SLEAM e-Learning Pre-Intermediate Communications
Student's Book
English Course John and Liz Soars
Student's Book
English Cour e John and Liz Soars
Everyday English
Gelling to
Using a bilingual dictionary p9 Parts of speech adjective. preposition p9 Words with more than one meaning
Social exp~ions I Hm'/! tl good weekend! Same to you. p 13
Making conversation
know you pO
Present, past, future p6-8
you born? p6-8
\Vhm do )'011 do! Questions words Who ... ?, \Vhy ... ?, How much ... ? p7 2 The way we live
Present I('nsa Present Simple
Most peopk live' in the south. pl4 Present Continuous \Vllal'$ he doing 11/ the n1oml'nf? p 16 havelhlll'e got We havta pepl/rolia" of... pIS Havt yougor a mobile phone? p16 J
It aU went wrong p22
PaSI tensn Poist Simple
Ht ham/ a noiSL Whm did you do Imt night? p23 P.lst Continuous A car I\'ltj wuitmg. p24
a book to read I booked a tabk. p9 Describing countries
a bedut;ful country the coast Tllis COUlltry l'xports ",00/. pl4
Asking qUt:Stions Showing that you're interested pll
Daily life listen
ralktomyfrirnd5 pl7 Irrc-gular verbs
snw, wem, told p23 Making conntctions
breaJdmrmf,losdfind p23 Nouns, \-eros, and adj«li\~ Suffixes to make different pans of speech
Time expressions
tht righth of ]UtlllClry at six o'clock on Saturday in /995 p29
discuss, discussion p28 Making negati\"cs
pack, unpack p28 4
lei's go shopping!
Quanlity much and many How much bllrter? How many tgg.!? p30 scmlt and /I"y some app/d, any grapes p31 .wmtthmg, (I"yont, nobody, en'rywhtrt p32 /I ftw, II litt/t, II lot of p3! Articles
Buying things
Prices and shopping
milk, t>ggs, breat/, a fllcktt ofcrisps,
a ((In ojCoke, shampoo, SOlIp, jumprrs, Jepartnlt'nt store, amiql/e shop, newsagC'nt, tmi,lers, a til', contfitiontr,first c/lm stamps
What's thr t:cdlllnst rate? How milch is /I pair of jea/lS? p37
shopkeeptT, a/l old shop, the River Thames He sell.! arrad. p33
Verb patterns I
wam/hope to do, rnjoy/like doing looking [orlmrd to doing, 'd like to t/o p38 Future intentions going to and will
fiot verbs luwl', go, ClIme
!ulI"e IItI {lccit/ellt go wrollg collle first p44
She's going to travel the world. 1'1/ pick it up for you. p40 6 Tell me! What's it like?
What's illikct
What's Paris like? p46 Comparlltive and superlalive adjectives
big, bigger, biggest good, bmer, best p48
Talking about lowns
mOt/em buildings, night-life p47 Money
make money, inheri, pSO
farm, woot/. pond opposite the ((Ir park o\'er Iht' brit/ge p53
Synonyms and antonyms
IOI'e1y, bfllt/lijul, inlerested, bored p52 7
Famous couples p54
Present Perrect and Past Simple She has wrilfen 20 nOI"t'ls. He wrou 47 nOI't'ls. p54 for and s;nct
for three }'C'Ul"$ sinCt' /985 p56 Tense revision I VhtTt do you li,"e? How long han' you lived there? \Vhy did you mOl't? p56
Past parliciples li,'I'd, wrirttrr p54 Bands and music
gWlar, lreyboards makt /I rtcord p57 Ad\-erbs
slowly, cartfuIlY>1ust. stili, too p60 Word pairs
Ihis and that ladits and gtntltmtn p60
Short answers
Do YOIl like rookillg? Yn, I do. No, I don'l, p61
Writing lin
'People, the great communicators'the many ways we communicate
Information gap - Joy Darling p8 Discussion - who are your ideal neighbours? p 12 Roleplay - exchanging information about \1'.'0 neighbours p 12
Neighbours - Strve and Mrs Snell talk about each other as neighbours (jigsaw) pJ2
lnformalletlers A lener to a penfriend WB p9
'living in the USA' -three people talk about their experiences (jigsaw) plB
Information gap - people's lifestyles pl6 Exchanging information about immigrants 10 the USA pl8
'You drive me mad (bUiI lovc you)!' - what annoys you about thl' people in your life?
Linking words hut, however \VB p 14 Describing a pl."rson \VB p 15
'The burglars' friend' p22 Newspaper stories p24 A short story - 'The perfect crime' ,26
Information gap - Zoe's party p25 Telling stories forturUltelylllnforturlalely p25
A radio drama - 'The perfect crime' p26
'The best shopping street in the world' - Nowy Swiat, in Poland p34
Town survey - the good things and bad things about living in your town p32 Discussion - attitudes to shopping p34
'My uncle's a shopkeeper' p33 Buying things p36
Filling in forms WB p26
'Hollywood kids - growing up in Los Angeles ain't easy' p42
What are your plans and ambitions? p39 Being a teenager p42
A song - YOII'Fe got (I friclld p44
Writing a postcard WB p32
'A talc of two millionaires' - one was mean and one was generous
Information gap - comparing cities p48 Discussion - the rich and their money p50
Living in another country - an interview with a girl who went to live in Sweden p49
Relative clauses I who/th(lt/wlrich/where WB p37 Describing a place WB p37
Mingle - Find someone who ... p55 Roleplay - imervirwing a band
An interview with the band Style
Relative clauses 2 wllQ/whiclrlt!mt as the obj{"ct WBp41 Writing a biography WB p42
Celebrity interview from Hi! Mllg(lzinewith the pop star and the footballer who arc in love p58
the Workbook}
Linking words
wllile, during, and for WB p20 Writing a story 1 WB p21
Projrct - find an interview with a famous person pS8
LANGUAGE INPUT Unit 8 Do's and don'ts
Everyday English
hal'e (got) to
At the doctor's
Travelling abroad
should You should ralk to YOllr boss.
You shouldn'( drink coffee at night. 1'64 You must go fa rile demisI. pM
• p70
Going places
vi5il, dOClune,lfs pM \..'ords that go together Verb + complement
(ilke responsibility, live abroad p68 Compound nouns post office, headache p68
Stop and check 2
a cold, the 'flu food poisoning a remperafllre a prescription p69
receptionist, miller, chef p63
have to pay bills. I've got to go. p62
Teacher's Book p132 ...... ~~~·~ _.-
Ilot verbs take, get, do, make
Time and conditional clauses 05 soon as, when, while, until Whell we're in Australia. we'll .
...... '":",- ....- .... ,
Wlwt if ... ? If Jpmsmyexams, I'll ... p71
rake II photo, getlH/gry, do me a favour make IIp YOljr mind p76 Hotels
. ,
In a holrl I'd like (0 make a reservation. Can J have n credit card number? p77
a double room, ground floor p76
10 Scared to dealh p78
Things thai ,hanged the world
Verb patterns 2
post office, boob/lOp p80
He was so scared! He's such an idiot! I've spent so much money! pSS
Infinitives Purpose I weill to the shops to blW some shoes. p80 what, elc. + infinitive TdO/J't blOW w/lat to say. pSO SOlllclh;lIg, etc. + infinitive I fleed something to eat. p80
Describing feelings and situations
Verbs and past participles grown, prodljced p87 Verbs and nouns that go together tell a story, keep a promise p89
Phrasal verbs
Social expressions 2
Coca-Cola is enjoyed all over the world. Tt was invellfed in 1886. p86-9
,86 12
manage to do, used to do, go walking p78
Dreams and reality
Second condilional If I were a princess, I'd live in a castle. p'4
might I might go to Amer;ca.
fr;gh leniug, frigh tened worrying, worried p81
go away, lake offyour COill The plane took off. I gal'e up my job. Tilke them off. plOO
Keep off the gmss Qut of order p93
Congra/ularions! Never mimI. / haven't n due. plOI
Stop and check 3 Teacher's Book p134 13
Earning a living plO2
Present Perfect Continuous I've been livirlg orJ the streets for a year.
How long hare you been selling The Dig IsslIl.'? plOl Present Perfect Simple versus Continuous
He's been running. He's rlln five miles. p104 14
Love you and leave you
Past Perfect
Reported stateUlenls
lobs and the alphabet game - architect, bookseller. p 106 V,lord formation
dealh, die mriety, various pI 05 mainly, possibly, cxtIaly, carefully pI 05 Words in context p116
Slle toM me Ihm she loved John. She said tlrat she'd mel him six //lonths ago. plD
Saying goodbye
Hnl"C II 5(jfe journey! Thank YOIl for a lovely cl·er/ing. p 117
Teacher', Book p1l6
Tapescripts pl18
Ts tliat M;ke~ I'm afmid he's out. 0/11 I take a message? pl09
They IlIld //let only olle week enr/ie:r. p II 0
Stop and check 4
Grammar Reference pl29
Word list Teacher's Book p 152
Problem page - three
Jobs - a game p63 Discussion - house rules p63 Asking questions about places p65 Roleplay - acting a dialogue p67 Group work - a letter to a problem page 1'67
Holidays in January - three people's advice on what to do in their country in January
Writing letters Formal letters \VB 1'47
problems, six suggestions
The world's first megalopolisa dty of 40 million people
What will you do? 1'72 Discussion - whal wiUlife be like in the 21st century? 1'73 What are the biggest cities in the world?
{In the Workbook}
p65 At the doctor's 1'69
Life in 2050 - an interview with Michio Kaku, Professor of
Theoretical Physics 1'73
Linking words 2 Advantages and disadvantages
p74 'Don't look down' - walking on a dangerous footpath
'When I was young' -talking about your childhood pSO Describing feelings pSJ Roleplay- Tom and Jamie p8S
When [ was ),oung pSO It was just a joke - a boy called Jamie kidnapped his friend
Three plants that changed the world - tobacco, sugar and cotton (jigsaw) p90
Exchanging information about three plants p90 Discussion - which plants have been good and bad for the world? p90
The world's most common habit: chewing gum - the history of chewing gum p92
Writing a review of a book or film WB p63
The vicar who's a ghostbuster
Giving advice - If} were you, T'd .â&#x20AC;˘. p96 Telling stories - tell the class a ghost story p9S
An interview with a woman who heard voices p98
Adverbs WB p68 Writing a slory 2 WB p68
A funny way to earn a livinga rollerskater in a supermarket, a beachcomber, and a hot air balloonist (jigsaw) p106-7
Information gap - Steven Spielberg pl04 Discussion - What is a good job? pi 06 Roleplay - phoning a friend pl08
Giving news - a telephone conversation betv.'een Craig and his mother plO8
Writing leiters Expressions in different kinds of letters WB p74 Formal and informal letters 2 WBp7S
A love story plIO A short story - 'The tale of two silent brothers' p 114
A love slory: the end of the storywrite your ideas pl12 Arguments in families p 114 'A'hat happens next in the story? p lIS
An interview with Carmen Day pll3 Asong-Talktome pl16
Writing a slory 3 WB pSD
'Into the wild' - an American ooy's search for freedom ,82
Appendix I - [rregular verbs p 143
Writing klters Formal and informal letters I WBpS7
Appendix 2 - verb patterns p143
Phonetic symbols - inside back cover
Getting to know you Tenses· Questions • Using a bilingual dictionary • Social expressions 1
1 Match the questions and answers. Where were you born?
A year ago.
What do you do?
Three times a week. In Thailand.
Are you married? Why are you learning English?
Because' need it for my job.
When did you start learning English?
I'm a teacher.
How often do you have English classes?
No, I'm single.
2 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.
TWO STUDENTS Tenses and questions 1
Read and listen to Maurizio. Then complete the text, using the verbs in the box.
My name's Maurizio Celi. r (I)
from Bologna, a city in the north of Italy. I'm a student at the University of Bologna. I (2) modern languages - English and Russian. 1also know a little Spanish, so
I (3) I (4)
four languages.
the course
a lot, but it's really hard work.
The course (5) three
years ago.
I (6) at home with my parents and my sister. My brother
work in the United States last year. After I graduate,
as a translator: I hope so,
Unit 1 • Getting to know you
2 Complete the questions about Carly. I Wh&r& do&s s"'&
come from? live? live with? studying? enjoying the course?
4 What 5 6 How many
8 What
speak? did her course start? after she graduates?
Listen queslions.
Carly, and write the answers to the
3 Complete the questions to Carly.
2 3 4
5 6
'Which lltliv&rsity do YOli go to?' 'I don't go to a university. 1 study at home.' a job?' 'Yes, I do. A part-time job.' 'What at the moment?' 'I'm writing an essay.' to England?' 'Fifteen years ago.' name?' 'Dave.' - - - -l' 'He's an architect.'
GRAMMAR SPOT Find examples of present, past, and future tenses in the texts about Maurizio and Carly. 2 Which tenses are the two verb forms in these sentences? What is the difference between them? He lives with his parents. She's living with an English family for a month. 3 Match the question words and answers. What. Who ... ???~
Where . ? When ? Why ... ? How many ? How much ? How ? Whose ? Which ?
Because I wanted to. last night. $5. A sandwich. By bus. In New York. Jack. The black one, It's mine. Four.
........ Grammar Reference 1.1 and 1.2 p129
Unit 1 â&#x20AC;˘ Getting to know you
PRACTICE Talking about you 1 Ask and answer questions with a partner. • Where ... live? ... have any brothers or sisters? • What like doing at the weekend? • Where go for your last holiday?
Make more questions. Use some of the question words in the Grammar Spot on p7. Ask your teacher some of the questions. 2 In groups, ask and answer the questions. Do you like listening to music?
• What sort of music do you like? What are you wearing? What is your teacher wearing?
• What did you do last night? What are you doing tonight? 3 Write a paragraph about you. Use the text about Maurizio to help you.
Getting information 4 Your teacher will give you some i ormation a!;lout Joy Darling, a postwoman. You don't have the me information. Ask and<~ .. answer questions. Student A
Student B
Joy Darling started working as a postwoman ... (When?). She drives a van because she delivers letters to a lot of small villages.
Joy Darling started working as a postwoman thirty years ago, when she was 22. She drives a van be<:ause ... (Why?).
Wllen did she start working as a postwolt/(m?
Thirty years ago.
Wlly does she drive a van? Because she delivers letters to a lot ofsmall villages.
Check it 5 Choose the correct verb form. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8
Maria comes / is coming from Chile. She speaks / is speaking Spanish and English. Today Tom wears / is wearing jeans and a T shirt,. Are you liking / Do you like black coffee? Last year she went / goes on holiday to Flori Next year she studies / is going to study at
Unit 1 • Getting to know you
VOCABULARY Using a bilingual dictionary 1 Look at this extract from the Oxford Portuguese Minidictionary. The pronunciation in
The translation
phonetic symbols ___________
- means repeat the word, so this word is bookcase.
Information in brackets (...) helps yoo to find the right translation.
The part of speech (n. " noun, v. " verb)
2 What are these words? Write or past letlse.
bread hot write
verb. adjective, adverb, prepositio1l,
;n never
] These words have more than one meaning. Write two sentences that show different meanings. Use a dictionary. Sentence 1 book kind can mean flat play
reading II good book:.
Sentence 2 I boolad a roolM at a hotel.
Listen to some sample answers.
4 What are the everyday objects in the pictures? Look around the room you are in. Find five things you don't know the words for in English. Look them up in a dictionary.
Unit 1 . Getting to know you
READING Communication 1 How many different ways can people communicate?
iI!II~ ~
2 Your teacher will give you some ideas to communicate, but you can't use words! Mime to your partner, and your partner has to guess what they arc.
1 Read the text quickly and match the headings to the paragraphs.
A HISTORY OF COMMUNICATION HOW WE COMMUNICATE COMMUNICATION TOOAY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PEOPLE AND ANIMALS 4 Match the pictures on pll to each of the four ancient societies in paragraph three. 5 Read the text again and answer the questions. Which animals arc mentioned? What can they do? 2 \Vhat is special about human communication? V\fhat can we do? 3 Which four forms of media are mentioned in the last paragraph? 4 What is good and bad about information technology today?
What do you think? • What can animals do that people can't? • How do yo II like to communicate? • What is happening in information technology now?
Unit 1 • Getting to know you
the great communicators
We can communicate with other people in many different
ways. We can talk and write, and we can send messages with our hands and faces. There is also the phone (including the mobile]), the fax, and e-mail. Television, film, painting,
and photography can also communicate ideas.
Animals have ways of exchanging information, too. Bees dance and tell other bees where to find food. Elephants
make sounds that humans can't hear. Whales sing songs. Monkeys use their faces to show anger and love. But this is nothing compared to what people can do. We have language - about 6000 languages, in fact. We can write
poetry, tell jokes, make promises, explain, persuade, tell the truth, or tell lies. And we have a sense of past and future, not just present.
Communication technologies were very important in the development of all the great ancient societies: • Around 2900 Be, paper and hieroglyphics transformed Egyptian life. • The ancient Greeks loved the spoken word. They were very good at public speaking, drama, and philosophy. • The Romans developed a unique system of government that depended on the Roman alphabet. • In the 14th century, the printing press helped develop new ways of thinking across Europe.
Radio, film, and television have had a huge influence on society in the last hundred years. And now we have the Internet, which is infinite. But what is this doing to us? We can give and get a lot of information very quickly. But there is so much information that it is difficult to know what is important and what isn't. Modern media is changing our world every minute of every day.
Unit 1 • Getting to know you
LISTENING AND SPEAKING Neighbours 1 Who are your ideal neighbours? Complete the questionnaire on the righi, then discuss your answers with a partner.
My ideal neighbours are people who ...
2 'Good v.alIs make good neighbours'. \\fhat does this mean? Do you agree?
· .. say hello when I see them. · .. I never see. · .. have parties and invite me. · .. are very quiet. · .. often come round for a cup of coffee. · .. come round to borrow things. · .. make themselves at home in my house.
3 You will hear Mrs Snell and her new neighbour, Steve, talking about each other. Work in two groups.
Group A Listen to Mrs Snell. Group B Listen to SIeve.
4 Answer the questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
When did Steve move into his new flat? Is it a large flat? What's his job? Is it a good job? Does he work long hours? What does he wear for work? Who is staying with Steve at the moment? What time did Steve's party end? How many people came to the party? What is Steve doing tonight? Why doesn't Mrs Snell want to speak to Steve?
Compare your answers with a partner from the other group. What are the differences?
Roleplay Work in groups of three.
Student A You are Steve. Student B You are Mrs Snell. Student C You are another neighbour. You have invited them to your flat for coffee. Continue the conversation below. Talk about these things. • Steve's job Neighbour Steve Mrs Snell Steve Neighbour
• Steve's sister
• the party
Do you two know each other? Well, we met a few days ago. But we didn't introduce ourselves. I'm Mrs Snel Pleased to meet you. Steve works in advertising. yoo know ...
What do you think? • What do you understand by the words 'generation
Write down three things that young people think about older people and three things that older people think about young people. In groups, compare ideas. 12
Unit 1 • Getting to know you
o o o
o o o o
o o o
o o o o
EVERYDAY ENGLISH Social expressions 1 1 We use certain expressions in different social situations.
I'm sorry I'm late!
Match the expressions and responses. When do we use these expressions? How <Ire you1 Hello. Jane!
How do you do? See you tomorrow! Good night! Good morning! Hello. I'm Ela Paul. Cheers! Excuse mel
Sleep well! Yes. Can I help you? Good morning!
Fine, thanks.
Mease<! to meet you, E1aNot at all. Don't mention it. Thanks.
Same to you! That's very kind. Thank you.
Bless you! Have a good weekend! Thank you very much indeed.
How do you do?
Make yourself at home.
Hi, Peter!
Listen and check. Practise saying them.
2 Test a partner. Sayan expression. Can your partner give the correct response? 3 With your partner, write two short conversations that include some of the social expressions. Read your conversations to the class.
Unit 1 â&#x20AC;˘ Getting to know you
The way we live Present tenses. have/have got· Collocation - daily life • Making conversation
These flags all belong to English-speaking countries. Write the name of the country.
• ._--PEOPLE AND PLACES Present tenses and have/have got 1 Read the texts. Match a country from the Starter with a text and a photograph. Complete the texts with the words from the boxes.
a=J I exports
enjoy immigrants huge
This country has quite a small population, just 16 million, but the country is __ . The people are mainly of European descent, but there are also aborigines and a lot of south-east Asian __ . People live in towns on the coast, not so much inland, because it is so hot. They live a lot of their lives outdoors, and __ sports, sWimming, and having barbecues. This country __ wine and wool- it has more than 60 million sheep!
Unit 2 . The way we live
ti 1
II=:J I favourite
variety has only
This is the second biggest country in the world, but it has a population of __ 30 million. It is so big that there is a __ of climates. Most people live in the south because the north is too cold. It is famous for its beautiful mountains and lakes - it more lakes than any other country. Their __ sports are baseball and ice hockey. ~
I elephants
grows black climate
This country has a population of about 45 million. Of these, 76 per cent are __ and 12 per cent white. It has a warm __ . Either it never rains, or it rains a lot! It is the world's biggest producer of gold, and it exports diamonds, too. It __ a lot of fruit, including oranges, pears, and grapes, and it makes wine. In the game reserves you can see a lot of wildlife, including lions, __ , zebras, and giraffes.
The United States Canada Australia New Zealand South Africa Scotland
Listen to three people describing the other countries. Match a country from the Starter with a description and a photograph.
3 Close your books. Remember three facts about each country.
GRAMMAR SPOT 1 What tense are all the verb forms in texts a-c? Why? 2 Look at the sentences. Which refers to afl time? Which refers to now? She has three children. She's having a shower. 3 Is have or have got used in texts a-c? And in d and e? Is have got more formal or informal? ........ Grammar Reference 2.1-2.4 pUO 4 Give some similar facts about your country.
Unit 2 . The way we live
PRACTICE Talking about you 1 Practise the forms of have and have got in the question. negative. and short answer.
Do YO" have a car?
Listen and repeal.
1 Ask and answer about these things with a partner, using have or have got: a computer • a credit card brothers and sisters • your parents/a holiday home a stereo a Walkman a camera a mobile phone • your sister/a car a bicycle • a pet • your brother/a motorbike
Getting information 3 Work with a partner. Student A Look at this chart. Student B Look at the chari from your teacher.
Texas, the
two brothers
United States
and a dog!
student at high school
• listens to music
getting ready to go out
• Florida or Mexico
Jeff, 54, and Wendy, S3
Melbourne, Australia
one daughter and three grandchildren
He ... office. She ... hairdresser.
• •
tennis, swimming 8ali
every summer
Write questions to find the information about the people in your chart. Town/country • Where does he ... from? FOiImily Occupation Free time/holiday Present activity
• ... married? Has he got • Does she have ... ? • How many • What ... do? • What d06 she ... in her free time? • Where go on holiday? • What doing at the moment?
? ?
Listen and compare.
4 Ask and answer questions with your partner to complete your chart.
Unit 2 . The way we live
having a barbecue in the back yard
VOCABULARY 5 Think of questions to ask about free time and hobday activities. • • • • • •
What do you do in your free time? What do ... at the weekend? ... any sports? Do you like. ? Where ... holiday? Do ... winter holiday?
Stand up! Ask two or three students your questions. Use short answers when necessary. Find Ollt who has the most hobbies and holidays.
Do you like skiing?
Check it
Daily life 1 Match the verbs and nouns. have wash watch talk
a film on TV to my friends my hair breakfast
have clear up
posters on the wall the mess a shower the washing-up
make listen rela.
to music my homework a cup of tea on the sofa
magazines a meal make-up to the toilet
cook go
put on read
Listen and check.
2 Match the activities from exercise I with the correct room. Kitchen
living room
6 Tick (,/) the correct sentence.
D D 2 D D 3D D 4 D D D D 6 D 5
D 7
Where you go on holiday? Where do you go on holiday? Do you have any children? Do you have got any children? I'm Hans. I'm coming from Germany. I'm Hans. I come from Germany. This is a great party! Everyone is dancing. This is a great party! Everyone dances. I don't have a mobile phone. I no have a mobile phone. Jack's a policeman, but he doesn't wear a uniform. Jack's a policeman, but he no wear a uniform.
3 Do you like where you live? Choose your favourite room. What do you do in that room?
D 'Where is Jose?' 'He's sitting by the window.'
D 'Where is Jose?' 'He sits by the window.' 8
0 I'm liking black coffee.
I like black coffee.
/Iike lI1y bedrooll1 a lot bee.auge I've got totg of pogftrs 011 tt1e Wang. I Hstell to lI1uS'ic alld do My hOll1ework ..• I Hke Illy livillg rooll1. The waltg are white, and I love the big, cOll1fortable gofa •..
4 Describe your favourite room to a partner. Don't say which room it is. Can your partner guess?
Unit 2 . The way we live
READING AND SPEAKING Living in the USA 1 Close your eyes and think of the United States. Write down the first five things yOll think of.
The Empire State Building Cheeseburger and fries Compare YOllr list with other students.
2 Read the introduction 10 the magazine article. Then work in three groups. Group A Read about Roberto. Group B Read about Endre. Group C Read about Yuet Tung.
J Answer the questions. Why and when did he/she come to the US? 2 What does he/she do? 3 What does he/she like about living in the US? 4 VVhat was difficult at the beginning?
4 Find a partner from each of the other two groups. Compare the three people. S Answer the questions with your group. I What do the people have in common? 2 Are they all happy living in the US? 3 Who has other members of their family living there? 4 Do they aU have children? 5 Who married someone from their own country? 6 What do Roberto and Endre like about the US? 7 What do they say about their own country? 8 Do they like the people? 9 What do they say about Americans and their cars?
What do you think? What do you like best about Hving in your country? What would yOll miss if you lived abroad? â&#x20AC;˘ Do you know any foreigners living in your country? What do they like about it? \Nhat do they find different?
Unit 2 . The way we live
Roberto came from Acapulco to New York ten years ago. At first he missed everything - the sunshine, the food, his girlfriend. But now he
has a successful business with his three brothers and his sister. They run a soccer store in New Brunswick. Roberto's girlfriend is
now his wife, and they have two children who go to American
schools. When asked why he came to the US, Roberto says without hesitation, 'Because I want to work hard and be successful.' He certainly works hard. He's at the store all day, then works as a driver in the evening. 'That's why 1like America: he says. 'You can be what you want.' 'When I first came here, J didn't speak the language, and it was winter. It was so cold! There was snow! Now nearly all my family are here, not only in New York, but also in California, and in Texas. We meet about once a month and have a huge Mexican meal that takes about five hours! we're all happy here:
Endre is a mathematician at Rutgers University, New Jersey. He came from Budapest thirteen years ago. 'I had an opportunity to come here for two years.' After a year, his wife came to join him, and since then they've had a daughter, so they decided to stay.
'At first it was very strange. Everything is so big here,' he says. 'I started to feel happy when I bought a car. Now I go everywhere by car. In Hungary, we only use the car at weekends, but here your car is part of your life. Nobody walks anywhere.' How does he find the people? 'very friendly. The first question everybody asks you is "Where are you from?" People talk to you here, they start conversations. I like the fact that there are people from all over the world.' What about the way of life? 'The thing I like best is the independence. Nobody tells me what to do. Here you can do what you want, so you learn to make decisions for yourself. I feel in control.'
Yuet Tung is her Chinese name, but in English she's known as Clara. She came to the US eight years ago and studied fine art. Now she works on Madison Avenue for a publisher. She married a Vietnamese American three years ago, and they live in long Island. They don't have any children yet.
What does she think of living in New York? 'It's very similar to Hong Kong. It's a bUsy city, very exciting, and people walk very fast! I like the stores here. They're huge, and it's cheaper than Hong Kong. But you need a car here. In Hong Kong everyone uses public transportation, because it's good and it's cheap. At first I hated driving here, but it's OK now.' What does she like best? 'The space. Here I live in a house with a yard. In Hong Kong it is so crowded. And the people are friendly. When I go jogging, everyone says "Hit" And the food is from every country in the world.'
Unit 2 â&#x20AC;˘ The way we live
LISTENING AND SPEAKING You drive me mad (but I love you)! 1 Complete these sentences about the people in your life. Tell a partner. • My mother/father drives me mad when she/he. . . • I don't like people who ... • I hate it when my boyfriend/girlfriend. • It really annoys me when friends ... 2 Choose one person in your life. What annoying habits does he/she have? Does he/she ... ? Is he/she ... ? • always arrive late • untidy • talk too loudly
• always on the phone
• leave things on the floor
• never on time
What annoying habits do yOll have? Discuss with your partner. 3 You are going to listen to a radio programme called Home Trutlls. Two couples, Carol and Mike, and Dave and Alison, talk about their partner's annoying habits. Look at the pictures below. What are their habits?
Listen and write the correct names under each picture below.
4 Are these sentences true (.I) or false (X)? Correct the false sentences. 1 Carol and Mike never watch television. 2 Mike doesn't listen when his wife speaks to him. 3 Carol makes the decisions in their house. 4 Mike shouts at his wife when she's driving.
5 Dave never does any jobs at home. 6 Dave is bad at his job. 7 Alison tidies up Dave's mess. 8 Alison is very organized.
What do you think? 1 Do men or women typically complain about their partners these things? • watching sport on TV
• driving badly
• taking a long time to get ready
• not tidying things away
2 What do you think men are generally better at? What are women better at? 20
Unit 2 • The way we live
EVERYDAY ENGLISH Making conversation
Listen to two conversations. Maria and Jean-Paul are foreign students in Britain. Their teachers are trying to be friendly. Which conversation is more successful? Why?
1 Obviously, it is impossible to tell someone how to have a conversation, but here are some things that help. • Ask questions.
• Show that you're interested. • Don't just answer yes or no. o Try to add a comment of your own. • Don't let the conversation stop.
Find examples of these in the tapescripts on p 119.
J Match a line in A with a reply in B and a fmther comment in A
1 What a lovely day it is today!
2 It's very wet today. l How are you today? 4 Did you have a nice weekend? S How are you finding living in London? 6 Did you have a good journey? ) Did you watch the football yesterday? 8 What a lovely coat you're wearing! 9 If you have any problems, just ask me for help.
• I'm enjoying it.
Yes, no problems. I'm very well, thanks. No, I missed it. Thank you. Thank you very much.
v". ~ Yes, it was lovely. Mm. Horrible.
Was it a good game? That's very kind of you. We had a pub lunch and went for a walk. The plane was a bit late, but it didn't matter. Makes you feel miserable, doesn't it? I got it in Paris last year. How about you? It was a bit strange at first, but I'm getting used to it. Beautiful, isn't it?
Listen and check. Practise the conversations with a partner.
4 Think of three questions to ask someone about each of these subjects. • job
• home
• free time
• last holiday
S Invent a new name and background for yourself.
My name's James Bond. I'm a spy. I lzave homes ill Londoll, Moscow, and Beijing .. Stand up! You're all at a party. Try to make some friends.
Unit 2 . The way we live
It all went wrong Past tenses â&#x20AC;˘ Word formation â&#x20AC;˘ Time expressions
Here are the past tense forms of some irregular verbs. Write the infinitives. 1
5 6
gave got
10 11 12
could made did
Read and listen to the newspaper article. Why was Russell the burglars' friend?
The burglars' friend IT was 3 o'clock in the morning when four-yearold Russell Brown woke up to go to the toilet. His parents were fast asleep in bed. But when he heard a noise in the jiving room and saw a light was 00, he went downstairs. There he found two men. They asked him his name, and told him they were friends of the family. Unfortunately, Russell believed them. They asked him where the video recorder
Unit 3 . It all went wrong
His parents were fast asleep in bed was. Russell showed them, and said they had a stereo and CD player, too. The two men carried these to the kitchen. Russell also told them that his mother kept her purse in a drawer in the kitchen, so they took that. Russell even gave them his pocket money - SOp. They finally left at 4 a.m.
They said, 'Will you open the back door while we take these things to the car, because we don't want to wake Mummy and Daddy, do we?' So Russell held the door open for them. He then went back to bed. His parents didn't know about the burglary until they got up the next day. His father said, 'I couldn't be angry with Russell because he thought he was doing the right thing.' Fortunately, the police caught the two burglars last week.
2 Write the past forms of these irregular verbs from the article. wake hear find keep
leave hold think catch
} DO
You wiU hear some sentences about the story. Correct the mistakes. Russell woke up at 2 o'clock. He did,,'t wake lip at 2.oo! He woke up at 3.00.
4 Write the questions to these answers. Because he wanted to go to the toilet. Why did he wake up?
2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10
They were in bed. Because he heard a noise and saw a light 011. Two. They told him they were friends of the family. In a drawer in the kitchen.
GRAMMAR SPOT What tense are nearly all the verbs in the article? Why? How do we form the question and negative? 2 Write the Past Simple of these verbs. a ask c like show believe want use walk d stop start plan b try carr)'
Listen and repeat. 3 How is the regular past tense formed? How is the past tense formed when the verb ends in a consonant + y1 When do we double the final consonant? There is a list of irregular verbs on p143.
....... Grammar Reference 3.1 pm
SOp. At 4 a.m.
The next day. (When ... find out about ... ?) Last week.
Making connections
1 Match the verb phrases. Then make sentences using both verbs in the past. Join the sentences with so, because, and, or but. I broke a cup, but I mended it wit" glue.
break a cup feel ill make a sandwich have a shower lose my passport call the police run out of coffee forget her birthday phone ring tell a joke
e e e
answer it --- mend it wash my hair laugh be hungry go to bed buy some more find it say sorry hear a strange noise
Listen and compare your answers.
Talking about you
e t
Russell. 4. made thieves feel at home
2 Ask and answer these questions with a partner. Make more questions, using the Past Simple. What did you do . ? 1 watched TV. â&#x20AC;˘ last night last weekend on your last birthday on your last holiday
Unit 3 â&#x20AC;˘ It all went wrong
NEWSPAPER STORIES Past Continuous 1 Complete the newspaper articles with the Past Simple of the verbs in the boxes.
I have
o Hands up, I've got a burger!
Teenage party ends in tears When Jack and Kelly Harman (1) away on holiday, they
Last Tuesday a man armed with just a hot hamburger in a bag (1)
$1,000 from a bank in Danville, California. ~;;~;-;;;;;:::===:::;;;;;;;; Police Detective Bill McGinnis (2) that the robber entered the Mount Diablo National Bank at about 1.30 p.m. and (3) the teller a note demanding $1,000. He claimed that he (4) a bomb In the bag. The teller said she Police Detective Bill McGinnis (5) smell a distinct odour of hamburger coming from the bag. Even so, she handed the money to the man. He dropped the bag with the hamburger. He escaped in a car.
their teenage daughter alone in the house. Zoe, aged 16, wanted to stay at home. Her parents said she could have some friends to stay. However, Zoe decided to have a party. Things started to go wrong. Forty uninvited guests arrived. They (3) ;-~_~ furniture, smashed windows, and stole jewellery. When Mr and Mrs Harman (4) _ the news, they (5) home immediately.
2 Match these phrases to the articles. Where exactly does each phrase go in the story? ... because she was revising for exams. As he was running out of the bank, Everyone was having a good time when suddenly ... ... that was waiting for him outside. ... and some of them were carrying knives. ... , who was wearing a mask,
Listen and check. Practise the sentences that contain these phrases.
Unit 3 . It all went wrong
What tense are all the verb forms in exercise 2? Why is this tense used? 2 How do we make questions and negatives? 3 look at these sentences. What's the difference between them? . When we armed,
she h made k' s e was rna Ing
........ Grammar Reference 3.2 and 3.3 p132
some coffee.
PRACTICE fortunately/unfortunately
Discussing grammar Choose the correct verb form.
4 Continue this story around the class.
I saw / was seeing a very good programme on TV last night. 2 While I shopped / was shopping this morning, I lost / was losing my money. Tdon't know how. 3 Last week the police stopped I were stopping Alan in his car because he drove / was driving at over eighty mIles an hour. 4 How did yo II wI/were YO/l Clit/ing your finger?
5 I cooked / was cookillg and I drappell/ was dropping the knife. 6 When I arrived / was arriving at the party, everyone had / was havillga good lime. 7 Did you have / Were yOLI having a good time last night? 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Continuous.
While 1 I
(meet) an old friend.
(go) to work this morning,
(not want) to get up this morning.
It (rain) and it was cold, and my bed was so warm. 3 _ _ _ (listen) to the news on the radio when the phone (ring). 4 But when I (pick) up the phone, there was no one there. 5 I (say) hello to the children, but they didn't say anything because they
(watch) television.
Getting information 3 Your teacher will give you some more information about the teenage party, but you don't have all the information. Ask and answer questions.
Student A
Student B
Mr and Mrs Harman arrived home at ... (When?) Zoe was staying with friends.
Mr and Mrs Harman arrived home at 10.30 in the evening. Zoe was staying ... (Where?)
I went out for a walk. Unfortunately, it began to rain. Fortunately, I had an umbrella. Unfortunately. it was broken. Fortunately, I met a friend in his car. Unfortunately, his car ran out of petrol. Fortunately, .. .
5 Tell similar stories around the class. Begin with these sentences. When did Mr and Mrs Harman arrive home?
• I lost my wallet yesterday. • It was my birthday last week. We went out for a meal last night. • I went on holiday to ... last year.
She was stayillg with friends.
Unit 3 • It all went wrong
Look at the pictures below and listen to a radio play called Ti,e perfect crime.
3 Read the story_ What do you learn from the story that you didn't from the radio drama?
2 Answer the questions.
I What can you sec in the pictures? 2 How did Alice feel about Henry at the beginning of the play? 3 What did her husband tell her? 4 \Vho is Kathy? Who is Bobby? 5 What did she say when he told her? Why did she decide to do this?
6 What did she do to him then? 7 How do you think she murdered him? 8 What was her explanation to the police? 9 Why were all the policemen thirsty?
The perfect crime Alice J.cbon's husband, Henry,
a man of
J-\ So It wa.s that at cxacdy six o'clock in the evening she was in the kitchen gcrong a beer for tum our of the mdgc and warchmg him "-alk up me pam. She:: was smiling. Today the routine \\-45 going to tx diffen=nt. It was their tenth wedding anniversary, and some fiiends were:: coming round for drinks at 8.00. There was 1II big ice statue of a couple kissing in the middle of the table in the Ii..;ng room, with twenry glasses waiting for the guests. Alice was looking forward to the evening. She was very happ}'. She had a beaurifill baby sleeping upstairs, a lovc:iy homc, and a husband who she adored. Henry opened thc door and came:: into the kitchen. She turned round to kiss him and give him his beer. 'Sit down,' Henry said. 'I've got something ro say.' Alice had no idea that in the next twO minutes her whole life was going to change. 'I'm sorry,' he said. 'And it's our anniversary, as well. But it's just that Kathy and [ arc in love. Bobby won't mis~ me, he's tOO young.' She didn't believe her ears. She was in a dream. 'I'll get ready for the party,' she said. She walked intO the living room. When she returned, Henry was standing with his back to her, drinking his beer. She was carrying something heavy. He turned. 'What on earth .. ~'These were Henry Jackson'l> last words. His wife hit him over the head. At first he didn't move, then he feU to the floor. Suddenly Alice began to think very clearly. She took the icc statue back to the living room, and phoned the police.
Unit 3 . It all went wrong
Then she turned up th..: Ccntr,l! he,mng, and went L1p~tairs to put
.loomc make-up.
The pohce l;JlllC quickly. 'J) he all nght?' !lilt: .bkcd. r.
>h, ge
no e
ro, og
'He's dead.'
Ahcc: screamed. 'No, no, not Henry! My Henry! Oh Henry!' Through her tcars she rold bow she put the to bed, and (;line downsulr5 to find Henry on the kitchen floor. 'Burglar!>,' Detective Parry. They took her meo the hving room.
'Sit down, Mrs Jackson. Sergeant Taylor, get Mr:. Jackson a dnnk. A brandy with :.omc icc. Phew! It's hot in tlus room. I hope you undcrllund, Mrs Jackson, that we have to search the house immcdi.acly. 'oNe muSt find the murder weapon.' The room wa.s getting hotter. Suddenly an arm fell off me: ice statue Onto the rable. It was mclclllg. Sergeant T.lylor went to the natuc and pICked up rhe mclnng .nm. He broke It into bits and put some into Alice's brandy. -Phew! Can I have a glaM ofwarer, Mrs Jackson~ It's M) hot in here.' 'I think we all need one:; said the detective. 'And with Ice.' They were all very hot and thirsty. Alice's friends arrived. 'Poor Alice! Poor Henry!' They cried, and they tried to comfort her. 'Oh, thank you, thank you,' sobbed Alice. -Please ... stay and have a drink. Help yourselves.' They all had drinks - gin and tonic, whisky - and they all had icc. The statue was now nearly a pool of water on the floor. 'I wonder what the burglar hit him Wlth,' said one guest. 'Who knows~' said another, takmg a Sip of her dnnk. Alice heard this conversation, and smiled Into her bnmdy.
4 Are these sentences true f,/) or false: Xl? Correct the false sentences. Alice was waiting for her husband because she wanted to kill him. 2 She was happy because it was her anmversary. 3 She didn't know what he was going to tell her. 4 Henry said lhal he was in love with someone else. 5 She thought for a long time about how to murder Henry. 6 She turned up the central heating because the room was cold. 7 After she murdered him, Alice was very clever in her behaviour. S Alice hid the murder weapon.
