LLL Telstar poster

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Beverly Leeds, Project Director, BLeeds@uclan.ac.uk

Amy Wright, Project Development Officer, AYWright@uclan.ac.uk

Garry Watkins, Web and Tools Developer, GGWatkins@uclan.ac.uk

TELSTAR has worked with employers to create and validate three new awards for work based learners. Learners' study on a part-time basis (choosing between 1 and 4 modules a year) and negotiate their learning through their employer and tutor. Each learner will have access to a technology enabled portal to aid their learning and enhance the learning process. PebblePad has been selected as the appropriate software to achieve this. The course is designed to reflect professional practice in the workplace as well as a mix of theory and practice. It is designed to build on learners’ previous experience and allows individuals to claim prior learning instead of a undertaking solely university taught modules. If the employer offers continuing professional development learners may also negotiate a learning contract that recognizes this learning as part of the qualification. Negotiated learning offers the opportunity to undertake a work based project plus choose from a range of options relevant to the world of business.

Learners can negotiate work based projects with tutors.

An online portal will allow students to enrol online and use the technology infrastructure to support and enhance their learning. Open Educational Resources will enable learners to study online.

Traditionally Taught Modules (Online or mixed-mode)

Negotiated Learning

Flexible Delivery

Recognition of Prior Learning

Online &/or face-to-face

Certificated & Experiential

Work Based

Flexible Dates

access to the Learning Resources

Tailored to the Employer

Key Features of Work Based Learning (WBL)

Negotiated Start & End dates

The Web Portal will provide each Learner with:

The agreed project can be used to benefit the learners’ organisation.

Accredited Prior Learning (APL) Certificated / Experiential


Industry modules

Opportunity to continue Professional Development

Options & electives to suit all sectors

access to a Personal Learning Space (including access to an ePortfolio with a CV Builder) will host the social network and learning framework including examples of Certificated learning and mapping of credit enable self-assessment of a learners’ current level of APL and provide options for further development assist employers and other training providers with the mapping and accreditation of in-house courses against UCLAN credit bearing modules provide a learning contract system that will assist learners to draw up a learning contract for their personal development provide access to a database of UCLan modules and Professional Bodies learning units that will form part of the learning framework The Web Portal will provide each Employer with: the ability to map their own in-house training against HE Credit (subject to approval by University of Central Lancashire) the ability to view learners’ work and development (learner authorisation required) The Web Portal will provide each University with: a technological supporting infrastructure to maximise flexibility for individual learners’ a piloted project to demonstrate an innovative approach to work based learning

The Professional Practice Award Structure MG3825 Research Methods

MK3991 Work Based Research Project


Option or elective

BA (Hons) Top up Level 6 MK3300 Personal and Professional Development 3 This flexible learning framework has the potential to be widened out among various industry sectors. Current modules have a business focus but others currently being explored include the Education and Nuclear sectors.

MK2301 Extended Prof Practice I

MK2302 Extended Prof Practice II

MK2303 Managing Learning


Option or elective

Foundation Degree Level 5 MK2300 Personal and Professional Development 2 The maximum APL that can be used against an award is two thirds. A Foundation Certificate could be obtained within one calendar year, studied over two academic years.

MK1201 Prof Practice I

MK1202 Prof Practice II

MK1203 Study Skills for WBL


Foundation Certificate Level 4 MK2300 Personal and Professional Development 2

Option or elective

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