RSC Training brochure

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RSC Training How your Jisc Regional Support Centre can help you

Tell us what you need We can deliver a programme of workshops in-house at your workplace at a time and date suitable for you, either as one-off events or combined to form part of your staff development days.

Let us help with your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements. The workshops in this guide are delivered in-house at your workplace at a time and date suitable for you. They can be selected as one-off events or can be combined to form part of your staff development days. This guide is not an exhaustive list. If you would like us to deliver a different e-learning CPD workshop, we will work with you to design and deliver the sessions you require. Alternatively, we run regular Skills Updates at our offices in Leeds. Book up to 10 members of staff onto these pre-arranged sessions. See our website for the forthcoming schedule. Contact us for more details on any of our training offers or to make your free-of-charge booking: 0113 343 1000

This brochure outlines the help we can offer: • Research and assess your CPD provision • Use us as a broker to cut costs • Reciprocate training opportunities with other providers • Find a ‘Critical Friend’ for a different perspective

Workshops 1 - Augmented Reality - Exploring the new kid on the technological block 2 - Beginners Xerte - Create accessible learning resources for your VLE 3 - E-Safety - A belt and braces approach to promoting safe behaviours 4 - Inclusive & Accessible Learning - Using everyday technology to make learning accessible 5 - iPads in Education - Getting the most from your tablet 6 - Managing Your Digital Footprint - Develop positive digital identities for both staff and learners 7 - Planning, Designing & Delivering Online Courses - Support for planning and conducting teaching online 8 - Publish and be Damned - Explore the use of e-books within an educational setting 9 - RSC Roadshow - Explore the potential of different technologies for teaching and learning 10 - Social Bookmarking - Explore social bookmarking tools for tutor and learner use 11 - 39 Steps - Steps to embedding digital literacy into teaching and learning

Strategic CPD Support Skills Scan - Survey to assess your staff development needs Training Exchange - Shared CPD project where providers offer reciprocal training opportunities Critical Friend Scheme - Partnerships to get new knowledge, advice and a different approach or perspective on your current issues

1 - An Introduction to Augmented Reality Exploring the new kid on the technological block Augmented Reality (AR) is the overlaying of digital information on the real world to create an enhanced or augmented reality. Examples include the Museum of London AR app that allows you to overlay historical images on your surroundings via the camera on your iPhone. This workshop will demonstrate some existing AR uses, explore how they can be applied to specific contexts and give you a chance to create your own Augmented Reality resources.

Key themes Technology for learning, mobile learning, curriculum design



1-3 hours

To define the term Augmented Reality To showcase examples of Augmented Reality To explore how Augmented Reality can be applied to teaching and learning contexts By the end of the session participants will have a better understanding of AR and will have created a simple AR resource relevant to their job role.

Target audience

• • •

Teachers/ trainers

Pre-requisites WiFi essential

2 - Beginners Xerte Create accessible learning resources for your VLE Learning objects, inclusivity, accessible learning, VLEs

Xerte is a tool for authoring interactive learning content to develop a learning object. This is essentially a lesson or suite of lessons packaged which can be loaded onto a VLE or used on its own. It was developed with accessibility in mind and can be used to produce a highly personalised learning experience in a very short space of time.


The aim of this session is to give delegates a basic understanding of the use of Xerte.

3-4 hours

Delegates should bring along a lesson plan or series of lesson plans in order to produce a relevant learning object.

Key themes

Target audience Teachers/ trainers

Pre-requisites Lesson plan(s)


• Learn how to open and manage a Xerte account • Understand the basics of developing a learning object • Understand the accessibility features of Xerte

3 - E-Safety A belt and braces approach to promoting safe behaviours in post-16 education Managing and monitoring access to content online has become central to teaching and learning delivery. In the diverse delivery in the post-16 sector, this cannot be managed in the same way as it is in schools. E-safety must be a two-way process; both learner and provider have responsibilities to fulfil. This is why we use the term e-responsibility and focus on promoting digital values, protecting digital identity and learning how to behave responsibly online to protect yourself and others. This workshop will explore all these issues and examine some case studies.

