Diagnostic and Evaluation Workbook
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook
Contents INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 4 How to Complete the Workbook ........................................................................................................ 4 a) Grades for how we are working (sections 1 to 4): ...................................................................... 5 b) Grades for what we achieve (sections 5 and 6): ......................................................................... 5 The Workbook Sections ...................................................................................................................... 6 POLICY AND STRATEGY ........................................................................................................................... 7 PROCESSES AND BUSINESS SYSTEMS .................................................................................................... 12 PARTNERSHIPS AND RESOURCES .......................................................................................................... 16 ROLES AND SKILLS ................................................................................................................................. 20 CUSTOMER PERCEPTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 24 KEY PERFORMANCE RESULTS ................................................................................................................ 28
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook
INTRODUCTION This workbook is a diagnostic tool designed to help educational establishments to review and evaluate the extent to which Business and Community Engagement processes and strategy is embedded within the mainstream activities of the institution. Completion of the workbook aims to help institutions to diagnose the things they are doing well and where they can improve. It will hopefully stimulate productive discussions and debate leading to new ideas and agreed change and improvement actions. It has been designed to be ideally used as part of a facilitated group activity, supported by a member of the JISC infoNet “Embedding BCE” Project Team. Before completing the workbook you will be introduced to it by your nominated Project Consultant. The workbook contains 6 sections which cover fundamental criteria for effective BCE activity. The first four sections deal with how you structure, manage and implement your BCE strategy and plans. The second two sections deal with what you measure and the way you use information about your performance and achievements.
How to Complete the Workbook Ideally, the best approach is to work through the exercise in a group. If possible, the group should reflect a typical cross-section of people from the institution including people from different levels and departments. This should guarantee a more balanced view and input from different perspectives, experiences and responsibilities. An ideal group size is 6 – 9 people. In each section you are offered a number of key statements about your institution. For each statement, discuss and write down what you feel the institution does well and the things it could do better or does not currently do at all. A list of ideas for improvement should be derived from these considerations. The best way to approach the exercise is to use your existing collective knowledge and experience – there is no need to do any specific research on the statements. It is your perceptions that count. To assist you to form a view on the statements some examples of the sorts of activities you could be doing are provided. Many of the points are generic and will apply to all educational institutions. There are some which may not apply to your specific institution. They are provided to offer some clarity about what the statement means, and to give you some ideas for discussion. Make a note of anything that is particularly pertinent to your situation and which you feel reflects how you operate. It is useful to establish some sort of marking system to identify the things you are good at, or things you have not really thought about. The workbook contains a grading system to record your view on each of the key statements. Where it is difficult to come to a clear cut decision on grade – mark it as best you can. There are two marking systems – one for sections 1 to 4, the “how” sections, and one for sections 5 and 6, the “what” sections.
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook
Grades for how we are working (sections 1 to 4):
b) Grades for what we achieve (sections 5 and 6):
These grades are very straightforward. You simply assess the proportion of your results in each section for which the statements truly reflect what you do.
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook
The Workbook Sections Section 1
Policy and strategy In this section we consider how we achieve effective Business and Community Engagement through a clear strategy supported by relevant policies, plans, objectives and targets.
Section 2
Processes and business systems In this section we consider how we design and implement the processes that support our BCE strategy and plans. We will review how our processes are managed and the degree to which we have integrated BCE into the mainstream systems that we operate.
Section 3
Partnerships and resources This section considers how we plan and manage our external partnerships and internal resources (including finance, buildings, information and knowledge) to achieve our BCE goals. We will review the relationships we have with external organisations and the effectiveness of our supply chains.
Section 4
Roles and skills In this section we consider how we structure and manage roles and responsibilities at an individual, team, and institution-wide level to achieve our BCE plans now and in the future. We will look at how we work together and how we plan and measure the performance of our people.
Section 5
Customer perception and measurement In this section we consider how we measure the customer’s perception of our performance and look at how this information is used to inform future plans and strategies.
Section 6
Key performance results In this section we consider what we are measuring, the trends we are achieving, our performance against targets, and how our results compare with other institutions. We also consider which factors are driving our results.
