SLEAM e-LEARNING Pre-Intermediate CommunicationsEX

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Workbook with key


Workbook with key


English Course John and Liz Soars





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Revision: Tenses and verb forms written by jerry Lambert

Illustrations by: Adrian Barclay pp22, 31; john Batten pp8, 21, 43, 65; Kathy Baxendale p14; Emma Dodd/Biack Hat ppll, 27, 72; Mark Duffin p48; Neil Gower pp13, 23, 55; Tim Kahane pp5, 12,25,79; Harry Venning ppl0, 18,30,34,45,53,64,68,69,77; Celia Witchard pp6, 29, 36, 46, 66, 76 The publishers would like to thank the following for their kind permission to reproduce photographs: Aviation Picture Library p41 (pilot); Bubbles Photolibrary pp9 (boy with horseIJennie Woodcock), 44 (child being fed/G Du Feu); Corbis UK Ltd p42 (Cher and her children); PA News Photolibrary pp51 (adventurer David Hempleman-Adams), 52 (commuters), 60 (train crash); Popperfoto pp38 (camel), 42 (Cher performing/Reuters, Sonny and Cher), 61 (making parachutes), 63 (Frankenstein); Robert Harding Picture Library p54 (Acropolis/Tony Gervis); Sally & Richard Greenhill p70 (ballet dancer); Stone pp15 (teenage girls/P Tweedie), 19 (male executive/D Oliver, Post Office/D jacobs), 32 (sheep grazing/Mike McQueen), 33 (Bondi Beach/D Armand), 37 (bridges over The Tyne/Geoff johnson), 38 (granddaughter with grandfather/B Aron), 40 (couple working on computer, man on telephone/D Bosler), 41 (elderly patient/Bruce Ayres, man playing guitar/R Frerck, bride and groom/C Henderson), 44 (young man ironing/B Ayres, girl cooking/W Hodges), 50 (Antarctica/R Mear, British Transglobe Expedition/B Campbell), 54 (smiling woman/B Thomas), 60 (smiling man/P Correz, man jogging/B Thomas), 61 (climber wearing equipment/P Souders, legs below table/Douet/TSI Imaging), 71 (couple looking at travel brochures/F Siteman), 78 (man playing saxophone/C Kunin), 80 (woman/S Godlewski, man/D Durfee); Telegraph Colour Library pp16 (Ben Nevis/R Leeney), 19 (storm damage/Comnet Ltd), 33 (Sydney Opera House/K Ross), 37 (railings by riverlBibikow, Newcastle Upon Tyne/M Fife), 52 (Eurostar train/P Adams) Commissioned photography by: Gareth Boden pp7, 16,49

CONTE.NTS Vocabulary


11 Things in the house

Tenses 1 Recognizing tenses 5 2 Choosing the correct form 3 Correcting mistakes 6


1 2 3 4 5 6


12 Writing an informal letter


Writing 12 Filling in forms


Verb patterns 1 Hopes and ambitions 2 Infinitive or -ing? 28 3 Asking questions 28

Choosing the right verb 16 Making negatives 17 Making questions 17 Short answers 17 Past Simple forms 17 Past time expressions 18

4 Would you ...? or Do you ...? 28 5 Choosing the correct form 29 6 would like or like? 29

Past Continuous

9 Choosing the correct form



will and going to 7 Offers and decisions 29 8 What's going to happen? 30 9 Choosing the correct form 30



Vocabulary 10 have + noun = activity 20

Present Simple



11 Linking words - while, during, and for 20 12 Writing a story 1 21

11 Writing a postcard


What ... like?

1 Making negatives 10 2 Making questions 10 3 Short answers 11 4 Third person singular 11 5 Adverbs of frequency 11

Present Simple or Continuous? 6 Spelling of the present participle 12 7 Choosing the correct form

12 8 What does she do? or What is she doing? 12

havelhave got 9 Making statements and

negatives 13 10 Short answers



Expressions of quantity 3 some or any? 23 4 How much? or How many? 23 5 much, many, or a lot of? 23 6 a few or a little? 24

Articles 7 a/ an or the? 24 8 No articles 24 9 a, the, or nothing?

10 Words that go together 32


Comparatives and superlatives 3 Forming comparatives and superlatives 34 4 How old am I? 34 5 Opposite adjectives 35 6 as or than? 35 7 as ... as/not as ... as 35 8 Making sentences about you

Vocabulary 25


1 What is/are ... like? 33 2 What was/were .., like? 33

Count and uncount nouns 1 a or some? 22 2 chocolate or a chocolate?


would like (to do) or like (doing)?

Past Simple or Continuous?




7 Forming the Past Continuous 8 Newspaper stories 19




Past Simple

dol does/ did 6 Question words 7 Word order 7 Which question word? 7 What + noun, How + adjective or adverb 8 Replying with a question 8

11 Jobs

12 Linking words - but, however 13 Describing a person 15 UNIT 3

4 Making questions with auxiliaries 6 5 Making questions with


10 Spelling of plural nouns 11 Clothes 25


Question forms

6 7 8 9

Vocabulary 14

9 Adjective formation



Time clauses

Writing - Relative clauses

6 Present tense or future 7 Joining sentences 50

10 who/that/which/where 37 11 Describing a place 37

8 Choosing the correct conjunction 50 9 Tenses and time expressions 51


Present Perfect 1 Using the Present Perfect


2 Making positive and negative

sentences 38 3 Making questions 39 4 Short answers 39 5 Past participles 39 6 for or since? 40

Vocabulary 10 Preposition + word


11 Discussing ideas

6 might = will + perhaps 66 7 Choosing the correct form 66 8 Worries 67 9 Trying to decide 67



10 Phrasal verbs UNIT 10

1 Infinitive or -ing? 53 2 Choosing the correct form 3 Infinitive or -ing? 54 4 Asking questions 54


Vocabulary 41

11 Adverbs 68 12 Writing a story 2

5 Matching 54 6 Things used to be different

10 Relative clauses 41 11 Writing a biography 42




Present Perfect Simple 1 2 3 4

used to




Verb patterns

7 Using the correct tense 8 Asking questions 40



Tense revision

9 Men and women


2 Making questions 64 3 Laura's dreams 65 4 Short answers 66 5 If... 66


What's new? 70 yet and already 71 Questions and short answers been or gone? 71

Infinitives Present Perfect Continuous

7 Infinitives after adjectives

55 8 Infinitives of purpose 55 9 How to do it/something to eat


have (got) to 1 have got to 43 2 have to 43 3 Making questions 43 4 Short answers 44 5 Making positive and negative sentences 44


5 What has Ann been doing? 6 Making questions 72

10 -edor-ingadjectives? 11 Rhymes 56

7 Choosing the correct tense

73 8 Forming the correct tense 73 9 A conversation between old friends 73


Writing 12 Formal and informal letters 1


Vocabulary 10 Words that sound the same

6 Giving advice 45 7 Asking for advice 45

have to or should? 46

must 9 must for strong obligation



The passive

11 Expressions in letter writing 74 12 Formal and informal letters 2 75

1 Forming the passive 58 2 Making questions 59 3 Making negatives 59 4 Short answers 59 5 Newspaper stories 60 6 Notices 61 7 Active or passive?


Writing 11 Writing a formal letter


9 Writing a review of a book or a



Conditional clauses 2 3 4 5

First Conditional 48 Making questions 49 Making negatives 49 ifor when? 49

Past Perfect 1 Matching 76 2 What happened first? 76 3 Past Simple or Past Perfect? 4 Joining sentences 77


5 What did she say? 77 6 Reported to direct speech




Present Simple or will


Reported statements

8 Words with more than one meaning 62


1 Choosing the correct form






Active and passive

Vocabulary 10 Job descriptions


Tense review



8 Using the correct form




9 Writing a story 3

Second Conditional 1 Jimmy's dreams

7 say and tell 78 8 Words that are often confused




• Questioo~ Jobs • Writing an informal letter Ten~s

Gettmg to know you

Tenses 1 Recogniling ten~

UD Compl.t. th~ '~",.' u,ing ,h. verbs in th. ho•.

(.n m.k liv« w.n,S

's stuJying ....h..


dot.n·t ha'"

Eroiqut P) n Puoobl.. Me>i(o. He's, ,t<.dfflt He (1) medic~

beuus... (ll

""""""ico:I. bot hc He',

"own n to be, ¥I)' childrcn.


n, pr~ry ,dllXll.

His wif., SiI..... IS)

<ook",&- He l7J

£nrlQUt' (61

." .",cllent t<lChil,,;,1

1 HI! My "imC'S Ru:ni ,nd Inl


Osaka in JapltI.I (ll

has lik (""'.


·,.Ii,t,ning 'm silting 'm going t,.. tudy doc.,,·t "'ork

with my po""h. ,~s.botmy

My lather (ll mother (4l

"NcO! )'ell' I(S)

KOnOtI'li<s at \.011..... ,,1)'.


to"'& out With my f,1f'nds.1I1 in, ~,with Norol<o

t!Ic po<:tor. t (7) ,nd TO\hl w. (81

to tnJS>C

I ..... He~)

' .... pl.ying didn', like ..... going liv<


but hc (2l

to AUltr,Ii, when .. WoS


b.d to UljI:IOIId ""'., but

He (ll

he 141


bcutM ,t w., '" cold ,ft..

,·mig,.tod h.",



He ,nd h" twot",", lSI

wa, horn

porcnl' in Melbcu,.... Tllcy 61

With their

• brg

llouIe not br lfOm thc bNch. In t!Ic pi(:t.... hc"\ on the belCh with

Oos f,1fflds. Thcy l7J

Tonight ..·\ going 0Ul with hi. g"lf,~ Tllcy 18)



Unit! . Gelling 10 know you


I Choosing the correct form

Question forms

(;hoo ><, lM ro,,«1 form of the '·crb. /,,,, '(>filking II if'<,,1/ I'm .('<uk thr~ 1."suJl!'-'" French. Sl"'nish .•00 Engli;h. II'hOf. ,I,.... H,,,,, cOm' I H'm' {<l"" I IS H",,, ",,,,illS fro",! He. Swi... H. come, from Zuri<;h. Wh,t YO" do I do rou do I UIT ,..,,,

,, , ,, ,, ,1,,;,,1, •, ,, "'i, ,."",11 """n , ,,, "ill. , ,,,,,,Irt red' I"", '<> re" .ruy •, tonight?


4 Making que$tions with auxiliali~

IDI Writ<

y,slNo quoslions for 'hts<' sen',nces.

She', French, Is sh(J'rn(rft! 2 It'. coilling.

l They're,' Khool. 4 1"h""',,'l<arning English.

Wh.,..." Grorgc?

5 You're lirffi.

H< I"" I " I,m,jns I II",..,,, ,II".,.,..".

6 She wos., hume la., nighl.

II'h., "".."" .I"", II,i. """,1/ don ,I,i, """I ",.,m! I don"1 know. Look it up. Do 1"" wdnl. "gartU., :-.10. ,h.nks. I den"/ '",au I no 'mok' /


J "..", / II"



"n holiday. Iluw long I ,li,1 >"" SlQr I ,,,,,...,1 1"'" in Amelic.? Tho wccl"",d ""J> boring. I "" do I ,lid,", I di,I<,', do anything. rD' going 10 uni,..,,,ity no" )..... \,'h" "", YO" goi"S 10 I y,", going 10 I ,10 J"''' ,tudy?



J (orrecting mistak~

7 I'm right 8 H.

w., born in 1960.

9 \,''''''" $p<.k Danish.

S Making que$tiom with do/does/did

DO Write

y,JlNoqutS';ons for 11>tse stlllmc",.

\,,,u like music. 1)0 J<'II liku!",~j<L 1 She rome< (rom Fr.n"".

3 l"hty Ii"" in. flat.

4 \'01'

,.1:< sugar in lea.

eo",.." 'h" mi,ukes in til....., $CI\10""",.

,,, •, ,• ,• '"


1\1 Iht "..,.,kcnd I'm usually g<> swimming. I\n.: f<JU enjoy 'he ""ny'

Wc c.n', play tennis beauS<" il Fains. Do you can play ,htS$? 1io..· many ,islors y<>u haw~ Inn undersland Whal}"U',. saying. \\' you do lonigh,! WhO! ';me y<>u g<l h"me la.' nighl? LaSI ....,eknd I """ $Omc friends and...., hal'<" mc.1. I'm loving English f<>(><I. It"s wonder{ul'

Un~ I . ~li~ 10

5 I 'I"ak ~:nglish ....,11. 6 She "'alched a r.Jm 1411 n;gh'. 7 II !,a"td a, 8.00.

8 You .... nllo go hOIl1t. 9 He wo,lo:.; hart!'

know yoo

6 Que~lion word$

8 Whkh que$tion word?

DO Complete the ronve,,,,,!;",, willi q",,'tion wurJ<.

M",II the qU<'$lionl.nd .n,wor._

, , ,•

Wh.. do )"OU do! Wh" did )"" go out willi 1", night' Where d" you li,..,l When's your birlhd,)" Why arc l"U '.,e.cing • suil!

6 Itow ",.ny ""den.. .rt Ih.... in the cI.",>

, ,• '"

•6 Thi"ydoJl.". Twm'y.fivc. , Fine. And you? ,, Moti•• nd Pedr<>, rlll.le>,her, f TM 7,,,,r~ Ifstod.y! 6 I'm 'ure

How much did you pay for you' .h~? How ar. you!

Wh"", is this moner? Which n''''''p'I'''' do you road!




In a in Ihe com .. of lown, lI«au... l'm going to an '"1'<""><


7 Word order

K... Hi, Dad Dad Mornillg, Kal •. (I) "al. I:in~, ,h:lnk>. ,\ bil ,ired,

"r~ ~'''U

I buyly<ml,hc/did/.tI,,-h.,'.hopsl?

Dad 1 didn', hra' J'Ou """~ hom< laSI night. (2) lin",did ~"u g'1 in! "a'< 1\1>0", 1I.00. Dad (3) did ~''''' b'<>! Kate lust round 10 lk,h', housr. Dad Th<",'s" kit,", f", you on th< ,.hl~.

2 isiwh<>lloachcrlyour/Engli,hn

Ka'~ Oh! (4)

PullM words in Ihe corr«l em!r. 10 "'ak, quc;';on,. Tht" ."",.,,, Ihe que'lions .bout you.


" il from!

nad Idon·tknow,Op',"iIJ<\d".... Kate


Dad (S)

·.. hel11:1ner' f",,,, I.ui, in Spain, Dad ThJI-' int<r<>ti"g. Kate lie "')'S hi. "o",ing 10 ["sIJ"J .....,,,, [)ad (6) ,

5 ltarninglyou/whyiEngli$hl.rcl!






BeaU$< h<'$ going '0 $,ud~' ~:ngli,h. i,hegoinp,... "y~ Hore in 1.0"Jo". (8) ",h""l i, h~ going 'o? H" Joe,,,'t lno'" r~t. 191 i. he coming'

Dad Ka'e Dad Kal" Dad Ka'e Dad


N<:<' ",,,.k

You mu.t i,,,,ilc hi", round. ( I 0) Jon't J'Ou "',ile bacl ."d im'il" hi", '0 SUllddY lunch? Kale OK, I will. Thanl" D,d.

Unitt· wtlioS '0 know)'OU





noun. How. idjKtive 01' ~b

M..ldI .. qu<>lion word III Ii wilh a won! in B and .. lw III C. Thm ..... W<'f t.... q~""'" abou. J'O".

"-1' WIu,


~ <k> J"lU

II Job> Add Ow

u.. bo1lO 'M wo<ds '0 ....u jobI.

"""" ,u,,,,,, thoRp'!



dod J"'U P" IIIJ' .... ""'"'ons! do""" Jnd! io iI from JOUr """"" I(> lht


ffi, from

w >pdi"l whm IW'CftlOO'T_ Wh.... doc.. ,...





.'" ,...1 i$j\JUf hair? do you so ' .... imm"'l(! don. lumburvr in




01 mw.ic do J"'U likrl


L ----'__ I-""'.""'....""'"'..., I

, , ,• ,• ,• " 10 Rtp!yi"! wittll

4 joou....1

5 politic.


DO Wri,.tt.."""'....... 1 \,~ ~ .. wooodoe,fulldidir.

1I'hm did):lHl If.'? ~

7 ,n,<TJ'«\

rm rnding .. p:>Od book at II>< m(IID<rI"

J I bought.


car I••, "wk.

10 police

5 Ann', going l<> Chi... ""'" wttk.

" .... a Unit 1 • Gtttitlt to k.- J'O"

12 ,... poi""

Writing .. ;an infOflNI letttf 12 WntlllS . . ron"»Ic"" I Look al It>< <>rvniu'K>n "fill" '" .odd~ .0><1 lh. w. b<tin .11 kt,m wi'll /.lrnlr ...• roo f do~. boP not ,....• .wne.

38 tIl rton Gardona Lendon .....6 4af

~"~. ... ~~,~~~~~


.o..r bd. t' .... ..,. pl •• o" uln _. r. lolnll to r ~JI"I\oot i~l'll ull 1"\1 • HUh abo"'l ~

be penfrlenda. and Y..\1 C&II


do til


1 11 In an a ••• or London call.4 Ialda Val •. It'. quite no •• the ceot.o, but the.e ar, park. ne.rby ah••• I tato 'OJ' dOl, .,eke)'. to • .. odk.

I'MloJOU""..'Ilh~ W\IlIIp"fllfl'lliY;;;



