Ddf m4 journal

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DIGITAL DESIGN + FABRICATION SM1, 2016 Countryside Sleeping Pod Jingyi Zhang(784195)

Michelle, number 9




Brief: This design aims to produce a comfortable and artistic sleeping pod. Unlike normal sleeping pod which functions like a bed, the one under exploration here is designed for people to sleep in the situation that they can not lay down (Lecture 2,2016).

Material System: “Material: the matter from which a thing is or can be made.” “System: a set of things working together as parts of mechanism or an interlocking network; a complex whole.”(Lecture 2,2016)

Section and Profile: This material system is about discontinuity and deduction. It is basically created by “taking cuts through a formed three dimensional object”(Iwamoto,2009).Instead of building surfaces, the edge of sections follows the surface geometry(Iwamoto,2009). The idea of using discontinuous sections to create a continuous form makes this material system very interesting to explore. Additionally, as this material system converts “surface” constructing into “line” constructing, very complex geometry can be physically fabricated. Furthermore, because of the “slicing” process, section and profile material system tends to have a porous appearance. This is useful to create semi-private space.

The material system for this project is section and profile.


Egg Cutter: In order to well understand the meaning and rules of section and profile material system, egg cutter was assigned to us to observe and analyse. Precise measuring , digital modelling and critical analysis of the object were conducted.


I interpret this object as a section and profile material system in two ways. Firstly, in a more straight forward way, when every slicer sits in the base properly, it forms a smooth dwarf cylinder form. To put it another way, this cylindrical shape is cut into 4 pieces, including three egg slicers and the base. If each section can be compared to skeleton, the overall profile would be like the flesh. The distinct variation between sections and the whole system is very interesting to explore and can be a good precedent demonstrating the idea of concealing complex geometry under a fairly simple shape. Furthermore, how each sections are connecting together in this object is worth mentioning. The base has numerous notches which are located carefully so that slicers can be slotted into the base easily and firmly. This technique is very illuminating for my further design work. plan of the base (external)

plan of the base (internal )

plan of the slicer

section of the base

Perspective view Digital model of egg cutter


Secondly, the focus turns to the base. One possible way to make the base is to create a solid object having same contour with it first. Then cut it using the three slicers. The curved surface of the base can be understood as being defined by parallel thick lines. This avoids creating this complex surface, which costs more for fabrication as the plastic material needs extra energy to be shaped into a more curved shape. To nest eggs properly, the upper surface is actually designed to be similar with eggs’ surface geometry. This really inspires me to create a sleeping pod which mimics human body shape in module 2.


Reconfigured object: To explore other potentials from egg cutter, a reconfigured object is made, using the slotting technique learnt from the object. In a symbolic way, those vertical strips are like the slicers “cutting the people inside the volume so that only parts of the body of the one inside will be exposed to outsiders. This balance of the hiding and connecting learnt from the porous base are well explained by this reconfigured object. Apart from the similarity, this reconfigured object really breaks down the uniformed appearance of the original object into fragments, which arose unstable feeling bur at the same time brings diversity and dynamic to the

Sketch design: Taking the rule learnt from the object, three sketch designs are made This one is really based on the reconfigured object: the manipulation of hiding and showing (separating and connecting) is further explored. In respond to the sleeping pod brief: the design particularly focus on the support at neck and back head. But how each panel meets the head is not well designed, which may make the sleeping device uncomfortable. Additionally, the structural stability is omitted in the design process. To make a sleeping pod wearable but also stable is the problem need to be solved.


Designing In this module, we moved on to the designing part and started to test and refined the sketch design produced in module 1. And I worked in group with Qingrong Li, who were doing the same material system with me. According to the lecture, in the design of sleeping pod, we need to “address the question of personal space ; sense of comfort and security” and also “create a spatial or emotional effect so as to communicate to others that you need security and comfort”(Lecture 4,2016). So this module would also follow this guide,aiming to create a structurally stable, wearable but more importantly both physically and psychologically comfortable sleeping device.


