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How The Arch Gallery Works


The height difference let people appreciate the art works, especially the large sculpture and installation art in different view and sense different feeling.

Types of Exhibition

The exhition could happened under the arch gallery, the huge arch gives visitor a pure art feeling and also create enough spaces to hang the art works.

The two arches of different shapes on the ground floor distinguish the residential space from the public service space. As the traffic core of the residential area and the reception area, the elongated arch is a continuation of the language of the arch, emphasizing that it has a certain attribute of public space.

The space from the first floor belongs to the residence, but unlike the space on the top, the first floor has more interactive spaces with the ground floor, a terrace platform around the atrium, a shared studio and a common relax room, so that the overall space has a more reasonable transition from the ground floor to the top floor.

The principle of the interior is the view. As the research reveals a good view can be a great prescription for residents specially the art workers to create new project and stay in a pleasant mood. Though the area of each unit is not large, but the wide field of view undoubtedly increases the visual size of the space.


UNNC 2022 Spring Design Studio

Cultural and Educational Museum in Ningbo, China

Instructor: Yat- Ming Loo, Andrea Palmioli

How could an architecture reinvent the city, community, place and identity. How a building could emphasis the 'Brandscaping City Identities'. To reflect and inspiring Ningbo's port culture, I choose to start with fishery, hoping to reshape and awaken Ningbo's fishery cuture memory through architecture.

The project is located on the 'Old Bund' of the Ningbo Yongjiang River, sandwiched between the Ningbo Art Museum and the bar and dining street. The project hopes to effectively transition the atmosphere of the site with the greatly different functions through a cultural center with multiple functions. Therefore, the project combines the fishery culture of Ningbo, hoping to create a complex complex exhibition experience building by integrating the functions of fish market, seafood restaurant, fishery exhibition, aquarium and so on.

The feature of the project is that the building is divided into upper, middle and lower floors according to functions. The ground floor is an experiential market and fishermen's studio, the middle floor is an open mezzanine garden, and the top floor is an exhibition and reading space. Its most notable features are: The three-story space is connected in series by the transparent glass water tower in the center, and the glass water tower itself also functions as a transportation hub and aquarium viewing box, making the theme of the building more eye-catching.

From Sea to Market

To ensure the freshness of seafood, it usually takes only a few hours for these fish to reach the market from the sea. Efficient fishing has improved the industrialization of fisheries, but also lost the traditional culture.

Fishery in Ningbo

Fishery occupies a very important position in Ningbo, not only in terms of economic proportion but also in terms of culture. However, with the transformation of the city, Ningbo's traditional fishery has gradually declined, and its fishery culture urgently needs a carrier to inherit.

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