Whit do you think? At the beginning and the end of the play, Alke was smiling. Why? Why do you think she did it? â&#x20AC;˘ Do you think it was the perfect crime? Do you think she got away with the murder? Why/Why not?
Language work 5 Give the past form of these verbs from the story. Be careful with the pronunciation. adore phone _ _ open scream turn take walk pick hit
Spnkins , ReteU the story in your own words the
VOCABULARY Nouns, verbs, and adjectives
Making negatives
1 Look at these common noun and adjective suffixes. They are used to form different parts of speech.
3 We can make adjectives and verbs negative by using these prefixes.
-ion -ness -ity -cnee -sian -ment -y
Complete the charts below and mark the stress. There are some spelling changes. Noun
"" help
Complete the sentences, using a word from the box and a preflx. pack possible agree tidy fair appear employed legal polite
en 'joy
a lot after I lived in London for a month.
in life. I want to be rich, and I want to be
3 'I'm going to work hard from now on.' 'That's a very good 4 There are many between my two children. They aren't similar at all. S Thank you for your advice. It was very _ 6 I like ltalian people. They're very kind and _ 7 The United Nations is an international _ 8 I asked the teacher for help, but unforhmateIy, 1 didn't understand his _ 9 Motor racing is a very sport. 10 Fish soup is a of this area. You must try it. II I'm having a party on Saturday, and I'd like to you. 12 This is the part of my town. There are lots of factories and businesses. Unit 3 â&#x20AC;˘ It all went wrong
Don't go into my bedroom. It's really
2 Complete the sentences with one of the words from exercise I.
2 I have two
I My English
2 I can't do maths. For me, it's an _____ subject. 3 I don't fish. I just prefer meat. 4 It's very to ask someone how much they earn. S When we arrived at the hotel, we _____ our suitcases. 6 I was for two years. Then I got a job in an office. 7 'I think learning languages is stupid.' 'I . I think it's a good idea.' 8 The thief stole my bag, ran into the . I never saw crowd and him again. drug in 9 Cannabis is an many countries. 10 You gave her more money than me! That's !
EVERYDAY ENGLISH Time expressions
I There are two ways of saying dates. What are they? 811/98
Listen and check.
Look at the same dates in written American English. What's the difference? 1/8/98
listen and check.
2 Practise these dates. They are in British English. 4 June 5 August 31 July 1 March 3 February 2111/1988 2/1V1996 5/4/1980 11/6/1965 18/1012000
listen and check.
What days are national holidays in your country? ) Complete these time expressions with at,
in, or no preposition.
_last night
the weekend
Monday morning
the evening
yesterday evening
_January 18
six o'clock
two weeks ago
........ Grammar Reference 3.4 p131.
4 Ask and answer the questions with a partner. 1 Do you know exactly when you were born?
I was hom at two o'clock i1l the moming all Wedllesday, the twenty-fifth ofJune, 1979.
2 When did you last ... ? • go to the cinema • playa sport • give someone a present • have a holiday • watch TV
• go to a party • do an exam • see a lot of snow • clean your teeth • catch a plane
s Lunt
WK M T W 1 9 10 6 7 8 11 13 14 15
T 2 9 16
Unit 3 . It all went wrong
, 3
Let's go shopping! much/many. some/any. a few, alittle, a lot of • Articles • Shopping' Prices
Play the alphabet game with things you can buy. Continue around the class.
A. Yesterday 1went shopping and 1bought an apple. Ii Yesterday 1went shopping and I bought an apple and some bread. C Yesterday I went shopping and I bought an apple, some bread, and a car.
o Yesterday ...
Read and listen to their conversation.
V It says here milk. How much milk do we need? S Two pints. V And eggs? How many eggs?
A dozen. And what about potatoes? How many potatoes? A kilo's enough. And butter? How much? Just one packet.
GRAMMAR SPOT Can we count milk (one milk, two milks) 1 Can we (ount eggs {one egg, two eggs) 1 When do we say How much When do we say How many
? ?
........ Grammar Reference 4.1 p1l1
2 Match these quantities with the shopping list. a bottle of red
just one white loaf 200g of Cheddar four packets
six cans six pork ones four big ones
Continue the conversation with a partner.
1 Sarah and Vicky are two students who share a flat. H is Saturday morning, and Sarah has written a shopping list.
-~ _-~.,.-'~
Unit 4 • Let's go shopping!
Ct:rI<-e 6au s 03 e5 WVUZ-
Read and listen to the rest
of the conversation. V Do we need anything else? S Let's have a look. We've got some apples, but there aren't any grapes. And there isn't any coffee, but we've got some tea. V Is there any orange juice left, or did somebody flnish it? S There's a little, but there isn't much, so we need some marc. V And vegetables? Have we got many vegetables? S Well, I can see a few carrots, but there aren't many onions. V Dh, and don't forget we need a lot of crisps. My nephews are coming tomorrow! S Right, then. I think that's everything. Let's go! By the way, how much money have you got?
1 Find seven count nouns (CNs) and four uncount nouns (UNsJ in the conversation. 2 Tick (.I) the correct columns. We use ...
with CNs
with UNs ,/
in positive sentences
in negative sentences
'"y much many a lot/lots of a few a little
3 look at the forms of something/someone, etc. The rules are the same as for some and any. Find two examples in the conversation in exercise 3.
some any
thing one/body where
...... Grammar Reference 4.1 pH}
PRACTICE Discussing grammar 1 Complete the sentences with some or any. I
2 3 4
Have you got _ _ brothcrs or sisters? We don't need olive oil. Here are _ _ letters for you. I need _ _ money. Is there _ _ petrol in the car?
2 Complete the sentences with much or mallY. I Have you got _ _ homcwork?
2 We don't need _ _ eggs. Just half a dozen. 3 Is there _ _ traffic in your town? 4 I don't know _ _ students in this class.
SHow _ _ people live in your house?
3 Complete the sentences with a little, a few, or a lot of 1 2 3 4 S
I have close friends. Two or three. He has _ _ money. He's a millionaire. 'Do you take sugar in coffee?' 'Just _ _ . Half a spoonful.' 'Have you got _ _ CDs?' 'Hundreds.' ['\1 be ready in _ _ minutes.
6 She speaks good Spanish, but only _ _ Russian.
Unit 4 . let's go shopping!
M) Questions and answers
4 Look at Sarah and Vicky's bathroom. Ask and answer
S Complete the sentences with the correct word.
questions with a partner about these things:
• make-up • shampoo • towels
• toothbrushes • toothpaste • toilet paper
Have they got milch make-lip?
Is there (Illy soap?
• hairbrushes • soap • bottles of perfume
some any
thing one/body where
'Did you meet nice at the party?' 'Yes. I met who knows you!' 2 'Ouch! There's in my eyc!' 'Let me look. No, I can't see _ 3 'Let's go 'But we can't go
expensive.' 4 'I'm so unhappy. 'I know
hot for our holidays.' that's too
p Dis
loves me.' who loves you. Me.'
5 I lost my glasses. 1 looked , but 1 couldn't find them. 6 'Did you buy at the shops?' 'No, . I didn't have any money.' 7 I'm bored. 1 want interesting to read, or interesting to talk to, or interesting to go. B It was a great party. loved it.
Listen and check.
Town survey 6 Work in groups. Talk about the good things and bad things about living in your town. Make a list. Compare your list with the class.
Good .f-hi"'1S t:lre. t:l Io.f- 0+ w+ts aKd ..fS. t:lre. Some. qood shopS. bJe. w . . qo 01\. lots ~ walks.
Bad .f-hi"'1s 13u+ "'~ k.v,"' +qo-l- ••~ qood clubs. There. are... . 1t l\\lj . ol\llj Ol\e.
Thue. is.... \..(- a"' .flw:.f we. ca", ...
Unit 4 . let's go shopping!
M Read and Listen to the text.
Find examples of the definite article (the) and the indefinite article (a/.1n). 2 Find examples of when there is no article. ~
Grammar Reference 4.2 pH}
y uncle's a shopkeeper. He has a shop in an old village by thc Rivcr Thames near Oxford. The shop sells a lot of things - bread, milk, fruit, vegetables, newspapers - almost everything! It is also the village post office. The children in the village always stop to spend a few pence on sweets or icecream on their way home from school. My uncle doesn't often leave the viUage. He hasn't got a car, so once a month he goes by bus to Oxford and has lunch at the Grand Hotel \\~th some friends. He is one of the happiest men I know.
PRACTICE Discussing grammar
In pairs, find one mistake in each sentence. 1 He's postman, so he has breakfast at 4 a.m. 2 The love is more important than money. 3 I come to the school by bus. 4 I'm reading one good book at the moment. S 'Where's Jack?' 'In a kitchen.' 6 I live in centre of town, near the hospital. 7 My parents bought the lovely house in the country. 8 I don't eat the bread because I don't like it. 1 Complete the sentences with a/an, the, or nolhing.
and I
I have two children, _ _ boy and _ _ girl. _ _ boy is twenty-two and _ _ girl is nineteen. Mike is _ _ soldier in _ _ Army, and Chloe is at _ _ university. My wife goes to _ _ work by _ _ train. She's accountant. I don't have _ _ job. I stay at _ _ home and look after chiJdren. What _ _ lovely day! Why don't we go for _ _ picnic in _ _ park? 'What did you have for _ _ lunch?' 'Just sandwich.'
Unit 4 â&#x20AC;˘ let's go shopping!
The best shopping street in the world 1 Match a famous shopping street with a town, a store, and a product. Street
Ono,d Str":,~ Champs-Elysees
Guerlain ( Marks and Spencer
underwear and
Fifth Avenue Via Montenapoleone
leather goods jewellery
NeWY~r~ r
perfume 2 Read the headline and the introduction of the newspaper article. Does anything surprise you? What do you want to find Ollt when you read the article? Write some questions. ] Read the article quickly and answer the questions you have written. What is the best summary of the article? Nowy Swiat is the best shopping street in the world because .. · .. so many Polish people go walking there. · .. it is a pleasant place to shop and the shops are small. · .. everything is very expensive and very exclusive. · .. the shops sell quality goods that you can't buy anywhere else.
4 Read the article again and answer the questions. I How do we know that Nowy Swiat is the most popular shopping street? 2 Why is it such a nice place to go shopping? 3 What can you see in the photos that is described in the article? 4 Why don't many foreign people go to NoW)' Swiat? 5 Why are the things produced by Polish manufacturers so good? 6 What can you buy here? What can't you buy? 7 What is expensive? What isn't expensive? 8 What's good about Cafe Blikfe? 9 What is special about the shops in Nowy Swiat?
language work Complete the sentences with different ideas from the article. In Nowy Swiat, there are a fot of... There isn't any . There aren't any/many... There are some .
What do you think? What are some of the famous brands and products that you can buy in many countries of the world? Think of clothes, food, cars .... Make a list. Work in groups and choose the most famous three. Compare your list with the class. What is the main shopping street in your town? What can you buy there that's speciaJ? Do you enjoy shopping? What do you like shopping for? What don't you like shopping for?
Unit 4 • let's go shopping!
recent survey has shown that the busiest shopping street in the world is not in London, New York, or Paris, but in Warsaw. It's called Nowy Swiat (pronounced Inovi JVI:ll/), which means New World. An incredible 14,000 Poles walk down this main street every hour. It is a lovely place to shop. The pavements are very wide. There are statues, palaces, attractive town houses, exclusive cafes, and high·class restaurants. The buildings aren't too tall. They look old, but in fact the whole
city was rebuilt after World War 11.
There aren't any billboards or neon lights. There isn't any loud music, and there aren't many tourists. People thjnk that Polish shops have nothing to sell, so nobody comes shopping here. The world doesn't know
about this paradise for shoppers ~yet.
It is now possible to buy almost everything in Warsaw. There are a lot of shops from the West, but the interesting thing is that Polish manufacturers are now producing high quality goods. They are good because they are not mass produced for world consumption. Nowy Swiat has a lot of small shops, specialist shops, and chic shops. It hasn't got the huge department stores that seJi the same things everywhere. If you want an exquisite hand* made suit, Nowy Swiat is the place to go. It isn't cheap. You will pay up to £1,000. For beautiful French baby clothes, go to Petit Bateau. You will pay £50 for a pair of blue jeans for a baby. A dress for a baby girl is about £90. At Desa, a famous antique shop, a desk costs
£5,000, and a 19th century Russian icon is £200. Not everything is expensive. At the shop Pantera you can buy leather goods - handbags, purses, coats, and belts. Cepelia specializes in folk art. There are also book shops and record shops. And there are a lot of small boutiques that sell men's and women's clothes that aren't too expensive. If you're tired, stop at Care Blikle. This is a fashionable place to meet. You'll find a lively atmosphere, and a lot of well-known Poles. The frozen yoghurt and ice-creams are excellent, and its famous doughnuts are delicious. It is possible to travel the world and find the same things for sale in every country. But Warsaw is different because its shops are unique - and they're in Nowy Swiat. Unit 4 . let's go shopping!
Buying things
1 What can you buy or do in these places? Write two things for each place. Compare your ideas with the class 2
lID 1 2 3 4
a clothes shop
a chemist's
a cafe
Listen to the conversations . Answer the questions.
Where are the conversations taking place? Choose from the places What docs the customer want? Can the shop assistant/cashier help? How much docs the customer pay?
exerCise I.
3 Complete these lines from the conversations. Look at the tapescript on p64 and check your answers. A Hello. Can I help you? B I , thanks.
3 A Hello. I help me. I've got a bad _ cold and a sore throat. Can you B OK. You can take these three times a day.
B I'm looking for a jumper _ _ _ _ _ _ . Have you got
A I'll just have a look. _ _ _ _ _ _ are you?
A Thank you. ,
, please?
B Sure. ? A No, that's all, thanks.
B Medium.
A Here you are. B That's great.
A Of course. The changing
rooms are over there. 4 A Good morning. Can I have a
B I like it. A It
B How much is it?
A ÂŁ39.99. BOK.I
A How would you like to pay?
B 2 A
_ help me? I'm looking for this month's edition of Vogue. Can you tell me ____ 1
B Over there.
Middle shelf. Next to She.
Unit 4 â&#x20AC;˘ let's go shopping!
please? B Espresso? A Yes, please. Oh, and a doughnut, please. B there aren't We've got some delicious carrot cake, and chocolate cake. A OK. Carrot cake, then. B Certainly. Is A Yes, thanks. B
A Thank you.
a newsagent's
a bank
? , please.
EVERYDAY ENGLISH Prices and shopping Look
the way we write and say prices in British and American English. Practise
saying them. British Enllish
Americ<ln English
£1 SOp
Spoken a pound fiftyp
£1.99 £16.40
one pound ninety-nine
a quarter
sixteen pounds forty
a dime
Listen to the conversations and write the numbers
2 \Vhat's the exchange rate between sterling/US dollars and
Spoken a dollar fifty cents
Written $1 50<
There are abollt five ... to tile dollar. In your country, how much is ... ? • a pair of jeans • a hamburger
• a packet of cigarettes • a litre of petrol
1 Make conversations in these places with a partner.
Use the ideas
hear. currency?
3'"1" a cafe
an espresso/a cappuccino a pot of tea
a sparkling/still mineral water a piece of chocolate cake
help you.
a shirt/tie What size are you~ smalllmediumllarge too smallltoo big 111 have it. please. 111 leave them, thanks.
conditioner ~having foam deodorant stomach ache sore throat
some stamps First or second c1ass~ a letter/postcard to Japan send this parcel co Mexico buy some envelopes
Unit 4 • Let's go shopping!
What do you want to o? Verb patterns 1 • Future forms • Hot verbs • How do you feel?
Complete these sentences with ideas about you. One day Iwant to . .
• Right now, I'd like to . . .
• I can ... but I can't. . .
• Tonight I'm going to ...
HOPES AND AMBITIONS Verb patterns 1 1 Match the people with their hopes and ambitions. 1 0 I'd like to have my own business, something like a flying school. 1 0 I'm going to be an astronaut and fly to Mars.
0 D S0
3 4 6
I'm looking forward to haying more time to do the things I want to do. I would love to have one of my plays performed on the London stage.
We hope to find work as we go round the world. We're thinking of moving, because the kids will be leaving home soon.
Listen and check.
2 Complete the chart. Ambitions/Plans
Sean Mel
Justin Martyn Amy
3 Underline the examples of verb + verb in exercise I.
I'd like to have my own business ... Look at the tapescript on p 120. Find more examples of verb + verb. 38
Unit S . What do you want to do?
• Ienjoy ... because I like ...
PRACTICE GRAMMAR SPOT Complete the sentences with the words go abroad. Put the verb go in the correct form.
I want to go abroad. I'd like . 1can't . I'm looking forward to ...
I hope
I enjoy . I'm thinking of ...
I'dlo'le ... 1 What's the difference between these sentences?
Discussing grammar 1 In these sentences, one or two verbs are correct, but not all three. Tick (v"') the correct verbs. , I _ _ to live in a hot country. a
0 'd like
2 We _ _ going to Italy for our holidays. a
are hoping
b 0 're thinking of
c 0 like
3 , _ _ go home early tonight. a want bDlike cOcan 4 ' _ _ 10 sec you again soon.
'd like
c 0
'm looking forward
I like going to the cinema.
5 Do you _ _ learning English? a 0 want b 0 enjoy c 0 like 6 We _ _ having a few days off soon. a 0 're thinking of b 0 'd love to c 0 're looking forward to
I'd like to go to the cinema tonight.
Make correct sentences with the other verbs.
....... Grammar Reference 5.1 and 5.2 pB4
Making questions 2 Complete the questions. A I hope to go to university. B (What/want/study?)
2 A One of my favourite hobbies is cooking. B (What/like/make?) 3 A I get terrible headaches. B (When/start/get/them?)
_ _
4 A We're planning our summer holidays at the moment. B (Where/think/go?) _ 5 A I'm tired. B (What/like/do/tonight?)
Listen and check. What are A's answers? Practise the conversations with a partner.
Talking about you 3 Ask and answer the questions with a partner. â&#x20AC;˘ What do you like doing on holiday? Where would you like to be right now1 Do you like learning English? Would you like to learn any other languages? Would you like to have a break now? 4 Ask and answer questions about your plans and ambitions. Which countries ... go to?
Wlwt ... after this course?
Unit 5 . What do you want to do?
going to and will
1 Match the pictures and sentences.
o They're going to watch a football match. 2 0 ,'II pick it up for you. 3 0 She's going 10 travd round the world. 4 0 It's OK. ,'11 answer it. 5 0 Don't worry. I'll lend you some. 6 0 We're going out to have a meal.
2 Add a line before and after the sentences
in exercise I. Before I haven't got ilIny money. What's Ali doing next year?
The phone's ringing. Damn! I've dropped one. What are you and Pete doing tonight?
What are the lads doing this afternoon?
After Thank you. That's very kind. I'm expecting ill call. Thanks. I'll pay you back tomorrow. I won't forget.
Lucky her!
Arsenal arc playing at home. It's my birthday.
Listen and check. Practise the conversations with a partner.
GRAMMAR SPOT 1 Notice the forms of will. I'U :: short form
I won't=- negative short form 2 All the sentences in exercise 1 express intentions. Three intentions are spontaneous. Which are they? Three of the intentions are premeditated. What happened before each one? ...... Grammar Reference 5.3 pU4
Unit S . What do you want to do?
PRACTICE Let's have a party! Your class has decided to have a party. Everyone must
help. Say what you'l! do.
/'11 bring the music. 2 Your teacher didn't hear what you said. Listen to your teacher and correct him/her.
Right. I'll bring some music.
Oil, all right. Well, I'll buy some crisps.
V Discussing grammar 1 Choose the correct verb form.
'My bag is so heavy.' 'Give it to me. I'll carry /l'm goillg to carry it for y u.' 2 I bought some warm boots because I'll go / I'm going skiing. 3 'Tony's back from holiday.' 'Is he? I'll give / I'm going to give him a ring.' 4 'VVhat are you doing tonight?'
'We'll see / we're going to see a play at the theatre.' 5 You can tell me your secret. I won't tell / I'm not going to tell anyone. 6 Congratulations! I hear you'll get married I you're
going to get married. 7 'I need to post these letters.' 'I'll go ( ['m going shopping soon. ['II post ( I'm going to post them for you.' 8 'Now, holidays. Where will you go ( are yaH going this year?' 'We don't know yet.' 4
Close your books. Listen to the beginnings of the conversations. Complete them.
Check it 5 Correct these sentences. I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8
What you want drink? I have a Coke, please. I can't to help you. It's starting rain. I'm looking forward to see you again soon. I think to change my job soon. Phone me tonight. r give you my phone number. t see the doctor tomorrow about my back.
Talking about you 6 Talk to a partner about your plans for tonight, tomorrow, next weekend, your next holiday, Christmas ... What are you doitlglgoing to do tonight?
( I'm going to stay at home and... )
Where are you going ... ?
Unit 5 . What do you want to do?
READING Hollywood kids 1 What are some of the problems of being a teenager? Tick (..... ) the boxes on the left.
o drugs 0 o violence in the streets 0 o they don't have enough money 0 o their parents don't give them enough attention 0 o they worry about how they look 0 o they have no interest.s or ambitions 0 o their parents want them to do well in life 0 o they're too old to be children. but too young 0 to be adults
2 Read the text about Hollywood kids. What arc some of their problems? Tick (......) the boxes on the right. Are there any differences? ] Are these sentences true (.I) or false (1)? Correct the false sentences. Everybody in Hollywood is rich and famous. 2 Hollywood kids don't lead ordinary lives. 3 They understand the value of what they have.
4 Trent Maguire is spoilt and ambitious. 5 The adults try hard to be good parents. 6 Amanda's mother listens to all her daughter's problems. 7 The kids are often home alone. 8 Their parents organize every part of their lives. 9 The kids don't want to be children. 10 AlIlhe kids complain about living in Hollywood. 4 Answer the questions. In what ways do Trent, Amanda, Emily, and Lindsey Jjve unreal lives? 2 Does anything surprise you in what the kids say? 3 What are their ambitions?
What do you think? Do you feel sorry for children in HoUywood? Is there anything about their lives that you would like? • What is your opinion of their parents? • Do teenagers around the world think the same as Hollywood kids? • Do you think it is dangerous to have everything you want? 42
Unit 5 . What do you want to do?
n Hollywood, everybody wants to be rich, famous, and beautiful. obody wants to be old, unknown, and poor. For Hollywood kids, life can be diffirult because they grow up in such an unreal atmosphere. Their parents are ambitious, and the children are part of the parents' ambitions. Parents pay for extravagant parties, expensive cars, and designer clothes. When every dream can come true, kids learn the value of nothing because they have everything. A 13-year-old boy, Trent Maguire, has a driver, credit cards, and unlimited cash to do what he wants when he wants. 'One day, I'll earn more than my Dad,' he boasts. Parents buy care and attention for their children because they have no time to give it themselves. Amanda's mother employs a personal trainer, a nutritionist, a bodyguardl chauffeur, a singing coach, and a counsellor to look after aU her IS-year-old daughter's needs. Often there is no parent at home most days, so children decide whether to make their own meals or go out to restaurants, when to watch television or do homework. They organize their own social lives. They play no childhood games. They become adults before they're ready. Hollywood has always been the city of dreams. The kids in L.A. live unreal lives where money, beauty, and pleasure are the only gods. Will children around the world soon start to think the same? Or do they already?
, Looks are very important in Hollywood. If you're good-looking, you'll go far. I want to
be a beautician. You grow up really fast in L.A. Everyone is in a rush to be an adult, to be going to dubs. It's not cool to be a kid." Mijanou, aged 18
a t t
" I t
les ain't easy
)US, Nfl,
:ult ~re.
lne use
her rdl all
:en to
" I live in a hotel and when I come home from school, there are maybe 80 people who say 'Good day' to me. lt', their job to say that. [n the bathroom there are mirrors everywhere.
i love looking at myself. I can ,pend five hours doing
my hair and po'ing. I'm going to be a model. " Emily, aged 10
.in are to
to B
I've wanted to get my nose done
since I wa, 12. My friends started having plastic surgery and liposuction during my freshman year of high school. My nose cost S10,000. But it was worth it. It changed my life. I'm gonna get into the movies." lindsey, aged 18
Hot verbs - have, go, come
You've got a friend
1 The verbs have. go, and come are very common in English. Look at these examples from the text on p42-3.
1 Who says these things? Write 1,2, or 3 in the boxes.
... they have no
You'll go far.
Every dream can
time ...
1 Your best friend
2 Your boyfriend/girlfriend 3 Your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend
D I'll love you forever. I'll never forget you. I'll always be there for you. I'll always remember the times we had together. D I'll do anything for you. D You'll never find anyone who loves you more than I do.
come true.
I have news for you.
I'm going crazy.
.. come home from
school .. 2 Put
go, or come into each gap.
___ an accident
a cold
_ _ _ first in a race _ _ _ out for a meal ___ and see me _ _ _ shopping
wrong a meeting abroad
2 Listen to the first verse of the song. Discuss these questions. I Do you think the man and woman live together? 2 Is it a close relationship? 3 What is the relationship between them now? What do you think it was in the past?
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have (or have got), go, or come. We're __ 1 2
Listen and complete the song.
a party next Saturday. Would you like
_ _ _ a terrible headache. Can
You've got afriend, by Carole King r
please? 3 You must see my new flat.
round and
a drink some time. out now, Mum. Bye!' 'OK. a 4 'I'm good time. What time are you home?' 5 Hi, Dave. Pete a shower at the moment.
I'll just and tell him you're here. 6 on! Get out of bed. It's time _ to school. J It's a lovely day. Let's to the park. We can . a picnic.
skiing _ next week. you any ski clothes I could borrow?
Wlletl you're aowtl atld troubled Atld you need a ,--_ Aod oothiog, but -,=-c--:-Close your eyts and think of mt
Aod <"0 ,
_ To brightttl up evetl your darktst nights. (Chor.<) You just call out My tlame, atld you kPloW whtrtvtr I am I to see you again. Winter, spring, ,,-;-_;;-__ All you have to do is call Aod I'li be there, yeah, yeah, yeah,
If the sky abovt you 0--'-",-----;-;_ aPld full of clouds Aod that old oorth ---:: _ Kttp your IItaa togtthtr
Aod ----::7c;-:--
And sootll'II be ktlockitlg Otl your door.
that yo.'ve got a frieod?
Ptople catl bt so cold :::--:-,----:--:-atld dtstrt you WtU tIlty'U take your soul rr you Itt th&M
Oh, yeah, but (Chor.<)
EVERYDAY ENGLISH How do you feel? 1 Look at the photos. How do the people feel?
2 All the lines in A answer the question How are yOIl? Match a line in A with a line in B. A
1 Ifeel nervous. 2 t don't feel very well. 3 I'm feeling a lot better, thanks. 4 I'm really ell-cited. 5 I'm fed up with this weather. 6 "m really tired. 7 I'm a bit worried. 8 Ifeel really depressed at the moment.
It's so wet and miserable. I'm going on holiday to Australia tomorrow. My grandfather's going into hospital for tests.
, think I'm getting the 'flu. Nothing's going right in my life.
I've got an exam today. I've got a lot more energy. I couldn't get to sleep last night.
3 Choose a reply for each senlence in exercise 2. a Cheer up! Things can't be that bad! b Why don't you go home to bed?
c I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm sure he'll be all right. d I know. We really need some sunshine, don't we? e Poor you! That happens to me sometimes. I just read in bed. f That's great. Have a good time. g That's good. I'm pleased to hear it. h Good lock! Do your best.
Listen and compare your answers.
4 Make more conversations wilh a partner about lhese things: • a wedding • a visit to the dentist • a letter from the bank • a big project at work • problems with teenage children Unit 5 • What do you want to do?
Tell me!
at's it ike.?
What . .. like? • Comparatives and superlatives • Synonyms and antonyms • Directions
1 What is the capital city of your country? What is the population? Is it an old or modern city? 2 Write down two things that you like about your capital and two things that you don't like. TeO the class.
WORLD TRAVEL What's it like? 1 Read about Todd Bridges. 2 What do you know about Melbourne, Dubai, and Paris? Where are they?
Listen to whal Todd says about them. Write the adjectives he uses for each city. Compare with a partner.
GRAMMAR SPOT Match the questions and answers. It's beautiful. Do you like Paris? Yes, I do. rt's got lots of old buildings. What's Paris like? No, t don't.
2 Which question in 1 means: Tefl me about Paris. ..... Grammar Reference 6.1 pUS 4 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about the places Todd visited.
Wl'lQt's Melbourne like?
Unit 6 . Tell me! What's it like?
I like travelling 011 the buses in wlldoll but I don't like tile Underground, it's too expensive.
What's Chicago like?
Comparatives and superlatives
I You are asking Todd about Chicago. Complete the questions with is or are and the correct words from the
1 Read the second part of the conversation with Todd. He compares the places he visited last year. Can you complete any of the sentences?
Melbourne was interesting, but for me, Paris was interesting Melbourne, and in some ways Dubai was the ___ interesting of all because it was so different ' ___ any other place I know. It was also the :-;--;;-_' driest, and modern. It was hot in Melbourne but not hot in Dubai. Dubai was hotter! Melbourne is _ older Dubai but not old ,-,-_ Paris. Paris was oldest city I visited, but it has some great modern buildings, too. It , , was the romantic place. I loved it. ,
the restaurants
the people
the night-life
the buildings
" .'"" '
."'"" ."'" II, '"'"
the wuthu like?
Todd Well, Chicago's called 'the windy city' and it really can be windy! e, 2 Vou What lik' Todd They're very interesting. You meet people from all over the world.
3 Vou
Todd A lot of them are very, very tall The Sears Tower is 110 storeys high.
4 Vo" What like? Todd They're very good. You can find food from every country in the world. e, What lik'
S Vou Todd Oh, it's wonderful. There's lots to do in Chicago. 2
Listen and check. Practise with a partner.
I Ask and answer the same questions about the town or city yOll are 1Il now.
Listen and check.
Unit 6 . Tell me! What's it like?
PRACTICE C Comparing four capital cities
What are the comparati.. .e and superlative forms of the following adjectives? What are the rules?
a small
1 Match the cities and the photographs. Of which countries are these the capital cities?
Beijing Stockholm
c busy
noisy dry
b big
d beautiful
hot interesting wet exciting 2 These adjectives are irregular. What are the comparative and superlative forms?
I far
3 Adjectives also combine with as ... as. Melbourne isn't as cosmopolitan as Chicago.
........ Gnmmar Reference 6.2 pUS
Listen and repeat the sentences.
Ih:>t;l &JnJ This summer's hotter than last.
I;z hJt ;11 It wasn't as hot as this last year.
o 6
I Practise these sentences with a partner. It isn't as cold today as it was yesterday.
But it's colder tnan it was last week. I'm not as tall as you, but I'm taller than Anna, This car's more expensive than John's.
aut it isn't as expensive as Anna's.
Listen and check.
4 Learn this poem by heart.
Good. better, best. Never, neva rest 'til your good is btttu, Al'ld your better best.
2 Work with a partner. Your teacher will give you some information. Student A Read about Paris and Beijing. Student B Read about Stockholm and Brasilia. Ask and answer these questions to find out about the other two cities.
• • • •
How old is it? How big is it? How many people live there? How hot/cold does it get? How wet is it? How far is it from the sea?
How old is it!
] Now compare the four cities.
Beijing is bigger than Brasilia.
4 Compare some cities in your country.
Unit 6 • Tell me! What's it like?
It's very old. It was founded i,1 ...
Living in another country
5 Work with a partncr and continue these conversations. A J moved to a new flat last week. B Oh, really? What's it like? A Well, it's bigger than myoid one but it isn't as modern, and ... 2 A I hear Sandy and AI broke up. B Yeah. Sandy's got a new boyfriend. A Oh, really? What's he like? o Well, he's _ _ than AI, and ... 3 A We have a new teacher. o Oh, really? VVhat's she like? A Well, I think she's the _ _ teacher we've ever had ...
4 A Is that your new car? B Well, it's second-hand, but it's new to me. A What's it like? B Well, it's _ _ than myoId car .. Act out a conversation to the dass. VVhose is the longest?
Listen and compare. Repeat the last lines.
Check it 6 Correct these sentences. He's more older than he looks. 2 Jessica's as tall than her mother. 3 'What does New York like?' 'It's really exciting!' 4 Trains in London are more crowded that in Paris. S Oxford is one of oldest universities in Europe. 6 He isn't as intelligent than his sister. 7 This is more hard than I expected. 8 Who is the most rich Tllall in the world? 9 Everything is more cheap in my country. 10 Romc was hotter that J expected.
1 What do you know about Sweden? What is the country like? What are the people like? Discuss these statements about Sweden. Do you think they are true (..... ) or false (X)?
1 In winter there is only one hour of daylight. 2 Swedish people look forward to winter. 3 The houses are cold. 4 The houses are much better insulated than in Britain. 5 In parts of Sweden from May to July the sun never sets. 6 Londoners work longer hours than the Swedcs. 7 Swedes always start work early in the morning. 8 Country cottages in Sweden are usually very luxurious. 9 All houses have a sauna. 10 The whole family like to sit in the sauna together. 2
You are going to listen to Jane Bland talking to her friend, Fran, about her life ill Sweden. Jane comes from London, but three years ago she married a Swede alld wellt to live and work in Stockholm. Listen and check your answers to exercise l.
] Compare your country with what you learned about Sweden. In my country it gets dark at five o'clock in winter, and it's much warmer.
Unit 6 . Tell me! What's it like?
Atale of two millionaires
Some millionaire sp
1 Who are the richest people in your country? Where does their money comc from? How do they spend their
money? 2 Match the verbs and nouns. Many of them are to do
Milton Petrie
with money.
The Most Generous Man in the World Verbs
b,y spoil wear open
live in inherit
make arrest invest amputate
Nouns a bank account poverty a thief a will stocks and shares a child a leg ragged clothes a lot of money from someone a lot of money in something
very morning, billionaire Milton Petrie walked from his New York apartment and bought a newspaper from the ragged old man on the street corner. One morning the man wasn't there. Petrie learned that he was very ill in the cit)' hospital. Immediately he paid his hospital bill and later, when the man died, paid for his funeral.
3 You are going to read about two millionaires. One was very mean, the other very generous. First read quickly about Milton Petrie. Can you remember any examples of his kindness?
4 Now read quickly about Hetty Green. Can you remember any examples of her meanness?
5 Read one text more carefully, then answer the questions with a partner who read the other text. 1 When were Milton and Hetty born? 2 What were their parents like? 3 How did Milton and Hetty become so wealthy? 4 Who wore ragged clothes? 5 What was the meanest thing Hetty did? 6 Why did Milton like making a lot of money? 7 Who did they marry? 8 When did they die? Howald were they? 9 Who left the most money? Who did they leave it to?
What do you think? Discuss these questions in small groups. â&#x20AC;˘ How were Milton and Hetty's childhoods different? How did their childhoods affect them later? Why was Milton especially generous to policemen? â&#x20AC;˘ Why did Hetty's daughter build a hospital? What was the kindest thing Milton did? Who had the happier life? Milton or Hetty?
Milton with the model he helped
Unit 6 . Tell me! What's it like?
-r'fJ JJ-:- r
spend it and some save it. Elizabeth Wilson reports on one of each.
I Hetty Green I The Richest, Meanest Woman in the World
rie III
he er.
reo ity nd
The old man was just one of many people that Milton Petrie helped with his money. Whenever he read about personal disasters in his newspaper Petrie ~nt generous cheques, especially to the families of policemen or firemen injured at work. He also sent cheques to a mother who lost five children in a fire, and a beautiful model, whose face was cut in a knife attack. It cost him millions of dollars, but he still had millions left. He said that he was lucky in business and he wanted to help those less fortunate than himself. 'The nice thing is, the harder I work, the more money I make, and the more people 1 can help.' Milton Petrie died in 1994, when he was 92. His will was 120 pages long because he left $150 million to 383 people. His Widow, Carroll, his fourth and last wife, said his generosity was a result of the poverty of his early years. His family were poor but kind· hearted. His father was a Russian immigrant who became a policeman, but he never arrested anyone, he was too kind. He couldn't even give a parking ticket.
enrietta (Hetty) Green was a very spoilt, only child. She was born in Massachusetts, USA, in 1835. Her father was a millionaire businessman. Her mother was often ill, and so from the age of two her father took her with him to work and taught her about stocks and shares. At the age of six she started reading the daily financial newspapers and she opened her own bank account. Her father died when she was 21 and she inherited $7.5 million. She went to New York and invested on Wall Street. Hetty saved every penny, eating in the cheapest restaurants for 15 cents. She became one of the richest and most hated women in the world. She was called 'The Witch of Wall Street'. At 33 she married Edward Green, a multi· millionaire, and had two children, Ned and Sylvia. Hetty'S meanness was legendary. She always argued about prices in shops. She walked to the local grocery store to buy broken cookies (biscuits) which were much cheaper, and to get a free bone for her much·loved dog, Dewey. Once she lost a two·cent stamp and spent the night looking for it. She never bought clothes and always wore the same long, ragged black skirt. Worst of all, when her son Ned fell and injured his knee, she refused to pay for a doctor and spent hours looking for free medical help. In the end Ned's leg was amputated. When she died in 1916 she left her children $100 million (worth $9.3 billion today). Her daughter built a hospital With her money.
Unit 6 • Tell me! What's it like?
1 We often use synonyms in conversation because we don't want to repeat words.
3 We can also use antonyms in conversation to avoid repeating words.
Yes, it wasn't very "ice, was it?
â&#x20AC;˘. Match the following adjectives with their two opposites in exercise 1.
Complete the conversations, using an adjective of similar meaning from the box. fed up
'Mary's family is very rich.' 'Well, I knew her uncle was very
2 'Look at all these new buildings!' 'Yes. Paris is much more than I expected.'
3 Wasn't that film wonderful!' 'Yes, it was _ 4 'George doesn't earn much money, but he's so kind.' 'He is, isn't he? He's one of the most people I know.' 5 'Ann's bedroom's really untidy again!' 'Is it? I told her it was yesterday, and she promised to clean it.' 6 'I'm bored with this lesson!' '{ know, J'm really with it, too!' 2
4 Sometimes it is more polite to use not very and an opposite adjective.
Tom's so short. He always wears such dirty clothes.
Unit 6 â&#x20AC;˘ Tell me! What's it like?
Well, he's tlot very tall. Tiley certainly aren't very clearr.
Reply to these sentences. Be more polite. I 2 3 4 5 6
Listen and check. Listen again, paying particular attention to the stress and intonation. Practise the conversations with a partner.
t"d up
interested horrible mean old poor tidy
London's such an expensive city. Paul and Sue are so mean. Their house is always so messy. Their children are so noisy. John looks so miserable. His sister's so stupid.
Listen and check. Pay particular attention to the stress and intonation. Practise the conversations with your partner.
EVERYDAY ENGLISH Directions , Look at the map of Chesswood and find these things:
• afarm
• a wood
• a pond
• a path
• a hill
• a river
• a bridge
• a gate
2 Read these descriptions and add the places
to the map.
3 Ask and answer questions about the places on the map. Use the prepositions from exercise 2.
I The hotel is opposite the car park. 2 The bank is on the corner of Lower Road and Hill Road. ft is next to the
Where's the library?
baker's. 3 The supermarket is between the chemises and the greengrocer's. 4 There is a bus stop in front of the flower shop in Station Road. S There are two pubs. The Red Lion is in Station Road, opposite the flower shop near the railway bridge, and the Old Shepherd is in Church Street, behind the school.
It's all tile corner of Station Road and Green Street, opposite the flower shop.
4 Complete the directions from Chesswood farm to the church with the prepositions in the box. Look at the map to help you. up
out of (xl)
You go the path, the pond, the bridge, and ___ the gate. Then you go the road and take the path ___ the wood. When you come the wood you walk ___ the path and the church. It takes five minutes.
Listen and check.
S Give your partner directions to get to your house from your school.
Unit 6 . Tell me! What's it like?
Famous couples Present Perfect • for, since • Adverbs, word pairs • Short answers
What is the Past Simple and the past participle of these verbs? write
FAMOUS WRITERS Present Perfect and Past Simple 1 Look at the photographs of two well-known English writers. How do you think they are related? Complete the sentences with He or She. wrote novels about Victorian life. writes novels about modern people and their relationships. 2 _ _ wrote 47 novels, travel books, biographies, and short stories. _ _ has written over twenty novels. _ _ started writing in her thirties.
J _ _ has lived in the west of England for forty years. _ _ lived in Ireland for eighteen years. 4 _ _ has been married twice, and has two daughters. married for the first time in 1966. was married and had two sons.
Listen and check. Practise the sentences.
Find examples of the Past Simple in sentences 1-4. Find examples of the Present Perfect. 2 Complete the rule. We make the Present Perfect with the auxiliary verb _ _ _ _ qhe _ 3 Why are different tenses used in these sentences? Anthony Trollope wrote forty-seven novels. Joanna Trollope has written twenty novels. ...... Grammar Reference 1.1 and 7.2 pU6
Unit 7 • Famous couples
PRACTICE 2 Put the verbs in the Present Perfect or Past Simple.