Sleeping position After testing several sleeping positions, we found out that this three positions are the most comfortable ones. Incorporating this knowledge, we decided to create a sleeping device which encourages people to sleep in this way. In another word, this sleeping pod will provide support for forehead, temple and also the back of the head.

Personal Space As Summer (1969) argues, personal space of someone is not consistent. It depends on who we are dealing with and also our emotions. It makes sense that when we are with close friends and families, the personal space reduces. Whereas when we are with classmates or teachers, the desired personal space will increase. Also, if we are in a bad temper, probably the personal space will boom to its maximum level and we refuse to let anyone get close to ourselves. Considering the variation of personal space, I estimated the personal space of my group mate in three scenarios: sleeping with the company of close friends; sleeping in classroom; sleeping in the public with mostly strangers around. They are respectively represented in this map as dark purple, light purple and white. I needs to mention that the shape of personal space generally follows the shape of human body. And generally, people need more personal space at the front instead of at the rear.


Principle effects extracted from module 1: Because we were working in groups of two. At the beginning of the design process, we felt the urgency to summarize our ideas and skillfully combine them into one, which will be further explored. We found it is useless and very limited to only draw combine our sketch designs in a physical way. Instead, the effect each of us wants to achieve is of more potential to explore. So we turn our attention to extract the strongest effect from our module 1 work and then find ways to combine them.


This is Rebecca’s sketch design which creates a disfigured effect in order to communicate with the public that any intrusion to this person’s (the user of this sleeping pod) personal space is not welcomed. In addition, because of the distortion effect, outsiders are not able to see who the user is. Even though the structure is porous, a good level of privacy can be guaranteed.

This is my sketch design, which exaggerates the gaps between each sections in order to introduce external view into the interior space. This is to do with comfort and security. Because if we are in a completely separated narrow space, it is so easy to feel isolated and scared. But if the space doesn’t completely separate us out form the environment, a sense of security and psychological comfort can be obtained. SEMI-PRIVACY


On the other head, this is not to say that the sleeping pod should be completely open, which is contradictory with the study of personal space. The numerous sections still blocks outsiders’ view to the inside, which intends to announce to the public that this personal space is not allowed to be disturbed by strangers.

What is effect? “A change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.”(Lecture 5,2016) It’s worth mentioning that the effect is not the goal of design. Every effect we create need to serve the function of the sleeping device. To be more detailed, if the effect has nothing to do with “security”, “comfort” or “privacy” or any other criteria which can be used to weigh up the performance of the sleeping pod, there is no reason not to give it up.

Proposed design Prototype of the internal layer , which functions as a structural support.

Perspective view of the digital model

It is worth mentioning that at this stage, we used digital modelling tool only to document instead of integrating it into the design process. This really limits our design into a relatively regular shape. Because irregular shape is relatively hard to be fabricated and with no real prototypes, it’s also hard to imagine the overall effect and sketch its plan and elevation.

Sketch show the overall profile of the proposed design

Front view of the digital model Sketch of the external layer, which uses moire effect to create distortion effect.


Precedent Study: C-space pavilion

Curvaceous shape: This precedent gives us insight into the great potential of section and profile material system in creating very complex and curvaceous shape. It can be understood as being sliced twice in two different directions. In another word, it is composed of two layers. The primary layers consists the vertical standing c shape sections. And the secondary layers is made up by relatively horizontal oriented strips,which are sloted to the primary sections. Because of the curved shape of the primary sections where the secondary sections are sloted to, the overall curvaceous shape is generated.

(C-space Pavilion. Alan Dempsey & Alvin Huang. 2008)

Differentiated effect: In addition, as the image at the right shows, C-space pavilion creates a beautiful differentiated effect by slotting the secondary sections in an angle with the primary sections instead of perpendicular to the primary ones. A gradual transition from opaque to transparent is observed.


