Kim JG _ design portfolio

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나의 디자인이 사람들에게 행복을 전달해 줄 수 있으면 좋겠다.


intro Design philosophy Contents About me + My story

01 02 03_04

product design Red eye Secret container table +Fork Horn

07_10 11_12 13_14 15_17

graphic design 내 탓이오 국악과 탈춤과 힙합의 만남 skills Hand sketches & rendering Tool skills

19 20

21_22 23_24

about me & my story




한동대학교 산업정보디자인학부 편입학 대전대학교 산업광고심리학과 입학 울산 화암 고등학교 졸업 울산 방어진 중학교 졸업

2009.03 2005.03 2005.02 2002.02

편입 후, 디자이너의 길을

2012 제49회 대한민국디자인전람회_시각디자인 부문, 특선 한동대학교 산업정보디자인학부 전공성적장학금 한동대학교 산업정보디자인학부 전공성적장학금

2012.10 2012.03 2011.03

한동대학교 중앙선거관리위원 주케로 어소시에이츠 인턴 한동대학교 산업정보디자인학부대표 한동대학교 학부협력회 의원 한동대학교 평의회 임원 한동대학교 제품디자인학회 MAGIC

2013.03~06 2013.01~03 2012.01~12 2012.01~12 2011.09~12 2011.06~

편입에 성공하는듯 보였으나

Certificates TOEIC Speaking_6급 MOS PowerPoint 운전면허증 1종 보통



수능망침 인생의 쓴맛 맛봄


을 가다

my story 울산에서 태어나고 20살까지 울산에서 거주하였음. 디자인을 공부하고 싶었으나 누구나 그렇듯 수능을 망쳐 서 아무 연고가 없던 대전으로 대학을 가게 되었으며, 더 놀라운 것은 생각지도 못한 심리학을 공부하게 됨. 심리학을 공부하며 심리학이 디자인과 만났을 때 큰 시 너지 효과를 낼 수 있을것이라 확신하여 다행히도 학교 수업을 충실히 따라갔음. 포항의 변두리에 있는 한동대학교를 무척이나 가고싶었기에 편입 준비를 시작함. 첫 토익 성적이 정말 발 사이즈가 나 왔음. 사실 발 사이즈보다는 더 나올줄 알았는데 진짜 발 사이즈가 나옴. 발이 그다지 크지 않음.

새벽에는 공장에 식자재를 나르는 아르바이트를 하고 오 후에는 도서관에서 토익 공부를 함. 6개월 후 목표했던 점수 획득. 스스로에게 정말 기특했던 시기. 나름 효자가 된 것 같았음. 학교 성적도 좋았고, 영어 점수도 평균 이상이었으며 면 접 또한 나의 기준에서는 나쁘지 않았으므로 나는 무난 하게 한동대학교에 입학 할 것이라 예상했으나 최종합격 하지 못하고 후보 7번이 되었음. 그 해, 후보 3번까지 입학하였음. 정말 최선을 다해 준 비한 시험이었기에 불합격의 충격이 만만치 않았음. 부 끄러운 이야기지만 거의 2주동안은 씻지않고 먹지않으 며 폐인처럼 생활했음. 엄마 몰래 끼니를 챙겨 먹긴 했음. 군대나 가 버릴까 생각했지만 학교문제를 확실하게 매듭 짓지 않으면 편한 군생활을 할 수 없을 것 같아 한 해 더

편입을 준비하기로 함. 편입을 하면서 한 대학에만 원서를 넣는 것은 바보같은 짓이란 것을 깨달음. 서울로 올라가서 디자인 편입 학원을 다님. 정말 열심히 했기에 시험전에 오히려 마음이 편안한 기분을 느낌. 기대 했던 서울의 대학교에 합격을 했지만 애증의 한동대학교 를 선택하였음. 운좋게 카투사에 합격을 하여 입학과 동시에 휴학계를 내고 군복무를 시작함. 여러 성장배경과 문화를 가진 친 구들을 많이 만나 볼 수 있었던 의미있는 시간을 보냄. 2011년 학교로 돌아옴. 제품디자인과 시각디자인 영역 을 동시에 배움.