"e .. 70\1 .rlte to _.

~~~~~~~~~:-~~~~~~~~':1 '"


Iy rUhor .orto tor the poot orriee and 'OJ' ootho • .1th lOY paunu .,. brothe., Poul. II•live • • part_liM job . . . &rid . nurU.

I '0 to the 100a\ "_pube..ol ....ohool. ehon I "-v. e. lot or frlond •. I like ,"Olt .ubJaeta. bill not ..11 'bJ"~_"tml':--- or th•• ! In tho .... nlne. I ' 110. . .;011 friend, .~~~~;;;l--' ·or ullJ' at /lo., ,nd lIH.n to ie, .nd u til. I lil" 101". ... _1'11 or Ilor..-rld'na.

, ~.,.,...... I


1 '"; .',!<ernl. ....._~.... L , 4t til' .',,"nt I ' . worl<lna ..,r7 liard be".".. I llave \ ~~._~'-~-;~;'~l~---·l1b ... '00'1, .0 I'," .pendlnl .. 101 or U.e in til.


. ". ,.



" . 100klna (orw.rd 10 b,.r1na rr_ 70":

!,*",Ofl~lliomr",a ...lhllrSl ........... ~ ... t_.• J'O'l


'fiU .oon!


.....fritnd in f.n~nd. 2 Write' so"',.., \elter lO. "•.. · frien<l an be mole Of f"",.le. ""', " thne th·''IV' \",ite".bout

· you •.. ill.,...."" · ,....r~ ".,

• ",beff


• yourf.mlly

Present tenses' hiJve/haye got

Things in the house Writing - linking words The way we live

Present Simple 1 Making negatives lID CO"'...¡,lh~

1", sun rises in the wc.l. T/If '"'' ,1"",,,,'1 ri,. in /1"


IlJiseutJ ri,,:.<mr,

2 The Pope Ii""" ;nAIJ.Iu.

S The.unshin<satnight. 6 I" Britain r<"pl< d'i'" on lhe 'ight.

2 Making qU~lions

un lV,i,.the'lu<>tions.


I gel upal

, , , ,

IVIIa/li",,' ,I" YO" gCl "pi ,\llh. ""<'<lend I u><l.lIy go '0

The h.nk op<n\ .. My mothe' co",.. from Mr child",,, So 1<>


W!lid, .\1)' hrothe' works in • II'h.,,-



,i;t.,. dri,-.,..

Wh.t ""1


J Shon: lIOSwel llw ............ about JO'L Ulo< >bon ....-....



, , •


~o. I do.! No.1 ""~'f~ Do you lil<t >ci<nct fl<lion!

Do l"'" d,... m .1ol! Do J'DU Iiol<on to lb< T~

Do J'U'UT puml< ..,ad • lot!

l'''''' • homewt>.k? l)on

, ~

Iud"" gi\lt' you • 101 of

Do.. it a lot in J'OUl


Third PfflOI'I singulM Wnlt tbt third pnwn lingula' of l~ ....t.s. I I>dp


2 watch


·. j

S Adverbs of f ~ Pul ,I>< wordJ in th< rorr«l ordto-.

dnomoJyoultot'mun/8"'1hoi ,Ion




7 lhonk

,• "o' """

10 "'ad



l} Rudy

14 kiss


16 Iu.... 17 cry

S $Orn<1 imNi rnl "". nt'",...11.1",,....1goIalt"

Present Simple or Continuous?

8 WhM d(x!5 5hedo? or What is she doing?

UD Wok at 'ho picture alld an,",,, tho q"est;o",.

6 Spelling of the prelent participle W,i'e tile ."'~ f"m' of the"" .,..1». ,e;ld ","Ii"g

, ,

S",i'"'" i"8

"."n' como


•; ",,;a, ,am



think ,hi".

0 ,moke



ha"" !;Ike W;lit

" £"t " " n,,' " I>o:gin " ;10P

7 ChOOling the (OH«t fDlm Cho";" th, fo,m "f th, ""b. I S" I "''' ~",i"g '" w<>rk IIOW. Goodbye! ! I ",,.,11 "''' "",Ii"ga about a,trology.


J I ,c,,,11 ",,' ""'yyea,.

"""""S l"t> of oookJ

~ w.~" I "" S"i"g to a party on


5 N"'$<' I",,~ I "re I""~"'t afte' I'<"pk i" hospital.

What docl Wond}' do? She',

6 An"i. mOl.", 1,_, ",,,,i"8 from 1... I;lnd.


7 She ..,,,,,.. 1 i, comi"8 fo' d;""01 thi' "'.,,;ng. 8 I s/,,,,1 I "'" s/,N,1i"t four bng".£""


9 /)" ,,", "",,ul A'" 1"''' '"""i"t '0 go out to"ighl~

/I .",,"',

Is .1.0 " .."ki"g i" the b"'l'ilal "o"'! 1\'0, ,Io-c im',.

J W" .... 'he doillg? She'! IwY;',g <lil"""

Wh.t donrrank do'

5 I, he working in. """.urant 6 What', ne doillg!


7 Wh., d,,,,.. Tuny d"! 8 I, ne ,I,;,'it1gd taxi now' 9 WI,.,-, ho Joing' 10 Wba' d"'" I.isa do? II Issh. ,..."kit1g ill lb. kitehe., I! Wh",< _.he doing>




woy w~ li.~


have/have got '1

10 Shorl ans ers

lID An

Making statements ~nd Ilfg~lives Look .. ,he pkl"rc 0" tocly'. bI'd""'nl, Complele lhe ",n'e'la> in .wo w~ <>n(c wi.h 1"..l<Ioan', 1"",. ..1Il oncc wi.h • t'nn.~.~·, g<>I. SM h~l ~ e/) pL.,.". 4 5l>r ~ lckvi<ion.

Sltc' tlI' ~ CO playr', 2 She ~ lmni< r:Kk<1. j

• lmni, ....,l.ct.

She She



...... of CD>.

SI>c S SheShe 6 She She

,", lhc GUc>lion,.oo..l .boo. t-ou. U", ............ !<>ely .nd

Don tocly h.",.n unholy bW<oom~

~ lckvi<io~. ~



a .W.lkm:an. ~


Y«,. ~ ,Ion. l

H.. <Ix IS'" 1""''''' '"' "'" ....11>1 );" >he Irtrs.


H•• .he I"l • lot of <Iothco.!


6 Doe> oM "-' • lamp In "'"

-> 1 IIz,y you .... biI;rl

Wrilc _



.... , ~

abou.!",,,, bl'dro<>m.

b<rd, bu, I·, 1:".1/ "'mn.

,\,. go<>< 1/ [1101.... bul I dotr·, 1rtr"'1/ Tv.


Writing 12 LinkinB word$ -bur. howeyer

11 ThinB$ in the hou$e

, Compl<t< thc ","'en«; with

M.,d\ thc word' .nd picture" ,'""ch,i, booku;<" ",ind<>w ch"'t "f d..""""


""d. so, or bllt,

She con ;peak he",h. cupbo"rd

••rpe' • u",ins lamp





she can't write it.


going '0 "",k in Spain, Spani.h.

he', karning

J I ",<,n' inl0 ,,,,,'n. I hought <Orne food went tu tho library. 4 I h3"cn't got a car, I've got a motorbike. S Sh•• workinglato 1I0xt Friday, comc to thc part}'_



Bm onclhowe...r un eonlra't idN', but thty ll$Cd diffCfontl1. (om~ the~ ><nttrlCft, Whot diff ""... ean)'OO _1

Ilurm Fmod> wily. ~ut' didn't 'jl<c mytudlH, 11••"n F~ usily_ Hownn.1

dj(Jn't IMe my "KI>n. 2 Join th. pairs ,,( ~n'en'<:$ in 'wo different "'ays bmand


t We enjoyed ,h. holiday. II rain<tJ a 10l.

2 tk. m""in!; to London noxt month. II. ,Ioc.,,'t like big citi••_

o II)

, , .,


• "

Unit2 • Tho! wil~ wt li~

, ,•


" "

So ~ used te •• p<t1S1he 'MUlt of the " ..~t bef",e, 8ee,,,,,, •• pI... ~.the fe."", '" co"", of >emethi,,&, c.u.. R.... lt It ,",,"" to rain. so ... "cpprd pt'Yinz trnni., Rtiult • C.1rH w. <tcpprd pl.yinl tennis beulrH it " ..t"" te "in,

3 loin 'he pairs of Kn,."o<s in lwo different .... )'$ using'" and Im-ar'.... Sh~

"'ent home. She ..·•• Iiml.



2 We didn', enjoy our 1I0Iid.~, Th......'her I'<a$ bad. a)


3 H. worked h.n!. He p.ssed.1I hi' exams. •}



13 Comple" th... a person Xl ... i,h a linking word from the box.

-;;;;:=J;;;;:==;;::=J;;;;:~==:h;;;;;:~= bu' I:><"au". h"",.",. I


People say I

Two Siste


like my sister (8)

both have brown eyes (9)

we dark hai•.

, we are very different in


character, She's very quiet, 1111

My sister and I are very different. 111

I'm a

lot more sociable.

we set on well tosether. She likes staying at home in the evening (2)

watch ins television

wilh her boyfriend, (3)

I prele, going

oot with my friends. We like to go to clubs or the cinema. Sometimes we just So to a exams soon,(4)


I have

I'm not 80<ng out very

much at the moment, My sister is six years older than me,ISI

she works In a bank, $N!'s

trying to save some money 161


goinS to set married this year. Her fiance's name Is Fe.dinand,


we all call him Freddy. asimilar 'hort p"ragroph .!>o", l"'"....lf .nd ",m<'OIle in





.... Ii~


Past Simple • Past Continuous have· noun • Writing a story 1 It all went wrong

Past Simple


1 Choosing the right verb C"ml'k'~

the Ie." ",i,h. "~rb from Ih,- 1.><,. in ,h~ Si"'l'l~.


f,1I laugh I"",

iind "1"'nd







ean', (1'">1 _ ,"""W,,',)

Cary Smith Y"'terday sddmlud.. lis tw..,tieth bjnhday, DIll M" lucky to

On the fir:st rOght. the W9the< w..

be .Ii"". In March thi, year. M w.,

lent to ~6, '" h<o ",.,.,..,.j into a

climbing ~n Nevis. Britoin', higMosI moun,"in. ~n M (I) _

Youth Iiostel. He (5)


., (~'~===;:

hi, w.y.nd (2)

t>ou" in 'Ub-UfO tempcfillures. 'My ffiend' (3) _

me lOt ho"'ng ~uipm~nt.


but it

much surviv.1 (~)

my lit~:


Unit)' IT.II We<ll




bad thot it t~ Ill' ~ """"'lain


host" at 10.00 tM ""'Xl morning, but thot j/[ernoon he was in trouble.



him at 9.00 tl!<: "",.1 morning. A helicopler (10)

off rockleg. andI my• left


hospital. whe se'\'e1'.1


him 10 I!<: (11)

tion.:Ne.t lime I'll go

Mountain res<:ue team, wenl OUI to

wilh my l~d" not on my own!'

look for G.ry. and (9) - - - -

he joked.


2 Making nl'galive$

DB Cofr<o<11h<<n.....

An.",,, 11>0 'll1<'l>lion. 01."1'1 (;".y in c..",i"" I .rod ol>nu' 1"'1'- u... ,I.,,,, an,,,,,...

Shak<sf'<o", wr<>l< ",orin. Slwkr<p<tl'" </U",', wril. m"i", Hr "'.,,1.

~hort answe~

[)id Got')' grl k»l!


Yrs, In: ,ji,l. 2 Did "'" h.-,•• 101 of "'lu;l"""nl!

! Chri.loph<rColuml>u.d'KO'o'.mllnd ...

4 Did "'" hUrl hI> "'nd!

S TkAm<nulns bnd<d on II.. moon In IN 19thcmlury.

~ Pm~fOffm Wnk II>< I'.nt SimpI< of ,...............




Makin& qutSlions IDI ....~ II.. quelllORS.


, ,

I ..-no' tt> IN \~

Su,"" In 19

Jid , - fO






\\'. >l;oy<d ,n


• , """"'.

W;, ouy<d Ih<r< lOr


, "" ,... , w.h:td ""



...... """


" ..-.I



....... !>n.

W. Ir...<llnl ..... nd by





"""'" ...... .-





....ilr cLIp

,lJn~ J • II illl_ "'root:


6 Past time e~pressions C"'~plc'e

th. "..''''.~ces wilh 3 word rrom ,h.· t>o•. Carcful~ Somotim.. noword i' ".....<;trr· I ."iwd home ,ll ,i. o'dock 1'>1 night. t ...'" I,ne - )"<'>,crday.





7 I didn't g" homo w,,,,l«nd hcc.u>c 'Onl< friend' "mc 'n ".y. ~ Thoy'r<ive'd IhrCC' o'd""k tho .flor"""n. Sal"rd.~,

'0. ,on,,,n. 10


o",,,i,,g "·c Wenl Out

gOI homo ".. li"e,,<<1 to

SOme mu,;<.

II We 11'" up 1.1" S"ndo~' mornillS, I! lho .fle",,,,,n "'C' """I for 0 ,,",11k. 13 I t>"ugJ". car d fe'" w<ok' 14 I h.d 3n ",cidelll night. 15 hh'PI",,,,<I ..''cI""k the cwning, II> I ,<><,k 'ny cor 10 lhe 8a",se lhi' Illorning. 17 It will be ....3d~, tWO week•.


7 Forming the Past Continuous

lID Yest.rd.y you wenl to. J"r'~'. '[ni' i, whal you saw when ~'(>O

.rrived. ,\ l,k< senten


Unitl' 1t.1I Wffil wroot

in the 1'3>' u:mli"lIOu,.

''''';'''11", rlr< I'<"'y ..



I I,,'., I>om ,n Af,ic. 19m. 2 Mr l"'renlS mO\'<~l Nck '0 Engl.nd t ,,"., ft,'o. J II'. li",d ill 8ri'tol th ...... ~'car" 4 II,oft c"Il"So rhr« )'C.r. S I f""nd. n.t nn my "wn I..t year. 6 I u,,,.Urso hOlne


Past Continuous


Jr''''y n..... I<llk;)'J! '0 Mi(k. ! Annie.nd I'eteldo""c J S:or.h and lIill/.illon the ""fa

4 K.,ie/choosel. CI>

7 lo<l;nl'how/t""inda 0 pholograph






,I>< ,h," .......... p.p<'...orin- M'I,b 11>< rbr-S wi.h lhe-CO""' "ory. Whe-~~_"ydolhc-y so? I

'I w,u WQfting in ,1'1< ",nlom ., .1>< ,i"",: t.hc- ~~pL.intd..





,hc-y ..~ wnring maW

'I know I ...... dn~,"1 WI.' bUc<plained l<> lhe- CJ>Ur1.

whm ho _






"'"L'--__• ~. " -



hom ... the ""*""''3) Tht- !fI("\I limM "" .........'3)'li IS 7'l) ""los

.. htv. 'lMs ..::IS brc:IIu>c: I "b bIc '" ,••n:The,JUdge SlId Il\a ...., "::IS no .,......,.

.h~r_ • lShou ir~ .....,.,., ~.p<'d dUlh n • ioN b.....' ""~r ud rtll 00'" Mr hllu,,". ,"n.pkltl~' d""~'IOI: 11. 'I...... qul't "'od,,. I h•• rd •• lnn~'f 001 .. ,o",io~ rron. O.. t , S.. dd.lIl)' .h. "ind ble IInl. ,""n\:o<, .nd I "-."htd It ....h IInlo ,h, .....r: Th~ &"k.' .......)'iOI: "I,h frlmd. "hilt , ...i....... "" i....bullt,



hat 10 I""Y • r"", 0((330 a DwhoIm M~' C....., ~ for ~ f'ol...., !iIOl'I'<-d

,1"3'1<'II",. a, no mile...n hour

who w.<OmJJlt: homcfrom Khool aI .... , . T1>t bonom of ,ho ,_ ...... sloooiy...--ul&-



Motorist Driving at 120 mph



Past Simple or Continuous? 9 Choosing tilt form Ch<x>lor II>< oo.oxl form "r,... vah<.. I 1tl(',1 ''''f ".... f,"'oo ",hik l,lid / ...." ,kl"'!: Ill•• hOI'I"".'


2 11",;,11 ""! ",,"'s,ot my Ihill.' ,,'hen I 1>...",11 ""I """,,,,,, (all ",y

'or''''''1: ".,,1<.

) I '''TnJiII M"IIII,m"I:"'Uoo ."d -"'wl .....I ','S 1'",1., ~ Sht _ I $ .....,,"',,:. b<,j!,h, mI <0.11.

5 (



..ok !SOO from • In


pol< ~


1"oIioo do "'" ""'~ • JOOd dnc:. 4'0'>" 01 1M rwo ....... bu, they ~



eon... 1,.,.


W~ <k<~loll ........ ,.....>01;"): '0 a<upof(~.

... ~~

_IwdI ........ IMn-'''Z. d.-.nk.. w...... dmprnJl_ Jroppt"f.' pik.". pL.,.... 7 \"'" all fO" I ........ VI""f.' ,.. ribIr

I> \\"hi..



potW 1_ prlmz up ,he' hroLm pL.,,,,,- ho

I Whilr ,he-

......1 .........",.,"" fi"ll'"


mi Ford lfllOnnat..,.,

"'""" from an 11.)'t"u-oId bay, Charbc: Conxk.

Unol) . It illl ",enl ""ore


Writing 11 linking word$ - while. during, and (or I/,,~ i, ofltfl""'" .. ith. ""'"' to "p<n, , 101m of ><:Iion, 1111<1. she...n.tId , 10 1>«1 WhH~did ,ou lui /undli HI •• I sood "'WIrtfld! Noti<:. thot, with rn.. l~ w. do not 1M I. 111M/ b,uldl'I/lundI,





'I"j;"men' h... time



2 OUri", is a p"pos<l,(I(\. and ;, is follolffil by 0 "",-",. i, hoi 0 sim~" "",anins te wftil~, I ..otk~ "". firm d<Jrl01 thohalitUys. Tho ""'-'" alt.. dlNi", .. prfiSK On O(/i.ity thol IIkn limo.

.wim day

~,' ,Iim,.r


'Wo"ld YO" like '0 ,J';llk Tes. pie.",. I'", w'y ,hi ..ty.'



deriOI m~ film/lnson/IftffllOOtl/

footblllmltm 'MriI~ and


'n 1>«1,' of'.nni,'·


T .... I won 1>-lJ. (,..2.' ~

·Goodby., d.rling,

6 'I"m going '0

Coltlpkt< 'nt "'O'en",'$ ",ith ",Iii/(, d",iog. for,

and w.,h my


7 I h.w. ,wimming P"'~ in ,h,- gorden. "" i{;OOll want to • .;\lst rome ",,,nd,

"' the

off>«. d"ar?' w.~

w'y .ng'y ,,'ith "',.:

9 P<te, .,,0.1 I ,Iw.~~ .'j;"e. We .I"n·, ag,ee .boll' any'hing, Yo>t,·,d.y"x· an abo", politic..

10 l\'e go! my holid.y r"'''''g'.l'h,. 110 YO" W>!II '" tt


John! Could I • with you for • ",in"te' The'e', ",mething 1 w.n' to to t'''" .b""t.

:w Ut>ill·

II "11 ...."


tnt m.tch.

'0 .. in We I,l'r"d tennis



1 I ",,,,ked in luly


• good

I wos playing

tenni.. I (ed di,'y,


1 t.lI.nd hurt mr",lf

a mer

5 'Did YOll this m"ming?' 'No, 1 So, "p '00 I.te, 1 ;\1" h.d. elll'Or coll«:

·N.... l did,,'!. The h"."

the """,'ion ~I


'Ily•. M"",. I"m soing '0 'he p.ny now~'

g 'Did ~oou

dlKifll ....._

J For is. P<"PO'itiorl, and on'w 1M q""ion /10"'/""1' ;, i, foil"""",, by. I prnlion. I/iowl ~ f", ",ootl,.. Wt·,th.>'i0l a/talidlY ffH t"", Wtfts/. eocp!uJlrhy>,


1 'l)jd ~'o" ",".«h TV I." nigh'?' ·N". I .ltl<! '''<Ilt "rdigh'

3 'Did

WlJi/~ iso <onj 'ion, and i, follolftd by a cia"", (Sli>jKt rbl. If 100 say 'Jl ~ while YIIIppont<f. ~ ""''''' Xand Y hIppoMd ., lho '0"'" timo. I mn PH" ""il., ..., .tlldyiol Of uni.HJj·/y,

lID Coml'l<I~ th< se,,,~,,, ... with. for", IIf I",'".nd. noun rrom th,' t,,,x.



th'tt rc'<$.

.u"''''et 1 st.yed on. f.. min

T"><anr Ilc.rned 1,.li.n

I",., thece.

3 11'" "'ellt On holid.y in Horid• Ih,ee ,,'eek•. ,he d.y it "''' <'t,y hot, hut il ""..

,,,,,I at night. We wont '0 1);,,,,,;'1.,,,,



'here. 4 We h>.l a lowly ",e.1 yt"er.lay. W...., at tbe

Ih",e ho"r., tbe me.l "'e ex"hanged news, I w•• talking to B.rbara, I<! ,I", 1,,,,y "',. in ho,pital table

1 Rud 1M 'lo<y ~nd Io<>kallh~ p~ur... C<>mpl<l~ 1M 1~.1 wilh ,I",,,,~.

0' for.



," '

A Disastrous

Sailing Holiday



MiMni 0I'It SI.01YI\fI Wftkend

on their

il'nlil !.lllll'lf holiday. In thell boot w¥lled to wil roo.nd lhr

~y. Thty






lhetr hoIday. rhry !.loW ~ ~ 1'014' d ~ Bill ¥Id Smonr _ YI!tY flCrted.





s..ddenly. W~tfl mrled Aoodmf: in, ond rhry ,~I'lfd t!lJ,t they Wfff in tlOlblf, Thty ~uk~ly j<rnped into lhf li~t (4) thf boot W11 \dins. ¥Id w~tched ~ ~iJ \I'ldff lhr lotll, fortlNlfly. tlwy I\Id ~ food llI'Id W11ft" (~I M<W)' • They llho I\Id ~ ftllq In! llI'Id II ~ ...t.;t, . . . . . .

..- ~thrc d--. thf ...hI1fs bfpl


10 Ill: thf udo! d Itlf boot.




12 Writ." i Sloty 1 \\'n1~ a ta<I<y 01 aboul ISO W<><do. The ta<I<y is nwyth,"l WNffI. y.,.. (;an c:ho<.t ..... "" m. <by,.,... "p lar~ lOr .... n;am .......;w" d.,-.of work ... HI"mm, "1Ih 1"'" bal frinw.! ,.,.... "">DI blnhd.oy"" .....dill ...rod,,,!

~ Wile.


hflpfd Ihfm 10 "'-"-

thftr lflriblf




thf 1Il!'1 SO

d;oy$ l~ Cllu.ghl ~boul IfIl f,~ ~


thtm ,,.., Tiwy Ill'" ilbout tWfflly ....... e...t tIwy wMel W'Id Ihouled (3) thf1 _ f ~~ nobody !.loW lhtm. They _ bfcomrc llI'Id ..u:a. Tlwn. ,.st n rhry _ bt•••• to





W iqIf. I f.lhrc oo.t ~ them. ThN diItioouI hoIodir was-.

a to.... ill ~ Iik "hn> ~;(""" Ilk.

L\'Iit 3 • It all Wfllt w'OflJ


Count ~nd uncount nouns • lxpressions of quantity Artkles • Plural nooos • Clothes Writing - forms



Count and uncount nouns

Pw Ill.. """"'" thor count ............. and _ btfon, .ho

"..,,,'u"', """.....

, , •5 , , ,•

'" " " " " " " "


- ......""" ,

2 chocolart or a So<nn~.


~ compln~ 1M

an ... hath coun

10m'' ' '"' ' with

wmp 2 Would J'OU Iikt

""'" ...

.. rhoco/Illr !



.""m"'..,. 1",,"1<1



"".. ~


S I drink> l.>' of


'0""1.. k>n,.... """I'

""""' " 'ntor.....''''''


H. .


11......... 01"

II Would T"" liU


and ..""",...:abIe. Look II ,ho ptClurn n Of jU> _ ...

Unil.· ltt'II'CI~!

II H.w_

Expressions of quantity 1

SOI'Ile Of my?

CornJ'kt" ,he ....,<11«'S "",h _ 0 < ~"'. I Ihlwn',SI" ! 111 boor

T"pn...nm 1.. 10 ,he

J In......

"",roIoa ,he ,,~..



muchJr~ny. ou lor of?

Look., ,l>t r"'u.... Comr\rt.,l>t ...." ..........·"h "",eh. m,lI"',

0< II ""



• ,a..lpuI


s r t.oup,


--""'" ..,.

bu"""" ,J.,dn' ""....

(, 1>0 J'O'I "".... 7 I ..... 311~

"'. Y"" ff,C:> 9 I oon', h~,""

frrt lim. IMy. So,,'y. prubI<"l> wi,h ,hi.

4 HOlJI'much!OfHolJI'mMIy!

lID w"........."""wdh H_1ff~O<


I W.·... II"" __ flIP.

How _'" ra< INn........ ~ 1 W"......t ."...dlou,.

'fowm...-loj/out do ...... nmI! , She hal • lac of childrt'ft.

T1><1t :ale II " " crf 1 ",.."""' ...... n·'g<>1

, Th.,..·.

5 l'hd,housch"alo'ofbcd,<>un,..

(, Sorn<! propk 0,.. <omin~ fu, 0 mu] 0" Sun<Uy.

,• , ,

Tl>t .hup h.. Tho« ;,,,',

Th.,.., "«,,',

llu, I an"1ft

T1><1t '''''


fro'"'' foooJ.


Tho >11<""=1'" h., gr:>l ...,..;,p.p".... I,,.n l«

• • " Th<.nor .........,""" "

boI'l.... of ..':Ilcr.

8Il, ,..........

"" _......




. ,..,


bo".......... ',J,.


"'" Un" 4 . I.ef. &0 ihoppoc'



•1 n.>IH )",or ''''',h hun!

h "kn Ihnn.aboot.n hour. ni~L I'm Iryi~ 10 ...... wri&ht. 'ou (;In borrow them if you ....nt. ~ mild"", .t........ of iI. Rut I fHd",- ....adj..g.

~ w.... I~ ""''''' poopk ., ,"" p;lfly! } I.,,,",, ~ ~ Itfi...-n!

•5 "-1"'" "" ..... ...tu.kf. ."" l"'" tu..., .. ny bo.~ "" F""",h lit..,..'" ....

A (.w.

6 \\,,,,,1<1 ~"" lilt so".. 7 11... Ilk,t nuny Sp.on'lh pcopk in r<>u' d.... ?

I'" )"" ,"'an' J<>mc k. i" i,~ A lillk. --........ R~, "'0>' of'Mm «>m< (TOm Fw"•.



8 l)oyou .....uhm"'hn~



111p> "" 'ho<

UOyoup1 .... nrlorl~

~l)O)'OU,ch,l.l.m p1.Iot(l(~?

den,,,, .........,_.

IIuI .... . - ."'"' ,.... " - . flu' ITIO>l of 'h<m a", biUL


Articles 7 VMlOI'


IDI V>n,j>l<t. ,I>< ~""K" with ~Inn '''' " .... I 1t..,ulll" " 'U, .n,1 " I''''.n .h,,,,,,,, 11K >hoI'>.



WfOnJ ...... 111 u .... d...... Nck _ruw. 1 A ,,"'"".....

<tliklrm! s-onkn.

IJ Thq'", in

3 My,i>l"'l

1<".l<h<r in

"'hool "N'

I.ncokr. Sht h..b II>..., cllildrm.

JOn. .... in htt <b> ..1w:d,

boy. bu.

'wo prb ..nd



t>Id~ fo< «hooI,....

4 I..... .Ilk! Hill...

"'ry .. i<. ,o"l'k She ".,

dOl"" >h''1~.nd n.. "",k> in In



5 A W.....r . ".... my~

8 On

110<.. in


6 " It"", much or,' 'he dri"illS 1''WIll'! 8 Fill...... 1">u,k1. !>our.

7 Whm you """'" to bcd. "'" you pu' on.l'u,n off loght" 9 11'),.1',

10 t.." ";glll?


, ... ""'I

w. do.> """ ~ ... ala" ", ,I... wl>rn ...., lalk aboul,hing> in v,< M."II a ""~n in A ""b in B and a Ii"" in C '0 mal< ........&1 $l.,I'......,IL




I.<..n Wood C..."



• OtiJd..."




.. p>


t>il.nd .,., . fTOm gr.l..... g ... .nl...... run "hll.mi....


~~ ~=~~:~n~·tt 16. 1 ""U'S .. ';ng 1 n«J w;o'Ii>!>. ". I --




I (tw OU


lUI M.oI<h ~ lin< on A w,th • Ii..... ,n 8 and. " .... 'n C.

~.lo<'s I ~ :~...., ,"-......,. ~atlh<'l>,lnr.

< II IJU> ,l>em aooul an !>our a nish',

)'lUI '00,11 hUll!

.....;w.•. bof..- u..m or,.,.. want.

rm "poglO _


I. ,hrft • ..,. ""'" Iorli .........


p"a"Y ..... 0Itf. O,,)'OU ........ "t' bc>ok> on Fn:n<h li'<T.'...... W"..ld you Ilk, 1<1111,,,,,,,1111 Ar. ,ht.. n..ny ~"nilh f'<'OPk ,n JVU' ,t...' 00 you _",h much n'! 00 ..... F!lNnyl<tl<n? IN)'OU' rnildrm 1"11101 of~! ~ lOU


6 i 8 9



A kw.

"1i,,1~. ~


'''''' ..." Tht d>lldrm .I~ rnosI 0( ,I. IIUll prri<r "",oding. Dn )\,,, ..·.nll.<JI\)< ic~ in ,11 Ilul ........ of,l><m <om< f",m Fr'JK~. 111 B" 00 ,h<

""".tIt ,_..-.

s.. no one tI.., ,.,.. ~. 8", ....... of ,I>cm


'or bdh..

Articles 1 VMlOf~?

8 No lIrticles

lID Lompl<1< ,I>< ... nlt"".., ,,'j,h ..t~" ur 1M. I lbo.'ugh,






"""r>. Unfonu,..,dv "'1'Oftlt l<tC'.

1 "



T'h<1"r< in

........f< III uu them b.o<k ,~. <hlld..,.,!



J .\ly';" ..\

I<a<h<-f ,n


l.ri<nl... SolI<" "". ,hltt <hiklrm. ,

guh ...>J


VrlHrt in lin <I. .., loChool, bor ,...., old ........r,h fof ""hool Ttl.

bu. ~

l.n< .nd !lill.,...

wry nk< ('<lupk. Sh< h.,

<10111<'> >hop. and"" ..wk., ,n


Ctnt... of...-n.



S A B On




How moeh ar< ,r.c <l",-inS In•

fi{,«" pou,,,l>



Whn. you ""'"'" lO bnI, '0" you 1"" and turnuIJ bshl>'

• \''h.t'•

J "-ml to


......'.....111 l... n,

na"" nr

"""""ot ,",',' ""m


W~ do ".,.. ""," "I"" M ,,,.. ,,·he.. _ .. lk ,bing. in go,><>,.I, M..t<b .. 'IOUn in /l. with. ve,b in 8.nd • Ii"" in C '<> ....k gomn-.oI >t.ot........u.







<HI .nd 1""'''''. from g..P"S.


f,lI off






on ,"'"fuB of ""amltlS.


! :

~~ I ~~Uj>~:!::~:~;..,. "I

U f'ui'




on wa'''.




1.~.ornothi"l1 eomp...~

,t.. omkn<n ..-i,h .. l~, Of

I I «1m< '0

J<hooI by


l This ~;"3


10 Spdlifll of phnl noum 1M..

bu.t ...... ....,.

wb,..., i>


My r."""",~


bu' I'm "'" ""1 r;o<>d 0' ""uh•. Anka.. i. copi,,,lofTurl,,,y.

S 1work (or 6


'<>ml""y,hal m.kcs

""'" ,\1)' fritnd li_ '"

........ 10<...." ...


7 I ..... ~

hom< .., <by ynl<'f<l.oy.

• w.. h.d

Ioodr hoIid..r In



b.o<:k ,.......

nn' Y'"0r.

,.., , ... ,

I Wn", lhr J*>... fuom of Ih<;" """....





..·."h •, .', 'Oly


oirpor' in ["'"!,,,. 10 U ..",.. lyifyou .... n"omiss

ru,h hou•.

" of in Por;, on " r- nip.. _h.d dinnt'r '" wml 10 bed bu.. " IWh.o, " li............ ."por'plo....m..., y.....111 W~orrivN








,.." •

1 IIIC:::= I' .







2 Tho$r """nu'~ orrqW.or. \\"n'" It.. pili'" form.


Ht-Olhrow ..

• " "0• " i<h " ky ...., "

11 Clot!>es




Writing 12 Fillinz in fonm I :l.IJI.h ,he ...I"......m••oo qllOllOM.


D., I....... lhll'~


""""'I you.

W,II<' l""'r ........ In <..... taIlnun.

J lMoo< no! appll<Kok. ~

(MrIMnJ"' ....."'.) W,il< l""" 1"'"'<Od<'.

The Oak Tree School of English


Enrolment form



DOle 0' birth



........",,...__1.,......,00..... '(If _ . ,..... opedIy.)

__-.•.. ." do,.... w_

to ibody1


Verb pattern~ • Future forms Words that go together • Writing a postcard What do you want to do?

Verb patterns 1 Hope<; and ambitions Writ. a ", al>o,,' each "f Ih... J'CC'plt'$ amb;l;"n$.


Sh.iW...'h..../WQrkl""ith child ...n

Sil.ila "',"'I'I.1l.-1!t a ltdd,tr b«m,><J!" /il-r> ",oO;iPi; ",ilP chihlrm. Sluila ho...., 10$ <I leach., kea,,'" WQL~illg.!'!:i,',

,I" 10'"<'


5blil., ,.,,,,1,/ Ii~( 10-1,. <ljMC"" kea"", ,h. ''';oys working w;,I, d,;I,lrt,,~ 1 lan.l,tl/wo,kI",ilh .ni",al.

3 M.l<ollll/r.rmcr/hclouuid. in Ihc f,.. h .ir

5 Gill/do ",Iun..ry 5<"n-'ietlholp/childrcn in dc,"CI"l'in~ (OunlriC$

" laninclaccouma"'/""rkJ,,,i,h numlX""

8 My parcrm/buyl. collag. by ,h. ",.Isoil

Unil S . WhO! do yoo .... nt to do?




Infinitiye or -ing? -, o,."plct< tho .....,on<n willi 'Men,,,,,,' IOrm of II...·......h. tho infin'u.... '" "Ill.

S<>nwlunn boIlI >«~.



CfI"'" -tkr"1l



• •

I A I """" l<> SO l<> univ<nity.

8 Wl.. u-.M/>ludyP.

It""', '",....

h ....h film .... TV


8 (..",n) """'"




I",>bltm ...... ",,,i~

8 Why/<k<idt/do l~lI!

(Iarn) Engli'h





W..·.., d«iJ<.d ....,.,..,/ tn tht >pI'~

\\'hom .... _ how 1...... .ltftM'd. W " ~"'" " -\\.......,,,?00,...... ....."1 '''''

B W...lllin"'/....,,'Ik•.., tl>t hou.../!

, , , nw. book




10."" ,!>eo.....

, ,,

(liol... )IU .....




" .1,,""1,....

Soh< ron"nUl'd ,"'holt me..1.

Ix'cou>t II ...... borlng.

4 A I'm JOlng to bed t.,ly b«-~us<: J h~..,. pl• ..., tnc~!ch tornorrow.

(1""'1) ",y

Do""' IQrgrt lt1,c,!

" ,.... " mu...,.

I ~, ~ NJJJy

l A IIrli my job ynlcnby.

s,,,mclX'<)l'k lik b... kf.<t in l..,t bu' ! don',.


_/If Ill. Iludy!

.... lhs. 2 A Carol p/IonN ..-hilt you -... out.

Ill.. "'....,"1-

J b.,;,on ...-htn I ...OS ","'Tn.


UD Wri,~ 5'. qu<!lions ~nd wrn~ A', ~n,_


Whm did you flni<h (I"',n'),I><" kj1C"""~


A$king questions

in tM rauL

1 w...uId you lik '" /un.. l~l IIoOm<lh"'110 ..",1

, ,-


.. f'rty .. pouiblc:. you 1m..... wu &K.ot!


la>.l n..... I U'l

wan' 10 .. 0111 1On>$h1.


