Ageless 2016

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Datin Irene Soong

Brand Advisor



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presenter Dato’ Goh Cheh Yak

2016 第 一

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Group Managing Director GINTELL (M) SDN BHD

We are delighted and proud to be the presenter of Ageless Beauty Pageant 2016! Established in 1996, GINTELL being certified as a national record holder and has recognized as “Largest Health Care Products Chain Stores” amongst the “Best of the Nation” by Malaysia Books of Records in 2015. Our brand value is to promote “Health, Love, Life”& inspiring people to create a healthier lifestyle with love and caring, passion and gratitude. We have the power to transform our minds and souls and everyone of us can enjoy the goodness of all the combination of therapeutic massage techniques by using the revolutionary GINTELL DéWise Care Butterfly Massage Chair, it provides a more elegant, comfort and relief full body massage experience! Prolonged stress and exhaustion could be easily blown away. To Qui Beauty as the Organizer and UBR (Universal Biz Resources) as the Co-organizer a warmest heartfelt thanks for a job well done! Organising the 1st Ageless Beauty Pageant was not an easy and have lots of challenging obstacles to overcome! Thanks to your professionalism and skill and wishing as success and looking forward a fruitful and dazzling event! Needless to say, GINTELL looks forward eagerly to support the 1st Ageless Beauty Pageant for many years to come. To the beauty participants, I wish you all the best in the Grand Final. I believe that regardless of the outcome, each one of you will have benefited in terms of making new friends and enriched by the experience of gaining better involvement in the program that organised by the Qui Beauty & UBR! Thanks!


关于神奇药霸有限公司 秉着帮助更多人的理念,拿督杜颢暐创立了神奇药霸有限公司 。公司的愿景与使命很简单,那就是: 愿景 让箭猪枣成为每个人都负担得起的保健品,对于一些弱势群体 ,甚至会提供免费赞助。 使命 只售卖货真价实的箭猪枣,以帮助更多人保养以及重拾健康。 建立公司品牌,把神奇药霸有限公司的箭猪枣带到世界各地。 在经常接触病人的过程中,拿督杜颢暐非常了解被各类疾病缠 身的痛苦,除了身心上,还有沉重的经济负担。透过箭猪枣, 拿督杜颢暐帮助了无数患上末期疾病的病人,以及患有先天性 疾病的病人;同时,箭猪枣在美容方面也取得非常好的成效, 譬如说减少与去除雀斑、痘痘与疤痕等等。 当冻龄选美大赛邀请拿督杜颢暐成为主要赞助商时,他二话不 说就答应了。他说,那是因为他看见冻龄选美大赛非常有潜能 ,尤其是帮助佳丽们展现本身的魅力与自信。此外,他也希望 透过这个平台,推广关于箭猪枣的知识,同时可以进行慈善活 动,帮助有需要的人。 身为冻龄选美大赛主要赞助商,拿督杜颢暐希望可以分享关于 箭猪枣的知识,让更多人知道并从中获益。现代人面对很大的 压力,再加上饮食与化学品的问题,进而造成很多健康上的问 题。拿督杜颢暐认为,除了外表,内在的健康也很重要,因此 人们都应该注重平日保养,健康是人生最大的财富。 箭猪枣的功效很广,就好比防癌、保健、美容等等;只需花费 负担得起的价格,就可以透过箭猪枣重拾健康。这,也将会是 拿督杜颢暐坚持到底的使命。


main sponsor

Dato Thoo

2016 第 一

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The 1st 屆

The concept of Ageless Beauty Pageant is simple, that is to help more women to chase after their dreams, to find balance in life and to give themselves a chance to shine; with the purpose to develop a healthy and balanced lifestyle, to promote positivity and to blend together old and new experiences for the women out there.

about ...

2016 第 一

2016 第 一

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The Mission

To inspire every woman in the world by showing them the Ripple Effect. We believe every woman deserves to feel confident, to chase after their dreams and to live the life they desired for, no matter what stages they are at.

The Vision

To be able to contribute back to the society by transforming women’s lives, one at a time. Ageless Beauty Pageant aimed to inspire and cultivate strength within modern woman juggling to balance work, family, inner soul and societal responsibilities. It’s about beauty from within, never judge a book by its cover; women should be appreciated from the inside, and not only from the outside alone. Ageless Beauty Pageant is about inner beauty and soul, that is why a 3D2N training is specially designed to provide women the education and knowledge to enhance their inner beauty and soul.