2 3
Anthony TroUope (travel) to South Africa, Australia, Egypt, and the West Indies. Joanna Trollope (travel) to many parts of the world. She (win) many awards, and several of her stories _ _ (appear) on TV, Her first hook (come) out in 1980. Since then, she ___ (sell) more than 5 million copies. She (go) to school in the south of England, and _ _ (study) English at Oxford University, but she _ (live) in the country for most of her life. She writes her books by hand. She (have) the same pen since 1995.
Listen and check.
) Here are the answers to some questions about Joanna. \Nhat are the questions? 1 For forty years. 5 In 1980. 2 English. (. .. study ... ?) 6 Twice. (How many times ... ?) 3 More than twenty. 7 Yes, two daughters. (. .. children?) 4 Over five million. 8 Since 1995. Listen and check.
Discussing grammar
1 Choose the correct verb form.
2 3 4
5 6
Have you ever been / Did yo II ever go to a rock concert? I saw / 1lave seen The Flash last week. I love rock and roll. I like / have liked it all my life. The Flash's concert was / has been fantastic. r have bougllt / bougllt all their records since then. The Flash have been / are together for over fifteen years.
Find someone who . ..
2 Your teacher will give you a card which begins Find someone who
Find someone who has been to China.
Decide on the question, beginning Have yOll ever ... ? Stand up, and ask everyone in the class. Ask questions to find out more.
What were tile people like?
Did you enjoy it? How long were yOIl there?
Report back to the class.
Pierre and Sophie have been to China.
Unit 7 . Famouscouples
for and since
4 Complete the time expressions with for or since. 1 _ _ a year
2 half an hour 3 _ _ August
nine 0'dock 5 I was a student 6 _ _ a couple of days 4
5 Match a line in A and B and a sentence in C. There is more than one answer.
2 3 4 S 6 7 8
I last went to the cinema I've had this watch We've used this book We lived in our old flat We haven't had a break I last had a holiday This building has been a school
8 from 1988 to 1996. for an hour. two weeks ago. since 1985. since the beginning of term. for years. - - - - - - / for three years. in 1999.
A 1 I've known my best friend
It's not bad. t quite like it. I went camping with some friends. We met when we were 10. I really need a cup of coffee.
My Dad gave it to me for my birthday. We moved because we needed somewhere bigger. The film was rubbish. Before that it was an office.
Listen and check. Make similar sentences about you.
Asking questions 1
6 Complete the conversation. What tenses are the three questions? A Where live, Olga? B [n a flat near the park. A How long there? B For three years. A And why move? B We wanted to live in a nicer area.
Listen and check. Practise the conversation with a partner.
7 Make more conversations, using the same tenses. 1 A What ... do?
8 Iwork ... A How long ... ?
8 For ... A What ... do before that?
8 I worked ...
2 A ... gotacar? 8 Yes,' ... A How long ... 7 8 Since ... A How much . . . pay for it? 8 It was ...
... know Pete Brown?
8 Yes, I ... A How long ... ?
8 For ... A Where ... meet him?
8 We ..
8 With a partner, ask and answer questions beginning How long ... ?
How long !lave you lived! worked! known! had..
Then get some more information.
R What did you do before ... ?
Unit 7 â&#x20AC;˘ Famous couples
Where did yOll meet ... ?
LISTENING AND SPEAKING The band Style 1 What kinds of music do you like? If you could meet your favourite bands or singers, what would you ask them?
J DB Listen to an interview with two musicians, Suzie and Guy, from the band Style. Put S or G in columns I and 2. Put ./ or ~ in column 3. I What do they do in the band?
2 B..nds they have played with
3 Places they hne visited
o guitar o keyboards o drums o harmonica
o U040 o Lionel Richie o Phil Collins o Genesis o Happy Mondays o Ikm}ovi
o Holland
o vocalist
o o o
o o o
Hungary America Sweden Japan Italy Australia
Which bands have they played with? Which countries have they been to? ) the questions.
I Why do Suzie and Guy feel tired? 2 What have they done this year? 3 Have they had a good tinle? 4 What was special about the song Mean Street? 5 How many years have they been together? 6 Where do they want to go? 7 What jobs has Guy had? What about Suzie? (She's worked ... )
language work
4 Make sentences aboLit Suzie and Guy with the phrases in the boxes. A
in April in 1995 two years ago
when she left college
since 1997 about twenty-five fifteen years since he was 17
What tense are the verbs in the sentences from A? What about B?
I Ask and answer the questjons. • What/do/before forming Style? •... be/to America?
How/meet each other? many records/make?
How , Some of you are members of a band. Others are journ who are going to interview the band. Your teacher . g you some ideas. When you are ready, have the interv;·~':J'·';
READING Celebrity interview 1 Which celebrities arc in the news at the moment? Why are they in the news? What have they done? 2 Look at the article from Hi! Magazine. Who is the couple in the interview? Are there magazines like Ihis in your country? What sort of stories do they have? 3 Read the article quickly and put these questions in the right place. 1
Have there ever been times when you have thought 'This relationship isn't working'?
Terry, footballers are usually hard, but you seem very sensitive. Why is this?
You're both terribly busy in your separate careers. How do you find time to be together?
How did you two meet?
How do you find being superstars?
4 Read the article again and answer the questions. 1 Why are they famous? 2 They are both successful in their careers. What have they done? 3 In what ways are they normal people? What is not normal about their lives? 4 How do you know they're in love? 5 Was it love at first sight? 6 What is their attitude to newspapers and 'other people'? 7 Why do some people want them to split up? 8 In what way is Terry unusual for a footballer?
5 Work in groups of three. Read the text aloud. Language work
6 Choose the correct tense. Donna and Terry are / have been / were together for two years. 2 They like / have liked / liked watching TV on Saturday night. 3 They meet / have met! met after a football match. 4 They have lived / live / lived in their new home since April. 5 Terry is / has been! was in love just once.
Project 7 Buya magazine like Hi! and find an interview with a famous couple. Bring it into class and tell the class about it.
Unit 7 . Famous couples
Word pairs
1 Many adverbs end in ¡ly.
1 There are many idiomatic expressions which consist of two words joined by and. Here is an example from tht text on p59.
'Of COllrse yOIl have to be prepared to give and take in any relationship.'
Find some more examples in the text on pSS-9. 2 There are also many adverbs that don't end in +ly. Find these examples in the text.
I together
of course
1 Match the words.
don'ts pepper
nearly 001, of course together
up peace
quiet down chips
1 Complete the sentences with one of these adverbs.
"I. "It
soooo gentlemen no
1 Complete the sentences with one of the expressions. I 'Do you love me?' â&#x20AC;˘
'Do you still play tennis?' 'Not regularly. Just _ _ ,
I do. I adore you.'
when I have time.' 2 This is a pretty relaxed place to work. There aren't many _ _ ,'
2 I called Tom at 10.00 in the morning. but he was _ _ _ in bed.
3 It's our anniversary today. We've been fifteen years.
4 Kate is very fussy about food. She pasta and crisps. 5 She was very ill and she got better.
died, but fortunately,
4 Complete the sentences with one of these adverbs.
at last
1 I like aU Russian novelists,
2 'I hale ironing.' 'Me,
I Tolstoy.
. It's so boring.'
3 'Are you telling me that we have no money?' _ _ _ _ . Not a penny.' 4 I met her on December 23,
I have finished this exercise. Thank goodness! It was so boring.
Unit 7 . Famous couples
3 Here you are at last! I've been so worried! Thank
goodness you've arrived _ _ . 4 'Do you like your new job?' '_ _ . The money's
OK, but I don't like the people.' 5 Sometimes there are too many people in the house.! go into the garden for a bit of _ _ , 6 Good evening, _ _ . It gives me great pleasure to talk to you all tonight. 7 'How's your Gran?' '_ _ . There are good days, and then not such good days.' 8 'Here's supper. Careful! It's hot.' '_ _ ! Yummy!'
Close your books. Listen to the beginnings of the conversations and complete them.
IIJJ Listen to the conversations. What's the difference between them? Which sounds more polite? When we answer Yes/No questions, we often repeat a subject and the auxiliary verb. Yes or No on its own sounds impolite. Complete these short answers. Do you like cooking? Yes, 1~ . Is it raining? No, it _ _ . Have you been to France? Yes, I__ . Are you good at chess? No, 1_ _ . Can you speak Spanish? Yes, I __ . 2 It also helps a conversation if you can add more information. Do you like cooking? Yes, I do, actually, especially Italian food. 1 Complete the short answers. Continue with a line from the speech bubbles.
['m sorry. J haven't got a penny OIl me.
Why? What are you doing? It was a great game.
I went there last
weekend with Frank.
But they give me a lot offreedom, too.
A Do you like jazz? BNo, _
, j
2 A Did you see the football last night? 8 Yes, _
3 A Have you got change for a pound? B No, _ 4 A Have you tried the new pizza place? B Ycs, _
5 A Arc your parents quite strict? _ B Yes, I suppose 6 A Are you doing anything tonight? BNo, _ Choose one or two of the conversations. Continue them with a partner. 1 Think of questions to ask each other. Use these ideas to help you. o Do you like/play/go/have ? o Can you ride/speak/run/use ? • Did you go/have/win/do ... last night? • Have you ever ... been/seen/tried/had ? • Are you ... going to/good at/afraid of ? o Have you got ... a car/a CD player/a cat ? 4 Stand lip and ask your questions. Use short answers in your replies.
Unit 7 ' Famous couples
Do's and on'ts hne (cot} to • should/must· Words thllt &0 to,etber • At the doctor's
What's true for you? Make sente'lCes about your life.
I hon 10... I don't hoY<' 10 . • gel up eofly every morning • pay bill.
• go 10 ",hooI
WORK, WORK have (got) to
Lis{~n 10 Steven talking .bo"t hi, job. What do you think his job is, Would you like his job? Why/Why not'
2 ComplC1e the semcnces from the interview with words from thcbM.
Idon', ...~
ho~ to
had 10
Do you ....e 10
didn't no.., 10
work very long hours. ' =====~WOTk.l the weekend? J
We t
do the washing-up. learn the basics. wait too long to gel a job.
1 Change Ihc s<:ntm<es using he.
II. hI< to wort VU'f Io"g~.
GRAMMAR SPOT hove/h."" got can e.pre" """"cion or an .etion, 1 ha..... my own flat We'"., got.n eum tomorrow. 1 havVh."" got. infinitive e.p'esses obligatioo. He has to wor\< long hours. 1'"., lot to go now. Write the question and ~gativ~. I Mv~ to get up ~ar\y. Whoat lim~ _ you up? I up ~arty. Put Ih~ Slent~(~ in Ih~ !XlII. Yesl~rday I up early.
...... Grammar RM.",n" 8.1 pHI 4 What arc ",mc o( {he othcr things Sln'en has to do?
Unit 8 • 00'\ and don'g
• work Ol lhf, ....,ken<!
• do the """,,"work
PRACTICE Pronunciation
Listen to these senteno;c,s. What are the diffnell1 have/has/had?
pronun~iatiollS of
1 B 1 have a good job. 0 r have to work hard. 2 EJ He has a ni"" car. 0 She has 10 get up early. 3D! had a good time. 0 [had to take exams. Put a-f in front of the senten"". according to th. pronunciation l>elow. a Iha:;d b Ihrevl c lha:dJ d Ih",£1 e Ih<es/ f (h",tI
Listen again and r~a{.
Jobs 2 Work with a pUlner, Choose one of the jobs from the box, but don't tdl your partner, Ask and answer Yes/No que'tions to find oul what the job is.
•hoI> a";'tant
receptionist IOli-d.i..., artist architect lawyer •mboJlan<;. citi...... miner dancer '>Old"" dKofator df:tecti.., f'M<hon1< Mllti" ~lo."e...ife fa,,,..., plu~ f!mlght... W<)fk insiok
you h;WHO ... 1 wUr • uniform
~ )'OIK
Do yoo " , 1
~ WQrk jn,idd
an".... m. pilon•
• W<>"k ~8ul., Mur<
Yes, l Jo./NQ, I don'l.
Which of the jobs w,mId"'t you like 10 do? Why? I""""""1 lib to be I fI...", l>u.Iln~ IMy hIw to W<rl "",.id~ IlIl'IIr.
Tl,lking about you
4 In group', discuss the questions. If you live at home with your parents, uSC the present tens<:. Ifyou'vele(t home, usc the past tensc. \'Jhat I~~I you have to do to help in the house? Wh.t about your brothers and sisters?
Do 1 you stay out as long as you Iwant~ 2 Could wanted? 1 Or I'" did I you have to be home by a cert,a,in time? 3
g~d Iyou always have to tell your parents where you I~;rel going?
4 How strict I~~el your parents? What I~~dl they let you do?
UnitS' Do's and don'ts
the problems and suggestions on the right. 'What advice .....ould you give' 2
Listen and complete the advice. Use the words from the bo~_ '<I>ooldn'[
Problems I'm wor~ing 16 hou~ a day.
I can', sleep.
don't think yoo <Ioooid
My ex-boyfriend's getting married.
drink coff~ at night.
2 You
talk to ywr bos.. go 10 ~ wedding. go to the demisI.
1; I 3 I 4 Yoo
Practise the convcrsation, with a partner.
SuggfltiGns Don't drm~ coffee at night.
l Give advice to your friends.
Go to the de<ltist.
I'm "".... weight. r~
got e'.m>
"".1 Wftk.
Don'! go!O t~ wedding.
My (at', ill.
to your bos,-
PRACTICE • I'm alwaY' .rguins with my p'f<:nt>. • If> my potent>' w~ing ..... 'y soon. • My (ar', making a fUMy ""i~_
i." ..
1 Make sentence. from the chan. If you want to , , .
wotk hord.
GRAMMAR SPOT Whi<:h sente<lCe e,pres...... ,uuestion? Which ~1M<e ,.pres"", ,lrong obligation? You "'oold go on a d,..r, You must go to the doctor's.
learn English,
do well in life, i<ffp fit,
)'Qu ho..e to do some sport )'(Ill don', have to learn the grammar. y<>U
)'QU ,houldn't
belie-<. in yourself. spe.k your lang""8" rn d ....
Should and muSt are modal _b•.
He must he carefuL Yoo ,ho"ldn't drink.oo dri.,
What should she dol Do we add·~ with he/me/if? Do we use do/d~ in tt... q~t;oo and ~.ti"el WI: Can make. ""gat"e "'U.-tion WIth Idon·rrhi,w. I doo'l think yoo ,hould ,moke SO much. ~ Gram.... r Rneronc:e 8.2-3.4 pm
Unit 8 • Do'l and doo't$
go to uni\lffOit)-, buy • dktionary,
A trip to your country 1 Somrone is coming to stay in }'Our counlry ror .ix months. W1>al ;rdvice (,'0 y<JU give?
w"'' '
You '~OIlld bring dothas. You ~ to ~ a passport.
YOil do"'t!lava to gat ... visa. YOIlIllUrl try OUt loul spulality.
Include advice about money, doeumem., dothes, health, accommodation, and food.
LISTENING AND SPEAKING Holidays in January Do mallY ['<'oplo in your country go on holiday ill winter' \'lhere do they go' Where would you like 10 go for a winter holiday? Write a sentenCe and rC;ld it to the
dass. I'd Ib I. 9' I. _ 2
bu.o"S. _
Listen to three ]>roplc gi"ing advice about visiting their country in the month <:Jf January. Complete the chart. Compare your answers with a partn,r.
We.tM< ~nd doth..
ThinI' to do. "I..... to SO
Food and dtlnk
Answer the questions.
Vlfhi,h COUlltries arc Ihey talking aoonl' How do you know? 2 !.,wk .(the phOI0i\rapils_ \\lhich country do they go with? 3 Who talked about spore Which sport? 4 Who lalkcd ahout money' What did helshe
5 Who suggestoo going Oil a boot trip? Where? 6 VI'hid; of these countries would you like to visit in 'anuoryl Why?
Spuking 4 Put the "tJrtls in the COHoet OWleT to mak~ questions.
2 3 4 5
weatheT / is / like / in / whal Ithe / January? take / cJoth~s I what I should II? can /things / SOrt / Qf I whal / do /I? special/any /there I places / arc I that / should / visit/I' food / you / t~-.::onn"e"d / do / what'
rhl 1:""'
Work with someone fronl 3 different ronntry, or choose another counlTY YOll know. Ask and am"",r the questions.
Unit 8 . Do's and don'ts
READING AND SPEAKING Problem page These problems COrne (rom a newspapeT colum" wheTe people wrile in with" problem, and other members of the publk give their ad,-;u. Read the problems. What advice would you gi,-,1
2 Match the rcaders' leiters 10 these problem•. ThCTC arc Iw<> for cad> problem.
DILEMMAS with Vanessa Goodman
'1)0 (/ have to act my age? Polly is 47. she is s;n~lc, and her ,hildren have !eli home. She i, vcr,' successful
in her ca"..,r, and has • lot of friends, hot she isn't sJ.tisfic"<l. She lungs to change
her life. Sh .. wants to li,-,· abroad, p"inl, and write poetry. bUI her friend, tell h"r she should $1<'1' t>eing silly and act her age .
• 0
'/ be (I slave to Illy mobile?
lp&on's company has bo"ght hi", a mobile phone. They want him to keep it "n all the lime, ", th.'l they can contact him anpvhe"" anyli,"t. lit di,like~ the idea of alwal's hein!: availahle, and h,' h;lle, the ",a~' people use moililes tQ have private ",n''eI",l;",,~;n puhl;<;.
SllOlIld'l throw my SOli alit? Sarah's M-rtar-old son Ii,'e, at home, stay,; in bed till lat<', and "'at<;h,', TV all day. lit Itu;', and $tlls drugs, He's dever, hut I", dn'l'I><:d out "f $Choo!. He', newr had a joh, HIS father w;l'\[$ to throw him out, hut Sarah worries that he wllld get further inlo <lrugs and end "pin prison,
(D 0
Unit 8 . Do's and don'ts
Children always ne.>d the support of their parems, whether they're four or 24. I think l'''u should pay fur him to get SOme qualificatiuns, and when he's ready, _ _ to find somewhere to live. Meanwhile, him all the love that he n",-'<is. Jenny Torr Ilrighlon
I decided tu give it all up and change my life dramatically three years ago. Since then, _ _ ,", most e<citing Ihree ye'ln; "f my life. h Can be scary. but if you don't do it. yOll won't know what you've misse<!. I don't think . Go for it. M;k Garueld Manchester He's using )'ou: J think _ _ . II's lime for him to go. Twenty-four is too old to be hing with his parents. He's got to lake respon,illility f<>r himself. And ahout his drug-laking. Sometimes you have to be cmel to be kind. Tony Palmer Harruw
} WI\CTe do these lines go? Put a letter in the gaps. ... you should tell him to leave home. h she shOllld be very carehIl . C you should help him. d you should worry. e He must keep it! f ... before making a decision. g It is so rude. h ... he's very lucky. I have had .. j you must tell the police . k yo,,·vegottogive. I should he aaept .
un 4
listen .nd check. letter writer ... !
suggMt. waiting
think. tOvt i, the .nswer has bcc<1 ~muroo. thinks tNt emptoye" <houIdn't e'ploit mc;, crnptO)'ffS toy" mobile phones ~ggests beIng tougll The readers make very difkrent suggestions. Who do you agre<: wilh? What do you think?
II/hy _ _ it' lie isn'l Iheir s1;"'e, they dun't uwn him. And I also can't sland the way people usc their mobiles in restaurants, on trains and hus.:s. They think that the people around them are im'isible and can't hear. Jan.. Sands Londun I think _ _ before she gives up her job and goes to IiV<' abroad. Does she think that Ihe sun will ah'dys shine? If there is something in her life that makes her ""happy n"w, this will fullow her. She should take her tim.' Nigclla Lawncs Bristol __ I He should have a word with his «)mpany .•nd come to an arnmg"mcn! with them. v.'hy can't he turn it off sometimes! Mobile phones arc great, and if he's got one for free, _ _ ' Thq' arc one of the best inventions ever. Pelc Hardcasllc I\irminghanl
Ilow old are children when they leave home in your country! Wh.1 do )'Ou think of prople who uSC mobile phones in public? Do you think older people should aet their age' \Vhy/Why not? 'You have to be crud to be kind'. Can you think of an example? Roleplay With a panner, choose a situation and rokplay the com",r"'tion. Polly and one of hor f,iond, la_ and hi, boss Sarah .nd her husbond
Group work In groups, write" kUer to a problem page. Exchange your Icrters and write a reply. Try 10 express sympathy with the problem and give some explanation, as well" practical advice.
Unit 8 • Do's and don't.
VOCABULARY Words that go together Many verbs and nouns go togelher. tell" >tory
Look 31 the chart ()[, the righl. Malch a vnb with a colTll'lcmem. They all appear in the lellcrs and problems on p66-67. Look al lh,-letters again and check your amwers. 2 nose your \looks. Try to remember Ihe SCntenn" that indude the phra,,-'S from the box. Two "O"", Can go togcthn. Thac are no rules "00"1 spelling.
I po.t offKe
lhe stress is usually on the first word. ~htch
the nOllns 10 mak,' new words.
Listen and che<:k.
4 Ch00SC a word and give a definition to the class. Can they guess the "'o.d' li,,, ..
your .ge ,brood
k",'c J"",lC
,r it t" p"y for things, A ,m/i/ ÂŤ"II.
"'",' yoor
lob whot yo'''e mi,oed
don't know
h..Hobe give up
'"'" your time
be kind
EVERYDAY ENGLISH At the doctor's Complc1c the chaTt with an iUne.. or a symptom.
11 hum when I walk on it.
food l'Oiooniflg
My glilnd> .re ,wollen, .nod il hun. whofll , ...al1ow
I an', <top
and my nOle is ' ....ny.
I'll<' got. enid. l'''''gO{
I'll<' got.ttmp"'atUf', my whole body "he•. and I feel awful.
I'll<' twi'ted my .nkl•.
r""go' _ r"" got. so,. lIl,.,.!.
I k~ golog 10 ~ toM!.
I'll<' got
Wh,t', the difference bel ween these sentences? I fee/sick. I was sick las/ "ig/H. 2 Put the senlcnce5 in the COrrect order.
m I didn't letl ....y_II, D
She tool< my tempe'''u," and ••amlne<! me. DAft.... fe... day•. I ".rt~ to r...1bnter. I ...tntlo Ih'l<Jr~ry'rod saw the do<:tOI. I wont 10 the chem..r.. "'lid lor tho p"tscription, .nd got """" antibiotics. I p~ the doctor', ",,'gery.nd mo~ an appointment. o She wid me I h¥J On Im"'li"". I••plained what wO< wrong
o o o o o She ga"" me • pres.:riptiQrl.
You will hear a conversation bet",,,,,n Manuel"'··• ,h,dent from Chile, and a dOl:tor. Answer the questi
I 2 3 4 5 6
What are Manuel's symptoms' What questions does the doct<>r ask' \Vhat does the doctor think is the malter with Manue . What does she prescribe' l\!hal advice docs she give him? lJoes he ha"e to pay for anything?
4 Look at the tapescripl On 1'124. Practise with a partner. S Make similar com'ersations with other symptoms.
Unit 8 • Do', and don'ts
Going places Time dlus" • If • Hot verbs. In I hotel
What do you think you will do if the we~ther is mce this weekend? Wh<Ir will yoo do when yoo get !lame tonight?
THE GAP YEAR Time and conditional clauses Clare and her friend Ally are having a gap year. ComplNe the s<:ntenc~s wilh phrase, from the box below. We'.. l,"~l,"g round tt.. world __ , [f)
W,',e going to le.~ ... 0 going to learn to scut." di~ on to.
__ ,wo',.
G..01Ilo"itor Rffi. 4 0 __ ....111001< aft....>c~ 01",. sri Wl'".. goingtothoUSA, 6 W. con <1'Y WIth my ~"....iQn '''''~'''' , .. 0 1 Our porem. will ~ worrO«J ... 0 8 W.11 my in ,he Stot.... , 0
whil. _'re in Los Angel... b If_gebll,
, bof",e Wl' go to un,,,,,"'!Y. d ...,til <lUI .isa '''''' out. e Wil"" we're In AU'lr.I.., f a, soon '" we ho...., """"8h money. g if .... don", k~ in touch.
h After we leav. Au'lroha,
LiSlen "nd ch""k.
1 '-"lVcr the box. PrJct;", the se"renees.
1 Unooli~ the word. in ~ bo. that introduce tf>e clause•. e-/:. whili!!
2 Which ten,~ .. ~ aU th~ Y~rb, ,n th~ 00,1 Do m~ refer (0 tf>. prMfflt or the futur~? J What are tt.. d,ff~~t future form, in Cla,e and Ally', ,en(ence,? ( What', the diff~rence belwee'! sent~ces1 Which one i, 'ure? Wh,ch one i, po,,,bl~? When I get home. I'll have som~h,ng to eat. If th~~ isn't any food, 111 get a pilla. ~ Grammar Referen<~ '.1-9.1 pUS
Unit 9 . Going place,
PRACTICE l.omplete the sentences with YOllr ide...
Whi(r.. 1m
' 1 (l{!W 'forK:· 0'0
• mJ Wh~tif
Listen and compare your answers.
... ?
1 Look at these hopes for the fut" ..... Make ",,,,(un'S u.ins If ... will. If I <!o,,'r go Ol" so mlle", /'1/ do mOre work. If I '/0 ",ore w<>rt /'/1 .
• ••
• •• I
~lop ~o"'i"1
hQ. ve ';()
• •
.,• .,•
'?'/€'fy vee'f,
be f;d'1 vW'f'I my ov" mo.¥-e
III thirty
101 of money
(elite vI".ef\
I m fofly
Unit 9 .
Whu will you do?
When I get to
3 Work wilh a partner, One of you is going skiing for the first tim". The other sees all the problems. Us<; th~"", ideas to help you
SPill th,- verbs in brackeTs in the correct lense. Pul if, wil,,,, while, or os SOOll 11$ int" ead' bo.,
lV/WI will you do
if Iher,'s
don't ,t ..
IlO ,IlOw.'
the food
We'll go walk;,'g,
lho:r~', nothing to do '" don'l mak~ any Irlend,
don't I~arn fo ski
loloe your mor>e)'
hun y<MJfloelf
geT lost In a """",Iarm
Make a similar rom'"rsollon about going Oil safari for the first ti"l<".
Paul Bye, darling. Il"ve a good trip to t'ew York. Mary Thanks.I路UriIlg (ring)YOlJl.~<OOII'" 11
4 Complete the senTenccs with wI"", if, brfor" or ''''Iii. I'll h,ve a bath _ _ I go to bed. 2 l'm coming to London tomonrow. I'll ring you
(go) out with
I lenry lonlght
I you
Mary WeB, I
. (be) out (ring), I --,
I arrive. , _ _ it's a niet: day tomorrow, we ean go swimming, 4 Wait here _ _ I get back.
(lea",") a m~""age on the answerpllone w you'll know I've arrived safely. Paul Gteat. \\-'h.,1 lime do you expecl you'll be there~ Mary I I the plane (arrive) on ti",e, I (be) "tlhe hotel about 10.00,
, _ _ you have any problems, just ask for help.
Paul All righl. Give me a ring
6 1 w,nlTo g'>1 home __ il gets dark. 7 1"rn going to ha"e driving IcswnS 1 pass my test. 8 Give me yOllr address _ _ you go home.
:;;:"==~(:":,:ow) the time of your flight back, ;."d I (pick) you up .1 the .irport. g M,,,T;C':':":':':':":,,,:lln . Don't forg'>1 to w.ter the plants Paul
.rri"e althe hotel. Fin", Remember 1
Unit 9 . Going places
11 (be) ow.y, L Don'l worry. I won't. Bre1 Listen and ,hed.
I you
LISTENING AND SPEAKING Ufe in 2050 Read this d"script ioo of the airline <:If the fUlure:
will II<' j"sr two crew pilot u..ti" ,log. n,e pilor's job is 10 f«d the dog. rile <log's job is '0 I!ite tile pilol ifh, Iries ro 11>",1. ,myri,;,,);.'
\Vhal docs this story S.lY abollt life in the future?
1 lOll will he.. an interview with Michio ".ku, Professor ofTheore{imll'''y,i~. al City University, New Yurko He has wrim.., a book, Visio"s, which explains how scienc" will revolutionize the 21>1 cenillry_
He is asked tb."" questions ..." you optimi>1i<: .bout the future! Azc we .."dy for t~ <hangfi that will (onw:? I. world populOlilHl go'''S to be. b<g problem? What ill hopper> to pwple ... OOdO/1'l have <ompul ,? Will ,,,-,.. be. world 8'>"errmoflt? Will we ""•• cont,ol of ~e,ything1 What are your f'N.!OIl' 10< pessim,,,,,?
What do you think? Michio Kaku obviously belie"", in the poweT or s.:icno:c. What isn't he so <ure ahoul? Do you agrtt'
READING AND SPEAKING The world's first megalopolis 1 Are these statements about China true or false?
• • • • • •
China is a communist country. One In five people in the whole world is Chinese. Chinese families can only have one child. Chinese people love tradition. Chinese people prefer bicycles to cars. The biggest city in the world is in China.
2 Read the newspaper article about Pc:arl Riwr itv. "Vhich of the subjects in exercise 1 are talked about? 3 On the map find the following;
• • • •
Shenzhen Pearl River Estuary Guangzhou the Hopewell Highway
4 Answer the questions. 1 Has this dty got a name yet? 2 Why is it ugly? Why i it exciting? 3 What afe orne of the tatistics about henzhen that make it a remarkable place? 4 In what ways is China changing? Why were Deng Xiaopiog's w rd~ signjjkant? 5 How me the people hu.ngi ng? Why do jh~y wanl 10 own a car? 6 V"hal does 'henzhen! k like? 7 Why ",'ill this city be importaut in the 21st (entuty? II What do these number refer to?
1982 3 million
less than ten years 40 million
thousands six months two hour5 four hours
What do you think? In groups, write what you think are the ten largest dlies in the world. Compare your list with the class. Your teacher will leU you the answer. M ke a list of some of the problems thaI these
cities face. Decide whi h arc
three most
important prob! 'ms. Compare your ideas with the cJas .
Unit 9 • Going places
To the north of Hong Kong, the world's biggest city is growing. It hasn't got a new name yet, but it will probably be called Pearl River City. Jonathon Glancey visits this ugly, exciting mess.
"e 10wn of Slwnzhe", just forty kilometres nord, of 1I0ng Kong:,
" the world', hiM'''' building 'itc. In 1982 it was a fisJling village with two main road•. fields. and a population of 30,000. Now it has a population of 3 million, It is
growing at an inn(><.lible '1'<.'<.'<1. [I is spreading north lowards Guallgzhou (al'o known as Camon) and we,t towards Macau. n,,, Chinese gowrnmcllt hopes tlla! in koss than ten year, thi.' area willI><' th" bii\.<;es! city on earth. with a IXlj>ulation of ~o
million people.
C11;n3 is changing. Il is nO
absolutely !.'veryllling is own<:<! and controlled by the state. Dcvelope's arc wekome, As Deng Xiaopinl;, the ChineS{' leader, said ill 1992, 'To g<.'l rjch "glor;oo,,' 'I1w okl China of hicyd<:s and Little Red Hooks is
disappearing. A world nf rl)ol>i1~ phone, and capitalism b arriving. 11,e Chin,'se 1)('OpJ~ S''''1ll to "'rlco"'e dramatic change. They don't worry about losinlo( traditional w,'ys of lik '11,,;, want the new. As the po,ters on the SIdes of tile highways ShOllt, 'Ocveloplll"nt i' tile only way:
Shclnh"n is a shocking piaU'. 1ik" nowhere else on "arth that I have \",u seen. It is a dty with no boundarie, and no centre, There arc new concr~te office blocks. factories. and hOUsing blocks a, far as the eye can """. Not just dOlens of new buildings, nor even hundreds. but thousands. And it is all happening so fasl. It takes just 'ix months to design, build, and finish a 6O.,tQf"y, aircondilionro skyscraper. As one architect said to me, 'If yoo mov" too slowly here, som,'Onc will walk over YOll: The ncw Hopewell Jlighway runs from Shenzhen 10 Guangzhou, and it takes iust two hours to do Ihe 123 kilometres. This superhighway will h<.'COIllC tllc Illalll st,,"'t of a huge new city, as it gets bigger alld bigse. umil the cast lll,,,,t, the west. and the countryside in th" middle disappears und"r cOncrete.
Thcr" will of collrS/.' be mOle and IlUlIe cars on the road l'cople don't want bicyd<.», If you ha\'l' a car, it IllNnS you have made Illnney. So thc traffic will be like in Ballg~ok, wher~ people spcnd four hours commuting evcry day. 1'\'Ople cat and WQfk in their car. I'earl Iliver City very neariy exists, It will probabiy be Ow world's FirsJ City, thc greatest ,'ity on earth. It won't I...· beautiful, but its power, "ncrgy. and wl'alth will be felt in all COrncrs of the world.
VOCABULARY Hot verbs - take, get. do, and make The verilS take, grl, do, and ""'kc arc 'Wj' cOInmO" in English. Find Ihe'S<: example, in tht' lexl about China'
let rkh rt b,ggor .nd bIU~' yoo it uk... tw<> how, to de> 123 kilomet"'"
""'de monO)'
2 Hnc ore some more examples, A 1I0w long doc" it lake y<Ju to gel r,""<ly in the Illoming? R It lakes nl" about fift".,n minull'S. A How long docs it lake you to get to sch,;>o1' B I can get here in {w,'nly minutes. A no you gC'11ired in lhe evening' B y",,_ E'I><:,ially if 1'" done a lot.,( honKwor\;. A 1>0 you make a lot of mistakes in Engli-<h> B Well, [do my !>e>l, but 1 Slill ",.ke a few l"i,lokes. Ask and .l1swe, lhe same que,l;ons with a partner.
1 Pul Ihe words "nd I'h,,,s.-'S from 1he box in
correct wlumn.
bock hom~
two toblet' • <loy • cold up your mind ~ ~tQ 1M. f""ou, a ~rv.tion SOIMbod~ out for. """I on well with.~ a complaint c..~
"""" ""'wOng
4 Complete the """teoces with o"e of Ih~ verb phrases. Usc {he correct form of the \'crl>. _____ whik I W;lS in lown, I bought myself;l new Jt"nper.
2 'I don>t know if llove To'" or Ilcnry"can>t marry both of the"'.'
Bye-b;'c! Se,' you 'oon.
4 Aad'oo' Oh
of your""lf.
I Ihink
5 'Are the d<>or, locked" 'I Ihi"k so, but I'U ju,1
. You
Listen and check.
S lJiscuss Ih<"Se questions with a panner. How long <io<-s it 10k. to ~ f,om your ochool to the .tati",,? F,om
your ~""'" 10 WQ<kl When dOd you la" do ~ • fovour/mok. a complaint/tak~ a ph<>to/~t .ngryl W""llim~ did you get t>om. la.! n'8ht? 00 you get <>1\ with your por,,"'lyour Mighbou,,1 00 you find ;t.a,y 10 m.ak. fri..-.:l,l • 1< your Ensli>h getting bett",l
Unit 9 • Going places
3 Put tilt 1i""'S fmln tilt t,*""o"" ronYn$ltiOf\ bdWttn tilt m:q>tionll.t and dl<:f1t in lho: right orda. R«<.ptionist I-k\lo, tho: Grand HOIcL Cathy opeakmS- How CUI I bdp ¥OU~ Diml rc:sc:n'atK>n' mak 11ik I a 'I'd I ple;uc
Rcup!ioo.iSl c.r.uinly, W'hm is it for. aimt It's for tWO mght... tho: thin..,mh and 1M founttrlth of th .. month. Recq>tionist single-I wam , room I Of I doubl~ I a I And I J"Otl/ a
A .inllk, rk....,.
Receptionist OK. V...., th,t's fine, J h,ve, r<X>1n for you, And your Roocrl I'dlmcr. Clicnt much / you / C.~n f itl tcU I how / i$/ me
V Th;II'. £95 a night. Can I ....'" a c..wit card numNr, please? V sur<:. It's. Visa. 4929 79llJ 0621 8849. R«<.pLionist T1unk )'Qu. nunw.c,. / could I And, ~ 11/ ........ 1.
Uh huh. 01127 489962. That's rtnt.
forwani I look l....nng lon' you' We' to I thin..,.,th Ilhc
. ~byl:. aiml
Thanks a lot. Goodbyc-.
l";sten and chcd.
4 \\r,th a partner. m1"l'by th~ ron",rsation Ntw..,n Ruberl Palmer and the rc«ptionist as he checks inlO the hotd. /kllo. I )",,,,,,, rrlen",i"". My '",mrs IW/>rrr
Rol"l'wy th"", co"vcrs:Il'tlns Wilh )'Qur p;l"""r. Phone room.
JI.!aU I"",""
• You(3l'l"sdlt1ol'TVtowork.
• You"dlh""utrapilow. • You'd lh to Ofdot I\oono S8vIu. • You·d~a""'a11a1l00_....,.,....
Rcc~ption from
Scared to death w....t ~re the~ people ~fr~id of? How do they feel?
A WALK WITH DEATH Verb patterns and infinitives Look at the photograph. IJoes the path look ,'>;l(e to you' Rc~d
about Paul Lay's adventure. How did he feel at different times in the story?
2 Complete the text using these words. ~g.n
10 r...1 ".,IM ..:hing
used to h;I.e wont camping dKidtd to <1.nd up
Listen and chÂŤk.
1 Answer the questions_ I What is Paul Lay's hobby~ 2 What did he use to do with his fathee? 3 IJoes he go to the sallle place every year' 4 Is the King's Way in good condilion~
5 Why could,,'t he ha.e a rest' 6 Why didn't he enjoy the walk?
Unit 10 â&#x20AC;˘ Scared to death
Don't look down
........... ... _-
I have alway' <enjoy,xl wall<ing. When I was a boy, J used to go walking 01 wcd.ends \\;,h my father. We (I) and climbing together ! ,ry to visit a new place every y<ear. Last year r deci,kd to walk a path in Spain called HI CaminQ dd nrJ, which means the Kin!;'s \Va)'. It is one of the highe<l and most dangeruus footpad,., in Eurupe. It used to be very safe, hut now it is falling down_ I took a tr.lin to the \';Il.tge of EI Chono and started 10 walk toward, the mountains_ I was '"cry e<cited. Then thc adwt11ure be",n.
The path was about threc fect wide and there were holes in it. It (2) a handrail . but not any more. I didn't know "hat to do - shonld I go on nw hands ,"at knee,. or stand up? 1 (3) a11<J walk '-crr ,Iowly_ At times the path was onk ;os widc as THy ,WO boots_ 1 stoppcd to h,,"c a rnt, bn' therc was n,,,vhcre to sit J (4l ,-,..yfrighlcncd_ It wa< Impossible 10 look down or I'K,k up I ,,"",concentrating so hard lhat my IKKly (5) Thcrcwasnothrill of d~ngcr, tlO cnjo\'mcnt of the "ie\\', I thought I W;lS going l<> die fin.llly managed '0 Io\et to the end. I was shaking, and I wa< cowrcd in s,,"cal from heat and fear_ fell to the ground, exhausted.
PRACTICE GRAMMAR SPOT Are tf>e,e ,ern. followed by the infinrti"" or ins in the te,t? enJOY try de<oide st~rt begin manage Find the example< of med to' infiniti"" Used 10 e.pre'.... a past act"", whi<;h do",,"! happen any more. I UHd to (iay games wirh mybroth~" but now t don't, Nonce!f>e pro"<ll'lCiation .ju:>l 10., Complete t!>e", example< from tf>e text, I""'" to go ~t w~en,h, I didn't know ...hat I <lopped It wa, impossible
G.>lllplew these senk"c~'S .... ith the verb ski in the correct form I go
2 I started
every w;nln. when I waS six,
luied down the """mlain, hut it .... as 100 m-ep, 4 My instructor made me down thc steep mo""tain, 5 I enjoy ''''y much, 6 nave used wh,路" he was young"', hut not any more, 3
2 Choose the CUrren form. I've decidc>d '101' ! (0 "o!' ! SlOpp;"S smoking,
a ,ert. down.
There ..... nowhere ..... G....
Discussing grammar
mma' Rrierence 10.1-10,4 pI)'
2 3 4 5 6
J managed fiml! to /",,/ I fi,ul;n<~ my passport,
Let's go ,hop! 10 ,hop I ,hoppi"S! Please let me go 110 XO! son,s to the pany! Would you lik" something ral! to "",ing' J nc<.-d a rec;f'" for a cake thaI's easy IIIak,! 10 "",k, I "lIlkinS
Wilen I was young. I und to
] OW
Lislen to la",es talking aboul his childhood and his life now, C,illHplele Ihe chart, Write one sentence with used '0 for each '1uestion.
Life as a child 1 What/do otlhe w<oekend' l Wh.lIdo in the ~~ning?
on holday?
What sports/pl.y?
What TV prog.. mrnnllik~J b What food/lik~?
Ask ;lnd anSwer Ihe questions above with a partner allout your life now and your life as a child,
I usu~lIy go shopp;,,!: mul ,
WI",r do you do ar Ille weeke"d?
