWORTH, GA - Almost three hundred soldiers and their families gathered at Dallas Landing Park in Acworth for 1st Brigade’s annual Family Day Picnic in August. The event brought together families from across north Georgia for some time to relax, unwind and socialize outside of the usual drill or mission scenario. The annual event was hosted by the Sidekicks, an organization of spouses and others who raise funds to assist 1st Brigade with social events. Some of the more popular activities at the picnic are geared toward the children and grandchildren of 1st Brigade soldiers. CSM Willie Wilkerson (1BDE) coordinated the Home Depot Kid’s Workshop along with volunteers from Home Depot. The workshop stayed busy all day long with kids constructing woodworking kits such as a birdhouse or a helicopter. Also popular with the kids was the Arts and Crafts Workshop hosted by Dorie Hill, wife of 1LT John Hill (1BDE). The kids also had an opportunity to have a little taste of drill and ceremony under the tutelage of SFC Wade Price (1BDE HHC), commandant of the Kid’s Boot Camp. Their newly learned military skills were on display during a ceremony where each child was awarded a certificate by COL Edward Hightower (1BDE). Throughout the day the children were also able to take a ride in a restored “deuce and a half” military truck owned by LTC Howard Brandon (HQ).

CSM Willie Wilkerson (R) hosts the Home Depot Kid’s Workshop

Of course what is a picnic without food? PFC Carol Pilgrim (2MED) coordinated the picnic feast, featuring hot dogs, hamburgers and chicken with a multitude of side dishes and desserts to choose from. While enjoying their lunch, the picnickers were treated to music by the 105th Georgia State Defense Force Band. One of the highlights of their performance was “Taps” played in honor of the American troops lost a week earlier when a helicopter was shot down and crashed in Afghanistan. Throughout the day DJ Illeet of Sirius Diversions, also known as PVT Andrew Thomas (1/1), provided music and announcements for the picnic while everyone had fun playing horseshoes and volleyball, swimming or just sitting and chatting. The afternoon brought forth the troops for the first annual 1st Brigade Tug of War Championship with the award certificate and prizes taken home by the team from 2nd Battalion. Capping off the day’s activities Sidekicks president Kim Scruggs gave away many raffle prizes with PFC Richard Boothe (2/1) and PVT Yvetho Merisme (3/1) taking home the grand prizes of an Apple Ipod Touch.

Brown, Matt Kelly Brown SSG Garry G B M tt Brown, B K ll B (L-R) man the grills HEADS-UP | October 2011

Story by SSG Tim Richardson 1BDE Pictures by PVT Andrew Thomas 1/1 HEADS-UP | December 2010


911th Family Day The 911th Support Battalion, 76th Support Brigade, GSDF, held its Inaugural Family Day Celebration on Saturday, June 18th, 2011. Emcee was Operations Company’s SGT Jim Bryant, who hosted several hundred attendees at his farm located in Dallas, GA. From 1100 until dark, soldiers and their family members enjoyed lots of food, had loads of fun, and participated in wonderful camaraderie. Soldiers from every unit of the 911th SPT BN attended, including HHC and HQ Sections staffs, Operations Company, IT Company, Communications Company, Force Protection Company, IET Cadre, and the Laotian Company. Entertainment included inflatable jumps and slides, a petting zoo, and numerous games. A special treat was the fly-in and static display of a Blackhawk helicopter from friends of the 169th Aviation Group, 78th Aviation Support Command, GA Army National Guard. Photo taking of family members in and around the aircraft was a big hit with everyone. In accordance with TAGSDF, local vendors donated much appreciated goods, services and food. Vendors included; Interactive Attractions, Chuck Williams Photography, BarnYard Friends, Marietta Dry Ice, Publix, Williamson Brothers BarB-Q, Walmart, KFC, Kroger, Kraft Foods, Chick-Fil-A, Kari Black, A&M Trailer, Home Depot. Certificates of Appreciation were presented to all vendors and donors for their gracious support. The bar has been raised high for the next Family Day. Story and photos by LTC Williams, DCO, 911th SPT BN