secret container table

product design




BACKGROUND Drivers can easily set up REDEYE right after car accident. You need to run 100~200m to set up traditional warning triangle. But, if you have REDEYE, you do not need to run. Other drivers can recognize the accident by the laser. REDEYE prevents further accidents. 5.5% of traffic accidents and 15% of deaths in traffic accidents are caused by futher accidents.So setting up warning triangle is very important to prevent further accidents. However, there are many accidents and incidents on the way to set up warning triangle. Setting up warning triangle is very dangerous. REDEYE is a perfect solution for preventing those accidents and incidents.


there is


an accid

Drivers can easily set up REDEYE right after car accident. You need to run 100~200m to set up traditional warning triangle. But, if you have REDEYE, you do not need to run. Other drivers can recognize the accident by the laser. REDEYE prevents further accidents.

BACKGROUND 5.5% of traffic accidents and 15% of deaths in traffic accidents are caused by futher accidents. So setting up warning triangle is very important to prevent further accidents. However, there are many accidents and incidents on the way to set up warning triangle. Setting up warning triangle is very dangerous. REDEYE is a perfect solution for preventing those accidents and incidents.

100~200 m


secret container table

This table is a coffee table. You can put some books, magazines, and some other stuffs in the secret container.

dapum table Dapum table is a coffee table for our client ‘Dapum’,Seok Daham, Choi Gipum. They asked us to make a coffee table which can be placed and used in a small house and they told us that they want a simple and clean design. However, we did not want to make just simple and clean table. So we decided to add something interesting. As a result, we made a secret container. You can put some books, magazines, and some other stuffs in the secret container.

You can easily open the container by filpping the table. You may put some stuff like books, magazines, and remote controller. And If you close the container, you can keep your table look clean.

+fork: candle fork for party

background Let me tell you one sad story. The day was my friend’s birthday. We met outside and had birthday ceremony with a cake. We sang a birthday song for my friend and he blowed out candles, then we cut cake into many pieces. It was very enjoyable time. At that time, however, we recognized nobody has forks for cake. Think about it, who carries forks always. Finally, no one had a cake. From now on, however, don’t worry about it. There is a good solution for this problem. You can use +Fork as both a candle and a fork. Enjoy birthday party with +Fork.

color variation 318





problem + solution

Every packages of cake have a plastic Knife. So, we can cut a cake into many pieces. However, there are no forks for cake. +Fork can be a good solution for that problem. You can use +Fork as not only candles but also forks for you enjoyable birthday party.




+Fork will be made of starch. Starch is not only one of the very cheep material but also eco-friendly. Cause starch decompose in to the ground. So, many companies are watching starch as a material for their next product.

structure Unique shape of +Fork will hold candle strongly and block paraffin melting down. 123mm

+Fork needs only two materials to be made. It can be made by combining two parts.

It is easy tto apply vary colors on starch and paraffin. You can make various colors of +Fork.


BACKGROUND I have decided to design a speaker that contains a concept of horn which is made in a cylinder shape. The design will be simple but luxurious which is why the color is most likely to be silber, white and black. Item that contains both a good quality of the sound and good design that could be placed anywhere indoor such as living room or cafes. The speker not only contains a good quality, but also, a good volume that the sound may spread loudly and clearly throughtout the space. Instead of having a complex design, I focus more on a simple and impulsive design.

project scope Item that contains both a good quality of the sound and good design that could be placed anywhere indoor such as livingroom or cafes. The speaker not only contains a good quality, but also, a good volume that the sound may spread loudly and clearly throughout the space. Instead of having a complex design, we focus more on a simple and impulsive design.

graphic design & etc

graphic deisgn


국악과 탈춤과 힙합의 만남 S-flava 독일 IDS 2011 VATECH Night 초청공연

김연아 갈라쇼 KCC Switzen festa on ice 오프닝 공연

promotion poster 한국 민속촌

특별 공연

한국민속촌의 탈춤과 힙합 콜라보레이션 공연 홍보 포 스터. 탈춤과 힙합이 가진 역동적인 움직임을 표현하는 데 집중하였다.

hand sketches & rendering

tool skills

illustrator & photoshorendering

illustrator & photoshop rendering

Thank you KIMJINGYU DESIGN PORTFOLIO 010.2508.5359

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