冻龄选美大赛的概念很简单,那就是帮助更多女人追逐她们的梦想,找到生活的平 衡点,并给予自己一个发光发热的机会;旨意在于提倡健康与均衡的生活方式,培 养与促进积极的心态,同时融合新旧体验。

使命 通过展示涟漪效应来启发世界上的每一位女人。我们相信每个女人,无论处于任何 人生阶段,都应该充满自信,敢于追梦,争取本身向往的生活。 愿景 透过改变女人的生命回馈社会。

我们相信,现代女性内外兼备——外在美丽,内在自信。 因此,我们创办了冻龄选美大赛,旨意在于启发女性在事业、家庭与社会责任之间 取得平衡,自信满满地将自己的魅力展现与舞台!女人的美,由内而外散发,不应 单以外表做定论。 冻龄选美大赛说的是内在美与心灵美,这也是为什么我们提供了三天两夜的训练课 程,让她们可以提升本身的内在美与心灵美。 我们希望提供一个平台,让她们可以在至爱,甚至是普罗大众面前充满自信地展现 自己,自豪地说:“我是美丽的,我是独一无二的!”


After experiencing a broken marriage, Ann Q started QQ 心殿with the intention to bring good values to the society. Along the way, Ann was thinking, is there a way to encourage more women to join her in this good cause? With that in mind, she founded Q Beauty. The driving force behind Q Beauty is simple, that is to enhance the status and value of women in the society through this platform. There are many women who wish to start a career but they can’t find a suitable platform. The concept of Q Beauty is to help women to set up their own career and find balance between work and family. Holding on to the concept of women help women, Ann hopes to gather the power of everyone so all women can have their own careers through a win-win strategy. Later on, she met a friend who would like to organize a beauty pageant by chance, due to mutual goal, Ann decided to lend out Q Beauty platform to host the Ageless Beauty Pageant. Following this, Q Production Group Sdn Bhd is formed. It’s a company combining the team power of all the directors, shareholders and staff, with a common goal to enhance the life of all women. However, Ann’s friend withdrew from the Ageless Beauty Pageant due to personal reasons. By chance, Ann met Janis Chong and shared with her about this. That saw Janis joining as the CEO of Q Beauty and organized the Ageless Beauty Pageant together with Ann.

Q Beauty的创始人柯玉珠在经历了破碎的婚姻后,本着以善为主,成立了 QQ养心店 。在本身行善的过程中,玉珠觉得,是否可以鼓励更多的女人加入行善的行列呢? 凭着这个想法,她创立了Q Beauty。 Q Beauty的原动力很简单,就是希望可以透过这个平台,提升女性在社会的地位与 价值。很多女性都想创业,但是就找不到一个适合的平台。Q Beauty的概念,就是 帮助打造女性打造属于她们的事业,同时在事业与家庭之间取得平衡。 抱着女性扶持女性的理念,玉珠希望借助大家的力量,透过双赢的策略,让女性拥 有自己的事业。后来,在机缘巧合之下,玉珠遇上一位想要举办选美会的朋友;因 为大家有着共通的理念,於是玉珠决定借出Q Beauty的平台,一起主办这场选美赛 事。于是,Q Production Group Sdn Bhd就形成了,那是一个集合了团队力量的平台 ,里边的每一位理事与股东,都为提升女性精彩人生而尽心尽力付出。 后来,那位朋友因事无法一起主办选美赛事,选择退出。在机缘巧合下,玉珠遇上 张思琪,跟她聊起这个平台,进而促成思琪加入成为Q Beauty的执行长,并一起主 办第一届冻龄选美大赛。



