Beaumont Appendix 1 Presentation

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Beaumont College Leadership Team Away Day Strategy Development 2010 - 2015 Lancaster House Hotel March 2010

Structure of the day Introduction to the day GP/RS 9:00

Mission, Vision Values Workshop (GP)


Environmental Scanning Exercise (RS)


Ownership of risks and responsibilities (RS)




Existing Strategy section evaluation (GP)


Allocation of strategy elements (GP)


Examining Diversification (GP/JS)



Mission, Vision, Values Note: This programme assumes ‘ES’ section has been read by all:  Firstly work through the Info Kit ‘Mission, Vision, Values’ section to evaluate what each of these terms means  Apply this to the existing statements in the BC strategic plan  A mind map will be created as the day progresses (RS)  Is our ‘mission’ still correct, is it what we want to achieve  Define ‘vision’ in terms of ‘where we will be in 5 years time’  Define ‘values’ in terms of what is important in how we conduct our business’

Mission, Vision, Values Mission Statement, questions from infokit:  What are the first five words that spring to mind when asked to describe your institution?  What is it that you do best?  What makes you different?  What would you like others to think of you?  What does success look like?

Mission, Vision, Values Vision Statement  Vision statement is the “fundamental purpose or purposes of your institution”  We want to examine this in terms of where we want to be in 5 years time  It does not need to describe now  It is a statement of aspiration  Mission statement and vision statement will inform the development of the whole strategy

Mission, Vision, Values Values  Relate to Scope’s values / beliefs  Relate to the reduced (from original 10 foundations) BC values in the strategic plan:  In attempting to implement Scope’s aims the College has developed a set of core activities against which we map everything we do. They are as follows: – Communication skills – Independence in living – Development and expression of self – Health and wellbeing – Developing and maintaining relationships – Community participation and inclusion

Environmental Scanning Group Activity:  What sources or organisations do we need to track  what risks are there  who around this table is responsible for monitoring what?  Environmental Scanning helps: – Identify institutions strengths, what areas are there that it might make sense to build upon and develop further? – Ensure that high level strategic planning is grounded in fact and is realistic and achievable – Ensure that what you are striving to achieve is marketable and will add value to the institution once completed

Environmental Scanning (Cont)  Provide the opportunity for managers to see beyond the confines of their own specific areas of responsibility and help foster a more informed strategic overview  Identify any weaknesses within the institution which you hope to address through your strategic activity, which represent a potential obstacle to the successful realisation of your activities (for example a lack of staff with certain key skills)  Identify and predict forthcoming developments within society, culture and the economy and technology which may have a bearing (for good or ill) on the outcomes of your activities

Ownership of risks and responsibilities Current Strategic Challenges  In pairs identify the current strategic challenges in their particular area of work  Look at the current plan  Are the current strategic headings correct given this morning’s ES exercise?  Do we need to add, remove or change any headings?  Do managers ‘cross over’ between the current headings?  Suggest any changes . . . .

Ownership of risks and responsibilities Current Strategic Challenges (Cont)  Group to make suggestions as to changes  GP to review headings and allocate to individuals to review.


Allocation and Review of Strategy Elements GP to identify which dept head reviews what strategic area of operation (allocate identified headings to heads)  Next Step – use the ‘Managing Strategic Activity’ section of the info kit to review your areas of operation, what we are trying to achieve is: – A means for ensuring dept, team, individual planning is consistent with these high level strategic objectives and will contribute positively to achieving them – A means for ensuring that depts have the resources they need to do their jobs – A means for ensuring that disparate activity is carried out in a consistent and co-ordinated fashion in pursuit of these objectives – A means for assessing the relative importance and priority of these tasks

Allocation and Review of Strategy Elements (Cont)  A means for determining a logical order for the agreed tasks to be carried out not only on individual merit but also where they must logically occur in relation to other planned tasks (critical path)  A means for reviewing the above in the light of changing circumstances and a way for these changes to be communicated and coordinated across all affected areas  A means by which the agreed high-level mission, vision and value statements can be reviewed and revised in the light of changing local circumstance, priorities and operating conditions  A means for ensuring that individual task progress can be measured

Allocation and Review of Strategy Elements (cont)  A means for ensuring that overall progress towards the agreed objectives can be measured  A means for ensuring that the right people within the institution are kept up to date with progress  A means for ensuring the continued constructive engagement of staff as active and willing participants in the process – Coordination – Prioritisation – Enabling change – Engagement and Communication – Monitoring and evaluation

Allocation and Review of Strategy Elements Consider:  The Role of the Strategic Plan  The role of QuIP’s – The role of KPI’s  The role of your own work program’s  The role of your teams' work program’s – Communication of all of the above the teams – Prioritising tasks within the team (and individually) – Enabling Change – Strategic conversation

Between today and Day 2 Develop your area of the plan:  Each manager to use the managing strategic activity section to develop their area of the plan  Discuss with key staff within teams  Involve other staff as you see fit  Think five years ahead

On day 2:  Review each area of the plan together  Decide on monitoring – update and integrate the Quality Cycle (use Info Kit ‘Monitoring’ section)  Link Quip’s  Link to Governance

Diversification •Now onto diversification: •Janet and Graeme: Summary of what the key elements of diversification are and what this mean’s for the Strategic Plan headings identified today. •Workshop: Break into pairs and apply Strategic Plan headings from today to ‘diversification’ not ‘core work’.

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