Volume 9; Issue 3 of RSC Northwest's Newsletter

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RSC Northwest eLearning Focus A click towards internet safety

Earlier this year the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre teamed up with Microsoft to provide a ‘Click CEOP’ button for Internet Explorer 8. The button, available as a free download, opens a panel which allows users to report cyberbullying, harmful content and sexual behaviour, amongst other things. The button can be downloaded from the CEOP website at www.ceop.gov.uk/ie8/. There are also links for children, parents and teachers to sections of the CEOP Thinkuknow website, containing appropriate information and resources. The Thinkuknow website can be accessed at www.thinkuknow.co.uk/. There’s a summary of the recent RSC Northwest event which focused on Safeguarding and the Common Inspection Framework on pages 6-7 of this issue of this newsletter.

Volume 9 Issue 3 June 2010 RSCs - stimulating and supporting innovation in learning

In this issue... A click towards internet safety


Welcome to the newsletter


JISC Advance update - five themes


Let’s get serious (online) about sustainability


Technology and the Common Inspection Framework: safeguarding


JISC Advance Services: Focus on JISC Netskills


Nelson & Colne College Excellence Gateway case study


RSC Northwest events news


Regional focus on national projects


The iPod Touch - a college librarian's little friend?


IfL CPD application for iPhone and iPod Touch... The Institute for Learning (IfL) has launched i-REfLECT, a mobile application that supports the use of REfLECT.

REfLECT is the online personal learning space that IfL provides for its 200,000 members – teachers and trainers in further education and skills – to record, reflect on and share their continuing professional development (CPD) activities. You can get more information and the link to download the i-REfLECT application at www.ifl.ac.uk/cpd/ reflect/i-reflect-islaunched.


Welcome to the June 2010 issue of the RSC Northwest newsletter... ...from Andrew Quarmby, RSC Northwest Manager It goes without saying that we live in uncertain times, which are characterised by cost-cutting and the drive for efficiency; difficult to be cheerful then!! We can also see that, at a political level, there are flows of ideas between people who previously did not talk to each other. Hurrah! Perhaps we have been doing this for a while in ILT – within Learning Providers, effective development has always depended on getting groups to work together who have previously been structurally divided. For instance, IT Services have needed to understand and respond to the emerging potential of web-based technology and the views of teachers and learners, whilst protecting the integrity of the network; increasingly MIS Managers are working with IT Services and Curriculum Managers to enable secure, authenticated access to data for staff and learners. Establishing effective Safeguarding practices within Learning Providers depends on similar effective working relationships between those who manage systems and those who manage learning. The management of risk, rather than the elimination of all risks, is a fine balance – and an essential one, if learners are to be safe not just within a Learning Provider’s systems, but also learn to be safe outside them. The case study featured in this issue focuses on the management of EMAs through Moodle, at Nelson and Colne College. There is an increasing realisation that our technologies can be customised to do a whole lot of useful things and that inventive solutions do not always mean incurring more costs with a third-party supplier, or waiting for the all-singing, all-dancing centralised solution which will probably never arrive. It would be a real step forward if our different internal systems talked to each other – and there are exciting

developments in this direction in many learning providers. In all cases, however, the talking between people in widely different roles, and often with different starting points, has to happen first!

JISC Advance update - five themes

The JISC Advance website and publications have recently been updated to reflect five themes which categorise the support and resources which our new parent organisation offers. The five themes are:  Organisational efficiency - explore how your organisation can become more agile in a competitive environment  Enhancing learning and teaching - learn how you can encompass more personal, flexible, mobile and social technology to meet learning and teaching objectives  External engagement - discover how JISC Advance can assist you in engaging with external organisations, developing partnerships, collaborative research and business skills  Sustainability - learn how technology can assist your organisation in becoming an exemplar for environmental sustainability and social responsibility  Research - discover how technology has a vital part in keeping the UK at the forefront of world-class research On the JISC Advance website - www.jiscadvance.ac.uk there is information listed under the five themes. You can contact JISC Advance to discuss help for you and your organisation by:  Email - info@jiscadvance.ac.uk  Phone - 020 3006 6017

