Co-genT: Co-generative Toolkit Supporting the development of demand-led curricula Scenario: An employer wishes to develop a curriculum with a higher education institution. Outputs: 1) Generation of learning outcomes which are mapped against recognised higher education standards frameworks. 2) A learner profile which supports learners to meet the identified learning outcomes, by providing information about the tasks (activities and assignments) and available supports and resources. URL:
Vocabulary Builder 1) Based on an identified learning need from the employer, which requires the co-generation of a curriculum with a Higher Education Institution, a dialogue is initiated between an employer and an academic member of staff. This dialogue seeks to understand the requirements of the employer and what they are expecting their employees to achieve as a result of participating in the curriculum. At this point the Vocabulary Builder is a reference tool, providing access to academic terms aligned with recognised higher education frameworks (e.g. Framework for Higher Education Qualifications - FHEQ; South East England Consortium for Credit Accumulation & Transfer - SEEC; and Northern Ireland Credit Accumulation and Transfer System - NICATS) and enabling the employer and academic to identify the level at which learners are working.
Outcome Builder 2) Academic terms and levels identified using the Vocabulary Builder are used to generate learning outcomes. The Outcome Builder contains a database of existing learning outcomes, which can be used to inform the creation of new outcomes. Completing a learning outcome requires the following information: Title: Aim: Vocabulary term: Outcome: Additional notes: Design level: Additional tags:
a label for the learning outcome a short description of the aim identified term and level full description, in the employerÂ’s language additional information as required (e.g. context) programme, course, unit, activity (e.g. vocational area, discipline, skills developed)
Learner Profile Builder Resources
3) The Learner Profile Builder allows the employer and academic to provide information which will support learners to meet the learning outcomes. The Learner Profile Builder allows the identification of: Design level: Learning tasks:
e.g. programme, course, unit, activity activities or assignments which demonstrate how the learners have met the learning outcomes Learning resources: generic resources for learning design and specific resources relating to the tasks Learning supports: (e.g. websites, additional documentation) A learner profile can be populated with existing tasks from the database; for example, a unit level profile could be populated with existing tasks at an activity level. This will promote reusability of learning designs. The Co-genT toolkit can also be used to support: employer-based training accreditation (EBTA); accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL); and the development of appropriate learning outcomes by academic staff.
For further information contact Michele Hills:, 01242 714831 Co-genT is a JISC-funded project led by the University of Gloucestershire in collaboration with Pebble Learning, University of Winchester, University of Worcester and the Western Vocational Lifelong Learning Network.