>l~y.1 "".....nd "",~ an f~rty nl~,_

would like (to do) or like (doing)? 4 WouJd,ou_?orOoyoo_'

DB ~IJl<h lht quntioo. ond .n..........

m I


\\hUId you liu to "'.!ell -------. W.....IJ you lik" >OID<1h,ng l<> at! b } [lo you l;kc I"'n~ c <I n" l"'" lillr dliI'" d s \>0 you IiU ....tdli.. 'n'! " \\0uId you ~k 10 corne tID "po"y_ s..~ < l



Urvl S • """'1 do you YI'J/\I 10 do?



~ially m.....nd ...,100II"

I'd """ 10. What li~ No. l'bnT'. noIhint! p>d on '.......,. I'm .fraid I doa't. 11hint IIwy'K noisy. ond IOl<IOlI¥ "'" ....ny poop/o'. No. I 'hlnk ....,..... YnY Nd lOr r-


L_'_"" ' _"""_""_'_'m


l~ ~



Choosing the correct form

will and going to

T"k (.I) the <orr",' form of tho ,...rh.

7 Offers and decisions

I A II 2 A



Would yon like. drink?

I.",k at ,he piotu,.... Wha' are ,h. 1""1'1, ... ~ing! Mak. ""''''c'''' wilh ... ,11.

llo >"u lik<. drink?

r..... plo.... I"U h.'... n",.ng,· juke,



Do you Ilk< your t••<"her! Would you lik<· >"." ,,·.cho,?

II Y.....h.. "'cr~ nla, 3 A

0 D

1)0 ),ou Ilk<· going for w.lls'

Would l"u lik..

'0 So fora waH,>

II )..... J ofwn go walking in S<:l>,lanrl.


4 A ~ Do ),ou like ''''imming!



\\'l>uld you li,-" \0 go for a ,wi",?

II Wh" a good iJ... ~ 11".>0 hot IOO')'!

5 A


Wh., do >"" like duing ."h. "",'<:k.nd?


Wh., ""uld l"u like

'0 do ,hi, ""-...k..,,,1'

m~ fcrt "I' and ,.I;.inl\' Someli",,,,, lpl.~ I.nni,.

8 Ili,-" pUlling

6 A


What do you Iik, to do in Ihe ,,,,,ning!


What would ro" like tl> do Ihi, ewning! 8 Wh~ dun'l we POP round and;cr .,ul pel.r?


6 wouJd like Of like?

1m Complele the """,.""",, with "",<MI,k,' (to

,10) or lik. (,Ioi<lg) .nd ,hc <0"''''' fOfIll uf ,h,· wrh.

I A Whal ,\<,r1 of bo"ks


(ITad)? II

biol\.aphi'$3nd ,hrill.tS.

you Ibd a ".,h" wh.n )'ou grow UI'! 8 Nu. The~ du,,'1 earn w,)' ",,,,h .nd the)' ",,,k wr), hard. 3 A It', Sophie. blrthd.y .. >on, ] A

8 Is i'! wh.. (h.",,) for. pr=nt'



A 11'.11, J know.he «ook). Why dun'l you bu)' h., a '0<"" cook hook? 4 M~ daughler ha' • 101 of 1'<'n, .nd l",n<"i1,. She

(draw). 5 My"'" i,a ,..ry fa" run"er. lie s<o>" ,h.. "n<" .I,)' h, (r"n) in Ih, Olyn,pi. G• .,..,.

Unil 5 " Wh.ot do ~ou ....onlIO do?





going to


.,I1..·I"'W..... \\'''''''J suing

'" h.I'I'''''! .\1.1,,;, """,.."''''' ... "h .ot..... ,.".~,~ • ,... rb.

, I,. , ,•




.-_- ......


9 Choosing tilt Correcl form 'Ik' ""1'«' form " ,nh. Why )'>11 .......... ,"11 ,.. h.II" ,1Ic;r <b).. ! ""-.,,"" III />or I"", g••mg It, ""r' Qlr. "" rm "vlng a. m",h ... I ...n. WIu, ..../1 ,.,.. /nor I ..... ,.... fl""! to ""r lilllO. htr "ut~ loin Iu,.,.' Jl"I.Ql pbI-n. 0 /"11 1 I 1"... ,..."1 "'".".htr • book. ,....... 1J.>d.,." mn>d.hisl"ormt? a I un', 1. loot M.. m. Slttf" Jo I 5I><:'II"'''! ... Jo 1\ Sot ,..... A \\.",.t." youp>< ....... "l'~ R "'........,/ p"!"'-tr.".-..." ...

011 e A II 1 A II A U j A ~

5 A \\1Iao




II. lull blnhodor

... Jol<><lay. ,." -u I I'... ,.,."! If> -u h".. a ..""'.


to A l a l'J">oIIlmm' .. i.hlhtbank ......... h"' ....,..n'... WIw ,.,.. IN I .... ,.,..,.,.'" '" IN tum! A Il...... ",," "w .I'd 1 ...", ..,m 1 .... ,.,."1 "' ...." our ow" bw..........1'd .....



.......l""'... .........,..

i A lh.nnl'S'~moush""""""'oll"!homt.


II /""./1 1"... f1'I""I",knJyou _ . if you lik.II'.... m",h cIoyou ....n.1 lor..." ",... no!, i, mough. 1:"" I 1"... ",,'If '" 1:'''';' I:>o<k ",morrow.


10 Unit S • wtl.. do)'Oll wlnt to dol

Vocabulary 10 Words tNt &0 100~ther I Mal<h a >nt> III A wllh a Ii... in B.



b ''-''

·, '".... ., "'" .... } d.....,








f a

I ap/l<>n<uU

') ,iM




k • kile'


\2 orde,

• film on TV m a ho«c n • hill

Z Compl..'c ,he ....,"""" wllh. r~'''," r""" ,he hu..,


rm ..·•.IIi.. 2 ""'"


IN J'O'Irn.o.tIlO .un...,.

1....1 ponun;! 1..,\ iI """u"f"l~

} I'm loob...


4 Mybrothn.....n.

h ...... ~ IB.\!.

} IfJ"'Uha\.... l"'obkil~...k 6 It.. J"'U IfllcrnlN



, IJoid J"'U ~ t....t Ikim .. ~Iillf! """"on! • Can I "PC<Ok

J"'U for • m,nulrl

') I.lftt ,..'" about moolllunp. bul "'" 10 Myd.iIdrcn ..... f••'" dogs.. 11 fut,.......,..,..l



.. nn,,!

12 Th" gu..Jc boot;, f,,11

useful inf"''''''I",n.


o."r '-......",

11 Writing a postcard

..... 'r. "_~$

Read Ih. po<l<drd, What i> Ih. only odj<"<,i", uS<'<! by Billond Su,'! 2 lIilland Su. uS< "',,.ighl ,i"",>. Compl'l. ,h. S<m<n<,,; bd",,' w;lh • ""ncr aJj""i", from ,he box. Us< .o<h .d;"",i,,, ,""< only. urdul!"".,; mOre ,h,n On. word i. rossibl<, bUl nO! .I,,·.y.!


I,,,'dy 'QmforlJl>k old long


11'<,,,, h,ving. in Sro,lo,>tl.


f ..... " ..... ~

...Go ~.f./

""r "

Go I ....

e"lI.a Irwrl<la, ,,_ "'{;< "'... ~ ~f f~. _.I",~~ ,,""

f.r.rl~ fr.", r 6<a....,,,, Y.rl.....d~ f I. ru {;~rl/~ _f "'''~ r"~II, _t4 r...., ..~ "r. "~P"~ I~ ~ f~r ~ .",co, ,"~/" ','7 fA~ I~'" ("""~a " IOC. D,d ~ A"... • """" f ..... •• ::::';"', ",.'/1 r ..~

'- .... r~ Gr•••

''''10.,;. fj"h~'



r ....f

.."ihi<' 'I"",'·cular

" --.

<;t4II~.a, ~'" f" • ..."'~... •r~'1 <or, ........... 'r.. rl~, ••~ ,. "








2 Bullll< wvo,h", is ) lI'e're .Iaying in a

ho,d ne>!. 4 W. h.", moun,ains.

IOwn. ",e"'l of ,he

5 The ,.,lIe wa. r<ally 6 11'.'", hoping l<> go for.

w,lk by lh. lak<.

7 Did you ha .... a in h,I)~


Unil S • Wh3t do yoo w~nl '0 do?


) Where w~r~ you on your I.., holid.y? Im.gin. you ... 'lill 'here. 11";1' • 1''''!Cord 10 • Brili.1I friend.l>ut use Ih. oJ';'''i", ",,, 0'1,. only! W,it. oi>ou' lheM lhing" tl•• wcather >ol11ellling you di,l )",tcrday >omeilling you or. g<Jing 10 do loday t h•• """mmod" i"n

What _like?

Comparatives and superliltives Adje<tives • Writing - describing a place


Tell me' What's it like?


What '" like? What is/are _ /ike? rour (,lend i. li,ing in Australi. (or a y~". Ask '1"est;on, >boou! the rounl'y. rhe we.."", IVhms Ih e ,,'!'ml,e, lik(~

2 the country,ide 3 the I'<"plc 4 the lown,

i ,,,-, TV programm""

, lID

Match. question in ""<rei.. I with an an.wer.

• [j]

,• D D

,D ,D

,D g



Thc,,' ..en', many. m.inly on the «>..<1.

If. hOI neArly.1I yc.r mun,1.

h's .. lowly pi",•. "l'ho: Orc" Hou"" i. ('''1Wle. Th... arc million. of 'h<ep

and .101 of d=n. ThC")' hal'. t><aotifol white $.Ond .•nd ar. m,leslong,

Thcy're «ally ni« an,l friendly.

Til,,!'" OK. Prcllysirnilar to hm"e, ...lIy.

2 Wlm WilVWerl' _like?

IDI Compl<lcthc que'tion, .bou' Robert'. terrible holiday. I A WhOi

W"! "". lIVId


II Awful. My room wos tiny, and the ",,";ee "'as had. ~

A What


Il II w... l<rrihl<. J waited 0"'" .ix hoo" fo, lhe pl.n<. 3 A What


Il Awful! h ,.i,,<"<1 '''ie,y day!

4 A I"ha' B


They""", e",,,'d.-J and Jiffy_ The'e w.. 1\0 ""nd on them, juS! .10n.,!

5 A What

B Disgusling! Chips wi,h ew,ylhing anJ 'ht,y Jidn', 'QQk il

''''y well.

Unil6 ' Teil me! Wh;Ifs il like?


Comparatives and superlatives l Forming comparatives and superlatives '-'><Jk a, this <>,ra<, from ,h< 040n' Wontpo"", 0;<1;0'''''1. I, shows wh.~ • ~ .d;"":ti"", ",-ith a rorl",~an, doubl.. ;~ ,h. <omparati'... a~d supcrla,iw fo,m,.

big !b,gl adj. (,"gge,. bi".",


, 1.1),"': Mandl..·,·", is "big 2 i"'I'O"."I: I Iti;,,, WI!U! big ......~I


Look you' di<lionary_ I>od i, gi", ,h. "me inform"ion! Write ,he <oml'...'i.... and .ul><<1.ti.... fo'm, of ,hN< ad;"":t;'·..'Y






bu'y pati.n,









"'<an g<nyrou.



-- -


4 How old am I? R<-.J ,h,·,ex' .nd an,w.r ,h. ques'ion,.

1 Howoldam!!

! 1't1v(: ,"'" ·~'e+f>. A.r...p ,..,\'1 J,I, <VI:l 1\0.0 D--oth.Jf>,

2 Who is ,he young..' in tho family!

4'1111't1J\'1 ,..,\'1 Rob.xt '-'" t"":f11\j Jdl 'f> ",. \lUll!> \lCVIf' tlVll1 A¥, b.,1 .Jl<. '" '''''' \lUllf>



Robe~1 P-obet1 ''''


\\UU-~ \\CV1-t

""'-. N-d 11<. I!> e'1't Ilelll!> IlCV1-' tivl" l?oh....

l How old i. Roo... '


4 I. )ill "Id., ,h.n me!

S Am I the old..,

in ,h. f.m~y?

6 Wh".r< ,h< twins?


Unit 6 . r.lI "",! Wl\;lt", it 1,..1

5 Opposite adjectiv~

7 it< conll'.wi,'. or

2 Bob gut

lIill', nol

.«,,',. You'", .r" -,I.



I., I

5 A,.., you and y<>ur husband the $ame.s_,

A,.., you

5 "I'h" ......Ih.r tod.y i. colder th.n y<1te,J· v_ J l\{).it is,,',. I", !cr!-l:~ /."'1 I, f l

your h",b."d!

6 You (lin ,..,.d more quickly ,h." I ..". I


7 Ilarry "'O" more mo"cy ,han lIill,

6 She bought ,h. enupe>1 " .. ten in Ihe

lIill didn', win


8 'Is SW;l><rland bigger lhan l.uxembourg!")',,>, il i,,' 'I. Luxembourg 'N" i, i,n',:

7·s mcaner ,han Alan. 1'0. h,' i,,,"!. Hc', f"'ll ~ ~ ~ ...,.... 8 !a"c,

The$un', honer than Ihe moon, The moon i,n't

wo,,,, ,h.n your>. No. ;, w.,n't. I' ",.,1.;11 r I

4 My hornewo,k waS

r ....;.

pr<S¢nt> ,h.n lack.

3 lill', mor~ ;nlelhgelll,h.n Bill.

l !'mlh.,.II<stin,hi,!

No.shedi.!,,',. She !>ought J,(


Ja,k 11i,1,,', KtI <>S..trlally prtS'''/s as /lob.

.'i<J,h.i,,,'t.II"• .....<Is.

......,...I (.;


/",J;', "0' a, ",II as tk>b,

."0. h. i,n'!. He'. rl!l::w,mgw 2 I\ob is more polite,!>,n hi, broth«.


"asOl ,"" ", ..

Bob', ,.11" ,h.n Jack,

Rob<-n is tho old.", in th. f.mily.

No, you

not ,IS ,_ as

UD Rewri'e ,be "'ntmC« wi,h as

IDI Compk1e the"'''1"n«, w;,h an "PPO';" .clje<l;W in s"l'erl"i~ form.

,1$ _ <'1$/

9 h •• work i. I><lIer Ih." m;n<,

."i,-'" I.ter 'han loh n,

My "'Or. isn'l

No. s!:l~ did,,'t. She arri\'Cd Ult~lU" ,


Dog,.re friendli« Ih."

' 'IS,


9 This i. the •• ,i.", ••• rcise in this bo<:>k.

No.;'i,n>I.Il"~ .......,...i J;(, ',.


dS Of


Compl.t" the Stnlene... with

Arc )'OU'$ ..II 1 Sh~'s

m,... de"er

3 Was loan's party'

a, Of til..,,_

your brother! he.. i't~r,

4" f\

Mari',! • I'm !ludying ,be $ame sub;":' Emm., 5 U. works mucb harder


6 I b"'en't go'"<>u,in, ~"



Making SE'ntl'flCts about you Writ< nine senten.« aboul you and your f.mily, (Thl<'< coml'.mivcs., Ihltt ,uperla,ive., and ,hr« w;,h no '" "S)

I'm morr Imrrl'WQJJ;;ng ,11m, '''y siSler. My gnmdratl'.ffJol,. 01,1«1, I'm!(Oj as pat;ml <l< my mother,


Vocabulary 9 Adjective formation 1 U", ,no suffi.... in ,he box '" writ< ,ho .d;":';"e, (<>r"'cd (">,,, ,h""" noun.. Th." h"o.1I 'PI>c.rod in Uni, 6 of ,h •• Stu •lon", Ilo<>k







" "" "'''''' no,,,' " dirt pollut;on "" unance " ",edici". " (on"n,"

, , ,


1 Complet. tho «nt.".... wilh an o<ljocli,.., from I.

3 4

My dad', . lie', al".. yo but'iug prcsc"t< fur """yolle. Befor< l'(JU ,Odn g'" c""li, card, l'Uu h"'e 'u I',,,,·id. a lu' uf ,k"i!>. Ilfy 10 I<Jd a lib,)'le - Ints of excrei.., frui' .• "d "u ju"k food. lhd' t·ou roul<l,,'1 h... The di«u ,,'d'''' y<lur",lr·l>Cdk. Ih•••"hq".k., ,,,,,ntry "=le<l "f N)Uipm<ltllO k>ok aft.. Ih< ,iek and """u,,<lcd. She had a <"dr er",h, b"l ,h. Wa' tu e><:dl>C wi,h ItO 'njuri.:> .1.11. Venice i,. ",ry <itt', A 101 "f",,,,pl. g<> lhoir nil hUIleymoon, 11"", i, Ihe n.w,. Sh.." pri.., 0" Ih< 0."" loncs In<I•• h"" rdllro <I"''''''i<.II)', Aft h.,If' '''aek, be nceded ",.j<>r .urgery, bu' fortu" ly ,he "!'C,.,i,,n "'dS I did"'I lik. lhdl ,il~ al aiL Th. Sf""'1> W...' >0 .n<l th. oir wa, '"

S Af,., 6


8 9 10


Unit6· T.U "",I





"",allll j;.nd"';ty

Su«e>$ luck ; ro",."a wind ; <liff,·n.'nce lIapp in"" dcp'essi<m hc.lth





, ,,




W1w,', itliul




Writing - Relative clauses

Ik.d ,i><- d,-.<ril't~'" oh ,o\<'n. Con'ple'. i, .... ith ..'!,,~ wlrirll, or wh<rt.

10 who/thar/which/where


11 Describing a place

w~ 1M wh<>, tNt. whidJ. and joi<I_t.... n. Who. thai, otIlidJ, and ..11....~ a~ ,~Iltl .. prO<'lO<ll1$.loolc It tIlne

..rn-.... to

-~~ IfTlI't the ..... n. Huro"" "' the bonk. IITlI't the man oofI" WOfl. "' the bonk. wl>o.,--vpt<tpJ~

I boIJght the cool. If "'.. "' "'" <hop ",Indow-. I bou&ht the coot oofIkII/tilu "'.. "' m. <hop ",indovw.

wfIidt/th.. •


n.. holt! ..... vtry comfortable. W~ "oyedi~i.,

n.. holt! oofIrn,.. <la~ "'.. vtry (omfortabl~.

wl>rn (i~ wllidJ). pia.. Join the $<Onte",,,, ....i,h f.l..i"" p,onoun.



TIl.....'. the h"y. 11< broke ,he .... indow


n....... or.. ,1'1.. policemen, Th<y caught th< thief.

4 H.. S"-"" her. watch. It Slopped aftor tWil


s n .. Re<ll.;on is th. pub. \1'0 mot in il

WAS lORN 'N NEWCASTlE. a city in the north·eaSI of England. Newcastle is on the bank of the Ri~er Tyne. II is qUite big. with a population of aboUI 200,000 people. There is a cathedral and a uni~ersi1V. There are fi~e bridge, o~er Ihe Ri~er Tyne, (I) link NewcaSlle to the next lown Galeshead, (2) Ihere Is one of the biggest shopping centres In the world. lhe Metro Centre. A few years ago, the main Industries were shipbuilding and coal·minln9, but nOw Ihe chemical and soap industries are mor~ Important. I moved f,om Newcastle len years ago but I often return. I are so warm and friendly, miss the people, (3) and I miss the wHd, beautiful countlYside near Ihe city, (4) the,e are so many hills and streams People (5) are born near Ihe Rive' Tyne ha~e a ,pecial name, They are called 'Ceordles'. I am very pleased to be a 'Ceordie1


(or a drink. 6 II.", ar< the lott,... Th<y ."i,·eJ this mornmg.

7 That's 11'1. house. I was I>orn in il. S Whe.. i. th< won"n? Sh~ <m:krcd ,he tish.

2 Write a ,Imi!>, <k"".iplion of ruu' hom. town in al>out200 \<-oros. First writ.. ",n", fa<1S .bout it. Wh... i. il1 , b it big or .",aIl1 , Wh.. buiklin8-<.nd induml... does il h",.1 t'ext ",'rit< SO",e l"'"on.1 opinion. llo yuu likt it' . Why1 Unit 6 . 1.11 fTlI'! Who6




Present Perfect Men and women

Writing a biography Famous couples

Present Perfect 1 Using the Present Perfect

lravel rid.

11II Compkk Ihe 10" wilh. verb from Ihe 1>0. in Iho Pro..nll'crf""l. My





in Ind'a, and the I~ In


camel atrOlS the \.ahara beauli!ul pl<l(e he (6)



in Eg-,'pt. He

Alrl"" and (5) _ _ ~n,


a lot. _ _ Ihe Taj

in the Far [;Ill, lie (3)



hunt Ii",'

is 96



loog and interesting Ii!•. Hc (2)


He lilY; Ihal the molt to is Kalhmatl<!u in

NC\MI, Ue (7) the Ql.'ttfl on several oc{~ions. tn 1959 he wal ~ l-Oldi., in New Zealand whefl \he (arne to vi,,!. atl<! in 1971 he ~nt to a gardef1 party al Buckingham PalMe, He (8)

marriedl ...i,.. His firlt wife died

whet> \he was 3l lie mel his se<ond wife while he Ele~n(lf.


lhey (10) {()IJnlty


bike. lie ~nd ht. wife. m~rried 101 ;0 ve~rs, and in the ",me fOtlage in the

wal t,a",ling round Franc:e

"nce they got maff'ed, He says that he III in his Ille. lhe Sl'<:re1 of good he~lth, according 10 my gr~m!fathe<, "e.e,eile. He goes swimming C"ery diIY. lie (IZ) th" "r,,:e he w~ ~ boy. He ~Iso hal ~ g1~\\ of whl9:.y e-ery nightl Pelhaps that is


I)nit7· f~ couples

mutl_ 1<>1 nf famo"-l pwple

S"e ",,' ",e, " lor ,,//"mo", proplt.


his Sl'<:ret!

2 Making positive and negative ~ntenc:el Make \<Onl.n«s _bout thrsc~. t Ali« is. journali't.

not belon Ielev;,ion

S".• b,U/,'1 been On


2 Robert Swan explorer. be INorth Pole

.<:011"'1., be.r>


hill and Soph;" arC unen,p!uy<'<l.

.. Soort answerl

1m An."..,r the que"ion, .bmll '~Iy

nol h....,I.job for .;x rnon,h.

gr.ndf.'he';n e:<orei", I ..Ill .OOU( yuu. U", >I>o,t ano""...

Ha>Y"ur gr.ndf.,II<, ~n n... "in! long ,in~

...,. belli\( e;nc..u for • yur

ror a

I.... ht~. 2 Hal"",.."(f met ,II< Quem!


Sand•• iI"ennil pl.oyc•. pI;Iylo",.,e >he _ .. ~


II.. "" oft... ""'" ill!

4 Ha,.. "" .nd 10.. "';1<- l<w.l rn ,..... """'" fi.>r



pL.y11l Wiml>lcdon S

H.K'" ~ an UlkK$lfflslrfrl

) Mikinl qutstiom l Aok I...... people quoI...... obout Ibn. <:qI(ritncn. I •

raclBs dr;.... -

"",",,.n ~ .

H....., ,..., tWO IwJJ OllIIICtIdt7oI' 2 .. .,.plorn-gr,do••1

9 Ha-... }'OU,...... fcqol,... 10 do }'OU' """ .. _k!


Put ~rticiplfs

, ."" , , ,• ,


Wrilt ,"" ~ ~"icipk of ,...... ....t>..

(0 •

pop .... S'" - ""'" _ numb... ...... """I!

7 .. dKtrkian - ""'" 'n C'ltaric "'-k!


IDI N<... on;"ch ,"nt'Ill""," lO '''''qunlion. 'n I. • b




Jill"." 0I>C10! I ..'...... cmhArrU1o<d!

No.1 ""......, ytl, bu, I ,tlcllN numb... 10 wllh my Lu1

No, I h

n·'. r... ahoral" ~. good I<".m '0 help m<.


'"~ 1""' Iol' of limn! lIu' 00' • 1alOU. cra.h, ,"n, J h.a\." un("flu,,,,tly. I b~ ml' q.


So. I haven 'I, fr..-'una",ly. I'm ....y ...-• •ef,,1 .b<>u, ..f...y.


N<~ I


"",',,n', yet, bu, I woukllrko' '''.

.• , '"... •

"Tilt "'in

, "" ''''' "il;'

"" .""

" ,. " ., "



7 . Fomol/'l coupln


6 foror Jince? II>< "'~l<~'« Wilh [0"" ';11,•. I h.wn"! ,,,('1\ K<'ilh • whil•.


; I known lh"m

2 11<", be,n in Chin.

6 \\'. ha,. hr,n fri"nd. ,,'e "-en: at ltnj'Tr>;ly l"l!<lh<r. 7 Ilis wif<. Carri,', is a d".iSn('r. Sh,' has h.d her oWn


3 H' "",I.> fnr. ,omp.ny ..liN Kl>.!P. 11< hal worked fur Ih,''''



m.ny yt'ars.


8 I'm looking .ftcrTom 'od.y. Hi. h<"Cn'l my holt..,

4 Ho .nd his wifo h"T hed n<x110 me

8.00 lhi. morning.

Iheir ",n.1<"n. w., oorn.

Tense revision 7 Using the correcl tense l'ul Ih" wrb in brackets ;n 'h" "''''''01 t<n",. 1'IT",,,t I'erf«,. I' a,l Simpl,·. or Pr...."t Si",pl".

Dennis Heal Dennis Heal (I) (be) a politician. He (2) (go) 10 Oxlom Univef'llily in 1975, ond in 1982 he (3) (become) 0 Member 01 POllioment. He (4)

(be) on MP


lhen. He (5) (be) DelenC$ Minlsler from 19B9-95. IH (6) (wrile) lhree books. including hi. outobiogrophy The Time ot my Li/e, ond 0 spy SIOry called The Time to Run. He i. monied to the artist Edno Heal. and they hOTe two children. They (7) (Ijve) in Odord for 10 year., lhen (8) (m0Ye) 10 London in 1m, They now (9) (jive) in 0 house in Codogon Square in centro! LondoD.

8 Asking queslioo\ DO Wriw ,1>0 qll<'liun, .OOUI I l 3 ,I

Wh., d<K< hr ,I" ' When When How long

5 Wh"n 6 Ho,,' m.ny 7 8 What 9 How m.ny 10 HO"'long II Whon 12 When, ~o


lImni. H".1.

f>e ow,

1 . r'rTIO\IS(oople-;

11<>, a 1",liti,i.". 1 In 1975. In 1981. Sin,e 1982, From 198'1 to 1995. • Th,,'o. • 'py "ory?

,","" h" h.l. Jt', called The Tim. 10 Rr"', Sh"•• n .rti" > Two. F"r ton yt'.rs. In 1\1'15. In a holt... in Cadogon Squa" in «nt.-.I Londo".



9 Men and women

10 Relative clauses

I M.ny noun, ,efer '0 b"'h men .nd ""umen. sl,,,I"'1 !l1><"" I<M/iu S<>",,, wonl> ref., 1o on...x only, oerr.... ki~S Pul ,he """d, in lh. 'orr",t column.

wlto/whi<ll/,I"" .. ,he oh;""



""0' 'hef

mu""an b,ideg,onm und" modd athl",.

nephew nitce 'un' 'hild madam

'" nm..

I Who; whiclt, >nd lhol<an bot tht ~ of a ",Iati.. ,I... ~


He', the man

"""gor I',of,....."

[!t.o/ l-ts In ttlt


pilot (Omin b'ide flight att.nd.n,

W81KT That',thtcoat~that w"inttlt wiodow.

bot tht object 01 a moti.. da...... OBIECT SUBJECT

1 Who; wIlkh and rhol un also

f;", the......

whoIthIl ......... 10>..,

SUBJECT ........ boulht the <oat wanttd,


'whI<htthat 1 sINo

l We ofteo Ie..... CMJt the mati.. pronoun when i' ~ tht objKI. He', the""", AM> 10Vfl,. ......... bousht the <oat 'M w..,ttd,

Complete ,he ",n'en«$ ""ith ""Ito, wltich, or 'lint, If it i, possible to Ie"'e 'he ,eI"i,,, pro"oun OU', pu' b..,kcllaround it. He's,he rna" (...11/)/11101) A"naloves, 1 The film >tar g..... a party tlO,OOO.

3 The man "'as.",

5 You',. ,,,ading th,' l>ook 1",an'cd '0 «>d,

H.', my sist«"' $(>n, He'. my


3 In my job I

1'", an

6 There', ,o",,~,n. a, thc d,,'" ",'.nts to 'I",.k 10 GwJt;~,

'.r 'helates' f..hio"., I'm a

7 1oo,,',lik< food

4 I ,.,,"" you d'inks"" a Ilighl. I'm. 5 I ..",h at universi,y_ I'm a

8 'Good ""ening, i' Ihe m.",,:

. Ilerr

Bill go'"

only ..kc

9 Tho"".re old ... '" lc.d•..J 1'elrol.

,..,,, 'wI' ha"dsome. . Goo<I ","""ing,

is ,-c,y spicy.

8 Th.t'Slhe di<liol1"y "" fo' my birlhd,,)',

6 I cook food fo' a res"'u .."L I'm a 7 The wedding wa, wonderful, The .nd ,h.

r<w mel., the pa"y

4 What', tho of Ihe ",oman .......'carinS th,> gold dn'»?

2 Complete 'he ",nt,·""" wilh. "'''d from I, 2 I run in

mm ".r.

to Do)'Ou like the I""'pl" invit<d '0 he, party'



7 . F.ITIOU$ <ooples


11 Writing a biography Cumpl"I,' th~ biography of Ch~r ,,'ith "'1,,,, ..-I,;rh.or "~,, ....,

Chef was hom in the US on 20 ~

centro, ll)

border. Her full name


1946 in El

on the califomW Mexico

is Cherilyn Sal1<isian and

she is part·Cherol<ee and pa<1.Armenian,

Tu,;,ish, and French, She IefI high school whef1 she was


and "",,"I to Los Angeles, she pli>nned


to take

Phil many lamous

singers. He disco\lCfed that Cher could sir>g, and

It!ey became the singlr>g doo Sonny and go( )QU Babe',

lopped the

dlarIs in 1965, Chef wllS stil only 19. They got married had

a daughler,

,"-----..., OIastily, caBed

In 1975

Sonny and Chef

o:liVorood, and





Di..jdr 'M '<xt Inlo fiw p'''graph. according tn 'hesc h<adings: j"trod",'lion ~>rl~' <ar~r

pr;"Jl< \,f,lat~r <.r«r I,f< 110W


Unit?' F~mous <DUple.


time because of Allman's oi'ri< and drugs problems.

She tlccitlctl 10 tum 10 acting again. In 1982

Elack to the Five and


Their f.tst hit song was 1


was dlvor«'d lor ,he second

first major film, 'CQme


StudiOS 141


Blue But two years

There she mel Sa"'atore the Gold Star



she appeared In tlCf




aoothef famous rock star. They had a son caHed



SPector was

year Chef married Greg AJImann,


Dine, ./inVny Dean. JinVny Dean', (8) wllS well received by the critics and public. She went on 10 win Best Actress a1 the cannes F~m

Festival in 1985 for Ilef role in 'Masl(, and flf'lllily

she won an Oscar lor .MoonStruCk" in 1987. However,

19905 she ~ to POP music in a big way. She has had 1IYee number one hil$ from her

In the

ct\lllHllllPin9 alllum 'Bel;e.e', (91 has ,eached a whole new audience. In her long career, Cher has been extremely sue<::esstu! boIh lIS a serious actress and is an as a POP &lar, 1101 extraordinary achle'llemeol

J IV'; ....imila, hiography of oon..-body who you


is in"",sting.

• •

have (got) to • 5hould and must Job descriptions Writing a formal letter 1 Do's and don'ts

have (got) to 1

2 have to

ha.e cor to UD ComplC1c th~ ..."knCt$ with' .... got '0 '" 's go'


'" ."d a ""rb from Ihc ~


.«gOl up


takt (..1)


2 The doclor g...., me SOme pill., J ,hem th,.., lim... a day.



3 Th.nk, for 3 lo"elye",ning! We or "",,'JI mi.. our l>u,.

S .Ilh. air[>orl

i,,,', re.dyye!.

5 Sorry [Cln', come 10 your pany. I laIc On Saturday.


<OOn •• boring.


II'h." you dri.... in I!ngl.nd you on the left! 'C.n I go and..., th. den';s' ",he" I ..·.,,,t·\\',,II. ,,'ually yuu an .ppointment, ",,1«$ if. an "",ag,,"'Y.' AI wt'Ck<nd, lJek "'•• rs j<-.n, and. T ·"hin, During the ,",'<ok h. • .nd 3 ,i•. 'Why ar. yuu lald"Surrr I lu the OOn'• • nd ,heIT W3" queu.: 1Jon', Ii •• my job. So",.,im« I ,ill



got·S·· •• rly • job as




.rc,,", very

7 Farm... .V<'ryd.yof,h,·~..... g ••, brol:.,down, so they illo II\<

tomorrow "'",,,ing, 8 Harry', uncmployro. He



6 'I don't Wan' 10 ta., .... m.:'You them. You ha•• nO choi«.' 7 I'm going to b<iI r>ow. I

I h~, ... to w"M gla<s<-'<t>«."", my eyes


Yem '•• go' to help me wilh my It's imJ>O>Siblc.

4 Mary', in. vallie. She at 2.30. but iI', 2.00 and .he

Compkte ,h, """'.Ile.s with 1",,,- I(}, I"" '" or h<lll '" and a s,,;,.hl< ''''b.

J Making que$lioO$

UD Pu,lht,.<)<d; in ,he COfl\'<1 onl<1" to mJl:.< questions. )

lbi, cxtrci",>

t i m,,1 youl u pi", h.I/h. ",lgotldol,oI!

II'lwl , j "'" d<1. y<I" Iw",: IiJ ..'<'I "pi 2 job!..". rlha v.1 i,,1 un i furmlyou/~"ur"


boo"" h",,/m' ",.IfO ufbuyl


solwhyfdi cilloI'

6 1'1<1 11 U". ,dully/you/of"-'Ilook/dolh owl,oll hil/w'l' I'

Unit 8 • Co', i100 don'"


4 Short answers An',,"cr ,he que"i"n$ abou' you. Usc

;/I"" an,we1"$

5 l>oe>)'U'" mother h• ..., '0 tr• ...,l. lot in h.". job!

D<:>)'Uu ha..., '0 go!<, worl e...,ry !wcck)day'

In.) ,Ii>.

6 Did)'Uu ha,"" to take any exanu ia'tl"'ar!

2 Did you h.." '0 work hard rc"erdar' 7

I)o}'<'u haw 10 gel up early!

3 l:>ocs)'Uur te.ehcr have ", <o"c<t }'<'ur homn-io,k'

8 Do rou h"" to look up a 10' of word, in )'Uuc dielionary?

4 Do}'<'u have to cook or hom.!

S Making positive and negative sentences Make ten tmt ",nttnc« abou' )'<m and l"'ur family. using !he char!. Add • ""mment if you ..".