Free screen capture gets even better... In the last issue of the newsletter we featured two free screencasting software options - but since then RSC Northwest Adviser John Dalziel has been pointed in the direction of BB FlashBack Express, screen capture software he describes as “probably one of, if not the best screen capture tool I've tried out”. This software, currently “free forever”, allows users to record screen, sound and webcam; share movies with one-click upload to YouTube and other sharing websites; and save movies as Flash or AVI files. Visit www.bbsoftware. co.uk/BBFlashBack_ FreePlayer.aspx to download or find out more...and visit the RSC Northwest May eMagazine at www.rsc-northwest. ac. uk/acl/eMagArchive/ to see John's competent first go at using the software. 3

e-books for FE update...

Let’s get serious (online) about sustainability John Latham, Computer Services Senior Network Officer & European Funding Co-ordinator at Lancaster and Morecambe College, writes about the College's involvement in an online 'serious game' project which focuses on environmental and sustainable energy issues.

In mid 2009, with funding granted by the LSC (Learning and Skills Council), JISC Collections provided every FE College in the UK with access to almost 3000 electronic text books free of charge for just over 5 years. All the titles included in the collection were selected by the community with a number of key titles being made available as an e-book for the first time. This collection was the most highly anticipated online FE resource ever because of the wealth and appropriateness of the material it contained. Since its launch usage across the UK has been phenomenal with many North West FE Colleges regularly appearing in the top 20 users of the collection. Continued on page 5...


Let’s get Serious... Lancaster and Morecambe College is collaborating with five other European colleges and Agencies on the innovative Enercities ‘Serious Game’ Project. Funded by the EU’s Intelligent Energy for Europe Programme, the aim of the project is to engage young people with environmental and sustainable energy issues and ultimately change their attitudes and behaviour regarding energy use. At the heart of the project is an online ‘serious game’ that seeks to engage the player with the challenges of balancing the environment and citizenship with a growing population and rising energy use over a simulated period of 100 years. Enercities can be used in a variety of subjects and lessons and the accompanying teacher toolkit offers further information, practical tips and links around the topic. There is also a Teachers’ area on the communications platform to share tips about the game and other energy related topics. Successful pilots have seen the game evolve into a truly engaging and thought provoking resource that is fit for purpose in the modern classroom. It has been designed to run on the most basic PCs and laptops with the only requirements being an internet connection and installation of the Unity3d plug-in which functions like Flash to deliver animated content. It can even be used with Interactive Whiteboards to bring the debate to the whole class and introduce the environmental issues that affect us all. Lancaster and Morecambe College was invited to join this project as a result of achieving the Green Gown award in 2008 and their continuing commitment to lowering the

Continued from page 4...

Blackpool and The Fylde College, Bolton Sixth Form College, Burnley College, Cardinal Newman College, Priestley College, The Manchester College and West Cheshire College are amongst the biggest users of the eBook collection across the UK. college’s Carbon Footprint as well as having extensive experience in European and IT related projects. Now the College wants to invite schools, other colleges and young players to take part in local, regional and international competitions. The International competitions will happen in Autumn 2010 and throughout 2011 and are made possible by using a virtual high-score platform where players from all over Europe can compete against each other for prizes ranging from Solar Kits to IT gadgets and T-Shirts. If teachers, tutors or any other education professional would like to use the free resource and take part in the competition they can contact John Latham at j.latham@lmc.ac.uk. John is available to offer practical and technical advice for you and your students in using Enercities and to provide you with a ‘teachercode’ for you to take part in the competitions. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get building! View and play the game at www.enercities.eu. Read more about the project at www.enercities.eu/project.

