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Photography quiz
1. The background behind a subject is:
a. Not that important and can be ignored b. Virtually as important as the subject c. Best to always render with complete DOF d. Best to always render with shallow DOF
2. High res jpeg mode produces the same quality as RAW. 6. The primary enemy of macro photography is
a. Depth of field b. Wind c. Tripods d. Wide angle lenses
a. True b. False
3. When shooting doors and windows, and you want to emphasize the symmetry of the archi tecture, the shooting position should be
a. Dead center b. Slightly off-center c. At a 45 degree angle
4. The two most important aspects of fine art pho tography are
a. Depth of field and shutter speeds b. Fill flash and Aperture priority c. Aperture priority and Shutter priority metering d. Graphic design and lighting
5. When you shoot at twilight and night and your subject is a city skyline, you should use a tripod and 7. Outdoor portraits look best (you may choose more than one)
a. When the sun is at your back b. At noon c. At sunrise or sunset d. On a cloudy day
8. Most landscape photographs should
a. Have complete depth of field b. Be taken on a bright sunny day c. Be taken without a tripod d. Be taken with a high ISO
a. ISO 100 b. ISO 400 c. ISO 800 d. ISO 1600 9. Converting color to black and white with digi tal technology (or film) always causes
a. An increase in noise b. A gain of contrast c. A loss of contrast d. A loss of detail in the highlights
10. When you create a still life photo, you should
a. Pay careful attention to every detail b. Make the lighting artistic c. Make sure the background isn’t distracting d. None of the above e. All of the above
Winter Wildlife Workshop
Photograph beautiful North American mammals plus a snow leopard in natural environments. Mountain lions, red foxes, arctic foxes, bobcats, lynx, wolves and more are in their full winter coats. This is a very special workshop.
January 17 - 21, 2023
Frog and Reptile Workshop
This is a macro workshop where you will have up close and personal encounters with exotic poison dart frogs and primitive looking reptiles. Jim will explain how to use a ring flash to simulate difused daylight, and he will talk a lot about depth of field as it relates to macro work. This workshop takes place in Kansas city.
February 25 - 26, 2023
Louisiana Swamps
Autumn in the swamps of Louisiana (and Texas) is spectacular. The mix of orange and green leaves is beautiful, and at this time of year we have the best chance of photographing fog. There are egrets, herons, and osprey to photograph as well as alligators in this primeval and mystical environment.
October 21 - 25, 2023