10 years since the attack on America It is important that we not forget what took place on September 11, 2001. We have seen many changes take place since that day. But we need to never forget those that lost family members in this shocking attack on American. Our National Guard has deployed and fought for our protection over the past 10 years and some of our own GSDF soldiers have returned to active duty and served in this war. Those that do not attend on regular basis need to take time to honor our soldiers that have given all and the families that have lost loved ones. We live in the greatest nation in the world and I for one say “Thank You God for our freedom and for those that defend it daily”. May peace return to this nation and the blessings we have had since 1776 as we fought to have Freedom and independence. I am so proud of our GSDF soldiers and our National Guard. By CMD-CH (MAJ) Roger D. Lanter 4

HEADS-UP | October 2011

Governor and Mrs. Deal attend Fort Gordon YCA Graduation of 219 Students James Brown Arena, Augusta, GA, August 27, 2011 - On this hot summer day in Augusta, elements of the 3rd Battalion, 5th Brigade were on hand to provide security and crowd control for 219 students, of the National Guard’s Youth Challenge Academy. They were gathered to participate in a graduation ceremony that few of their family and friends would have believed possible just 22 weeks earlier. Five and half months ago these headstrong at risk young people made the decision to try to turn their lives around by accepting the challenge of learning in a strictly military environment. The class began with many more students but some just didn’t have what it took to complete the program. You could feel the pride they now exuded from marching into the arena to finally receiving their diplomas. The ceremonies began around 10am with an awards ceremony. Awards were given for multiple achievements including but not limited to; SAT high scores, Recon, Volunteerism and Military achievement. Awards were presented by church groups, civic groups and community and military organizations. There was a presentation of the YCA Drill team and they performed a short marching routine. Rep. Harbin presented a resolution honoring the YCA of Ft Gordon and Ft. Stewart for recently achieving their ten thousandth graduates. After the 2 hour ceremony there was a break for lunch. The actual graduation began at 3pm, but just prior to the ceremony the entire graduating class was brought out to have their photos taken with surprise guest, Governor Nathan Deal. Mrs. Deal had been invited as the keynote speaker for the event. Other dignitaries in attendance included Maj. Gen. Nesbitt, Assistant Adjutant Gen. Mike Fowler, Representative Ben Harbin of the 118th District and Representative Quincy Murphy of the 120th District. Mrs. Deal’s speech was centered on achieving goals and believing in second chances. She told the graduates that they had all been given a second chance by the YCA, their parents and State of Georgia and that they shouldn’t squander this opportunity. She praised the graduates for achieving this first goal of graduation and challenged them to continue setting and achieving goals using the tools they had received from the YCA. After Mrs. Deal’s speech the graduates came forward by platoon to receive their diplomas. Each platoon, when called to attention, gave a loud shout then marched single file to the podium. It was impressive to watch as they moved with precision across the stage and back to their seats. At the conclusion it was announced that seventeen had chosen enter the military after graduation. There was only one mishap during the ceremony that occurred when a young woman fell victim to the heat. Sgt Nelligan of HQ 3/5 responded to the incident then called on Cpl Shirley to assist. The victim was taken to medical personnel and it was discovered that she suffered from vertigo and hadn’t taken her medication. After spending some time with the medics she returned to enjoy the remainder of the ceremony. There were eight soldiers commanded by Maj. John Morgan on scene to provide security. They were; from A Co. Capt. Waters, 1st Sgt Schmid and Pvt Lyons, from C Co. Cpl Shirley, and from HQ 3/5 CSM Leasure, Sgt White and Sgt Nelligan. One soldier from C Co. who works for the YCA was also in attendance. Pvt Rowe is in charge of supply for the YCA and was responsible for ensuring each graduate was equipped with all the items needed for the graduation. He also took it upon himself to check on the GASDF soldiers to ensure we had needed items. Story by Cpl Peter Shirley UPAR Georgia State Defense Force C 3/5 “Go for broke” HEADS-UP | October 2011

HEADS-UP | December 2010


TOC - Drop and Roll 3rd Battalion Prepares for Annual Training Mission WINDER, GA - In preparation for Annual Training, the Third Battalion / First Brigade / Headquarters Company conducted a field training exercise (FTX) during it’s August Drill. Under the guidance of Major Charles LeFurge, BN Tactical Operations Command (TOC) personnel successfully re-deployed the TOC with speed and precision. The battalion was issued operational orders for a mission and deployment instructions were given to BN TOC personnel. The TOC staff conducted pre-deployment and deployment operations, culminating in a jump and subsequent set-up and operational readiness evaluation. At Annual Training the 3rd BN’s primary mission will be to support and participate in Lanes training, by relocating the TOC to a new area of operations while maintaining security and communications. In addition, the Battalion will conduct HIP pocket training on H Search and Rescue (SAR), Wilderness Survival Skills and, conduct specialized Funeral Detail / Honor Guard Training. The complexities of a TOC jump require the coordinated efforts of all shops and soldiers involved. Future GSDF missions will draw from the challenges of and the lessons learned from these exercises.

