4 minute read

Design Strategy: Filtration Typology


To achieve the filtering effect of the meditation space on the environment, different forms of openings, skylights, etc. can be added to the basic configuration. Choose the appropriate form according to the target site to achieve the filtering effect.

The variety of types not only increases the shape change of this cabin, but also enables the space of this form to adapt to the surrounding context to the greatest extent and frame suitable scenery for people.


Filtration Type List

Since the overall space presents a cylindrical shape, the installation position of the filter opening on its facade is more flexible. Disassemble several pieces of wooden panels in order and implant different forms of filter openings in the corresponding positions.

Projection Type

apply in the area of open urban highlands, introduce scenery into the interior

FRAMING TYPE apply in the area of neibourhood street with the limited good view

SKYLIGHT TYPE apply in the area of surrounding high rise buildings to introduce the sky inside

In the surrounding areas with low building density , the open city scenery can be introduced into the interior to the maximum extent through the small hole by projection the light on the wall. Thus get rid of the limitation of dense space, so that people can feel open sense in the crowded.

In a medium density neibourhood , there are always some great views or nature sense disturbed by the surrounding houses, so these views can be individually filtered out and introduced into the interior through the way of framing.

In a very high density urban area , the view area completely blocked by the tall buildings. People can only look up at the sky to get rid of the steel forest. The skylight introduce the blue sky and daylight into the interior, so people feel like bathng in the light. low low low medium medium medium high high high

The material of the roof topping is wooden and attached with a layer of waterproof wax. The wood of the roof is divided into single shingles to increase the drainage of the roof.

The inner and outer facade used striped woode panel, one is because the wood is a light material. Also, it create a soft and warm feeling for people stay inside.

To create a quiet environment for the user, the acoustic foam panels are loaded between the inner and outer facades to insulate the noise. Also, the foam is light material which is easy to delivery.

The upper floor used mosaic wooden floor. It can save cost and control the shape more conveniently. Also, the same with the facade, wood seems more soft and warm for people to touch it.

Create a little variation in the mostly wood structure. And the perforation on the aluminum plate can create a translucent feeling, also, as an alloy, aluminum is light in weight and easy to transport.

The main supporting structure of the whole cabin is composed of wooden beams and wooden columns, and its lightness makes the whole building easy to build and disassemble.

The End

When you are lost in a huge city, you also need to stop to give yourself a little buffer, and learn to press a pause button for yourself. In the age of information, let the filter filter out the surrounding interference for you, and give you a pure space. Maybe it's not just Tokyo, each of us is surrounded by all kinds of temptations and information, and even falls into it without knowing it. But meditation gives us a chance to re-recognize ourselves and reorganize our lives. When walking on the street and tired, don't hesitate to come in and take a rest. Escaping is not terrible, what is terrible is that you lose the courage to face life again.

Urban Area Planning In Hangzhou Symbiosis Habitat

2022 UNNC X CAA Joint Design Studio

Ubran Design of Wushan Area in Hangzhou, China

Group Studio Work

Instructor: Andrea Palmioli, Eugenio Mangi

Collaborator: Sihui SHEN, Nian LI

My work: Site Research, Strategy, Conceptual, Diagram Drawings, Masterplan Drawings and Axonometric Drawings

This masterplan project is about ecological enhancement, urban re-programming and new interventions in the neighbourhood surrounding the Wushan Hill in Hanghzou. In this project, we seek to establish a social and environmental commitment of architectural discipline and understand how urban design processes happen within an interdisciplinary operational framework. The conceptualization and design of a masterplan involves rethinking the question of identification and belonging to a place, the adaptation to an environment, and how the possibilities of environmentally sustainable reprogramming can happen in many different ways.

The target area mixing historical culture, nature and market style. However, there are some contradictions and separations between these elements, especially in the relationship between urban and nature as well as the human and wildlife. Therefore, a so-called urban space like a 'symbiosis habitat' where every perspectives could have certain relationship with the others. The most importantly is that the city and nature could interwave in a harmonious way.

Generally, it is an idea to enlarge the feeling of the nature and use certain methodology to reconnect the existing 'green axis', And rediscover and awaken the desalinated historical and cultural elements on the site.

A Historical Site Facing New Challenge

The target site in Wushan Area is an area with a long history, and many of the buildings and landmarks preserved from the Song Dynasty and the Republic of China still exist today. But nowadays, this site is facing many problems, among which the relationship with the city and nature makes this site incompatible with the surrounding, so a new approach is needed to integrate nature harmoniously into the historical site.

Site Overview

The Project Site is located in Wushan Area, Hangzhou, China. It is the old downtown area of Hangzhou city also a significant empire street area of the Song Dynasty. But this area has gradually exposed many urban problems.

More detail information of site please check the altas in follow link

Wushan Site Atlas

More Site Information, please check the Site Atlas: https:// nottinghamedu1-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/ sayjz2_nottingham_edu_cn/EV8-uN8YJjlMrZp6gemRme0B 2QeHwHdTE6NaBkfBguFoWQ?e=gcaaHO

In order to reproduce the prosperity of the old city, improve the quality of life of residents, and reawaken the buried ecology, history, and pyrotechnics, this area urgently needs a design method to restore.

Data Source: weather-and-climate.com

Function/ Activity/ Crowd Density

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