Fractal: ARCH1101 Architecture Design Studio, Cornell University

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Cornell AAP II ARCH1101


Fall 2021


This project analyzes, interprets, and interacts with the natural phenomenon of blizzards against the backdrop of climate change. Revolving around the central concept of the fractal structure inherent to blizzards, the design is conducted in three phases: 1) analytical drawings that explore the fractal structure of blizzards, 2) a wearable device that promotes interaction between the wearer and the blizzard by amplifying the latter, and 3) a research outpost that chronicles the evolution of blizzards over time by accelerating blizzard-related erosion to reshape the topography and the spatial experience of the occupant.


Section 01_GONZALEZ // jg2369


Both the individual snowflake at a microscopic scale and the overall wind pattern of a blizzard at a planetary scale are fractals. The very concept of a fractal implies a shift in scale: snowflakes coming together to gradually form a blizzard can be interpreted as smaller modules of a fractal aggregating into larger modules; conversely, it can also be said that from a central vortex of snow and wind, smaller gusts are grown and thrown into the perimeter, similar to how fractals reproduce self-similar miniatures. The themes of fractal, scalability, aggregation, and growth are elucidated in the model and drawings.

Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF CLIMATE
Section 01_Gonzalez // Jingwen
// jg2369
Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel
Final Portfolio


Pencil on bristol, 19’’×24’’

Explores the reduction of visibility in blizzards by analyzing the reflection and refraction of light in snow clusters


Various media on bristol, 19’’×19’’

Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF CLIMATE //
// Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez // Jingwen Gu // jg2369
Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel


Pencil on bristol, 19’’×24’’

The hexagonal snowflake fractal and the spiral fractal of the hurricane which forms a blizzard are merged to explore the idea of scalability, thus demonstrating the similar structural properties of blizzards at the two extreme scales.

Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF CLIMATE // Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel // Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez // Jingwen Gu // jg2369


Pencil on bristol, 19’’×24’’

This drawing explores the process of aggregation/growth through which scalability is achieved. The aggregation/growth process of a fractal is captured in timeframes to illustrate the cyclical process of scaling up or down: the aggregated whole becomes a part in the next cycle, and vice versa.

Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF CLIMATE // Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel // Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez // Jingwen Gu // jg2369


Bristol, 11’’×14’’×1’’

The model conducts a series of operations on the bristol that represents the movement of snow in a blizzard, including lifting, spreading, and depositing. The arrangement of the modules follow that of a fractal, thus allowing the modules to grow and bifurcate out of each other.

Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF CLIMATE //
// Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez // Jingwen Gu // jg2369
Professors: Dillon Pranger
Felix Heisel

Modular Study Models


This iteration weaves paper strips into a series of enlarging circular modules to represent the fractal structure. The strips simultaneously create various conditions of visual barrier, thus exploring the visibility concept.

Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF
Section 01_Gonzalez // Jingwen
// jg2369
// Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel
Final Portfolio
bristol, 8’’×12’’×7’’ Small Scale Model bristol, 12’’×12’’×3’’ Large Scale Model bristol, 18’’×18’’×6’’


Bristol, 14’’×16’’×2’’

The model captures the aforementioned structural properties and attaches modules to each other in the form of a fractal. The model is then able to morph from a single circle and centrifugally radiate smaller branches, or gather the branches to form a unified circle.

Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF CLIMATE //
Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez // Jingwen
// jg2369
Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel


The concepts of the fractal and the consequent processes of aggregation and growth are then translated into a way of amplifying the blizzard phenomenon and the wearer’s experience while confronting it, thus mediating between the human and the elements.


A number of flaps re attached to each other both serially and radially, creating a fractal structure that funnels and aggregates many strands of wind into one strong gust, consequently enhancing the cold and pain that blizzards cause. In other words, the device amplifies the blizzard by mimicking its structure, turning itself into a microcosm of the blizzard.


The paper mechanism allows the flaps to spread out, gather more air, and enhance the amplification as the underlying fan is expanded, and vice versa. As the fans are attached to different parts of the limbs and torso, the gestures of the wearer can now adjust the level to which the blizzard is amplified.


The final device consists of five connected fans, each collecting wind from a different direction and directing the enhanced wind to a vulnerable joint of the wearer. As the wearer navigates through a blizzard, he is forced to change gestures to reduce the amplification level of wind in the prevailing direction with respect to his position. The device thus creates a choreography that is determined by space and in turn reshapes space.

Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF CLIMATE
// Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez //
// jg2369
Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel
Jingwen Gu
Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF
// Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez //
// jg2369 Study Model Iteration 1 trace paper Study Model Iteration 2 burnt trace paper Study Model Iteration 2 burnt trace paper
CLIMATE // Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel
Jingwen Gu
Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF
// Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez // Jingwen
// jg2369 MATERIAL STUDY Burnt trace paper and
Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel
Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF
// Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez //
// jg2369
Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel
Jingwen Gu
Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS
// Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez //
// jg2369
Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel
Jingwen Gu
Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF
// Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez //
// jg2369
Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel
Jingwen Gu
Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF CLIMATE //
// Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez // Jingwen Gu // jg2369
Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel
Elevation Pencil on bristol, 24’’×38’’ Section Pencil on bristol, 19’’×24’’
Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 //
01_Gonzalez //
CLIMATE // Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel
Final Portfolio Section
Jingwen Gu
Hybrid Drawing Digital Collage Choreography Drawing Demonstrates the choreography that the device creates for the wearer while traversing the blizzard.