My g'an,ljalher<IONn ·11",,.., ro ga '" wcrk. He', relired. Z I have,o make til. ~,I in the ",,,'ning.. I don'/ mind. 3 II'. ,1011" have '" ,10 the "",I,illg."" W.·.... got a ,Ii,hwashfT.

I\'c My p.... nt' .\Iy muthcr My falher My siSler My brother Mygrandmuther My grandf.,hcr

h•..., '0 ha'to don't have to doc<n·t no"e lu

do the .....hing·up. l>aby,it. m.k the l><d. in the mornings. do the >hopping. do the cooling. do the irolling. work in tht gardtn. get up early in the mornings. gu tu work.

, ,

, ; , , ,• " 44




should 6 Giving advice IIlI Gi., .dVKoC ,<> ,h.w I"'''l'k. U...

PrIC" got.

1111,,,. ,..•1'0111<I01 1,1",,'1 ,I,j,,' ..•ho,M.

""l' bad cold.

2 knny ."d 'Iooy a,~ ooly

I tI,I,,' he ,I,,,,,1iI ~o '" I"JI. I <I.",'"hi,,' /" ,',",,1<1 gv IQ

3 I'w lu," o,~' <h"'lu" buok .nd eroJil <-.rd,.

"Xl<'<'O. but ,hoy say they "·.nl to gOI marriod.



4 Kci,h ... dr;.'. h"m., but he h••n', go' hi. gl.w,"S.

5 My t"nlh hum.

7 '\"""pho,,< hill "'dS o"o""ou,'

8 My<hild",n 'I'<"od .Illh"ir


p<Xk..1 "~'ll<'Y uo

" Th",••• hoi. io mph"", "ol~' hO"j:hl ,hem i.,t """ek'

1 Asking for advke l I D All (0' ad,""c in '''<"St",illl'limb. U.. (Wlm'l .10 }'''' II"" •. _s/IOIlfd C,~"S<

9 Kat•• "ying """au... II'u,hcd




h" "k,'d me to marry him. IN ,.,'" lhin' I ,1,01,1" ",)' y<'J?


1'''''''' h",,>t·, Hd7.d "ill hasn't giwn me back ,"" ""'' <1'' >be mc.


rill having a p;,ty, .,\<I I haw,,, wril' • gu.", li,,_ Who

~ Te,,-"$.! has in.';'eU "'010' p.rI;".1 her



5 L"lu

II ,,'a' an ."idenl.


i,,,', 'I""king til me ,oJ';' 1>«.",", Y"Slcnl.y I .. id ,he ""J> ""I'i,1.

6 1'.,,1<. JOb"" 1:.n'>W wh<th.. 10 ~'<l ' " uni,,,,,i);' or ..,vd ..."nd Ih< "u.ld. Wh••

7 This ,tore"~. f'IlI.,,;., hut





, Unit 8 . Do',.nd don'n


have to or should?


8 Uling 1m. {orlecl fOlm

10 Job descriptioM

("..ompl<l< Ih< ",nknees wi,h • form of hm'C 10 0' ;1,01,/,1. Make Ih,' wrbs neg,'i", ,,'hen n«<>SJry, I Your hai,', ,,~, Ions. I ,hink j"O SC' i, eul, ! Your dOlhc'S smdl. and you\'C go' a <ouSh. Yo" stnoke. J I'm SoiuS ", l><d. I be "I' early '0""'''0''', 4 I'd like '0 me<l you' hoy(,i<nd, You in"il< him ro"nd. S ,011 my p><eu" wh<rt I am, ,hen ,h<)"<lon'l b \'ou come ,,'i,h m. if you don', "'a,,, 10. rll go nn my OWn. 7 If )'Ou """I "''''. hdp ,,-ilh your homework, )"U go '0 ,helib,a.y. S If)"u·'" go" a'iekel. you queue. ruu "au g05lr.ig!1' in. ~ You Iellli"", If, wrong, 10 , ..."If wo,k, '0" "meh. I Ihi"k h. 'ake i, ,'.,y,


must 9 must for strong obligation

·""""e.. with Ill"" and. ,ui..ble

em"I'lcl< Ill<" ... endi"S·

It's my "'u'h..·• bi"hday lomorrow. I b"J" I,cr" P"~'" ,,,,,I a car</.


2 The,,-, a" c<cdle'" ,il", 0"" ,he ",omen'. You J My bcd,""m',a r..1"'.... I

4 Pel<" i" hosl'i"l, I 5 Our 'rain

"'aI'" i" ''''''' minute,! 11"<

6 Yuu ,-all hr>rrow Illy I<""i, raequc'. but you . It w., '"CryexIX·",i"" 7 The"",. """,dcrf,,1 '1<'" ,,,,,,,, .. ,,t 01',,,,,,1 in 'own. Yo"



8 . Oo's lnd don'..

Match ajoh in A ,,'i,h. ,.."I, in 8 and .Iin< in C.

A fOfme' A receptioni" An architect ,\ Idwyer A IOIdi<r A f"crighlcr A d«"ralor A mech.nic A hoo\<:wifc A shup ."i,tan' A docto,


•help< putsoul """i", ~,


p"",il>t, w~lcom..

f,gh.. fOI provide. "esigns I'.in" look,

fir••. log.1 .dv;,~. "",dieinc fo' p.,ients. guCSl', b"ilding•. on the lond, ,he hom~ and ,hild,cn, roomS in. hoo\<:. <""J. ,,,>10m<I', his/hcr ,ounlty.



y""n f.nhfull.,

II Wrilin'i forlllilletttr

It<>t>n, It......""'"

I M./.ldlllw Jl"dinp and molin.... Which a« ~ Which.", infoflMl!

e- ... l~

of. .......


~ ~


\bun .....t-. ROOn1 finn...

.......11M 0dtI:int of • k11n. I.;. lht ..nw .. in you. counlry!



addImp.c )lOll' ~

Tho ....... Rl odoft>. rJ 10

"""0 YOU'"




I""'" I




!InIJ<1lKtlon , -pom



~ad lhe k11... Xp..r>l~ lho diff... nl"".,. and wril.lhom in 1M bo.<n in ,ho oudin..,.lxw~, Rua Luis do Dno. LB• .lOOO Coimbl'2. Ponupl 29\h Mud. 2000. Thr P",,,il"'l Tho Oxford Ensl"'" CoIq,.. l.l4 Ha,on IW. E.ootbou'O\(" 11"':4 JUA. Sir or Madam. I .... !'OUr adwn , fOr EntJ.i$h ~ in Ih;, &tgfWo T""""~""'1 ,n~~ in (f)mJns to !'OU' KhooIlhii ..."""".1 horn; lOudON EnPsh ro. 'h..... Y".n bur I horn; _ b«ft 10 Enpand.nd I frd ...... "'IS .. now no«ooary. ~ to ""PfO"'C' my rron"",,"tioll- ""_ muId you Knd nw ....,... ............."'" obout ""'" ~ and ....ppliaIuon form! I .....".Jd aho Ilk lI)mr infor.... tion about""'. I look ,ins from you u .-.. .. p<ISI'ilW. "oun bJlhlUlly. AnI. 1.1...... Frnuon<b.

0.., ..-.,h',

'0 ......



.imi"r kll... Wool you,sdflO:

Tho I'rlnd",l Thr Work! EnsI,)h S<:hooI 47 H......'. ltd

'''''' YU88'T


Conditional clauses • Time clauses Preposition. WOld Writing - diKlJS.Sing ideas

I Present Simple or will? 1

Choosin& rht' (omrt foml UD 0I0000c' tilt COfI'f<1 rom. of

....... A""""'. __

~t ,Ilt door. B OK.lopnrl/·lIopnr'L ~ A ....1uI. Ilt~.. t;rul po<l.. ",! 8 IIttty 1/11 ""r II (ot you. l A \'''''t~ do J'O"

Conditional clauses


2 first ConditioN!


Iint .t-.I lho ~ rfJo<l. "bk ...... mrelo, ...... If... .... will .

the earth gets., slle



buy! 8 I b"r !I'U Ittty TIt< Ti",", A \\' 1.1 J'O" Ii..., to ot...., ....1 8 ,,,,, 11'11 "".... the Lomb.

5 A



"""ning1 8 \\'r I,n ... I IWII I"".. "'1'1""

the sea gets wanner

1/ /I'e S<'II gt'J! "'lr"'e~ '/I.e iN nr Ibe N"rrl, un/I Sourl' f'Q/n will "'rJ!,

al.!>out 8,00, 6 A


1,II"nr'$ ringing!

8 OK.lult!.....,II·Un"'.. ui'.

the ice at !he Nor1tl and South Poles melts



many people lose their homes

l Making questions I

1m Your fri<nd is goi''SOIl OOIiday. \,'rito the quntiol'ls.

4 Making negatives ~t.k ,he $<n'.n,.. negati... bol ke.l1 lho ",caning Ih. $ame. Y"u will n",xl 10 chang. ",,,,e "",d•.

We'll le... lh. par1ybefo.. 10.00.

\l'r """,', lIayar Ill, party "fur


2 Shotl be Tato. Shc "n,,', I", <Ill ri",•. 3 H,'lIlo$<.

4 1"11 my ca.m$. 5 Sho'1I1eli the l'ulh. 6 We'll ,at CtUt.

7 We'll 10 ",hoo!. Wha'/dolm ;,,",pla no/!

8 1"11 go to b<i! • .,Iy ">nigh,

IVI"" will Y"" dajtw.J' mil> 1/" pla,,<t

2 Wha'/dolpla"o/lal./! l Wh."'/>1aylhold</fulll! 4

What/dolno' lik. ,he fo"d/'

10 We'll go out at lh,' ••«hnd.

S if or when? Complole Ihe """'e,,co,., wilh if0' w/,m.

Y'''' ca,,'l do l"o' h"",ework, as!< fo, hdp. 21'l!l'ayyooback 3 I'll """e to bed

2 Now "'01eh lho qU"lion, alx:>vc w;lh ,h,· '0""" ao'w.... a b

0 0

I won', .unb.1,hc fOf a few day•. I won', ",i.. il. 1"11 go' ,here co,ly.


.I o f

I'll just ea' bread.e""""",,, ."d fmit.

0 0 0

I'll find ",,,,owh,,..,. A J"u,h h""d, ",ayt>e. I'll licel' in ,h. ai,!",,/. l'II .i,i' ,h,·"ld lowo and tho ",,,omain,.

1""'''''')'00. thi, I'""&,"m,,,o .nd$.

a"yo"c pho",.. ",e. ,dllher" 5 Co,,1t"oo! bus'

• wi",.

rIll out.

"'" hurry....... 11 ca,ch ,hc I play lco";' wilh )"'lin. h. alwaY"

7 Th,' ,hOI" ar< full of thing> ,,, buy

Ch,;"",.. co",.... 8 '1"... I""


'''y hag:'

I r,od it, I'll let you

Unit 9 .

Goins pla<~


Time clauses


6 Presenllenst or fut\lfe?

0....... .~_r«t formol.~ """. By<'! , rJtt-1 fII t*- ""'" whm 'V'I fII V' hoxn<-. ! j


rmIlO"'1lObod whm I TV P""V......... ....&I ...'..t rmt<>fTT """·... ""...., /."'~/rlk"...,whm,... ....

.....,,...will'" bod.

-c.... ...... """,.,n.-'' toY""

bcfo« ,'III" 1/ p.' S Tbordoctor will b<

m 1m m,nu= Toka>Cl' wloik,...

will .."",,.,..'" 'rillf. f> I'", 11"'''11 oul brlor, ,""..",.. ,,'iII sloops .."..,. i / .... " 1 I"/I_i, by 1M phon<' unlil ,.... ""1,,....11 ,;n,l{_ 8 You ",,,.1 pI",,,,.. mt ........ n "' 1J'l'ugr'fOU,.um ',,"ull>. 'J I hOI'" 10 ..... yt>" whil. 1"1/ bt 1 f,1f in LondOlI.



7 Joinin& ~ntef'lC6 join 1M ""irs of ..lIle...... "'inlll Sht·U P'"l' "'" b.ock. Sht'11 VI ",n

",d, in b,.d.l.. monty. (.. "'"" .s)

SJw'" pll)' til<' ba<-t QJ " " ' " . , sIrt 1:''' _ ... ""'lit)< ! 111

w-." ........ "",11 ~ bod.. (unl~)


Choo<c I~ Ii romplncs 1M


CO"' ............ ' .....1Ihc... """"' ......... (whmj

~ """,TV





'f'''' _, ....,..

7 II'llIk Ilf IIV/'<I' I'", my hair cu'. y"u , .. n dn 'he ,h"pp;nll' 8 Stop ..'" 1,,,mI,I.';",, "fierI wil..11 I b<f<>rc ...e mil out ul ptlrol. 9 After IIVI,..II I V,JIlI )'>U...., ...-od 1M

""""'1"1"" I h"..., il! 10 I am.., obo>ut"'mco. Af .......... , While' After".,.. hor ,lor --.. """""




a"",htr pl...... ,..;,alII br ,nltlligmt!

S III "',0 WOfI:. 111 '-" • "'Ih. (bcfo«)

8 I w;",', I...,.. 'he hous<. The I">s,n\;", will ""II. (unlill

Somttimn lwo ....

I'm on htoIidn'. 4 h"..,., 1/[/1\10;"',.,.. art tht fot>l ptr'IOfO up in .~ ~nUl" ............... <up of It&. S I'm S"'n~ 10 kt<v ..tong,.,.. 10 nuo,ty ..... I ""ull ...,..... J"'U 0;0)' yn.. 6 W.. "an l!" '~;ltyou· ...

procram..... will ""'.111 do my """''''WOik.I~ ....1

7 The I....'" ,,'ill end. I'll go hom<. (., 500n ••)

"'hich btsl


IfI A< _ U..", I ....... Iol of ........,. 1"1 bon" ,.,.. • Fn....... ! l'\t.uc ,u,n oul I~ li&hr. tt/Itr' ~ 1 ....... Y"" I" I" bod. j I tiLt I<> rtIb .. ""'ill'*,"

II j

the corre<t conjunction

9 TenSfilnd lime expressions


1m ...., 11....",1> in br 01<1<0", into ,.... COrr«' '~n... _ I'tno<n,

"""S In fU'UK, "';1/ fulu If I""",, .. ",,,'<'f'h, ..." if. >ow... 0'

10 Preposition. WOl'd

0' IN ~1 Con,inuou•.


Complc'1" tho ..... l<'rI«$ will.. prC'J"'>Si'ion (rom ,ht tom.




,," 8riWl


Rabin llt* wys N



1 · ..,(1)

Or_ 161

Soulh l'oIM.

19o) on lhe IcfwaIl ~, .... /WgaI' I1l





'JtUI II ~ <imtIlanl1 ~ Il;n lht SCMfI Union, the

1M . . . ~. ~ ...t ~ (9) ao-l Ihtm. \101 lhfy (11) ~ to their b'lol! ~ E~ imm the An:1io: Ude, lhfy (12) (IIa¥e to) build tuu 10 prolecl !hem from lempfratLlm ;t$ low <IS minu5 55 deg<_ CelsO/s. We IU)

(ool • lot 01 "'I't'iments to 1ft how rI'oIIC!l pot.,lion lhort II in !he .N," sMI Robin. 'Tho results (14) llltlp) '" 10 underIland lht .tIKt:I 01 ~ Il-.. 9'ftMcMe tflKt.' (IS) (16)



film 01 lilt EoptdillaiL Robin \.lIId, '(IS) 091 1ge(I bid hornt.. .... \2Ol people 1II _Iht~·

~ j

l-u 11m IUdL n.,. Q) ~ 10 INCh m. Nonh ... an I '5-diJ _ _ .......,. CJI Of_ ~ hr~ tbtIlhr ~_Ill

. . . III bodllht Honh _

~ ~

. . liN

tilt ~ n:tudOtg 1ht _dlfr ~lJ


bhowl ",m


5 6

Wb.... ... lV _lpur I oIiftI .. abro.l '""""Do,.... como 10 >dlooI bw.! I'm '"n)' buoy rho momml. I an" und.nun.;! tho i...."""ioM. Thty.... Chuww. a-.." IIItII /I'&r ... M \\'iDiom ShUnpt;l,...

.....n: ,.... WftIr.!'

7 ' •• Mr 1;1"""

'No. II..•• h<>Ii<Wy.' II I h.a'.b<inS Lo,,,. J likt 10 •• ~ ti...... 9 tel" gt>

10 l.<p<>kt 10 lot. w... k. II i a.. int.,n';'" .,'i<1c


,h"I"I"" ,hi> ""...,ning. 12 'un 1... )I'lu IoOn'<lhi"g1"NQI ""....

• "",,,,,,III: 13 'HC1<"\.binh.d>Yl'rn<'IIl

you_"Ob,lh."k you!' 14 'Wby did you opnl "'Y"!leftT", .....'Y.l did;1 ml>l.kc.· 1S 11..;'n1 EnPond .... """"h.

1M .. <Of;"" Ii""

16 minUlft LI1...

17 lIn..,

1M ,h,nl /Ioor.

II I mel my borf.1Cftd

• p.arty.

19 ... \ltyolo>o '""" Iool 00 ~

·Ilra..... ......


Ullit 9 .

Gore ~n Sl

Writing 11 Discussing ideas R<,,j Ih"se 1Iotes ,oout ,,.,..,lIing by ,.,in. D;.. apen<i", .\(Imdim.. crow<k<l <omd;m.. ddayN nol door 10 door


- fa" - not.lressful

You GIn:

You rou":

rein (.... d .nd look


out oflhe window) _ "urk _ oa,

«rlain limes

use other 'r.nsport

to g<110 Ihe .Iation

The advantages and disadvantages of travelling by train

1 ;':"w .."d 'he '''Xl.

What i' 'he pU'l>osc of pJragr"ph?

J Put,h"linking "",d. in the OOm," place in o;l(h paragraph. The linking ",,,,d. arc in 'he right order, Sometimes)'U" "'ill nC<"<! '" change the pun"",Ui"". " jl, nol<> aho",tl>c "h·a"togc., ."d Ji...d,·an'as,·, of on,> of 'hes< 'opio. Th,-n writ," lex, Similar 10 ,h,- 0"" abo,'" gi~ing )"O"r own "p;nion,. Po n()\ use mOl\' ,h.n 150 "",J•. Tr"",Uing by <or li,iog in" (ralber Ih.n a ""use) Sin!:!. sex sehool' (wher 'h.n "'i."--...I seh""l, wilh oo,h I><>j'> .nd sirlsl




for uomple,

Trall,lIing by



also ha, some disa<!..mages It i, e.pensille and lhelra;ns ar~ l<lm~limes cro""ded and delayed. You hav,to tra",1 ~l Cerlain t;mes and train, c~nn01 lake you hom dOlI' to door. YQU n~ a bUI or a taxi to take you to lhe railway 'lallon.


Fir;,'y. Snondly,

fm aomple, lJ<'spj,~ 1M

dilQdw1rl/o81, b«oU!II! .

by lrain has many advanlag~

a,e no strcssfullrafti( jams, and Ifains are f~\l and comfortabl•. You un ".. ,h. time in diU.renl Wa\'lo. Yo-u Un jusl <il and .. old, Qr w~l(h lh. world go by. YQU can work, Qr you can h~", a meal o. a Inack in lh, buUe! car.

Fir;, of all.


I plefer tiallClling by trai" 10 tr~",lIing by Glr. 11eel mOre relaxe(! when I reacll my deslination.

Verb :patterns, '. ,used to nfinirti'ves • Rhymes Writin,g - formall and informal letters 1 Scared to death


Verb p,atterns Infiniti ve 0 -ing? Put [he ~'erh ill bm_ket. in Ihe orr form infinitive (wilh. or without 10). or -jllg_ metmps two form llf j:l(}So ible, J enjoy walkirlg

(walk) in th rai . \r. ul }' lJ l~ke tC!ha~ 11", ) 1ltC'lhing t ea:l? It tartcd 1. ·HLrain·~lg (rain) \ I ile't. wrc out.

ofy faml'I}'] tr ing (de ide) where 1 g 011 hoHda)'. 2 [d Iii, (g ,) omel"hcl'C'diffe nt ft a hOI i'!. 3 [enjo' (visit' pia ~ I


btfort'. 4 Bul, m

( igh ee).

hi'ldr n hat

5 The, pre er Hd y.

( ], ) in a.wirnming 10 1

6 l'h c refu c hoL.

(go) out n t rl,ps i if:- tuo

2 (hoosingthe co:nect~orm

(tlnd) a holiill r

ast year . managed [hat uit d vel' ' :ne.

B V dedded swimn1.i ng pool. 9


nO a !lou ewith a

\. om n -' Tn a lnl\',·1 a elll" 11 Ip d 1I . _ _ _ _ (ho !.:) a ,l"Ii e hou e.

arrived the pc pic n xt door if vbed u'

J0 When,,,

Ohav ) a drink wit them.

11 We beg· I, holid3. t w moo l.h

t ~

My wife nd

hQ dd


a ho nc.


lit UC' t



12 ,very ne hope b liday, but i.r isn't ah a B


len'of) them I"e



(think) w-


- the co r "I.


orlhe verb.

: cgreed st(~rl / stani /lg I to ltl t the ,j .b < S soon as po 'ible. _ I stopped read I to I'e/I,d I ~eadiu8 Ill}' book an went l

bed3 My l '}chers ';\lw;I • ex~ . Ii I me doing I f{/ riQ I do w II in exam". 'let me /'() PO}' I p~l)lm.? I P~IY o.r th Il.l cal. Yo I ~ aid la t tim . •h Illi"l told me bdng / to b ./ II, mOfle ,11' f d when I bru h my teeth. I a k d M U· 11 all Jng / bu)' I/o lmy m _1. mp . 7 J n vc .Ii ked .[) I /Q go / go,ing to hUI.' -h whell 1\.' a child. Hav r 1I fini hoo ,rirtu / WI';" I to IVrit ,th' ~ ter :et~

ou ',m'. pllrkillg / to pal'k I park.~ ur ar In ide th 1OSI j '1.1. 10 Da id al\l , S en' 0' I d pia I P!l,yj'l I W pJtl.l olball ,l[ ,

ho l.

Unit 1'0 - Sc red ~Q death 53

J Infinitive or -ins?

WII Compl<!~ Ih" I~x, wilh Ih,· inlin;li"t Or .i,,~ form of the ,,,fb.;n the 00..



rd... 'UI,b.olh< d..,ide




My friend and I had a p<oblem abool 00' OOIidi1y last


h dl'

year. I wanled (1) a lazy 'Easi<Se OOIiday because I was lired and needed (2) . I kwe '" __ in the lYn, (~) "e-<oId bee< and (5) a good book, But Natalie likes oosy, cultural OOIidays. She likes (6) museums and gall... iM. She nates (7) (8)

nol btown. The travel "9""1 t~ uS and wggested G"""e, I I'd love


10 • quiet 'sLand, bul 01 (00''''' Natalie



be<ause she always


said s""'d like (to)

in Alhms, II was easy whallo do _ we flew to Athms togelher.


Nalalie stayed there and I 1,.""lIed 10 lhe isl.nd of Kosi

4 Asking questions lIIJ) A,k. 'l0,,,I;On wilh Ihe "ttl> in br.,ktll.nd ,t". lJ'" Ir.e ~OTtt<1 ',>nle. II IVh.. my YO"

rrri"g '0 do! (try)

,\ly mOlher "·as.., helpful whil., ,he w•• 't.ying wilh 0'. ludu'(helpl BWh"

4 II

B I'm looking f"r my COnlar, I~nl. Can you..., it!

·"c, '''p)'Oo,\\'h"t


m",ouo' ("".,,,)

2 II 1

II Could yo" Ju 'he ,,'.;hing-up while I do ,r.e ~O<.>king! Tll.nK>.

j"" '0 <1,,1 (lell) She (,h~ dOelor) told me I" '''y in bed for. fr'"

5 II Wh.1


3 A Wh.1


II Sh~ htll>td m~ 10 painl ,h~ ki'c\,,'n,


II 1\'h.1 .ooul h"ing ou' for a


01. .

In do afl~r uniY<'rsily! (hoI"')


II I'd lik 10 gct a jol> inpuhli,hing.

used to S Matching Ma,,1> a lin< "'itl> A w;,h


in B. Complcte the lin~ in B wi'h 0 ,ul>j"", .nd '''fit ,,,.


1 Mj' family h.d ",m~ luwly I>uliJoj'$

2 I w.. \'Cry fit


J ,,'a, j"ullg

l Th~ ,~.,h... ", my "hool ".. '" horribk 4 .\Iy ,i,,~", "",m ",as SO un\iJy. 5 J had 0 dog


UnillO· 5n.,ed 10 ~U~

follow me ~""rjwhtr<. go "verywhert by bUI. fr.,.,.. on winter ""o,,';ng,. fly Con<ON,·

I " .• ,. kid.

6 \I'h~n I w., )'Oung. we d;dn'l have. "',. 7 And >tt.!idn', ho..., ~~n".1 h~ating. 8 My ond~ was. pilol for IIri'ilh Ai""'j'"



'id)' i, ... 11.





W~ lIl(d '"



of ~xer<i".


go ~''''I'i''gall

,,'w Europe.


Thing~ u~ed

to be different

mil S<mon,,,, ,,'ith "",I w which ~h<>w ho\.' lhin;;, wor<' difk",,,!.

Thi, I<>w"',.,, "Ill>'.

Infinitives 7

Infinitive~ (~>mpl<1<


h..dlfind a ll00d 101.

i, "",,I ,,, fro'y. 2 Th.r< .",;.;) n",nl' 'ouri~l>.

'1"Io"ro ,lid,,', !IS<' I" /,.. ,my 10/";,,,, j

afte' adjectives In. «nlen'<$.

1r,lwr,llo 10",1" p,'<l<i job.

2 1I''''I',i...Ji"",

Th. ho",,", ar< .cry ''"f'<n~i.... j

>"" h",e

,.'" .,,'pri$<',1 ro 1<'< yv" Irao "l1li, hookl... ylrc.d

d 111. ,lr,'N,.", di'ly.

5 Thor. i, S<> much litle, on the .m.."., 6 The ,or I"',ks arc .I"",y. (ull.

6 in,po".mikeep ,,,,,,.bulary ,e",rd,

7 111". i•• lui ur a.m, ,," lr.c 'OJds. S imp05Sibk/k",1' 110. hou« lid y wi,h five children 9 unu'u.l/ha," long, hm 'umm<" in hglan,1 ~

We don't ha..... I""k .n>' m"IC.

8 Infinitives of purpose

,M.l<h alin. in A wi,h a ....,b in R a"d. Ii". in C

•, , ,, ,

f", ...

I "'.nl ,.Ik I'", goinll'" lh. library I " 'olown I phoned tho ,h...." I "'anI 10 borrowsom.

, , 1'", "


Il>ouKhl SOm. 110....", going 1(' Pa,i, 1''"'01< ", lohn


• '0 make '" huy to gel ,,, chang.· 'o"i,i, to explain '0 do to.,k

110< hou« ,mdl nicc. • now<ar. SO"" frie,lds. how '0 K<1 10 my hous<. my books. ""OW r""h .i,. ""n", 'hopping, wh., I;me 1100 pl.y 'WIN,

UNI 10 . Su,ed 10 dUll.


9 How to do it/something to eat

IIl:IJ M.l<h" I;ne in A ",'i,l;. wo,d in II and aline in C.

I I'm h"ng,y_ I nccd 2 I'v.- I"" my pall!",n,.nd I don', know j I h.", a hig p,oblem, hut I Jon't know 4 'Yuu'",d,unkl"No,l"m nu'. 1'", had 5 I can'l d" my h"mework. I n...oJ 6 Gan yw tell mc 7 'Gi,,, me 1.5, Pete.""!"m "'''y. I ha.'en·' gut 8 I n,,,,d tu 'I'"ak 10 I~n, bul I don't know



to hdp m.,

any ",onty where


woo nothing ...,n"thing ",'~n

'0 phone him. to .. t, to get to tht Sla,inn' kn,J lUll: talk it. to I<>ok fo< i, . d,ink all night.'

'0 '0

'0 .bou,


Vocabulary You'rt yawning, An'l'oy li,tening to what rIll saying! 8 r .m' I'm re.lI)' ,I .... n' to kno... ",'h>! h,pp"ne<l. It', ,hot I (,,,I w'y . I"''''" to be,1 '"Cry late I.., night. f", going on. thf<~'-month holid'r 10 tht Far

10 oed or -ing adjel:tive~1 Complete 'he ",',H,'nco, wilh a wo,d from the bo". Coreful! They are "ot all used. ''''p,is..'<I onno!"-oJ frighleni"s tiring



e-«iling ""orrying

in"'res,ed ooring e",,"oJ '....."'ied

TheTV p"'S.."""e "'''IS so .,ker


'u,pr;,ing .nn<lj"ing frlgbte"ed lired



How 'I.uek)' )UlI' 10 A W.,y"", fathe, ",'htn lU" told him )"Y' «am ,.,ult,~ He ......, f,,,io,,,. 8

,hal I feU



2 Chikt",n g<1 '''' ,I«p on eh,is'm., EV<"_ They're J A Iti,.\lum'


B eu"I' Th.nk good nell )....u ,ang' Where ha,,, l.... u l"...·n! We",." !>ci'n "" .boot you! -I A Hell" d",ling. 1'"" gut. l'"-",,nt for )-'Jtl.

I "f'en bUJ' )""

II lIut it I,,,'t my blrthdayl S Tht an ..hihi,ion w" ''''y ,11,,,,ed it, hu' I h.,J '0 I<.".f'e, ,h,« hou ..... M)' fee, were k,lhng me' I ',nd b"ing ro"nd art S"lle,ic< and

"'""..,,"', "c'f 6 Somt peopk don't go""t.1 nigbt b«au ... they're ,h., SOm... ne will roh them.

7 O"r f,nanei.l ,iw.tion i, ""y II'e >I"'nd ",ore amI ",,,re, but .nd I"".



10 . Surtll to deuh


1n the gmups <>( th,.. wo"l.. two wo,d. ,h)'me ."d on,' doe.n't Circle ,he On,' ",'hieh i, different

, """, , ".., ,


II Po, on..! Anon', look <0 presenlS,



e.rning kss



t ..

"'0'0.1 <orne






, , n""... ,



'pr", 00'

hO<l'" ,,,ng

"-a' hul!


,,,'" " ,,,,,"' -.I "

>"'" "',,"





""'" ,w"

Writing 11 Formal and informal letters 1 I Her< ,n, ",,' k"e,.,;, fOu"h< lin"" in each lelt'" in ,he 00""" ord,T.

Jalluary 13lh Dc~r R=ption



o The """'icc ""S ,up,..r" o h~.., r

The oonvenUion w..s excellent and the food delicious!


and the food


Dear Alicft .."d Jim Would you mind h..ving ft loo~ for mft?


Coukl }'ou possiblyched if lhi, is so"


J 10'<1 a I",jr of brown lrouse:", "hieh Ilhmk kfl in the w~IlI~L , ,~"" mY'room \\.oc had a "ery pk'""nl Slay.

o r loo~

I think I left a pair of brown

trousers in the wo.rdrobe of my rOO"',


o ~:~"y rh~nks


),e~rj"g from you,



find them?

roc lhe """~cnd h",a~ lhat mv ,nrc and J enjoy"'-I al your hotcl "-....e lllly . Weho~, .. \'ISlI your hOld ~,ain S<

Than~ yo~ foc having me to stay


J """ld like

o o o

lut "ee~e"d, It "". lovely to 80e yo~ an. See you ..gain .oon~


1 h ..d a wondeel\ll time. PleU<l ca" you let me ~"o. if you


,- °


10 ask you a


I Would be mOSl gnllcf"l.

Yours sincerely

Could you do .o",ething foc me? Thanks a lot. Love

2 Th. fir$lktt", i. inf"rm,l, "'r;Il<" to {ri<nd•. The S<'<:ond len.r is formal, "'rillOn to. M1d. Compare the l.ngu.g. u><d.

Could r,m do ,.,,,,nlli"8 for ","" n,,,,,b U1<)1. 11'll"I,/ YO" ",in,jjll..illg

" look IN ",""

/ wouM likr ro ~ ... you ~ fill'<>u', / wo"M IJ<' ""r 8n"~jilj, COl,M )'1>" ,..,,,ibly <hrck ;f Il,is il <01


II'ril<lh...ply to coch l<-t1er. ,h'l y"u look<l ~ry ",dully 1h. but <:oul,ln', find Ihe"L

f", t,,,,,,,,,,,

AJiuand lim',louer

Th. houl's lelter

Dcar lock Thank. for you l<1ter, We <njoj..d .. , '00. I'm S<"'y, bu'! 1"01<.-<1 eyt·rj...·herc ... ,.nd I .,,,,Idn', 11.,.. you l"ok.J ... 1 Perhap, yoo ... ! Sorry I can't hdp any more. s... you soon!

1)c.rMrHiggin, Thank jUU for your 1<n.. of IJ )ano,uy. IW at< delight«! ,hat .. , I\'e arc sorey 10 inform yoo lhat ... unabl, 10 find ... Wo 1001«<1 ... We Ioo~ for"..,d ...

Unit 10 .


10 Moth


The passive Words with more than one meaning Writing a review Things that (hanged the world

The passive I Forming the passive eo",plel" Ih. l.xl wilh the p...i". form of Ihe wrh•. Us< Ih" 1"""'''1 Si",pl,·.I'.>1 Simpl., or P",,",'nl l'<:rf«l.




passeoge.- pl8oe. 111 ~""',w'opffl

ldoMllopl by France ....... I!rMo'1 togeU>er. ~





Iwn) '" 1962 £1,5 b*ln

on ""'........ '11 C<n:orde .......



d !It

C<n:orde r.oo:ts """'I'



speed ol sound

(f"Il<!uce) by


IlrUh A1<w>!f;'o""'"



Wt"t; t.he C<n:orde fIoghr. 1.......1 s lot by

fb -... _ ...... can le&w Ilrt.aOl !It 10.30.-><1

""""'" in New Vorl< "" t>oo.r ~ T~ planeS

(tJuikll "" to till!

~ <Illy,

Eud1 plane 110)

45 S«Xnls'

means !hat !Il""Q t.ome

beI.ween london ....... New Vorl< (B)

oosness pe<i\lI<! _


In>m New 'l'ori< to

18CheYe) in 2

twice tho!


"""'*' recordA. O'doding tf1e

fastest l:1"<>W>Q ol the _

loroon, _ ~


1~1 by


AI' i'nIr"al .. 1976,


1_) for ""'" 5,(U) f'os'5• ...mich


maI<eS l !.he mosl. tested plane ., ~ , The

speed of

19500, botI1

a lIUpOIooooic pjaM ....... the P"'OI'lCt



than the

In the


Bt.c. theN! ......... pWos to build Ipn><luce) l'Jt



s cost 01 £55 _ .

2 Making questions

3 Making negatives

DIll Co",pletelh" qUdlion,.

DIll Corr~t ,h. ""men""",

C<m<onk ""'" devel"l>N in th,' 1%0>.

1 r-,!"'r i. m.d< (rom pl ..'i,.

When ,,'" CU/lNrd" """r/0l"''' 2 fl ,5 billion wo, ,)"'nl on i" d,·velop",e,,!.



Ho",' much Tw.:nty 1'1,,,.. have b..'Cn buill ahog.,h""

P"!,,,r i'n'r ",,,,I,, from pi"..;". /(, ",,,,I,. from .."",I 2 P".. id,,,! K""n,"<Il' wo, killro in "<w York. 3 Coif"" i, grown i" Scotl.nd.

How "'."y , The Home<of Parli.",enl "w< built i" ,he

, , ,

"i"<l«",h ,,,"ur)". Whtn

5 \I'.lk""n ..,..". pl.)"" were d<velop<d b)" lh< Ru..


Twenty 1""'pl< "We hurt i" ,he tr.i" cr.;h. Jlow many


Ch."'pagne i,proou,..-d in Fr.nce. \\1,..",

She wa' r,,,<J 000 f"r 'r.:wing

7 Th< 2000 Ol)'mp;' G.m.... "w< hdd i" N,'w"d.

How ",och