Design v1:


Prototype made for ideation



The interior shape mimics the shape of human head,but slightly larger than that. This is beneficial because it provides good support at the neck and when the user wants to lean forward, there’s also surface to hold the load of head. As the interior space is slightly larger than human head, it allows gentle movement as well.

moire effect: Interference effect (in this case moire effect) is used here to cover facial area, which has the intention to avoid eye-contact. It is created by overlaying two layers of straight lines. When people view it, different patterns can be observed. This creates a sense of movement as if the “screen” is digital and is literally displaying animations. This can really catch people’s attention, but at the same time it blurs their’s view to the inside. As the user’s eyes are so close to this “screen”, there won’t be any moire effect being observed by him or her. This protects them from feeling too dizzy after staring at these patterns. But more importantly, it allows them to see the outside through gaps without the need to worry about unwilling eye contact. As the outside is accessible visually, a sense of security is generated.


Why this sleeping pod only covers the head? Because when people are sleeping in public, it is crucial to cover facial area in order to prevent unwilling eye contact and set up a “wall” between personal space and public space to stop strangers’ disruption. Additionally, learnt from the study of comfortable sleeping position, we know that the support of head when people are sleeping without laying down is very important if comfort is aimed to achieve.

Weakness: I have to admit that the square appearance isn’t very attracting aesthetically and also conceals the complex interior shape,which should be the strongest selling point of this piece of design. Learning from the precedent, there are several ways to improve: contour a solid geometry in an interesting angle not orthogonal; change the geometry of the solid which all the sections develop from; find ways to contour a solid with curved surface in a way that each sections is perpendicular to the tangent of the curve instead of all parallel with each other.

Design version 2: TOP VIEW





More curvaceous shapes are added to the primary sections in order to increase its visual appearance.

Wearable structures are added around the arms to stabilise the structure and make it wearable. People can actually wear it like wearing a backpack.

moire effect We experimented a new way of creating moire effect. Instead of overlaying two arrays of straight lines, only a layer of curves are used. Arrange them carefully so that there are some points where curves are closer to each other and some areas where curves are spreading further away. Based on this difference, optical illusion can be created. However, this effect doesn’t quite show in digital model. We intend to experiment this method physically at the end of this module when we can get a relatively completed prototype.


Design v3 (combine v1











arms also fits as well. The problem is about the interior space size,which turned out to be a bit narrow as only skinny people are able to get in. In terms of the structural stability, because we initially thought this prototype is going to be made by 2mm mount board. So all joints are 2mm. But it was made by 1mm board instead. So the joints are bigger than the thickness of the panel,which leads to the structural instability. In addition to that,the thin panels are also very sharp at the edge. People don’t feel comfortable when those panels are nesting on top of their head. This model cannot hold as much load as we expected. This has to do with the thickness of the panels and also the overall size. We decided to increase the panels size and re-select materials in the coming module. Additionally, we found it’s really hard to insert all the wavy polypropylene sheets into the joint especially when the waffle structure isn’t very strong at the moment. Later experiments on this area needs to be done. Lastly, because laser cutting machine cuts boards by burning. One side of the board is yellowish. This tarnishes its visual appearance.


At the end of module, we used Fablab to laser cut the final prototype out of 1mm mount board at this stage. By using digital fabrication tool, as Iwamoto(2009) correctly argues the making process for prototype can be really shorten. Three sleeping positions are tested on this prototype. It shows that the interior shape fits very well with the human head and the opening for

Fabrication In this module, I still work in a group with Qianrong Li(Rebecca). After module 2, we found out that there are two things need to be done before we move into the fabrication of the final model. Firstly,special attention will be paid to the selection and testing of materials,which determines whether the sleeping pod is comfortable or not. Secondly,several refinement of the digital model needs to be done. Then it’s time to produce the final well fabricated 1:1 sleeping pod. Digital fabrication tool--laser cutting-- is also used in this stage to fasten the fabrication process. This is a two dimension subtractive digital fabrication method (Lecture ).It is really helpful for our section and profile material system as we need to make a lot of repetitive two dimensional panels in order to create the profile.


