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Terra Nullius

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The Vision

The Vision

Course: ARCH7081 Design 11

Instructor: Kaicong Wu


Group Work with Yilun Jiang and Yutong Guo

Year: 2022

How do we envision our visionary living space? In the project, “The Walking City” by Archigram, they represented a technological utopianism where our living space is dynamic. Archigram argues that architecture needs to first give priority to people before it was about anything else, the aim of the design is to let the living space constantly change with its inhabitants rather than staying static. Therefore, I am triggering the question “Do we, human beings always have the priority of allocating resources in this world?”

People always have the tendency of dominating nature, but instead of subjection, I strongly believe a harmonious living space is about coexisting with nature. This belief in coexistence with nature should be carried on from generation to generation. In this project, our group was asked to design the masterplan of Kau Yi Chou artificial island by implementing a generative design process while simultaneously satisfying the requirements of the Hong Kong Government. We assumed that the original KYC island has its own consciousness and the ability to decide its own extension. We conducted a series of physical experiments by using the KYC island as a base to generate a set of masterplans for further evaluation.

The First Set of Experiments

For the first set of experiments, we are experimenting with the slopes of the original KYC island by pouring different types and colours of liquids into the 3D print model of the island.

The Second Set of Experiment

For the second set of experiments, we added the transport stations surrounding the original KYC island so that the two sets of liquids can blend with each other forming a more efficient masterplan in terms of zoning and transportation.

Concept Diagram

After conducting a series of physical experiments, we then evaluated the masterplans in the digital “world” so that we can further detail the masterplan in a more efficient way. First of all, we are aiming for high-efficiency transportation so therefore the entire island is connected by an enormous hyper-loop. We also used different digital simulation tools to help us in improving the path of the loop.

1000 Hectares

Design Goals


We also introduced different types of liquids that can fit the zoning condition of their own. For example, the commercial area (Blue) is only mixed up with water so that it is easier to blend with other zones otherwise CBD without any urban activity will be a “ghost town” after working hours.

An Island Without Car

Green Space Easily Accessible

We experimented with the slopes of the original KYC island by pouring different types and colours of liquids into the 3D print model of the island.


We added the transport stations surrounding the original KYC island so that the two sets of liquids can blend with each other forming a more efficient masterplan in terms of zoning and transportation.

Giving Meaning to Colours

We also created a loop between the physical and digital world, by using the feedback from the digital simulations, we are able to do the experiment in a more systematic and rational way.

Introducing Oil as the Separator

We used oil occasionally in between each liquid so that we can control how each liquid blended with the other. Therefore, the sharp and blurred edge and boundary conditions are introduced to the master plan.

Different urban are created through physical and digital experiments so then we evaluated based on the criteria proposed by the Hong Kong government.

Based on the assessment, the resulting first master plan has most of the residential areas (in red) located at the edge of the island. Ideally, however, the business district should be on the edge, as the edge of the island is usually more prestigious than other subdivisions.

Based on the assessment, the result of the second master plan is more dispersed in terms of zonings. Therefore, a complex and dynamic transportation system should be implemented in the master plan. In addition, the proportion of each district of this master plan seems to not satisfy the regulations of the Hong Kong government.

According to the evaluation, the result of this master plan is the most successful in terms of efficiency, with all the zoning integrated, with commercial areas at the edges and residential areas in the middle, with easy access to green spaces and commercial spaces.

Buildings as landscape

Lagoon as a part of Cityscape

After exporting the physical experiment into the digital world, the computer divided the pattern into bright and dark areas. The darkest areas that could not be read by computer have been translated as lagoons with a pedestrian walk surrounding them.

Multifunctional Bridge A Rooftop Public Space

We are aiming for high-efficiency transportation so therefore the entire island is connected by an enormous hyper-loop. We also used different digital simulation tools to help us in improving the path of the loop.

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