Story and photos by PFC Lisa Kennedy HHC/3rd BN/1 Bde

LEARN YOUR HERITAGE At AT 2011, GSDF troops can learn about our history at a ‘Know Your Heritage’ display at the entrance to the dining hall. Troops can pick up a one-page Chronlogy of GSDF history and talk with GSDF historians.The display will be manned during chow times as well as some other hours to be determined. We hope you will come by. 6

HEADS-UP | October 2011

Acworth Police Chief Installed as a Board Member Of the Police Chiefs Association SAVANNAH, GA – Police Chief Michael G. Wilkie was sworn in as 4th Vice President of the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police (GACP) on Tuesday, July 26, 2011. The GACP is the organization that represents Chiefs of Police from across the State of Georgia and, as one of its duties, is responsible for the training and professional development of all Chiefs of Police. Chief Wilkie has been the Chief of Police for the City of Acworth, Georgia, for almost 9 years. Prior to his appointment in Acworth, he served appointments as the Chief of Police for Springdale, South Carolina and Jonesville, South Carolina. A native of Atlanta, Chief Wilkie is a graduate of Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina. He holds a Master of Criminal Justice degree from the University of South Carolina, a Master of Public Administration from Columbus State University (Georgia Command College, class #26), and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy. Chief Wilkie is a member of the criminal justice faculty for several Atlanta area college programs. Currently, he is a candidate for the Doctor of Public Administration degree at Valdosta State University. Chief Wilkie is an advocate of the community policing philosophy that emphasizes relationships with schools, churches, community and business groups, and neighborhoods. “We best serve our citizens and community when we are partners together and have strong, working relationships. As well as our officers knowing our community, we want our community to know their police officers well.” Chief Wilkie’s travels have taken him to Russia where he has interacted with local police. He has been a civilian law enforcement observer of the terrorist detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GTMO) and has both trained with and hosted a delegation of the Israel State Police. Chief Wilkie is an active in a variety of boards and organizations including Special Olympics of Georgia, several college alumni associations, and the Acworth Business Association. He has served in the US Army Reserves and currently serves in the Georgia State Defense Force. He is also a deacon and Bible teacher in his church. He and his family live in Acworth. Story by Frank V. Rotondo, GACP HEADS-UP | October 2011

HEADS-UP | December 2010


GSDF Brass Ensemble Commemorates 9/11 The brass ensemble of the 105th Band, 76th SUP BDE took part in a Day of Service and Remembrance hosted by Auburn, Ga., on Sunday, Sept. 11. The city held a cookout in honor of its first responders -- the Auburn Police Department, the Barrow County Sheriff’s Office, and Barrow County Emergency Services. The brass ensemble played stirring patriotic music for the event. Then, at dusk, event participants held a candlelight vigil in memory of those who sacrificed so much on Sept. 11, 2001, at the sites of the terror attacks in New York City, the Pentagon, and the Flight 93 plane crash near Shanksville, Pa. SGT David Adams provided a dramatic close to the evening by playing a moving rendition of Taps. Several people thanked the ensemble for participating and said the performance added a lot to the special day. Ensemble members, seated from left to right, were SGT Adams, CPL Marc Kornfield, SSG Bill Bancroft, CPL Brian Harmon, SSG Susie Scarr, CPL Matt Trotter, and 2LT Eddie Anthony, band commander. Standing are CPL Joseph Imafidon, left, and LTC Joel Brown. Article by CPL Diane Hawkins-Cox GSDF Band UPAR Photo by Beth Spiegel