The JISC RSC Northwest team is happy to help with advice on how to use and promote the e-book collection effectively within your college. Please do get in touch if you would like to request assistance in these areas, and maybe your college could soon feature in the list of top users! You can contact Chrissie Turkington, Senior Adviser at JISC RSC Northwest, about the e-book collection at ct@rsc-northwest.ac.uk. You can access details of the e-books for FE Project at http://fe. jiscebooksproject.org/.


Looking forward to a good read... Disabled readers are already benefiting from using e-books - but according to a new report, publishers can do even more with the technology to improve access. For example, disabled users can benefit from a statement by the publisher setting out the accessibility options available to them, from how to magnify the screen to fully personalising the e-book. A project, funded by JISC TechDis, JISC Collections and the Publishers Licensing Society, investigated how to help people navigate e-book resources. Working with a group of international publishers, the project used the test results to make good practice recommendations for the publishing industry. Continued on page 7...


Technology and the Common Inspection Framework: safeguarding As Safeguarding has become a limiting grade within the Common Inspection Framework, RSC Northwest ran an event to support its learning providers with this change. The event took place on 28th April 2010 at the Leyland Hotel, Leyland, and was attended by 65 delegates. RSC Northwest FE Adviser Anita Holt sets the event in context and summarises the day: RSC Northwest wanted this event to showcase the help and resources that were already available for our learning providers to utilise. Although we found some excellent sites on the web which could help in some areas, it did become clear that most of the resources available were aimed at schools and learners younger than 16, and were not really suitable for post-16 learners. Therefore, we decided not only to make people aware of available resources, but also to demonstrate software which could be used to create resources, and be used to support and communicate with learners with safeguarding issues. The UK is the second largest user of Facebook (the US being largest); as this is a bone of contention for many learning providers, we thought it would be useful to look at Facebook in more detail, discussing some of the issues the social networking site was causing and offering advice on how to stay safe when using such sites. Mandy Ducker, Learning Resources Manager at Knowsley Community College, who sits on the Safeguarding Board for

Knowsley Borough Council, contributed to the event by sharing her knowledge and experience. She gave a knowledgeable and enthusiastic presentation which highlighted some serious issues regarding online safety. It was also important to make sure that information and advice we were giving at the event reflected the Ofsted view. To this end we enlisted Judith Hamer, an Ofsted Inspector, to present at the event. Judith discussed inspection in relation to safeguarding and evidence requirements.

...Continued from page 6

Publishers who volunteered to take part in the research reported finding the study itself very valuable, with one commenting that it was “a hugely useful exercise and one we are very glad we participated in.”

RSC Northwest Adviser John Dalziel created a comprehensive ‘Safeguarding Tool’ in advance of the event; this included links to useful websites and resources, and demonstrations of software which could be used to develop materials and support for safeguarding. John also created a Safeguarding positioning tool which, with the help of fellow RSC Northwest Adviser Colin Gallacher, he demonstrated during the event. Each delegate received the full set of resources on a USB stick. Also included in the event were resources which could be used to capture the learner voice to report safeguarding issues, and how technology can be used as an alternative to face-to-face communications for areas such as counselling and reporting abuse or bullying. There were discussions about which resources were available, which could be used for tutorial and pastoral care sessions, and about how technology can be used to gather evidence for safeguarding. This was a packed but stimulating day; typical examples of feedback from delegates were that the event was “really useful and timely” and offered “some excellent resources to take away”. For RSC Northwest, the event certainly achieved its aims, with many delegates stating that they were going to pursue safeguarding issues back in their own organisations. For some it was about action at a strategic level such as “meetings and discussion about...eSafety policy in the college”; for others it was at an operational level such as starting to “produce e-safety guides for learners/staff/ employers/volunteers and parents”.

A practical guide 'Towards accessible e-book platforms', which highlights recommendations in the report, was launched recently at the Publisher Lookup Awards at the London Book Fair. You can download the guide at www.techdis. ac.uk/resources/files/ e-books%20leaflet%20 final.pdf.


Missed out on our previous newsletters?... Current and previous RSC Northwest newsletters can be accessed online in the Newsletter Archive section of our website at www.rsc-northwest. ac.uk/acl/eMagArchive/ newsletters.html. The newsletters can be viewed online or downloaded in pdf format.