Qui Beauty

2016 第 一

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co-organizer 2016 第 一

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UBR (Universal Biz Resources) UBR (Universal Business Resources) is an international business platform for local entrepreneurs to expand their trade to overseas. The company was started in 2015, with Ms Greess Ling and Mr. Peter Chaw as the Directors and business partners. It took them more than one year to plan this platform with the concept of organizing a business networking event in every 3 months. The 1st event was launched in January 2016 which gathered about 80 participants from local companies. In March 2016, the 2nd event was launched with 120 participants. The 3rd event that launched in June 2016 has attracted 250 participants, which included entrepreneurs from Beijing, China as well. In less than a year, UBR was also interviewed by local business magazines to promote its mission, vision and each successful occasion. In the process of organizing business opportunities, UBR is also actively involved in charity works which include helping folks homes and orphanages to raise fund. The name of UBR Charity Team Title is “Love & Care”. UBR continues to move towards its initial mission whereby the 4th international event entitled Business Cultural and Entrepreneurs Resources Exchange Dinner 4.0 was held on 6th October 2016 Kuala Lumpur. In this event, UBR has achieved a total number of more than 800 participants with entrepreneurs from Malaysia, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Canada, etc. Over the years, UBR has received the following awards and recognitions: • Master Class Award 2016 • Asia Success Award 2016 • Awards from Singopre UBR is also the Co-Organiser for Ageless Beauty Pageant 2016.



UBR (Universal Biz Resources)是由两位创办人兼活动策划林俐圻和周冠 良所创立。

2016 第 一

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两人用了一年的时间策划与构思了整个概念,终于在2015年成立【资源整合 ,共赢趋势】这平台,成功踏出第一步。【资源整合,共赢趋势】的主要目 的,是创造一个国际商务平台,让本地企业家将企业版图拓展到海外。每三 个月,UBR都会举办一场商务文化交流活动,并邀请各方来参加及参展。 今年一月份所主办的第一场活动,吸引了80人参加。三月份的第二场活动则 达到120人,六月份的第三场活动人数倍增至250人;同时也很荣幸邀请到中 国北京香港企业家一起加入。 第四场商务文化暨交流对接会晚宴国际盛会,取得突破性的成绩,总共吸引 了850名来自的马来西亚、新加坡、中国、北京、武汉与台湾的企业商家出 席,一起迈向资源整合,共赢趋势! 在短短一年内,UBR也被本地商业杂志邀请采访,介绍UBR的使命、愿景以及 每个成功盛会。在未来,UBR会继续为本地商家举办国际商务平台,同时积 极参与慈善工作,协助一些老人院孤儿院等,为社会付出爱及关怀。 这些年,UBR所获得的荣誉奖项包括了: • Master Class大奖2016 • 亚洲企业顶级大奖2016 • 新加坡IBF (International Biz Federation) 所颁发的奖项等等 同时,UBR也是这次凍龄选美大赛2016的联办商单位。

柯玉珠 Founder of Qui Beauty cum CFO Founder of Qui Production Group Sdn Bhd Founder of Ageless Beauty Pageant Founder of Yang Xin Charity Organization Founder of Touch n Fly World Trade A woman at her 40s with a broken marriage, a divorcee with three kids; Ann Q never succumb to challenges in life, instead she does her best to become a responsible mother, daughter and sister.


Ann Q

2016 第 一

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While she was in her 20s, she has devoted her youth and prime to her family; focusing too much on caring for her loved ones made she lost her goals in life. Being a person who has walked the journey, Ann feels that all women should be given a chance and platform to fulfil their dreams. She believes that etiquette and thinking are important for a woman. Outer beauty is momentary, a woman’s beauty should come from within and from her confidence. A woman should never keep telling herself “I CAN’T”, instead she should have the courage to chase after her dreams, to give herself a chance to shine. By holding that thought in heart, Ann founded Ageless Beauty Pageant with her business partner, Janis Chong. By creating platform like Ageless Beauty Pageant, Ann hopes to inspire more women to find balance in life and career, to showcase their wisdom, beauty and talent to the world. 柯玉珠,一位经历了破碎婚姻的单亲妈妈,独自培育三名孩子;她不 屈服于生活的挑战,而是尽自己最大的努力,成为一名称职的母亲、 女儿与姐妹。 在她二十多岁时,玉珠把最美好的青春岁月都奉献给家庭;当她把全 副心思都摆在关心挚爱与至亲的时候,殊不知自己就渐渐地失去了人 生的目标。作为一名过来人,玉珠觉得每一位女人都应该拥有一个可 以让她们实现梦想的平台。 她相信,礼仪和思维对于女人来说很重要。外在的美丽只属瞬间,女 人的美丽应该来自于内在和她对自己的信心。她认为女人不应该一 直告诉自己“我不行”,而是应该拥有追逐梦想的勇气,赋予自己 一个发光发热的机会。 秉持这个信念,玉珠与她们生意伙伴张思琪创立了冻龄选美大赛。 透过这个选美平台,玉珠希望可以启发更多女性在生活与事业中取 得平衡,并向世界展示她们的智慧、美丽与天赋。


