The PALET Project Programme Approval Lean Electronic Toolset
The PALET Project is seeking to redesign the procedures and processes that surround the approval of new programmes at Cardiff University, to ensure that new programmes are attractive, innovative, market relevant and continue to be of a high academic standard. Andy Lloyd, PALET Project Manager
Future State Map A series of workshops are planned throughout November 2009, at which stakeholders will design and agree upon ‘The Future State’ of the programme approval process. Below is an example of a ‘Future State’ map, developed following the Lean Review of the programme approval process in 2007.
There is a new suite of technology that Cardiff University is introducing through the Modern Working Environment (MWE) project. We’re trying to utilise this new technology as a way of making a redesigned programme approval process more efficient, flexible and easy for staff to use. Simon Bleasdale, Technical Lead PALET is working closely with Cardiff’s ‘Lean University Project’ – looking at the ways that we can streamline and make more efficient, the processes in a number of areas, including the way in which a new programme is approved.
Georgia Slade, PALET Project Officer
PALET Project Baseline Findings The completion of the baseline evidence report has revealed the following: •! Business Case: Little effort currently goes into the development of a business case which results in many new programmes not recruiting sustainable student numbers; •! Programme Information: Documentation produced to support a new programme is currently onerous and involves the duplication of information. Schools would like programme information to be re-used / re-purposed to support the operation of a programme post-validation; •! Approval Procedure: Frustration from staff with regards to the timings of approval events. A number of schools noting their frustration at being unable to offer places to potential students until the approval process is complete.
Further Information •! Project website: •! Project blog: •! Project email:
Curriculum Design Programme.