IET Graduation for Class C-011 & the 911th SUP COM Awards Photos

Photo by CPL Marc Kornfield S-2 105th Band / 76th SUP BDE


HEADS-UP | October 2011

It’s All in a Day’s Drill Dawson Forest, Dawsonville, GA, June 17, 2011 - Someone once said “Practice Makes Perfect”, thus the reason the 4th Battalion/1st Brigade in the Georgia State Defense Force under the command of CPT McCarthy makes the most of each and every monthly drill. On a hot June day, the unit met at Dawson Forest for one of those drills. The object of the day – complete a land navigation course set up by the officers with locations designated by Azimuths and distance. The battalion was divided into 4 squads and a communications team with the NCO’s being assigned as the squad leaders with a leadership rotation to take place on each leg of the course. Squads were then given their location information, a safety briefing, and sent off to find their first checkpoint. To some, this may seem a relatively easy task, however deterrents added to the safety briefing beyond the usual, watch for snakes, use sun block, check for ticks, etc., included don’t get caught by your roving officers and “oh, by the way” there is a horse-a-thon going on today. This proved a little tricky, when needing to quietly hide themselves from their pursuers, while at the same time being visible and making noise as not to spook the couple of hundred horses on the trails that day. As the squads reached each of their checkpoints, they were required to pass Common Task Testing including: knots, building marking for urban search and rescue, first aid, and map reading. As one squad soon came to realize, getting caught by the roving “banditos” (aka officers) is to ones detriment as they were returned to “start” and had to begin all over again. Another squad learned that navigating through the “wilds” is sometimes easier said than done. CPL Hufsey by far drew the long straw of the day as he manned the map reading checkpoint, down by the riverside - yes, watching kayakers go by is tough work! As the day ended with awards, promotions, and a brief AAR – it was agreed that it was a great training day – although as one soldier pointed out – “it wasn’t rainin’ so were we really trainin”? The answer: of course we were because not rain, nor snow, nor the heat of summer will keep us from our duty to citizens of Georgia!

Story and Photo by SGT Sharon Maloney 4BN/1BDE HEADS-UP | October 2011

HEADS-UP | December 2010


GSDF RECRUITS PHYSICIANS AT MAG HOD CONVENTION The Medical Association of Georgia (MAG) held its annual House of Delegates (HOD) Convention on October 15-16, 2011 at Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, GA. Headquarters Recruiting & Retention Branch was allowed the opportunity to establish a recruiting booth. Over the 2-day event, Recruiting personnel spoke to House Delegates, elected members of county medical societies, sections, and specialty societies from around the State. The physicians contacted exhibited substantial interest in the GSDF with several filling out applications and others requesting follow up contact to discuss GSDF membership. Headquarters Recruiting personnel participating in this event were MAJ Bill Glisson, SSG Richard Legrand, SGT Randy Pavlu, CPL Chris Alasa, CPL Hugo Bryan-Porter, CPL Anthony Rollins, and PV2 Ashley Hames. Color Guard from the 2nd Bn, 1st Bde

The Color Guard from 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade presented the Colors at the opening ceremonies of the general session on October 15th. The Color Guard participants were SFC Robert Flavin, SGT Mark Burnett, CPL Douglas Crum, PFC Vicki Anderson, PFC Rex Barron, and PV2 Jamie Adkins. The Color Guard received kudos from Delegates for a very professional and meaningful ceremonial presentation. GSDF’s Static Medical Display

Following the presentation of the Colors, LTC E. Dan DeLoach, M.D., the 2010-2011 MAG President, was presented a ceremonial saber by COL John Harvey, GSDF Command Surgeon and MAG Speaker of the House. At the MAG Awards Dinner, LTC DeLoach received the 2011 Joseph P. Bailey Jr., M.D., Physician Distinguished Service Award for distinguished and meritorious service that reflects credit and honor on the Medical Association of Georgia. Congratulations to LTC DeLoach - HOOAH!!! Story MAJ Bill Glisson, Chief, Recruiting & Retention Branch. Photos by CPL Chris Alasa