JISC Advance Services: Focus on JISC Netskills JISC Netskills provides high quality training and staff development, to help institutions make effective use of technology for teaching and learning, research, administration, marketing and other activities. The service, which has been in existence since 1995, is based at Newcastle University and is partly-funded by JISC. The JISC Netskills mission is "to be a centre of expertise and knowledge - supporting and enabling the education community to make effective, sustainable use of innovative technology through training, development and consultancy". From its beginnings providing training and staff development for libraries in Higher Education, JISC Netskills has expanded the sectors it works in to embrace further education, adult learning, specialist colleges, public libraries and many others. Every university in the UK uses the service along with over 200 FE colleges and over 40 library authorities. The service offers:  Workshops  Training materials  Onsite training

In an effort to be more environmentally friendly we limit the number of newsletters that we print. If you have colleagues who don’t receive a printed copy, please pass the newsletter Archive URL on to them. 8

 Online courses  Accredited programmes  Consultancy services

From recording a podcast to developing your own web application, the training and staff development cover a diverse range of topics:  e-Learning Training focused on analysing and meeting learner needs, to help you design e-learning that engages learners and promotes effective learning.  Web Technologies Practical training for web developers, content providers and web site administrators.  Information Skills High quality information skills training, from effective searching to using and adapting information.

 Training Skills A range of workshops and materials to support you in delivering your own training and staff development.  Software Products Helping you to get the most out of the software you use every day.  Software Development Introducing you to the possibilities of developing your own software, where off-the shelf products do not meet your requirements.  Team & Individual Skills Products and services helping individuals and groups develop skills in specific areas.  Research, Consultancy & Development Projects Developing and delivering a range of projects funded by JISC Business & Community Engagement, JISC Strategic Content Alliance, JISC e-Learning, JISC Users & Innovations, and JISC e-Learning Programme. The JISC Netskills website is at www.netskills.ac.uk. You can join the netskills-news mailing list or subscribe to one of the JISC Netskils RSS newsfeeds to have up-tothe-minute information delivered directly to you. The newsfeeds are available through the workshops and news pages of the JISC Netskills website. You can also keep up-to-date with netskills happenings on twitter@netskills. You can contact JISC Netskills if you have any questions or queries about its products or services.

JISC Netskills case study... There's a JISC Netskills case study online which focuses on how JISC Netskills helped IT staff at an FE college to develop the necessary technical systems and infrastructure to successfully deliver Shibboleth alongside other software at the college. You can access the case study at www.jisc.ac.uk/ whatwedo/services/ about/casestudies/ jiscnetskills.aspx.

 Email - enquiries@netskills.ac.uk  Phone - 0191 222 5000


Latest RSC Northwest case studies on the Excellence Gateway... Other case studies featuring North West learning providers published since our last newsletter are: Preston College Virtually on your desktop – pilot development provides virtual services for college’s HE students www.excellencegateway. org.uk/page.aspx? o=287555 Stockport College Ease of use and good promotion boosts use of JANET txt for library book renewals www.excellencegateway. org.uk/page.aspx? o=287258 Blackburn College Managing change – introducing new staff roles to meet the needs of a higher education library development www.excellencegateway. org.uk/page.aspx? o=286194 Continued on page 11...