organizer 2016 第 一

The 1st 屆

Janis Chong 张思琪 CEO of Qui Beauty Founder of Qui Production Group Sdn Bhd Founder of Ageless Beauty Pageant Janis was born in Malaysia and grew up in The States. Her parents divorced when she was 18. Since then, she was raised by her mother. From young, she was taught “There is no free lunch, if you want something, you have to earn it”. In her mother, Janis sees how a woman can be so independent and raised two beautiful and well-educated daughters as a single mother. For Janis, her mother is her greatest inspiration and role model in life. After graduated from university with a Degree in Business Management and other majors such as hospitality, nutrition and psychology, Janis decided to come back to Malaysia to build her career. A nutritionist for 10 years with 5 years experience working with medical doctors, Janis has helped many to regain their health. During the process, she realized that mental state is the most important factor contributed to good health. Looking at people with perfect looks but empty souls sadden her. She felt that she could help more people especially women if she has a platform. Later, she met Ann Q, the Founder of Q Beauty by chance and joined her company as the CEO. Due to Ann’s business partner in Ageless Beauty Pageant withdrew due to personal reasons, Janis joint Ann to organize the first Ageless Beauty Pageant.

思琪生于马来西亚,在美国长大。父母在她18岁时离异。从那时起,她就跟着 母亲生活。从小,母亲就教育她“天下没有免费的早餐,你想要得到某些东西 ,就得靠自己的实力赚取。” 从母亲的身上,思琪看见了一位单亲妈妈的独立与坚强,凭着自己的努力,调 教出两名漂亮聪明的女儿。对于思琪来说,母亲不但给了她极大的启发,同时 更是她人生的榜样。 从大学毕业后,主修商业管理,副修酒店管理、营养学和心理学的思琪,决定 回到马来西亚建立本身的事业。她当了10年的营养师,并且拥有5年与医生共 事的经验。透过本身的职业,思琪帮助过无数人重拾健康;在这过程中, 她意识到精神状态是促进身体健康的主要因素。 许多人,看似外表完美,但灵魂却是空虚的,这让思琪感觉伤 感。她总觉得如果自己拥有一个平台的话,就能够帮助更多人 ,尤其是女人活出自己。后来,在机缘巧合下,遇上Q Beauty 的创始人柯玉珠,加入该公司成为执行长,并在玉珠原本的冻 龄选美赛事伙伴因事退出的情况下,与玉珠携手主办这场选美 赛事。


Greess Ling 林俐圻

Founder of UBR (Universal Biz Resources) 2016

第 一 The 1st 屆

Founder of Giace Biz Enterprise Caritas Queen Ambassador of Classic Global United 2016 Malaysia Lady Pink Cosmetic Ambassador 2015 Malaysia Caritas Ambassador 2015 Member Creator of Business Network International Co-organizer of Ageless Beauty Pageant 2016


brand advisor

CT Chin 陳鉦棟 International Brand Builder

2016 第 一

The 1st 屆

国际品牌大师 International Brand Builder Consultant. Educated at the elite colleges; London College of Communications, University of London and Goldsmith College, University of London respectively. CT was sent to London, England at an early age, lived and worked for over a period of 15 years. CT’s passion and 25 years experiences in the creative field had gained his marks as creative director at three of the global top 10 advertising companies for over 25 years. He lives, breathes as a brand builder, strategies and conducts seminars plus talks, his write-ups in THE NAKED TRUTH on lifestyles, motivations, brand building, fashion talks and grooming etc. His works take him overseas as an established brand image builder and brand-advertising consultant. All his projects are styled with a touch of sophistication, enhancing awesome lifestyle in the world of today; CT Chin is truly a hard-core image brand builder indeed.