COL John Harvey presents ceremonial saber to LTC Dan Deloach


HEADS-UP | October 2011

KNOW YOUR HERITAGE At a recentt BBQ hhosted t d bby th the Hi Historical t i lS Society of the Georgia National Guard, attendees received a free lunch and a brief story of the beginnings of the Georgia National Guard and State Defense Force. The theme of the luncheon at the Clay National Guard Center’s outdoor pavilion on July 8, 2011 was the ‘Battle of Bloody Marsh’, which occurred 269 years ago on July 7, 1742. The Command Historian of the Georgia State Defense Force, LTC Rich Elwell, was invited to talk about Bloody Marsh. “It was the first real test of the fighting ability of the Georgia Militia, the predecessor force of both Georgia’s National Guard and State Defense Force,” said Elwell. The founder of Georgia in 1733, General James E. Oglethorpe, had trained his new militia forces for an expected invasion by the Spanish from Florida, as they sought to expand their territory and influence in North America. The Spanish invasion of Georgia did come in July 1742 as 36 ships arrived with 2,000 Spanish troops landing on St. Simon’s Island. Oglethorpe could mobilize only 800 men consisting of his British regulars, his militia forces including the Georgia Mounted Rangers and Scot Highlanders from near-by Darien, and a few Indian allies. Oglethorpe’s militia were rugged individualists, woods-wise sharp shooters, who did not fight by-the-book, and never in tight formations in frontal assault. Some of the Spanish troops landing on St. Simons were elite Grenadiers, and they began crossing an open marsh in a long column. Oglethorpe had positioned his Militia, Indians and one company of his 42nd Regiment of Foot in the woods and thick brush on three sides of the marsh. The ambush completely surprised the Spanish, who became confused in the smoke and fog, and never saw the ghostly figures they were shooting at. After an hour, their ammunition gone, the stunned and demoralized force retreated leaving seven dead and two prisoners. Oglethorpe lost one man to heat exhaustion. Thus ended the ‘ambush at the marsh’, not really a pitched battle and not filling the marsh with blood, as later stories exaggerated. It was, however, most significant in Georgia’s early history as Spain never again attempted invasion of Georgia, the Southern colonies, or North America. Our militia forbearers of 269 years ago met their first trial by fire. There would be many more challenges to come in many parts of the world as well as in Georgia. LTC Elwell reminded the lunch crowd that the National Guard has been, and is, ‘Always Ready, Always There” and the State Defense Force is “Ready to Serve.” LTC Rich Elwell GSDF PAO Cmd. Historian HEADS-UP | October 2011

HEADS-UP | December 2010


Dobbins Air Reserve Base 94th Airlift Wing Hosts Mass Casualty Public Health Disaster Exercise Sat. Oct. 8, 2011 - A deadly influenza pandemic has taken Georgia by storm. Hundreds of thousands of people have fallen ill from a rogue virus with such speed and efficacy that area health clinics and hospitals are completely overwhelmed. A state of emergency is declared. But as quickly as that haunting squelch and “Emergency Alert System” message booms across the airwaves, phone lines have lit up behind the scenes and Pam Blackwell’s Emergency Preparedness And Response team is on the move. This was a test. This was only a test. But had the above scenario been a real-life mass casualty event, l P bli H lth offi ffice th Blackwell, a registered nurse by trade and director of the Cobb & D Douglas Public Health thatt oversees the EPR unit, would have been en route to Dobbins Air Reserve Base. There, her unit would deploy and coordinate with several other state and federal public health and disaster response agencies to receive and treat the sick and mortally injured in much the same way Blackwell and about 100 emergency responder volunteers rehearsed it Saturday under clear skies and a breezy 73 degrees. “This is what you might call herding cats,” said Blackwell, who stands a hair above five feet tall but is considered a giant in her field from former positions as Georgia state trauma director and Cobb County’s director of clinical services. “But I’m a nurse, a real nurse. And if somebody goes down I’m on it.” Dobbins ARB’s 94th ALW played host to this backstop, intra-agency operation, what to public health is to skydiving when an emergency parachute deploys after the main canopy malfunctions. T That terrible realization of the ground rushing up from below with sseconds to spare and the disastrous consequence of a full-speed iimpact is just as real and relevant to these public health professsionals during a mass-casualty public health scenario. This speccialized group is who first responders turn to for help when the ttraditional health system is overwhelmed or fails altogether. ““This is a big deal for us to train in real world time, finding deficciencies in our operations so we can have a plan,” said Josephine A Atkins-Scafe, a Master Sergeant reservist with Dobbins ARB’s 22nd Air Force combat readiness unit and chief of emergency management. “But unless you exercise you really don’t know. And we need to know.” 12