Key themes


Target audience

• Explore why this is an important issue in education • Understand e-Responsibility and digital values • Explore some of the issues using scenarios • Plan what to do after the workshop

E-safety, e-responsibility, digital identity, digital literacy

Duration 2 hours Anyone with an interest in or responsibility for e-safety

Pre-requisites None

4 - Inclusive and Accessible Learning Using everyday technology to make learning accessible Key themes Learning objects, inclusivity, accessible learning, VLEs, mobile technology

Duration 3-4 hours

Target audience Teachers/ trainers

Pre-requisites None

In the past, technology to support disabled learners has been expensive and cumbersome, needing a high degree of expertise to operate. Now, much of what is used for personal and educational use can now be used by disabled learners to make their learning accessible. This workshop will look at a range of tools and technology and give participants the opportunity to work with them to find solutions to specific issues that may have arisen or potentially will arise in their organisation. The aim of the session is to understand the role of modern technology to support accessible learning. Participants will gain an overview of the technology available to support inclusive learning and how this technology might be used in a teaching and learning situation. They will work through some specific areas and deduce solutions.

5 - iPads in Education Getting the most from your tablet Are your staff in need of some help with their shiny new iPads? This training will help novice users to quickly get the best from their tablet. We cover basic gestures and navigation, built-in apps and downloading apps, connecting to your PC or Mac, syncing multiple devices, backup and security. We then move onto how you can use iPads with staff and students to enhance learning and teaching. We cover:

• literacy, numeracy and other learning apps • note-taking, audio and video apps that can help with induction and assessment • QR (Quick Response) codes and Augmented Reality (AR) apps

The session explores using iPads through a variety of scenarios that will allow you to put what you learn into practice.

Key themes Mobile technology

Duration 3-4 hours

Target audience Teachers/ trainers

Pre-requisites WiFi essential

6 - Managing Your Digital Footprint Develop positive digital identities for both staff and learners The days when our personal and professional lives were clearly defined ended with the advent of social media when we started to leave digital footprints all over the internet. Now many staff and learners, often managing multiple digital identities, are struggling to establish boundaries and develop positive digital identities that promote safe and responsible behaviour online. This workshop looks at how staff and learners can manage their digital identities by exploring the benefits and pitfalls of applying social media to teaching and learning. Participants will identify advantages and disadvantages of using social media for both professional and personal reasons and have an increased awareness of their digital footprint. Participants will receive guidance on how to act responsibly and safely online.

Key themes Digital identity, social media, e-safety, digital literacy

Duration 1 hour

Target audience Teachers/ trainers

Pre-requisites None

7 - Planning, Designing & Delivering Online Courses Support for planning and conducting teaching online Key themes Online/Distance learning, curriculum design, pedagogy

Duration 1-4 hours

Target audience Teachers/ trainers

Pre-requisites Materials/resources that you want to adapt for the online environment

This workshop provides staff development time to consider the difference in approach required in planning and structuring an online course as opposed to a face-to-face teaching environment. The workshop is structured so that an online session is planned, delivered and evaluated in groups. The sessions allows planning time for practitioners/organisations wishing to develop online teaching spaces. Participants will explore how the online course should be designed differently to a face to face session and will consider effective tools and technologies for delivery of online courses. There will be the opportunity to practice using online delivery tools. By the end of the session, participants will have explored what they want to teach online, planned how they will structure their session and conduct a short teaching session using virtual classroom tools. This workshop must be delivered in our office training rooms in Leeds.

8 - Publish and be Damned Explore the use of e-books within an educational setting Many students are now using mobile devices to access learning. How do you make something like a traditional course handbook or hand-out into an interesting e-resource? In this workshop, participants will create an e-book from one of their own course resources. There will be opportunity to discuss the issues around using e-books within a course, the value to students and whether students could use e-books as a method of presenting evidence, assessments and assignments. The session will enable participants to create an online e-book, evaluate different e-book publishing software and discuss the pedagogy behind e-books and the application of the use of e-books with students.