\II!",r did you ,!o whe" yo" were" child,
ro pl"y wilh my fr;mds ~lId ,
I used
4 Why do you go to these places? 'IiJ h"w" h"ircut. the I"',t offr<~ the new,.geor,
•• petrol station • a bool<shop • the liblilry the marllel
Wilh y<>ur partner, ask and answer questions about more pla""s,
5 Make selllences with a line in A, a word in B, and an infinitive in C.
• I I'm """yy. t ".",d 2 I'm goOng toa po,h pari)', but I don"t know 3 My CO play",,'s brol<en. Can you ,how "'" 4 Ooo'ttalk to ""'.1 ha.e S Do I turn left or right? I don't know 6 I'm bored I haven't got 7 'can yoo g~ "'''''' "",atl' ·So",. T~1l "'" 6 IletlIQIltly. I nml
• ""-""'" anything wn~,e
how mud> nothing «>meth'"8
< losoy to you. to talk to. to~at,
to w•• r. to ,epa;r itl todo.
W"" tob<Jy'-
Think of some replies. Then listen and compare your all5waS.
6 Choose the correct form. I we"t to the shops for Iv buy I fir /"'y 110 b"y some shoes. 2 Do you enjoy dll/iU I ,I",,,;,,,,, / 10 d",,,,? 3 \Vhcn I was young, I used 10 go / go / go;,'g icc-skating. 4 H,' told me he loves me. I didn't krr<.>w what say / 10 say I ",yillS' 5 When we ",ere on holiday, we weill swm, I w swim / swimming e,'ery dal'. ao
UnillO· Scared 10 death
VOCABULARY -ed/-ing adjectives How con you
tlK ~ . """"'"'
1_'"-' t
~Je<:IJ\" from W 001_
I You ~ uud in ~ 11ft.
You SO on on ;'~:;;m>k~·~~~::::dill'!ti - rnounwm.. .... tbe world
) YOtl
4 \0. find a
, 'our-.~.~ -",,,1<
hn' >;J
k iii tM photo< fe,
u.',nl"p 0I'iD I ,,~-.J pnoni
the r"'"
·int .l< dncrobl' a sil'l.Qt1On, PfflOI'I, or ar\ intemtina life • borinC1eKher In ucitlna film 1 ·fd adje~lj~ de1C,i~ how people f~1. I'm very ;nle~llfll in III<ldern .rt We ~re bom:I II tile ~ of ~ lenon, She', U(;ltd llOOuI go;ng on hoI0d0y 100000000fOW.
o.m t.ot·
---- .. h""'t....
..... ,,"-
'I Jnd II f.,1"IOt61ilm ow 1O<by: 'Rnly? I low 2 "~l {our boors going round a m........m.' 'W... " 'No.,lI _ _:-:-_
.l '1h,;,¥ftI'lhcardfn>m~paRnl:lfor"""'monlhs: ''i:.'um
4 ·Wow. Mari;a! Wb;u art you doing~' '\\'hy ll~ '" IlO 5 I faikd my """nL I worUd rnlJy hard (Q' it rm
6 '/I, man SlutnltO follow lilt home last night.' 'Yo ""I mu ! 7 My romPUln", broken, and [don"l urnlcrsl;lJ\<1 II, " .... II's S()
ClO$/: your books. Listen to the bcginni,,~ lOr IhelleS.
C.o"'I'I<:I( them.
4 What ha"" you 5«" on television or in the cine",a f"C>:enlly! Wh~1 hve you ,,'ad? Wnal did you thillk of them? Tell a partner.
J m"J " spy 'lQvd. If Ims '"yari/i"X.
_ 10 ....... mrl'
t _
READING AND SPEAKING Into the wild Describe what you can s"" in the photograph. V"'hjeh country do you think it is' What makes li(e difficult for I'.....,plc who live here'
1 Read the in1Toductory paragr,ph and the words in bold. In pairs, decide whether these statements are true (.I) or false (X). • •
Chri> M<:Coodlc.. dted 11<''1 ~0<Iflg. H~ "'os killed by I>Jnt~,<. H~ dido", ""joy hi, lif~_
~ lo~ "'lur~.OO •• impl~ lif~, • ~ ... nr<'d 10 d"'. • He knew he ...os dying.
What do you wont to know almu! Chris'
1 Read 10 the line cnding", I1,,,,,k fOl',r' his dj~rr ,,,,,,Is," and answer the questions. Did Chris kc-cl' in louch with his porcm,? When did thq' last hear from him? 2 Why did he get rid of his C3' a"d hllrn his ",oney' 3 Wh,,1 did hr need? What didn't he nc,><Ii 4 In what way was his life rich?
4 Read to the line ,-"ding".
I didn't /;"010' where he Wa5, ~
Choose the best answer, Chri" didn't get "" with his f"thcr be<:ausc his father
o had a lot of moncy. o didn't let Chris work in the family business. o tried to tell Chris wh.t 10 do. When the parents didn't hear from Chris, o the police gN ill t"u,h wilh lhcrn. o lhcy gol in touch with the police. o they did nothing. In July 1992 o his molher dreamt that she heard Chris calling her. o his mother is sure that she heard Chris calling her. o Chris phoncd his mother for help.
§ Read to the end. Correct the ",iSlakes in this summary.
Chris got the train to Alaska, and arri,,~. . l in May. 1992. lie liv<'<I in a bus. and there wa, a bed and a hath in il. lIe w"," very happy. There was lots to eat _ small animals, and fruit and vegetables, which he grew himself. After five months of liVing alone, he sta"<'<1 to fed ill, Ile I1Ml no strength be<:au",' he wa, eating poisonous piants, but he didn't know that thi, was the reason. lie wnti'",wd e~ting. He die<J of food poisoning. He knew he waS dying. He w,ote a letter to his parents, and took 0 photo of hirn""lf, He ",,,,m<'<I happy to die ill these ei,<;urnstanc:es.
What do you think? • \'llhat was importallt 10 Chris? \'llhat was,,'t importont? • Wh.t do YOll think he w;os trying to do? 'Vhy do YOllng people fed the need to h,...,ak away from their parents'
Unit 10 • Scared to death
In April 1992, Chrl.~ McCandless, a young man from a wealthy American family, hitchhiked to Alaska. four months later, his dead body was fouud by a group of hunter.~. Jon Krakauer investigated the story, hen Chris McCandless graduated from ~.mory University, Atlanta, in June 1990, h., ",nt hIS l'~'enh a letter containing 11is final "'ports. lIis Itlte, ended 'Say 'IIi' 10 everyone for me.' No one III Cbris's family eve' heanl from him again. He drove we" out 01 Atlanta, and j"vfllf.,,1 a new hfe fOT Illmself witll a new name. lie left his caf in some woods and bllmed ~11 his money. [)('("au"'o, oS he W10le in his diary, ') 1lcet1 no 1><><.,.",iulI.,. I Can survive with ju,t nat"...,: For the ,wxt two yeMS. he hitchl'<l 10 va,ious parts of the United States and
Mexico lie wanted the freroom to 110 whe", he want~'<I and to work when he nee<Jed. for him. his liIe was very rich. ·G..... it', great to he aliv". Thank yo,,! Thank you!' his diary ,ead,.
t1nwl'''"r, re"lity soon changed the d"'am. H" was hunll'Y. and il was difficult to find "nough to"at, jie shol ducks, squiucJs, birds, and ",ml'!i",,"s a mOO"-', and with tl"",-, he ate wild potatoes, wild mush'ooms. and herril'S. H" was losing a IO! 01 w~ight. hlis carne from a comfonahle background. !li' father On July 30 he wrot~·, 'E"tremely w"ak. Fault of IMd a busi""ss which he ran dfidently, and he potato n."d, Cao't staod "p. StarVing. lJaog"r.' It controlk'<l I,is own lamdy in a simitar way. "hris and seems that Club was "atillg a pi''' of Ih" wild potato plant his lather didn't gd on, When his parents didn't hear from that was poisonOlL<. Ik couldn't get ollt of I",,, for several mo"th" they wntal1~'<1 th" " need no possesSions. I th" bus to look for food, 'I alii tra!'pt--d in police, but they could do notlling. In July the wild: I,,· wmte on August S. eatI ....... _ 1992, two years afte' Chris left Atlanta, his He became wea~er an,l w~.1k'·f ,lS he was mother wuke III the middl" 01 the n,ght. st,,,ving to death. llis final note says, '( itSl 'I could hear Chris calling me. I wa,n't have had a gond Ufe and tha"k the dreaming, H" was b"gging, 'Morn! lielp me!' tlut I couldn't Lord, Goodbye and may (;0.1 hi"." all!' help I"m I,...;a"", I did,,'t kn<>w wllere Iw was: TIl<'n l,e nawk'J into his sleeping bag and lost consciou.>n<,"s. He prohahly died 011 August 18. One of the hri"'> (!ream was to .'l>end some time in I"SI things he did was 10 take a photo of himself, or'e hand Alaska, and this Is where he went in holding his final 1I0t~, th" other hand raised in a brave I\pril 1992. I" early May, after a few days in tl,.. goodbye. Jlis face is horrihly thin, b'd h" is smiling in the Alaskan hush, Chris found an old bus which hunters ",;<.'<1 pinu,,>, and the look in his eyes say' 'I am at p~ac~: lor shelter. It had a bl'<l and a stove. lie decided 10 stay ,I'ere lor a whIle. 'Tot.. 1 f...,edom,' h~ wrOt". 'My home is the road.'
Unit 10 • Scared to death
LISTENING AND SPEAKING It was just a joke In Britain, your eightcrnth birthdal' is important, lx:c.usc it is the birthday when you hem"''' an adult. Which birthdays arc special in your rounlry11,1/hal do people do>
1 You will hear a hoy calleJ Jamie de,",'ihing what he did on his fri'>nd\ eighteenth birthday. 11 was j"Sl "juke, but it I<><,h-.J serious' Look at lhe pictures. What do you think happened? Ch~k that you know thes<' words. 10 kidnap
a bo.l.d••~
10 1~ up
• blir>dfold
• witr.."
LiSlen to larnie being intCTvicwcd. Docs he tdl the story in the same order as the pictures!
Unit 10
Scared to death
EVERYDAY ENGLISH Exclamations with so and such
4 Answer the questions. Idemify these people in the pktures,
Jamie the witne1s
in the story. T"",,',
Send the police immediately!
Come and help Thi, look' rcolly ....ious. bi,tlrlly, dear Tom! Yoo _._._" I thought you were HoPI')'
He wa, very sea",d.
He WIlS so scllred.' 01
spoken? What effect docs it
"'t<ch? We were all so w""ied! Mike', wdl an idiot! It wdl • tt>nd idea of Jam",',1 He ha, such crur '''ends! We had 5JJdJ awful weather on I»Ii""y! Th",e ar" so monr pJaces I want to go tol I'"" got,o much worlr!
l Complete the ",ntenees in A with so, ",[I, a,
my friend'\ I k.... w it was )'OU from the
Excuse me, gentlemen, Can I just.<k)'OU. few question,? I think we ha"" 0 bit of 0 confession to make.
Roleplay With a partner, roleplay one of these conversations and retell the \tor~.
Tom talking to hi' girlfriend the" talking to the eme,Sen<y J,mie talKing tothe
Read and listm to the sentences.
'Ibm wus scuml.
2 Look at the sentences, \Vhen do we usc so, Stich u(n), "lei" so 'limIt, and so
really good idea fOf
loe on the groond! Ooo't move! Plea," let me go!
D<.> ;\w think this use of 50 is more wrine"
2 Imagine who says these lines • I've had
,n m""y, or SO ",",ch, Then
match them with the sentences in D.
, , , , 'm
I could eat a
Their house i' - - - ~,
, •
I don't il"<oII!O"".
There ..Cfe _ _ _ people at the party' _ _ _ '"'-"'8ryl
Yoo ,eaUy didn', ha.e to.
Jane and Pete ore _ _ _ nice people!
('.., """,t _ _ _ money thIS .........!
There ..os nowhere to """"e,
0 A present! for me> Yoo're _ _ _ kind!
Thank )'OU so mt><:h fOf inviting ,"" 8", I con', stand thei' kid<.
We'.., had - - - nie",;me' Molly',
understand, ~y """d I say,
I don't know how the~ Ii.., in rt.
d ..... erdo~1
(I[i[) Listen and check. Practise the exclamations. poIic~n
4 What can you say", ? • Olthe end of a long journey
nUll was such Il lo"gjoumq.'
..hen ~oo fini,h.n interesting book .. ,th a y<>u go roond a friend', ...... flat ot the end of. wood"'fu! meal in. row ....ith)'OUr boyfriend/girlfriend • at the end of a great Engli,h Ie'''''''
Unit 10 • St:..ed to death
Things that changed the world P.SSlve, â&#x20AC;˘ Verbs and nouns tllat ~o tolethel â&#x20AC;˘ Hot""
I Make Ifue ,enlence, from tile chart. 1 What i, made arKI grown in you. country'
l.pon F.allC<'.
Chompogne Whisl<y Ric~
Roll' Roy<~ C.f$ Nikon (amera,
,. "
SOLD WORLDWIDE Do you Coca-Cola? l)o you think these (acts aboul Coca-Cola arc True (,.f) or (alse (,1")? 1 0 1.6 billion gallons are sold every dar2 0 Coca-Cola is drunk in every country in the world. 3 0 II was invented in the USA. 4DltisnearlytOOyearsold. Read the story of Co<a-Col. and check your ideas.
Unit 11 - Things that changC'd the world
Hawaii. B<.. il.
",~ xotl.nd.
in grown in m.d~
Things go better with Coed-Col"
l'oJOYl'd "II OVl'r tht, world.
1.6 billion gallons are sold eve.y year. in over one hundred and sixty countries. The drink was invented by Dr John Pemberton in Adama as a health drink on 8 May 1886. hut it wu given tI>e name Coca-Cob by his partner, frank Robinson. because it was originally made from the coca (cocaine) plant. In the first year, only nine drinks a day sold. The busine.. was bought by a man called Ala Candler in 1888. and the first factory was opened in Dallas,Texas. in 1895. Coca-Cola i' still made there. Billions of bottles and cans have been produced since 1895. hut the recipe is still kept secret! Diet Coke has been made since 1982, and over dle ycars many dever advertisements have been used to sell the product. It is certain dlat Coca-Cola will be drunk far into the twenty_first century.
GRAMMAR SPOT Nowty ill the >'efb fOfms '" the tat obout COc.I.(ob _ .. the ~ TIlt ~ i> f""""td WIth the >'efb ro Iw iIId the ~l p.>~ ~i>"'-"~
pown" ~
L;;;;-~ k~
WhIt IS 1M _
1'Il:t<6t ~tht tnt? Dr jalwlI'MtbM:on1
«<><00' WlWl _ _
-'wnt~ the ~ >'efb fornIs . . . u- ~=--
2 Read the tat
m<lft ontt<6t~ ..
frri Rot>nson?
1M obfKt ~ the iCtA"t -'ella..... 1M the~.
Ac'ttw: Dr john I\f"obe'b' inftnt«l CoU-eoli. !'aW'Ic: CoIi-<oli _ itrwenl~ by Dr lOOn I\fmbmon. ~
Rd...--, l1J p140
1 lJon't look at the 1(Xt! took al1he p<1ssiY( Y(,b forms in the (Olumns aboY( and try to r'(m(fJliJ,(r the whole S(nlcnce.
Unit 11 • Thing:$ tN! ch,U1SHl!he world
PRACTICE Actin and passin
They Roll> Roy~ CO" in EIlSI.nd.
Roll, Royce ""
Rice i,«rown in Ch' . The lelephone
, "'" rke in Chi... } 11011 invontO<! lhe Iolop/Io.... in 1876. 4
1WO p,<tu<es from tho..-....eum 1..1 nighl.
\ They have bYilt ,hr.... new faclorieo Ihi, yea'.
• "",
the picture for £3.000.
7 The faclory will ,,,, •
in England. b)' IIoIl in 1876.
Two piclure,_,e stolen from tho """""m la,t night.
Th,-..., ....... facIo,,,,, The picture ha, ~ sold for £1000.
10.000 ca" nut yea,. many ca.. la.. year?
9 lloIl dOdo'l in~ol tho 1.1....""",
10.000 ca" W.... many""
thIS year.
""xl ye.r. made Iall ye.r?
2 Pul lhe verbs in brackets in Ihe mrrecII.nse, aClive or passive.
History of the Hamburger TM hamburger Os the mo<t ""ten food in the whole world.The £rst ( and sold in Conn~Kut in 1895 by.n hambY'Xers (I) A"",";can chef called Loois Lassen, Loui, P). (c>ll) them hamburger, b<;ou," he (3) (give) the reCipe b)' ,;tilo" from Hamburg in Germaoy. (beeo"",). favourite inAme,iu In the e..-fy p.rt of Hamburge" (4) the twen~eth centu')'.Their popularity (S) (grow) ......, moce .hr the Second World War. wMn 'My (6) (buy) in large q<Jantl'''''' by "'en.Z"" who (7) (p~r) food to' 1948 two brother.. Dick.nd Mae McDon.kl (8) (open). drive-in hamburger re,taurant in San Bem.rdino, California. Since ,r..n over 2S.000 McDon>ld's ....tau...n'" (9) (open) worldwide and now 3S million McDonald', (eae) eve')' day in I IS countries from Indi, to the ....mburgcrs (10) Arctic Cirde.
Unit 11 • Things that changed the world
VOCABULARY Questions and answers
Verbs and nouns that go together
3 Match the question words and answers
"""', -, """,
Laoi' La,...... In C",""""tl<u\. In 1895
Why? How many?
In each bo~ bdow, one noun dO<'S ,,,,, go with lhc vcrb. Which one' • w3tcb
In 1948. !lee."", the re<ip.e c."", from Homoo,g.
3\ million. 4 Complete the quesrinns using rhe passive. Ask and anSwer them with a partner.
a ~',d
a Itory r.-Ilo
Lisren and check.
S O"'lplcte the conv,'rsations and practise them wirh a partner.
• lift
Is ,01Um grDw/l i/l £/lSI"'''i? Nu, it i",'I. it', gmw" ill CI,i"a m,,1 lilt USA.
file poe",e
A Arl' Coca-Cola and hamburgers sold (mly in
,• • •" • A
3 A A
; A
America' No, they arcn't. Thcy _ _ _ . Was Cola-Cola invent,od by UJuis Lassen? No. it - - Were the first hamburgers made in 19481 No, th,'}' _ _ _ . Was the first McDonald's restaurant open,-.J in New York' No,it Have 2,500 reslauranls now m,en open",1 worldwide' No. not 2500. _ _ _ .
Lisren and check.
Check it 6 Underline the correcl word or words in cach senreJ\ce. I Where wus/ we'e lh,,,,,, shoes made? 2 I was given this watch by //'0'" my aunt. 3 Someone 1111< stole" / ha< be~" <101m my bag! 4 11,.. newsagcJ\t sell, / is wid stamps. 5 Ilriti,h policemen (10"'1 carry / aret", rarried guns. /> All rhe m,er was d"mk / drwlk by niJ\e o'c1uck. 7 Have alilhe ""Tldwich~'S eIHm / bee" e~fe'"
lhe way
.n ide.
the match
a l"OfIlile
2 Wo,k wilh a partner. Ch~ two nouns from each box, and write lwo sell1ences using Ihe verb. Read your sentenc~s to the class. I/:i<~ is grown ill CIIil1a. TU sJIip utTicd a o.Irgo or fONo""alld ""frO". 1 \\~,ich six nOllns do not go Wilh the verbs' Which verhs do they go with' ('''''''pick lhe sentcnces ,,'jlh lhe cor""t verhs. __ hello 10 your parellls from me when you them. 2 J "'lS late for work because I the bus. 3 This is my grandfather's watch. He it every day uJ\til hl' di,-.J. ., _ _ just a good idea. Let's eal oul S<.'C
tonight. 5 My uncle £500 on rhe srock exchange. /> We a complaint 10 the manage' b<.xause our meal waS so bad. Unif 11
Thingllhat changl'd the world
READING AND SPEAKING Three plants that changed the world 1 Read the introduction to a book review, What is the book "bout>
History books "fl' full of the ways ill whi.-h the actions of men and women have ch,ngcd tile world, but whal alloul plant,? Which I'brllS have changed history? Henry Hohho"-,,,. fa,mer and journalist, discusses thi' topic in his bsdllating and illuminating book S.xd5 v( Cha"x,,¡
Do you r<'Cognize the lh"", plants'
1 All the words below appear in the art ide about the plants. Which words do you think go with whieh plant' Some go with more than one. nou...'
,<!diet soil fabric
st..... l....gcOlK... lu.ury
4 Work in three groups. Group A Read about tobacco. Group B Read about sugar. Group C Read .hour cotton. 5 Which words from exercise 3 ore in your lC~e WI"'1 arc the bad effccts of the plant? \Vhat are rhe good effccts' Discuss in your group.
6 Compare plants with two students fronl the othcT gTOlll"_ Answer thc questions. Which plant (or pllonts'. ~'be.-n grown 10<' of years' w", known~, whrt. gold? Why? wa' 00<. thooght 10 be a lusury? <ou,ed the """""k~n Ci,il w.,?Wh1?
was tn.. "",in ...,.,..,.icon .'p<xt until 1820?
became the "",in Amer>con .xport aft... 1820? ".a, ",,"..ted b)' ,Ia'..? nas eau,ed the d.ath of "",n1
Which of the three plam, has ",mt changed hi.'tory' How' â&#x20AC;˘ \Vhich planl has d'me Ihe gre"lest good? Which has dune the greatest harm'
Unit 11 . Things tllat changed the world
Tobacco S U ga r For thou..nd. of ye>.rs tob~cco wu u<Cd by the Amerlcan lrodi.n, with no ill·<"ff<o,c<. In toe 16th centUry ~ W>. brought to Europe. This early tobacco wa. mixed with 00<1.r><! r>.<t>er dIrty.
ft was chewed or ,mol<ed in pi~ only by mon - women thoYght it smelly .nd d"gu.tmg. I, was firs, gl"OWn commen;;>Ity in Americ> in the 17th century on .k>.ve p1.nution•. In the 18th century new
te<;h<lology ref>r>ed tob.«o .nd the
f,rot cig>rett.. w ... e produced. By the 1880, I1uge f:laoMes ""'.... producing wI1ich ""'.... de.n and easy
Su:sar -
III Inm.. thou.. nd, 0/ y<>.rs ago:1n Roman it was known in Europe as. gre" I"xury. and it was rare ~ lor many centurie, .fter th.t. In 1.0193 Columbus took • J>lant wttl1 him to !he We.. Indio', ~re " VOW <0 "",II t/ut huge plantation. ""'..., ....rt<:<! by Europe.n, :and worQ<l on by ,I""",. The ~ ••e, '""'" ,hipped .cro.. the
Atbno<: from Africa. p.d<ed sometimes one on top of the Other in chJin,. on. journey th>t took 'ix "I'<!eks. M.ny died. The ""'P'Y 'hip< then c.rried the 'ugo. Mek to EUIUf>e. So much money w>, thJt wg>.' w>, known ...........ite gold" Sug;lr i' u""" to ,weeten food .nd "",ke ~ .nd ehocol.te. It i• •dd"'ti>'<' but unn""",'"')'. By the 16th e""wry the Eng1i'h we", the gre.test .ugar-e.",... in history, Elizabeth 110" all her teeth beau'e ."": ate .0 much of it.
to smoke. Ch.>in.,mol<ing and il'llu.ling and by the middle 0/ the 20th century toOocco addicts, both "",n and WO<Jlen. ""'..., dyil\ll of lung aneer in V"" numbf'r•. N<>w>d>ys cig>rette smoking i. b.nM<! in """y places, especially in the USA But until 1810 tob>.cco wu
t>ea."", po..ible
Ameria'. main C"p<>r<..nd .till todoy tMif toNCCO indust...,.. nuke. <Nfl'
S42 billion. J"'U.
C o tt 0 n
_n .,
Cotton h•• t>een grown for """,. fi"" thou»lld ye.... in pbce••• I•• MexiC;o. Ch'na. Egypt. .nd Indi., It wa, ~"t pbn<ed ,n Amena in 1607. Before 1800 eonon w>' • g"'.t luxury. more ''''f>en<i>'<' m.n 'ilk, bee>u~ >0 m.ny wor1<er> we", needed to pick it. Howeve•.• huge inc.e...e in t"": n<Jmbe. of .b"". in meAm.,,-oan South .e",lted in much gr.. te. cotton production ~nd ~ 1:>11 in me price. Thi•. and the new technology of the indu,trial ...,.., Cotton ttoe c"eape>t f.bric in history. By 1820 conon ...., making mO,,", money for the USA th>n .nd mo", money worldwide m>n .up•. The Amede>n Ci'o'il Wu of 1861-1865 W"-' fought beau.e the Southe.n 5ut'" wanted to form • "'P"J;>te country.• 0 tr..t they could contin"" to keep .La"", on th..., conon pb.nution" Sb.""ry ..... b.nned in me Non"":m S..te, in 1808. 500,000 .old,e... W<>!"e killed in the W1'.
Unit 11 • Things that changed tile world
Helps you relax __ .
The world's most common habit chewing gum
enjoy WRIGLEY"s
Do you chew gum' How often' Stand up and ask the studenb ill Ihe class. Compl<1,- the chart beluw.
refreshing delicious
1fillc~ CHE!'!G'''''' '"
.... -* ---_ ---_--,
co.,. WRICOUYS ..... ......
.• om~l"'" '"___Of "r~ly
2 Discuss these question" a, a claS1i_ I \Vho often chew, gum? Who never chews gum? 2 When and where do you chew gum> 3 Where do you put if when it has lost its Ihvour? ] You are going to listen 10 a radio programme aooul chewing gum. Chc<:k the mcaning of these words. Which ha'-c on obvious conne<:l;on ....· ith the topic of chewing gum> How' ,'~I~lon (n)
I>o<\e)' (n) to hire M
to fr""'- (t'" breath) M to w'.p M b,lIboord In} (Am. (ns}
lree "1' (n) p;l(k~{
4 Read the statements below. Do you Think they arc Irue (,/) or fat"" (Xl' Discuss wilh a partner.
o en. million lorn of gum is c~od ...... y Y""', o Chewing g"'" wa. foolld in the mouth of a niM
o Chewinggum w"' invented in SwWen_
thoo,>ld , ••I.1<,n. 1M firsr glm w.. ""'''" of tiff ..p and >ugar. 5 0 B.ab'es are born wanting to <hew gyllt 6 0 1M onel...,t Glffks ""1i.'1..t ch"W"lng gum was good for yoo, ONIth. South Am.,ican Indian. mad<> the fim of <'-ing glm, 8 0 Chewing gum w.. tak..., to North A~ bythe Engli>h. 4
Listen rn part one of rhe l'r<Jgrarnme and che-ck your ideas. C<.>rreCI the ("lse sentenccs.
Unit]]· Things that <hang~ the WOfld
LiSlen to porI two of the programme. Answer the queslions.
I Who w,>, William Wrigley' 2 What did he do to adverlise chewing g"m' 3 When did chewing gum be<:ome popular outside the
USA' 4 What did the children sho,,11 5 What is roday's chewing gum made of?
What do you think? Is chewing gum a common habit in yo"r "'"nITy'
1.> it comidered 0 bad habit? Whyl\'lhy nor' Is chewing gum good for you? \'lhyIWhy not?
EVERYDAY ENGLISH Notices When you first go to a foreign country, it "0 b<: difficult (0 undcrsl.l1ld notices, Here are some typical English notke<. Match them wilh the."" places. I 2 3 4
II] a bank or" post office 0 a petrol ,tat ion 0 3. bToken drinks machine 0 J road in 3. town 0 an airport
6 Darn!> 7 0
the Underground
8 a park 9 Da?.oo
10 Dahotd II 0 a railway 'tat;on 12 0 "publi, toilet
13 0
a motorway
~ i ".~u ~,. ,._.
~~'~"""M ,~
2 DID Listen to five conver"'t;ons. Wh"" art> the p<>ople?
[tJ__,â&#x20AC;˘ ...:J. Services
Work Wilh a parlner. <'hoo"" lwo other places, "nd write cnovers;>! ions that could happen Ihere. Read them 10 the class, and sec if they ClO guess the place.
5 m & 25m
..r."'''''~. Unit 11
Things that changro tile world
Dreams and reality 1 Which famool perwn would yoo like to meet? Wh~1 wwld you t~lk
2 Which cwntry would you like to visit? What would you do there?
3 If you won a lot of money, what would you boy? How much would you gi ... to friends?
SWEET DREAMS Second conditional
If I were a princess, I'd
live in
Read 300m Nicola. Which tcrt describes he, life! Which des<:ril>es her dream,,'
r I;"'" in " flat with my Ml/ITl arod my liW.. brothtr. My Mvm wor+;;, in " ""$\>ito!, "" my Gran often looks after U$ arod ....... ""'1>5 my Mum. We """" " ~_ I go to SI Barnabas sct-J and 1 wear " !T«" ,",itonn. I can <>nIy ~.sweet.. or> Soturdays.
Nicola, aged 7
1 Complete the text on the right with these words.
te~n.. ""v.nt,
.woen 1"'1"..
Listen and checL Then listen and repeat
Unit 12 . o..eaml aoo
I'd have
_--;-;-;----,;:: to look. after me. My Mum would be Queen, and she wouldn't work. I woo/do't go to ~hool. I'd have Cl pri...ate I'd ride a white ---,. (Ind I'd wear a long -,-_ I could have all the I wanted.
GRAMMAR SPOT 1 What tense describes 1
real life?
Iflliv«iinaf»lilu,. ~"he li~
in a palace? What t~~ j, livNi? .,.fd hiH'. ~r.ilnts. (I'd· I would)
Is mi, a dream or reality? Compl~e t~
We make un,eal condit;onal dau<M with if. the
In the result clause. we use the auxiliary verb • the infinitive. 4 NOliee that was can change (0 w",e in the condition d._. If I WHe .. prinull.. ~
R~e 12.1
Wheu would she live? l'Iol/1ii
"e. gn",d",oO/C,
look ofrer her?
Ask and anSwtt questions abou, Nicola's dream, with a partner. Who, , .. 1m" mot1m' do?
, , , ""ve?
What ~.r? , .. hove .Iot of <WfftSl
." Nicola go to scl>ool?
PRACTICE Discussing I,ammar 1 Make sentenc<"S from the chart. cak", ond ice-cream,
feel t..ner
It.. .n''''....
g<1 • job in ,"" police.
" ...,
didn't ~>I
'0 much,
didn't ,"",k~
lOS<' weight. I'd~ buy. big hou,,", I w""ldn', btJild ITlOfe ho.p;,.I•.
• tot of mon~, i\Hlle m<l!lt)' In
k~pit t~1t
the llrttt,
gin yuu ~ lif!.
2 Put the v",hs in the correct form, ' " _ _ (be) rich, 1 (travel) round the world. rim 1_ _ (go) (0 Canada, then [ _ _ (go) to New York, If he _ _ (work) harder, he _ _ (have) more money, , _ _ (go) 10 work if 1
(f~",l) b~1lCr,
bu( [ feel terribk.
'" _ _ (can) speak perf""t English, [ _ _ (n,,( be) in this dassroom. 'What _ _ y"O _ _ (do) ifa Slranger _ _ (give) you il million" Unit 12 • Dreams aoo reality
WHO KNOWS? What would you do?
3 Discuss what you would do if , ~oo COIM """'"
.nd foond • burglor.
~ g•• e y<>U'
present tho! yoo really
listen 10 two students ",ying what they're guing 10 do when they leave university. Complete the texts.
d,dn't like.
,.w _
,t.;,pliflinswallet with. lot of money On it, yoo sow Iwo people fightil18 in the '!feet. ~oo
yoo found •
If I were you . .. 4
We can give advice using lfl were yo", I'd .
I fed le.--rilJle! My 1"".1 I"ms. m,d I feel dj~7. If I were YO", 1(/ go 10 bClI. Work with a partner. Give the people advice about their pr<>blcms. 1 I N.e nO money. 2 My Nil', .wful.
I 1'"" got toolNehe.
4 1'"" hod. 'ow wtth my buyffiend. 5 My car woo't ,tort in lhe morninS6 My ~gnbou" make. lot of noi~.
~.i,"~', " • OIIJ
listen and co"'pare your an,wers.
Unit 12 • Dreams and reality
, a holidity in Italy for. coople of weeks, staying in • villa in Tuscany. Then I for a job. I in the media - advertising or the BB( WQuld be perfect. My sister .rod I • flat together, ,omewh~re central, w .. to starllooking WO<'- I'm very e.dted about the future. And I'm also highly ambitious!
2 What are some of the certainties in Ruth's life' She's ''''vi''g a I,oliday i" Iraly. ,,,ill. in 1""'.ny. 1'0" job, .. , flat t<>gertler. st.,t looking >000.
3 'What are some of the possihilities in Henry's life' IIf miglll go 10 A"'e6m. rest.u,"nt for. hit. ... P.,i, for. w",le ... french girl.
PRACTICE Discussins ,rl.mmu
a - tJy ct)l"1't(I ..... b in Iht$e -Srntmca •....'hilfs for suppc-r?' 2
I .....
m'tlll "".... lamb. It's in lilt ovn>.' '\'I'h:.. t,mo:~~_e>ting~' '1>00"1 worry. II'll be I 1I mighl br ~ bd'o~ your TV J"'OU"mmo:: 'W.....·sntnlll ""Ih us~' T.., imitnl krry, bul /r·U br I M ,,,tgIIl brlalt. II dq>tnds on tilt Inff",: I'm going into town ton-row, I'm !urnng I f IImr with Jo 1.1 1.00. 'A~ l"u going to hav<: a wim...- hoIi<by this ytart '/ <1m I / ""thr. I ha.....·,
.k<:i<kd yd:
Pouibilitiu 2 Makt (o",'c~lion\ with a parlntr .OOUI th"", f"ture l'0>libilitic<. Onr of you isn't .urr aooul anylhillg.
r--~~ /,,,, "or "'".
I ",ig!"
~'<) Iml OF I '",g!lI
sld1 al ho"'t.
I'm not llft )"et. Some fnends haw lIlY,t«l me to SO to Long klind ...,th thfflI, so I mistrt SO to ~ 111 ll.I~ to ~~m bit I don't blow whiit I ~t to do. I !eM f~ so I 1tI Piiris for ~ wI'uIt. I could eMIl SOtIlt rnoroey pmt"'l pllI'IniU in Mon~ Who knows? I ~ bNutif.J fmdl S,r! Mod f~ ltIlo:wt! 'NcJul&l't thiit t.: -.....derfuI.1 SOtIlt 1TIOI'lI!y. so I
in iI retillnnt for
What SOrl/<arlbuf Fialnl>yota 2 \'lhcn:/on holid>y' ScotlandlS~,"
J Whallhav<: 10 t'at!
-SInk/fISh 4 Whol~ng to
3 Ask and IIlSWC'f qUO/ions with a paJtntr aboul your poowbk futu", plans: • IIIrf!l "'" ~
Mil'! _
1M SMle ti perfwps . " . will.
WIYIa,. y<IOJ doq: I"" I don't know, I "'¢hI co out. or I ""Iht 51'" it homt, 1 Mjrt
a mocW aU>:.WtY.
Am mqht
c_ round 1""'&hI-
t m.&ht not p.aros my .UIM. 00 ~..:Id., ... l!tlWshVir? 00 ~ .... cIo/~ In "'" "'"8a,,~1 ~~
Grlm",or Rmr-c. 12.1 pMl
Ihe da""r with!
ask Toov/ask RKhard
. u.. ~
. . . "'" ""ftbncI
for """ nom Ilolid.,-
Chect it 4 Corr«t lilt m,.takes in these scntrnctS. I If I'd ha.... a <:ar, I'd~ .... you a lift 2 Tht'y'li aUlhcir hal>y Lill·' but thty
ar<'1l't 'u", yt"I. J ],d vi,it you mort ofttn ifl"u would,,·t livt SO f" 'way. 4 I'm playing t~nnis tomorrow. I'm nOl
5 If l"11l )"Oungtr. I'll Itorn 10 I'ldy thr piano. but I'm too old now. Unit 12 • Dreams and reality
READING AND LISTENING Ghost stories Do you believe in ghoslS? What would you do if you SlIwa ghost? Would you talk to it' Would you Tun away? 2 You.r< going to read .OOU! a man called Adwyn RooctU. He', a gho,tbus!e•.
Do you lhinld,., _ ? •
l>olieva 0/ donn', bol~. in gOO<{'_ to find !M<t,
• In.:. to to' ,;cJ <>f ghosts. Read the text and find oul. 3 Are the statements true {.I} or fals<: (if)? O>rre<:t the false Olles. t Mr Rooots i5 a social worker. 2 He helps to sort out problems for both ~oplc and ghO$lS.
3 He is Sure thaI ghosts ""'is!. 4 The boy knew it waS his grcal-srandfathcr al the end of his b<:d, S The old man made the boy laugh. 6 Mr Roberts wive<! the boy's probl"m easily. 7 Ghosts arc not usually members oflhe family. 8 M r R~rts says you should never talk firmly 10
ghosts. 4
Look al the ncwsplIrer extract on the right, thell listen 10 an interview with Alice Lester.
Check that you know thes<: words_
I "... in scan e<>Mullant tumour ~atioo 5 An,weT the questions.
2 3 4 5 6 7
Did Alice I.ester know she was ill before she heard Ihe mia:s' What "":IS she doing when she first heaTd the voices? Whal did lhe firsl voice tell her? \\fh,l happened while she was away on holiday? \\fhal happened when she rdumed 10 London? Did the ronsuhanl beli",-e what she told him' \Vhal did lhe voices finally lell her' How is she now?
Wh.t do you think? Do you Ihink AIi,e UsIer'S story is a ghost Slory? Do you believe Ihat Mt Roberts reany gelS rid of ghosts'
Woman heard 'voices'
telling her of tumour vtrSj!jIOIliilaM
Telling storiu Do you kno"- any ghOSI stories' In small groups, tdl your ghost stories. \Vhieh is lhe mosl frighlening'
Unit J2 •
The mysterious case of Alice USIC' al'pcared in the British Mt'<.lical JournaL Alice claims that she heard voices in h('r head which COrrl.'CtJy told her lhat she had a brain tumour
VOCABULARY Phrasal verbs
60 ow") ,,~, (!.vef'l~
Complete the SCnlences with" word from the box.
I P1.,1
wmething warm. II's cold (oday_
2 There's wille ;c<t-cr<'am in the f'c..,,,er. Can you gct il _ _ ' 3 Wily are your cloth.. on the noor? Please piek thclll _ _ .
4 I'm going \0 lake Ihe dog for" walk. S Wlwn are you going _ _ to yoor counlry? Do ," ",;1]1'- 1he'" actions.
~~iir..~ ~
..k "",~body out
fill in. form 1 Look 31 the I'<»ition of the obj,,,,! wilen it is a pm"oun in rhes<: SClllcnces.
,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,1",,- "",
".m,,1f n","""'" look> "i" CO" "~ i> "",
COlllpkle the selllences Wilh phrasal verbs fmrn pronouns,
'\\!h",,·'s my {ca" 'Sorry. I threw
2 You should,,'t smoh' in here. Put 3 We don't ne,>J all these lights on. Turn
I 2. Use
. It was cold.'
l.e.,·e lillie Annie with me. rlilook . 5 I haven't got time to fill in thi, form, I'll fill
.. Complete the sentences with om' of these phrasal verbs in the correct form.
[!row up
go out with
dOJ;,;o~"~~~=~:Your p",'ents~
2I [)o Howyou "ver \\~,at arc you 4 Arc you 5 Where did you 3
your hrothers ''''d sisters? doing 011 holiday' all;'o"e at the momcntl ? Or hO"e you .Iways lived here'
In pairs, ask and a",wer the question' about you,
Unit 12 • ~nd
Phrasal verbs ron,i~t "f a verb + adverb/prep",it;"". Some ph,.."r verb. are lileral. G<> away ",,,lie,,,',, me ,lIotlc. Take off yo,,, ~Q"I ",,,I (omf ",,,I s;t d"wn.
I oot (.2)
EVERYDAY ENGLISH Social expressions 2 Compkw Ihe wnver'atio". with the correCt e,pressi"",.
! Can I get pas!!
A Call I get 1'.,1, plea",? 8
,I didn't hear yo". Yes,
A Thanks" 101.
Tho!", ,ight
OIl. ""hot. pOly
No...". mind
I hear
you're going to get ",an;," soon.
g A C
,m',! luly. July 21. CAl" y"" come 10 the wcddillg' 'That's when we're .w.y on holiday_ We'll ~"d yOll some wedding cake.
A That's "ery kind.
, Look "I Ihe {ime! ,or we'll mi" Ihe train. , I <an't find my umbrella. Do you know where il is?
. But ,'Oil won', nceil it. It's a lovely day. JUSI look al Ihe sky!
B Dh,.
. Let's go. then,
Good Iud ~ roo 1>1" sa...... to you No, of <oorw 001 , A in your exam! B , I hop" we both pass_ A Jlid you go onl last night' 8 _I went to I>cd early A Me, too.
