Learning analytics for HEI The problem
Highly heterogeneous datasets that change frequently, including new sources of structured & unstructured data.
The opportunity
Using existing data for problem definition and the application of statistical models and analysis to develop actionable insights.
The solutions
Linked Enterprise Data technology (Triplestore) that is adaptive to diverse and dynamic datasets or changes to the structure of existing datasets, thus enhancing institutional adaptability and bolstering sustainability. An alternative data warehouse approach!
Student data
Module and programme databases
Triplestore Google refine, RDF triple (subject, predicate, object), and SPARQL query using free to access tools
Conclusions and further work ● Technical issues are tractable ● Accessing data is a complex barrier (ownership, data policy, fear) ● Developing 'fertile questions', ones that lead to actionable insights, is really hard ● Pitching the opportunity to colleagues would be helped by 'use cases' - chicken and egg!
Google maps
Actionable insights