Material selection: Knitting wool threads are chosen to reduce the hardness of the panels, so that they are soft and comfortable to touch.

We decide to use wool threads which have gradual color change for aesthetic reason. Several color ranges are tested,including green to blue; rainbow;brown to white. The green to blue range is chosen later on because of the quiet and easy feeling inherited by the color. This is suitable for a device which is used for sleeping. In contrast, the rainbow color range is too colorful and the red color gives people an alarming feeling.

Several wrapping methods are tested as well. The method shown in the top two images are used alternatively later on, depending on whether the boundary is complex or not.


Even though knitting wool successfully makes the panel surface nice to touch,it falls to soften the edge. To dissolve the hardness of the edge,pipe cleaner and non-slip mat are tested. Pipe cleaner: The strength for this material is its fluffy feature. But if under compression, the strength will cease. The steel axle inside even reinforce edge’s hardness. Considering that, we decided to only apply them to the bottom edge of each vertical panels where no compression from knitting wrap is applied.

Non-slip mat: Non-slip mats are still soft under pressure. For that reason, we decided to apply this material to most of the edges. However, it also has some drawbacks, which needs to be solved. Firstly, the adhesive surface isn’t very strong in adhesion. So extra glue should be applied. Secondly, because of its thickness, it flips to either side of the panels easily once there are wool threads wrapping around it. This triggers the idea of using corrugated cardboard,as its semi-hollow chamber can nest non-slip mat nicely. So lower parts of the mat will be sandwiched and protected by the surface of corrugated cardboard.

magnet and polypropylene Previously we cut out a piece of board from the bottom part of the two side panels and inserted magnet there to help people wear this pod. But because we changed board material to corrugated cardboard,which isn’t very flexible and is very prone to bending. we replaced magnet with polypropylene sheets. Corrugated cardboard Apart from the reason mentioned under the heading of non-slip mat, we use this material also because of low weight to thickness ratio. Although the brown color of this kind of board gives people an unfinished and rough impression, it will eventually be covered by wool threads. So it’s ok to use material in this case. Another limitation is this material is not normally be cut by laser cutting machine. Fablab is not sure whether it will burn or not. So extra material need to be prepared for testing. This slows down our process a bit in the fabrication process. Lastly, this material is easily to be bent. This is ok for the model itself because the waffle structure doesn’t require each components to be very rigid and strong. But during the fabrication process, this drawback becomes very detrimental. As we have to wrap threads around these huge panels which has so many notches, it is so easy to bend them. And we didn’t notice until the last minute that the bent area are located at the front area,very exposed to the public.


Front: polypropylene was initially used to create Moire effect. But this material is abandoned in this module because of the fabrication difficulty. Then we attempted to use fishing lines to create a complex line work,which hopefully can distort the interior space,using its transparent and relatively reflective feature. But the result isn’t very desired. Finally we decided to use cotton threads and mirrors,which is considered to be compatible with the tone of knitting wool threads.

Refinement of digital model:

Several refinements are made to the digital model: We increased the size of each panel to increase the strength and stability of the sleeping pod. However, this is not very successful as the size goes much bigger than we expect. Additionally,the interior space is enlarged. Horizontal panels are inserted to the front area as well to prevent the front leg of each vertical panels to twist. A horizontal panel at the back are designed to slot into the primary sections in the opposite direction. This interlocks the waffle frame. The joint size is increased to 4mm--1mm larger than the board thickness. Because the wool threads take up room as well.


Fabrication of the final 1:1 sleeping device: fabrication sequence:

Several lessons are learnt during fabrication process and in response to that some changes are made: Firstly, joints are not at the right size. It shows that wool threads are thicker than 1mm. So the wrapping direction of the horizontal panels is converted from horizontal to vertical.