6 Th< lkrli" \1'.11 ...., krnxk<J d"wn in 1982.

School ,,,,,,,h<rs are l13id .bool [25.000" )"<.r. 8 Roll.·Ro)",< .." .r, ",.de in 1'1"01.

How Illo,h

<J Our P">' i, ddil1:rro ,,,·i«. d.)".

Ho,," ofl<n 10 ·I'h".., ,,,,,n'ger; ".,< gi,,,n ." .".,,1 for b..


l'C;'Cfd"t'· Wb)"

" Short answers An,wer ,h. qu<>li<:>", .!>nu' C"n<or<k in <X<reis< I. • nd .!>not you. Us< ;hurt .n,w,t'l. I 11'. . Con«>r<k develo!",d b)" Fro",e and Gam. ny' 2 11'. . ,he 0,,,,,,,,,,, rroj<'<"t>rted in 1%2? 3 Ii it ,h. mOl' ,,>led in hi;..,,)",

5 I' )'0'" "h,..,1 <-qoipped wi,h. I.borator)"~ 6 II., yoor h"o" 1><-<" <kcorated re..n,ly?

Unit n . Thin!, lNl (Nn~ l~ W<lrld


5 Newspaper stories


Compk'" tne Slor;d wiln ,I\<, passi.... v~rbs in Ih. box,

. . . cr. ;njur<-J nave been giwn ........ lklaye<l WAS 0ll<r.urd on ....... gi'.. n (x2)

Million dollar reward

\\'Itl'... Murplly

,\ "'inning IOllery liekel wo<lh $7 million (1) "'asJ;,',..,.."red in a " .. 11e'1 in the "'eel laS! w""k in MomreaL Canada. II (2) by IIncn'ployed builder Wilham Murphy. who ",turned the lidel and the " .. IIC1 to their Ow,"". lean路P.ui Dupom, YCSterd.y Mr Murphy (3) SI.2 milli"" 'i a ",,,..,,I for hii ho""SlY.


people (8)

cclcbr:lling a "cry special anni"'''''''Y t<:>day. It is ~xoc'ly One year since he (4) at S,

a.~ I " ..s: said Mr Ywng,

8;,"holomcw); and (5)

'And I hope I can score Ihc winning goal in ,he ma'eh!'

Hospilal a

nev.' hean. Mr Ywng. 47. is now lraining 10 play in a d"1ri,y fooll,,111 maleh "-hieh (6) by Ihe tlospilal to r.ise money FOf the lransplanl f'!'Ol:ramn>c, So far 11 people (7) new heans by <!oc,OI"l at ,he hospital. '1 hope more


\)lit I! . Thill('

'ho' d'I.1n~ me world

txpress ye>lerday

(9l morning a, il waS passing Ihrough York ,wion. Ten rcople (10) and four

rcoPI. (11) to hospital. but nu on. w.s "",iou,ly hon.1";n, (12) for the r<$1 of 'he day. Se""r.1

Heart man alive and kicking Taxi-<lrivCT l'hil Young is



"'imess<'> (13) ,1M it is not yel dear how rhe cra,h hapl'<"n.d,

2 Wrile the qoe,tion, .boot the n"""Sf"p<"r "ories


, ,

W~<lI "'aljo/v"i M Ihr 'nw.l1W ......k~ A winning louery 1i<ket worth 57 million,

S1.2 million. Exac"y on. year 'go. to ni""


mon.y? A <harily footl>Jll match Elrv,". YCSladay",orning.

o German and French

Active and passive 6 Noticel Look .t ,h~ 'hop no'iet'S. For ooch notioo. writo 1"'0 "'n,ellC<"<. 'm~ pa.s;v~ .nd ono a,ti,·•. Grr",,,,, ,,,,,, Fr.nch Me 5pokrn "er<.


are spoken


lVupcil.k..&",,,,n ",,,, F(a":bJ"rc.





o o






, 7 Active or palsive? DIll eomple,o the '''''t wi'h 'he 'lOr!» in hra(kc1. in 'he CQrn"t ..n.... acti'" or pa"i",.

Nyloo (1) (invenl) in the early 1930. by an American ,hemi.t, )ulian Hill. Other scientillS (2) (wort) with hi. invention and finally on 27 October 1938, Nylon 0) (introduce) to the world. It was cheap and .tlong and immediately (~) (become) succenful, especially in the making of women's ",xkings. Du,;ng the second World War, the belt present for many women was a pair of nylon >locking., but more importantly, nylon (5) ~ (u",) to make parachute. and tyres. Today, nylon (6) (find) in many thing" ca,peu. ropes, seat belts. furniture, computets, and even .pare parts for the human body. It (7) (play) an important part in OUr lives for avet 50 yea". Next year about 36 million tons of it (8) (manufa<:ture).

Unitll • Thing. thit chingt<lthe world


Vocabulary 8 Words with mOfe than one meaning Tho word, in tho dkliollJry oXlraelS all haY<' IIl0re Ih,lI one m.. mng, Exa",plo

.......' ,,,,,,,, ., , ~"sh w.p <of II>< "'. ." ""'n ,'"

I "".. A"" lIra,,, i"g. I dllln', "",,,I: 10 I,cr. I


jun ..'"....". Thi. i.,11 exomplo "f entry 1, d.f,ni,ion 1.

.., ;. not <aI,n; .... ,in~ of II>< "'.

~,"'" ~ m<h<o "" ,I><

to<.<t" A


"",y ,..../"

off'" """, 2 """"'""'"' from,oJ< u, , .... up ''''' d",,". "'c: If, g.<>'. ~"" of ,Il< 11.. ..1 '0 <10< ""'"

"'1~' 3 genllt""",,

'" b<,,,t


0" ,)" kUI d"rs 40'" !10M"),, Ky 0",1<1,,., II" , ...i,nm;"s b.<""~ I)"

.....~s ,...."




Thi. i. an o.,mpk of Olltry l,defin;I~)n I.

"",..I r«>o Th< ~ ~

11" ~"'" "", ....'·;n8

II", Mi, "'"

...a•• ' •. 1 """'" v''''r "",'i..,;o '" ..i..l

i" I),.. ,..i",l,

2 "'0'" wm<th inJ f"""

.,.... >i<I< ,,, ,to< "'I><,,

,\,10 .".... "', ... ".1", '"' ,""" kft·

Thi. i,." o:",mpl< of ontry 2, d.finilion I.

Notie. th., ,hi. die,ionory h... separot. entry fOf 1I0un.. Y<'rl». ad)c<:ti'"" .,<.

look., tl\< ,lictionJry exlra<,..oo Ihe ..,melle.",. Which CIllry I.nd ...hieh defmilion) i"h~ word,1l ..ampl.oP lit' If''I..J~ (60,,,,. f.'<>1) 1><.111r.-; wdI: f.><"i", "«pf

'" fi'·

lit' 0, 1 wdIm ill"""," 2 doing " ...... IIi"$ ~ I""",iol'''o{ I...,h',,- 3 ""I do'ho ltrol:..-.d ft<! 0 .. ~

.\t1"'",I,,,,, "" " ,<gio, fi'· "I"''' p"". r",,"1Io


1 IIldn'ged 10 fit.11 my dolh,,, into on. ,ui,cd,,"',


3 Ho run. fi.e mi"" ,,-cry d'r, II.', ""y fi'.

<J P<''' rho,", r.n<d I>< ,I>< 'Wol ,i", ,nJ ""''''' ,...

rr""j" ,

1"'" """ -'fi' ~.ul

i",,, ;" pi""" M', U""''''fi,,,,I. 2 pol """,,,h'ng

""'" k<.' .,,, 'M """,, fi' i••

""..... hi"~



,;~, '" ~><? fb) fi.... 'I""

"" """"h;,,¥, r..m,...Ji' ;" . _..... p<rO>n! h


"nil 2


"""" ,. 'M''''!

4 ... I'_'egotaprc...",for

yo". 1\ Oh, ,h,,,k )"ou' Is i, <omclhing ni<.!

,/0< ,Ioil 1"'""'""

I><,n~ or

__• "'1" p~"'


p""", pI>,.' ,""

,i"", ,,_.

~oenl", lhe

II"" ....... .'p~~I, -..."" ,it< p~.""" n.....: "n,ii I'~,." ""'"$h

I."" '"""'I' !'" '"' p""""', bu' I m." $t> '" ,.. i.",k

5 The prtS"'" gow",,,,ent i,

ruining ,ho <ount'l', 6 Tho whok f.mily lola.

f'''''''''' ,h~ ,,'edding.


1'""",,1' •. pM: """"hi"1l



p"" ,,, ,,,"><0.....:•


7 Whcn,h<rei._/<",i.. my t"",,,. I like to "'in pri ... _nd go On the rid<:$. 8 I h,,,~ [a;,skin, SO I can',li,- in ,h. Sun for very long. ') ... 1 !I"'''' my .son • bik. for Chri" m.s, .nd m)" ddughlcr .1>001:. 1\ Th.,', nol vcr)" [ai'. Did ,h. mind~

lair' f<,"" ",Ii.

I hon<>t:1","n~ r<''I'l< ;" ,he ,i,:h I "'Of' • 1<''' 2 ~",lq<loJ l>ul "'" ''''¥~: r."" ."..'"


$t><"I. b", 0",,""


fai,. 3 d,~.oo ",no-,-' p"

•...,""'.• w',h. p,l< or

I;p,' ".Iou" fioi, loa",

f8ir' o. , >1"'''1 ",,,k<1. ,,~,., ..


",",,' l-rroJ, ,fp,m

"I',,,.I",,.t."fio". 2 r""y.1 """~'""

i" ,I>< ''1'''" ,;" ~'ho-f, l"'" <on bor Ih;n~>.""" """.... 1><.. "'<.


2 The\< jCdn$ don', fil mc. Thcy',. ,ho wrong

pail """.

I.) fit><!,,"" ,. Jo

_ n t ' rprcllll!

1 brin~ 1><<<; be'ng ,I><",

.1011' 1",11 od~ not ""...i"J 0' ",.kine .nr "",nJ, Th< 0" ~ ",,,ill ,mc*r i, .p fro," '"'fit<,




slm""sl ... stm' ,.,s•. "''''''''''

mtWi"J Of ""ldng .nr ."ur>J: ~U"IIy: /'kn... ", ,,,1/ 0-/01"1 '.' m.' """. stm' orlv. 1 .,, ''' .......' .,cn -..: I ",.', t<' Iw.u,", I'm ";111",,,. 2 nr '" 1h<n.r>J " ,"',

10 l><:On', m",'c! Keel' or nl.hoo')"'''!


" ... Wh" "" you o1n Ih..., d,ys' 81",ilh,,,,,heSJmej,,,b .t ,0., monk.

,,""" W/'rn I ..." '",fir< _ "iii 1»<'0;.'



Unil 11 . ThinS' tNl ehansed l~ ",,,,Id

Writing 9 Writing a review of a book or a film Complct< ,h. "','i,..... of ,h. nm..1J'"",Ji£Jl<I,i" with the ><nte,"'" in 'he hox. "'hi.h lens< is used in 'he ",·iew. Pasl 0' I'rcs<n, Simpk?


2 l.ook", 'hes< heading>. I'"ind the infurma'ion in the

r,,'i.w "f F,w,lm",in ·titl. and .uth", • <~'ent, in the • t)'\'" of book/film • t<>ur opininn "f 'hc book • characters ur nlm


3 Mak••"mc n"',, under th. t>c"ling•• hove .I:>out,

book '" til", that you h.w read or seen """mly. Thcn ,,·,ite a ,,,i,'w in ,1:>0"1 200 "'o,d,.

Unit 11 .

ThinS'I~1 ch;In~

me world


Secorld Conditional· might

Phrasal verbs Writing a story 2 Things that changed the world

Second Conditional Jimmy's dreams

IDII Jimmy i, in pTi$.,n, Read .OOut ~i,lif,- in prison, t~en c"mplde ,he ",,",<ned .OOul his dream$. Reality H,--, in pr;",". H,• gel' up al 5.00 • "'" pri",,, u"if"rm • h "Id 1<»... ror

• W<lrk, i" a r..lory • reise, in a y.,d • ICOO lV .>"ery e.... "i"g · go<' 10 bed 31 9.00

O",am Ifhe ",.. ron'l in pti..,n_ ,. I h.;/ grr "p

at 7.JO.

, h, •, h,h, , h, , h,

a suil.

2 h.

""ff.. and croi=nlS for breakf.Sl. in an om«. "l"",h. ", night dubs. .t midnighl.

2 Making questions iIIIJ A,k que.. ion, aOOul limmy in .""rei« If limmy ""eren', in pri",n.... ...j"l1

rim. """I<f hr,,-I "p?

AI7.JO. A s\lil. Coff« and croi,.;m".


In an office. '1" night dubs. AI midnight.


Unit 12 ' Dle~mHod ~~Iity





Short lIn~~r~ AM"," ,t..qUOlions .bou' L.u,<O.

u-. ............


I( 1I,...l ;., ~ «>Un'ry, •.•

.......ld oN 1M .... hn


might 6

frid't. will· ~ps ,t.< ......"""'" "'Ih "'rr'a inl.I<-.od 01 ...... ,.."..,.. l l'ntupl" wiU II m'tlll,.", "...... 'uw.


,.,n •..........-.





_I..t w l'JO ohowing in ...,.."Imrn, .com!

S would .h" 'id" h<' bik<1 ti

I'm .I>i, WO"H,J -I"',hdl'> Ihl"<' ",,,,"I'hw,,' """onight

1 Choosilll tilt corre<:1 form o.oo.c, .t.< <01">«1 fo,m 01 ,10< ,nb.

s ._


Rc-wr,~ 'hnot 1Iftl""""" .......IIt.. S«ond l I·... nol rid\. I don'II"", III •

bog "'-.

If' .._ ridI, I'd It...- '" • boJ oWuH-. ! Ii< ........... ,n 1M.......u.,... He .... 110) Wnt 10 pl.or wllh h.. dli!drm.

w." ro.


111 W II "" Io,~. h dtpmd>on tI>< 'rofIic..

! A ........' .... ,.... doolnt:: k>ni&h'> B I don·,~. ,.... P"'S" I ....pI '"1" Ioomr.

""r'" ,",OU"Of ,.... lUJ'Inr/



""'"' pont. """"ns lOr Sund.v lund\. r... p", ,., ...... /

I ....p,

roal btd" ond ~'orbh~ pudd,"I-

l'w bougbl .. 1M

;ngNitn... ~

II rmSOOng.obuyGn>rg<-.grttn""rt. B 1_ldn~.irl"",,")'<>U.

II Why IIOI! B 1ft rjn'l K"'''K 10 likr 1/ It mit/II ,",,/,1., ,10< CtOloo, 81'«n. S II C~>odl>r<'. J",ling! I'll plu",t II JI'OXI" r"'""" d' -... os I '<1"i.... B Tlunk•. ll)..!

4 I h.vt1I·, gm ,


co'. J can'l gi... you" lift..



6 Co,hn;"" wdnb '0 b<-, poli,;";'n. \\'ho k,,,,,"';! On. dly ,""'U INI Ut, ",igh. IH""i"", l>Iin;'t<'!


8 Worriel What "" ,hc"" I"-~'I'k "">rrkd at'uu,1 Sophie', w..rried, 'h,·\ ~oin~ t.. I",'"n"u ,o1.


10 Phrasal verbs


I Cornpk"',h, ;<>nt"n,,<'; wilh" "cd, from the boo. in til.: f",m,

TI,,, c/,;t./"'II lI1i~l" 1><: h,>rril>lr. Sil,' mi.~11I '''''


f,1I 1""k(.JI

lilr ,1><: j'""jl}'.

, ,

1 T,·",', ""'riN. I k, fouf·reJr·olo1 o1""SI"", i, w"lking on a high w.1I



"n yo"r "'arrn ro.l. II'I cold too.y,

1 C<>uIJ I

3 [)dnut•• W<,,,i«1. She's 1',>1 t"..


on ,h<"'S< Iht...., pk.><'1

[)J"id', w"Hi.-J. I Ii, I,ar•.."" , ... >Wdr, a,,,1 h,'\ i,,,"i,«1 '''-..n,l' l,i,'n,h ,,, h" iluu"" for. p""l",


·1 G'ulo1)'f''' ,ign il.t th" ht",o",' ~ I'm

S fm ...... rri<-d. I'", o1,il'i"g" Ion!, "·.<r t.. ",,,rrow.• ",1 my c., i, wry .. Id. 6 Toby', W<lf,i,-J. lie's got ,n "I'l~,;n'm"n' "'ith ,he' Jen,i" ,hi> ,herr",,,n


not ".'"


8 She




,ne " unl"'"'''tv.1 (4j

up (.4) fOuno1

Hristol n",,·. bu, I g''''''

5 c.."l< school.

! Ilufry



• t",,<her I (S)

muth. bul Illke "",I.,ng WII" Iod\. 3ne mo<>ey ",,',

....f)'lh,ng. So,"eone lold Ill< l!>e,e "'" loll 01 lOb'> '''''Chlng rnghsh abm>d. '" I (6) • tOOne in thaI. lhtn I <OtJld t".<h and t'..... I· Who

do"",, (.1) .fk,

,0" lot," ti ..-J. Sil .nd haw. rup of Ic.. 2 I'm lookmg for re;rcnhy's "".... '1"1'.,.. Dio1 you ,hrow i, 1 J 'I"", Ih" nl,,>icll,', nK' loud!

7 I'id

oot I'm "01 'me 1(3) .,,,,,nd A~. lor. "'hllt Altor


,n". g<~ 100 It.., "-",,Id be g'oat!'


to", wrist.

up la" ),,>t.

6 H,,'< )",,, h,,a,01! To"y', going I,.li,n g"1 eall,-J Soli,.

at mal;ing d<'<I>",n,. I ,lwaV' ""'" Ihdt I


off her horse .nd hurt

9 I u;('<t '0 "ll"kc. bill I

4 11i,'c in

"'flOW ".. II~ 10.- de<t'>IO/l~ bu, ,'", oot "",. good uOl""''''y '''''' ye

o"t' Th< gla.,-, isw,ing to f.ll' Oh' Too



in thi, f",<as<:.• nd

7 f", fo, ,ht' ,d' hys. flaw you Irtn ,he", ""y....h<re!


ma eomplet< ,h,' '''' w;,h ""Sl... nJ, w,b f'"m II>< btl'.

""h",, you


7 K.",i·$ "",rr;"<I. Her plJn< kaw. i" f'>ltl' I\\II1U'<$. ,h<\ in, j.m.

9 Trying to d('(ide

Si,,, ninc.

(",wa,d '" "'{'('ting her ,....). ",u<h.



off Ihe lighos

PM" (mgot '"

,'"rn" to II.:J.

<.,"os '""'orr,,w. ~




in l"i("l<r. ! You'll bt 1"0

with ."


n.",·, ....o,,)·.l>ou, ,h< bahy. flilook "'''ile )-ou'f< out


9 \l'hat" r,elly .I'd'! l"rn fm m ,hc' h.(k.

10 I<lhn! IV.k,· ,1",,·n,,"i..1 II

I"m going 'co uk< Ih.·.., ,hoe,

'ne h.",1 has hmkn alre,.d)·

to Ih" .hop.

Writing 11 Adl'ffbs

,.h 'M '""''"'''' ,n ,he


Camplr1c .he .mtnKn ..

I .\ ''lI!'" lUn>ptd ..... ci.



S I _ "";"1 a' borne ........ _h",,! ""Y .. r~ IuI'J'ft'<d (we Thursdq C"'nliDJ)


Wknly, • ''V' l'.,rI~I ....' ",. I ..... 2 Th.onll"'" ~ .b,.. 'm'il"...... l ..n·. "omc.



n...,.1u.... a ..... c.alkd Simon"nd _Iu...- a ..... called SO""",. (100)

J I p" "",,,(!! ......" ,,, "uk~ cupci'c•.



Tl>crc-',. p",s,-,mm< on TV 'oni~l" ,Iu, l"m i"kR<tCIl ;n. (...,y)

'. She 'h,"kJ


,,,ff,,,, I ,11<.,,,)

h.:r 1,,1;1:'1"·. ~he

W<n1 ",

h.,,,. c"p""

12 Writi", I stOfy 2 I L<>ol<" ,he- pi<'"", ...,,,,, IOU' ,he- .1\1,,,,,,", ,n ,he cor~' I'i"" in 'M ..ory. ,...... lin"n ,he- """, """ .....e '" e""h I"r4".afIh wi'h )\JUr _n ide....

, .n, S... h IIn,."m ..""" ,n h...r hcd.. ~.n, (I<I"n& ......If 'I> !" ,,, rk. wh,·" >he "'.... ,,~,'.,... i" her IundN&She ,..,,,-.1 "f ""a. ""

J She <uuIdn', find h,m ","",,,,"nokr 'M ki .no! ..n


bu. >J..-lic>un<i horn uhle. She rod<d him "p

.. In tIw bcdroonI. s",.", put T"..... <born _ d>< lIoot. She _ucd ""........ ,,'" dooc. TtF' ...... ou....J ci mo«,.10



~_hCT J""u", 1lOrY. It', , ,.... >lory' Wm. lho >lory. uoinlIlho infunnation fa< nch pocIU..,. UK .,. many ..,.,........ you cln fron, I.



On .ho ....... ,"11<>1' I Iu"",' fm><h btl..p..r brok

in'o, """.. in

P~t ...

I1.... li"ing room ,nd ....

1 ,.. ki"h.n 10 .. , . H. opcno<t ... chon«.

J ... hungry. w .... Then ... ''''' ooltl., of ch''''I'JSt1<', .... 'h'r>ey........ ~ ... "p<I~ir.. bto,


••. " ........

. ~ .... ho nat

""""''''S ...

IJM 12 . 0rearM and ~ltl)'


Prerent Perfe<t Simple and Continuous Words that wtmd the same Expressions in leiter writing a liYln





'"Wm ~

h"" to


go(dl I..",


.' f.lI



havrn'thrard ft...... Y"" for" ...Jtil<.. ~. [th4~hI '~p yo.. " 1m. """jive yo" so_ of 'ot, 'Ie"". 1M<. .....It i"'f'<'<'t..ou fl.i'!'} ,. teii yo.. it tWrt ~ {l.} " ""wl«l"".. t. h"Y' We

yo..' I (I)

Ho .. <Ire


it I.ut "'uk., ..lUi W<. tltittk it's ~""'cifI<i.. w. (~) 0.... pMu wt >ti"kI, <1M ",ilk .. bit of 1...:1<....... ""i.9kt h i" it i" .. ,.",,1, oj ""''U'Iu' ti_. W. (5) ,,'t t. 1<1/ ..., ko,,-,. y<j. b.;t I tI ·, tlti"*. it will be .(ifful<!t. r ... .1"i~ t. tk ut"t. "'JC'Ui thit '!fitn<oo ... 1k , .. re "II fi>u-. Di"f yo" """'''' t~tJ"''WI M i" t~ ~..r EIIJt- for t~ f'Ut si.; ""'ott"'? Site ""'" i" Mdb..."", fir" (3)



"'!Uk, b'<t """" sl.<:. (7) A>u!nolj., ,,"" (I) to I..............;... SkU .1"i'!j t. speyu( .. It'" wu)q tkut. .."'" '''''' sM ...",iy He_. SkU ""vi,!,!" .ullly .1~tI ti_.J"".... (1) iot "'ve wit!< .. I,my"ir/ ,..lid /WeN.! H, (rO) Itu "',, f"Irty IN! >Jtdr.• .. "'"

Ite tlti'tks sitU tit<.

(II) eVer ................i/l Urn - ...... '/1 ud

~ie /...., .~_ $~.<I 'lew.t,

"WI bU/«lifi<1.1

. I <I"'t WOOl k.>w f •• ! 5!<e

irl he

I.~ ~

fim priu ,,,-,,


'''''puitio... l...t ><t<J<.. 5t.e (l3) $~ f. f!<e ~i"'1 5"Uu 5,1.".1 i... I..4.,.(." f~- fl.e wl.,,~ <IllY, "...I fl....... ...u~ We (l'i) " Itttu- ...yi"! t....t.the k«' ""'", .. we'~ "II " ../let


TIt..l ~ ..II fi-

.......! 1 k.>pe YD" 're ..II w<1l.




Unil13' Eami"! i



.t.~ ...


J Qutstiorn and short .nswtn



./rI'Miy Angril ~nd It.n-"""',....'" ~"'" ".."on!.

I'" "'h'ng>



'ho" to do.rId """f1'I<U 'ho .... ,<no."n,. lM the- 1'Inom' Pm«, ..."h ,

IIID <\l.l qunlionl. wi'h yrr.oo.., Angob.nd Thm ~ >hoi, ...._


.--"",,= A Hdf Arr:rW ~ (Itt: fJ-'m ,.re

, ~

,'W, W 1wln',.


•, j


•, • k.n.l'it,,,,/.....-dding ringl


1"HINC,~ "TO 1>0\\ ............... _-.r'___ ANC,'EL~


-Ordvt ~


IooUl t









.. bftn Of gonl'?

Ordor t flo>ooo.N 1 ~ .. clru' ,/



r J'EAN-Pt'EItIt'E Onkr






eN . '

.. _t1 t ....


,.& ,/



l<>~mun, ....

inE.. mpc-,but


l A I, Ann'" in ...... bodroorn! B :"hSbt'<

.,r&:I'''1 r'''1' 1

,.._~ t .... ,~~,t.At,_'

thr ....,......, _h ""- <Or prot.

r.... ...-.n

ckon:~ ,/

!\ocl< t



Dc.<,d& ......... t to '!" fer


lSoJ,llout.od<uh""l' ~:

• Soorry rill 1


t ....





.. uck in. It,.lfoe

»m ('>r.n ho"r!






I13,... yo·"


hohd.y? 6 A em I 'I"'.k '0 ~I r ThQml'S''''' pl••,..!

8 t'>id",,',ju>t An~l.

m" ul,NIlly 1>ooU,' ,I>< hold fur ,he




j Ion'!'it1'" • But tor j


,he ".1;,.'

,tor .hum., ...... 'hoi"" .......,


Present Perfect Continuous 5 WNt hi~ Ann ~ doing? I>l4Ieh .1"", in A wi,h .1"... in 8.

•, .....n·.

,, ...... •,

bcm $U""',hi~ g",', bcm >boppo~ g",'. bcm worbncin ,boo g",',1roml

road,,, "" hoo.r....

SAt', bcm wal<hi"l' wd



wait... "".

g",', bcm doin& lboo


She', bftn dtcor.,illJ llw b"lhroorn.

I •, wo,.... n.. ........,.....u.'" I COl' .... , I

bcm b",hinllM dlildrcn.

; g",', .w.:boo. Eo...ythtllJ', ... ck..,.


~kin& ~tions

Complck ,.... '1"<"''''''''" Pul li... ttriK In ,boo Pn:>CftI ~ Conlin......... I SOl'ly I'm l..1~,


2 Son J'O" p!.ore j

n.. .. ,«I>

doJ'OOll! lkow""'"


~ ~ehildrm • ..,rohhr!\\"J..'

S I d..ln·1 k...... ,.... (0

(M)! (~)! (do)!

,,,,,,IJ """.... 0., .......... flow 10",&

IIi! I'm)'OO' ",,",' ~._

7 \\'hy II !'O'I< "'ir WC1'


(1M) ,,"don~


8 A I'm'pu>ln..n.

B H_ ..... ~

n Unit 11 .


(work) ... "o'lltun!



.nd p.lie..


• 51><', "

g",', bcm cookin"


j , Sbr',.busunbuml.

g",', cvrnni In - . . and

bcm • ..... ""hoou.... g",.

I •• g",'.,. , P ""in, '" "" hoi•. I , Slw', g",'Hrp.... , HnlNdhu.... I , g", ......, ... ...,.....,...,.Itft..

Tense review 7 Choosifli ttlt correct tenS!! CIIoo>lot .he <\><r«l form oithe ..m..


I'm"'" b«•...., 1'.... rom' r....... w'"ww,"t


2 r J II 1.0 ~ Sh

"""",I><. $"" "" r2)

,.... ~nll How,....1ww 1ora"'If po.1Il Simon', n:.:onl~

tl.N btau>.. >lor.. s#tDppnlI>lor.. Iww JIw,ppt'lf

S Sony. 1'... ",,*",1 r ......... ~"""ofJ'Ol"


HowIons .......


"""'ii' Loot,,"'t!'., ....." ..... II•••• /JtnoI"""1:_ ro.. my br"hd.oy! A hik!

1'.... IooI.:rJ 1 1'.... /Jtno look,''If for it


8 FQrmif18 ttlt (",rect ttns!! IIID !'ullh......."bs in brKkcts in th... ror"", t..." .., l't<s<", 0' P••l Simpk P~n, ",",f«1 Simrl< 0' ('.<>nlin,,,,u•.

...... lul.h<n. '"..... ,fi


(I<.,n)" for th... r.ul1hn...· j'O"' ... My I<.. h", i, ''''y good .• nd rr2. (Iik<) II« '''''y "'uch. I (}f (I><) ,,, 1t.>1y til....., ti........ 1 (80) ,I><..... t.>I

.Iol. bur ,,,",,


(<nl"r) i'


(bel 100 ....




Itryltolind.job,," r"'-Iuniwn.!'y;n

bul no "'" <>If...... ytI.





I"",,",, '" >J"'I'd'

ol...-y I<>

(likel pnkn"" Wry" ",uc"" bur

_ (9)

t "''' lu-TI

n_ t<> do anytbi"l! '"

,"" &,nkn ytI. And it (10)

(••,n) ""y

........ily "" "Iy.>o_lllll\, .... 11 nil , ........... t...... ~.b...u


9 A con~r~tion betWfftl old f.i~n(b lI(IJ!'ullhc ,.."t» in b......... , '" til< "'..«It"".... .'.....m or I'~Sl Simf'\<.·. Pr.·,.:n, J,<,f,... 1 So""~!,,,, or Coot;n""u,.




I (J )

l<.... )


filr "1\'''' I I"w .'" yo,,1

""to. IIi. I"....·. f", fino, th."l,. And Ion...


)'<'''~ )'<'"

(do) oi,,.;,, I Ll.1 I JI (-)

'''''~ bl."). _

""".... 11"<'11.1 (4)

"'" u>l

o"."th. J(, >lill in oJ,,,,,,,,,"&- hut "'Ilh ........ ~,..".

I"""') ....... {wort},n

• ,-aft "" t......... 1_ -..b. She (5) (w.nt) to wo<lo: in publISh,... She (6) (""I<I hundudo wlttt<n ol oprl Olion•• <><I ...... {7) (....... I.rn. in'


w... (II

ny pc'OJII<.

lu nd .. na'hmobc(j) ... t_pa"-Il_,ok.She(41


""",. ir.

t"., with my f.",ily.

(>I.yl i" J'Ior<n<c.

.<><1 "",IS.

"" """'" .nd







........ 'OS(6)

/Jtno for th_)'O"..... /Jtno room. but I h.n>m·1 fin"""-l J"'I. 9 1'... "'" " .... /Jtno ......., my -Ike. \\'htft did llal

I I ~', my ..... J1...,!

"""'" .......".. So far

(lIdp) '" prt t


t ....

""''If''"'' ""w"' If'M I",,,,

, n,.,. 6w I n,.,. , r... P.,wltrll r

2 Mydl

n ) .......ybobY.I:'''')'OfM'


"" IS}


r.......") in,


' r... Iww""wlf"'yli"8"!

all diY,


Ui,,,) in uu......... hnu,.. ror

W... ( I)

I..... lloora...,;IS) /"""') in .1

I'd.... Forli,,,


it. ""'

..... ·UnJ~

I tt..t




\\'<'11. I'm ,.il ""''''''1 boot... 1/71 (""n,,1 • """"'" '" l\IJ\'d...oJ lOr ...... pa>I '...... 1(11) t""".... hhbook_ b;-.d hl"''''.

Pet..... Th.r, ...... nd> ''''Y ,nt"",,"ns-

Un" 1] • Eo,.,..".. I........




.0 WO«!s fllill sound fl'lt WIle

11 upi"euions in letter wriling

1 So<m wonh .." pr.->U"'cJ 'M .. m<. tim ,Iwy .... >pd' diff<r<,"ly 400 Iuw d,ff..,."", ...... n'np.. "-_ Com< hn<-! .....'.1.,.41'·' M4' you. TICk IM....,...l in 1M 110> whl.:h .....chn 1M ..,.."ood of I.... woN .... ,.... 1<ft.












r"'" , of ,....


b ... hlj!:!t




-a""" -


,I' " ... ,.10




""""" ~


4 /blu:!





7 ItSckl

","" 9 ",dl 10





.. T'h.onk J""I lot ""',Ii"l_ 10 .. '

b I'k.a>c rind ..,..,.. • chcqutlot .

c Goorf<4 1.....,~4 pony_ Salunln'•.and _'.1 I ........ J""IIO'........ I d I look 1otw4n1 '" ........'" I

r...... l""'

IMJiwt-llm"" I c.... ,"I_" ! Imlli"fl



'1"'11.1 ..... 4



.f,,,,. "".,k',1d ""'ot


Iu" .. qui.:ll. " 10 ~ ,h.anl:. 1"" . f Sorry 1""."",', omtt"" for


... ~ bot r,... '-" ,etribly""'-Y. ,; RSVP 10 rd 10:"... "' ,"",..., S« Y"u




l Is"n/

,II< nr"..... ,n, In B.


Think opdhng> lot 1M>< ",.,.-,1> In phoncmioc "";pl. /bn:lkl

M4Leh I....' Iyl""> ,,( lotI,..

::....,... "'1"""""" an ll" "'1110 n>of" ,h.on 1<11"'.

Could I pi""" 10",.... /w..",j I,H.''''

5, ."d ..-q""", ~ lI",i' in S

7 P"jing"i>,11


t;;,·,· '"!, tog...!> 10 .,.


k l"I",knn",if)",u""n

I '''''''', It " ••, Jno,..,ly, 1"

In"" It


l".... .fI", ... Iong . ''''etn.I'''''''1 Shipp..... 'tqu<'>l11I< pic",..", of 1""" ."OntJ'l"Y ., .. bolk< "'ppcr ,"""

h<Id ult



''t"fY Iundtr ..,."


bnxbu,,, "I h<>loday '01""'" Unr...... unat<ty l"'" I

fo<p>t .0 ,n<lud< 4 1"" Ii<l..I I _lol "" W'rY v.l<ful if l"'" "ou/od """" ...........


Unit I) . h,""'" Ii>int

12 Form~l and infOfmilII"tt~$ 2 I Hn't I_'n~ilatioftl..O"".. foolNl. tt.. od · .. inl7onnal. Cocnpltl~ tM irwilatioM with tM .......J< ~nd pile...... ,n IMboL

<hlm~ rt'Cq>I"'"



s..urdoy ,lor drwnth <JI Sowmbn

""~, I"'" an oonx

Sally and Tim bmhdor pany

,.,.., """'I'"""

M. and Mn Canwdli



y, •

Worldwide Publishings Inc. 11K plcasuu of

". "


. •• •




We're A~Wiif9 A

"KiT nrw '",ngUlly $Oics




nl(lI .'Ql.>'lIn .u.


("."'Jl"o/¥ Il '/l/¥4ris, if



i'Yl (r'lff .ki!fllt /iflld 111"4"

2 O><-.ont<JIlhoc!nun and wr"" it .... in full UK lOmtoftt..~in I. • SfO ..... l UTTERS

FO ..... ll£TT£.S

en-,"! ""'"

Thanlu.nd R'q""SU \'.... rumtly"aynI in ~ hold. Y"" Iofi a roo, ,n It..

En"'' '

Wnk'" an (ntnd. Gtw rI<'Wi <JI • ""....1 hoIicUy l"'" ~. s..,.. ",h<tt l"'" "'C1I1, ,,'100 ",ith. an.! ",h.t you did. Giw OOmt o ...... about ,,'hI! you .... doing at Ih~ 1001'" you. f.mily i•.


In¥itinl I""it~ a (,otnd to COmt 1<l .. ay at fO'l' """.. for a .......und. ~ IOmt data Sa.- "'hltl"""d Ilk<- '" do dun,,! tt.. W<ri.n>d. ~ how tt.. (rin>d coWd ul"d, and oflft IIlftI hunI1'>n.


A<apl:iDJ- irwila.ion Rq>Iy 10 tM ,,,,itat"'" ....... ,"our (...",d h.o5 im"JItd J'O" 10 <'tlmC' lO >I~y l'o< a .......und. NcC'J'tIM ,,,,·illl;"n. and ...y think fo". en.. "",.. infOnn.ahon '!>oUl no.,. l'"u1In.,"tI, .nd "'M" you<110 .ttiw. Thank-you Iclt~. Th. paTont. of • f,i~nd of YOUl> Ionl )'I>\llhfi. hou", in th< «>unlrr (0. ~ " ....k. W,it. 10 111<", '0 t""nk tMm. how kind thoy _ .....nd dno,iM ..."". fo" did ""''''I\Ih< holiday.



",..druM in you. mom. You ,,·rol~ to Ih~ ho1~I,.>kinl\ th~m 10 ",nd Ih~ real 10 you •• "d .1>", ",king (Of • bmehu .. for tho hot~l. Th~ h01<I ..."t tho mot bUI IlOt tho bro<hu ... Writ~ t" til< hot.1 agai".lh.nlJng th.m for .. ndinltM .n.! a.... ing f.". a bmeh..... Pa,-i.... bin llnd R'qUf$linl A boubhop Iw. boots by I""l, and m. bilL Wnte' lO tM booIuJ'Iop """"';"ll a oIwqut, and IlLnc l'o< ~ rteripl:. Abo, a frimd has rtCOm.........JN ~ cook<Ty boot aIItd .,. IlMi4n Kildwn but coWd no! ...........,bn tM ."thor. if.M boobl>op h.a> 110.. boot ~nd can ""'" it lO you.