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 1 – Policy and Strategy
POLICY AND STRATEGY Statement We have a formal documented strategic plan with clear objectives for our BCE activities
Grading 1
For example: We have a specific strategy for our BCE activities An identified member of the SMT has overall responsibility for BCE We have set realistic but stretching targets for the measurement of our BCE strategy Our plans and those of our partners are integrated and complement one another Our plans take into account the conflicting pressures of different stakeholder groups
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 1 – Policy and Strategy
Statement We ensure that we put in place the support mechanisms we need to make our plans work
Grading 1
For example: We identify the key processes which are needed to achieve our objectives We prepare contingency plans for the risks we face We identify and make available the resources we need to achieve our strategic objectives We establish and agree the critical success factors which are essential for our plans to work
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 1 – Policy and Strategy
Statement We have effective platforms and processes to support the dissemination of our strategic and operational plans for BCE
Grading 1
For example: We cascade our plans for BCE throughout the institution and communicate to everyone what they need to know Our strategic plans form the basis for planning activities throughout the institution All our plans and objectives support each other All our people can identify how they contribute to the overall BCE strategy
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 1 – Policy and Strategy
Statement Our strategic plan for BCE is based on robust, up to date market and community intelligence and information
Grading 1
For example: We understand our market and external environment and the demands of an effective BCE strategy We know who we need to be engaging with We research future developments in BCE and the likely actions of other institutions including our competitors We are proactive in establishing what our key stakeholders’ current and future needs and expectations are We have formal systems for monitoring external factors including local and national environmental, political, social, technological and economic changes We have a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses we have as an institution
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 1 – Policy and Strategy
Statement We take steps to improve our strategic and operational plans for BCE
Grading 1
For example: We adapt our plans to take account of changed circumstances We check that our plans are still relevant and correctly prioritised We engage with everyone to check that they understand our strategic and operational goals We have an agile planning process We have a formal approach to strategic review
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 2 – Processes and business systems
PROCESSES AND BUSINESS SYSTEMS Statement Our BCE activities are targeted at delivering the products and services that our customers and partners want
Grading 1
For example: Our services are designed to meet the identified needs of our customers, collaborators and users What we offer is informed by our marketing and research activities We know what our unique selling points are and we make sure that we excel in those areas We seek to continually improve our service offering to external partners and users
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 2 – Processes and business systems
Statement We build and manage strong relationships with employers, and the community
Grading 1
For example: We make sure that all engagements with us are effective and appropriate to our users’ needs We canvas the needs of employers and other external parties to ensure that our processes respond to their demands We make ourselves accessible and easy to do business with We have formal processes for gathering customer feedback and suggestions
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 2 – Processes and business systems
Statement Our BCE processes are integrated within our normal ways of working
Grading 1
For example: We manage BCE activities in the same way as our other service offerings We report on BCE activities in the same way as our other service delivery chains We have identified managers who are responsible for the performance of our BCE processes All central processes such as HR, ISS, Library, Marketing etc are aligned to the needs of BCE activity Our central processes and business systems support the translation of BCE strategy into action
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 2 – Processes and business systems
Statement Our BCE processes are managed to achieve agreed quality and service delivery standards
Grading 1
For example: We have a clearly defined quality management system which encompasses our BCE activities We have a formal system for checking and confirming that our service delivery continues to meet the needs of our customers, partners and users We set process performance targets which encompass BCE related activity We have an integrated, institutional CRM system We use technologies which facilitate greater accessibility We have a visible, continuous process improvement programme
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 3 – Partnerships and resources
PARTNERSHIPS AND RESOURCES Statement We manage our partnerships with other institutions/organisations
Grading 1
For example: We understand our role in the supply chains and partnerships we are part of We have robust processes for sharing knowledge and information with our partners We encourage mutual development through our partnerships We establish performance measures to monitor our activities with partners
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 3 – Partnerships and resources
Statement We proactively manage our ideas and knowledge
Grading 1
For example: Everyone has access to the information they need to exploit our BCE opportunities Our partners have access to the information they need to fulfil their role We actively exploit our intellectual property to the benefit of our BCE activities We make sure that our information is up to date, accurate and secure
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 3 – Partnerships and resources
Statement We plan our use of partnerships to support our strategic and operational plans
Grading 1
For example: We target and develop partners, such as suppliers and peer institutions, who can support and develop our strategic plans We have a partnerships’ development plan We measure the effectiveness of our partnership arrangements We proactively develop networks to enhance our partnership opportunities Internal partnerships are supported and operate effectively