'--_. 2
Good Od<.
What.hoot yoo
after the exam, LeI'S go for a drink.
Listen and check. Practise Ihe wnvcrsdtinn' with a parlne,.
3 LiSlen to your teacher. Reply using one of the exp,,,ssion•.
Unit 12
Dreams arK!
Earning a living Present
1 A~ arid Imwet the:oe questlom. 2 Ask your teacher the lame qlJE'rtions.bout t<"ilChing English.
STREET LIFE Present Perfect Continuous
Continuous' Word formation' Adverbs. Telephoning
How "'liS 1m", yOI' becn Icnming Englisl"
ANDY'S STORY Andy, 28, from Scotland, used to have his own taxi business. When he lost it, he also lost his home and his family. He now sleeps on the streets in London. The Big Issue is a magazine sold by homeless people in Britain. This gives them a small income, 50 they can begin to find somewhere to live.
I j:(c,,,1 Andy's Slory.
1 Match the questions a-f on pl03 with the .nSwcrs in ,he kxt.
Listen and chc<:k. Finish Andy's 'ITlSWcr;11 'l"c"S.ion 4.
I Wilh a partner, <O\'cr the 'luestiOllS and p,actise thl- convers:otion, Then cover the answers, Jnd pro";,,, again.
GRAMMAR SPOT Whkh ore tro. ql>Mtions in the Pr~ent ~rfKt Conliou",",? What .re tr.. otr... t~se5!
lool< II t~ two questions. How long have you b«n selli"8 711.BigllJwl How m.ny copies ~ YOO $Old today? Which <juts!ion • .Iu.bout the acti,ity of selling! Which G""<tion &\k<l.boot 1M num~
of magnin... >Old? Complete tl>tse senteoces with tile Present Perfe<:t Simple or C""tinuous. I lsmoke}sir><e I wa. 16. I {smoke} f.. e c;8.'1!'tt~5 tod'y_ ........" I«f_nu 11.1 p142
Unit 13 • Earning' living
Wile" Ilid
rou 'Iarr?
For ~ ye~r_ h wu very e<lld", first, but you get used to it.
I ume here to look for work, ~nd I ne... er lett.
30 Fot six months. I'm in Co... ent Garden se...en days a _ek selling the maga~ine.
Lots. But I can't stand p....ple who think I drink Or t~ke drugs_ My problem is I'm homeless. I want. job. but I ne.d som.where to live belore r can get a job. So I nee<! money to get to Ii...., but _
Usually about fifty.
Oil So far, ten. But it's still urly_
:: I
more <jucstions about Andy_
flo", IonVlrying to frld ~ job? • How""""1 jobVhild? • How long/,tm<iing ~~ ,oo.yl How/l~ ~our bu<ine...' How I",,~ your dol:l
Who/best fri~lld? Wh<1~/~1
How Jong/known ~Kh
Listen and check.
S Ask and answer the questions with" partner. [nvelll Andy', anSwer>.
Listen and compare your answers,
PRACTICE Discussing gtamm •• Choose the correct tense.
4 S 6
Talking about
a How ma~y copies do you sell a day? c Have you made many friends?
How long I,,,,'e you been [iv;"g / do yo", live in Paris? Anna "IZ> "",, jim/inK / ha, feum!" good job. Pete and I hnr'C gonc olll / haw bem gai"g Out for Ow, six months. I bo,'.~11/ / haw boug/II a new flat a few months ago_ Itow long Iwvr you llad! llavt y"" wc.. Iraving your mr' Tom *wkcd / 1,,,, bee" working as a postman for the past month J'"" ",ririe" I '"" wriri"gan ~=y all Joy I 've WT;/fe<, I hem wri/i"gsix pages. ~ou
2 Pur the verbs in the Pr~sent Perf«t Simple or Continuous or the Past Simple. d How many copies have
you sold today?
How lon& _ _ "''' _ _ (mme) to this
school? lIow long _ _ "''' _ _ (usc) this
hook' f
Why did you come 10
Which Jl<><.k _ _ "''' _ _ (ha,e) before this one' 4 Howlons _ _ ",,, _ _ (knowlyour teacher?
Unit n • E.ilrnil18 a living
What hue they been doing? 1 Mak~ a .",mence aoout 'he p"opk "sing an idea fro", lh,' box. Add WCI"'''' and "'y what thq.'\路e been doing, H~',
w""'$<' h~"s I!ffn rUr",;)!):,
dirty horld, w~1
I>Jm rIO
I"'n! 00 money
~r dot~s
4 ''''''plete the"S<' sentences in thf
Perfen Simple about some of the people in exercise 3.
, H, 2 They J She 4 They S lie
(run) five mile.,;. (spend) all their money. (read) flve t>ooks today. (play) six gallles. (",ake) a cake and a pic.
Getting information
S Work with a partne'. You, teacher will give you different information aboutlhe life ;lIld Care"C' olSleven Spielberg, the Illovie di''''''0'. A$k and anSwer q\lcstions to complete the information Stlldent A Ste."" Spielberg was botn in. (Where?} He i' 0IlI' 01 the m,,,t <lJ(xe..lul filmmakerl of the late 10th (""tury. ~nd in hil Ca,eer he ""' e~,ned millionl of doll~,s.
Stlld"nt 8 St"""" Spielberg W<lS botn in Ohio, He il one of the molt wccel.llul filmmakers of the l~te 10th CefllU'~, and in hil Career he h<lS ~am~d ... (How much?)
ho", ill Ohio,
VOCABULARY Word formation
that you'll always love me.
2 l!c was laken to hoopi!.l by ambulance, hut he wos l' 'Yes, they're millionaires' 3 'Are they
on arrival.
'Where does their moncy come from?' 'They have a very 4 I love the and quiC1 of the coumrysidc. 5
for a jot> as a waitn.
I 53W 311
6 The sofa was SO 7 r gave Ihe police a fell ",'lttp_ of the man who attacked me,
g r bad. few problems. hm Bob gave me ",me good
9 I was sitting at home when ,uddmly I had a funny
that J wasn't alone.
Adverbs CAlmplClC the s<:nlcnces with the advert><.
I mo'oly
'Ne you going oul" '
I . I <lon'( know yet.'
2 The exam was difficult. I couldn't do any of it. 3 'How old arc you?' 'I'm _ _ . eight. It\ my birthday nexl wttl<.' 4 It,.,-d a lot in my job, to Eurol'c, 2 (".mnplc!, the sentences with the adverbs,
I <e<iou,ly
I J uso<! 10 speak French •bul I've forgonen il now. 2 I'lea~ drive . The t<>ads are SO dangerous. 3 I have £3.52 to lasl unlillhe end of the w..,k. 4 The'" waS an accidenl. but fOrlUnalely no one waS injured. Unit 13 • £arning a hving
READING AND SPEAKING Afunny way to earn a living Play Ihe alphal>d game with jol>s.
bus;ncssn""J, I1ooksell"', _
2 What is considered to be a good joh in your mumry? What's an .vcrose sal,Jr' 3 Look at the pictures and the headlines, and look 31lhe th,et: (c,1S fur len s<:<:o"ds only Answer the questions. I Do they have regular jobs? 2 1)(, they like their job' 3 hch headline contains one of th~'Se words_ What's the difference betwet:n them? 1 hf~
liytly I
4 Choose one of the te:XIS, and read it more , ..duUy_ Answer the questions. 1 D<>es he/she work indoors or outdoors? 2 How long has he1she been doing this job? 3 \Vhat docs he/she do in his/her job? 4 What did he/she du b<:fore? 5 Does he/she do the same thing """'y day? 6 How much does helshe cam' 7 Why does hei,h,' like the job? 5 Find lWQ partners who read the other two texts. ComrMro tho three peopk, Now ."Swer Ihe question,;. I \Vho earns the most' 2 \Vho ear", th<'least? 3 \Vhat sort of things has Terry found? 4 Why <10 Tcsro's employ older people' S How long has Cathy been flying balloons' 6 \Vhal is Terry's philosophy on lifo? 7 \Vhy dido'l Torn phone when he saw the adveniscment? 8 How many hours a day docs Cathy work?
What do you think? \Vhat is your idea of the best and worst jobs in the "'"rid?
Language work Hnd fiw adwrbs that end in ·Iy in the texl aoom the tlcachcomber on 1'107.
Unit B • Earning a living
Lively Tom, 69, skates for Tesco He gets paid for putting on his roller skates
om HopperlO" is one of ) ,200 0"er-65s working for the superlllJrket, Tesc", He's lx:cn working there for fifn:cn months, 1\elore thar he WaS a phnnhcr for thirty ycaf5. Tom skalCS 300m Ii"e miles a day around thc store fetching things for custom,r> who realile ,Iu! they"'e lorgotten something only when they'ye reached the checkout lill, He earns £4.50 an hour, '[ just Im'c thc job. 1 help the customers, so thelre us"ally very nicc to me, )"'e always liked mccring people. And ;, keel''' me fir. I can'l sit al home doing nOlhing. I'd jllSl die. 1 hO\'e to keep busy. Time goes really quickly. Eycry day is ditkrent,' Tesco'. made the d<...:ision 10 employ pcople of all ages. It ,;ces the ad'dntages of oldcr workcrs \\ho are more calm and authoritat;\'e when th<1' arc dealing wilh customcrs. 'Wheo 1 sow this job ad"ertiscd, I did,,'t belicvc they'd g;yC il to me,' says Tom. '1 went ;n to sec them because 1 thought they wo"ld be put otfhy my age if! jus' phoned. [ wantcd them to sec thal 1 am yety li\'ely for my age.'
Life's a beach Is it fH'SSibh: Iu mak., II Ih';ng from what you can find on tbe beach? For 25 years Terry eel",n WdS a I'0llo:",an, but for wwnteen years he has walking up and down five miles of beach every day. looking for things thaI might be "seful to Wtlll'One.
krry's a ocachcomber. Nearly everything in his conag" has COme fwm the sea _ chairs. tables, even tins of food, What's Ihe mOSt unusual thing he has c»'er found' ',\ barwl of bl",r just before Christmas, n,,,t was nice: he remembers. He finds loIS of boHles wi01 messages in them, mainly from children. Th"y all get a reply if there's an address in the oottJe. Shoes? 'If you find onc, you'll find Ihc other (11" "ext week: he s.a~_ Ilut dOl'S he really make a living' "I lalf a living: he replies. I bart('r with a lot of things I find. and I have my police pension. 8,,1 I dOll't actually nectlmoney, My life is rich in vari<.1y.' Terry ..." ,n" to be a very happy ,n"n. 'You have to find a way 10 live a simpk, honest life, 1'<.'Ople spend all Iheir lives chasing t!lings they don't really n,><-'<I, There's so much wasle: 'Son", people say I'm mad.' say. Terry, 'But there an, a 101 more who'd like to do what I do, Look at me. I've gOI c_wylloing tllat I could possibly want:
Flying for a living Cathy has made a career out of her passion
alhY Moorhead has only ,'wr had one job, She has never wanlc'<l to do anythmg hUI be in a hoi air balloon, going where Ihe wind lakcs her, listening 1O the birds. and watching deer and 'mall animals below her. And sh,- gels paid for it, about £25,000 a War. 'I've Ix",,, flying balloons since I was 10, and I ha;e done il profe,<sionaUy for tweke ye;rrs. I fly betw""n HI and 20 passengers in different balloon,: The flights us""lIy last an hour. and Ihey go early in the morning or ju,! before sunscl. 'The trips ace alw;rys mystery tours: she says. 'I never know whne w,ere going 10 land: She starts work abouI!> am, and works anything from 15 hours a day 10 nOlhing, if the wemher is bad, 'We ca,,'t fly if iI's lou windy, if visibdily is poor. or if il\ r.lining, The balloon gets 100 hea,'Y and Ihe passengns get wet: What's the bcsi Ihingabout the job?'The job it...,lf, llo"e being OUI in the countryside and r hate roulincs. So Ihis is heavcn for me:
Unit 13 • Earning a living
LISTENING AND SPEAKING Giving news Craj~ has left home and has just started his first job in advcrlising. He's on the 1clcl'honc to his mMller.
ListCllto his side of the conw''''t;oll.
Work with a partn~r and decid .. if these statements are true (.I) or false (.K). 1 Craig start, work.1 ~ighl o'dock every momin!:. 2 His mOlher is worrie<lthat he hasn", be~n ealing ",..,11. .~ He goes horne i",,,,wiatdy after work. 4 Craig"' mother has not heard aDoul TCS&l b<:fon:. 5 Craig and Tessa share a flat. 6 TeoS<> has bec" wOTking for the advertising agency longe, than Craig. 7 Craig's falhcr has l>ttn workill!;;n Holland. S Craig". father has been working hard an day. 9 Hi, mother i, coming to London next Thursday. 10 Craig and Tess<> arc going 10 cook a meal for his mother. 1
Lislen 10 Craig again. Your teacher will stop the re<:ording. What do ;'0" think his mother s<,id' LiSlen to the mmplelc mnversation and compare YOllr ide...
Language work Read the tapescripl on p 127. Underline example; of the Present Perk" Simple alld Cont iIlUOllS.
Roltplay Read Rulh's diary. Work with a partner. One of YOll is RUlh. It's Friday evcning and you have phone'd yo"r friClld for a chal.
Hi, thaI". I'm .x!"",sted. fw lUll) a urrible week'
2 Work with a partner. It i, Friday e,-ening. One of ;"00 has decided 10 phone the other for a chat. A,k alld "",w~r <Iucst;ons Jbout what you've heen doing this week.
Earning a living
Telephoning Prael,'" saj'ing lh.= telephone numhers. 020 79274M3 01911272994 07970800 994 06144 SOI177
OW ii!D
01880 7OS024
Lislen and d""k.
Listen 10 some phone ",,,"[,.,,,, in American English. \'l'hat difference, "rc there betw""" Brilisb alld
American English?
3 DID Listen to Ihr,,,, phone ,onver",t;"", and <lox,de: who " .puking to who. whot .1>001. Oo'" well t"ey koow .ach oln~,_
Look at tr..~ 1.lep!lone exp<essiorn. Who', ~.kin8? i. thaI M;ke? ThIS " )ohn./lt's John. (NOT ........... John. or I'M John.)
1 Complete t~ ~'p"6!i'O'" from I~ Telephone
coove""tOonSCoold I.
M"' out al tbe momeot.
Can Itake ~ I'll later What do t~ ~anl Hold 00. I'll WI\M(! ~oo. S~ak;ng
4 Look OIl Ill.. 1"lx'script on p127/8. P""li", tl>,-
conv,·r>.,l;,,", w;lh, part"",. 5 Your teachCT will give you a role GIrd. Prep" rc wh.t you
arc going
"'y alone, Ihen be "'ady 10 make a call Or
aJ15wcr {he phonc.
• •
Unit B • Earning ~
Love you and leave you • eponed statements • Saying goodby~
Match the lines about John and Ma 'y
n..y ""'I ~adl oth", n..y',.., known ~"h other n..y~~och~,
wtwm th.,. mel. for a long time, • long lime "80
n..y _~ lioi"8 in New York n..y had """~, befillo New York belore.
A LOVE STORV Past Perfect
. TeXI' A and B are ,urnrnari"'i or uoc story. Rcad a d a rnaga/.,nc n compare them, _ _........";;" '
In which le.t ~re the ~I, ofll><o 'lory lold in chrooologKal order? Whal tense ~re ililhe ~bs in this ~xt? 2 How i' thiS >de~ expr~d in ~xt 8? They In<"t at a porty and fell in lo"e. Which two tensn are u,ed in text 81
Spnking The Slory conlinues. Work with a partner. Tdllhe &Io<y in the order of the pictures.
On Friday evening when Bradley returned from work, he his suitcase.
What's the difference between these ",merrces? they were leaving, When we .rrived they left. they hod left
Grammar Referenu 14.1 p14!
om Read and liSlen 10 le.t B On pliO aod underline all the examples of the Past Perfen. Read the I""t aloud and pay a1te~tjon 10 <:ontracl"" form,.
Are lhe following slatements about Saskia and Bradley true (/) or faJ"" (Xl? Correct the false ones. 1 \Vhen Saskia and Bradlc'Y gOI married. Ihey had known eoch olher for a year. 2 \Vhen Saskia told her parents aboul the wedding, Bradley had already moved imo her llar. 3 Her parents were angry because she hadn'll'honed them for a long lime. 4 The marT;age staned to go wrong. and then Bradley began 10 behave wry strangely.
4 Saskia ... home.
2 \\lhich of these senlences i, true? Explain why. v.-as packing. When Saskia arrived home, Bradley packed. h"d pocked.
1 Telilhe 'Io<y again, but begin at picture 4. When S,15ki" arrived horne, Bradley.
Unit 14 â&#x20AC;˘ Love you and leave you
Grammar and pronunciation .. Make sentences from the chart below.
w>, m a me<>
O<J"~ac"'" Myl~g
Tt.. plants
died wa, delighted WI< angry wa< hungry _nt to ~ ~arly
f.ll"" ,"... playing foothalL doo~ tt.. horn<'w<>,k. pa,>ed all my ~'a"" had a porty tt.. night ~O/~. fO/&oll"" to wot... tt..m. had a bu>y day. had any b~a't
Listen and check. Practicc sayinll the sentences.
S The I,ad in 1hc Past Perfect lense is often contracted. I'd r=d ",y rx",m. (The 'd is ",metimes difficult to hear.) ( ',1 is also 1he coni racted form of wo"ld, I'd like 10 come.)
DtJ) Listen to the sentenc",", Put a tick (.r) if the sentence con,ains /u,d. Pllt a croSS (X) if it doesn'L
102030 405060 70
90 100
6 Put the verbs into the correct tense, I'asl 5imple or Past Perf",!.
fu story (.ol1tifU(.fS Saskia (I) (read) Bradley's letter and then she (2) (walk) slowly into the kitchen. Earlier that day she (3) (buy) his favourite food for dinner, now she (4) _ (throw) it into the rubbish bin. \Vhy (5) _ h, (do) this to her? She r"membered how happy they (6) (be) in the beginning. They (7) (laugh) a lot then. Saskia (8) (feel) desperate. One hour Im"r the phone (9) (ring) in the fiat.
1 Read the end of the story. What happened before? Write your ideas in groups.
The end oj tlu story Bradl~y took $askia in his arms and said, 'ForgIVe me, my darhng. I'm so happy we're together again - this time it's [orev"r!'
Unit I~
Love ~ou and lea.. ~ou
Reported statements
LiSlcn and compleTe what Mary ..y' ~l:>oul lohn in A. A Whl.t d.... Mar, ••11.,.,
Li,kn to an intcrvinv with th .. writer C:lrmen Day. who wrole
Om SIlOri HOI Summer.
2 Compl<1e this ....port of the interview with Ihe corr",' verb forms.
moch: si' month> .go:
in lo~ befo<~-'
W. I
hIm lor ..
him thi'
.... y happy.' ""i~
Read and listen 10 H.
B What did Mary t<'11 you? Shuold me/,aidC:"C'C'~.C C
..... l<>'Ied J<>hn w;'Y mud;. t~ had mel 'ix month< >go
,be hod ~, ~ in 1""0 before. they wore ""fY hippy. , .... would low; him for...... ,be .... s _log him thot """"1118.
B i' ...,.,..led ~h.
change-; from dir«t to reported speech? How are say and r~1 used 10 inlfodl>C~ Wh.t.,~ It...
t .... ~
reponed ~hl ..... Gnmmar Refer.nce ".2 p142
Practise the senlence. using contracted forms where po.. ihl~.
an int""",-"W C.mncn said >he (I) rom.lntlC """"I ~ sh<:: (2)
Iud lfritt...
f<ction edsy to write, but tMt her ""xl novd (3) something different, po-;sibly" d"te<:!iv<' Itory
C.mnen <aid tMt the ch"racter of Bradley (4),~;=;~~~= her tir.,t ho5ban<i, Oi"", MJing<lY, the Jeter; who (S) her very unhappy But she ,1dded th"t she (6) now married to fony M.lr5h, the politic"n, She s,lid tl\ltthey mdrlie<l for nearty ten )'Cd'" and tMt they (8) .. ""'!Y happy together
She told me that she (9) c - = - - ~ ti"", novel' "rid ,11'>0 th,,1 sr.e (10)
tl..-ee stories for
children, She ,;a,d >he, ~((~(~)===~;-;"n"""r ,top wntir.g, not even when sh<! (12) _ ,m old lady.
."d ChlXk.
Check it ) RC]'llri thl'S<: st.tcmcnt. 'I likc Ann.: S;lid lim. 2 'I'm s(~yi"g with my ~Ulll; s"id AHlla. 3 'Mr Walker phllm><1 before lunch,' Sue S;lid. 'He didn't le,,·e. mesS;lge,' she .ddeJ. 4 'I don'! think ;("ll roin;s,l;d Ken. S 'Ken"gllne home: Sue S;lid. 'He went e.r1y,' 'he ~ddeJ. 6 '1'11 ring you Ihi, evening: AHna wid lim.
Unit 14 • Love you and
READING AND SPEAKING The tale of two silent brothers Som~imes
in fam;lies there arc arguments and family members don't speak 10 each other for. I"ng time. Has this ever hapl",ncd 10 anyone you know! 2 You are going to read about Iwo !>rothcr, who didn't speak 10 c,,,h other for many years. T1U'se cxprl'SsiollS arc in the text. Malch the verbs and phra,es.
• """helor .11 hi, life > <<>in ~~"g~
• will
• qua,..,1 .00 .... k~ up
3 l{eaJ the f,rsl parI of the story.
r'AKr O"r
I A death
in the family
n,cr<: were once two brothers, John and Robe,t Hessian. John was 52 years old, Robert 49. They had never married and lhey lived logether in a hOllS<' in Oldca,t1e 1!1 the north of England. TIley hve<l together. they ale meals togethe' but they nevcI 'I>ok" a single word to each other. They hadn't spoken tocaeh otl,er for tell rears, evcr 'Illee tlley had had a quarrel. Whenever they wanted to conllnunica1e they wrotc notes.
• >OIicitor aboot _hing
One <,'vening the brothcrs ",ere silting t<>gethcr aftcr supper. They wcrc bolll ",caring black lx<:ausc thcir older ,ister, Marr. had R><:cntlr dil'd, John wrotc a notc to Robert: Mf U\~'fSage is coming to visit. (Mr Liversagc was their solicitor.) Roher! wrotc: Wily? John wrotc: I ,1ml't h,ow. He 1,110"",1 ""d .",111 th"t II<' """,teil to </'I' liS, t\! that moment there was a knock at tbc door. It
was Ole soliCitor, Mr Powell Livcr!.~ge. Ite had b<.",n to school with the hrothcrs and was an old friend. I ic 100 was unmarried. 'How are you. Powell?' ashxl Robert, 'Very well: he rcplioo. 'I've eomc to tcU you about your sistcr', will. Did you know that 'hc had left a Will?' 'No,' an,wcR'<1 John and Robert togcthcr. 'How much did sbe leave'!' '£12,000. Rut let me read you the wiil:
Whit do you think? Discu" thesc 'luestions with a partner before you read part two. Why do you think the brothers quarrelled' 0.-. think they quarrelled about: • mon<!)'? • t~ hou,e? •• w"",.n?
""'hat do you think is in the will' Do you Ihi"k; the .m te~ the brothe" 16,000 e.,hl • ,he le '.U me money to OM l>rolhetl Whkh OM? • .he Ie ' them me money on , <:onditions? What cor<litions?
Unit 14 . love
4 Read part two and find out if your ideas are correct.
5 Read pan thre"" and lind ollt if your ideas arc corre<:t.
TWo I Hie will
P"~'I TURn;
Mr took the will out of his pock", and
I To marry or not to marry?
The two hrothers sat and thought for a long time. Ten years ago whc" i\"nic was a young woman of 27, both John and Robert had bc<:n in low with her. Tl1Cy had had a violent qoarrel and SOme terrible things we'e' SOlid. Afterwards they had both wanted to make "I' and he friends again but by this time they had stopped speaking to each olh..,r, so "eitller of thelll learn{'(] that the other had de<;ided not to marry Annie, At two o'dock in the morning John 5]Joke: 'Why don'l we toss a coin for Annie> Ikads or tails>' "fails,' said Robert. nut it was heads. The nex1 evening John went round to Annic's hO\l5(' I'owell Liversage was illst leaving when he arrived.
began to read.
To my dea, br01he" John M,d Rol><rt ~.
You ""th l>ch.ved very sruprrJIy r h"ve neve, u"J""rood why you quorrdle<J "oout Annie Emery You l>ccn aud .,><1 unrair 10 P<Xlr Annic Shr h... w'''cd 1m year> ror 0"" or you, So, John. you morT)' Annic, I'll s= "II my monry 10 YOll AJ><I Robert if you morT)' he, 1'118've "10 you, And" nculler or I:"u m"mcs hr,. "II my money w,lI $0 ro nrc hr""rr . â&#x20AC;˘ '.
So in the ..,nd neither brother married Annie. They ale still hachelors to this day, bul ~t I('ast they are now talking to each other again, And Annie? Well, she got her revenge and "OW She'5 very happily mar'ie'{\, A{}AI'1l'{} FRO" A SlUR)"
,\HNOU) BF.Nl<t:T
What do you thinH Discus> thc.le 'luc-st;ons ....-ith a partner. Theil tell the dass your ideas. Whol happene<l wh"" Joho w""l to A""i~', hou~l Why didn't MO" marry either brotn,,? Who did !lie """ry? Who got the """,C)'1 Your teacner will tell you what actually h"ppellcd.
O)lnpk", the seotcnces using the Past Perfect.
WhU do you thin.? Discuss thes<: questions as. class before you read port three. wn.>t do you thiok will hop~o? WhO! will John and Roben do? Who will ""'''y Moi,?
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jonn and Robert didn't sl"'.,k 10 e;leh othcr because. They were wC;lring black because. They dido't know that their ,ister. Mary said in her willlh"t __ Wh('n Annie was 27, both brothers . Annie told lohnthat sne wouldn't marry hill' or his hrotner be<:ausc. Unit 14
Love you and leave
EVERYDAY ENGLISH saying goodbye ~Ln~h
the so:nlcmcs with tM <:0.-.«1 pbol<>S.
1 lil 'Goodb,...! Il~~ a >::of.. joumry. ~oo w; a poo.t"art!!2 0 ·Good~. Thanl: you for a Iovdy· 'You mUSl (OIYl(C 10 w;",.,.l linK,'
} [1 '(~. It h;os b«n rn<>ol inltr<:Sli"B talLi~ to you. W..lIld Y"" know br post_' .. [ ·8~S«youbl<T.AKyoudoinganv'lhingl<"'i&hl!· 5 L 'B~~! Th..anl you ~ much lOr ....... illl: mo:: 6 0 '(ioodI>rr- Hnr'$ my number. P'Ic>uc r;d III 100.:" if you .... ~ any problrms. with it.' 7 0 '<'-..Jbyt! Dri.... ardUllyand all ... whom you r;d
, 0
Good Iud in ItK futu...,. ml")'ftl our ~ togttbn'l'
r"" "'alll'
2 lEI) Lmtn arod dKd.. f'ractioo. S<fl'"",~ J Mak more ((lltVl:rsatjon~for \h= !ituo1Jorn.: • pomM> W'fII"C JOOCI>ye to -vdo"llllt~ Iu>o"'l homo
10 oN",
• IloI ... ~h IrifndI
• ""''''I ~ 10 f.~ ,ftt< sperdir"c. holodloy ..,th them • '")""3 ~
to ycu !rocMlbos. aft.. fllllshq IChoolIworlc on F,idoy • ~yin3 pxlbye to Ie>d'(rv",hoo/fnrnd, WMf1 you 1.._ ",hoot
Unit 14 • love you and leave you
Tapescripts Unit 1 DO
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Unit 2 DO
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"'" • lot <of r«>f'I< I;" n<! on "",II "",no. W,
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[)P Ildlo.nd D.... P
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Carol M
",.. ,,, tht peng•• 'm<. Tod.o.y ,..." ....., ",oity
,!link <>l.o<h 0<1><0-. """', d,iV« l''" rn>d
.oo.t """ "",""'" It"",', C>m1, tilling
>OO"t .... hu",",nd, Mik, e Wcll, ,",«.« • lot uf "goJn"""t> oOOut
1<kvi»on in om 00u,.. tt. g<t> to< <ont",1 .nd 1><', """r< dunpng ohonr.<~, '" J D<><T whot I "on' to. All I>< .... n'" 'u ....t<h .. fuoIball. footb.>.ll, foo,b.oIL I
Bnt ..-fJ" <10 th<y ,h,n' of tl><" """",gel Ilcr<',C,ru1 C WdI, I <on't<h",U him no..., '" 1'lIju., Iu", to rut nr with him, P An<I Marl M W,'", l>c<n ""'tn.J for ' Y"',s, and >be', tl>< unly""" "" ""'! Iu>d """ '"" h>... ,,,0'00 ''""ri<, D.... ,nd Ali""". Oh,.nd I>y tl>< .....,., I>,...', ."
.kari<oan, A Wh., dn"" "'" 'b><>hitcly m><! " 'lut I...""" • job and """', fin""'" ie A' ...",. he', '" pn::>f=ion.J. 00'" I.""". if I .... hght "' tht bNrooo, <hotWd, i, "I.e< him
n' ,
tnOll,.... An<I",', '" ""'idr. It< j"" d"'r»
thmll''''' ,0< fi<><>r, J k<p .. y'ng 'hot I 00.1" ""'" to I...- hi, mother .. h~ ... if<. "'hen ""go out, 0< ~ .... '" "",ffy.~ ...h<n I'm ..I d,=cd "p. Iii, ok"he> ' " ~, oW f»b.,-.l, II< "'"," ,1><0'" ""fIhing
.....y, 011, de.., N<>w ... h" 00<> ll>V< h,ve '0 ..y """" III,~",' D Wdl. >be', t><Vn "'><!y 00 ,i"",. <;J>c .Jw'Y' find; <om<thinR to do m<>n, we'" """r' wl><",.., w< go. 51-.<', 00int 00 luu '" 00 "tal.< np< I'm ooying'0>rn< "" kN<, it', tim< to go.' And sII<
k.... 'hin!,- <;1M~-h«,.sI>< ~"kt<I th< "", "'" 10,.., ,"" cot k<y> in ,0< most ""pod pb«>. Bu, ... ho, i, nK>st "'"'>Y'ns ... ",t Ahsoo "' tIu, ....', ahv,,, ,igh" And thtir fln>! O\>inioouOool .><h o,lttr' 11<', 11<', """" ("ll,.nd 0<', 0'" ;,l> milli"". Sec' A> I <oid, .....'. . Ivny> ,igh" So, 'h<o-< we ."'. My thoub '" C..... .u><i M;u, .00 D",<.od Alison.
DO I l
fan><> I
M ~ M.n.
wn,,', l"""
'" you (rom?
M :--r"
, Ar. l"" missing M N"
)'OU' {,m~yo'
I,,,,, yO" W'1 ,nr b"~h",, or ,",,,,,,
Unit 3
FK ...
M TO<yO'" "OOcnts "''' I Oil weU, 1'," ~ • ",,' Mon•. M
''''''. (iooohyc,
Sylvi, [_P u ",n_l'>.ul 2 SHeik> "'h,,', roo' n."'" J-p I<>u-P,ul. 11",1 ..-fJ..'.< l"'"' o"n<! S »-·I,i•. "'he"." Y''" (ron', ".n 1',011 J-P [<0"'" fnom P"i" ,h.""", ,,,,,,,u,,, S~
<i'y m tht ,,1.01< wOOd. And)"U, SyJ.i•. """'. do l'>U 1m",' I coo'" fron, Seutl,oO, WI", "0 YO" do in r."'l I_P I'm ,n arch.."" SOl" ",.uv' '_P Y<>h. I de,;gn o<,",if"1 huikh"ll'f", 1""I'l< ..-ith lot, uf ""''''Y. I'm "'"'r ",['<",iv<, S 11.... I-P 1100 1._ ~'"~ h.v< l"u h<m • 'ornh«, Sylv,,", 5 Aclu.uv, "'y """,,', Sylv;" I_P j 1tII ' " ""'y. »-i,i< i,,1...- 1'«""'"-,,,,,, SyI>''', .«>ny. S Do,'-' ""'1)', I Iii.< i,. r", l>c<n_king bcTc [", 1iV< Y""~ J-p And do Y"" m~'Y it' S Yd. V<r'f m""h. V"" m<fi , .., of pro],k froo, oil "''''' <>l diff"""" ",un"i<s I ttl« III.. V<t)' m",1I. II", l'"' "~'Ymg i,
J •
5,"'' , "" I
V<r'f moch
I·P Wh,do",', ""
DB ""h" .loV<lr d",;' .. 100.,' ""'- ",:-,,,,i[,,I, ",n', itl It', V<ry wet ",,"v,
Mm.llorrihic. M"d you r.....
<10<,"', ;,'
Ito'",,' l"" ,<><by' l'm ,~'1' "'& th>tth II"... "".., Y'",' 11><1 l'"' hove, _",,1' V", ;, "...1oV<fy, We Iud , pob I",,,h and ...en' h , ""Ik. H"... '''' l'''' findin~ li,ing in I","'on: I'm m~'l'i'lf; it. I' """. hil ""ns," fi.." I'm g<th~ u!«l '0 it, o 1M l"'" hoV<' """" YOl'. no 1"00Icm~ lhc pl,"e ...... "it I, .., bn' i, didn', """cr.
~"",..u """' "~ ot '''''' 'I. ~ "I' O<ou>< I\< """ ,lUroty. II, ho"d • ".,;,.. '" 'ho k;td"",,, 11< f""od ,hrcc mm R.....U" ,,"""'" kc-p' her ~"'''' '0 her
",","n th<y kft, Ru=ll ...",hcO TV. The pol", ,,"ught ,ho "".-g\>is ,10, ,,"', <loy.
DB ~
~-" ",jnt«l ...,Ih-,I
DO I b<.ok<-"nl" but 1"",,,,IN it I I.It ill,~, I ""ut to W.
I m>de.
,,,od... ith I""",,,, I w" hungry,
, hod , """""'" "," """hcO my h,i,. '1os1 mr r-I""', 00' ,hen I 1<",nd it " ,ho ",", of, ,I""", 1 ",]1«1,0< p"liC<' hro>u", I 1><,," • "c",!", "o"e. 7
I-P Very, ",",y n'""" l'm k.. nitlj<, k~ "f ~ng]i"', J'm ""''"~ • lot <>l lri<OOs, ,00 ...., ,'''' hid', _Iud' "'dl, I'm "'" de,," )<1, ,od I'v< b«-n he,d,,, foV< W«I,;, ",t roo ' ruIr...' I'V< "'" , 1,..- mmn'« hc-f"", my""'" """-,, '" ,h>1 W<>UkI 0< l<>vcIv. lb."" rou
M Mu-iL I 1'," 1",><S.J'm .. ~"''''''.lIod
go"'" tllr.<?
II" you ""'ing,
M Mm ... "",I C.n I g« Y'''' , mff<c-1
t'1' '0 talk to h"",", Jo<sn't ~".. b«~"", 1><', ....''''inR tl>< TV. lIod ,.. ,.)m."hUl~ <io<
I>< """" ~ .n)'thing - h,rtl>d>y>. """'" ""',, ~ng'",' _ _hing. I how 'udo it.u. I d«Ml< ... h<o-< ""',, going "" I><~iw.y. ..-fJot <>< to bor II< e,,,'t mU<' d«;';"" to U/Vt hio life, P So tbcTc "" hove c.rul', 01""""', v,,,,, docs Mil<$Oy oOOu' ..... M "''hen we'", "'" in tl>< cu .od """, d",inR, "'" do:><>n't rn,ng< g<"~ 51-.<', u1k;"lI """", "",,><body en: 0iJ><T, ,,'" "," thi,w~ obou, d,ivinpt >11, I ",,"tto >!Iot<t " 00 'o..rtgt g<" """" oot , 000',. Whm I .... 0' to ,..,m ><:>m«hinR"" 'do;""n, Ilk< '"' new>-, >he oIw'Y' .... n" to w,lch • ""'p or' film. And """,1><0- '''ing. She', ""'YO '"' tl>< I'hone. 51-.< """'" hoots uIl.inJI'o 0", <lonsJI'''', and do )'00 '-now """'" >lie ~v«11"" ,<>UnJ ,I><
bcTc ;" l,o,.:Ion, M,n,' M 1Wu '''''"th~
",teh ,0< 10010.11 ... «ro.)" No. I mi...-d i,. W... i, • $"'id fI'''''' Wbot .Iov<!y ""t """"~ lh,nk; yw, I /:U' i, in Pori< I." yc". 'f l"" h>v< OJ" proI""n", j"~ ..k .... frnO<lp. ll..nk Y"" "''1' m,,,h, 'I""', V<t)' lUod u,
... "'h" ... "",-" do l""' d<'"
M J'm,,,wlmt. J M,n, "'id. how k"'l; hoV< yO" b«-n
• tQ
uu' ,,( ""ff.... '" I b<",ght ...."'" """'.,
1><, bi<thd>.j·, ", ! .. id ~"';- . The """'" ","/';, '" I ""wcrcd il. 'tokl. ,1<>,. h", "'*""ly I,"~>«I. I ror/:U,
""'th~" I'"" g<>'" 00'V'" ""n ",,.,«1 ... ith j"" • I." h,o>l>urg<r in • ~ "",," $' ,000 frum , ""nk in D'n,;II<,' ;,hro",". Pol", 1l<1«t'V< Bdl M";o,,,i, ",,;.I ,I", the rubbc-r, ... 1>0 ~... wc-mng • 'n,>k. ,n"... J ,I...Mu",Hlli""'-, N""m" &nk ...hoot I. 'l) I'm. .od S' ... ,10< 'ell<r , ",,'e <Im"",ling f',OOO. II. d,"n«l ,,,.. he had. bomh in ,he ""~. The ,ti1« ....J """ CO<tid """U , tII"in" ..d our of Iumhu'J«' "'n"",, the ~ J-:,~ "" """ I""""'" tl...- "'''"''1' t" ,I>< ""'0. '" I>< "'-" ",mti"/'; ,,"t "f ,0< ""nk. I>< d,,'I'p<tI til< ~ ..ith tht hoo,I.. 'Y'" lie "".ped in. w ,Iu,,,... f", him """ide. T«"'g< p. . ,y ...... in'",,, Wh<" lack ,,'" Kcllr limn"n ""~ "n hol,O", th<y kit «<"'8' d.<"tU>'''' ,I""" in ,I>< 1><;0, ~-"""l"'! I" "'0«<1 tn ... y" t.m", hcc "'" "'. . lUI <"'m~ 11<11"",n" <h< ""uhllu"" ~'"'" [,,,,,,,I, to >U-j, II,,,,,,,,",, ~,'" d«HJcd tn NV< 'l"''1', c."'"'l""'" t;,,, T.,.;d,p
,h<i, ''''''''1&
2.6 -15
w" ..
vi"". I"xMl'im< ~'0Cn .00001y 'hing> """"" ,,, 1'" ~T""I'- l'<><1y uni";'i,,," ~'''.,.. ,,,iV«!,,oJ ,...."" of th.", W<t< "."vins kni"". 11><v bwM f","itOf<, ~na>b<J "i,>duw~ "MI ..,>k """ll<ry. Wh,u ~" ",d M" 1I"""n 0.",,1 to., '''''',. 'hry c• ..,.. hom< imuw-Ju"ly.
A ... diq d ... m, - The p<.fW <Timc A _ Ali« II ~ Ut"ry r D<t"'h"" r,,,y r x'V""lloylo, FI ."d F2 Frie"d, Al~< I"....., is. h'pl'ily ",,,ri«I "'",..". S/" 10..... 1><, I>ol>v ",n, "K1 sfo< ><lu<" I><r h...,.,o<I, H,n'Y, ll;n!fJ't i' 0.,. ttnth W<d<!i"" ,,,,,i,,.,.,.'1', .nd ~>n... IT""... "c (ouu"~ n",oJ ,,, h,,, , d,ink. I"-...ythiu~ ."""" r<'fc<t hut Ah"c', ~f< i, ~"!' to ch.ons< A 1l<1", ,4<1i,,& Hoy< ~>m< 1>«<, H Sit dov,". I'V<" g<Sl "''''><1hiu~ 'o~. ,'m """y. I k"ow i,',. Nd 'im< 10 ,"I)O".I{, ouf '''''''''''''''y. Bu' i", ;US, th.o' I..:.thv ,ud I ." ;n kI,~ IWoby ,"",,'t mi» n". Itt', 'no A
""'og. 111 g<' ,,,,Iv fm ,Itt I"'''y
DB lu'" llv fu",'h 'Iv M'h .>f Aug",' ,I>< ,,,' of luly M""h ,I>< fi.,. I'd>n>.ory ,I>< thinl ,I>< ''''''''y.r,,,t o( I""u"y. nin<1....... riy,ty-<ight Il«nnbef til< ....... oJ, "i",," ~. 'Iv W'h of Al"il. ",,><1«<> .w>" lu ... ,I>< <l<v<mh. mn<1«n ,i>ty f~~ tl>< .i~h''''''th of 0<1,>1>«, ,.... ",,1 I,nu.ory ,I>< 'hi""t. ''''' thu"",oJ ",d 'm
,1."" .