1m, ,.,.. .......... ..w.

Past PerfKt· Reported statements WOlds that are often confused Writing a story 1

Love you &nd lun you

Past Perfect 1 Matehina;

IIIII .\I.1;c .....,""""" rrom


I 1couldn', ....""'. ,Il<- qut>lion> I ....... hung.y j My "",tlMo. w•• woo,it'Ii ~ J wJi L"t ~ I ..... pk-•..-d f> I w•• '"",,'u. ,Juring ,h. Aigln 7 My ("ho. wo> fu,iou. S I w.. " ....'"<1



"""._1 h>J b<o.~


c..-.>hcd hi> c••• p.aswd my dnv,ns ,<>,_ SOl ~1>Ck In • '.-aim ;;om. fk>wn in. plonc b<fo,.,. lIq>, b.,J1y. ,eviled fo, ,he .lam. 11«" in ,ouch fo, • long lim•. ..t.n.1I JJy.


, ,

,• •

• 2

~t~firstl lttoJ ,b< ....,..".,...... I'ul numbtn In ,he """"" JItr ..

am..:,,,,,, ..,......... ,Il<- ordtr ,n ..-hdl,h<y happtntd.


1......' 10 lw:d J .11.... I'd Iud • ~ T .n<! I>ru<ht<l my '..... h 1. \\'htn I ..-,,,'OJ ., IoI>n·. hou<t • Il<- hJd madt. cat.t .nd done- ,he ","",,,,oup

J Wh.... l.rrl"tdJllol>n·.hou<t ~

.\Iy _

J \\,."."

.IMo....o.uucupoflt. II.- J;""ppnml 0/1:.... I'd ..u.. ..".... mtdonnt P'" ,,, d.. W.,,., • ,Il<- pby hod ~ .ond .0 ,Il<- ...... hod bun 10",""

f> """" hJd ""f'I'<T

1 Iomn ..' on h,,,,mc"",, ud h,m


room .bout ,he dJy

"hnl_ "' .., .... h.. Ii Jnd

• lit .... ido...t " ..-..

Unit 14 ' lcm! you .M Ie.... you


t,.... lOr bod

. lit ldl m........ lit hod 8'ot up 10..

. Jt hJd bun.n _rill d.ry ..nd h", hMi h..J ,<;ntd 10



Reported statements

Simple or Past Perfect?

Compl<u 'h..... n'cn<a. Pul.,... ......b in 1M 1'"" Sirnpk .nd .,... In ,I>< I'Ul Pn!«t, '


($'....) ..... Iift


lED S.Uyw",,, 1<>

LondL.dyc.JW M .. ~I.owby

iIbouI. 0.... ~ iN it

~ns hn

Rtpott tht ..... ,om<n.

""" ",Wtd (mios) tht buf. Z ,

S Whiot did she uy~ fticnd. r.ul• .about II.

(,h>nk)hnfor..-ythi"liN (do).

(ral....) ''''1 I

1 WhmltpflO,l><o8i«.J (forsd) ~

'0 Ioclt ,ht front doDo. (finoah)lhnr wo,l<. ,hoy

.......... lhoy

(8") homo. ~

(calll)'DU" 8.00, bul you

I jU>l

(go) oul,

6 I,ook my f,mily 10 r..i, 1.>" ,...." I ,h",,, .,. "ud,>n"oo I

, •

(N) (know) my w;oy


Whm I

(luI.") '0 1M I>O'WJ,' (8").0 htd.

.Ioinin& setlttne:eli &:II loin lhow pU> of _onrA I>/.ll>S ,ht

...... ,

O>OI.I""'"hono on brxkdf.. 0... . .,... onb II>to ,ht Pal

, dfrn ,

I'd """ • br>.1r, I ......., '" W I ",ad ,ht In,.... , ,h...... II """aY. (wbm)

oo<>n ••\

I u:><,k ,he book l>.>e~ 10 Ih. lib.. ,y. I tini.~ .~.Jin~ il. (wh<n) I didn', go 10 bN. I did my bon""""\:. (un,i')

I 'P"'" all ony monoy. I ....... , homo. (whm)

, I road

TIw "",,/lady ... ,,1 ,1", mil ""I iJO d "'""*'1t'.;1 quirt

nil, and,,,," ""'~""""." n...._·

"I., ~Lnoby wid

..",....." mdl-Jnp.and ",""IIimy:

• ',non!


, , '01"'" f'OOI"k "",,... """" n.miN .....

" do«w-.tnJ 'M li",nS ......... t«...,Iy: SIlo told ..... , ...,

Ii. p.I-.l h.. dffi'in8 ..... Ii< boughl • ca,. (ao

, •

, ,

£SO ........:


SIlo I<JId ..... Ih...

I Iud • N,h.. I ........ to hod. (JIof)

'TI\< ",n'

.ho book. J ..... ,ht film. ("""""'I

llrt childrno IofI ......... SIw ... ,,0<1 WJltIn&. laftn)


• ,

• l<> Ion"

.ho fb,:

S........d 'You'lI h.", '0 ",.ko ul' """ mind .. ~>n: Sh~



'"rt>< 1"",,'1~

brl<,,~ lool,~1

,ft", il ""y ""'11.'

SI\< .... id ,h.,


..,...,,'<1.11 ,lit c.,I"<1'.'


" 'You can """... ;., inllnod..' ....• """" ~ ', .. P'''' "'" a <ins _ . , .... oJ. " II<JId "I.. ,lui ;\Lnotw

6 Rtporttd to direct ~h

11m Ikod ,tK KJ>O" ofan ,n,t1Yicw Will> I.. u","'. WilnlOl, Thon w,il~ ,~ ...,...I ....nls of d'" ,n'<"/IOW.

actor and musician

, ~ ~. how ... I<lt abauI wio ••"9 the _ T<l<'oOlion Ac!Of _d_ H< told me lmt no had b«n v«y pltitied and ~. Ii< "'id tN, ... had not "pKted \0 win, and he aloo •• ntfll '0 thanI< a~ the 011>« felOn in the prog,amm<. I alke<l h"" whal ~ h<>d b«n Iik< to play ,he pan DI Sh<tIock Holmes, and ... wid ,....., it had b«n 9.....'."". I asked him ~ ... ~ ~ ~ • sn.... <.p<.... ian role, and he told m< \ .....1 h< had. He'd played 0Ih<II0 oft aro.o:tway 10.. '1"'. and ...·d....,ay<d it very """'hI asked Uour<n« wNI "'" 01 _ he Iibd. and he told m< INt h< had _qo lib<! j&u. In !act. h< wid he played in a iau band t*d ~ . Wh<n I asked hom ~ the band played. he lold .... th<J ~ ... unall dub>. ~. I asked hom if he ...e" ..... flIlO dirK! a play. and he told m< tNt h< hoped to _ day. buI h< didn' u- - . it alUkt ~ bK....e .... _ 10 buoy attong and playing IaU-

Inl<rVi<w<r H"", do}'OU



fm ~I "',,,nln8 'hoc no.,d. L:o.. rmc~

IA.. r<n« ["m(l)



.11 'hoc ,~h<,

IA..r<n« h(~1


g'•• ' [.. tI.

•Sl""".'1"'.'"'' ..M~

Inl.n'~w.r (~)

OIh<:llo off II""'''''-.r Lb' }".'.

uUr<"" Yn. (7) (8)



Inl.nd..... ' Wh., (4)



....., ml><h.

\\'!<at..,.-I {91 I ha\... ..,...~ lit:cd (10)




In.."k.... 1I21 Lo.. fftK<



Vocabulary 7

8 Words tNt ilt ofttn confused Tl>c ... i~ ",fwo.ds til thi. tur<is<; "~~"'f 10ronf....,.C!Ioo>< tht

ee,,,,,,, .......



fl>Id 'htl<aChtrl'ho')htwu " ochooll""l<1'd.oY. J Wh" dod Ann.> ~

My rooth<"r'$ a p>d ....•cbou 5h l • _

S SlM" , 1i<!Iooon)

1 Did ho ...mbn!

• ,..,

, .....

Pd<r. " __ cold in tht puk",Iw..oddrno.. J'OU 10.. tdtphont



I ....., 10 bnl b«• ...., ,

J Inod/botlo,"


"""" ,... """" ,

;0..•...,./,....... (I000o....,. .. w.u.aUr' noun. T....oIiouowlJy. onb.) How Ion& IS J'OU<

,.... Birwitu Itft ia<l.



\I'hal did ""'..... abou'tllt din.... I'>")'! Ali« ,10.. il "-as an ....ful I'>"y. yo" Ia<k ,h~ film! Why did you that! Sondr. th., .h~ ""nt to Indi. (or a holid.y. So..,J,. Ilob 110., ..... didn'l So:< th~ l:'j M.hal.

" " H.,,,, " " "


1 rd./fdl

l lit

.....'IIM dod An...



Co<npk1~ tilt .Inlt"""'''' wi,h ,ht corm:1 fonn of "'1 (It ItIl I Ii< wul l,ho')htwua'ochool

'0 ..... k!

nm;l. pal4p>ff 10

S buY/POl' WhO! did you

al 'M lohopst ,he bill and Ira>'<'.




! Wh.,'. tha, noiK'



1 I.., /Ia'~ ..




pl.yin 161J.

Modd. Ir•• I Y" d,<>o<d in 'M 8



London if HoIm·.avny 9 ...!>o'./",hoM

io th. <WI! h ""'I "".... roming ou' fOe a drink! 10 furriptr/$ln....

I'm Enpi>h. I com< from BriF>1On.ln hn> ,'", a


I'm &ocIn<>n. on 1M -..h of Engl.ond. In ~"ncho&n. on Iht non" of I:naJmd. I'm • II p ..... /pby FoDlNII ... IId",ln. ,

IIIJ'C>'. lho :"a'ional s""k f"Oltrdoy,


Writing 9 Writin!;) 1tOfy 3 I.ook " 1M "'"sinninp ,no.t ~ndings.,.r SM'i. """'Y'OO Ilndk-y' ""'Y- Ow:><>or ont ni IMm .nd wri,~ 1M rnI af,'''' ""'Y. u... ....... of 1M Ilk.. lO hrip if I"'" w;ont.


SA.rlW!s 5tllry

6r..Jleys 5tory

TM n1&hl ~M found 0<.1, thai B",d~y Nd ldt her. 5.l1kla pul on Iwf COlli ilnd _0, for I lona ..... Ik.. SM ;) 101 of thinklnl to do. and she

lradky Iefl5.lskla bKauw he ILa.d met another women. He had wante<! to ...... ke 5.lsltia happy, but IRdky"'U the son of INIn who is ~~r ILa.ppy with whoot he hoos &01. Bradley hood mel Alessoondra as he WllS 1e"'lng a London tntn sution. Sloe had Just arrh'ed from Ilaly, and was losl. Bndley asked her ..

didn', w;lnl 10 be disturbed. Afl~r an

hour.•"" sudd~nlr found herself In "

of lown tho. Iook~ familiar. SlM: twin'! lIftn the... for • Ionl I'IM. bt" lhe" she •ullzm h_ she knt... ,,", n ..... She ..


IIlod llved the,e IS. slUden, knew .10, of people ... no rul boyfriends, bu, had lihd • boy ulled Pi,,1 becau~ ,.. Slit wondered whl' had happened to hIm ,.. Suddenly a door opened. saskl. wun', looking for another Intense relaUonslllp ... Sht decided 10 .. , Sb mOnllls laltr. OM S<ltu,day night, she wI. It;) !»on)' glvcn by some old friends. Suddenly, .cron tht room. sht uught sight of_ lit ilsked her . She told him .. They met a few days later In a ... 5.lskla was a stronger person now llLa.n she ILa.d ~n JUSt si. months ago ... Independent . etljoyul bel", able 10 do wlLa.t she wante<! 1lI1 she found herself bKomilll mo~ and more aUtaned 10

bepn to ~ more of eiCh other. had a lot in COmmOn .. both liked ... After Bradley had got his divorce from $askla Alessandro wanted 10 go back 10 lIaly because ... At nrst, Bradley wa. happy. He was a wnler. and could wrllejust as well In Italy as ". Somellmes, he had 10 fly back lO London 10 meet Alessandn .tayed in Italy bKause ... His vlsllSSlarted to last longer and longer One $aturday night, he was al a pany given by 50me old frierwl. Suddenly, across the room. he caughl sight or . She asked him . lie lold Mr ... They meta few days laler In a .rMl1ey .....s bqinnin.c to realize lhatlle hood al....ys loved ... But it was d,rrlCUlI 10 persuade X lhaille was sinc~ ..

ENDINGS Sol.kilI was "ery lntdul to Bndlq', in fact. She had learned that .he dldn't I1C'C1I 10 ~ly lotally On other people to be ILa.ppy. She had realiZed t....t she shouldn't let a relalionship domll\llle her life. She looked inlO X's eyes, and Ihls ume saw lruS!, love. and sincerity. Her happiness would lasl fo~ver.

Iradley thought thaI he ..... a very lU(ky man. He had nearly lost the person who meant ..-e to him lhaon an}'body and anything elM: In the


He looked down InlO X'. eyes, ki.sed her lently, and promised tlLa.llhis Ii...... il ...... fore'·er.

Revision Ttll\fS ,nd nrb forml

Question forms



III ~a(h oi Il>t foBoo<,,,, quol ...... lbrK .. ont ~ . tlnd it and _«<I II.

1 Word ore!« Pu. 'M word. in Il>t rishl or<kr 10 atoI: a q.....ion, and


w.........." ...........



2 l:loft "" B'" a ukul.o,orl

from J'O'l ",t.ttt'f<

"",..urt ",U frt>!!!


/,,,, fivm /ililioll.


1 itmomtntr.ininga'i"ht

• J Chin",,,,,,, yuu food ••

't" Iu""




\'1,., you • ..., doing tonigll1!

• , • •, • •

5 ,,,"" up . . ....wty do ......' ,....

rou .''''' rid•• mo,o,hikt!


WI",.. you wml 1m lIish'? v..... fritnds Ih<y Ii"" lr"","j~

1:10 JO'I gn 'f'"".ok EnP>h!

....'tw aK you '" '" do _ ~

• Present Simple •

1 Mikin& questions W,;,. q......,'o....nd o"I"'tIl. helgt' up - 6.00 Wh~,

2 Short inSWfrs Compl.t.'hr qun.;"n. ill A. Tho" m.l<h. qUe>lion in A and on llUWff in B.


he' conK from Spoin~ lit comiDfl thoo <'Ym,~ Itoit'! ........ arl _ p>ins by cor!

........... kin.lMnk~ J.-d.~! _iNhimynt~

IImrdO«.hr gn up


• ,.,...r•.

2 lh.ldo_ar<hit«t


So, .... hun·'.

up ~1..6.00_




So._ar...... ' ..... _did.. No, J'OU don't. No, W .toe.n"1. V....... doeo.

• IlfooilicIll



Past Simple 1 Desc,ibing a holiday Put rh. ""h in brack." in 'he I'. ., Simpl•.

6 her puent,leom. from - I,dand

D.vid Wh.... did YO" $0

(go) f", Y"\I' I.;, holid.y,


2 Making negative~ Make rh. following ..nrence, n.gari'.,. Th.n give rhe ,ighr info,mation. lion, Ii", in Eu'up<. Lie", ,I",,', Ii,,' i" fur""... They Ii.. i" IIf'm.. ! Concwd. niC$ ,lowly.

3 Birth build nesl' undr'ground. 4

Palla comes from Franc•.

5 Thel<n'I"'.. lu ... 'i....t nigh',

6 Ornilhologi't' ", in",!>,



Saral(!) (go) eyding in Franc. with two fri.nd,. David Oh ;....! How (2) (gel) to F.. n... ~ Sa.. W. (3) (c.tch) lh. ferry to ehc,bourg. David (41 ('13y) in hotel,1 Sa", Only lwice.....·henlh....,.,h.. 15) (1)0' be) '""'y good, Th" re;t of the time ..... , (6) (• .>o w. (7) (not ;I'tnd) much money. D.vid (8) ( .. in)mu,h' !;ara ~o.lhc .un (9) (;hin<l1l1011 d.ys. Dayid (10) (have).nyprobkm.~ Sar. Woll,I(II) (f.ll)offll1ybikeonc<\and "'C ( 12) (forget) '0 .. ke .ny t•• bag.\> but .... (13) (n<>1 ha",,) .ny mechanical p">I:>le,,,.' D.vid Whot (It) (dol in 'hc .,.ening>~ Sar. 11'< (15) (find). c'"'l'>it<. and Ih.n .... (16) (s") .hnpping in til< n<a"'l .iII.S" (17) (rook) • big dinner. (18) (.ar) 1010 offood, and (19) (drink) winc. It (10) (1)<) g'<JI! D.vid Whtn (21 ) (g" back)! Sa.. I (22) (fly) h"mt1;", Sunday. but my fri.nd; (23) (,nmc) h..k th,,,,, d'I'SI..... Th.y (24) (I>Ot ..·.nt) ro I<.ve Fran..!

Simple 0' Continuous!

Underljne Ihe correcr ""b fo,m in lhe following ""ntenca. I Hr iJ!£J/JJ1', ,pe"kinG Frc,,,,h and German. 2 I don', ",,,i"'to,,,/I 'm "or ",,,I"'IO,,di"83 Hurry "p! I w"il/'", _i,inS, 4 What 'pom do rv" liul,," rv" lik;ns~ 5 W. comd·.... comi"s to..,.. Y'Jn thi, wwkend. 6 "What do Y'J" ,iel"" rv" doing>' "I wr;tel ',,, ~·r;ti"g. po,I<:....d: 7 /)() dri"d A",,,;'-,,,,, driving on ,h. l.h1 8 'Do rv" r"joyill" Y'J" ,,,jo}'i,,S Ih. film!' 'y." I 9 'I>ors shr ""dll, ,hr nw/i"s any hdl'~' "No, ;h. Ii,n''''





2 Sho,t an~wers At"w"r the following qU.llion; abour Sa,•• oolid.y. U", .hon 's. 1 "I)id sh. gn '0 h.n..!" 'l"«.-lbrJli'/ 2 "llid th,'y camp ,-",wy nighl!"

.n'.. . .

J "I)id Sa.. h• ..,.n a«id.nt!" 4 'DiJ they.lI cOmC h"",... the "",,\< lim.!" 5 '\1'.. it

"'1'<"""'" 10 camp!'

6 ·I,'a. the w.ath.. good ,n",t "f Ih" tin\<!"

Past Continuous

} Put Simple or Continuous! l'u'.t.. ''ftb in huck.<ts in ,t.. 1'. ., Simple or ,be

1 Forming the PUt Continuous

"." Con'in"""" Lo" wtri: I <kritltJ (drnltl 10 ,,,,·n~ frirn<k O"t'l lOt d,n...... 1 m (buyllotsoi dotl...-indud",! _ ham. 6.00 I W (<<lOI<1 ion ,be t.lchnL Th< <un (J) (iIunt):and" (4) (be, .b<-.... 'INI (...... )1Iw bo<:~ door. Then ,be kkplloor.. (6) (tinsl.lm (pl) 10 .......... " .• ndwhnl III) (COItW') '-k ,be lum (9) loor: btl "" 'M .. w.. 1 (10) (lookl 00' of ,"" windo..-. A (II) (>i.) "" Illy prdcn ..·.i1•• nd i' (I!) (""",yh,rn.Wh" (lj) ("nllJu11(141 (fill)

wlu.-.~ 'hco< ~ doInB II 6.00 ~trd..y ....... ~ MUtkn''''''es in 'M " ....",.,.

Im/nol I,"m 10 .ht ~M:>/"'.l<h

In _',!imtv"t '" rIw. .... Hr ...



l<'Io, L


....... ""IN AI .......,


• 4

~1M .. lnol...,dldri¥r"""'"


•p." ",i,h

,n<! (IS) ""I~idc. The ~,I (If» Jil'C'<.i<l". and i' (171


A....- 'M ""1owinB quot>tiom .t>ouo: J'OU! \1'1\.0' ....... you doi", a, ...

6.00 ynI<'nl.oy morni~

(_ k>ol<) i" my (....;O'-l,hc ham 10

ml>Ch ,...., " ( IB) (noc hculltW'. I (19) (...,.JklWowly"plO~_1 (20) (...."').o p'yllw ....'.......... il$ ""..I. A hoi ~nocll tux-. bu' II m (21) (btl......,ftrcn«''t'! _ .. ,M momtn,lhcal 12JI (he"lltW'. (nl (joamp) ....... lhc and (24) (na;"<'). happiesl in lhc ftCI&hbourhood ...

6 I,,"'nlnol ....... /rooIo:. dm.....


(go) q"i<-tly





Verb patterns 1 1 Would you lib or do roo /ikt?


B.OO '.m. yn'cnl.>y?

I Co",pk'~ 'M (01""-'i"g q...... Of 'N 1"" I,k~.


,, ,

l 10.00 1'.",.1." S"nd,y?

,Ion, II\,ng


'" 1l<J lu Ih. ,inc",,? ll"ing ,,, Ihe cinC"',1 '''d,ink! ,,, I" for. ".. lk!

4 Wh.,


" II....' dnnk>



• 4 b

_~I 1"" Ijk~


Mincr.J ....,...... pIot_. UouoIly. but I ha,~ ""'- iii.....


~ '" ,he bco,,"ful _"'''"




II drprnds


Rod ""n..nd ........


who•• on.

Present Perfect

2 Infinitive or -in,? Pullk .....b in brKkl> in lhe ,i&hl r.... m.. In/inil.M ....

""," Sorn<lj...... boIh ... poo.&ibk. l 1w-,n,,,,>tfI lodllmyca,.

11_ l"'" rver dont ,hos<- ,hutp! Pul • ,ick (,I) Of • e..... (.-jlW1' to .... h """. Thm wrile inlteneeo.


2 l'mlh,nltinsof

wnu , Itlter 10 • >ki in .hor Alps


1 SNhopn ~

1 Mlkin! positive ind nq~tive sentences


Rlftt •


S rd lou


""" in ruhIX l),omc'.'n!n-

(p."nll II", hoosc l.t>t


(w<>,klln. hospital!

7 \\ookl)'OOJ lik


8 He .. on«l

~ ...

(",in) 10 W.

9 r,.."kddcd ph)'$H.olh<r<pi<l.

will and going to ~n& the correa form

Uodql'DC 'M <QfTCC:l inllrnc....

...m loom in II", followins


, , ,• ,•

.,.. ¥or"',,,


'H.. H'4h "'" .ny pia... b.he....nmd!' T .... Iot·U vtUt/loc',I"'''I" '" ....., hi> lI",ndl"'"""': S 'Colh', on 11K ph.o~ fOo- fO".' 'Con .... ull bKk! 111 "",... fI·~, JO'~' 10 /w,.... ha,h.' 6 '1"/1 ~'I'", 1/";":': '0 go '0 ,he JUP<'"'''~.'

'Oh, will

Y""'"'' you! 1Ihink 1"1/ (omd I"m goi"8 to

(o",(wilh )'1lu.'

1"...............i".... " ....,.... ", '1O(W<fH'p"'.

2 MIld"! questions Pul IM...,.d; in ,he nKhl <MOO 10 o>k • qlloC$tion. and ....ilcl""' ....wn1-

'Q.aV' '", """1" ", 1"" .he """""I OfL' 1 "Can I ........ 10 Mara>!" 'HoId on. 1'1 ,.11'", l"""1""''' him..' J 'Coofr."C Of Ia!' I"""! ... 1Itn... ..,a. pic....:

r."""" .,.,.-

viwllhc\'. . iatt w,n. priU'

(01""rI, bu, [ ha>nl'1 "'" cnougb money,

(, We /ini>hcd



"' f l

l"'" 10 Amtria bcm ....... _t>"trM!P~

"'.. '}'OIl Moe. Iud lCCCIItIr




, ,

7 '1);(I)'1lu S" m~ f.. ~·

'No., I did,,',.' 'OK. I'll ...,JII'''' going If> ...nd il apin.' 8 'Sop!Ir.


\\~/1 ft'u


......'1' _IArt ,.,.. ,...", If> ....,,'1'

'Oh. J;unn! \..... of COlI"" f will/I'... 1"'''1" "':


J Pl'tseOl f\orfect


Pa$t Simple?


Put l!'lf in brackn< in t!'lf Ymrnt YoU< Simplt.

Pr,f"", or tM

have to and should 1 hUkinl positi'it ~nd ntl~ti'it $tflttn<:ts Compln< tho foll<>wm81on1'('fI(os ...."8 """" "" """ '0,

Inl.,....;.,....... Too.y I'm .. lkinlllo Tony Cruob. tho Ilrilisll film .Ii"",IOr. TdI nv."Tony, how Ionc ~,.... /Jmr (hoi. film diM:1Or? T.,. "'til,l (I) (.. udy) Iilm-makinc

....., ' -.. '0, ~', ,...,.... "" ~ « tNhJJn't

'fm "",1.' .,""

.1..........,;ryin lho 19701.."" I III


2 '1 "'......, done my "".... uod.: 'Don', """"y. lOu


J '\\'lw. I ..... do_

bot ... tb<.oirpor1r"


(....n..l ... diuaof forO"n :!O,..... _ .

,.. III W'

..... IUi ......:


lJOUn"o.-.- "'hat (l) r~m I"" (~l

(ho) tb< fi... (.....krj! Tony "p,.~'. tifrin 1978. bull (~l I......) ,MOnlyropy.,..,., !o,er 00 nobody (6l I_I IMn! My finl wc~f"lfilm(7) (bflAl""y1. which (Ill OUt) in 1982. Inl."'i"..·.' And how n,~ny cotn'trios (9l (vi,ill1(I(l)

.....t on So,urcbys..·

"l1I.a1'. lorribI<. SIw

Fl' _job:

....., • ochooI unif<>nn.' 'l.u<ky him! All hi. brolh"" .nd ....

J 'Lul«




xu on .. dict!'

(, 'o.xs ht

. bull,hink h,



(m.krl fdrru ..... B,i,,;n! Tony 1(11) ("",work)inlTLlny CClOInnics- <>nIy Briuin, Gn"many, and Lut """"lh I (l2l (lly/l" Ilnlin.nd (IJl (!IpCtOd1 t ..... wen. fdmin$



wnm (14) N.>n~

W"", ptobkn .. do,ho

, ,


'You ohouId . . an :&>pinn:

MIll Sooo,.. abouI

A11"'" Sicdy. In,,....,ic'wer Wha'.n-,M b<St 'hi"gub""t 1"'" job! Tony 'J'hr , ..."",.nd thoc propk.1 ( 17) (".,"",l ~I\ (Wr' tl\(, wo,ld. going to film f... iv.l ••nd '" On. And r (18) (mcc'l "'tnC x,cot I'C"plc. In',... """c, (r 9) (.'OIIlany n..... pnlj«u ' ...,ntly? Tony Yos.losl wed. I (:!Ol (oipJ • rnnlrxt for. _film KI in Olirw. l.,,....,w-r WcII. thont you. Tony _ il

,.... ...


I . ,..... #f ./ltd :/10 :

...pon..d d~osin EuI'Ofl<'.ond I l\61 (d...... )all Ihc-rfromtb<


Whltt'~ IhI!

........... tb< ~

(ID) \Q Iu¥(... nI) ",maR


In 1995.I(I~) • TV docum........, aItd


(hol wry .,"""",i~toItin« 10


·Y"" .......ld phon< the polic:~.'

will and First Conditional 1


the correct form

In ,ht Following l"'irs of ""......os. or>< ..nt('fl(c i. wrt)n" Put • tick ("f) Of • Cr<lM (,or} r><xI to c..h 01><. If iI', sunny I... ~..,... _'11 pIoY"Mil. If it will b< ",,"ny torno, ploy lnon;" 2 l ....nltoOft h<l1ocfort I wonl to Oft Ion Iocfort

J A How ....


1I ... p>a.


a No, 1huy_. a No, 1'1 buy_.





Do J'<Ml- Robn1 \01..... ,....,

used to

5 11I"""i' ~ un,a youll phono. n """it ~ un.d J'OU phont.






J<l'Ulpw "'" OOmt IDOf><Y wl$ludy mo•• 'he..lbe.n <!«lion i,I""p rainins 'Iv p/>on<l 'ing

""'l/I."-'_ ,bu' I uotd IOIiwr in. ftoL


• II. usN '" Ii,., ;n F..<linburgh, bUl


, , •,


6 ,but _ """on. dirt. 7 Wc lllotd 10 rP to mIlO' on 1IoI;cby. buI

~ '!'My didn't u~ 10 likt W;l'<hing lV. bu,


The passive I

Verb patterns 2

I 200 hnu«s/buiId/18lf rar 100 ""-' _ htih "'" ,I'nIl.-

"", • 'id: (.... ) """, 10 "'" ro.-rdl form of ,"" >Trl>.

".' I

51>< ..fusN '0 I~l'

2 • .oooboob/...U/in,h<lol.lWttk

f()1" ,h. mc.l. } ,h. pu>1/ d<li,..,../8.00 eV<ry ",o,ning


2 My bo$$ kT "'"

fofriJna: tht ~ Comr'<t<' "'" roIJowin« .....\<'nC<S.

ChoosirlIi tht correct form

... "'~~_

.....- -"'-_.......~,-.;:

] Sh< ,Jidn', usc '0 like Indi.n food, bu'


II do "'.shing up _I SO f"r. '11< "mmll..;n ....1 f.a "'" <:n.... " _ - . iI

."" _.,horl"", WOIW

.. _

2 I """', pUr mIlCh """'" now, blll

'M ........ 1no< flood II do 'he 'hov\>ing


} '·ClUJ ...


Thincs ~ dwnged

I ;~


home •• liy.

ntinJ .. imposWok


.10 nod.

,- I 11l......,..~ '0""" h,mlOo,lI<fin:<"m<.

5 four pcoploJ.."",ldu""'yatcrdor'. foolW


I> Sudllng!lom Palacc/Of'<"

l<> "'"


"""'''1\ 5 11••lw.y> 111'kc:, m<

6 I monogcd



'" I.ugh. t,ui>J'ling.

,iv< up '''Ii''"'up I"',n, up



7 ,Iv""", bridgel nQl buildl ncx,l"''' 8 .<u,*, for m.I.,~ljull bo findl,denli... in P.ris


I """"""I-

used to

5 l'U wli. ht,e umij you'lI rhoM. 111 wlit h<rc un,ij you phone.

ThilltS ~ chingt'd C:wnplct.lhe foDowi"l .....,....... in ....,ub!< Yay.

2 WhIt ",ill hippen? M.ldt • 6... ,n A with. line in B. Thm ..............1CnCC> .......he r;", Condi'ional.

•.,.,.1...........-..., l..•,he n-/noc flood lido dw ......... u" lido II.. WWl,"! up wclnoc .. "" • the JO"ftnmcntlw,n $hel no! f.ilher exam. II.n.....' i'

d>c1M\.ldymorc ~fbc III dtction i'l""" "in,nl II.. p/loncl ,inc )'OUlcooI< 1I......."he"FI wunc



I'm noc......,. fll ......,bul loudl9"". k,,,,-mx. 1Ji>'t..lll.~ _ ,bu' I u-s to li"Cin. fbi. 2 I <kia', pbym..... 'f'O'" _ , bu, J 5h<didd) LtlClOlik IndiIIl food. bu'

, 6

, •, , ,

"'" _.

,bu. now he', on. di...

'] We uocd '0 go 10 Fro,,« on h"lid.y. bu. 8 They didn', uSC '0 like ....tchin. TV, bul

The passive 1 Fornqtfw~

Verb patterns 2

C:wnplcoc the followins

Chooslnc tfw corrm form

I lOO"""""'lbuildl

I""P:"'" '0




J l'O\l' w, i, imposoiblc

.". I


"'. . I

him forlhe

10 "ugh,


up IOrUfl

"""" up

S four l>coplel or....,1 during yfllcrdl~" foo.boll m"ch

'0 'ud, ,..ding.

I::':~'I I

5 Ik :oho-"l" rruko me

6 I ..........

..... wnt

""me ••dr·


• l'U ........ forvt

~,OOOboob/ ... finthe

for .he


2 Mrlkmlnme


lfJO~~ yrJIt.

PItt • lick C.... j ..."., h) dw Comc' form of the >ftb.

Slw ~


omok. IOtonolot.

I ~...

r,,,,•• inw.

6 BlICkinghlm"'l"'" 10 the public/l995

'] ,he_bridF/nocbuild/nn:I""••

1 Active or pa»ive? Put 'h<-wrbs in br.cker; in ,h.

, , ,• •,

I If)VOl "QI'POiI !m!>ki"8 r<''' ""'JId,,'u6I,s:1t 10 "'''rb,


p"" Sin'pk. Prn<:", !'<'rr«l. or P~nt Simpl•• ",livo or p... h". Moun' Ewrnl "nd 1'1 ~ ... booJl<'""d (bol",,,) to bo 11>0 two higho.! rooun!>in. in 1110 ""'\d. bul


th<y (bolvorydiff... nl.Evornl


(<I'mb) .... 1M flrll ,n (9SJ, .00 r,i"", lh... l00u"'rnls of pooplo (J) (...noI) on lho Jummtl. You (4) (nol nttd) It> bo. profmi<>n>l (1)

2 COr/ecting mi$ukes In OiKh of tho following ..nlMrn Ibno ;, ..... miJuk, F..... it.nd Wl'roct il.

<timbn - n'nJ' Y""r ""ny po<>plr (S) (.ue,) 10 lho 1000byluidn. Bu. in _ ...., ro... lhiJ popuLar;tyCI» (bcopn)lOa_

p,obIt" ... Sintt I9SJ thou"'''''' of IOns of rubbisoh (7) (loft) ., tho fool 01' tho _nuin, .1Id.1oI of pt'Of'I< (I) llh,nk)II\;a! w'EvnnlnpnWnu'(9) (rumlby t!Ior ""rnbor 01' yMon. Kl.dtq> ... tIw H,.........os.C 10) (_ _.. llInl~ IU9,xYn'I (Ill (~)lObolho....... ........,... """'....i" in .ho wor\d, .1Id ~ (Ill (_<timbl.oson... F.Ynnl ...... Evory rar.....u ...tnb<nofmoun (151 (Iry) 1I>....m tho lOp. bu1 _ tN.ny 1141 (Jucurdl- _ oi tho won! I hnuby.n am<lml> In

I'd Imd l"" 1M rnonqr if I'd ....., it, ''dIr''')'OIII~jf~II.

1 1£1 "-' "-" """"'!' I'd II> on holidoy.

4 111 hripJ'OU;" ,hoprdm ifmyNd:dodn'. hun.


w .... (~I"" . . ....,...,............ ""'.... "'.... (161 C_I. Touriol nptdil_ (171 COWl) ....... 10 .:......... '" lho 19SOl,.nd lho numbn' of ";"l<In CII) 1nw-lloIntt lhm. bu. lhoy (191

(_ ..110 J::l.

S 1£1 ...... E..pi<IlI didn't how lO>ludy lho ~

Present Perfect Simple and Continuous I

Pt~ 1


1 .\'


r;oo bade' .~'

wc....... outol'hospt1.lllf

'So,noo 4 '1"...

lIOinlllM S«ond Condnoorul.




"" holIid.oy!'

you hurd! 1.0",,',

IoUldI • Ii"" ;" A wnh a I"", 'n S, Thm "",lor ....,lmcn

1Io'do ........ ........."..


nttd lOst' 'ho bui

Prni<lonl II..·;" tho k>ll.,.y


rou~ ... much

lIbuy.n .urm dod, ... 'm;"lho hu.

look "'-n. IU>T J'OU


1 Whitwould~dol

I W/t..."'Cir

Iot'(D' 10 P....;..


Second Conditional


PffiKt smpIe

Goonpldt lho lOIIow.ns J<Dkn<;. . wl.h ..,iul* """"""'"

bo fill.r "oIIoh,.hinro.... tu nol bo Lal< (Of work ~y. F.,... ri