2016 第 一

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Emma Teah

Manddi Teh


Hilda Looi

2016 第 一

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Karen Lim

Sannie Goh

Wong Bee Bee

Stacey Oh

2016 第 一

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Coco Foo

Tracey Chow

Irene Koh

Vincy Chan

2016 第 一

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Faye Yap

Shirley Peter

Shyvonne Lee

Kaili Tan

2016 第 一

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Champion RM12,000 + Products (Cash RM3,000)

1st Runner up RM9,000 + Products (Cash RM1,500)

2nd Runner up RM7,000 + Products (Cash RM1,000)

3rd Runner up RM5,000 + Products (Cash RM500)

4th Runner up RM3,000 + Products (Cash RM300)

Coco Foo

CLASSIC AGELESS RM10,000 + Products (Cash Tracey RM1,000)

Irene Koh 15

Training & Cat Walk 2016 珏 一

The 1st 幆

When a woman decided to put her heart and mind to achieve something, nothing can stop her! This is exactly what we witnessed the tremendous spirit to align their inner desire with the goals they set out to achieve to be beauty queens. 16 contestants will be showcased in the #AgelessBeautyPageant2016 and they are really working hard and putting in all the effort to ensure that they not only look good during the finals, but the mental preparation to be onstage, those precious moments. Thank you Jazzmine to be part of the team and leading the training for deportment, catwalk & poise and self image confidence. Transformation must come from the inner then be presented to the outer. Thank you very much to co-trainer of the day, Nina Ray,who led the contestants in mindset training and engaging them in the positive winning realm so that they can master their psychological moments to walk through the winning moments.


The 1st 屆

2016 第 一


3 D 2 N Training & Corporate Visit

The 1st 屆

2016 第 一

Charity Cooking Show & IQ 70 Visit

The 1st 屆

2016 第 一


Press Conference & MOU Signing Ceremony

(Nepal) Chairman of Eplanet Pvt Ltd Founder of Heritage Pageants

Dato’ Jacky Chee KH

President of World Success Economic Development Entrepreneurs Organisation ( SEDEO ) President of Asia Success Media Group

NIko Kenz Ho Celebrity Hair Stylist

(Thailand) Mrs. Thailand International 2014 Mrs. Charisma Brand Ambassador of Mrs Malaysia Universe 2016

Lawrance Poh Film Director

2016 第 一

The 1st 屆

Dato Seri Susan Sanfurni Koh

Director of Eplanet Pte Ltd Founder of The Tiara Club

Jimmy Tan

Lawrence Cheah

Penny Soon

Look Kah Hui

Kok Wah

Dr. Tracie Koh

Winson Liew

Jesse Kuah

CEO of OFFICE Makeup for South East Asia region

Mrs. Malaysia Elite International 2015 - Champion Mrs. Classic Global United USA 2015 - Champion

Marketing Director


Dr. Siriyakorn Sattabudhkulwara

Director / Press Writer / Lyricist

Photographer Director of Yes, I Do Academy

Receipant of The Malaysia Book of Records for Most Number of certificates


Santosh Sapkota

Mrs Malaysia Supreme Earth 2015


Datin Jennifer

2016 第 一

The 1st 屆


ambassador 2016 第 一

The 1st 屆


Datin Ong


Jesse Kuah

2016 第 一

The 1st 屆

Professional Image Design Award Winning Hair Stylist, Make up Artist & Hair Academy Receipant of The Malaysia Book of Records since 2012 for Most number of certificates (100 certificates)

专业形象设计 获奖发型师、彩妆师与美发学院 马来西亚记录大全 自2012年 获颁最多文凭的发型师(100张文凭)

No. 4, Jalan Teluk Pulai, Taman Seputeh, 58000 Kuala Lumpur. Mobile: 016-377 5995 55B, Jalan Desa Bakti, Taman Desa, Off Jalan Klang Lama, 58100 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 03-7980 5722


Mea Long

2016 第 一

The 1st 屆


Mrs Japan Asia Supreme Image Ambassador 2016 Mrs Asia DNG World Ambassador 2016 Gorden Phoenix Award Entrepreneur Award 2016 Mrs Malaysia Supreme Earth 2015

从事医疗美容业20年,帮助唤醒上万个女性健康 美丽蜕变,这么多年见过 N 万个女性,每个人都 演縡不同的人生尤其作为已婚女性更需要智慧与 内涵。 我感到非常荣幸被大会委任成为凍龄大使,我也 非常支持这个平台更有使命通过自身成长蜕变影 响更多女性,活出自己,绽放自己!