Unit 4 UD
'lliJ )'0<' ">«t .. '''.Xl< "," " til< I""'Y" 'y,... 1 mer ""nn.>n< "00 knQw, )"'",. ',~",h' 1'.......\ ""ncthi"~ 'n mv <y<" '1.<1 m< ox"'. ~" 1 con', "'" '''l''hin~' '1.<1" !I" """"w!><r< hot f,,, 0'" hoM.,,' &U, "" "...., go 'uyw ..... th.. ', ".,
"'ll< """"",;"
I' S;, down. M"I"""'m. s..~.."t T"lo" g<t M" I""l...... , d,i"". A h••oJy with ",m< ",. Ph<w' 1<', i" ,h~ room. j "'-'Ix')"'" uoo«>""d. ~h, I" x', tha' .., Iu,·" to ",.",h tlv Iw:x»< I,,"Iy, W, fi"d tl>< m",dcr _'pon A yO>, r= Of ax"", I' ,hdt' TIt'. lhi, "', .... ,i" It', ",,,'insT ~c." I Nt,,,, gLl.. or .... t«, M" 1..........1 It', ..., hot in >.e" P I thi"k ..,.11 n"'I ....... ~"'! with '«, Fl 1\ ~I",,' F2 1\ Ik",y' 1 do,,', 1",;"'- i'. "'h", .hock
fo' "",'
A Oh 'h,,,k """ t""'k)"'". 11<"" . ... y.oJ h>'>~, ""e'. H<lI')"'"""!-'<'>H I ""ndcr ".. h" ,0., ix"gI'I h" h,m "ith, F2 Whu knox,,' Mmm.
DB ,he '#t'h of I,""",,,. uin<1«u ni""'y.«~h' I,,,o"v tlv '!fJ'th, tli""'«" "in<1y <ish' ,he ,ix",.""h o( luly, ni,....."'" riy,ty.1iv< 1"" ,0., ,ix,«",o. uin<t«n <i'-"'y.fiY< 'h" '"",n'y.f,fth ,,( N<,.....,..,.,.. ,"'. tho"","" .",1 ,",
N<""nlxt th, ''''''''')' fifth, "", thou",,," ,ud
DB I""u.,y riy,th, ni""''''n n"'<1y.,iy,t h,]y ;;,'«n,h, n"><1«n .,;'-", y. fi..., -..."1",, '''''''''1' fifth, ,..., '",,,,,,oJ,oJ ,...,
TapeKriplS 3.6 - SJ
A "."" ,,,,,.,,,. Otl"OO •
8 I'm ,fc,kl thm ",n', ,oy kft. Wt'", g<" ~"ll< Mk'.... w ..~ (.k<.,nd ,ho<t..." ....k< A
C.",,, "..k
'ho' ....'
8 C"","eJy. I> A "."",Ju"k>. 8 1O,,'U Ix (I,S;.
A 1O,nk)"O, A A Ix.", ,,( ''''' fi,,, ,'1= ''''''1'''' pleas< 8 T , 1'0,,00, "~,ty, pk_ A II m",h;, ,h~ ",m,><1' R T",,"'y ,,'-", l""'oJ. fifty. A A ",h,,< k.. f.oJ 'h..... ""~.), ....... R '1'h,,111>< " .... l'ouoJ.,;y,ty""" r A 1~ m""h"',lo_r"u' 8 T~.I dol1", ,,'" "",~ A II m",h "''' l''''' " R Hft,<o' ,,,,,,,,,,oJ 0011 , A ,,'t»t, bnt""" ",,,,,,,, R D,rl,ell''' ,"'" hdlf, m;]lion 1'0"""" A 1m' thi. hook, pk.... 8 Fi l nd,ni""'y "i,.... th<n. A lI m h"'.. 'he,h«t""ft>r! 8 A h""dr<tJ ,oJ ",tv ",~bCl,
'I'm..., ",tIt'"ry, Nt>lx:xly ""." ,...:
A ~ ,.,,..x 11"".y' My IIm,y'Oh 1I",,,y" I' Whot h'I'I*,><d' A I~ .. I'utting tlv ~ tu h«J ul,,"i'" A,MI I ju" ,,>d f....n>d him Iyinl'- ou tl>< .i1(OCn R.-.". T
<AI"'"""': 'I k,..>w "'"""'xly ....... k...... )'O'> ",,'
'."xl "",m"'s- <;'n 1 h."u hlock "tlf«,
II Wh.,,", w,h ' A Il<lli, pol"'" pk_. Jldh i, ,.., ,I>< 1'01""'1 (:...m< qu"U)·. h', my hu~ ... oJ. Som<thi,,~ -rul h.. h'I'I'<""" '0 him p Il<t«"'~ ""ry. M" I,d""", "'h<r< i, Itt'
A 8
I 10.. my ~. Il.-.olro .......,...-" 00' 1 """I<ln', lioJ th<m 'IM l'''' l>upny'hinl'-" tl>< >!Iop>" 'N<, ",~h",~, I dMln't h"•• nv u.,,"'( I'm 00<<<1.1 ~~nt """l<1hing i""""ing '0 «.. I. ,.. 'Om('<}'''' ,n,,,,«,,~ '0 .. Ik "" u. ",m<Whn-, mt",,,,ms g<' It "'.-. ~ ..'" I""y. f:v",yon.. k,vro i'
want'" "m 10" of '''""''Y. AI,,,, 'hot, I'm Iv,n "tn..... ut, .nd Ry i" , ,,"k<' '0 M",.oJ 1"1';'''''' AnJ I'd lik<.l1 ,Iv
i" ,Itt ...... I<l ,,'" ..."I<l to be hol'l')'.
,u ,I>< ""m;d, ;n ,he
K look",£. ,h."l>. K I'm k,,"i,,!, fo•• iuml"" lik< thi~ hot ;n bl"".II..... )"'"!>x"".,> A I'll ;u" \·il,.,.<i",.", l'''''
Iu,·,. """'.
B ~I<d;,,,n,
AU"" y<>U .... K 'l't»t.. ~..,.".COnl'I'I"o'" A Of,,"'..... The ,h,n~'ng mon" "" "'.,... tl><r•. B I Iii.< it. A I' )"0 .... y ",,"I. B Ilow n""h ;, ",
oq,,>,!. OK. III
K h"'e" A II"... """I<l l'''' lik< ,,,
f""'''''"", h«"". 1
I yo.... "r.1 .... to 1><, .I'<l pl,y f, .. ",,,,,I>«t« Uoi',,",
A It,,", COl' I lvii' l'X"
3'Nn~ to
Unit 5
A Coul<l "'" hel" ,,'" I'm kx.olU"~ for ,h~ '''''I\th', ,J"i"" or '<Jp<.-, Co.. l"" «II 0"
...1><... " ;,'
M,d.ll, ""If. I'm '" .,.... A 11".... 1 ond« ifl'''' mul<l!><lp m<. I'V<" g<" • h..J ,,"" .ooJ • ~'« 'h..... t. C.e l'''' ~ .... n" "",,,,lI,;oS f,.. B OL You "''' "'" 11>0< thl.,. A Ih,nk l'"', C",,1<1 I ".,~ ""'... '''W<.' " "",I, plc""" B So",. Anything <I><! A l'htlu"' .....h.n.... K 0 .., ,
ti,,'" ,""'.
1'"" fini>!><d my feCIt ...,,, .. I"i",~ l!niV<""ity...oJ "'''' I'm ",,;ng '" hov<. J"'" ,off. My,i<nd .oJl ... ",i,,~ ""'00 th< ...orlJ. w, t.~", '" fi"J ",x~" -t<',. l oIl, ...."t rrot,ld""" oil ""'" ,I>< >rkI. .oJ >« 1>< I....""" Ii"" thei, I,,,,,, lu";o "'hot r" ".11v lik< to do, ht<..... I'm mod .bout ),1."" .nJ <V<'l"hi"S '" do, ... i,h nvi"S' i, ,,, I...... my """ bu~_,"""«t"" with ,,,.."", ~,"",'hi"~ Ii" , nying b<x>I. I'm g<l"~m"'i«1 """ I""•• .., I "" d" ."",h",~ ","X" " ...... hot I'm ",xn~ ,,, ",,' o""''''g ,h;, ti",.. ,..." Y""M..,yn My ~"" 1'''''';'''' i, ...,i'inl\- I w,il. I~'r>, 11"..,., h,v< h«n p<tlon><d ol".dy, tWt> in l!Ji",,"',," .nd '"'" ,n OJlfotd. B"t my 0«....,t"," ,no th" .....ultl I>< ,I>< be,t ,h,"~ i" my lif, I """IJ k,,,, '" h ..... ,,.... ,,( mv 1'1')'> )"..{o,,,><tl ,m ,Iv L""don <Ug<. TIu, .....tJ Itt
'u "
'm, We'" 'hi"l...
of nx"in~ 1>«>,,>< to., k....
.no k"'I"l! I.>"", ......... ""~" "'-"'«n.,Iv"
"'''''& hn A ........" 'h" Y<"'. ~, wi'" .. h" of
luck. <lv11 Iv ,off t<> uni......i'y n,,' l"". AoJ I..:.t" "It«n. rock .oJl I."h .niuy w.tL,,~,
>nO I",k hl= f,"'in",
'0 til< """."y.
~'W<'", !;Oing
to """"
W.U, fvt !U~ br.xrn OW arm. ""'"'" I ,ully ""n' to do ~ '0 $" In ,Il< 1><.I,h duh .. ""'" .. """"hk I ""lty ml")' ",imming. A, mr "lI'" it', impo....,,' to "'y phy>riJly fit,.nd I ",.n' ,,, I>< "'" '" !<" "If ,,,,,,U"'ll wi,,",,,, (<<h,'ll u.~<U. I'," goi,,!, '0 mrf. n<Xl YUt,.oJ I'm look.''1' I"rward to ",,,ng rno« ""'" '0 do ,I>< 'h,np I ""0'
",do, lID ~
u'y ".n'" ,..,
""'opk- "" I><- '" '01<1 Th<v11 "ur' yo" ,00 tk><rt you. ""<II, t".,.'U o.k< yoU< ...... ;[ you kt ,h<m on, y<>h, ..., doll'l you kt """".
.... 'U":
~>O>t..-t ~tini th<m'
W,'", ~t.o"U>t< <>or
'Why "',"',
.ur,""', l>o.~iJ'r' "
·Th.... po.lJ. I'm phw '" h<" it: 'I'm ,,>lIV<,ci,<d. I'm g<,;ng on h<~id"v k' A",Ir,I" "Ill,,', ""''' 1I,,~, sood ']'m f<d "p '10" """hct It'; '" W<t ,nd
,Il< LId> doing ,hi> o1t,,"""n" ''I1><r'r< S',;n~ ,,, w,tdJ , i'dl.... ""H. ."'...., m
'I know.
""< ",>II)' n«d '0">< ,u",hi"", ,jon',
",«no! on ,"mng" ..""":
'j).","! ,.v< J,"f'I"'I """: '111 po<k " "p fi"yon: 'In.nk you. 'In.,', =y kind: ."....,'. Ali do."ng 'w', SOin~ to "".1 ".,oJ "'" """kl: 'On,lockvl",," '11>< rh<_" ""!!",,,'
'1'", tuUy 'ir<d. I ,ouJJo't 8'"
''''''" yo,,'
n<>' )"""
'It', ()K.
1\', ll'~ • k>I
B Wb<"',r<"""'hink,,~ofgo",,,! A I'm n",J. 8
)'OU 1\" bon", '0 ~~ hct,,,, '",nk..
'J'm f.... in~.
II>< ""'""'""
!o....." u"
n", h'P\><'l> '0 "'" "",><tim<>,
I"" ""' i" 1>«1__ 'I'm • hi, ",..--.i<J. Mr ~",,,If"hct·, po,;ng in'o "'''I,i.... fo< «,,~. T". to Il<" ''''','''' I'm ...'" h<'JI I><all tir<ht' '1 f", "oily d<pr<.'><'<.l" ,I>< mo"",,'. N<"h,,,,,·. I\'Hng n,-", ,n mv hf,' '(N<>- up' Thing> "n', I>< ,h" Nd!'
I'll 'O""'f ". ,'m 'xr«"n~' ""n:
PO" '''1' "">Try: 'Doc'" I'U I<nd l'''' """'" ''1i poy wu o.d 10morm"'.1 woo', J """,,',
'w"",." l"'" ,oJ 1'<" OOing ,,,,,q,l""
'w,'" Il'""g on' ,,, h,,~ , "",ol. 1'-, my l"rthJ,y'
Unit 6
My ~ i, '" 1.",,'1': ";i,.., i, '" " ..
[1xluPI' ""n< ~~'"' ""'''' 1>«,"""
·1.... y" ~ f"-'<ll !>oW,v: '" h<' 1 , -' Wh" on 1''''' '"nw'" y"" con tdl m<" l',ur ",m. CO",-,,,nI,,.>,,,· 1Il<.. 1 o>«J to , _ ,""'" I<l',,~ Now,boM,yo.Wh<t-,
Y•• ·w 1'" ~ f,,,,,d \''h<n y"''-'" dow" .,.j 'n",i>kd AnJ l"'" o>«J • I><ll'in~ ",.lJ .'ulJ ""'hi"", bo." """'i,'1' i> ll'"''1' 'i1-h' 0 - yo." <r<> ,oJ thm' '" "'" "-"'.I""",twilll><lh<r, '10 hngh,.... "p <V<n "." mgJ,l>
\00 i." ,,>II
0"' '''Y'''''''',
>JlJ "'" 1.1\,,, ~to<rtVtf I
111 ,,,,,,,, '""""'1( '0 >« l"'" ."',", \\'",,«, 'P"ng, ",n"'"". "" 1>11 AJ11'"' I-uw ",,~, i, ,.II Mol I'H '" thn-<, l",h, Y"m, l".rn. You'", PO" • f,i<nd
",,,,,,,,0<, .'!'«;.uv in
''''1 "k,wu 11><" """"'"n<,
11II T. Todd
wh.... 01""8" Iik<! F - Todd', E:n~Ii>h ;,i<od
I •. "lI"'""',,,,.u-...liJ«> T Wcll. Ou'.go', «II<J ',Il< ";ody ,itv' ond " ,,,11y ,"'" b< .. ,,>dy' F Wh" '" tl>< P"'l'1< 1,~<1 T TI><y.t<......,. in'='i"~. y"" ""'" 1'<"1'1< fron' 011 "'" th< ",HI<! tl><- "'iIJin~ hu' f 1 A Jo< 01 th<m ,t< "<0)', ''''r ,oll. '11>< Su" f......,. " 110 ""'<yo h.~. F Wh".", tl>< ",""'''''' IIkrl T T".,.'... V<fj' PO"'". y"" "" f,oJ 1000 fmm ""'y "'''''''-'- in ,I>< """kI. f "1..<'"h< ",,-",.hi< hk<' T on, it', ..... _<IuI. Th<",',lol, to do in
'] 1M n.<rV<""'. r", po~ ." ,um ,,><1.1': ., ...... lut1' Do l''''' b<.I ' '1 don't i«1 ""y "",II. I ,hink I'm g<tling ,h<
"1I"OOl"'Olrk<"",',ng1 J fl'" 'mil>k I><,.J..-;h<>-
B Whm d.. A
V<fj', . . ry
A 1 hop< '0 g" '" ,,"i""';'1B Wh" do """ """' A On< 01 mr f.. t>obb;<> " A
rurn> d"k.oJ full nf ,.~>uJ, And ,l-ut nld "o"h "';nd ""sino '0 hi"", 10.:<'1' )"", l><oJ tog<tl><t lind ,>11 k>ud And ""'" 111 I>< '-no<<ing Ot, )"'" d<.o..o.11<Y. .,0', " go,.-,d '0 koow 'N' I""'", S<~ ,
Todd ~ _ IOllm 'ou'"", I",h. ·tW<!. 'c,wl.1I ow. ,'" ",HI<!. I tw'V<f I<.v< (],"'ll"~ \'. .h _ "", i'-, I-u,d ""..k. I iu" I"'",-,'i><, p,.. ,i""I~... ,i><.nd l>I.or ,,,,,,i,,11 ,I", .im<.
I de.... "" Ii"", ,,, >« mud•. E ho,t \,<",,1 " ....." did)'O" SO'T<U
"'h" "",-""
m<'"'"" i, T W<l1 _ on l,n",,1" "'.., m M.Jho.. ,"", fm 'h< A",,,ol,," 01""' 1<',. I><-.u,ifnl "itv, "on of bip,lJ......,. """"'Ix~i"n.likd}'"',&, 1'11<t<',. "","u", of ulJ " .. o<w budJ,,,,,,, I,n,..')', .I><i, ,wM>fi "> it "''' I><~ wh<n r "'.., ,t.:->-< Po And wlu", D..... i hhl I''''''' ""'" ,."" ,1><,,' T In I'm."""y. 1'1< fmm ~",,,,h. to "ul.. i (,,, ,Il< Pol>",i T<n"i, (lJ><n. 1\,,,, ~ ""n.i 1><.' j~~, '~.-,- d,v, my .",><!<T". 1..... '" "oily "><HIml t>UdJi"",...... i1< bu.lJi"S~ In''''<''I,ng pl..... I ",,~wnllf And p"i>' 'fl..." whct< , "'.", '0 gn~ ""h,,', P.,i> liu' T t:".-,-'hi,,!< l'''' ~in<' ""y I><-.ntilnl, "",nd<,f.. 1 old I>udJi,'8' "", ~~, of ,00<1<," """ "., Ao><l of «"" ..
Mdboum< ~-'" i",''''''in,. ""t, "><, P.ri, "'~, ""'" i"""",,Ul~ ,10"," Mdl-...."'"..,.j in "-""" way> I",o.i """ 'h< moot im<J'<>riog of 011 """...... i, WOO '" dilk,..,,, ITOO1 0100 pb;:, I k""w. 1l .-'" 01", ,I>< ho"'''' d,i<>t. • nJ """,' It ".'" I"~ in M<lhuurn< i>ut "'" .., I><>t " in f)"b,;' U"",i ~.'" n,,,,h 110I,,,,. M<I",...,.".. ;, "",,10 oIoJ<, th," j:>uboi i>u, nut " 01<1 ,. P"i~ I'..;, "..., ,I>< ,>l<1t>< ,i'y I 'i,i.oo, bu, it "', ""'''' ~"''' ,,,,.In-n hni~I,"~. 'h<""'" ",""n'", 1>1.0«.] ~",<d i,
UD-e" I I I ) ~p-18 ~ Co"w"",';"",
A 'movOO t,,, "'W II.. 1>." W«l B Oh, ",olly! Wlu'''" lik<' A Wdl, i.', I,;!'O" tl-u" my ,Jtl 0"" bu, " ......, .. ,,'oJ<m, .,><1 it'. '"rtOO I",m ,h,
A 'I><" S>ody '00 AJ "nok "". " Y"h. S>OOy', I\'~ • ""'" bu)",inNL B Oh. ",oll» Wl",', I>< 1"<1 A 1'1<11,1><', much n""" ,0.".0.1.,><1 m",,, "."" Iu"d>""",. ,<.mJv'. I-urr;" "nw .0." ""","""" (oc. ~'''li ,in",.
A W, h,w, ""'" ,,,...:h« H Oh.".I11'1""0.'., .....
,,,<1.« ...
A "",il, I think ,1><-', ,I>< h<>' ·w <v..- h.J. 'lu, 1.0>, l<"'OO "'.., l:'.~1 "", """, ."", I.... t...- ,nd ,I><- ",,,k> "' m",h
A I"o.,l""'''''''''''? H Wdl. i,', '«.".. o.,>d."" A "'h,,', it hk,'
it', "'".
B Wdl. i<'. f"t...- tl-u" my olJ ""oJ mnl< "",,,(,,,,,1>0,, "", it', "x'" <>I"'"'~~ to
... ". I k,,< .01
lID "n< M....... '.Jh ,~~ F~
f,,",. fri<Dd
r "'I><" I "r ,I.., 1 h.~ i" SW«k-n. ""'v<'"" ,1".,1' wa"" ,,, kno", .Ix",' til< ",.~""
rh< ....,.~l>? ,.,h yookoow,how,,,lditi>i,,,,i,,"" ",0., >t', lil, """'n ,I>< ,by> "< ~, >M". So wn.., ;, i, liu'
5.1- 6.7
'kll. it
«>!d, ,...., «>!d in wint", "",,,,in""
_1"· i,',
.00 ni "",,,,, wl",n l"" S" "u' yo" ... ,,~ up ..-..m, "'" ;n>Kk.;n ,I>< hous<s. alw.y> """ .... 'm. mu<~ "'.rm« tho"" 00ffi<, Sw«l,,), "">j'lo""'.y> ron,~""n tho' wb<n th<y .,~t '~ngl",d '"' 0.""". ".. <old "',", ;n • go"d win",. In Sw<d<n ,I>< hou"' .." ",U<h """" i...... I..«I ,h;ut io Bti...., .oJ th<y ...... Y' .."" til< hot;''.':''Ll 'uy ~igh, t" And ",hot .""", ,I>< J.oI<"",,1
"'<II. y<.h.•mu..l' },,;,'n,,,, ,im<, in I""'"""", ,1>«,,', only on.- "'"'",( J'yhf,l" '" 1"'" ",illr kd fotw.od to lb< .~,;n1-- II is "",o<Ii,.." • b;t ""1''''''"", bo, you "" ,Il< ",olffit".""m,,""" f,oo' M,.to lulv.;n th< "",,~ "f~,..<Jo,n, '"' ,un n<= .... ~ >!ill hsht " ",olmg"', 1"'" <on .....k ;n ,I>< no",n"i", on" ",.,j. """"I"F""' ,)t" Y"oh _ ,I>< t.nd ,,( ,I>< ",Klnight ",n, ,;gil" l!u' ",', _,Jt,ful. l"" ..."" to ".y up.U mgh.....l til< s..-.:-..k< nuk ,I>< "lOst uf ". ()fl<O 'I><y ,"" ",><,< "rl;,,- in >um",,,, .001hm 10.", .. ,""U' two"" Ih"", in II>< oft",,,o,,n, '0 IIuI Il><r <"" ",>lly <njoy the Ion~ "'",mer CT"'U'>g<. 11><11;>;.0 '" """t Iw<l bul r>i>y Iwd ,<><>. I thi,,~ lotwloD«> _. ionlo« boo... b'Jt I'm ... ~ "'''' ,~;, '" l'OO'I '~'og. ~ w1u, .b<:>Ot If« "m<' W",k<-n<!>' Ilohdoy>' Wh., "''' Sw<Oi>h 1""1'10 lik
doO"l<! w<lJ.."<fy hous< in
h...... ,,""
t',,",!, """"'II
W<lI, """y!lou>< .-"" b«n t.... ~ ...I mo" """"" hove • ,,",n'I)' "''''g<,." f""'I'I< ~k to I...." th, town .00 grt brl to ""'u,,,.' _i.<,,,k 11><>< ''''''8'''' ..... """"io,."
quit" po-inu,;,,,, "" ''''liunS "",,, 0' "uI ....0 toild, ,,><I , F No ,..... ) Wdl. ""'" tloo't Iuv<- I",'" ""t 'h<y .11 hove .... uno.nd.ll ,I>< f.m;l, ~t in i, 'osrthe" ,hm 'U".nd ju",p in'" ,I>< bl.c to ¢ ,,>t>t F 1",,", """",, ) Y"oh Sw<O"" 1"''1'1<." ,...., ",.Ithy, t" "ml 0,. ",..J!
II!J Sr""",,,,, '""",'. f.mily """" .-ic-to' "''011, Il:n<w I>« ul'1<'10 ~."" ''''y ..... Ioh)·' 'looI<" >lJ tl><>< ""'" bu;Wi""," 'Yt>, ~ mo<h mo" ,,><o<k,-n tIl,n I "1'«1«1: 'W,-",',1I"" rolm ~,mJn-ful" 'Yo,;t w" h,ill"nt: '{"'''S'' Jonn't ""u mud, "'''"'''y. Out he',
'Il, ... i",', I><? Il,', 00< (,( ,he ,oost 1"''1''' I 1Jw",,: '~nn'. b<J",om', ",.Ily un'K1r .,.in" 'I, it' I ,okIl>« i, " " _ r<",rd.".oo y", promi><d to "".., ;t: 6 T,n bor«l "i,h ,hi, It»<>,,!' '] 1<",.,.... 1'", ""II,' f«l up "'ith it. ,,,,,I'
im .....,""!''''· ,
·'..... ~m·' ~"" .n "'I"""i.... city: 'W<II, il'. no< .... r<l><.p: 'p.w .00 f<u. "'" '" ",,,.n: 'Th<y'« ,,,,,"oJ. nut ,...., g<n<ro"~' 'The;' h"",,, ~ ,h..." '" mt>S}.' 'M",m .it·,n"'V<")'tKly:
Tapescripts 6,8 -1.6
filnt "''' 'ut>OOl1,
'The" ,bilJrt1\ .'" '" """,:
,,,,,.only "'"
'Y,~ 'h<y'", '''''l' 'Iu"'-' '101>0 ">Ok> '" m ......obI<: 'Urnm, 1><', no< ""y lal'p)'.'
.. ,,>!d ..
1'.. h.J '"IS
",,,, go do",n '"' ),,'h. I''''t tl>< pond, 0"« tl>< otiJg<, .00 ''''' of II>< f"". Tkn )"0 go """" tl>< mod .00 t.d., '"'1"'0 'h"mgh the ""0<><1, ....'h<n )"'" ""''' "ut of tl>< ..-...<>J r"" 11< "p ,he I"th ..1Il ""0 the churrh, 1( " ' " r.....
G W, ~ ...",,', tu.d. hr<.k h.n """,, I , r.«J • <;op ,,( ",off",. II", h.,j. M1Kloy i" 1_.1 """t""ml'lIll! with '""."" f,"nd,. Thi, hoildulg has ,. ><hool .."", l'lll5.Btf"", th" " n "11:,,,.
Unit 7
IDD lie '"'0"' tlO"t'l> abou' ";"'o.... n hk Sh, ~',""., ...weI••"'''', nw>d<m I"'""".nd thti,
......"'' '"' 1' ."'",,,..
tt< w~",.7 t .. ,·<1 hooL. rn.'V'I,hi<>, "'.. """n ""'"", Sbt . '~""" n.)...<1~ Sh< " «1 ",;"tIl' in I>« tIli'''.... Sbt Ita> I,,,,,,, ;n '"' '""" oll:ngl.od ro. f""r )'<',,~ He h...,J;n ,...... nd f,,.-6ghl"'" Y"..... """ h.. """" """""J t"ie".oo ha> t"o dough''''. SI>< ,,,,,,;«I r", ,he I'Ll>! olm;«l ",d~..J ''''' ~'"~
",;!I," """
'''n< '"
5 Th..oo .10,
OlD lIow k",S h.<> >h< li...,J ;n the "'t>t of [n~ld'
I,,, h'y r"~ "''''" ,hd y", "uJr" un;"",i'l" "ngh,), How "'-'''Y ... o-d; n.. >h< ""it",,1 'h.n 'w,..,',. H,,~' "''")' huol> h.<> y",...wl Qv<, r,,,, mdlioo. \\1v<n Jiclt..-,- fi", "",..,) COm<' ,,,,,,
H,,,,' ",.my ,im<> h .. "'" """u ",,,,i«I? T"i« It.. ;he /:0\ "" ,hiJJrtn' y,~ ''''' J,"s.h""~ II_ I,."S h.. "'" hoJ ..... pen' ;'0'" '''"'
OlD I'", 'no"n my 1><>, rriend f"" r"~ W,,"'" "I",,, W< ~~" lO, II'" w<o' to the dn<",. t~n_l<;.go.11><
An in""kw "i'h II" batwl 5<11< I g I""".itw<, S ~ s...,i, <; ~ Guy I .,..j t~" "'., ,he b"", ,,,,"'1,,,,,, STy!< «11«1 Gi". i, to",... And gu<'-' who r... got "'Mg <Ish' """, to m< ;" 11>< ... u<iw. 1'"" got So';"- TyI«-..,.j ,,,,y IluImt>, wbo '" tl>< two """"h.., of Sty/<. Wt'koo>< '0 ,he ~"'II""""'I
Aothooy 'fn~1op<- 'r.",11«1 ", Soolh Mr><., A."",h" EMpt, ,00 ,h, w,~, Indi<>. ,,,""" T~"I0I'< Iu> l",vdW;j tu "'''')' p"" 01,1l<
_ h" """, 0"0" , .... ,nd ",,,,,,.1 olhn ..""",, h."" 'PI""...-.J 00 TV. It« I'Ll>! b;",k CO"" 0", in ,...1 Sin« thc-n, "'" It., ><>ld """., lnan S miU"", "'J'it>, SI>< W<n' to ",tw•• in tl>< """I> of En"",,lJ. ..,.j ..ud;«l E"pi>ll " O,J",J U";""'~'Y. but ;he Iu> li,<-<I ;n the roont!)' lot of I>« uk .>lit wntt'> I>« ",-A, "r h.nd. Sh<- h.<> h..J tl>< "'"... pen "n« ''0»$.
8 In. 0., ,I>< 1'''1<. A Ilow km~Ia,,)'O'J IlI'cd ,I>«d 8 1'0< ,b,.. rnr~ A AOO"f,ydKlyou""",,' 8 W.. """,,,d',,~v<in."""" ......,
DB ~,
I"" t~"'" ya... "'r D..l
roo- my b;f1M.y
W.,-"" U><t!lh" h",,~ ~,," the b<plilllrtg of t",m. I,', no1 ~ I quit" Iii<.- iL W, ~=1 in ""' oM 0., from 1988 to '9%. W< "",><J 1>.-<."", W< n«d<d ,,,,n,,,,.. he,,,
'Wdl, <1>•• ,"'''onl1 "'" '~I)' cI.."",:
SO"" " to m<
Now yoo two h.v< h«n ""r bu,y th;, )"Of, h.".,.., rou' Y",i", Iud • """ oJho'" oot. .nd Y'""", hc<n on ",,,,, 110"'" )'O'J f«!ing' P1<1ty ,iffll, Wi" jU" got \>o<k from lloll>r>d. ,nd in AI',;I .... ""'" to )'I"n .0><1 Au'tr.I;., '" Y".h W<'", If.vdl<d. k>I ,hi>
G Ru' W<'", ""'"" • lu< of I,i<nd~ "lJ .....''''' Iud ~>m< fun Tdl ... ""mt'lII"'l!"""" yoor \>o<l;grooud ....'h.t JiJ )'O'J 00 Wo« f""",ml! Styl<' G W,U. W< l>oIh pl.y<J with, lo< of o<he, bond. W"... t"m;"l\ up w'ith _I> <><!otT• WI><> luv<)'OO r>i>y<J with.,.Swi.-1 \\'cll, 0'"'" ,I>< ",on I'", "'ns ,,;,~ llOf'd Rich"'..,.j I'hiI O>lliru,.oo • bond ",,11«1 Aft.
I !uwJ "hot ..",." )QU. G with e".,.,;, ,nd Us.o. mol of ",,,,,,,. lIal'f'r M."""", I Why ~ MonoIo" '" UnPO""" to you' G- Il<a"", I tu.d my fu" !lit rtrotJ i'h ,Iw:m Tk ""'s ".. <.u<d M,." 5' nd " ..... hi, >II ,,va til< ""><id th" in 1'19~. So lw.- io<Ig h.v< yoo "'" h«n "'g<tl>« ..
r" ,,",o,<I<J "am
'"",..,,«1 ....
wh..., 1 ...., <lo;ns """" "",. ""tIl _}ov>. W, "U>% '00 Goy .sIi«I tn< If I'd
1;>;.0 to ~"". wi,h bim.• nd " ,II ..."NI from ~.
'*""""'r ,he vo<oJi.., bu, do yoo pi..... ny ","'"')'OW1<lf' S Y<>, l puy ~>H<h. , And w,,",' .bout l"", Gul" G I pL., gu","'..,.j """""'K'.I coo pi")' ,I>< "'00". bu, when ....." OO;n~. co""'" ~." .." • \>o<kmg VOUP· I So ",he" Iuv< )""' t"" tfovdkJ to' S W"I, I ... « ... I ,"omtri"", ,billk tIlo! ",,'v< Soli<, you'"
D«t> """'l"'1><r<, "",
h"....,', r<,lty. We'w
,,,,,,«.I '" ';,m'P<. Italy. Ololl.mJ.•oo ~.• \~ Jon< )'I"n ""j .."",,.Ii.,,,,, we';~ "'''~,
TIu". ,h<
h«n ", A"",,;'-,. "u' 1'1.,,, ",,'J Iii« to!" Aoo Ll><n h""", E",...."., I'd low 10 1'1.,,, i" ,I><>< rl><<>. G Yo, f"'8'" ,..,,<1<0. W, '''0' '""" ,~'" )'<"m
,h< j'<'"
O''ff l'.'w mW , ~" of <rtooJ~ [>0 YO" know ,u"lr how ,""w' G Th"',.JiIfu .. 'q....tioo.<rIn I W<~, 1lOO"' '""'" S Oh, I OOf\' '-""". 1'0[1,,1'> ,h<." 'wno'v·liw G "",h, """",Ii;ng lik< ,.., , Aoo h<", k,"t h"w)'OU h«n ;" ,h< ","'"'
G I po<» ,l>oo, f.f,«" )'<". . ~ 1'", r><'o'<' h..J ..-;00. r", ooN<V<fIx<" , muSK"", I woo """",,"0 I'w h.J .11 '0'" "f job,. \\Om I k-f, "~k"", I wmW", w,i'=",,,,,,'1'''~''''''''' I"',"'cr" !','.-J<nn I "oulJ!" "" "K! M
Well, "'-'" tb<.... 0«,"", OOW l'~,'r< , tn<::mb<'of, ""oJ, So,,,, ,oJ ';'>V. i, ~.•' ~ ...., '0 "Ik '" l'''. Good 1..,1, wi,h ,I>" new
'<oo<d, SIC Thank> I
row f....."'><thin~ Jiff,...,,,. W<'r<
.",\, """y d<" J<m'rs, 1ke<)'OU '''''' 1, ..1 I'w ""'" '" ",,~r",J' Th,,\k ~"''''l''",'W m~<J .. I'<
St<'~"',iob I",,,, ......, S St<","
I "'1,., .~,,, 01 """" Jo l')" S W<1I, , h,,',' ,,,
~",., ~,,,~,,,
~,.-. "m'~mF h,,,,,~
... ~"
........" h<.,,,, J'J'. Wh.., ,i"", d<. you ,..,,' ["""" ni,,,, ,;11 ,h,,,,, ,h<n I , ..II f,.. ,h;<t. "ld ",,~k ""hi <i<,'(',l. ~"J,y> •
w«k. >n 1 h,.. '0 ""~~ WI'I ",,>'>(;.1 "''''",
A.-.<J 4) l')U ....'" '0 ~"'. >t ,f>< wo<'k<.....I' 'Ih, ..,.. '11",\ ."..- h<"i,"~ ,im,. , !<'"
'"" f"'>pk."
;;",'r< .. "o<J;H~
"I' ,II ,10, ,,""'. "'1><" ""',,,
"",y, ''''~'' get "WpoJ """", lou' ,hot', ....... n,,1 ')'''' ,M "'u J.,-,rn ,I>, p"of",.)n'
W<II, L.Ii,), 'w",y"" """'" " ""I<g<.I" ,I>< fi", )'''' W< 1>><1 ", k.m ,h<' b.o'""~ ,.-.<J '""n W<
""ok, ,,,,m.
W.,;, , .. ~. ,,, I
w'''l< ,,, ...... u, "" ho'<b, ,oJ 0"" 01 ,I><n' mt ,nl r,,,, ..0. '" , <J,Jo', ,,, w", I>,,~
,.-.) '>ng
Aoo ""'" 0'" '"" """''' ofl><i"li I"xo<J " l''"' ,,",) <1<1,,1.;;'0 h,,~ L"Jo-·< y,," h>,'" Il< it. I A,K! ~'h ...", l"'" pi,,,, f,~ ,l><fu','1<1 S 'woo' ,,, h"w noy m.'" f""" \\1><n
A,,,or'.,,, ", 'Y 1'-""'''' ,I.,..,
I';~ h..J.
'~o: "I.ow l'-"' g<~
,I>< 'Om<.
'~" I ]-"'·m't. I'no '" 'C." l'''' ['"'I,m'y......
m",,," i""'"""""1'
'Gln l'-"' pl., ,"" """",1 '''''no'''''''''' "Y"", "0, -""..lIy,' "'" ploy ,I-.< ,'~"on'
'y,,,, mu" I<" ,,,
,,, ,I><
,h< ",,,,,,,,,,
"f )'<''', "'" " " ' h<". ""' wlJ. hu, '"" '''''I''''''u", ,." .ho"g' , i<>t i" jm' ",,,,dol' I,,,,,go> 4U;« ,hill,
,r,,,,,,,,",, '"" Ii"'"
""'" do"," ,I>< ~ik. ,ho," ,,,Ity i","<>""~.
I'"'''''' ,,,, ..,
,..u <0" ,,,,, ,II ~"'. ,of o,ff"ulr ,,, g<1 ,,, loy 1,.....1
llw """ rl"'--" to) " . h',l fi.oJ i, '" '"" ci', , ,,"'. yoo ""oulJ tel L1'''' .noIlrl...b>. wh"h m<ld< ,..- rf"'''...... .u.- 1.1",,,. "'" 'OO"k! ,I". tr" f< ~hd Lrld "' ......1 ",>ok ,..r "",n, m;X«! ~'"h 1><,1» it', 1.-;"01 (I;'I'Y' " ... J<I" ...... <>n< •..r '"" "0<",, '1i;"I<' to o,;nk " 'oo. min' ,,. It', ",\,<';'<11, 1".o<J ;f '"" wool",", " =y ",.1ly,..(=-h;"8-
",,'H ,,-,
h,., ;,-,
"""''1 ;,
,b, >«<I<"J, 0.-.,1 """'" l"" .,,' "I)·.... hip, .",1 ,Ix- ,ky" Nt><, ,h< "'U "" f«l ",1[\' qu;te h<" w.rm nx",gr, to h,,~ I"""h ,..,<HI<. Y"u "'" ",." ,""t,,,h<, "" l'''' ""-'uI<l b,-,ng><>" ,,,,or,,' Il<", l'''' <10.",', h"" '" go' "';irf~, 'hor< <t, ,h<', 'hin", '" do, .oJ >«, A ko< '" ou, ,,,~.,,, .... "'t" ,>r.'It,. fli<Y k,.-J; ,,><,1, ,f>< ''''''' ,.-.<J,y ..' ,f><y Jo<J (0"' b""on',1 ;~'" ~n.l W< h"",' 1..1=. If ,he ...... 1><.-', lin< l'''' "on go) I,,, , )'0.., ";p "O<J )'OU ,.,,, ~" ""II~' "".,"",f"1 ,·i.,..-) ,..- tho "I .~~",,1. r..h(",,,<,~ "'" ,'" 0« "f..- ., M, .., HI"" Th< f•• ld l''" "",,' ,,, ~ ["oJ", , "",,,10 " ,10<0-.'" Y", p'" p""", ,of ",co" '''' ~"'~ hI.. ,,, g<1 i, .'",. AI~, l''''
f""" "",,,,im,,
,,, l.o,.. 'Y ,I>< ",.<>,1><.- i, wonoJ<-,-f"1 ,,', ,I><
,,, Wf¥
"""'u,,, ,,(
Ix-.""f"l, h<" of , •.,,,.. ~-tu, <'W'l'>n< ~""" '0>« " ,I>< Pr"m"C-. "nu mu" "i~, ,IxI'l"m;"". ,;., <irl><.- <>tty;" '"" "",,,i,,,, ,.. ",0< i" '"" m ...·h ","".T 'he". A,>oJ ;j l"" h>,~ tim< "'" ",,",k! ',k,
k", ,..-...
SOl,';' "",,' ['<.r'd
1-""'" ;, '" ", ... h t" >« "O<J "". W< 10,..
"",'" ~'",>oJ<,ful m"",,,n," <>1'<',.11" ,"" I,",o'k Art ,oJ 110< 'r<
,<""I.'" """h... l,,, I.... ",...k-'
on ",,\;;l.y';"
M."" r«'['1< "'. "';i"~ i" 'Il< ".",,,,,,,,,,,
.......w"',d"",,,,(f«,, o~,' 'M. ".hoyf,;.,,,"', 1>''''''8 m."ial." l"" ,hnuJ<J
,.-.,I i,
..n. w ....
Ton ~"'~"~ 16"""", dov', 'I 'h;o")'O" ,",,"10 "Ik ,,, l'"" bm<."
