Table of contents
What is nature journaling? -page 3 Tool of the month -page 4 New skill -page 5 Journal prompt-page 6 Weather is everywhere! -page 7 The diffrent forms of rain. By Andrew Gervase -page 8-9 Let’s draw a landscape -page 10-11 Junior journaler of the month -page 12-13 Journal share -page 14-16
What is Nature journaling.
Nature journaling is a really cool way to explore the world. By using Words, Pictures, and Numbers. When we do that we become a really cool scientist called a Naturalist. Nature journaling can be hard at first but overtime it will be easier. Practicing daily will make you better. In the nature journaling community we call this pencil miles. When we journal it’s also important not to worry about making our drawings and paintings all about being pretty. It’s more important that we put our thoughts and observations into our journals. Happy journaling!
Tool of the month! utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
New skill how to measure rain water. Have you ever nature journaled in the rain? How about after it rains? It can be quite fun! Now that the rainy season's coming up you might want to document the rain average. But how? Well using a rain gauge. What is that? Well its basically a device that lets you measure how much rain you get. Click my link below to learn how to make one!
This month’s journal prompt is weather! What does the weather look like right now around you? Send in your journal pages on weather!
Weather. The cool thing about weather is it is everywhere! I mean just look up! We can always nature journal the weather because it is always with us. Have you ever thought about that? What does the weather look like around you? In the morning is there a breeze? What does the sun look like just before it sets? There are so many things you can journal about weather. All you have to do is go and find it! Thankfully that’s easy! Just look up.
The Forms of Rain by Andrew Gervase
Rain comes in all sorts of forms. Sometimes the rain only lightly sprinkles , or sometimes it sheets down in large droplets. Sometimes the rain freezes, creating snow and ice. Other times thunder and lighting appear with the rain.
No matter the form, rain is a major element of the water cycle and is responsible for despostiting most of the fresh water on the Earth. It provides proper conditions or many types of ecosystems.
Different forms of rain Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets that have condenstate and then became heavy enough to fall from the clouds. Rain Showers tend to be quick and come in bursts , never lasting to long. Compared to rain, showers cover a smaller area of land but can be more intense.
Snow is created when the temperature in the clouds is below the freezing point (32 degrees Fahernhight or 0 degrees Celsius). Hail is rain that gets caught in the upper atmosphere winds and pushed to cooler air. When this happens, the rain freezes creating a small ball of ice. Hail can be as small as a pea or as large as an apple.
Thunder is the sound caused by a nearby flash of lighting. A bolt of lightning has the temperature of about 40,000 degrees Fahrenheit. That is hotter than the surface of the sun. Rain falls at different rates in different parts of the world. In certain places, like dry desert regions, it might only rain 10 inches every year. Other places, like tropical rainforests, it can rain up to 400 inches in one year!
Whether it is rain, snow, or hail, the earth relies on the water cycle to deposit fresh water. Our ecosystems are sustained on the fresh water that rain, in all its forms, provide.
Precipitation Evaportranspiration
Streamflow water
Ground flow
Lets draw a rainy landscape!
Step one First we will draw the hills of our landscape
Step two Now we will start to add the clouds
Step three Lets add some more clouds for our rain to fall from.
Step four Then we will add a little tree in the background.
Step five Last but not least we will add some rain! Draw some light lines coming from the clouds.
Now you have your rainy landsacpe!
Junior journaler of the month
Nora! What is your favorite thing to nature journal?
Flowers What advice would you give kids just starting to nature journal?
Age : 13 Lives in California What is your least favorite animal?
What is your favorite animal?
How many journals do you have?
It’s okay if your illustrations do not look like the real thing.
Why do you nature journal?
I like to draw and it brings me closer to nature.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A ballet dancer. What is the nature like around you?
I am surrounded by fields of grass, pastures for our cows.
S H A R E What is a journal share? A journal share is when we all come together and say one nice thing about each others journal page. What do you notice about these pages? Journal sharing is a good way to gather ideas for your own journals.
Caspar Hendricks Age 4 Lives in Useras Spain
Nora Lives in California Age 13
Willow Age 2 Lives in California
The Firefly by Noah Gervase
The firefly comes The firefly goes Where it goes Nobody knows!
The firefly comes every year Sometimes they get so very near if you catch them in a jar, they'll light up a jar it looks as if it is a star
The firefly comes The firefly goes Where it goes Nobody goes!
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