Dr. Tracie Koh

2016 第 一

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ambassador 2016 第 一

The 1st 屆


Tan Ai Yin


Tan Ai Chin

2016 第 一

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ambassador 2016 第 一

The 1st 屆


Elaina Soon Yi Lian


Doreen Bong 抄经达人墨艺雅石

2016 第 一

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Connie Chan MCM Malaysia Charming Mom 2016 Ambassador


第 一 The 1st 屆

我总相信,一个女人的人生,可以做得更多、走 得更远、活得更璀璨。踏上选美之路,是我精彩 人生的开始。 选美的平台,让我发掘了不一样的自己,增添了 我的自信心。透过选美活动,我能够帮助更多人 ,为社会尽一份力。 非常感谢冻龄选美大赛能让我有机会再次踏上华 丽舞台,展现自我魅力与自信,继续活出精彩人 生! 我希望,可以跟主办单位与一众佳丽,一起积极 地参与公益慈善活动,履行我们对社会的责任及 承诺! 在此感谢我的家人及朋友们给我的支持与鼓励!


ambassador 2016 第 一

The 1st 屆


Datin Irene Soong

血 枣 关于豪猪枣


粉枣的颜色呈褐色带有些红等多种颜色。表面较粗 糙或光滑,粉枣也是呈现一层层的细纹,味道先苦 后甘。粉枣较适合用于保健或轻微病状。

草 枣


箭猪枣根据古代医学书籍《本草纲目》,《陆川本草》及《食疗本草》所 记载,箭猪肚,肉和毛刺都能入药,并且拥有清热利湿,治黄疸,水肿, 脚气及奔豚的医疗功效。 根据《食疗本草》记载,患水病鼓胀者,将箭猪肚和残留在胃里的余物, 烧干后磨成粉末,空肚服用温酒调二钱匕,便能痊愈。而在《本草纲目》 及《陆川本草》则记载着箭猪内能利大肠。虽然豪猪枣在古代医学书籍没 有详细的记载,但是它在东南亚民间被延用和认同已达百年。另者,这其 中却以生长在印尼热带雨林的豪猪所结成的豪猪枣最为珍贵。这里的豪猪 所食用的是全无污染且含药效很高的珍贵自然植物,由于印尼森林较大, 药草较多,结成的枣也比较结实和精华较多。因此这里结成的豪猪枣品质 都是上上等的稀有珍品。可收藏,药用,保值的价值。

粉 枣


豪猪即是一种全身长满尖刺,居息在森林里的一种哺乳动物。它有很强的 生命力,往往生病后都能很快痊愈,这和它的进食习惯有关。豪猪是草食 动物,尤其喜食含苦味的植物的茎和根部。由于一般含苦味的植物都是药 草的根源,因此,豪猪本身具有能解百毒的抗体免疫功能。当它受伤或生 病时,它会去寻食一种草药。草药在豪猪体内消化后和它的解毒抗体混合 产生一种分泌物来化解它体内的病毒,使它迅速痊愈。而一些仍然剩留在 豪猪体内的分泌物,久而久之就累积形成如结石般的东西也就是所谓的豪 猪枣。 因为每只豪猪的体质,强弱,基因结构,获取食物草药的环境会影响豪猪 枣的结构。这也是为什么每粒豪猪枣的外观,光滑度,大小,素质,颜色 等都有差异。如果一粒豪猪枣滞留在豪猪体内的时间越久,它的体积将会 越大,药性成份的累积更多,品质更佳。然而并非每只豪猪体内都有豪猪 枣,即使有也是一只才有一粒,所以身价非凡。 由于空气与食物的污染,人们生活的压力致使疑难杂症越来越多,医生与 现代医疗也束手无策。而近来病人因濒临绝望转向传统医疗求助,竟发现 豪猪枣带给他们一线希望,是豪猪枣越来越珍贵的原因之一。 随着人们生活水平的提高,对日常保健的重视,以至豪猪枣的需求量越来 越逼切,价格有涨无减。不知不觉地豪猪枣成为时下稀有的名贵药品。一 些富裕人士更爱把它收藏当珍品防身,保值。

血枣是取自于较强壮的豪猪,草药和内分泌物在豪 猪体内经过一段漫长的岁月累计而形成的。所以它 的品质最佳,价格也最昂贵。血枣的颜色大部分呈 红色,粉红色等。其表面光滑,较实心,触摸时感 觉比其他豪猪枣来得更硬。血枣横切开后,显示出 一层层的细纹。它有浓郁的中药草香气,味道其苦 。医疗的功效最佳。含有血枣的豪猪来自于火山区 里,非常罕有。

草枣的颜色呈青褐色。它的外观比以上两种豪猪枣 更粗糙。草枣里免杂有许多草状物,触觉与半粉枣 相似。味道奇苦后甘。草枣在所有豪猪枣中被列为 第三等级。经过过滤草状物后,适合用于外敷伤口 。

荣 获 国 际 奖 项


亚洲顶级企业大奖 019-214 3198 / 019-677 7772, 019-557 1808 Lot 23, Jalan SC 2, Pusat Perindustrian Sg. Chua, 43000 Kajang, Selangor.