HEADS-UP | October 2011

Rewind to 2005 and Hurricane Katrina, the costliest and one of the most deadly natural disasters the United States has ever seen. Hundreds of thousands of residents living along the Gulf Of Mexico were displaced by relentless storm surge. But none more so than those in the line of direct impact throughout Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi. An airlift operation brought thousands of Louisiana residents - most from New Orleans whose casualty count was the greatest at nearly 2,000 - out from the murky waters that had enveloped entire parishes and up to Dobbins ARB where the sick, injured, hungry and dehydrated were treated before they were relocated to alternate and eventually permanent housing; including thousands of family pets that evacuees refused to leave behind. Dobbins ARB’s 94th ALW led Katrina’s air evacuation efforts with its mighty and nimble C-130 Hercules cargo prop planes, capable of landing and takeoff on airstrips that would test the mettle of aircraft a fraction their size with or without full payload. Dobbins sprawling flight line, abundance of hangar staging areas and its role as a central air support operation along the east coast and Atlantic theater make it the ideal staging and response hub, said First Sergeant Jeffrey Ulmer with the volunteer Georgia State Defense Force, First Medical Company, 132nd Medical Battalion. “We want to be experts in this so we can be diversified in all scenarios,” Ulmer said. “Whenever the state needs us we’ll be ready. We’re the true volunteer force.” First Sgt. Ulmer’s volunteer force working in conjunction with Dobbins ARB’s fire brigade and Blackwell’s Emergency Preparedness And Response team, put its skills and training to the test Saturday deploying a Mobile Surge Unit, essentially an inflatable hospital tent replete with tunnels and walls to divide and separate triage zones. The heavy blue vinyl and plastic structure is so advanced that it comes with its own computer monitored HVAC system powered by stand-alone generators. Each Mobile Surge Unit is capable of multiple configurations and can accommodate up to 50 patients at one time and process approximately 100 casualties in a 24-hour cycle, according to Dobbins ARB public affairs. Whether its a natural disaster, biological, chemical, radiological or nuclear event, the Mobile Surge Units can be equipped to handle any number of mass casualty events within their multiple configurations, said Dobbins ARB’s public affairs officer Shaun Shenk. Continued on page 14 HEADS-UP | October 2011

HEADS-UP | December 2010


“This goes back to Dobbins’ commitment to working with the public, public agencies and the community around us,” Shenk said. These same units provide support during air shows and other public events hosted by Dobbins and are deployed to support other military-civilian sponsored events throughout the state and elsewhere if needed, Shenk said. A leading unit of the Air Force Reserve Command, the 94th Airlift Wing maintains the mighty C-130 Hercules fleet and combat-ready units to deploy on short notice as well as support for more than 10,000 guardsmen, reservists and civilians at the world’s largest joint air reserve base. Until recently the wing’s primary mission was to train active duty, guard and reserve component aircrews at the C-130 H2 Flight Training Unit. But a recent shift to Air Mobility Command redirects the 94th’s focus from passive training to aggressive strike and counterstrike operations.

SGT Goodelman's Health Tip of the Month

Follow these few tips to keep weight gain off & stay healthy once the temperature starts dropping: - Spice up your vegetable and fruit intake. It’s the perfect time to eat pumpkin, squash and apple anything! - Make sure to drink plenty of water. Just because it’s not 100 degrees out doesn’t mean you should leave the water bottle at home. - Take up a fall sport. Football and soccer are fun activities now that pool time is over. - Use your free time for me time. Take advantage of the extra time you have now that the kids are away at school to exercise. - Get outdoors. Cooler temperatures mean it’s more comfortable to go for a jog than when it was 100 degrees and humid outside. No time for excuses now! - Layer up. Bring a sweatshirt because you’ll like start off a bit cold. Once you begin to sweat you’ll heat up. - Get vaccinated for the flu. Nothing is more of a bummer than being home from work or school with the flu.

Story by Poncho Wilson, guest writer

HEADS official newsletter of HEADSUP UPisisthe the offi cal newsletter of the Georgia State Force The Georgia StateDefense Defense Force GSDF PUBLIC AFFAIRS HQ

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Do you have a story for Heads Up? Send news and information to SGT Jim Zegers, Public Affairs Office at zegersgsdf@gmail.com Submit articles & photos to Cpt Andy Creed at andrew_creed_jr@hotmail.com or Sgt Jim Zegers at zegersgsdf@gmail. com. Articles are intended for publicizing unit missions, activities and events and to highlight GSDF members. Provide details: date, time, location and a brief description. Photos are encouraged. Photos with GSDF personnel should include the rank and full name of the person(s). Provide a point of contact and phone number or email address with any submissions.


HEADS-UP | October 2011

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