Nelson & Colne College: A simple and effective solution for keeping track of Education Maintenance Allowance through Moodle An Excellence Gateway case study - the article here is a summary. The full case study can be accessed at www.excellencegateway.org.uk/page.aspx?o=270068. Nelson & Colne College has developed a ‘bolt-on’ for its Moodle VLE, enabling students and staff to keep track of EMA (Education Maintenance Allowance) and ALG (Adult Learning Grant) payments. Mark Rosthorn, e-Learning Developer and Co-ordinator, was asked to look at making efficiencies in the EMA/ALG process and provide a system that was easy for students to use. The College was using an SMS texting service at a cost of around £3,000 a year, but this lacked information and support beyond notifying students there was an issue and telling them to go to Student Services. Mark developed a new system in Moodle, recognising that the students' need to check their EMA/ALG status on a weekly basis would draw them into Moodle regularly. The solution is a database which provides an add-on which sits alongside Moodle so as not to affect its ‘core’. Scripts have been written to query data (from the College Management Information System) in the database. The database query determines whether or not students have been paid their EMA/ALG. If the answer is ‘no’, information is generated to highlight the reasons; this can be viewed by the student and Student Services staff. When students log into Moodle, they can see their EMA/ALG status and details by selecting a ‘My EMA/ALG’ link from the main lefthand menu. Student Services staff are able to see

each student's EMA/ALG details via their own Moodle logins. The presentation of EMA/ALG data in Moodle is much more user-friendly (and less hidden) than in the MIS system. The new system has streamlined processes, as students can now go to appointments with all the information they need. Students are now more aware of issues of absence in relation to their EMA/ALG payments and, therefore, are encouraged to take more responsibility for their attendance. Onscreen EMA/ALG information is more clearly presented to Student Services staff. As a result it is easier for them to see patterns of student attendance and to highlight potential absence issues at an earlier stage. Since the introduction of the new EMA/ALG system, the number of students accessing Moodle regularly has increased by over 30%. By drawing students into Moodle, the team is confident that they are more likely to go into their course areas while they are logged in. Mark says: “We don't want to get away from the fact that this is a virtual learning environment and it's for teaching and learning purposes, but we acknowledge that we need to give the students more besides.” The advice to anyone working on similar developments is to ‘keep it simple’, and avoid over-complicated developments that generate redundant data. The team is willing to send the scripts to anyone who would like to use the system in their Moodle. In return, they would be keen to hear about other systems and services that could be transformed using a similar approach. The desire to develop systems to be more effective for students and staff is very apparent. Mark says: “...to a sixteen year old who doesn't really know much about [EMA/ALG] other than they should receive some money each week, having to go to Student Services to try to sort out why they haven't is just another pressure. If I can make it easier for them then hopefully they can concentrate more on their learning, which is what they're really here for.”

Continued from page 10...

Blackburn College DIY! College departments catalogue their own technologies on Library Management System for loan www.excellencegateway. org.uk/page.aspx? o=272308 Bridge College Follow the rainbow – tracking and managing the progress of students with disabilities www.excellencegateway. org.uk/page.aspx? o=274441 You can access these case studies (and those from the other eight English RSCs) via the ‘Case studies on good e-practice’ section of the Excellence Gateway at www.excellencegateway. org. uk/page.aspx?o=case -studies-all 11

Latest RSC Northwest Podcasts... The latest RSC Northwest podcasts feature use of classroom management software at Preston College, and use of Audacity at Lakes College West Cumbria.

RSC Northwest events news

This year’s events have been a great success - as of the end of May we have delivered 64 events to a total of 990 people! As we approach the end of another busy academic year we have just a few events left to run in July. For further events details and to book online visit www.rsc-northwest.ac.uk/ eventcalendar.

You can access the podcasts from the homepage of the RSC Northwest website. At http://feeds. feedburner.com/ NewLearningPodcast you can get details of how to subscribe to the podcasts using a range of applications. You can even sign up to get the podcasts delivered by email.






Thu 01 Jul

Netskills - Adding slides to a podcast


Lunchtime FREE

Mon 12 Jul

RSC NW ‘In-Touch’ live TV broadcast


Lunchtime FREE

St Helens

Full day FREE

Tue WBL ePortfolio 13 July event

Why not set up an RSS feed from our events web pages, so that you receive information on new events as booking goes live? There’s an RSS link on the ‘Training and Events’ section on the homepage of the RSC Northwest website. If you would like to receive information about future events from us via email, please email events@rsc-northwest.ac.uk using ‘Add to events mailing list’ as the subject header. In addition to these events we work with various regional ILT Forums. If you are interested in the ILT forum in your area please email support@rsc-northwest.ac.uk for details. We are currently planning events from September 2010 onwards; if you have any event suggestions, questions or feedback, please contact the RSC NW Events team at events@rsc-northwest.ac.uk and let us know your ILT and elearning professional development needs.