H/P - +60122997928 FB - Alice Ngoo

Graphic Design

idea house

Printing Services

just email us

9-3A. Bangunan Tai Seng. Jalan Kalong. Off Jalan Sungai Besi. 55200 Kuala Lumpur.

曾经获得奖项:2016年旗袍赛季军兼完 美体态奖、夫人公益奖、杰出丽人奖、 国际华商乐方杰出女性丽人奖,环球旗 袍接触女性公益奖,以及歌唱比赛至少 20项最佳台风奖。 我从商将近20年,这20年的风风雨雨、 酸甜苦辣,我都经历过。我认为,咱们 常会为错过一些东西而感到惋惜,但其 实,人生的玄妙,常常超出你的预料, 无论什么时候,你都要坚强,一切都是 最好的安排,坚持,发奋,勇敢追求, 那样就有特别的惊喜到你的世界。 人生路上,可能春风得意,也可能坎坷 不平,无论如何,咱们都要一直走下去 。荣耀也罢,屈辱也罢,都要以平和的 心态去应对,少一些无奈与感慨,多一 份从容和淡然。“宠辱不惊,闲看庭前 花开花落;去留无意,静观天上云卷云 舒。”把新放平,生活就是一泓平静的 水;把心放轻,人生就是一朵自在的云 。 平凡的我,希望可以在冻龄选美大赛这 个平台,展示魅力女性的韵味与风采, 传播美与爱,以及再一次绽放自己。 爱好:跳舞、唱歌、看书和旅游 身高:166cm 体重:50kg

Lisa Chong Mrs Asia Supreme Classic & Style Ambassador 2016

Awards: 2016年旗袍赛季军兼完美体态 奖、夫人公益奖、杰出丽人奖、国际华 商乐方杰出女性丽人奖,环球旗袍接触 女性公益奖,以及歌唱比赛至少20项最 佳台风奖。 I have been an entrepreneur for nearly 20 years. I have experienced ups and downs along the way. Sometimes, we often feel sorry for what we have missed, but in fact, the mystery of life normally caught you by surprise. Stay strong all the time, believe that everything happens for a reason. Be persistent, be brave to chase after your dreams and you shall be surprised how things evolve around you. The life journey may be smooth sometimes, and gets rough at certain times; in any case, we need to go on. Be it glory or obscurity, treat it with an open mind, stay calm and peace. By standing on the platform of Ageless Beauty Pageant, I hope to showcase the beauty and charm of a woman, to spread the love and shine. Hobbies: Dancing, Singing, Reading and Travelling Height: 166cm Weight: 50kg

Lisa Chong Mrs Asia Supreme Classic & Style Ambassador 2016

Amanda Brown Couture amandabrowncouture Email H/P

+6 017 907 3914

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2016 第 一

The 1st 屆



Q Beauty Brand Advisor


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2016 第 一

The 1st 屆


YeYe Live

Datin Irene Soong

Thank you

2016 第 一

The 1st 屆


(a member of Hemijaya Group)