I <Io.,,{'
11< ho" OK«", ""'" h" ,,, "'" "p <>~y. 'h,O 'll'..1""w. I h..J '0 "., ,u,,»
'I'" "'" lik< ~'''hO~ fnsJ',h. >I.." 'Y,~ 14, I kw<;, It','1>< I.o~, ..", "" $/>,k,o'I'''r<: 'Ar< ,h<"," n<W l''''''' "".. i,,~"
It'. u,",II\' ~",'" m;lJ ,"
,10<>-"', '"'''0 "on, .... "'" "",,', h.,~ '" "';,,~ ~""n <i.,,1-r<>- "." l'),,'11 ""oJ, I~' ...", 0' ° junrl"" Iw-<,u,", "<0" t<' «x> on ,I><
Wdl. "I <ou,'" ;n j>",..,). ,n "" "0 "" ""y «>1.1, ""0 ~", ,,( ""'" "',.-ry~,h<Te.'" l''" "'",' h';"g I.)" ul wo,m d,.""~ ",,', ,,,01 "",~Iy I>,,~ ,noI, ;1 ..'"
I h,.. , "'....,.,) 'ob. I h,,'.· '" ~',,,f IwJ.
i<'"' 'A", '""'" ",,,. i<"" l""'r< "".. I"gr' '~tl><r"'''''.I',,, h.J 'hem h ........' 'l1>w roo II-" ,I>< tom<. pI<,,,,1'
l"" lik< l...n'''8 FnsJi"', [1»"
.f<. '"'I,.f"""
'h"',go....,.,)·, .. ,,, """
..r ,,",,"', • "'u'"
"I ",,', 'y""
A,." "
Who, 0" """r ...... ,I", l!l;n", yo" h"", ro do, ",O<J soon, .. ~ ,I", thin", l"" ""n', h.. ~ ro 4~ f, I <Jon', "".' t<> do. ,f>< u'"h",g or>-"" ,~ ~'b,t<, "K!' I>,,,~ ,,, I>< wry com,,1 ,,",'0' i>Jl:... n<. ".wrytli;"g ;n '"" k;!<·h<n !u.. ,,, I", ,,,."Iy ,hn. Who,', ho,<J ,1.'0' '"" 1,,10'
'Ilo you Irk< "'"' D<"W ~H' 'Yo> ,,," "" 11>< m"ncY' O~, buL [ <Jon', lik.
Some',""", 'h"" "< ,"') ""'" I""'I'k '0 '"" O<"'i<. [go i"'o tho iW<I<" f•.-,"" ,..-['<-"< ,oJ oU"", (;(>oJ <Wo",,;. Wi<> ,.-.<J un'''''''''''' " lV"" m< ~''''' pI<"",,,, ,,, "Ik ,,, l"" .dI "",ip,t. 'ilow', l''''' (0""" 'L'p ,.-.<J 00..". 11>"" 'r< ",.,0 dl)'>- "K! ,h", "'" <u<h ~ do)'>-' '1""<', e""fuli I'" r-..-.t 'HoI> ,,," Yummy"
"mpl<>. I"" ,,,,, """"~I ,I~, 1"",>11>< "''',. We 1.... I0<.",;f ho...he>. P"h"p y"""" 1>,,"01",', ,>«<I • "" to <";0.'''"' ho~"by, lbm 'f(' ~)'"..- ","o<J ,h<>p h<"<I, ,.-.<J """u"',,'~ .-.,1 ,,( l""' ",u'" ,.~;, """,1.",. YO" "" bm- ,II k'o.l" ,,( I"""Y oro<J 'hi,,~, ~"io< <"",pl•• ,,," <Io>n'r f,"'8" ,." "'......... f... 11U" "rO )''1'''''''''''' W< .. ,~ 0"" h"oJr«.l Jift",,,,, Io,;,,,j, ,,1 I'm, ,h<~"'1 ''Y ""'''- wb"h l,oJ 10",..1 fil"'l ~·"Ii """. Ix-,"-~ '''0 "W. ~ ....., ,..., Iw-<, ;,. w,y I"xld. "p«;,I[,;f ynu >01,1 "',,"'" ,,,0 ...Jt. 0" ,of "'"'''' l''" U" ,Iw,,",
'I'" l"'U ,till p1,y 'r<uI «g"I4,ty. 10" oow ,,,,I ,h.... ~....," I iuv< "m<' Th;, i> • pm'y ",1..=1 pi.>« 10 "..,,-k. n,.".
Unit 8
W"m, '" '"'' "")uk! I""hol'" Or;"".
h",TI><","<Of'''1 ,b\' """" '0" ,hock w",'" ,;,y ",I>< "'I'"
met,«.I ;" , f"'.
, ....kl "1 ,""i """,, wi,h "."",,,,,>oJ ,T"-'m ""nm! "'I><y'" "'"h J<I;"-~,"~
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IkIlo.t,;<..... mduloo.m,,,..... ,1>< ...._
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Unit 9
,_ ••\ ..""",... _ _ _ _ Tlwr_ ..
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f<m"...... lh ,. thi> ",,,,,,10.
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Unit 10
,ogo: ',""
OI!IIllo"',lookJo,,," l'ouJ loy dan«> w;,h d..,h ;" ,h" ....... n'.'n' of "'n,h..-n 51"';"
I b."" ol~,,, <";t>r«J ~;dLnc· " ..... I wo>. 1,'1', I ""'" to so wa1Ij"l' " _..,.... ",i,h "'l' r"I><" w, "<0' "'"'P"~ ..... d,m"'~ ''-'S''hn, , '''I t,,,;,,t , new p/><, 'Wfy y<"', I"'" Y'"" I d<cid«! '" , I'-'th ;" ~p.<'n ,·,Ilnl H (:'m,,,,, Jrl Rq, woo<h "".." ,I>< K,n~', \V.y. H ~ "n" of
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'I ".-II."ody.' n«J "",><hOOy ,,, ,00k ,,,' ";00,. ,00 ,,11. to> ,n<. 1'", ,.~ Jvi,,!, ,tIJ"h'ng:
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abou, ,n". r... w;d< ..... ,h«< ,..,l< ""~ ;a ;, II ""'" to b,,~ • b,oo",a, t>U, "'-" >fly''''''''. I • ><In', do - ,,,,,,"kI [ so 00 my lwx!>.n<J '''''''', '''' " ..... up11 d<cid«! ,,, ,.. mJ "P ..... ~'oIk 'fi}' "'>WIy. !u ';m<> ,h, p.<th ,".
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om , "'" • bn.,...
."'", to,by,
Wh., .., ""u dcoinc t><t<'
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mn It wa, ;.." • jok< I
S" wh., '""," kKl""p'
,I><>< !'WI"' wi.....,. tl><
wh., w.,
""t.• l;,m. ""n".OO 1><11" nn, lout<. rroly
W,u, """""" »W h,PI"''''''l! • OOJ"",,,, winduw.oJ «II,," ,I>< I"~"'" ,oJ ""'" Oh<.... ,..,t< p<>Ii(, " " ,nJ "n>«l polO« "",,)'Wh<IT. dug>, ,oJ , p<>Ii(, 1><1i<>'I''''' oil k,,.i,,~ f".- ",,"''''., And th,' "." u,' AoJ th<y f".. oo >,,,,1 W,' W< .... J,;,;ng I",t I"", th" <>'''0'",," ."J ,II< p'-'l~< ,.,,'" ",~"i,,~ "''''Y''''' .",1 ''''IOg "'~-lh;"t '""'" • k"",1'- ,,,,I .... h,oJ ,,, til" ;, ~." j"" , "ok<. ""...." th<y "Wl' ".,h l"'" I", ,,·."i,,~ much )x~o<" ,;",,1 y~.h, ""n. W'... ~;II w"''''g 11<" if,..,'",
,r 'lI<y ",.,.
om T1><,. ",,,,,,, ;, ""h • rn=' I <I<",'t I<.,,-,w i><>w 'h<y I,,~;tl ,', n .......... l<~,
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w" """"",,, ,,, ,I.""
11><.-< I'm"', h.. n~<y! l ,,,,01,1,,,,,",,,,,,, 1"".n<J 1'<1", ....... h nO<, f""I'l<' "u' I th<i,)oo' I\~ ""0' '" mU<h""""" th;, w«k" <!no',
",,', ""uI
k.,,-,w wt><... ,,', ,II "'.", A p«;<n" h,.- n><1 y".... '" Oi.-.J!
Unit 11
.I<",u""",,,,,,.,,><.1 'I""'. Wh'D I L.J, I u><J to hI<.- "".. '"~ ""m<d",,- .".m rilin~ l"'" "">W, I;k I."", flon<J Ilil.«IoII Oh< tII;"8> th,,)oo' 1;k<.llun~ pm', fizzy Jr;rU.", I u>«l t" ...... "b;p>- :;,ili
0"", """"""""" "'"
",01 ••,..... So> O<>W JKlyou "'Pn;" ;t' Ab<>u, <i~' u( '" rl.nn<d ;'. T"m tl><",~h' I>< ~.., ~~ "",,,J u, Rich.rd', how.<, ,n<J fl.w ...., J,;v,ngh;m ,h,....,Th<-y ,,,", to, elK" ~'h ..h "qu'" ,""Ic .. ><.I til",. ", tl>< m;ddk ,,( th" m.J w."h" h.-.J•• 'hh , .l<.d b<..v. ' lu><! 'h;, ...... "'''' of you' l"b, it w.. And""" I)..', ''''1'f'<'1 tl>< "... .oJ "'" 00 th<n,.;.J to T,"u, '11<')',
,,,,,,," "''''''DU''f!'' bi"' '0 1"0<> ,1>< !."",oJ. l1><n h,m Ul'- rut' ",,><Ir,M on h;m.•,><1 ,h h;m ,n ,I>< b.>cl< ,of ,I>< "f. 1M ",>.,,,,,, >« Y'"' JuOns 'h;,' W<II. ",.n, t>U, I'U «ill"'" ,Iu, .."" AoJ h.>w T,"lI' w.",', ... ",,,;(0«1' , ..h. "" ..,,11 ~, ,,,,I. 1""' ,.. "'I 'h'ne< l,k 'Pk...." I h,,'''"'' ....,., Y'''''' Pk.", In "" p' W" W<f' .n '" W<".,;"I ,
,t w" ••
c,mp,n~ ,n
go tD, .oJ ,u,t <Iu ""0;"1'. Wl><n I w.. Y'~,~ .... 1'>«1 t"I'" ,,,,,,,,,,. W" """, <>'<'Y""''''' . Fun"" hoi" Au;"u, {;"'-""'"y. I ...., ••" 'I',,-,~·.I u>«l '0 e"'y "V<f"h;"I'Rugbr_t<tl.,~,.w;mm'~""''''''. ""'" I j"" pi" ''""'~ 0", ,mJ ."" tl>< dug!
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.... ""'~. S" 'l1>m !I''' ",,,. I ..... oldi,,!! t><bimJ • '"",.nJ I,ump<d"n h,m. Th<u-""l< '00.' .u of ",-.II Jt<»«i ;n bL.ock w,th b,I",,",,'" "" "'" ....JUu><! I hod thi, gun, well.• 'oy SUlI,'OJ I p"';L;" Iti.> 1.<•• ,><1
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Ir"l<dmy ...m,Iwu.-W 6 A m'D to loIIow Ill<' 7 Mv ""mp""" ,mJ
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WiD .... p&~
11u".... ·t I><.rd fmrn my l'Of""" I", twu
Onn ", H;';h..,r, 00"'" • .,J I'Ut bi", in, ,,"'U ~ith j..... ,h", '" tl>< middle ,oJ ill ,to<>< hght> po;nt;ng" h'm. him l>U, I>< U>, ,oJ tbm .... ,II ""S'''!' H'I'I'Y B;flhJ.>y. Tho,', '''..,;,,~' 1o", ,,0«1 ,,, " , 'lut I>< 1<""" fD''''
lu><.l """ Tom r""~,,,,, yvu' (l!>. y<.h. lIe'li """'" r~, h;' <ij;ht«'nth hiOfil4ly.
I 'I"""t fou, h""" g"'''~ 'oomJ • rnu""'tn,
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gui,,~ to b< "Icon to ""'".
II>< ";~",,,.n<J ,,,.,., '"'''f;<'''''''' r""'p,,,o,;n W"'I", I'.....J t"I><",.... f<, flo, ,.,..';';'
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C !l.ub«, 1'aIm<.. C'n ""' ,,,U m. how mU<h ;, R
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"'""'" pm' ,....... - " - " ' _ _ ,,,"ocI<'!'_ ...
11o< .. ~ol~_
F . . -... I I _ lW . . - ......... do<wio& _ _
...-,. .......... 100
II_·.~. LW ..- _ W......
A ........ linoM..I-.r.I'._
• ..... _z..:
.. ' ~
"''''m'''''_' • ,."......,._1.nq.......,,... ..
Unit 12
P 110< lmoo<y 01 m<>.I<m d>rwios _
\'<.. _ C...... _-.l"rl.a>~ •A """ _,,, _ _ ""I01ooo
......,.._.1100 ,...,.,,:
"l1oIO'• .,-..,. p>o>d .....
r. __
1 _ Ita... """ . . ..". -...&cat.oa ""
, '", ......... ........,. -.b,...,....
......... Iool"" ' .....' ... _mth< - . . .-.-",th<8llC_b<
...., "" • «q>I<q( "'ll<ocIOrr. Th<D 1'",
to """. /la, """"". """"', I m '<fJ''''''''' ..""" 'Il< fuM<- And I'm My ....... on.! , .r< .... ns
"""""""'.. ","">I.,,, ""11 ..... to"""-,,, W<I
hishlr .mO".....!
I'm "'" W" y<I. s.:..", f,i<nd, hov< I".. t<d m< to 't!' to 1-""5 1....00 ""h thtrn. '" 1 m;po' po to 111 h.... 'Q
,,,n ,m,,, """"y. ' " I
oUtM ",><l ;n. ",,,... ,,m 1m ,
I Jon', l.nowwlu' I....." "'d". I low Fn."'<. '" I rrus"' ~"';" r.,-i, fo.-. whik.1 ro" ""'" ""'""Il"'inti"l! I'O<"';\> in M""u",,,,,,. Who k""",,' J m'gh' ......... 1 ~«,,,h sitl ond roll;n ~,...I """ldn', th.. '" ~f,,11
Unit 13 DID
lIow kx,~ ~,,~ roo 1><,<,,, _I'in~
1"'''. " ...., "''' ,old ..
I ~ I"",.i<"...-
A. Alk< Lnt«
An<! ......' d,J
1'", ,;X """",,-,. I'm ;n I:<w<", (;"okn d>j-,. _k ",1~ng'I>< m"l:"i",
j"" ''''' ".,C<, It "" ",.Wl, 'j"" w.nt '" htIp_-'
A Th< f,,~ 'im<,
,1-.", ...., '110<" I EJ..., i' JWl"" <oy J-.o..- i' .....,t«l to htlp you' A t<o, it dKin'!. Jl iu>t y.
w."' .....
An<! "Iu' ><rot-.d A It wao wh;]< , "., ..... y 00 OOIiJ.y, bu' thi,
,I-.«, W<T< 'wo ",ie..... T"...,. ",kl n" '0
8" ~k 00"" imn>«lo.'dy. o«.u>< ,1-.", "'. . "'''''''hing wn"'l\ with ""'. So ~ W/U, 1"''' J;d'
Ye>o And "",n I ...., ~k i" I...."d....., ,1-.0 V<>i.o:'> g>'C< nOf .n WJ,..., '0 8" I And wh.! "., ,I-.< >JJ"...1 A "d!, "OW i' -"'''' '0 V' V«y ""ng<, 'JM odd""" .... ,I>< b,,;n "".n J'f"~mon' of S' M.t"-' I100pi';d.1 ...,n' ,I>«, ond I """ M, Ab<>h.m~ "ho i>. """,,"I...,,, A> I ..... ........,"'1 ~;"'- '"' ",,= .. id to "", "T<U hi," _ h.>v< • '"mo," 'n YO"' h"m. ,od t~" ,......'" in. ~""fdanll"': I"';d 'h" '0 M' AbRJ,,,,,,. bu' I k"ow I>< didn', 1><1"", "". AnY""r. '" S'''' "" ...... , .n<! I dOl luV<. tu"",u,! "1u, '0 ,,,,,«Itbk "Ny! I)oJ )XH> tt.,.••" "l""'t;,,,,1 A yO>, I did. And .ft« tl>< "l"""",". tl>< "''''.. <>m< ~~ '!?''', ..-.J '!-.q .. OJ 'Wo'", pI<;>-""CI "" """ .obi< htlp Y'"'- '.x>dbr'-' And I'... b«<t in ,ood h<>1'h ."', Now, W/U' do you 'hink of 'Jut1
A Euu", "",' C.n I g<t 1"'" B Pinloo' A On 1 g<t 1""', pit..." R I'm ""'1', I J;Jn', 1><.. )'00. 1'.,. <of Coo"" A Th,nk>.loI, A II-.<" Y'>U'", Il"'n~ to g<1 m"ri<d SOOO. ('''''W'' "I" ;,,,,,1 B Th"', 'itht, nu' Iuly. July 11. C.n Y'''' CO!'l>< ' " ,I>< ....wins' A Of,. whot • pitY' Th.,', ~1l<" """"''''''-'-
on OOI;d>j-, N<V<rmind. W.ll ..nd Y'''',,",'''''
...Jdins aI«. A 1bIlt', ... y kioO
A 011, 1Ie..1 Wok all!>< timc! Bur,y "p.!If "",11 '0'" ,he 'rom. B J"". minut.' I con' find mrumb<c1Io. Do Y'"' k.-..w "b«< it ;'1 A I tu..,,', .cl.... 8u')'OO "'''',' ""'! it.H·, • kwdy do,. "'1' R 011•• 11 ,;gh!. LcI"ll"-,I><n, A C..;d luel in your B 'Wn< to Y'>u. I hop< "" l>o<h I""A [);d l'"' U' ,>u, Int nigh" B No, <of COU,'" """. I "",nt '" b<d ."Iy. "'hi".oout )'001 AM,. '''''- Sc< roo 1.. «, .f", tl>< C.<.om, l<1',l!" 0'" lou J,;ok.
I",' JooI:., ,'"
11>", 1"'" ....".,. fT;""",1 Lo'~ But I "n't ,t.. id l""~,l<,..h"think L d"n"", tok d'n~,. Mv pn>bl<m ~ I'm 1u",>cI=.1 .... n'.;OO' bu' I """" ",n"""b«< '0 Ii", Irl,,... , c.n g<t • "'" So 1 """" '''''''''y '" 19" ",n"""he", to Ii,~, bu' , c,n', 11<' b«.u", ""n', g<t 'i"t>.• ,,<1 , ",,', if! • ;00 lO«.u", I "'",n', ll'~ ~"'''"......... ,,, So I'm ".pl""'!. lIow .... ny cop.... Jo 1"'u .. U• J'r' 1J.u.11y ,Iu,ut fifty. lIow ....".,. cor.... luv< _ sold too.r? So f", 'on Bu, ,,~I ."Iy.
fi,.", bu' Y''"
Whr d><lY'''' "'''''' ", I,,,,d,,,,' I <>n.. h<" '0 loot. f",. "'''k. .n<! I "'.... W,. Il,,.. 10"" h,v< ,,'.. ""''' .. lIing Tho- Bif
, "Mn J;J !'>U fi", l>w ,....., ,,,",,,- Ali«' A WoIl, J ",,,., ~OO><, ~tti"S .. ,J «odi,,&-
<'" tl-.<
g<1 """" ", i'
WD ,
h"d " .. <W'<J1rung'. '"
to "", I'm ;"
'"" off"" u",i1 right "'ck",, rv<ry n,gh'.
II"", Ion~ h,,,, l"'" 0«" ICyi"t '" ~,rJ • ~"" Ilow m.or JOO> h,,~ \'Ou hod? I~,.. long h,,~ l""' 1>«n '''nd'"" I><,c 1oJ.y> I~,.. dOJ l"'u """ Y"u, bu,;n",1 Ifow Ic>"f! h.v< l""' h.J l"'"' J"S! Woo" \'0"' 1><>, f,i<,rJ' Wt.e" d;J roo "..,,, "in,' "0'" Ion~ h.v< ""u kJ"""'n "lI><r>
DID A )h", ~m~ Iuv< y"u ""'" '')'in~ ,n fioO , ;001 8 1"" ,Il"" l"'''~ II', I,,,,, ",.Ily diff",ult. A How Ii.v< l"'" Iud' H A",,", 'hn'f)'. moyt.c n"",.I',~ dtx><
<V<rythiug. II"" ~"'11u-,-" Y"u ""'" ...n<!,,'S 'ooby' -'inc. 8,00 'hi. """";"!<- .n<! I'm fTcm"£, Ifow drJ l"'" k>S< you, I>n>i"""" I ow<d • 10I of ""'''''' i" ".,-..-.J j
A I low- "oug h,w 1">U hoJ l""" dooI1
8 I'v< h.J .... ("r .Ix"" mont"-" t~,,', oil. A 1""' bn' lii<oO' B A ch,p ,ill<d Robbi<, wh,," .. ~, fmm
,,,,,,,",,,,I.I,'c """ A WI><" Jid yo" m«1 h,m1 g [mrt him h<r< in>dnro. A !low "',,~ luv< you k"o"n "",h o,h,rt g Abo"t "n n",nlh>. I mrt him "'''' .ft«' ,,"'" to IhIIJ,:,ft,
roo,,;n800n,c _ Cni~ M IIi, "'0<1,.,
C "'M"m,Il""".C"~ M C"';~I Il,llo~ Ilow Iov<l, '" lin, IT.." you II"w .'" you1 ",_', tl>< ;00 ~in~' e W,><l'>(lK _I I'm i"lt '" '" M Ti,<d' Y;,.. ,,>Un<! ti,«I. A",)O" ti,«I1 W"..
,,,«I ,,,,(.,,k,
M l"'''' WI...>', 'T"",? T"",' ".... 1"". I'n',,"" I',~ IoId Y'""Ix"'t T..... W" "ork "'ll"he, in II>< .. m< olff<"_ >t><', b«<t ",""in~ he", f<..- , "h,k. SO >h<', bc<" hrl"in~ rr,.,. k~. 51><', "oily nie,. Yu" 'J ~k< "',. Mum. if ,-0" 00. SI-.<- I....... "'"
M M"'m. M.,t-.< y<>u '"IJ """ f"l><, >bun, ...., but "'" mo. I'v< «""nIy 1x·.nlY'''' ,ill. .bou' T ""to"r C Ahf\'>,I' llowi,I-..-'Wla,-.hebr...-. ooing ,«co,1yl ,,'u,ned f,u",. I"",,,,,,,, 'rip M W,II. hr' '" 11011.00. '" I>< ~,,'n't b«" '" wo,k 'ooby, 1><', ... he·,I-.«-" ",I,,,ng. e Oh, l'" <of "'"''''. I ,.-, o«n """'og in Am""dorn, "-"n', 1><' W"I, I'm gI>J 1><\ ,,1»:;,'8 ........ AoO wfut """", you. Mum1 M W,II.' ,..,,, l"""" ,,, ,;'ot l"'" ",,,..lIy. ,'ou "'" I'm ",mml'" lO<-..hy.I'm 8',i,,& to , """",",. "",frt't,,,c" ,'"
Iu", ""' h«-<, Joiu~'
"ni",ni'l·,.nd I ",,",1«,,1 yon,8 ..
C Nut .,.
,f' coold ,uy"
..u,. n,,', 8""t' Of,,,".... you con my 8". I'll "y to It.", ",xi< ."Ii<,
'''y " th.. u'f,nd I'II ........ !'>U .flC< ,I>< ronft=o.<•. Y"" un mc<1 '1""'", too. ""'II ll" oo' "",01. M 1",,·,ly! k>t>l<ins [,,,,,,,,d n, i' .1,00)', C Mc ,""- S« l'>U n,,,, ,,«k Bydm """'. , _
'0 ""'1
M 1tl".C"ig.'l>kcw.,
OlD sec p 109 DID JQ, '~n , -!IOO·B7~·~lll l'S 2S! ""!' ~" ~11l21
OlD P~l'd<r
1_lohn P Il<llo, NH2l. I 11.110, P<,.... Th;,,, J.... n,
P Ih, kolm. II,,,, "C you' Fiot. ,1wll.s.AoO Y'",' P All ,ight.IM l'>U luV<. nie" ............1 1'00 ....", .....,. Join', Y'"" 1'"" "'~ "'.,.", ,,, .... """'" who I"" ;n ,I-.< ",",,,ICy""" lowly w, h:od ,
S""" tim<
''''xkx, "'''
o'dock' h~'r n;8ht' '1'1..,', 'miJ-.l<, And """n 00 )0<' <0,' II,,,, \'Ou h«n .,,;"& wdl' e Yo,)"'> _ 1'... h«n "'''Of' 01<. Ai,c-r ..-<>.-k, T.... " .. I ~,,,ut f,or, J,ink ,<><I !<>nlt'thi"8 to in II>< I'u" "",nd ,he We'", 'oo M
"m ",«I. ".11. ,;,«1. j'v< b«<t wo"';ng '"
P Ah,llO"'!' I 1'<1«. 'oold l"'" do mo. f",,"r> I'm pI»',,,,, ",""" 'ooigh', bu, mr hmku. Conld , "",,"ow l"u"?
P SU<', tluI', r."'. Th.nle!, lot. I'll com<' .nd g<t " 'n ""If
M",. if ''''I', OK
P ..... I'Ubci". 10K. Hyc,
R ('"• .1 iik•.
Tapescripts 12.S - 138
A il<C<'p,;.,..ti" B Sh.d<tl' C ""'t1,.,~h<r, lA'""," m",,,,,,~, Lnt","ot""... " ..... of ~n~h>h,
8 <I..." '....1<l1 'I""~ to A"n 11.0...., pk..... A <lui<! '"'. I'll "'",'~"d l""'
A IIdlo. um I OJ,,,",, '0 An" II>"~' ~ka><i' C Sp<-"ing, A Ah, 1><11" I '-'w l"~"..m-rti"'"""""'M >:ng:h>h c~ in , ""1\"';"'" C....kl y.... ,.00 m< >Om< i"I.."n'ti''''.l'w,L''':> C C..-1oiol•. C'n I i"" 10k "",.. d<1L"" Cook! rwsiV< "'q.. u, ",,,,,,oJ >oJd""', 1'W,a><i' A Mik<', Ib'm"< 8 lim l A IIdJo. R 11"1., h '"" 1.1,,<1 A ,." I'm .&,,,1 ... tl>< nk>m<n'
·.n"' ..
':'"I .. ko,,,,,,,,,,,,,' \'<>, pk.... C,n l""'''y ,lut hm phn,>«I. ..oJ I'll I,y ",,'in 1;0,«.])" yw 'im, he'U b<t...H
A In
01:>0«,." """" I '~,nlc
J Wto" '0 l><d ~.rly h<c-o... I'd hod , ..." day, 0., """h<I "'. .. ngry h<c-ou", we ~"'n', do""
,"'"'sI>on><w<,,' , hurt k.·,u", .-d f.l .... ,..... p!.>·ing
"-x"NIl. n.. pl..." di<-<! ""..... I'd f"'1l'""n ,.. '"~,
i". 'n<» 0..,,,,,, ,"~"<l h..l. 0.",,<
Which ..n'o"cc> <on,.in ,..,<11 ...."h<n "" arri,...,j ,1><-1<fI "1K'oI " " .rti,...,j >IIe"<! 1<1,.
'he'd Iii.< k,,~ ,>ow ,,,<'d "'ll><d pl"UIl( wI><" ,I>:- "'" '''''N, We "''PI'''i 1"'li,,~ wiu:" ,h< lot" '''''ro, W.'d M '""n;' il ,I>< "m 'h'I'("'J Ii< ,h<ckal ,n., IKed ,",ntd uti II.. ",..bik ,"," Ii, ,",ntd off
'h, "hi,,,,,, .."j ""0'
1>0-1""", ,n., '-'1 '''' my P""I"""
'''''". If I .'" my P""]"", I'd I.. =y "1',<1.
Wh.. d~ M •• y >Of!
I kw< /olin "'" IIH":h. W, met~, """,,h.' 'lO' 1'", r><WT I>o-m i" ~"'" !><-f,.... We'", =y n.Pl'Y' I'U In.. him ~ ...,,',. I'tt, >«~ him ,hi, ''''0'''8-
An ;Ilt<rv;tww;,h c.rmm [by CJ) C..""", I>ay
, ,,,.<TV......,.
':'"n<n, ~'hy),,'" ,..,., ""i"<I' ,,""her
r'U"""'~ ",,"CI'
CD 1\,-..:."". I f,,>oJ ",""n'", fi,,"," ,"'nt<. ~'" nw """ """,I ",m',
"" '0
I>< , n"""nc'. rm bopi"~ tn writ< ><>m<thing diff,,,nt, p...-lul'" ' d<t""t;,~ "'''Y' In r ..... ,'""'" 110' ,"'mm<'>", ",'tto i> ,he ,Iu.",,,~ ol B•.idky b...-d on! C1.1 All, ~~II he', oO><d on my hu>b.o"d, (l,V< M,,"g.oy ,iu: ""n" 0,,,, ""'" "'" wry u"'Y, wry U"t...1'1'Y ir>J<-oJ \".. "y')'",' h"~,,oJ 0.,., yw ,1><11
C1.1 y<~ ;"d=L r", 1>«0 m.. ,i«! f....- nc.dy "" yr'" ,,, I:.'~"" 1','i1~""', , Y,>. , ~"'_ him. M< )',.. h,ppy ,~,w' ..I> 'Ih,)'<'. I " " I-.""""Iy "'r ,)", r " ~''''oJ h.oppi""", .go;n. T..n)' "oJ I .., haWY i,,""<d, C"",,,", ........ o""y "'H"<t' you wriltm
1,"" M."h. "'"
... ,k""
I d",', ".-.k,,,.,,,l d,d,"~ wlut w.. my",,' Why.m 1 Juwn 00" h<k", whil<)'",'","P tl><" with h,m' "1..'didldul
Wha' d"I'
wh., m""
Il"Y To get )'''' ,,, T.d~ '" U"til tl><- ,;,!th' i, ,..... ., T..... '.. "'" Wdl 11,,"1 ,... night i, "",.,)'tlh 1'''' ph l'", ~"t, fllll_', poy AoJ n.hy r", h«n "".rna~ twd >JJ day
"m "'" ""'ins ~K lb< "",1<1, "'" ""
I'm jw' ""''S !-ill T..... '.. ,,>t,
SoyiuS goodh1'
" ••>Jhyc' 'hi", ,.",lnlIy "oJ "JI '" wh<n l"'" go' ,h<r<' By<' S« 1"'" l.ol<, Arq...' oomg ,nytllmll '",,~I'"
("","by<' 1I'''"'.<>k ~K"'><y. S<oJ ""
po>t"",d' " ••idh)'<. II...', my n"n,"". P","", "" III 'ouch if),", h>v< any rrobl<m' wi,~ ". ';'~idhy<.I<)'" b«.. """"
GuOOb)'<~ ''''''" I,d in th< fllt"T<. T'", ",.IJy
I" ." ,,,,,,,·'ow (:""",n ,.. J <k h,,1 wri".n ,,,,,,h<. ","untic ",,,~I Ix"",,,,.he ""'00 mm.. ,,'ic Ii",i"n <." t" ~rit<, b.. t 00 """ "m~1 ",,,uIJ I><- ,,","'hin~ dill"",n', ]>o»ibly ,
""'-,,·,i,.. "'''1
,ho, ,...
(:,,,,,,," "iJ ,~., IIf 1I.,,!Icy w" ba><d "" iu:, ("" h,,""oJ, ,1",.. ",i"M, ,1>< ""n<. wft<' Iud m .."" I><r ''ffJ' ""h,PPl" ~"t >I>< ";'1<-<1 ,h.. t ~ "''' no", T".. y ,h, poli,~·;"n. _ ",id ,ha' 'b<y h<t.. ,,,,,,>«I I"" II...... y ,..-, )'tt,,,oJ ,ho, 'h<y,"",
,,,,,,icd ,..
=r ho,~" ';I>t
'01<1 "'" 'hot >II< nnw '"'TIn"" liw
,,.,.,.,.J~ ""j ,I"" ,hot "" lu.l ,""ill"" ,II.... >lor;" fill <hild",,,. _,.id "" ",ollkl ~ >lur ~',i'inl<o not <Wn whon "'" "." '" uld lady.
1m) A""..S T~ll
W..I ""'Y ".."n" l<&h' "pin JOU' wioo"w "ot ""'''' nigh' ,,"' wo,,'t ,,,,,• .,.,1>< d.... ,"" ,Itl-.",p, )'"' ",..n·t .....,- let In< i" bum tl><- >I,..... j un ..., ~""' >iJ1""",", ~l\ull( ,~"" '0 hin, W"'.. mu" I d,,' Who, d><> i, ,ill T,,~ l"'" ,,,
Illi. tu ,""
'''l'h' ,,"w.
I 1...1 _ ' , I"y A,id I"",. ]\~ b«-ll .....,..1Il\ ~.,J
,-".oJ l.ol< ot nil;h' I ,.,. lb< ''''' of l"" ,w')'Ing
." r,,' (;(> ''''II. ,'", ",Titt,'n r,,~ ",,,,,'b "'''''', ,oJ ,h.... ","'... f,,, <hi~l"n.
'1'..1. ,,, "" wdl "n,il tl>< n'I;h';, ,....., l".d, l""'l",,j,
W ...., did M..y 'rll Y",,1
Tapescriph 14.1-14.9
LJo,d tOC
M,ry h>Id "'" 'hot >he IoVNi /oil" .....-y ",,,,,h, ,h<,.id th., tlry',1 met '" mm'o, 'l'" ,"d th" ....'d,....,. ....., i" ~"'" h<fuo-,. m<th.o,
w., <I<Iil;hl<d h<c-o I'd 1'»S«l .IJ my <.,un., 1 w., h..ngry t><t I lood,,', Iud.m 1K,ill.".
l"rty ,I>< "",I.,
",,"'d ~"'" hun him th"
,0.00 wI><" Ju y"u 'hinl.l","-II."", ",itio~? el> 1«"<;.1'11 ","~ "'1' I'U "',,>"MO ,,, w.l" ""'" ~I"'I\ I'm '" oM lady.
om _pill om'<tI .tld ch«~
Unit 14
R rh."~,,'''''>oJh« A '.,>oJ!>y<
"'rY h'I'I'l".-..J '"" j""""" ,.....'" <.ho w'"'
.11 d,y
I'm ,~~ "~in" tl>< worM, '"'' '" I'm I"" .4.'1Ij( ~,d
W<lIia"., ";,;h' I ..." ,"Ii .",1 low
,h., l'~,-" pl..ymll
,""""hill! ,.lOi,,&
onj<>wd nm In><.... .,..,.!>y<' 11u,,~ )'au I",. k""ly .... ltit'S- y""
<em>< "' ... """ ,Un<, '''''>Jhyc. Th."" "'" lot, ...""'" "",nit'S-
y"" ",w' (""" '" '" """ tun<.
Grammar Reference Unit 1 1.1 Tenses nu. oni,l.., tnmpl<> of lh< J'r<s<nt Simple.nd J'r=nt Continuous, lh< r... Simple,.oo two future for",~ g<!ing to .nd tl>< l'r<><on' Cootinuou, (", 11>< f"lur<, AU ,I><>< 1m",. .", rov<,ro 'g.oin in ,,,,, un;". _ , tons<> Un;,2 J'.l$l !,"on Un;') 1'","", ~>n," Uni" 5.nd 9 11><."" in ,h;s uno!;' to ""is< ""'" you know_ p......" t<n>e>
11< liV<> with ni> pOJrnts. Sf>< thr«".~<>. I'm rn;oy;nK ,I>< 00'''''. n.q.. Uudy;ng., U";vm;'~_
...... 1<0'"
H< w<o' to AtI><'tic. b>' Y""She <'m' to bngboo th,,,,,
""f> .go
lu'u,do,m. I'm go;ng
Sf>< j, ",><I",g. "Ib<)' arc """tehing , mm,
<00 dri",,"
Is .n.....ding' Wh.t.t< ,I><y ",..'hing> Con """,d,i,,,,>
Vuh f.,,-m, wi,h no .uxiIiary "",b In ,I>< PT...,n, Simp",.",1 tl>< I'", Simp!< tt><<< i. no ."ciliary ,,,,,b i" 'he l"""iv<
'I'h<y Ii"" ill 1..,,,<10,,. II, ar,;"" )'«t<.-.hy. V"Idc<flJ,J i< u>«! on the qo<s'o<Hl ()o thq Ii.... on wnJonl Whrn: do<> 8m <om< frofUl Wh"" did he .. rivel
'o_,k .. ,n in"'l"<1"",
1.2 Quenions Qu<>';oo. w;tb q.... tio" "",04. I \)u<'>t;',,>< co" w;th • qu<>toon word
",h.. woo, wfl>:h !>ow wOO wOrn why ...-hoK Wh«<', ,t>< ".t;",,! Why.f< you bugh;ng' W...... is 'n;, How do."he go 10 work' ",koch,..,ol who... an b< follow«! by. 1>000. Who, >iu do l"'" tal«1 Wb.. >on of ","'K do roo 1ik<1 WbicJ, 000' is yoonl
Who>< _ i, ,hi,' Which i, g<n"... lly u><d WO"" ,h.,....;,. l;m;I<,1 d><»«_ Wh;.,h i, r<'"' hu"b... ,<!' 111< 1..".<1 00< ,,' ,I;" d..,k ...."', Thi, "'''' i, 1lOl00,,"y, tru<.
"""''l''I'''' oo~, you
II_ ca.n b< foIk>w<d by an adjwi"" 0.- ,n adV<Tb, II.,.... hi~" hi, n"" II.,.... <.lo« i, gor Ilow "'" .1", 1", fol~>wcd by mol" '" "",",. 11_ my,h;, ,hi< .. nd",;rn' II.,.... m.oy b,oth<r<.nd rut<f<Iu"" you got'
Q"<"ioo> with no ~"<>t;on _rd Thun.we< to thcs< qU<s<;on. j, y" 0.- No. ,I"yo"h",r y""l.mJNo.rrnllOl, I, ;h. worl<ing> Yeo.,;h. ''IN,, ,h. i,n',1>0« I;" smou' Yeo., II. <.lo«JNo, b< <10«"',. C," you 'wim' Yeo., I ",".IN", I ",,,',-
Grammar Reference
Unit 2
2,1 Pre,ent Simple
W. Tho
-," ",
-,,"1 , -,,..,
IiV<'> doc>n'I Ii«
11>< I'r<s<nt C.ont,"uoUl i> u>Cd to "p'''''' I >n ><ti~;'y happ<ning now. TIl<y'I'< playing lootboll ;n ,he s>,rl<n. She con't .n,W<'" the pho""
b<-c,,,,,, "",', _>hh'l; he, ha;,. 0>0"",,'
on octivrty h,pprn;,,<\ •..,."od now, bu' p<rhap> no! " 11>< of <p<iling, Sb<', >tody;ng m"h,,, Wli"",oilj'. I'm ","Hng' gOO<! book by Ilenry ),,,,,,,
a plann«l futu", "'''\5<m<nt, I'm m<d;ng M;", lloy<Iat len o'd<::d 'What ..... )'QU doing thi, <Y<nin6~
," The P"""n' Simple i> u>Cd to apr<»: 1 ohw;t, I g<t up at 7.:lO, Cioda ,mok> '00 mr><h , he, which i> alway> tru<, V<g<"rUn, 000",,1 mtxl W, <om, from Sp';". ,fact whidl j; tn", 10' .I,:mg l;m<. lUv< ;n
Sh< ...-0,'"
i". hank
2.2 Present (ontinuous "m/i>I"" + .;ns(pJ<>rnl p"'i<;pk)
f'o>,;,w.: .nd nq;.';«
,Tho W,
" (ia)
'" (."j
2,] Present Simple and Present Continuou, I Look" Ih< wrong -"",trnU$,.,1<1 romp.>n: tli<m with lhe CO"""
H,n, j; COm;ng from Germany. Il,na COn'C> f,om Germany,
.{ .{
Thi, i . . S"''' p.>rty. EV<!)'Q!l' h•• ,,,.,...J 10m<. Thi> i . . gr<>1 p.>ny. E""""n< ;, ha~;ng a goo<! lim<.
I r<>d •
fm r<><Iiog , goo<! 0<>0>:. " ,Ii< '-"'~""~'
l';I«Cou. I'm I;x;n~ Cok
Grammar Reference
goo<! book at ,Ii< "","",nt.
2 1bm: an: ....mC "",1>0 that or< wuolly u>«l in ,I>< P,ese,,' Slmple only. Thq <apr<» 0 ""c, no' on ..:tivily. }I
'm "'"
"",1>0 like thIS .'" think. ~IJ'«, wuJ<,,'~nJ, Ww.
...... , ... '" it i ~ if HHP1J pr
- t
rig ~~ [
,r [i~iH ~'U 11 a n'H l'--·'f· ri'''f Iii H d tt It"I Hi 'JI~h r( " I ,,"I!! . hrlH rt' It I , .. [ IJ ' .J J; ,.H Hi'.lo,I!ti p~ • ! rf !1' l if i , .,, V II! :;-
tt •
"1 !
i. !
H "
r I, e'
",,~t <
ft !!H ! l
J• [
: 1
i I
frH ifT "n ifT t[§ - HI
r"",.-!, f l"~ I~ i' ir'''r ~
i I
!. ~ '-
- I
r '-r !