The amplification process is translated onto a larger scale and develops into a research outpost, where the amplification of a blizzard to some extent warps time and becomes a way of recording, observing, and even predicting blizzards.

Site Condition

The outpost is sited on the loess plateau in north China, which has an interesting relationship with blizzards in that 1) the terrain is full of gullies that are fractally structured, just like a blizzard; 2) the gullies are formed and worsened by erosion in part caused by blizzards, since the wind and melted snow both carry away the loose soil; 3) the region is expected to suffer increasingly intensified blizzards in the next 50 years due to climate change.


Seven concrete walls are embedded in the terrain to form to form a series of six interconnected wind funnels increasing in size that enhance the erosion into the terrain. As one funnel feeds the wind into another, the gust is continuously strengthened.

Temporal Effects

Most of the structure is buried in earth in the beginning and is gradually revealed as the enhanced blizzard accelerates the erosion within the wind funnel. Layered markings appear on the concrete walls as the blizzards erode the earth layer by layer, making the walls a monument to time that documents the effects of every blizzard it has witnessed. The acceleration of erosion allows the structure to reveal what the future could be when blizzards are intensified by climate change. The researcher is thus able to both study the past blizzards and predict the future by observing the markings, turning the outpost into the modern equivalent of an oracle.

Occupant Interaction

The researcher observes and experiences blizzards through space and time. Different sections of the funnels are eroded one after another, making a journey through the structure a travel through time where the researcher observes the changes in the wall markings. As the land sinks down from erosion, the tapered funnels narrow the space and confine the researcher like a prison. The increasingly uncomfortable spatial experience over time metaphorically represents the deterioration of the environment and the threat to the survival of mankind.

Final Model, 1/4’’=1’0’’

Rockite, 24’’×36’’×11’’

Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF CLIMATE
// Final Portfolio
Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel
// Jingwen Gu // jg2369


The iteration creates negative space in acrylic to funnel wind, meanwhile allowing the wind to be seen from the outside. Sections can be taken from the funnel to allow for different ways of studying and manipulating blizzards.

Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF CLIMATE
// Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez //
// jg2369
Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel
Jingwen Gu
Acrylic, 2.75’’×8’’×2’’
Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 //
Section 01_Gonzalez //
// jg2369
ACTS OF CLIMATE // Professors:
Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel
// Final Portfolio
Jingwen Gu
Acrylic Funnel on Eggcrate Topography, 1’’=20’ Acrylic and Alphacore, 21’’×13’’×5’’ Study Model Acrylic, 7’’×2’’×2’’


Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF CLIMATE //
// Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez //
// jg2369
Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel
Jingwen Gu
Acrylic, 2.75’’×8’’×2’’ This iteration explores the spatial expressiveness of rockite and assigns a similar function of wind funnelling.
Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF CLIMATE //
Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez //
Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel
Jingwen Gu
Study Model Iteration 1 Rockite, 9’’×2’’×2’’ Study Model Iteration 2 Rockite, 9’’×4.75’’×2.75’’ Study Model Iteration 3 Rockite, 9’’×2’’×2’’ Study Model Iteration 4 Rockite, 12’’×3’’×3’’
Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF CLIMATE //
// Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez // Jingwen Gu // jg2369
Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel
Site Plan/Serial Section
Various Media, 20’’×12.5’’
Explores the topography’s evolution under wind, snow, and erosion over a long period of time.
Siting Graphic, Plan Digital Collage

Site Plan/Serial Section

Various Media, 24’’×36’’

Explores the topography’s evolution under wind, snow, and erosion over a long period of time.

Siting Graphic, Isometric Digital Collage

Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF CLIMATE // Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel // Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez // Jingwen Gu // jg2369

Form Generation Diagram

Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF CLIMATE //
// Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez // Jingwen Gu // jg2369
Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel Pencil on Bristol, 9’’×36’’ Walls to funnel wind Taper walls to condense wind Taper walls to collect wind Shear to force guide wind downwards Intersect volumes to combine walls Articulate volumes for circulation Multiply modules to feed wind consecutively
Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 //
Section 01_Gonzalez //
ACTS OF CLIMATE // Professors: Dillon Pranger and
Heisel // Final Portfolio
Jingwen Gu
Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF CLIMATE // Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel // Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez // Jingwen Gu // jg2369
Plan, 1/4’’=1’0’’ Penci on Bristol, 24’’×36’’ Section 2, 1/4’’=1’0’’ Pencil on Bristol, 18’’×24’’’ Section 1, 1/4’’=1’0’’ Pencil on Bristol, 18’’×24’’’

Serial Axonometry

Illustrates the evolution of the topography over time under augmented erosion and its spatial relation with the observatory.

Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF CLIMATE // Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel // Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez // Jingwen Gu // jg2369

Section Collage

Digital Collage

Illustrates the erosion marking through which the outpost documents blizzards. Also explores the changes in spatial experience of the researcher circulates, both through space and over time.

Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 // ACTS OF
// Final Portfolio Section 01_Gonzalez // Jingwen
// jg2369
CLIMATE // Professors: Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel

Hybrid Drawing

Digital Collage

Cornell AAP // Fall 2021 // ARCH1101 //
ACTS OF CLIMATE // Professors:
Dillon Pranger and Felix Heisel
// Final Portfolio Section
// Jingwen Gu // jg2369
Explores the plan-section relation and the amplification effect through the fractal configuration.

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