Powering a better FUTURE
Four reasons to be with RAYS POWER INFRA Company Credentials
Project execution capability
21 MW projects running successfully and 25 MW under execu on Strong team profile and background from premier ins tute like IIT's Strong financials / profitability Pan India presence with offices in seven loca ons across the country
Ready to move infrastructure available in best solar radia on areas Clear land tle and land bank Power evacua on readiness prior to commissioning of plant Assistance in government approvals and permits
Selection of technology
Available solar parks
Experience of projects in all technologiescrystalline, thin film, trackers etc. Long term supply agreements with leading vendors across the world Compe ve Capital and Opera onal cost
100 MW solar parks available in Rajasthan, MP Ready made infrastructure with turnkey project execu on facility can be provided Common Opera on and maintenance services
Company pro le Rays Power Infra (P) Limited is one of the most compe ve Solar Company in India providing Consul ng-Engineering-Contrac ngCommissioning services with extensive experience and exper se in the industry dedicated only to development of solar power plants. Started as a brain child of IIT Roorkee professors and students, we are one of the biggest and the first solar power service provider in India (On the basis of number of projects completed). We are in joint venture with Coramandel Infra, Group Company of INR 15.29 Bn. Group for bagging turnkey projects & have a Pan-India presence. We have in house capabili es to execute large scale infrastructure projects on turnkey basis with an aim to provide the highest quality and most reliable services to developers of solar power plants in India. We provide services for installa on of solar power projects based on any technology from the concept of basic idea & designing of the plant to the commissioning of the project and even beyond that in the form of Opera on & Maintenance services. We cover typical services like regulatory ma ers, ge ng govt approvals, land iden fica on and acquisi on etc. In short we are a one stop shop for all your solar needs. Services are offered either on turnkey basis or EPMC (Engineering Procurement Management Consultancy) basis which means that we work as an owners engineer providing our services customized to the needs of the client.
services o ered
Operation & Maintenance
Policy study & advisory
Solar radiation assessments
Civil & Electrical Works Contract
Project management
Weekly generation analysis & reports
Financial modeling
Layout & SLD designing
Mobilization of labor & machinery
Supervision & quality control
Preventive & scheduled maintenance of all equipments
DPR preparation/ Govt.approvals/ Application submission
Detailed Engineering of the plant
Transmission line works
Managing resources & man power
Coordination with STU for billing and grid availability
Land Identification & feasibility
Ready for construction drawings
Development of solar parks
In time project completion & power evacuation
Regular cleaning of panels
Solar Park: We are se ng up Solar Parks in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh which have low cost barren land and highest solar Insola on in the country; where over a single site more than one Solar Power Developer can set up their Plant so as to reduce lead me and eort required to setup a project.
Completed Projects
Oswal Woollen Mills Limited
Jatisara, Phalodi, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Maharashtra Seamless Limited
Pokaran, Jaisalmer, Rajasthan
Rithwik Projects Private Limited
Kadiri, Anantpur, Andhra Pradesh
Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Limited
Baowri Barsingha, Phalodi, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Civil Works for 5MW solar PV plant
Phalodi, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Asian Aero Edu Aviation Private Limited
Fatehgarh, Jaisalmer, Rajasthan
India's First Private Sector Solar Park
Kolayat, Bkaner, Rajasthan
June 2013
Rajgarh, Madhya Pradesh
March 2013
Bap, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
March 2013
Indore, Madhya Pradesh
December 2012
Kolayat, Bikaner, Rajasthan
August 2013
January 2013
Kolayat, Bikaner, Rajasthan
Ongoing Projects Expected date of commissioning
Plant Capacity: 500 KW Loca on: Madhya Pradesh
Plant Capacity: 5 MW Loca on: Rajasthan
Plant Capacity: 500 KW Loca on: Rajasthan
Plant Capacity: 100 MW, Solar Park Loca on: Rajasthan
Plant Capacity: 10 MW Loca on: Karnataka
In feasibility stage 1MW
Bhorugram, Churu, Rajasthan
Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Bikaner, Rajasthan
Jaisalmer, Rajasthan
Bikaner, Rajasthan
Bikaner, Rajasthan
Bikaner, Rajasthan
Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Bikaner, Rajasthan
Completed Projects
Client: Asian Aero Edu. Pvt. Ltd.
Ways to setup Solar project in India
Plant Capacity: 1MW Loca on: Fatehgarh, Jaisalmer Annual Yield: 1.8 MU Electricity
Project may be setup under PPA with government, NVVN Under REC mechanism by selling power to discoms at pooled price and also avail accelerated deprecia on Under REC mechanism by consuming power under Cap ve use / third party sale and also avail accelerated deprecia on Setup project for mee ng self Solar RPO requirement
How to proceed
Client: Maharashtra Seamless Ltd.
Client: Rithwik Projects Pvt. Ltd.
Plant Capacity: 5MW Loca on: Pokaran, Jaisalmer Annual Yield: 10 MU Electricity
Plant Capacity: 5MW Loca on: Kadiri, Andhra Pradesh Annual Yield: 9 MU Electricity
Client: Oswal Woollen Mills Ltd.
for more details write to us: info@rayspowerinfra.com
Plant Capacity: 5MW Loca on: Phalodi, Jodhpur Annual Yield: 10 MU Electricity
Client: Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Ltd. Plant Capacity: 5MW Loca on: Baowri Barsingha, Jodhpur Annual Yield: 10 MU Electricity
RAYS POWER INFRA PRIVATE LIMITED Regional Office: RAYS POWER INFRA (P) LTD. 3rd floor, 309, Raja house, 30-31, Nehru Palace, New Delhi-110019
Regd. Office: RAYS POWER INFRA (P) LTD. D-43, JANPATH,SHYAM NAGAR, JAIPUR – 302019 Tel: 01414038767 Fax: 01414038767
rayspowerinfra.com | info@rayspowerinfra.com