all my O ..... mu card..'

! lIu. if. only 0<t0I>0r!'



my~! 1\..

thom: ·S... we I> .[

"wlrccI hero

you! And how long in l.<>n<lon1'


l"" 1M:d


7 '\\""r", Ni<~t 'Iii.



you orpniu<l )'OUr hoIidof.' ~"", ti<kcu.bu.




Past Perfect I Fornw. II the hst Perffct M."h ....... in A Wl\h .. liM In B. Thorn """"plow u...




~tlv'ltyootwndoitr&? An....... tho qou<>Iion.. Put tho "ftbo in el>< b03l in rho ~l ",,"Kl Contin.......... sit in Ih~ iun

pl.n my holid.ys try


d<ro"I~ lh~

Ih~m on

."",xc <ipl">


t.".hroom II"",

'Why u< you. tunJs din~' .r... krJr "',,,""II'S iI... "" 1 "11>t kilChm \ookI hdln:


thnt b...d,u..... for!'

nul r<'C"Ilnit< him

no' rook enough food

.poIosil. bo uml bo hu"V)'


bol.".-_, ."", h.........imll SO skiing ,_~ "Iarm clock no! lOoff r.i1lh....'"

n<>t olcqI ...U

c:oII him an idiol

,,.,4- .

Sho .... w. boa_ "". ""'"" d«k .... ! lcouldn) .. lkiin&boal>loO 3 They r..ikd tho nan> boa..... ~ 1 <t;dn) r«osnilo him boa_ S I .J>OloBilOd b.uu..

6 SI>o ..... tim! b«..... 7 W. W<'" hungry b«.u..


"\\1u'·.,....,......iblt modi!'

7 'Wit1"'" all he< _

dod... 0'U'l!"

2 Put Simplf 01 PlISll'frftct?

.... ""'"-

Pu. tho -t>t in btKkt> ," ,he- Polol Simpk or .1>0 l ...... t 10. ochoaI rnonion I.ul-d. I _

{boo} ""'7

SUrpJll<'d-1O ......,.'h...., (11



) I'mfnt Perfect Simplt Of Contilll,lOl,lS? In .11< followingl'li", of ",nt''''... on< ..,.b fufm i. right .nd On<' is wrong. Put .,id ("I) or. en... (,ll') nexl to ca.h one_

How long h How long h.l

you hem ... riting ,hOI In...!

you ",-rit,en tha. !el...'

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} ~ you """ flown Smd&nd! H".., JO'I boom llyin« 10 Scod.nd! .. Oh no! r OIl no! r

1oot my car ~ bn'n Io.i,,& my e..- k<-yl.

S H.. th. film l>«n .,••• ing! fl.> the fihn .,..1""! (0

How l<>n& h•• .Ih< b«n h.,;ng horca,! How long h...... h.d h<T ca,!

7 r..,bcmbK.ltinsmyl<g. r.., brokn my .....



g)'Tl1""sium•• nd tM libnry ('I

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I chonfr" I IOO!

(.u... d) (".rl) working (a ) him l

(h 'o) l-that

,tut I

Workbook key 9

UNIT 1 1 1 lives 2 's studying 3 wants 4 doesn't have 5 teaches 6 loves 7 can make 2 1 come 2 live 3 has 4 doesn't work 5 'm going to study 61ike 7 'm sitting 8 're listening 3 1 was born 2 emigrated 3 went 4 didn't like 5 live 6 have 7 're playing 8 're going






1 I speak 2 does Hans come 3 are you doing 4 's having 5 does this word mean 6 don't smoke 7 went 8 did you stay 9 didn't do 10 are you going to 1 At the weekend I usually go swimming. 2 Are you enjoying the party? 3 We can't play tennis because it is raining. 4 Can you play chess? 5 How many sisters do you have? 6 I don't understand what you're saying. 7 What are you doing tonight? 8 What time did you get home last night? 9 Last weekend I saw some friends and we had a meal. 10 I love English food. It's wonderful.





102 3 4 5 6 7


2d 3i 10 f





1 How 2 What 3 Where 5 What 6 Why 7 Where 9When lOWhy

4 Who 8 Which

2 artist 3 scientist 4 journalist 5 politician 6 manager 7 interpreter 8 electrician 9 photographer 10 policeman/policewoman 11 postman/postwoman 12 receptionist

2 The Pope doesn't live in Alaska. He lives in Italy. 3 Manchester United footballers don't wear yellow shirts. They wear red shirts. 4 Kangaroos don't come from Canada. They come from Australia. 5 The sun doesn't shine at night. It shines in the daytime. 6 In Britain people don't drive on the right. They drive on the left.


2 Where do you usually go to at the weekend? 3 What time does the bank open? 4 Where does your mother come from? 5 Which school do your children go to? 6 Where does your brother work? 7 What sort of car does your sister drive?


2 3 4 5 6 7


3 wants 4 goes 5 carries 6 catches 7 thinks 8 crashes 9 washes 10 reads 11 does 12 flies 13 studies 14 kisses 15 eats 16 has 17 cries


1 What did you buy at the shops? 2 Who is your English teacher? 3 Where are your parents at the moment? 4 When did you last go to the cinema? 5 Why are you learning English? 6 How do you come to school? 7 How many brothers and sisters do you have?

What are you reading? What sort did you buy? Where did you go? How long is she going to stay? What does he do? How many do they have?


1 Do you often go to the cinema? 2 I never eat meat because I don't like it. 3 My parents always listen to the radio in the evening. 4 How often do you have a holiday? 5 We sometimes go to a Japanese restaurant. 6 I am never late for school.


4 raining 5 wearing 6 thinking 7 shining 8 smoking 9 having 10 taking 11 waiting 12 getting 13 stopping 14 running 15 beginning


1 am going 2 am reading 3 read 4 are going 5 look 6 comes 7 is coming 8 speak 9 Do you want


4 He's a waiter. 5 Yes, he is. 6 He's serving food. 7 He's a taxi-driver. 8 No, he isn't. 9 He's reading a newspaper. 10 She's a chef. 11 Yes, she is. 12 She's cooking.


2 She has a tennis racket. She's got a tennis racket. 3 She doesn't have a lot of CDs. She hasn't got a lot of CDs. 4 She has a television. She's got a television. 5 She has a computer. She's got a computer. 6 She doesn't have a Walkman. She hasn't got a Walkman.


2 Is it raining? 3 Are they at school? 4 Are they learning English? 5 Are you tired? 6 Was she at home last night? 7 Am I right? 8 Was he born in 1960? 9 Can you speak Danish? 2 Does she come from France? 3 Do they live in a flat? 4 Do you take sugar in tea? 5 Do I speak English well? 6 Did she watch a film last night? 7 Did it start at 8.00? 8 Do you want to go home? 9 Does he work hard?

1 What colour is your hair? 2 How far is it from your house to the town centre? 3 How tall are you? 4 What sort of music do you like? 5 How much does a hamburger cost in your town? 6 How often do you go swimming? 7 What size shoes do you take? 8 How long does your English lesson last? 9 What newspaper do you read? 10 What time did you get up this morning?

Yes, I do. / No, I don't. Yes, I do. / No, I don't. Yes, I do. / No, I don't. Yes, they do. / No, they don't. Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn't. Yes, it does. / No, it doesn't.

103 No, she hasn't. 5 Yes, she has.


4 No, she doesn't. 6 Yes, she does.

1 window 2 curtains 3 wardrobe 4 chest of drawers 5 mirror 6 rug 7 bookcase 8 lamp 9 cupboard 10 armchair 11 sofa 12 carpet

12 1 1 but

2 so 3 and 4 but 5 so 2 1 We enjoyed the holiday, but it rained a lot. We enjoyed the holiday. However, it rained a lot. 2 He's moving to London next month, but he doesn't like big cities. He's moving to London next month. However, he doesn't like big cities. 3 She isn't English, but she speaks English perfectly. She isn't English. However, she speaks English perfectly. 3 1 She was tired, so she went home. She went home because she was tired. 2 The weather was bad, so we didn't enjoy our holiday.

Workbook key


We didn't enjoy our holiday because the weather was bad. 3 He worked hard, so he passed all his exams. He passed all his exams because he worked hard.


B Yesterday afternoon a 35-year-old housewife narrowly escaped death when a tree blew over and fell onto her house, completely destroying it. 'I was working in the garden at the time: she explained. 'It was quite windy. I heard a strange noise coming from our tree. The bottom of the tree was slowly moving. Suddenly the wind blew a little stronger and I watched it crash onto the roof.' The Bowles family are staying with friends while their house is rebuilt. C Yesterday afternoon thieves stole ÂŁ500 from a post office in Preston, Lancashire. Police do not have a good description of the two men because they were wearing masks, but they know that they escaped in a red Ford Cortina. This information came from an ll-year-old boy, Charlie Carrack, who was coming home from school at the time.

1 but 2 and 3 but 4 so 5 and 6 because 7 but 8 because 9 and 10 However 11 but/and

UNIT 3 1 lost 2 spent 3 laughed 4 saved 5 left 6 fell 7 broke 8 couldn't 9 found 10 took 11 needed








2 Christopher Columbus didn't discover India. He discovered America. 3 Beethoven didn't come from France. He came from Germany. 4 Leonardo da Vinci didn't live in Mexico. He lived in Italy. 5 The Americans didn't land on the moon in the 19th century. They landed on the moon in the 20th century. 6 Buddha didn't come from Australia. He came from India. 2 3 4 5 6 7

Where did you go for your last holiday? Where did you stay? How long did you stay there? Did you have good weather? How did you travel round? Did you have good food?

arrived planned made helped used travelled felt washed liked robbed sent walked smiled clapped knew 1 in 2 when 3 for 4 ago 5 - 6 at ?last 8 at; in 9 On 10 When 11 on 12 In 13 ago 14 - 15 at; in 16- 17in 2 3 4 5 6 7

Annie and Pete were dancing. Sarah and Bill were sitting on the sofa. Katie was choosing a CD. Max was drinking champagne. Beth and Dave were eating crisps. Justin was showing Lucinda a photograph. 8 Harry was smoking a cigar. 9 James was telling a joke. IB





Workbook key


1 a; a; the; the; the 2 the; the 3 a; a; a; The; the 4 a; a; an; the 5 the; the 6 an 7 the; the 8 a 9 the; the


Cows eat grass. Leaves fall off trees in autumn. Wood floats on water. Cats like eating fish. Wine comes from grapes. Birds live in trees. Children go to school until they're 16. Cars need oil and petrol. Fruit is full of vitamins.


2 the 3 -; - 4 the 5 a; - 6 the 7 - 8 a; - 9 -; the 10 the 11-; the 12 -; a 13 - 14 the

1 met; was doing 2 was paying; heard 3 turned; saw 4 was wearing 5 decided 6 were having; dropped 7 got 8 was picking; cut

102 had dinner

3 have; game 4 Have; time 5 have breakfast 6 have; bath 7 have; swim 8 have; day 9 had; argument 10 have; look 11 have; word


2 Yes, he did. 3 No, he didn't. 4 No, he didn't. 5 Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. 6 Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. 7 Yes, it did. / No, it didn't.

1 1 while; during; for 2 for; During; while 3 for; During; while 4 for; During; While 2 1 for 5 for



2 During 3 while 4 while 6 during 7 For 8 while


3 paper 4 a paper 5 coffee 6 a coffee 7 an ice-cream 8 ice-cream 9 glass 10 a glass 11 a cake 12 cake


1 any 2 some 3 any 4 some 5 some; any 6 any 7 some 8 some 9 any 10 any


3 4 5 6 7 8


3 a lot of 4 a lot of 5 much 6 many 7 a lot of 8 a lot of 9 much 10 much 11 many 12 a lot of 13 many 14 a lot of

How many children does she have? How much butter do you want? How many bedrooms does it have? How many people are coming? How many plays did he write? How much (money) does she earn?

6 2 Were there many people at the party? A few. But no one that you know. 3 Is there any food left over? A little. The children ate most of it. 4 Have you got any whisky? A little. Do

1 boys 2 ladies 3 days 4 potatoes 5 parties 6 watches 7 glasses 8 cities 9 churches 10 addresses 11 stories 12 sandwiches 13 keys 14 videos 15 ways

2 1 children 2 people 3 women 4 teeth 5 sheep 6 fish


3 a 4 a 5 some 6 a 7 some 8 some 9 a 10 some 11 a 12 some 13 an 14 some 15 a 16 some 17 a 18 some


A Motorist Jeremy Page had to pay a fine of ÂŁ330 at Durham Magistrate's Court yesterday for speeding. Police stopped him on the motorway when he was travelling at 120 miles an hour. The speed limit on motorways is 70 miles an hour. 'I know I was driving fast,' he explained to the court. 'This was because I was late for work.' The judge said that this was no excuse.



you want some ice in it? 5 Do you have any books on French literature? A few. You can borrow them if you want. 6 Would you like some cream? A little. I'm trying to lose weight. 7 Are there many Spanish people in your class? A few. But most of them come from France. 8 Do you watch much TV. A little. But I prefer reading. 9 Do you get many letter? A few. But most of them are bills. 10 Do your children get a lot of homework? A little. It takes them about an hour a night.


2 jacket 3 boots 4 trousers 5 shirt 6 socks 7 tie 8 coat 9 skirt 10 suit 11 jeans 12 dress 13 hat 14 jumper

1211d 2h 3g 4f 5j 8i 9b lOc



UNIT 5 2 Jane wants to be a vet because she likes working with animals. / Jane hopes to be a vet because she loves working with animals. / Jane would like to be a vet because she enjoys working with animals. 3 Malcolm wants to be a farmer because he likes being outside in the fresh air. / Malcolm hopes to be a farmer because he loves being outside in the fresh air. / Malcolm would like to be a farmer because he enjoys being outside in the fresh air. 4 Suzy wants / hopes / would like to be a stockbroker because she wants to earn a lot of money. 5 Gill wants to do voluntary service because she likes helping children in developing countries. / Gill hopes to

do voluntary service because she loves helping children in developing countries. / Gill would like to do voluntary service because she enjoys helping children in developing countries. 6 Janine wants to be an accountant because she likes working with numbers. / Janine hopes to be an accountant because she loves working with numbers. / Janine would like to be an accountant because she enjoys working with numbers. 7 My father wants / hopes / would like to retire next year because he wants to have more free time. 8 My parents want to buy a cottage by the sea because they like sailing. / My parents hope to buy a cottage by the sea because they love sailing. / My parents would like to buy a cottage by the sea because they enjoy sailing.

4 It's going to jump onto the wall/catch the bird.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

I'm going to buy are you going to buy; I'll buy She'll do I'm going to make are you going to do; I'm going to make are you going to see; are going to start I'll lend; I'll give

10 1

1f 2b 3e 4 c 5 a 6 g 7 d 8 k 9 m 10 h 11 n 12 j 131 14 i


5 6

4 5


2f 3d 4e



2 3 4 5




2.1 Do you like your teacher? 3 .I Do you like going for walks? 4 .I Would you like to go for a swim? 5 .I What do you like doing at the weekend? 6 .I What would you like to do this evening?




1 2 3 4 5

do ... like reading; like reading Would like to be would like to have; likes cooking likes drawing would like to run

1 2 3 4

I'll do the washing-up. I'll pay for the coffee. I'll have a hamburger. I'll answer it.

7 He's going to fall down the hole. 2 The books are going to fall on her head. 3 She's going to buy the book / learn Japanese. 6 They are going to plant a tree. 5 He's going to build a bookcase/ bookshelves.


1 2 What's the countryside like? 3 What are the people like? 4 What are the towns like? 5 What's Sydney like? 6 What are the beaches like? 7 What are the TV programmes like? 2bl c5 d2 e6 f3 g7

3 2 What did she want to talk about? She


1 nice 2 1 lovely 2 terrible 3 comfortable; small 4 spectacular 5 old 6 long 7 good

What was the flight/journey like? What was the weather like? What were the beaches like? What was the food like?

more beautiful new newer lovely lovelier hotter hot good better handsome more handsome meaner mean generous more generous thin thinner busier busy more patient patient younger young worse bad comfortable more comfortable rude ruder fit fitter large larger


most beautiful newest loveliest hottest best most handsome meanest most generous thinnest busiest most patient youngest worst most comfortable rudest fittest largest


1 16. 2 Robert. 3 12. 4 No, she isn't. 5 No. 6 Abigail and Graham.


2 ruder 3 the shortest 4 better 5 hotter/warmer 6 the most expensive 7 more generous 8 earlier 9 the most difficult

6 7

1 as 3 4 5 6

2 as

3 than

4 as

5 than

Bill's not as intelligent as Jill. The moon isn't as hot as the sun. Are you as old as your husband? I can't read as quickly as you can.

1 1 successful 2 lucky 3 romantic 4 windy 5 different 6 happy 7 depressing 8 healthy 9 personal 10 wealthy 11 generous 12 messy 13 noisy 14 dirty 15 polluted 16 financial 17 medical 18 fortunate 2 1 generous 2 personal 3 healthy 4 noisy 5 medical 6 lucky 7 romantic 8 financial 9 successful 10 dirty; polluted


4 to earn 5 painting 6 to learn / learning 7 to have / having 8 to post 9 to get 10 to laugh / laughing 11 to do 12 to go 13 to listen / listening 14 to talk / talking



2 1 for 2 at 3 for 4 for/at 5 for 6 in 7 to 8 to/with 9 with 10 of 11 at 12 of

2 3 to see

wanted to talk about a problem she's having. Why did you decide to do that? I decided to leave my job because it was boring. What time do you want to leave the house? I want to leave as early as possible. When did you finish reading it? I finished reading it last night. What would you like to do? I'd like to stay at home and have an early night.

7 Bill didn't win as much money as Harry. 8 Is Luxembourg as big as Switzerland? 9 My work isn't as good as Eva's. 10 Cats aren't as friendly as dogs.

There's the boy who broke the window. 2 That's the palace where the King lives. 3 There are the policemen who caught the thief. 4 He gave her a watch which/that stopped after two days. 5 The Red Lion is the pub where we met for a drink. 6 Here are the letters which/that arrived this morning. 7 That's the house where I was born. 8 Where is the woman who ordered the fish? 1 1 which 2 where 3 who 4 where 5 who

UNIT 7 1 has had 2 has travelled 3 has seen 4 has hunted 5 has ridden 6 has been 7 has met 8 has been 9 have been 10 have lived 11 has ... been 12 has done


2 He has been to the North Pole. He has seen polar bears. He has never got lost. 3 They haven't had a job for six months. They haven't had a holiday since Christmas. They haven't been to the cinema for a year. 4 She has played since she was six. She hasn't won a senior competition. She has never played at Wimbledon.


1 2 Have you ever got lost? 3 Have you ever forgotten your words? 4 Have you ever climbed Mount Everest? 5 Have you ever fallen off your ladder? 6 Have you ever had a number one song? 7 Have you ever had an electric shock? 2a3








2 Yes, he has. 3 No, he hasn't. 4 Yes, they have. 6 Yes, he has.


2 come 3 written 4 won 5 sold 6 tried 7 read 8 played 9 found 10 visited 11 stopped 12 studied 13 died 14 done

6 as

Workbook key



1 for 2 since 6 since 7 for


1 is 2 went 3 became 4 has been 5 was 6 has written 7 lived 8 moved 9 live



3 for 4 since 8 since

5 I think you should go to the dentist. 6 I think you should take them back to the shop. 7 I think she should check the bill with the phone company. 8 I don't think they should spend it all on sweets. 9 I think you should tell Kate you're sorry.

5 for

2 When did he go to Oxford University? 3 When did he become a Member of Parliament? 4 How long has he been an MP? 5 When was he Defence Minister? 6 How many books has he written? 7 Has he ever written a spy story? 8 What does Edna Heal/his wife do? 9 How many children do they have / have they got? 10 How long did they live in Oxford? 11 When did they move to London? 12 Where do they live (now)? 1 Men actor, bridegroom, nephew, uncle, sir Women niece, aunt, bride, madam Both musician, teenager, chef, professor, pilot, athlete, cousin, model, flight attendant, child, nurse 2 1 nephew 2 athlete 3 model 4 flight attendant 5 professor 6 chef 7 bride; bridegroom 8 madam; sir




French. Chastity. problems. 1987. achievement.

UNIT 8 2 've got to take 3 've got to go 4 's got to be 5 've got to work 6 've got to take 7 've got to get up 8 's got to get 9 Have ... got to do


2 have to drive 3 have to make 4 has to wear 5 had to go 6 have to work 7 have to work 8 had to take


2 Do you have to wear a uniform in your job? 3 Why did you have to buy so many books? 4 Do you have to get a visa to go to the States? 5 How often does John have to take his pills? 6 Do you have to look after this plant very carefully? (Sample answers) 2 I don't think they should get married yet. 3 I think you should phone your bank. 4 I don't think he should drive.



Workbook key

1 I'll open 2 I'll buy 3 I buy 4 I'll have 5 We have 6 I'll answer


If the ice at the North and South Poles melts, the sea level will rise. If the sea level rises, there will be floods in many parts of the world. If there are floods in many parts of the world, many people will lose their homes.


2 What will you do if the plane is late? 3 Where will you stay if the hotels are full? 4 What will you do if you don't like the food? 5 Where will you go if the beaches are crowded? 6 What will you do if you get sunburnt?


3 He won't win. 4 I won't pass my exams. 5 She won't lie. 6 We won't eat in. 7 We won't go by bus/car. 8 I won't stay up late tonight. 9 I won't refuse the invitation. 10 We won't stay in at the weekend.


1 If 2 when 3 when 4 If 5 If 6 When 7 when 8 If


1 I'll phone; I get 2 ends 3 I'll be glad; you are back 4 I'll give; I go 5 you're waiting 6 the shops shut 7 I'll wait; you ring 8 you get 9 I'm


2 I'll wait here until you get back. 3 Give me a ring when you hear some news. 4 I'll do my homework after the TV programme ends. 5 I'll have a bath before I go to work. 6 She'll visit friends while she's in Paris. 7 I'll go home as soon as the lesson ends. 8 I won't leave the house until the postman calls. 9 Can you feed the cats while I'm away? 10 I'll tell you about the holiday when I get back. 11 I'll study English until I speak it perfectly.


1 If 2 before/when 3 while 4 If 5 until 6 if/as soon as 7 While 8 before 9 After/When 10 As soon as 11 If


1 will start 2 are going to try 3 If 4 succeeds 5 will be 6 is going 7 When 8 arrive 9 will join / are joining 10 As soon as 11 get 12 will have to 13 are going to do 14 will

(Sample answers) 2 must see it 3 must tidy it up 4 must visit him 5 must hurry 6 must be careful with it 7 must have a meal there A receptionist welcomes guests. An architect designs buildings. A lawyer provides legal advice. A soldier fights for his/her country. A firefighter puts out fires. A decorator paints rooms in a house. A mechanic repairs cars. A housewife looks after the home and children. A shop assistant helps customers. A doctor prescribes medicine for patients.

3 (who) 4 who 5 (which/that) 6 who 7 which/that 8 (which/that) 9 which/that 10 (who) 1 1 which 2 where 3 who 4 where 5 which 6 who 7 who 8 which 9 which 10 which

2 Paragraph 1 ends Paragraph 2 ends Paragraph 3 ends Paragraph 4 ends Paragraph 5 ends

1 should 2 shouldn't 3 have to 4 should 5 have to 6 don't have to 7 should 8 don't have to 9 shouldn't 10 should


10 A farmer works on the land.

102 which/that


(Sample answers) 2 Do you think I should go? 3 Do you think I should remind her? 4 Who do you think I should invite? 5 Do you think I should apologize to her? 6 What do you think he should do? 7 Do you think I should buy it?

about your courses, and an application form? I would also like some information about accommodation. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully Ana Maria Fernandes


1 1 Dear Helen - Love Bob (informal) 2 Dear Sir or Madam - Yours faithfully Robert J Fleming (formal) 3 Darling Rosie - Lots of love, Bobby xxx (informal) 4 Dear Ms McDonald - Yours sincerely Robert Fleming (formal) 5 Dear Philip - Yours Bob (informal) 2


Rua Luis de Deus 18 3000 Coimbra Portugal The Principal The Oxford English College 234 Hilton Rd Eastbourne BN4 3UA 29th March 2000 Dear Sir or Madam I saw your advertisement for English classes in this month's English Today magazine and I am interested in coming to your school this summer. I have studied English for three years but I have never been to England and I feel that this is now necessary, especially to improve my pronunciation. Please could you send me more information