Regional focus on national projects

MoLeNET Academy at Ashton Sixth Form College This summer will see the launch of a new centre for the development of mobile learning in the North West. MoLeNET (The Mobile Learning Network) has appointed Ashton Sixth Form as one of eight MoLeNET Academies across England, funded by the LSN. The academy, which will be equipped with devices including digital video cameras, head cameras, games consoles and mobile phones, will provide training for staff from across the region.

Celebrating success... Congratulations go to Anthony Beal, Learning Resources Section Leader at West Cheshire College, winner of the Information Literacy Award 2010.

Sandra Taylor, MoLeNET Project Manager at the College, who recently won a regional Becta Award for Next Generation Learning, said that with mobile technology being a “part of normal life” for young people, they are “exploring how to harness it in a positive way to support learning and enable staff to update their skills in a fast moving world”. MoLeNET information, including details of the academies can be accessed at www.molenet.org.uk/. Becta TEN (Technology Exemplar Network) At the beginning of this Academic year Becta launched the second phase of the Technology Exemplar Network (TEN). This involved sixteen exemplar learning providers across the country leading their own mini-networks. These networks consist of participating providers who support each other, share ideas and develop their understanding of a range of issues through peer networking. In the North West The Oldham College, Priestley College and Xaverian College have each led their own mini-networks, while an additional fifteen providers from the North West have been participating providers in networks across the country. As well as supporting the participating providers within the mini-networks, the exemplar learning providers have held open days supporting the wider community. Becta TEN information can be accessed at http:// feandskills.becta.org.uk/display.cfm?page=2019.

The award, from the CILIP CSG (Community Services Group) Information Literacy Group, recognises outstanding achievements in relation to information literacy. Anthony was chosen for his commitment and dedication to providing the best learner focused Information Literacy curriculum through the Springboard programme at West Cheshire College. He was presented with the award at the LILAC 2010 conference in March. 13

A fond farewell...

The iPod Touch - a college librarian’s little friend?

In mid-May the RSC Northwest team said a fond farewell to Administrator Helen Smith, who has moved on to a role within Lancaster University’s Human Resources Department.

JISC RSC Northwest Senior Adviser Chrissie Turkington reflects on use of her iPod Touch and how effective this technology might be in a library environment. It took me years to get an iPod because I really didn’t want to fall for the hype, and I had convinced myself that I had no need for an MP3 player because I had my mobile phone, and the car stereo! However, I got an iPod Touch for Christmas and even now, some months on, I’m totally thrilled by it. I then started thinking about how useful the iPod Touch could be in a library environment and started seeing it as the ‘librarian's little friend’. For such a small device it is amazing how immediately anyone can access information.

Latterly in her role as Administrator at RSC Northwest, Helen played an important part in the running of our increasing number of online events.

The iPod uses what are known as ‘apps’ (applications that can be downloaded and installed onto an iPod using the freely available iTunes software). It comes with a number of apps pre-installed, including: a calendar, clock, calculator, videos, mail, voice memos, safari (the internet browser), and music. These cannot be deleted but can be moved out of the way.

Helen’s contribution to RSC Northwest will certainly be missed, as will the enthusiasm and professionalism with which she undertook her work. She will no doubt also be missed by our learning providers, as she had regular contact with many of you through her role as administrator.

So what use for libraries? Well, I recently set up an iPod Touch for demonstrations and searched around to find the most suitable apps for libraries. The list of apps (some free, some at cost) that I downloaded from the iTunes Store included:

We’re sure you would join us in wishing her well in her new role. 14

         

Concise Oxford English Dictionary and Thesaurus Classics (classic literature) CITEharvard Notable Quotes GCSE Maths Revision Revise A2 Biology Unit 1 The Independent The Guardian MoleTV National Geographic World Atlas

I was stunned at how inexpensive a lot of the research apps are. In the main these are full applications and are updated regularly free of charge if you follow the instructions.