STEP1: Wrapping horizontal panels

STEP2: Wrapping vertical panels

Secondly, we failed to estimate properly the time that the wrapping process should take. To fasten the process, we wrapped more sparsely than before. Because more corrugated cardboard are exposed, it turned out to be not as visually attractive than the prototypes made before.

Reflection: This one to one sleeping pod is not well fabricated, which results from poor time management and irrational time management. The assemblage process was positioned too late in the time line. Because of STEP3: Assemblage that, we didn’t have the chance to look at the overall profile of the sleeping pod until the very last minute. As a result, there is no time left to make adjustment and refine the model. In terms of the sleeping pod itself, it is much bigger than we expected it should be,which increases its weight significantly. The vertical panels are placed too close to each other,which blocks too much sunlight and doesn’t really achieve the semi-privacy effect. The front cover doesn’t achieve the desired effect as well. White lines disrupts the harmony created by the blue panels. Because this model still has a lot of problems need to solve. Further refinement are conducted in the next module.


Vertical panels

Exploded assembly drawings: Horizontal panels





Refinement of sleeping pod: Half of the vertical panels are removed in order to increase the spacing and introduce more light to the interior space. This helps to achieve the semi-privacy effect and give people comfortable and secure feeling. Panels are wrapped with more care so that the desired soft texture and stunning impression of the color are achieved. All the front cover patterns are removed so that the texture and geometry of the sleeping pod are shown more clearly and impressively. Pipe cleaners are added to the lower edge of vertical sections.

Left: perspective view (rear) of the final model Middle: front view Right top: wrapping detail Right bottom: the interior space


Top left: perspective (left) top middle: front top right: perspective (right)

view from the inside of the sleeping pod

The three photos at the top demonstrates one possible way to sleeping inside the sleeping pod. One interesting effect can be observed is that the user’s face only appears when people look at her right in front of her. Imagine if there are people passing by, they may take a glimpse at her but most of the times, they will not be able to see her face, as it is being blocked by the vertical panels. This limitation of outsider’s view protects the privacy of the user. At the same time, the user’s view is limited as well. This is to prevent eye contact. But she is still be able to see outside through the gaps as the pictures on the right side shows. This visual connection makes her let her know that she is not completely separated from the crowd and makes her feel secure. The gradual transition of light from outside to inside can be observed as well.


These images illustrate how people use this sleeping pod while they are sitting. The top middle and right images in taken from the same view but different distance away from the user. The middle one is taken closer to the right image. It’s clear shown that if people are slightly further away from the user, they will not be able to see her face. This is to do with privacy. In relation to personal space, this also communicates with the public about the boundary of her personal space. These two photos at the right show that even though this piece of design has such a different tone with the built environment, if we view it from a distance, it still can merge with this kind of settings very well and isn’t very distinct and strange.


This two images are illustrating people’s reaction to this sleeping pod. People who are not close to the user tends to look at her from a distance and generally only take a glimpse. While people who are closer to the user (as the image at the right shows) tends to be willing to sit next to the user. This regulation of people nearby coincides with our previous study of personal space. Another effect we observed is that, because of its distinct and even a bit funny appearance, it even entertains people passing by. This nice relationship with outsiders is really an expected effect, which doesn’t have much to do with sleeping activity but is still worth mentioning.


These two pictures are taken in concrete lawn, a relatively natural environment. The sleeping pod really forms a harmony with this environment. It was cold that day when we took these photos. But it’s relatively warm inside the sleeping pod.




Bibliorgraphy: Iwamoto, . 2009. Digital fabrications: architectural and material techiniques. Princeton Architectural Press. New York.

Printrest,2016. Moire effect. viewed 20 April 2016 <https://au.pinterest.com/pin/550283648200950212/sent/?sender=550283785627905989&invi te_code=fdac23db921d21caf9885553fc b13386>

Sommer, R. 1969. Personal space : the behavioral basis of design. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice�Hall, c1969.A


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