help 15 If 16 is 17 are going to make 18 When 19 get 20 will show

10 2 on

3 by 4 at 5 in 6 by 7 at; on 8 on 9 for 10 on 11 in 12 In 13 for 14by 15in 16at 170n 18at 19in


8 My uncle was a pilot for British Airways. He used to fly Concorde.


3 They used to be very cheap. 4 They used to be clean. 5 There didn't use to be any litter on the streets. 6 They used to be empty. 7 There didn't use to be any traffic on the roads. 8 It used to be quiet at night. 9 We used to have a park. 10 There didn't use to be any blocks of flats.


3 This book is easy to read. 4 It was lovely to see you last night. 5 It's easy to make mistakes when you're learning a language. 6 It's important to keep vocabulary records. 7 I'm pleased to see you've stopped smoking. 8 It's impossible to keep the house tidy with five children. 9 It's unusual to have long, hot summers in England.


1 I went for a walk to get some fresh air. 2 I'm going to the library to change my books. 3 I went to town to do some shopping. 4 I phoned the theatre to ask what time the play started. 5 I want to borrow some money to buy a new car. 6 I bought some flowers to make the house smell nice. 7 I'm going to Paris to visit some friends. 8 I wrote to John to explain how to get to my house.

2 Paragraph 1 gives the advantages of travelling by train. Paragraph 2 gives the disadvantages of travelling by train. Paragraph 3 is the conclusion. 3 Travelling by train has many advantages. First of all, there are no stressful traffic jams, and trains are fast and comfortable. Also, you can use the time in different ways. You can just sit and read, for example, or watch the world go by. You can work, or you can have a meal or a snack in the buffet car. However, travelling by train also has some disadvantages. Firstly, it is expensive and the trains are sometimes crowded and delayed. Secondly, you have to travel at certain times and trains cannot take you from door to door. You need a bus or a taxi, for example, to take you to the railway station. Despite the disadvantages, I prefer travelling by train to travelling by car because I feel more relaxed when I reach my destination.


1 to decide 2 to go 3 visiting 4 sightseeing 5 to play / playing 6 to go 7 to find 8 to rent 9 choose / to choose 10 to have 11 to talk / talking 12 to enjoy 13 to think


1 to start 2 reading 3 to do 4 pay 5 to be 6 to buy 7 going 8 writing 9 park 10 playing


1 to have 2 to relax 3 lying 4 drinking 5 reading 6 visiting 7 sunbathing 8 to help 9 to sail 10 to stay 11 to decide / deciding


2 do you want 3 did the doctor tell 4 did she help you 5 would you like 6 are you hoping / do you hope


1 My family had some lovely holidays. We used to go camping all over Europe. 2 I was very fit when I was young. I used to do a lot of exercise. 3 The teachers at my school were horrible. They used to hit the pupils. 4 My sister's room was so untidy. She never used to tidy it at all. 5 I had a dog when I was a kid. It used to follow me everywhere. 6 When I was young, we didn't have a car. We used to go everywhere by bus. 7 And we didn't have central heating. We used to freeze on winter mornings.


1 I'm hungry. I need something to eat. 2 I've lost my passport, and I don't know where to look for it. 3 I have a big problem, but I don't know who to talk to about it. 4 'You're drunk!' 'No, I'm not. I've had nothing to drink all night.' 5 I can't do my homework. I need somebody to help me. 6 Can you tell me how to get to the station? 7 'Give me five quid, Pete.' 'I'm sorry. I haven't got any money to lend you.' 8 I need to speak to Ben, but I don't know when to phone him.

2 I had a wonderful time. 3 The conversation was excellent and the food delicious! 4 Could you do something for me? 5 I think I left a pair of brown trousers in the wardrobe of my room. 6 Would you mind having a look for me? 7 Please can you let me know if you find them? 8 Thanks a lot. 9 It was lovely to see you all. See you again soon! Letter to a hotel 1 Many thanks for the weekend break that my wife and I enjoyed at your hotel recently. 2 We had a very pleasant stay. 3 The service was superb and the food delicious! 4 We hope to visit your hotel again soon. 5 I would like to ask you a favour. 6 I have lost a pair of brown trousers, which I think I left in the wardrobe of my room. 7 Could you possibly check if this is so? 8 I would be most grateful. 9 I look forward to hearing from you. UNIT 11

2 was started 3 was spent 4 was tested 5 was introduced 6 was achieved 7 is reduced 8 is used 9 have been built 10 is produced


2 President Kennedy wasn't killed in New York. He was killed in Dallas. 3 Coffee isn't grown in Scotland. It's grown in South America/Africa. 4 Sunflowers wasn't painted by Renoir. It was painted by Van Gogh. 5 Walkman cassette players weren't developed by the Russians. They were developed by the Japanese. 6 The Berlin Wall wasn't knocked down in 1982. It was knocked down in 1989. 7 The 2000 Olympic Games weren't held in New Zealand. They were held in Australia. 8 Rolls-Royce cars aren't made in Japan. They're made in Britain. 9 Coca-Cola hasn't been produced for over 200 years. It's been produced for over 100 years.


1 No, it wasn't. 2 Yes, it was. 3 Yes, it is. 4 Yes, they have.

2 excited 3 worried 4 surprised 5 interesting; tiring 6 frightened 7 worrying 8 interested; tired 9 exciting 10 annoyed 2 ear 3 word 6 lower 7 far 11 road

4 home 5 wrong 8 fool 9 pies 10 food

12 (Other orders may be possible.) Letter to friends 1 Thank you for having me to stay last weekend.

was spent on its development planes have been built altogether were the Houses of Parliament built people were hurt in the train crash is champagne produced was she fined for speeding are school teachers paid a year is your post delivered were three teenagers given an award yesterday


10 1 boring


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Workbook key



2 2 How much was Mr Murphy given as a reward for his honesty? 3 When was Phil Young given a new heart? 4 What has been organized to raise money? S How many people have been given new hearts by doctors at St Bartholomew's Hospital? 6 When was the train derailed?





2 A part-time assistant is wanted here. We want a part-time assistant. 3 Jewellery is bought and sold here. We buy and sell jewellery. 4 Credit cards are accepted here. We accept credit cards. S Afternoon tea is served here. We serve afternoon tea. 6 No dogs are allowed in here. We don't allow dogs in here. 1 was invented 2 worked 3 was introduced 4 became S was used 6 is found 7 has played 8 will be manufactured 1 entry 3, definition 2 2 entry 3, definition 1 3 entry 1 4 entry 2 Sentry 1, definition 2 6 entry 1, definition 1 7 entry 2, definition 1 8 entry 1, definition 4 9 entry 1, definition 1 10 entry 2 11 entry 3, definition 1 lId 2a 3c 4b The tense used is the Present Simple.


2 'd wear 3'd have 4'd work S 'd play 6 'd go 7 'd go to bed



2 what would he wear? 3 what would he have for breakfast? 4 where would he work? S where would he go every evening? 6 what time would he go to bed?


3 shares 4 was / were S would live 6 lived 7 would buy 8 would grow 9 travels 10 goes 11 doesn't like 12 was / were 13 would ride 14 would buy IS loves 16 goes 17 would walk


2 No, she wouldn't. 4 No, she wouldn't. 6 Yes, she would.


2 If he didn't work in the evening, he would have time to play with his children.

Workbook key

3 Yes, she would. SYes, she would.

3 At first, she couldn't find him anywhere, but finally she found him sleeping under the kitchen table. She picked him up quickly and ran upstairs back to her bedroom. 4 In the bedroom, Sarah put Tiger down on the floor. Then she waited outside the door. Unfortunately, Tiger was scared of mice too, so he ran out of the room and jumped into Sarah's arms.

3 If she didn't buy a lot of clothes, she would have some money. 4 If I had a car, I could give you a lift. S If I went to bed early, I wouldn't be tired in the morning. 6 If she had a watch, she wouldn't always be late.

1 2 was found 3 was given 4 was operated on S was given 6 has been organized 7 have been given 8 will be helped 9 was derailed 10 were injured 11 were taken 12 were delayed 13 have been interviewed


2 We might go to Spain for our holidays. 3 I might not get my cheque today. 4 Joe and Ellie might pop in for a drink this evening. S I might get a Playstation for my birthday. 6 I'm a bit worried - Dave might not phone me tonight.


1 I might be 2 I might go; I might stay 3 I'm going to cook 4 He might not like S I'll phone 6 she might be


(Sample answers) 2 She might fall off. 3 She might fail her exams. 4 His friends might make a mess. His parents might be angry when they find out. S My car might break down. 6 The dentist might take a tooth out / give him a filling. 7 She might miss her plane.


1 might not make 2 might go 3 might wait 4 might become S might not earn 6 might do 7 might meet


1 Put 2 try 3 turn 4 fill S looking 6 Look 7 looking 8 fell 9 gave

2 (Sample answers) 1 On the evening of 1 June, a French burglar broke into a house in Paris. He went into the living room and quietly put some things in his bag. 2 Then he went into the kitchen to look for more things. He opened the fridge and found some cheese. 3 He was very hungry, so he found some bread too and made a sandwich. Then he remembered the two bottles of champagne in the fridge. 4 He was very thirsty, so he quickly took them out and drank them. S Then he went upstairs, but he suddenly felt very tired. 6 He lay down on a bed and fell asleep. Unfortunately, when he woke up it was the next morning and there were lots of policemen there. UNIT 13

2 have found 3 went 4 agreed S haven't tried 6 has been 7 has left 8 has gone 9 has fallen 10 met 11 has ... seen 12 won 13 had to 14 got

2 1 down 2 away / out 3 down 4 up S on; up 6 out 7 up 8 after 9 round 10 up 11 back


2 Thank you for the invitation. Unfortunately, I can't come 3 I got out of bed and went downstairs to make a cup of tea. 4 She checked in her luggage. Then she went to have a cup of coffee. S I was sitting at home last Thursday evening when something very strange happened. / Last Thursday evening I was sitting at home when something very strange happened. 6 Keith's upstairs lying in bed because he doesn't feel very well. 7 They have a son called Simon and we have a son called Simon too. 8 There's a programme on TV tonight that I'm very interested in. 9 I worked hard all last week.

12 1 (Sample answers) 1 Last Monday morning, Sarah Brown was in her bedroom getting ready to go to work, when suddenly she saw a mouse in her handbag. She was very scared of mice, so she screamed. 2 Then she had a good idea. She left the room quietly and ran downstairs to look for her cat, Tiger. He would catch the mouse.


2 But she hasn't ordered the cake yet. 3 Jean-Pierre has already booked the church. 4 But he hasn't bought a suit yet. S They haven't sent the invitations yet. 6 But they have already decided where to go for their honeymoon.


2 Has Angela bought a dress yet? Yes, she has. 3 Has Jean-Pierre ordered the champagne yet? Yes, he has. 4 Has Jean-Pierre bought the wedding rings yet? No, he hasn't. S Have they sent the invitations yet? No, they haven't.


1 been; been 2 gone S been 6 gone


If 2e 3d 10 g


3 Gone



4 been 7j




1 Have you been waiting 2 have you been playing 3 Has it been raining 4 have they been doing S have you been learning 6 Have you been living 7 Have you been swimming 8 have you been working


1 I've been running

2 I've cut

3 Have

you heard 4 she's been shopping 5 I've broken 6 have you had 7 They've been living 8 I've been painting 9 I've lost 10 has given 11 I've been looking

4 My stomach-ache disappeared [2] after I'd taken some medicine [1]. 5 When we got to the theatre [3], the play had started [2] and all the seats had been taken [1]. 6 James had supper [3], then went to sit in his living room [4 J. He felt miserable [2J. It had been an awful day [1]. 7 James sat in his armchair [3 J and thought about the day [4]. He had got up late [1], and his boss had threatened to sack him [2 J. He decided it was time for bed [5].

8 1 1 have been learning been 4 went 7 were

2 like 3 have 5 stayed 6 enjoyed

2 1 has been trying 2 left 3 has had 4 has been working 5 wants 6 has written 7 has had 3 1 have been living 2 moved 3 have been 4 has helped 5 have decorated 6 broke 7 had 8 like 9 haven't had 10 has rained / has been raining


1 haven't seen 2 have ... been doing 3 saw 4 started 5 have ... been working 6 enjoy 7 have written 8 have been researching


2 thanked; had done 3 realized; had forgotten 4 had finished; went 5 called; had ... gone 6 had been; knew 7 had listened; went


2 When I had read the letter, I threw it away. 3 As soon as he had passed his driving test, he bought a car. 4 I took the book back to the library when I had finished reading it. 5 I didn't go to bed until I had done my homework. 6 When I had spent all my money, I went home. 7 I had read the book before I saw the film. 8 She started writing after her children had left home.

10 1 fare

higher won suite caught through Thai piece 2 1 brake; break 2 new; knew 3 sun; son 4 blue; blew 5 there; their 6 pear; pair 7 check; cheque 8 by; buy 9 week; weak 10 right; write 11 waist; waste


1 f; 2 c; k 3 a; h 6 g; m 7 b; i

4 e; 1 5 a; d; j; n

12 1 To Mr and Mrs Cantarelli Worldwide Publishing Inc. requests the pleasure of your company at a champagne reception to celebrate their new language series on Saturday the eleventh of November at 6 p.m. Formal dress required RSVP


Dear Sally and Tim We're having a birthday party for Linda next Saturday at our house from 8 p.m onwards. Let us know if you can come. Love from Jayne and Ivan UNIT 14

1 I couldn't answer the questions because I hadn't revised for the exam. 2 I was hungry because I hadn't eaten all day. 3 My mother was worried because I hadn't been in touch for a long time. 4 I was late because I had got stuck in a traffic jam. 5 I was pleased because I had passed my driving test. 6 I was nervous during the flight because I hadn't flown in a plane before. 7 My father was furious because I had crashed his car. 8 I was tired because I had slept badly.


2 When I arrived at John's house [3], he had made a cake [1] and done the washing-up [2J. 3 When I arrived at John's house [1], he made us a cup of tea [2].


2 it was a quiet flat and the neighbours were nice 3 the rent included gas and electricity 4 she needed ÂŁ100 deposit 5 she had decorated the living room recently 6 other people had been to see the flat 7 I would have to make my mind up / make up my mind soon 8 the people before had looked after it very well 9 she had replaced all the carpets 10 I could move in immediately 11 I would give her a ring soon 1 pleased and surprised 2 to win 3 want to thank 4 was it like to play the part of 5 was 6 Have you ever played 7 I played 8 I enjoyed it 9 of music do you like 10 jazz 11 I play in a jazz band 12 Do you ever want to 13 I hope to 14 I don't know when it can happen because I'm so busy acting and playing jazz


3 say 4 tell 5 said 6 told 7 tell 8 said 9 say 10 told 11 told 12 say 13 said 14 told


1 cook; cooker 2 felt; fell 3 lend; borrow 4 journey; travel 5 buy; pay 6 Listen; hear 7 last; latest 8 quite; quiet 9 Whose; Who's 10 foreigner; stranger 11 game; play 12 stolen; robbed


Question forms


2 Is it raining at the moment? (Answers will vary.) 3 Have you ever eaten Chinese food? 4 What are you going to do this weekend? 5 What time do you usually get up? 6 How many languages can you speak? 7 When did you start studying English?


Is he coming this evening? Yes, he is. Am I late? Yes, you are. Has she got a car? No, she hasn't. Are we going by car? No, we aren't. Does she work in a bank? No, she doesn't. Do I need a passport? No, you don't. Did we see him yesterday? Yes, we did.


2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Has he got a calculator? Have you ever ridden a motorbike? What are you doing tonight? Where did you go last night? Do your friends like travelling? Can you speak English? What are you going to do tomorrow?

Present Simple 1 2 What does she do? She's an architect. 3 Where do they live? They live in Glasgow. 4 What does Mark study? He studies physics. 5 What time does the bank open? It opens at 9.00. 6 Where do her parents come from? They come from Ireland. 7 What languages does she speak? She speaks Russian and Chinese.


2 Concorde doesn't fly slowly. It flies fast. 3 Birds don't build nests underground. They build them in trees. 4 Pasta doesn't come from France. It comes from Italy. 5 The temperature doesn't rise at night. It falls. 6 Ornithologists don't study insects. They study birds. 7 Brazilians don't speak Spanish. They speak Portuguese.


2 don't understand 3 'm waiting 4 do you like 5 're coming 6 are you doing; 'm writing 7 Do Americans drive 8 Are you enjoying; am 9 Does she need; doesn't.

Workbook key


17 've travelled 18 've met 19 Have you started 20 signed 21 's been

Past Simple 1 1 went 2 did you get

3 caught 4 Did you stay 5 wasn't 6 camped 7 didn't spend 8 Did it rain 9 shone 10 Did you have 11 fell 12 forgot 13 didn't have 14 did you do 15 found 16 went 17 cooked 18 ate 19 drank 20 was 21 did you get back 22 flew 23 came 24 didn't want


2 No, they didn't. 3 Yes, she did. 4 No, they didn't. 5 No, it wasn't. 6 Yes, it was.

have to and should 1 2

2 3

2 Maria wasn't working. She was driving home. 3 We weren't swimming. We were sitting in a traffic jam. 4 Matthew and Peter weren't running. They were playing squash. 5 I wasn't watching a film. I was having a bath. 6 Justin wasn't reading. He was cooking dinner.


sitting 12 was eating 13 could 14 filled 15 went 16 wasn'tlooking 17 was enjoying 18 didn't hear 19 walked 20 wanted 21 was 22 heard 23 jumped 24 escaped

Verb patterns 1



(Answers will vary.) 1 bought 2 was cooking 3 was shining 4 was 5 opened 6 rang 7 went 8 came 9 wasn't 10 looked 11 was

1 1 Do you like 2 Would you like 3 Do you like 4 would you like 5 Would you like 6 do you like






2 2 buying 3 to be 4 watching/to watch 5 to continue; studying 6 painting 7 to work 8 playing/to play 9 to train

will and going to 2 I'll get 3 I'll have 4 he's going to visit 5 I'm going to have 6 I'm going to go; are you; I'll come 7 I'll send 8 Will you marry me; I will

(Answers will vary.)


2 Have you had a haircut recently? (Answers will vary.) 3 What films have you seen this year? 4 Have you ever smoked a cigarette? 5 Have you eaten in a restaurant this week? 6 Have you bought any CDs this month?



1 studied 2 have worked 3 was 4 made 5 lost 6 has seen 7 was 8 came out 9 have you visited 10 Have you made 11 haven't worked 12 flew 13 spent 14 did you go 15 wanted 16 drove

Workbook key

3 If! were the President I'd abolish income tax. 4 If I won the lottery I'd buy a Ferrari. 5 If she had a car she wouldn't need to get the bus. 6 If I bought an alarm clock I wouldn't be late for work. 7 If we missed the bus we'd take a taxi.

(Answers will vary.)

2 If it's sunny tomorrow we'll play tennis. ./ 3 I want to see her before she goes. ./ 4 B No, I'll buy some. ./ 5 Will you see Robert tomorrow? ./ 6 I'll wait here until you phone. ./ 2 If she studies more she won't fail her exams. 3 If there's an election the government will win. 4 If it stops raining the river won't flood. 5 If the phone rings I'll answer it. 6 If you cook I'll do the washing up. 7 If the weather gets worse we won't go for a walk.

Verb patterns 2 1 to pay 2 go 3 to read 5 laugh 6 to give up

4 meeting


4 bought/written/sent; already 5 Has; lost; haven't 6 've; for; Have; have; Since 7 gone 8 Have; 've; haven't; yet


2 I've been cleaning. 3 He's been sitting in the sun. 4 I've been planning my holidays. 5 They've been decorating the bathroom. 6 I've been smoking cigars. 7 She's been trying them on.


1 How long have you been writing that

letter? ./ 2 I'm exhausted! I've been playing

3 4 5 6 7


2 4,000 books have been sold in the last week. 3 The post is delivered at 8.00 every morning. 4 Mercedes aren't made in Sweden. 5 Four people were arrested during yesterday's football match. 6 Buckingham Palace was opened to the public in 1995. 7 The new bridge won't be built next year. 8 A cure for malaria has just been found by scientists in Paris. 1 are 2 was climbed 3 have stood 4 don't need 5 are taken 6 has begun 7 have been left 8 think 9 has been ruined 10 wasn't measured 11 is said 12 hasn't been climbed 13 try

tennis for hours. ./ Have you ever flown to Scotland? ./ Oh no! I've lost my car keys. ./ Has the film started? ./ How long has she had her car? ./ I've broken my leg. ./

Past Perfect


2 I couldn't go skiing because I'd broken my leg. 3 They failed the exam because they hadn't studied. 4 I didn't recognize him because he'd had a haircut. 5 I apologized because I'd called him an idiot. 6 She was tired because she hadn't slept well. 7 We were hungry because we hadn't cooked enough food.


1 had changed 2 had knocked down 3 had disappeared 4 walked 5 seemed 6 had built 7 met 8 hadn't stayed 9 had moved 10 had got 11 talked 12 hadn't left 13 said 14 remembered 15 had attended 16 started 17 asked 18 had to 19 had forgotten 20 made 21 had changed

The passive


2 If I had more money I'd go on holiday. 3 We could play football if the weather were nice. 4 I'd help you in the garden if my back didn't hurt. 5 If I were English I wouldn't have to study the language!

Present Perfect Simple and Continuous 1 2 been; just 3 Have; had; Has; Has; yet

used to (Answers will vary) 2 I don't play much sport now, but I used to playa lot. 3 She didn't use to like Indian food, but now she eats it every day. 4 He used to live in Edinburgh, but now he lives in London. 5 I used to have a dog, but I haven't got any pets now. 6 He used to eat too much, but now he's on a diet. 7 We used to go to France on holiday, but now we go to Spain. 8 They didn't use to like watching TV, but now they watch it all the time.

Present Perfect


Second Conditional 1 2 If he did more exercise he'd be fitter.

will and First Conditional

Past Continuous


2 don't have to 3 have to; should 4 has to; should 5 doesn't have to; have to 6 have to; doesn't have to; should

14 succeed 15 have happened 16 have been lost 17 started 18 has nsen 19 don't go

Phonetic sYlllbols Consonants

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24

Ipl Ibl ItI Idl Ikl Igl IfI Ivl lsi Izl III Iml Inl Ihl 11'1 Ijl Iwl 181 101 lSI 131 ItSI Id31 IlJI

Vowels as
















as In as
















pen Ipenl big Ibrgl tea Iti:/ do Idu:1 cat Ibet/ go Ig;:lul four IfJ:I very I'veril son zoo Izu:1 live Ihvl mylmall near Im;:ll happy I'hcepil red Iredl yes Ijesl want Iwontl thanks 18celJksi the 10;:11













she ISi:1 television l'tehvr3nl child ItSarldl German l'd33:m;:lnl



English l'rlJghSI

25 26 27

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

1i:1 Irl iii lei lcel la:1 101 hi lui lu:1 !AI 13:1 1;:11



























see Isi:1 his Ihrzl twenty I'twentil ten Itenl stamp Istcempl father I'fa:o;:ll hot Ihotl morning l'mJ:nIl)1 footballl'futbJ:1I you Iju:1 sun learn 113: nl letter I'let;:ll

Diphthongs (two vowels together)

38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

lerl l;:Iul lar! laul hrl /r;:ll le;:ll IU;:lI

















name Inerml no In;:lul my Imarl how Ihaul boy IbJrl hear Ihr;:ll where Iwe;:ll tour Itu;:ll

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