The beauty of the apps are that they take little time to download and install. Imagine this scenario; a learner comes to the library desk requiring some information to help her with her A2 Biology course. There’s plenty of material in the library already, but there’s also an A2 Biology app that could be useful. The library assistant gets out the iPod Touch, plugs it into the library computer and iTunes automatically starts. The A2 Biology app is located within the iTunes Store, installed within a couple of minutes, and the iPod immediately loaned to the learner. All this and I haven’t even mentioned the internet browser and bookmarks! Access your eBooks through ebrary and add a bookmark to your Home Screen! Some tips for using an iPod Touch in the library  After setting up your iPod Touch as you wish – create a backup. It’s likely that you will need to restore this regularly to delete changes that learners have made.  Each app comes with 5 licences - it can be installed on up to 5 devices using the same iTunes account.  Investigate iTunesU via the iTunes store - there’s lots of free learning material that can be put onto iPods.  Make sure that your library has Wi-Fi internet access, required by most of the apps.  Buy a case and a screen protector for each device. They are much cheaper to replace than the iPod!  If you have problems connecting to the iTunes Store, ask the IT department to add the following trusted domains to your college web filtering software: itunes.apple.com, ax.itunes.apple.com, albert.apple.com, gs.apple.com.  Ask your library system vendor if they are creating an app for your LMS that can be used to search the library catalogue whilst on the move. This article is a summary of a posting by Chrissie on her blog ‘Chrissie’s Muses’. You can access the full posting at http://chrissiet.wordpress.com/2010/ 03/23/ipods-in-libraries/.

RSC Northwest ‘blography’... The article on pages 14/15 was summarised from Chrissie’s Muses, the blog of our Senior Adviser Chrissie Turkington. Other members of the team also have blogs which focus on using technology in education. The blogs are:  New Learning - Kevin Hickey, FE Adviser  What DL is Happening? - John Dalziel, ACL/ PCDL Adviser  Inclusive Learning Lisa Valentine, Inclusion Adviser You can access the blogs from the RSC Northwest website; in addition, postings to the blogs are automatically displayed via news feeds on the ‘News’ area of the website home-page.


RSC Northwest team... Manager Andrew Quarmby aq@rsc-northwest.ac.uk Administrator Christine Hulme admin@rsc-northwest.ac.uk eLearning Advisers John Dalziel (Adult & Community Learning) jd@rsc-northwest.ac.uk Colin Gallacher (Work Based Learning) cg@rsc-northwest.ac.uk Kevin Hickey (Further Education) kh@rsc-northwest.ac.uk Anita Holt (Further Education) ah@rsc-northwest.ac.uk Hilary Thomas (Higher Education) ht@rsc-northwest.ac.uk Chrissie Turkington (Senior Adviser) ct@rsc-northwest.ac.uk Lisa Valentine (Inclusion) lv@rsc-northwest.ac.uk Keith Wilson (Technology & MIS) kwil@rsc-northwest.ac.uk Events Co-ordinator Helen Metcalfe hm@rsc-northwest.ac.uk Information Officer John Davey jdavey@rsc-northwest.ac.uk

JISC Regional Support Centre Northwest 2nd Floor Bailrigg House, Lancaster University Lancaster. LA1 4YE Phone: 01524 593797 Fax: 01524 593798 Email: admin@rsc-northwest.ac.uk

www.rsc-northwest.ac.uk All RSC Northwest staff contribute to the newsletter. Additional thanks to John Latham of Lancaster & Morecambe College for his contribution to this issue. Please send any comments and feedback about the newsletter to John Davey, Information Officer at jdavey@rsc-northwest.ac.uk This newsletter has been produced on 9lives 55 - certified as a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) mixed sources product.

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