d http://www.bradford.ac.uk http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/analytical-sciences-msc Biological, Biom d Chemical Sciences Analytical Sciences, MSC PG http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/analytical-sciences-m p://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/analytical-sciences-msc Analytical Sciences, MSC University of Bradford h w.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/analytical-sciences-msc ? 1902013 Analytical Sciences, MSC IS THIS Full tim ytime en en http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/analytical-sciences-msc Biological, Biomedical and Chem ences Analytical Sciences, MSC PG http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/analytical-sciences-msc http://ww d.ac.uk/courses/info/analytical-sciences-msc Analytical Sciences, MSC University of Bradford http://www.bradf uk/courses/info/analytical-sciences-msc ? 1902013 Analytical Sciences, MSC IS THIS Full time Campus Dayt http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/analytical-sciences-pg-diploma Biological, Biomedical and Chemical alytical Sciences, PG DIPLOMA PG http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/analytical-sciences-pg-diploma htt dford.ac.uk/courses/info/analytical-sciences-pg-diploma Analytical Sciences, PG DIPLOMA University of Bradfo WHAT WE HAVE DONE w.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/analytical-sciences-pg-diploma ? 1902013 Analytical Sciences, PG DIPLOMA IS l time Campus Daytime en en http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/analytical-sciences-pg-diploma Biologi Business Analysis and Audit Planning Implementation Communication and dical and Chemical Sciences Analytical Sciences, PG DIPLOMA PG http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/anal dissemination To build on the Self Assessment Framework work done as part of -sciences-pg-diploma http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/analytical-sciences-pg-diploma Analytical Scien Stage 1 and publish an agreed To keep relevant stakeholders To investigate potential architectures To pilot the agreed architecture and institutional viewof of where we are PLOMA University Bradford http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/analytical-sciences-pg-diploma ? 19020 abreast of the project and its for the development, storage, related processes and procedures in terms of our course information activities both through the and publication of with en some of the ‘hard to reach’ management and systems IS THIS maintenance cal Sciences, PG process DIPLOMA Full time Campus Daytime en http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/ University’s Learning and Teaching course information at Bradford. courses to create an XCRI-CAP 1.2 (human and technical). Committee and Information feed ical-prospection-shallow-geophysics-msc Archaeological Sciences Archaeological Prospection - Shallow Geoph To agree an architecture for the ideal To map how this JISC Programme Systems Committee and ad hoc course information management To test the XCRI-CAP feed with the overlaps with other initiatives such as communications as necessary. C PG http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-prospection-shallow-geophysics-msc http://www system at Bradford (both human and JISC aggregator tool and modify KIS and HEAR to ensure a joined-up To share learning’s with colleagues technical) – ‘to be’ state. processes and procedures as approach and avoid duplication within d.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-prospection-shallow-geophysics-msc Archaeological Prospection - Shallow across the University of Bradford necessary the University of Bradford. and the sector to aid sector-wide ysics, MSC To University of Bradford http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-prospection-shallow-g develop an Enterprise Architecture learning for future projects. of the business,Archaeological application and -msc ? 1902013 Prospection Shallow Geophysics, MSC IS THIS Full time Campus Daytime e technology layers related to our current course information p://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-prospection-shallow-geophysics-msc Archaeological Scien management (‘as is’ state). aeological Prospection - Shallow Geophysics, MSC PG http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-p n-shallow-geophysics-msc http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-prospection-shallow-geoph -msc Archaeological Prospection - Shallow Geophysics, WHAT HAVEMSC WE University LEARNT of Bradford http://www.bradford.ac.uk/c o/archaeological-prospection-shallow-geophysics-msc ? 1902013 Archaeological Prospection - Shallow Geoph C IS THIS Full time Campus Daytime en en http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-prospecti w-geophysics-pg-diploma Archaeological Sciences Archaeological Prospection - Shallow Geophysics, PG DIPLOM WE NEED A p://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-prospection-shallow-geophysics-pg-diploma http://www BUSINESS COURSE d.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-prospection-shallow-geophysics-pg-diploma Archaeological Prospection MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS INFO SYSTEM ophysics, PG DIPLOMA University of Bradford http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-prospect H w-geophysics-pg-diploma ? 1902013 Archaeological Shallow Geophysics, PG DIPLOMA IS THIS U I S Prospection O IS W HAT W E F e Campus Daytime en en http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-prospection-shallow-geophy -pg-diploma Archaeological Sciences Archaeological Prospection - Shallow Geophysics, PG DIPLOMA PG http:// SEPARATE ISSUES IDENTIFIES STAKEHOLDER GROUPS STAKEHOLDERS INVOLVED SESSIONS RUN 105 http://www.bradford.ac dford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-prospection-shallow-geophysics-pg-diploma 14 80 30 urses/info/archaeological-prospection-shallow-geophysics-pg-diploma Archaeological Prospection - Shallow Ge PG DIPLOMA STAKEHOLDERSUniversity of Bradford SYSTEMhttp://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-prospection-shallo VISION FINDINGS ysics-pg-diploma ? 