Lisa Chong Amanda Brown Couture

听说十个女子有九个的梦想是开一家咖啡厅~服装店~书店~美容院或者是。。。花店~ 对吗 被采访者:Datin Irene Soong 从一间小小的花店,开始了我的事业。。。慢慢从小店做到小批发再到小加工制作手工花,成就了全马首家马来人传统婚庆 用品的发原人。当然这一路走来也经历了不少的波折和风浪,曾经也有放弃过,后来一句话告诉自己坚持下去。。。才有了 今天的成绩,非常感恩在我们创业时陪着我们一起成长的伙伴。从事婚礼花艺行业将近30 多年,得到众多企业和商家的认 可,业务遍布全国。 “可能是置身于花界时间久了,空闲的时候就会用花来做家里布置,朋友们都说我身上有一股淡淡的百合香,这也算是一个 软包装了吧”,Datin Irene 说。 Datin Irene Soong 的业务最近在森美兰州芙蓉和即将营业于波德申市经营了一家名叫“Legato Floral Design”的艺术花 坊。专业为欣赏花的客人设计她们想用美丽的花朵表达爱和永恒。Datin 说“花是用来表达感情,用来表达爱的。鲜花、绿 植互相搭配,让进店的每一位顾客像是进入了花园一般。 想象一下,当你步入花园时的感觉,沁人心脾的香气,满眼郁郁葱葱的绿色,让人有种释放和解压心情的感觉和经不住这美 丽得诱惑啊。” 身为一名花店老板娘,也是花艺师,精力的投入是百分百,从如何分辨花的品质、产地,到如何做出一个好的造型,再到什 么情况送什么人需要什么样的品种什么样的造型,这都是一个漫长的学习的过程,是需要用心去体会去了解去和发现的。 Datin 说这也是对她个人一种审美的要求,一种精神层面的塑造。也许花艺作品时限短暂,但会一直印在心中,为生命带来 回忆 Q: 您是什么时候开始学习花艺的?花艺对您来说是终身追求还是“半路出家”? A:我想我应该是半路出家。因为我和丈夫早在30 多年前开始经营一间小小的门市店,后来想守在这小店没什么发展的机会 ,就去尝试做小批发生意,开始只卖人造花,但是因为没有竞争能力想要放弃,后来因为店里有开始为客人做她们结婚的东 西,就转一转,专门做马来人的婚礼生意,却没想到原来很多店里都不会做花的,我们的产品竟然是那么受欢迎,所以我们 的生意就是这样做来的。目前NONA 就是我们公司的品牌。所以我最初的时候是做一名塑胶花批发商, 很早就接触婚礼与花 。后来我去了花艺培训学校,学习如何与真花打交道,学习花艺设计方法。从简单的花艺到一场完整的婚礼花艺设计,就这 么一步步累积走过来,直到多后来我才找到了乐趣所在,才决定要投身于花艺设计这样美好的事业上。当然我很享受这当中 的成就感。 Q:在一个网络痕迹越来越明显的世界,您认为一名花艺设计师需要保持与大自然的联系吗? A:花艺师的职责就是通过花艺设计作品帮助人们重拾自己和大自然紧密相连的天性,了解客户的需求和偏好意味着为他们 提供一些他们真正欣赏的作品,这是帮助他们重建与自然的关系的很好办法,而花卉也是大自然赠予我们的美妙事物。 Q:您目前在规划什么项目吗? A:我目前正在努力提升自己在花艺的进步。一个好的花艺师,需要时间和经验的磨练,耐下心来学习花艺,能够静下心来 沉淀。任何行业,要成为专业的顶级的高手,除了常年的努力,花艺付出的努力则要更多,因为花艺要学的东西很多。我会 多去参与花艺老师的学习交流,也会不定期地去国外考察。我认为花艺之途无止境,需要及时地获取国外一些比较前沿的花 艺资讯,要去不断收获提升新的东西,才能不断让自己进步。花艺作品,需要用心去做谈到花艺,Datin 说道:“花本身是 有记忆的,我们必须和它沟通,而且鲜花本身就美得无与伦比,我们只需要结合我们想要倾注给它的情感,尽可能地去还原 他本身的美丽就可以。 Q:宴会设计有没有个人喜好? A:宴会也好,project 也好,没有绝对的个人风格,但是针对客户需求,应急材料,会把一种花材用到极致,其他的都是 点缀。现在大家有了保护自然的意识,会把自然风格变成一个流行趋势。 Q:您是怎么看待花艺师的宣传和营销的? A:对于花艺师的推广,我认为口碑很重要,因为只有交流和良好的声誉才能让花艺师和客户们建立起无障碍的关系并更好 地理解他们的需求和期望,而广告的作用只是宣传你的名字而已。沟通十分重要,因为如果你的客户和别人提起你,这说明 他们对你的作品很满意。

Kraftangan Nona Sdn Bhd Wisma Nona, No. 1, Jalan DS 1/11, Bandar Dataran Segar, 71010 Port Dickson, N.S.D.K. Tel: 06-651 7933 / 651 7931 Fax: 06-651 5680

Stella Maison

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