Key themes Resources, learning content

Duration 2-3 hours

Target audience Teachers/ trainers

Pre-requisites None

9 - RSC Roadshow Explore the potential of different technologies for teaching and learning Key themes Mobile learning, online/distance learning, inclusivity, games-based learning, e-assessment

The RSC Roadshow provides interactive training with an emphasis on collaborative scenario based activities, aimed at teachers and trainers.

Full day

The workshop gives the chance to explore a range of tools and technologies handson but the intention is that the ‘kit’ or ‘tool’ is not the starting point. Participants think about what they want to achieve and then sell their idea to the whole group. They decide on a scenario that best suits their job role. The aim is to develop teaching and learning resources most useful to you and your learners/course team.

Target audience

Delegates will be able to:


Teachers/ trainers/support staff

Pre-requisites WiFi essential

• Contextualise and apply a chosen area of technology to their own teaching practice • Feedback to others on the potential benefits to the learner on their chosen approach

10 - Social Bookmarking Explore social bookmarking tools for tutor and learner use Do you struggle to re-find webpages? Have you ever wanted to share your favourites? Ever wished you could put together an online list of resources for your students? Do you wish that your students were more discerning in their web searches? How can you make your course reading list more interactive? This workshop demonstrates social bookmarking tools and explores their features. You will learn how to create student or staff groups and curriculum lists of online resources. You will have the opportunity to try these out and to discuss the implications and issues of making social bookmarking available to your students. Participants in this session will create a social bookmarking account, create a group and list and try creating a tag cloud.

Key themes Digital literacy, social media, resources

Duration 2 hours

Target audience Teachers/ trainers/support staff

Pre-requisites None

11 - 39 Steps Steps to embedding digital literacy into teaching and learning 39 Steps is a flexible CPD programme designed for teachers and support staff interested in embedding digital technologies into their everyday practice quickly, and at no cost. The 39 steps framework outlines a range of tools to facilitate learning, such as ideas for encouraging collaborative group work, peer support, help with revision and more to enrich the overall experience for the learner. Staff can access and work through the material at a time and pace that suits them, skipping ‘steps’ they already know. Aims:

• To introduce teaching and support staff to a range of digital tools that can be embedded into everyday practise (quickly and at no cost) • To allow staff access to the ‘steps’ at a time and place that suits them (via Google Drive) By the end of the session, participants will have a better understanding of the range of digital tools available and will be able to contextualise them to enrich teaching and learning.

Key themes Digital literacy, mobile learning, distance learning, social media

Duration 1-3 hours

Target audience Teachers/ trainers/support staff

Pre-requisites Networked PCs/mobile devices for every participant; WiFi desirable, but not essential

“Very enthusing event” “I have been absolutely ‘wowed’ today. I know what to put on my Xmas list now...” “A good insight into the practical applications of technology” “Well presented and thought provoking”

Strategic CPD support Skills Scan The Skills Scan survey enables you to assess your staff development needs and identify particular areas for improvement. It is a tailor-made, flexible process aimed at specific job roles across your organisation. We can help you in the dissemination of results. We can map areas for improvement against resources (such as Jisc resources and Jisc RSC events) as well as facilitating a meeting to discuss the results and ways forward. Contact us for a sample survey with sample results to see if this will help your organisation.

“Very informative and useful session”

Training Exchange

“Very interesting day. Good to share, good to talk...”

Are you a staff trainer or manager wishing to increase the number of participants in your own staff development sessions? Or would you like to have a wider selection of staff development options to choose from?

Keep up to date: Make sure you know of forthcoming training events by subscribing to our fortnightly e-bulletin. Email and include your name, job title, organisation and the email address you wish to subscribe.

Get in touch: 0113 343 1000

We are piloting a “Shared CPD” project in which those signed up to the pilot may offer a course (or courses) in return for a reciprocal course in another organisation. Get in touch to sign up.

‘Critical Friend’ Scheme We offer a scheme for those wishing to set up a ‘Critical Friend’ partnership with another provider. This scheme allows people from different learning providers to come together in their place of work for 2-3 hours to talk through their issues in order to get knowledge, advice and a different approach or perspective from a colleague from a different learning provider. Let us know if you would like to take part.

See our website for forthcoming Skills Update sessions

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