Enterprise Architecture enabled improved workflows and business efficiencies in creating consistent published information and data sources
- Created a SharePoint 2010 Environment for XCRI_CAP Repository against agreed business workflows - Validated course information for Marketing & Registry purposes with full audit trail - SQL Reporting Services from SharePoint Repository allows for data to be consistent for printed publications
- Created XCRI feed to University College’s main website for Course Information publication - To help develop an arts based aggregator established through Plymouth College of Art (Creative Assembly) - XCRI_CAP feed available for external aggregators
- To develop SharePoint Repository to include all courses and module development for internal data consistency - To improve data capture and online publishing / dissemination to access standard information - To help develop an arts based aggregator established through Plymouth College of Art as part of the Creative Assembly continuing relationship - To embed the Enterprise Architecture methodology to assist in transformational change and understand workflow processes - To promote XCRI developments within the sector and support initiatives to develop XCRI_CAP aggregators and feeds
XCRI Creative Assembly
Remit - To form a group of creative arts institutions to share practice during the JISC XCRI project. - To offer opportunities for collaborative training. - To hold meetings (whether online or face to face) to discuss progress and issues in relation to creative courses - To ensure that art, design, media and performance courses are appropriately referenced within the aggregators, and meet the specific requirements of creative courses. - To consider the feasibility of implementing a common vocabulary for creative courses. - To feedback to JISC any issues pertaining to the content and use of the XCRI feed by creative courses. - To disseminate information produced by the Creative Assembly to the wider community and particularly to institutions with creative courses who will take part in the project from September 2012