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 3 – Partnerships and resources
Statement We regularly review our partnerships and resources to see that they are working effectively
Grading 1
For example: We have key performance indicators to measure the effectiveness of our partnerships We review our financial controls and identify improvements We review our involvement in supply chains and identify ways to improve them We have formal feedback mechanisms to let our partners know how we feel about their performance
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 4 – Roles and skills
ROLES AND SKILLS Statement We identify the roles and skills we need to develop and implement our BCE plans
Grading 1
For example: We identify and prioritise the skills, abilities and roles we need and plan how we acquire and develop them We match our internal roles, skills and expertise to the demands of our BCE strategy We have assigned roles and responsibilities with clear objectives We have clear identified lines of authority and responsibility for our BCE activities We have people with experience in the business and community sectors
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 4 – Roles and skills
Statement We have a structured people plan and staff development policy
Grading 1
For example: We develop recruitment and people development plans to bridge any skills gap We involve our teams and partners in the development of our people plans We adapt our plans and practices to take account of changed circumstances and markets We use information provided by organisations such as AURIL and the Institute of Knowledge Transfer
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 4 – Roles and skills
Statement We regularly review our management and organisational structure to see that they are working effectively
Grading 1
For example: We review everyone’s objectives and role priorities to ensure that they are still aligned to our BCE plans and targets We research and consider how our organisational structure and management approaches to BCE compare with other institutions We check our progress against the measures we have set
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 4 – Roles and skills
Statement We apply what we learn to perform more effectively
Grading 1
For example: We have systems and platforms to facilitate knowledge share across the institution to support and inform our BCE activities We use our acquired knowledge to encourage innovation and creativity in our approach to BCE We use our results to inform improvement/development planning
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 5 – Customer and user perceptions
CUSTOMER AND USER PERCEPTIONS Please note from this section onwards we are using grading system b (see page 5). Statement We have a range of methods to measure customer and user perceptions
Grading 1
For example: We use surveys, interviews and evaluation sheets to measure what our customers think of our products and services We measure feedback on customer and user satisfaction levels We measure feedback on product and service quality We measure feedback on our public image We measure customer and partner loyalty, retention and repeat business and engagements We measure leakage and customer defection
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 5 – Customer and user perceptions
Statement We have a number of internal measures to show what we are achieving for our customers and users For example: * Levels of complaints * Levels of service * Post activity monitoring records * Social impact measures * Benefits realisation monitoring
Grading 1
* Market research results * Business gained and lost * Customer accolades * Programme level target achievement * Staff appraisal and activity reviews
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 5 – Customer and user perceptions
Statement Our results show positive trends over a number of years
Grading 1
For example: Our latest results show that we have outperformed our targets for BCE customer service We have results and records going back a number of years The results show improvements in customer perception over time
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 5 – Customer and user perceptions
Statement We can identify and explain areas of good and poor performance
Grading 1
For example: We have the detailed information to analyse the results of our engagement activity We segment our results, to compare the perceptions of different types of BCE customers, partners and users We analyse our results for different elements/stages of the engagement process (e.g. marketing, initial contact, contracting, project management, customer service etc.) Results are shared to identify and disseminate effective practice, new knowledge and lessons learnt
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 6 – Key Performance Results
KEY PERFORMANCE RESULTS Statement We have a range of performance measures which show how we are performing with respect to our BCE activities
For example: * Revenue * Costs * New business volume * Growth figures * Impact measures
* * * * *
Our current strengths:
Grading 1
Market share/benchmarked results Number of engagements Type of engagements and partnerships Cash flow history Performance against agreed plans/targets
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 6 – Key Performance Results
Statement Our performance in BCE activity over the last three years shows positive trends
Grading 1
For example: Our latest results show that we have outperformed our targets for BCE activity We have results going back a number of years for our BCE activity The results for BCE activity show positive trends over time
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 6 – Key Performance Results
Statement We check how our performance in BCE activities compares to other institutions
Grading 1
For example: We benchmark our results and activities against other institutions Our achievements are as good as other institutions operating in the same sectors, communities and disciplines We consistently outperform other institutions in our sector
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement:
Embedding BCE processes Diagnostic and self evaluation workbook Section 6 – Key Performance Results
Statement We can identify and explain areas of good and poor performance
Grading 1
For example: We analyse the detailed results and feedback about our performance in order to identify where improvements need to be made We segment our results so that we can compare our performance between different types of engagement We analyse different processes and measure their performance We identify any training and professional development needs to ensure we have the competence to deliver excellent services
Our current strengths:
Ideas for change and improvement: