Technological interventions
Idealized Design (Russell Ackoff, 2003)
f o
d u
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outcomes based learning l i m s e l i t u e d d o ma m rket inte lecturer identity l l i g QAA audit enc y
chm ben
retention issues s e H efce m f m u requirements of professional bodies n a d r ed s g o t r u d s p e e r n t n t nu assessment criteria t ce m s o b c l e a r t s n e m t r duplication of effort a p de 550 hours productivity levels
supply side model of course development
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
formulating the mess ends planning means planning resource planning design of implementation design of controls
Reference scenario: the current economic and funding climate - bad HEFCE is reducing funding for students UoB relies on this for the majority of its income demographic trends = fewer potential students
Tools to support creative design Tools to replace unproductive labour
UoB finds it hard to develop courses that are demand led & staff lack skills and/or desire to change
3 4
-> numbers drop -> courses
Wookie server & widgets? LAMS? Moodle? Integration with other initiatives
fold -> further staff reductions -> merger or eventual closure the UoB enterprise unsustainable, if it continues to rely on current model