1902013 Archaeological Prospection - Shallow Geophysics, PG DIPLOMA IS THIS Full tim the University wishes to establish a ‘single source of truth’ that can be used by staff who need access to unambiguous and authoritative information about courses that the University is developing, offering, running and reviewing. This s Daytime en en http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-sciences-msc Archaeological Sciences source should preferably cover all types of course, including both course level and module level information, from the initial recording of an idea for a course, through curriculum design and development, validation and approval, running chaeological Sciences, MSC PG http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-sciences-msc http://ww the course, updates and reviews, and finally to a suitable resting place after it has been withdrawn. The University should consider refining itsMSC processes, so that, while retaining the quality assurance principles and http://w d.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-sciences-msc Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford stakeholder involvement that currently exist, the activities that make up these processes can be supported by a curriculum management information system (CMIS for short). The CMIS should: dford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-sciences-msc ? 1902013 Archaeological Sciences, MSC IS THIS Ful • Cover all types of course at all academic levels, including both course and module information, and provide information about instances of course offerings, as well as overarching information about courses validated for mpus Daytime en en http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-sciences-msc Archaeological Scie several years; • Enable management of courses information throughout the course lifecycle; aeological Sciences, MSC PG http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-sciences-msc http://www • Interface with the existing SAINT and Marcomms systems, and any other system that might require authoritative d.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-sciences-msc Archaeological Sciences, MSC University of Bradford http://w courses information; • Be a helpful tool for staff to use in curriculum design and management, not a hurdle to jump over; dford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-sciences-msc ? 1902013 Archaeological Sciences, MSC IS THIS Ful • Provide explicit and easily enforceable rules for how the information must be completed and may be combined; mpus Daytime en en http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-sciences-pg-diploma Archaeolog • Enable staff to see where each course stands in its lifecycle, and in particular, its status during approval, updating and review processes; ences Archaeological Sciences, PG DIPLOMA PG http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-scienc • Provide facilities for staff to develop and record new and revised versions of courses; • Enable opportunities for more efficient and effective working practices. Diagram of the stakeholders and the major functions they perform in Diagram of how the Curriculum Management Information System can ma http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-sciences-pg-diploma Archaeological Sciences, PG regards to courses information. support key systems and functions. University of Bradford http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-sciences-pg-diploma ? 1902013 aeological Sciences, PG DIPLOMA IS THIS Full time Campus Daytime en en http://www.bradford.ac.uk/course WHAT WE WILL Archaeological DO NEXT haeological-sciences-pg-diploma Archaeological Sciences Sciences, PG DIPLOMA PG http://ww d.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeological-sciences-pg-diploma http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeolog -sciences-pg-diploma Archaeological Sciences, PG DIPLOMA University of Bradford http://www.bradford.ac.uk/ o/archaeological-sciences-pg-diploma ? 1902013 Archaeological Sciences, PG DIPLOMA IS THIS Full time C END ytime en en http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeology-ma Archaeological Sciences Archaeology, MA PROJECT p://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeology-ma http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeology-m gy, MA University of Bradford http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeology-ma ? 1902013 Archaeolog S Full time Campus Daytime en en http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeology-ma Archaeological S CONTINUE chaeology, MA PG http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeology-ma TO http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses DEVELOP haeology-ma Archaeology, MA University of Bradford http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeology-ma • In house TO BE 02013 Archaeology, MA IS THIS Full time Campus Daytime en en http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/ar • external pg-diploma Archaeological Sciences Archaeology, PG DIPLOMA PG http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/ar • consortium DECIDED pg-diploma http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeology-pg-diploma Archaeology, PG DIPLOMA Univ dford http://www.bradford.ac.uk/courses/info/archaeology-pg-diploma ? 1902013 Archaeology, PG DIPLOMA T
XCRI-CAP & Institutional Course Management (Theme 1)