~ r~
• "I;
~3111-si ~.
f fi "fr I i' ~ I'
~'t l
J• [
p~ ~.
,, ~
hi" ti[t, ~ J; IdH!!;l •
•i HttIF~!. f ~§l~~a.: <
i• l
I , {! • "f' 1 ~
n .
1 i l~
I i
., nill' 'i.t J r, tiff ! •
l~5[[t ~11·11
I -
; t 1. ~ I
i ! t
D Past Simple and Pall Continoous
11>< p,,, SOmpk <>Pf<»e> •
""lion ,I... ;,
fin'>h«I. W. ploy«! "'""i, I... ;;",,,doy. I,..,ohd in 1..",Xm from 1m to [........ John I.e, ''''' n,;nu,,,, 0!l"_ Noti<. th< time u><d
""pte""""" ,h"."
Ill< Po" Simp!<. W, )'<'If. 1.., month. I <!;<! it fi¥< l"''' >go. r<" .....y morning. iol'l85.
31 Past (ontillUOU'i
I 11>< P... Simpk<xp~p.>>1 •• 'impk f.",.. 1did my hO"""",,,k I." oighl 'W!l>t did)'Ou do y<'<l<ro.y """"i"g'< 'I ....'el>rd lV.' lhe P:ut C..ont;nOO"'&iVd J'''' ""';';I;c, ';m< ,01,1 J"ntion. 11M:octi'ity can he '"'«<upt«! '''''h>t ""''' you doing at 8.001' 'j ...., wllchu.g TV: I ~ dou.g my oo"""""k when I''''' .ni..d. In >tor;c>, 'he r.., Continool» can d=,ih< lh< '«01•. Tb< 1-'.>1 Simple t<lb tis< >etKln. I, ...., a he'utiful d>y. n.c >Un ...., 'hining .nd the biro,. w<<< 'ing;nl!> SO "'" d<cid<d to SO fo" p>cno:, We pu' c''-''',,,"mg In the .. ,. n.c ~o"'i<>n, hek>w,...r,.,. ,,, diffe,,"t 'ime I',,,iods. n.c Post Contin""'" uh .bom ><Ii,it;<$ b<io"" ,nd the p,,, Simrk .,,,, .bom hapl""'...J
""'« I'taYlns l<""i< We ""'nt 00""'.
What W<<< )-'1" doing \Vb.. did you do
_<1""",+ -'''I:
(1''''''''' l=ticipl<) I'<>.i,i..., .nd ~ .. i.<
14 f're?ositions in time expressioru
>t,ix"'dock >t midnight .. CJl.listnu, .. 'h, w«krnd
" '" ,,,"
wer<n', (""'" not)
Thq Q ....l>on
.. IVh..
on Soturo.y on Mooo.y rno'''ios on Chri>tmas I.>'y on lanll>'Y 18
, ~ ,~
W.r< you """king Y""<rday' W.. >he studyn's wh<n you mi'l<'d1
11>< Put Om,;n"",,><.p=><>. octi,i'y thot h.. du<>h'm. j nl<! 11<, ",hil< I "'~ I;v;n~ in 1';0,;, You we« ntili"l;' k~ of "0;'" Lo" nish'_ "''h.. - . . you oo;ns' 11>< ",';';lr l><gan b<fm< ,I>< ><'00 <>p,<>«<I byth<P",,'Simrk· Sf>< _ making roli« when "'" Wh... I ph<.>n<:<.l Simon b< ~ ".-inS dn',"'". 111< Pa&! ConllnLlOUl <lI'TC~ ,n aaiv;'y in prog=<!,d"""".OO proMbly.f'<t, , 'in\< in tl>< p"t. I ...,1« "I' thu morning, the 'un .....
""<II >hin;ng. Wha,
doh'lI " 3.00 ,.., night1
Grammar Reference
'in" ,he momingl.f1<,noon!<""nins In D<c<mhe,
'"rnm<' in 1'195
'wo w«",' tim<
n" r"'I'",i(;"n ,~,
'orno,row ,he d,y af'", tomo,row 'h, d,y b<fore ~"fd>y I." night I." wm. ,w<) w=l<> '8" n'''' ""'nth Y"<1<"L'y""oi"S t"n",rr"w""Ding th".""ning tonight
Unit 4 ~.1
E.lpressiom of qwntity
Co"", and uncoun' "",un, It i, ,tnpO",ot tu ut><kr;t>nd ,b" diff"'n« l><t_n COUll' and UnW""' nOon,
',.<)Unt nOun,
•"'I' • g,rl
11>< Jd"tnit< .,tld, ,II< i, 0U<'<l wnb >ingula, and p1u,al co""tabl< .nd u""""ntobl< tlOUn, wl><n both tit< 'I'<""",.nd tl>< ];,1<"",
• pOund ~" \" ean .. y "'TN cup$. "'" t".l~ I<n ,""10.... \'1<. """ COUIlt tl><m, W, eann", ..y""""""", I ),WH.nnotcoon' ,I><n' Coun' "Oun' COn l>< <lngular 0' p1u"l 1'hi«up i, full. 'I1><sc <up. . '" =p'y. Uncoon' noon, <.n only b< ,io#ula,. 11>< .....,'" i, wid. TI>o: ..·. . tht' ...., ""iM".
nwdI aod many I
w, "'" OJu,1I with
uncouot nouns in 4u,",'ion, .nd n,"""i=,
know tl>< 'hiog n.- id<. aln:-;«Iy. We h.v< a <>t and, <!<>g, Th" ca, i, olJ, but tl>< dng ;, j.... a puPJ'I'· I'm S"i"& to tit" ""f"'"n.,k<l Do l"" .nl'bi"s' (W" bo,h lu>ow wb;cl, "'p""m>rk<1.l
JnJd"mit< onicl< The ind<fim'"nid< is 0lS<'d: I with prof",ion', I'm. ",""h« Shoun ,,,hi!<ct. w;,h >om< ",p,..,,,,,,, of 'I",,"'ity. • pai, of 0 [iul" • <oupl".... • f<w in ""d"n.ho,,, with ..·11", + 0 CO",,, tlOU". Wha' a ioV<lr day! WlI.. a p;tyl D<f,nit< .<tiel< rl>< Jefimt< .n,,1< i< "",de J before S<'a<, hot<ls, puN, tho.. """ mu",,,n», .nd 'h< "tlan'ic 'h< British M"",um TIt,TI",..- 'h<< if ,1><0-< is ooly 0"" of 5Om<1binS ,h" ,un .1>< Qt>«n ,h< c:;... <tnm"", w;,b ,up<t1"i", aJi«'i"" II,,', tit< ,ich.<sl null in th, ""dd. Jo"" tl>< old",. in ,It< d .....
itO'" much tuOn.,. h."" ruu gut~
11><t< i,n', n'uch milk kft. W, uS<' """,,y wi,h wun' ""un, i" ~u<"io... nd o"8-'li"'.". Ilow m.ny 1""'1'1" we" at tho l""y' I didn', ,.k< ntarty phot.,. on hoI,day.
some aod any
I Som"" u><d in S<'n'= I'd Iik< 5Om< ,uga', A.ny;' u><d in qu<'Slion, .nd n'1\',i>= I, thot< anr ,u!?, in ,hi, ,,,' II .." )'Ou gut .ny .nd "",,,I W, <1<>0" .."any w",hLn& up liquid, I dido', huy .ny .ppl",. W" us< """" ,n q"""io", ,hal arc rc-qu,"," or off"", Ca" j h,,~ 5Otn< e,k<1 '''''LIid l"'u Iik< son" ".1 The ",k> .". tl>< "'me fo' II>< wmpo"nd, """""''', "nylhmt. • "yOOJy, sumo'WII",. <1<. 1',,' gut "",,,thing (0' )"". Ildkl! IJ. .nyb<Hly h,,,,' Tho", i'n', ",)'>'>·h"... '0 go in my'owu,
aod the
'fl><",',. '''f'''rmark<t to St""'t.
an .ppk
Article:; - i
Ttl< i"Jd"",i," ....,,, """ ~" i, u><d wi,h sin~ul.., """ntabi< ""'"", to""'-", to. th,ng O"n id<. fo, ,I>< fi.... ti"",. W, h"" • "", .nd • dOl;
No "tOol< 11><" is no .t1icl<: I ....-1,,'" pl"",I,"d """"un'ahk- "oun.< when "Ikiog .00u' 'hing' in g<""..... I Iii< p01>t<><>. Milk .. good fn.- )'0'" Wot< countri<>, town,. >lr«l'. Iallgtl'g«. nusn;n<>. m<a1>, .irporl>. >lation>. ,nd moun"in~ I h.d h,n<II wi,b lobo. I !>ought c",mo/,<,!ium at P.dlingtoo St"ion. J !><fOI< "mo< pi""", .nd with >om" form, of t"n'I"'''.
at hool< i"lto b<d .Uto "",k by hu> by plat>< by car by
oUto &chooIIu",v<rsit)· 00 f"",
Shc go<> to work by b,,~ I was " hom, ),<,trnlay c'-'<ning. in ",'ion,wi,h on uncoun' no"". Wha' t><au,iful ..""th<T' Wha' Io"d mu,ic'
few and alittle w" US<'. j,.... with couot """n"
TI><... or, • f"" 0S"..... t'" Idl. hu' not ",.oy. W, uS<' a li"l, wi,b '.an )''"u gi" nl< .Iiul" h<lpl
""""u'" "'>oil'
No'" In ,I>< ph"", J:O 1100". ,1><1< i, "" a..ic" ,nd no p""l'O"ition. I h.."",,,d)'. NOT ,,_.;;,~_;
a lor/Jots of W"
"S<' a /o),Ila" of with both coun' ,nd U"WHn' ""un, 1l>cr<', a I", of hntt« I'" got 10,,,,ff,i,,n<1,.
"<","" " W/c" of",n t>< wnl i" *"-~'''''''' A" th,,,, lo.. of tOn,i".. in l"'"r coontry! Th'", a Jot of b"n~r, bu' ,n<",sh,
Gramm<l! Referent:e
Unit 5
5,1 Verb patterns 1
WiIJ i, U"Nt I to ap""'"
H....'" fou, ""fb p.att<fU~ is , lin of "",b p.alt""', On pl4l. 1 V"b + rc + rnfrni""" Th<y .... n' '0 I><Iy 0 n<W "',. I'd Ill« 10 llO ob,oa<!, \'",1,. -;"g
Ev"'l"'n< kw"'llO;"l; '0 p,u'i<s. H. fin;ohod ",ading his book. V<rb + .ingor + + ,uftoiti¥< ",ith DOdulu~ in maning l' b<pn to r>inlr>inint;. 1 oootinu«l to ......kI_rling in the hbmy. 4 V<!b + p'<ro>it;oo • _ing
going to
'n b";Dg O>Or. f...,. '''D'
am/i>lo",+ K"'''g t
S.l like doing and woold like to do I
."he m<.>m<n' of
Oth<f u><> of ..ill.", ,00000«l ;n Uni, 9.
We,< ,b,nlJ"lI of m<>V'ng b<>u",. I'm '-"'ng fo.......d
f"t"" <I«"io" 0' ,"""'IOn loW
'1'-, b;"hJ>y.' '10 I'D buy her ,.,10. fIowen-' I'll S''''' yuu my phone number. 'V>'hid> <10 )'Ou ",.ntl Th. blu..... ,I>< mi>' 'I'll ,ake the red. ,h.nk l"'u: to oxp,....n off<f, 111 ,orry l"'ur 'u;t..... W.'U do th, ......h'"g-"I'.
Po,i,i"" ~Dd
uk, am"1 ,nd low am"! ap'''' , g<'fl<TOl <njrym<nt.
'm (om)
I iii« ..."kiDS'.. tca<OO. E I om , ,<"<h<f and 1 (";or ;t I low "",,,ing.• This is on< of my ~ . \""'/d Iii<, J., ,old "","/d 10", '0 J., <Xp..... pt<f.",nce ROW 0' .. • 'P«;~< ,;mo:. I'd Ilk< be> 'e.d,o•. _ Wh<" I ~row "I'. I "'''''t to II< • ''-'':;00. Th."k )'0"- I'd 10"" '0 dt.oK<. ~ W<'r< .. ,disro. I'm ple_ thor l"" .>lc<d m<
~ E:~;:" ~ing 1
'0 'n
10 wo,k
You Thry
«(.re) ~."",
~" No, 1 "",,/d"', is no< oommoo bca"", ;t ;, 'mpOll«
.. '''''"
SJ will ~
..ill + witb<>u' to WiIJ ". ,ood>I .uriliary "",b. 1'1I<r< i,.u in,rodlKtion to m<.>d-oI ,,,,,il'>ry .... ,bo On plJ7 of til< GramlJl>r Il<f<m>«. 11><: lomu of .. ;U m ,II< >am. for all p''''ou~
Sbo., ....""'"
to ...
[!'" they llOing '0 gM mm'cJ> :
J'o>j,iv< ,Dd nega'i....
eo;ng '" " "-'<d !
'" "1".... lu'"'" <I«";on, intention, Of pl." mw mom<TI' of op<1kmg.
"'fM< the
1I0", iong or< 'hry go'ng 'n "oy '" Rom<! She j'n't going 'n h""" • hi"lHlay p.arty.
Pt<"n' Continoon, can br ">«I in ••"n'b, ... y fo•• plan Of
"""'I;<m<nl, p..-IKuI.rty wi,!> ,I>< ....." K" .. >d
Sbort on,w""
I Will roo 1I<1p m<! I rd,! will. Not<
I'M I",,"',i> DOt common beu".. ;, i, imp<>I;t<. It ",""",'I 00"" .... '0 hdp l"u: A po/il< ""Y of "Y;"8 'no' he", ;, 'I'm ,f..,d J can','
..;/10' £<>ing .01 Look at 1bo us< 01 ..ill.oJ goi"1 'n 'n ,1><.. "n"'n.,,I'm ~ing m~k<. <hKk<n=rol< fo, dinn<f, (I d<cid<d ,h;, momint ."d hongh' <V<rythlD~ f.... it.) "'hat .<b.1I I ""'" foOl dinn'" Er ". I Iu>ow! 111 make <hi<ke" .....role! Th",'•• good ,d<.' (I <l«i<l<J at ,II< momrnt of .puking,)
S\>r'scom;ngon F.Hhy. I'm llOin~ bomo: "dy ,,,nigh!. ",I><u .... 'Am ><f Of I«i now """,,'hing is «rlai" '0 h.w<n io thdutuf<. L>oI< " tb<$< dn...Jst It'. going '0 ...1,... W,t<h out' Tlu' 00x ;'llOing 10 f~lI.
Unit 6 6.1
. ,. '. ... W< don't
I;U in
w, "'" comp""ti~ to comPO« OM th,ng, """"n. 0' . . t!On
',(i,) J'>'" k><b<T ." hi.! p>"n" woo J'>u' hoIid>y wer< 'h< 1><..1=
.. . like?
•..jth :moth..-,
$h<', "'ry p>t;'""
Th<ir< Y<f)' kind Womkrful. We ""1m • "". OK, bu' >om< "<r< <L,ly.
,.... """-.:r.
Sb,', thon m<. I",ndon', m<>« ,xp""'iV< ,h.n Rom<, W< uo< 'Up<Tl.,;V<> to comp.« ",m<:boJy or >o""thing with th< ",1>01< K""uP. Sh<', t~, '.11..' i. ,~< d .... It', ,I>< mO$l "-,,['<.,,Ive 1>ot<1 in th< ""',kl J .-to ... Of oho.... tic" "'''''''hing is th< ""'.. 0' 0'1"'1. lim" .. toll .. P<t",. I'm .. ...-..rri<-J., J<'u.r< Net as/,., .. , '" show, "'m<thing isn't Ib< som< or «1",1, She 1'0" .. 'oll .. her ""'t,,",,. My"" -.n"ooap<n'i«.' y.;ut'
Wh.o, .. 1;«1 m<on, 'Il<><rib< >om<body 0< "'''''''bing. Toll me .oou' th<m. I <Ion't kno'" .nytbing >bout th<m.' HkL ,n thi' qu<>'ion " • prt'f'O'i'KoO, 001 • ""," 'Wlut', Jim lik.>' 'Il" im<1I,g<'tlt .0<1 kmd,.Dd ....', ~, 10",11 1>1""
In ,1>< following _Un«< I,k< i.. =b' 'Whot do« Jim lik.>' 'H< Jik<; """'u,bi ....nd pl>ring unni>.'
.= re"'
""'tM.1»b.OOu' ..... I'~, h du<m', m fo,. d='iption. 'How',)'OO, root....,,' '$h<'. very "'ell, 'h.nk Y"'u:
6,2 Comparative;md luperlative adjectives ~.
I.oot .n h< <to.
, Comp>n'ive
Soon .djecti"..
Adjectl.... 'h.' ,nd;n -T
." ""ory "'"
fuM"'" ,OIlk,
<>«1"ul boring
mo,e c>r<ful more buying
"P""'''''' lo«,,,,,;"g
"""" ""pm';'"
Adj«ti.... "'ith ..... syII.bJ« 0'
•lito""', =
mun: in''''''''ing f",t"",
~"" bigg«t
funni.-st<s, h<.vi""
0"''' con:ful moot wing moo' "p"""i'" moot Int<r.."ng
-, ~,
'Shott ",,''''h with un< mw<I + OD< roO"'lWl' <Ioubl< t"" ronten,n" 1w'lItotur f.l/fo n../fa',,>< Than "oft,n IlSM .n" • romp"'''ive .dj<ai",. I'm 1""n&<, thoo IlorN'" llatb.o,,', mo~ Intellig<nt th." S... h. Murh eo" rom< bd'ore romp'''''''' '" gi'" 'mph..i,. >h<', mud> ni«'r ,h.n h..l> To>l:yo> mu<~ mQ" modero ""'0 London' 1M I, ul«i bd'Q" "'pe,lot;"" odi«'ivu. H,', th< fwtni<" boy in th< d .... Which I. th< toll,,, building in 'h, worldl
Gramma' Reference
Unit 7
!uw<l1uu + .-./ (l"" 1""'<'1'1,,) 11>< l"'t l"nidpl< ofr<gubr "",t» <r.ds in ·,d, TIIcr<>1< m,"Y common irr<gw.r Y<m.. So« the Ii>' on p IH,
.... .. ~
"" (b.",,) b.",,"',
" (ha,) t=,'t
wo,ic«! ,". f""ory.
been '0 the U"""d Stat<,'
H,,·< you b«o to Egypt' <h< <"", ""it1<n po<trf
Yes, I ha"".lNo. I ha""n't. yes. ..... h».INo. ..... hasn'"
W«,m-IO' """ {v<, ,It<y'¥<, It,'~ <te. m sIlO" ,""""'" Y<>,lh.",,Y<>, w< h....
,. PT="'
TI>< I'<Tf~ look.< ~l< 1T0m ,I>.; p.-.".n, in'o 'b< l"'"."d "-'1"'= wh....... h'pp<n<d t><r.,.-., nOW. n..><tion h,pP""<d" .n ind<finit< 'in\< in rh. l"" I'v< m« , 10< of f",lOw; pe<JVIt. (b<fofe """') She h u _ .""'rd>. (1" her I,f.) Sh.', writt.n tW<n'y I>oob. (up 10 now) 11>< .ction con conUnt>< to tho p,<><nt, ,00 probobly into ,I>< NtUI<, SII.·, Ii""" 1><1< fo.- t"""'W l""". (>h< "ill Ii"", !><;.-<) 11>< Pr<><n' Perf<a ",pr<:<><>.n <'I'<"i......, 1'''-' "f ...n><:<,"<', lif•. I'.~ kJt in
'""Ikd •
lky'v< Ii""" ill """ th< wo,1d E>'<I' ."d ,",>'<I"r< <on"""" with th" us<, Ih'~ you."", t-n in , c" «.<hl My mother ha, n,,,...,. flown in , plan., Th. 1'....."'" P,rf<a "'pr<:<><> ,n ",'ion 0'- >t.t< "'lii<!> b<v" in th. l"".nd coo,i""", '0 tho pr<:S<nt. 1'"" ""own Ali« fo' l~"" How ~,"g ha.'" you ..-urktd . " ,,,,,,h,,,> ""'< ,h.. the "n", "-'1'''''';00' 10",1d ""{€a'" commoo with th" us<. IV< u" ft>' w;th. 1"";00 of tim., ,nd ,inc< w;,h • point in
W<'"" !IV«! 1><1< for t..-u Y"'" (, p<rlod of 'i"",) 1'"" h,d • I><>rd .ina I Idi tl>< 'nny. (, I'-'int in lim<)
Grammar Reference
7.2 Present Perfect and ~t Si"'llie 1 Co m~" th!' < ~ S',m,I"
h<I..... li'
". ,
Not< I" many 1>nguog<>, thi, """ i> '.prt:>-><'<! b)-. p"",nt tons< Bu' i" IiIlsJrsh, "~"'l" !'<t<r hu b«n • lu"her fo' 'en Y"'" NOT'" oIf.,'J .. 11>< _ t P<tl"", <xl"""'" 'l"" oction with r<»llt> in II>< p'<$< i> of"", ««"t l"" 1'.. 10" nly ....Ik'- (I ha,,,,," got it now,) 11>< wi'. uriV«!. (11'. oursid< tl>< door now,) H.. tl>< ro<'m>n ""nt (AI< tI><l< .ny """" f", m<'l 11>< ..... rl>< jUit, oIm>Jy, .nd r<"1< "ommo" with ,hi, us< Y" i> u«d in r><g>ti.... Sh,', j"" had >om< good ~ 1'", .l.-",dy h.J bl<.kf.". tl>< ro<""'" 1>0<")'<1' Jt', 11.00 ,"d <h< ..... nt got uP)'<t.
Po.. Simpt< 11>< Po.. Simpk "I." ,,, ,n ""on th>! h,ppcnro >t • do:finit< timo ," tb< p.. t. II< di«! i" 1~~1 Sh. SO' m",i<d wl><n >h< """ 12. lh< ""tion i, flllish<d. I ~V«! ,n l'.. i> for, yo.. (but not n.,w). TIm< <xpr<>sion<' tho Put Simpk i" 1999, I"t w«k. I did it '..-u nlOnth"go. on M.rth 11 fo' two Y"'"
P«s<"t I'<rf<rt The I'""""t Perfw ro:f<r> '0 ,n ,,'ion tll" h.I'I"'n..J" .n ind<fimtc tim< in ,I>< p,,'. Sh< h•• ..-un ,,,,,,,doSh<', wrilt"" hook>. Th" oaion ".n <o"'i"",,'0 tl>< r"s<n,Sh<'. [i.«1 th"" fo' t..-<"ty Y"Of' (,nd >h< .,ill do<>.) TIm< oxp....".,,,. ~ tb< 1"""'0' l'erfw fortwerlly r"" worked her, .w.a I99S, .;n« IlrIt "'hool W<'", n<V<r b«o '0 Am<ri<-a.
, ,, ,, ,, ,,
r.. hrnl<" "'y l<g WI Y'>r. I I>n>l< my kg b" l"" H< wo,k> ... muski'n ,n bi, life, 11< ..... worW .. , mu"';'n .11 his life Whrn h""" you b«n lu Gr««' Whrn did you go t" G'e«<' !low long do yon ..... you' eOf'
How I.,"g h,,·, you hod your cort
Unit 8
11><1-< i! nO dofdo<, in tl>< qlJ<.hoo. Con M>< <ins' 511Oul<l I SO ho,,,,, nnwl The fo"" i. tI>< >om. fo,.11 pn$On•. 11><,. i. no _,i" ,h<,hird P<:r,,," ';nguLu: 11< can d.""" "<ry _II. Sh••hould 'ry h,rd<r. 11 wJI rain ,00n. To fom, tl>< ,<1<1 "'. Th". is no do"'rfdo<>"·,. I wouldn', lik< '" h... t<>teh«. Yoo m""n', st•• 1.
+ to + ;"f,nih""
00"" h.""
w",k h"J,
<Io<",'t h."
,.iU "'" _ ",,"',. It _n't ram 'oo>o.-n.-, Mos' modl] ,..,rbs ..... "Q ,I>< I"<'<.t ,00 fu'"'C. Only ,0" ha. . fo.-m, ",uld. I <ould ,w;m wh<n I ....' ,hr«".
h.,,< to
8,3 shov/d
wo,k ",",,1'
""" n...
lhm<1J. jnfinltj"" w;,hou' '0 form, of >!w"ld ... ,I>< .. mdor all p<:""n,
, w, '"
Posi'i"".nd "'<S"i"" 1>o)'lu luY< '0 ""'••• "oiform! lJo<s Il< ho.. '0 11" nnw'
" TIl< l"" "'''.. J
should <!o mol< <ur<i.. ""'uldn', ,.11 Ii...
"f how to i, "oJ '" with d,d.oo did"', in 'ho
qLl<>l"''''OO ,II< "<g"iV<, I h.d to get "p ..~y ,h;, morning.
"'V< ,,,
Why did you ",,,,k I." """'k<nd1 l1l<y Iibd til< hol<1 b«.u... 'h<r didn', h.v< '0 do "'y <"""ing. TIl< fo"", of /raw go' Ie + i"fini,i", ." til< >om< os /raw go' +
,,., '0
"""n. S« pill.
II_ '" <AP~ ""'''g oblig"ion. 111. obli!"'i,,n <",n<> from 'ou"KI<' j><Th.p,. I.w, • 'Uk " ><hooJ 0< work, ," ><>""',"" in 'Ulho,ity, Yo," hoY< ,,, h.,,< • J'i,i"g li<en« ;f r>u ""'nt to d,i,.., • co, (n."., til< I.w.) I h""" '0 ,"" wort " 8.00. (My ""mpony "'r> I must.) 11>< <l<x<o. "'1" I h.,.., ,,, do ,no... =6... lion',j""""" to <>p'='" .l>o<.a of obIigo'"," (it i,n't n«.... ,y)
8.2 Introduction to modal aUljli~'Y veros
tl'o6<W I",,;]i.<y , ...1»,
Th<y •.., looo..d .. in d;!f<I'<'" u"i" uil k.d""y. "Th<y h.,,< amj" th;,,8' in ""lOmon: , TI><y '1l<Ip' .noth<-t "".h. Tho vm:. form" ,Il< ",fin;,;"" wi'ho"' 5l><unJriv< I mnst ge' myh.j«ut
Soould 1 pOor>< 00,,"> Should lOur. M<r<<d<, 11<",'
Sho"1J i. US<d to .. p..... whot tl>< 'p<:.k<r th,nk< i, .ight or tl>< l><st 'hing to do, It 00;"1 obli!",;"n, or ad,i«. I sIIQuld <10 mo« """Ie {Thi, i. my opinion.) You sII",,1d do mor< "",k. (I'm 'oiling l"u"""'t I,hink.) Do you ,hink w< sII""k1 "op h<-t2 (I'm 05king yo" for you. op,n"'''') S"ouMn',<xp= ""!"tiV< ad,ic< You ,bowdn't ,i, '" e...... to tl>< lV. It', I",d f<,. your<y<-<. Not~
Sho"ld "p'""" tho opinion of th< 'p<:.k<T,.oJ it i, QfI<" in'..,.tno<d
<ould m,gh, sIIaIl should will _ld <on
~ l>ItouJd"... <10<'0'>
You don', h.,.., '0 d" ,I>< w.>bing_up. SO' • d;"'wosh«. Sh< <Io<.n't h."" on Mond,y. It'. I><r .loy off.
'0 "",,.
ro" th;"k
.... <Io<to'>
by I thin' Or I do"', ,him;, I think roJihc;'n, >Io""ld I;,t<n mol'<. t don', ,hink p<opl<: sIIQuld grt m.rri<J until'h<y'« 21.
Grammar Refereoce
8.4 mus!
9.2 will
---';'" ,..,
"""."-"'wotboul .. n.. "'"'" '" _ _ ... _
_ , .....
-_ . .. _........... _'" -
Fool t b t _ " ' ......... plJ.4.
b • ....-
",. bordc..
G<.r .... _ ~ I" cony • '" - . I' _ _ a _fact. _-n...ooa- •
n.. .......
10 Iooppao ......_ __ : ......... Maodoaoa-
o-c.._ '""" __ ................. _'" ......... _
TIoi>_.);k._.. _,..,.,...-..1
.... 9.3
M"" .. J>R'"O<> " ' _ ~ ..... G<ro<nlly, 'hio ohI;p _ _ from'iru«l<"I><~_
lP" my hai, « (I lhB>k II". d ,.,."•....,..) "'... «p, uthotrty of tbt >p<>b-t. you .<hould \>e <,,,,:ful of u";"1 r.. "'." , It ><>WMl> V«y_yt y"" ....... h<lp m<. (I.m gMn~ you on o<<l<r.) c..ld,.,..1otlp _;,. mum b<tI.... Yo. <-on <>p.... a ""ong ,uW"'"",. Yu. "'u" ... ,10< Mu "<" <>h;hi,""u_ It', w""'kdul. Yu. mu" ~; .. ",.. wI><" TOu'''' ""xl in
..... ,
;(. "'"""'" Simpk. .... uU""u.., wotboul .. _ - ODd ~
11>< .... <O<>IIIh .,.,....,.,11><
go to U"iw'tsi'r if you ..... ,...., ~
(f _ ...... of><,- ,I>< p....., will _""";w'
n.. _ _ ,.
1'1,.... k
nI If"< ..............
.........-,...., n.- ; .of _ _ ........,._ E - .._ .. - b<6>or .-;I I
_ __.----
T1oo-r __ ....,. - - . t br" r...... ro.-. T1oo-r mn- 10 " '. . .
"'"!woo,.. _ "'"._."'
&0.-.. W........ _ill b-d..
....... ....ilf._
00.,. a I><W cu. -~be 10k.
for you.
"'. don) go l<) un;""';'!" .... <-on', fond a;ob'
Unit 9 lool
'U (will)
_ don', hu,f}' ""_ you'", 10k. 1
.... . . . . . " I f . _ 1f1 ........ 1oud. ... _ " " . _
V.., ( will.
No.1_\' V.., _ _ will No. _'t.
_pul.--. __. _
... _"".~ill...............
""n..tino: _ _ .. _I0.,.,......p-.._ _ • ........... r..-. 11""".---.1.....,••• _ol,......' ........ ~
... I
_'U \OII>or'I
'" do<
.. of_ "-'t ............ III
f.Dclioh ...... I"'-"" ...... th<.-.- ~ _
If....... NOT Jf .. _ _ _ If I ...... !lord , NOT lll'll--.lo Iwd . p<>OIib;l~r d............ "'S wit "'1'1'<'" _ _ tbt >p<>b-t k<$" <etWn to tIMppw. If ( find ,..... b<>o>k, ('II >ct'I<l " '0 ,.,... Wh<n ("'" h<>mt, I'll " - . b,o'h.
GrMl'llnllr Rtf~e
ftl,,_ <:<p<oM>
Unit 10 103 u$I!fJ to ~nd the P~lt Simple
10.1 Verb p<ltterm 2
1"""'" w<" fi," ro",,«d in U"" 5. Tn....,;" 1"'"'''' "n P IU V"""
I;" of""rt>
V"",, + '" + ,,,fuu",,,, 1"h<y mo"os«l <>COl'<. I 'ry '0 v;,;' ><>m<WhCf' n....., Wo ~d«l10 go:> .b~. X" + -inK 1<>, 'nd ",,';vi';<$ l.d·' go:> ,k;;n8 W< ""'" dot><;n8V«b + '" + ;"fo"";",, w;tho", 10 My'.."oo'"...... l1>< k ba.-d, My p",m" Id In< go:> , w!>rn I ""''',.
T1I< 1'>" Simp!< an 'lso hoe US«! '0 apu» , 1"", or ".". H, pJoy<'d [oo,ball 'v<ry Sund.y whom he .... 0 boy. Th<y _ ... h.ppy '''8<1h<' wh<n 'hoy ~ ITl1Tri<d. O,,1y ,he Past Simpl< "an hoe US«! fo' ""hon, which h.pp<'fl«I ooc< in '1><1''''' We ""'" to go '0 Fuoco <very ,umm,,,. bu' Of>«,;" 1987. w. wrn' '0 Cr=«. I....' nigh' I d"'nk "".mP08t><.
/hLJ 10 h.,
<qoi.,ItD' in 'h< F'f""D'. 111< I',<s<n' Simp!< ;, us<d fo.-
She soon«i""" """"" '0 h.ndon on b",in....
101 u5fti to
10.4 Infinitives
'om ""J + to + ;nf",;h""
'os""" ,he qt><>tion
lnfin;ti"", 0" W<d to apr= pU'J'O'<. They Why . 'TIl" "'" is very oornmoo ill Engl,,),. I'm ",.minK F.nll!;,h '" 8'" • g<><>d,ro, Sh<', ..,.;ng 00 n>Qt><y 10 b"l" , <liT. I'm soing to S<oll.and '0 v;';, my p.ml1',
U"J 10;' lb< ».,n< '" ali p<t:IOn,.
1'0>;,;"" ..... "'S'o,;",
W< In
Short ,n,W«
Ya. Td;d.INo.I~
Not< ) The qurn;O" form is 110' US«!. w< "k> q"","ion i" th< 1':l.I' Simp!<, ,nd "Ply "";n8 =J to. W!><-t, dHi yO" lI" "n holiday wh<n l"U W<"O l"U"8~ W< 00.«1 '0 S" ",,,,p;n8 ;" Fr.n« N<m- is of"n "S<d [ """'" us<d ,,, TV. 11< camul "'" '0 ronfu« '0 "'" I ."'" k";!< '" rur "n "{'Pit.) md .><J Th< pr"""oci""''' i, 01>0 to US< Ij,,;z! ,,0.«1 t<. ~u·stuJ or Iju:..'"
Son" ungu.oR'" lbis iok. of p"'J'O'< with. ,,,,,.......,, "f jo' + i"f,ni,;v<. FngJ;,), 00<s 00' "'" [0<, I oam< 1><<< '0 I<a'n fngJ;,h. NOT I com< h"", _ I""," F.ngJ;'h, I cam< 00< ~ I"m E."gJi,),.
Qu.. 'ion
"'lu, did 1""
p"""n' h.b;!>.nd She J;"". in N.... Y",-k.
'~~~"~,:;:: W"'::;~"""=i It',
tv "'.m Chit><><.
j"finitiV<s.f< us<d after ,he qu<>'i"n
"'Can you teli
0>< how In
,.,.,...u, ",""t. whff<, lIow,
set to ,he ""tion'
I don', ""OW who '0 'p<ol< to,
Shuw tu< who' '0 <10. Infon;';"", 0« """I.f'er ,I>< compound> "''''''lIing, ""'ltmg, tlOWIt<U?, ""rOOJr, <1<. H.v< ..,m<thinS '" <.1' I've go< _inS to <10 Th....,', "owher< '0 hid<. b ther< onrot>< '0 ,all< to!
lb<d 10 .. us<d 1 toar""oposthobLt Hc uo.«l '0 play footb,U rv<"i S>.'urdoy. bu' """,. h< OO<sIl',.
'0 aI'''''
0 p.a" stat<, 1hq n><d ,,, Ix h.1'I'J' t<>g<1oo. bu'
th<y figh' aU lb< 'im<.
Gr~mmar Reference
Unit 11 III
I Th, mit< forI.",. Ullge ,n d.. r~~" or< ,.... ;In"" '" 1.....11...., P'r($(nl ~;mrlt 10 "rress lubi' My'" i, ..... ktd rqubrly P.$l 5,mrl< lO OJ'I'N • fi",ohtJ Kll(III,n 1M po$!' A",..,c> ...... d,,,,,,>«e<ll>y ( h"ilQphn" (;oIumbul.
I'mtnll..rfO'Cllo"prtflion ....uoo wW bopn m tl>< plSIlnd Tht fW!1'*""pIt <Jl ~ ..,rl)Im.. fd.1hm:." .... "Y [(lIl1CIIO/\
If'te.w, >nl>s. """lilt 11>1 "" plO.
_0' ",*",,".1Id 1KpI"" Englllh u>p<>kD oil O¥<T tbe _\d, R...."I' all or<
",><I. '" h"'(t.
My,hiklrtn ..,.', hdpf<l ..."h IMU ~,k. Coif.. iIft'l VO"" '" E+""QlK$lion
conlmlln 10
m. prN""1:
IN! ( bo .... b<eB....& ...... 1982 11>< p mfiml,'" (., Itt. ·rJi i< u>td .~ ... n>od.ol .u..l....,. ...,bo.nd all><, ""b. wbKh In f<JIlowN by >n Lnr,n",.... flr"""ll >hould 1>< banI>«! m COIf (I'lI1, L Tho: houst: IS P8 10 1>< knockc.t down.
u. n... ~I <Ii an ..,,'" !><o.,>meS 11>< 'ubi<ct of • paoiv< ... b. Nou« II>< lIS< of "r m tilt l"1>'''' 1<1'1""'0,
1h'htrt I. ri« g,_n'
A.. (ilfl In )'IlIlI COUntry'
Po<iti•••"d ntz,'i..
The .."mak ........ tTlJh,...... by. k>ud _ H.wun~ injuffil In lh< .. ,Klmt, n.: 'I'...... _.n'1 ott. by .n~lI<.
Pot.iti.... nd 1><$011.. 1'.. ""tn robbtdl Dicl tokt Iw b«n nu.dt Ii"". 1982. Tbcr "'>'ftl~ bm> i.,,1td 10 It.. twtv Qu<s!ion How ""ny lm\t$ h.... you bttn hur' l>llymg 1,)(011,,11' flu m1 ar b«n •.".ur«!, ",iff
Poosili•• Ind ~Ii... 10,000 an .. ~I b< prod...:f<! ...., pr
1br ""won', b....ld.,1ht n ..
".'10 ....... KbooI'
Shon on.,,"
v.'''U-Qnbt~ nDl
rnor< inlCfaltd m. ,/.l...Jtj was w.illon in 1600.IWo ... """" inlowutcl .. IWtdrt.)
5h.o1..olf'<;l" 10'"", "'nltd
Art: COIl nuJ< in r:>ut _nny! \\1m: th< rWn> w;>lmd 1lOl.' 114 "'l' <Of bmI rtpMtd!
Tho: I'U"'" IS not .nocM WIf <Ii .,...,....U"8 tl>< ,...." ....1""" ,n tl!< "vc, W, ,hoo6t tho 1<1''1< <>Ill>< pu>J'" dtpcnd,"~ on ",Iu'
11010' ,,'as lh< Wlndow!>rokcoo' 1'1.... \1>< pl.nlO ...1..N 1." nigh"
Quts,;"" wiIl,l>t (hiI<Irtd II<
I lI~nJ""' ><.S "',""" try Sh,l:,t'I't..., ,
V.., ,hty lI'tJNo, thty .....,., V... lhty ...... JNo.Ihty ........ 't '-/No.. holn't l .... !h<y ....u./No,1hty ....... ~.
m1<1'<>I«I ,n 'ih~
"'" .nd.
h,j.lOl ..... ntI
lroJ<d.... (W. a"
'\elmo<, k>r <:WTlplt, giw, .. ,w, ikow, Iu,~ 'wo obi« .... pmon th,ng, .'ill< p book (oo my l"l1h<by. In m. oo.n nW:t m. P""'" m. ",h,«l, "'~ th< thing. J was siW'llI boolc too my blnhd.,.SlIo w.. 1<1'111>< i"(orm"""" try l""'.
You'll I><.hown 101.... ,0,,;1
Unit 12
12.1 Second conditiONl
if + 1'>" Simp':, would + infoni,i¥< wi'ho",
to \"""Ui" mod>l'u,ili"f ~b, 11>.,.... i'.n introduc,ion '0 modal ,cWJl>ry ""It< Ort p137 11>< f",m, of "".Id '" th, .."", fo, .11 pnWn.
"';gl>' + inftniti"" w"hou, M;gl>';,; , modal oux;I""Y ;~b. l'O"n ;n,roo.t"'tion to modal .u.<il.. ,y "",t.<, >« plJ7, 11>< fono. of m;g~"r< ,he ""'l< fo, oil p<T$On~
!'o>it.,¥<.o d r><g>1I¥<
, ro.;r"".Dd
I h.d mor< moD<)". I "'. I<n<w tf>< ,n,"',,,. ,f><
'd (would)
liV«!;n RUMi•• W< I didn', tu,.., SO m,nf ,kbt., I
, ",
buy, CD P"'!","· t<1I u, >oon hrn KuS>ian. h>,.., to work", h..-d.
Whi<h rountr;,;,
Would yon 'ro,..,1 mnod 'f>< """"-l~ If tf><-,- hod ,f>< m.,n'f, wonld tf><-,- buy. n<W cor~
m,sh, m'gh'
_.. "
!!O '0 ,I>< party. l>< bl<. ..;0 'O""'IT<>W. go 00' fn' 0 me,] ,onight.
Q_;on yon h>J , yeo' off> )'On 'ro""lkd ronod ,I><
'I1>< ;0,,,,'<:<1 qu<,";,,"
lYe>, 1 would.INo. I wouldn',.
Y,.,. tIKj' wouklJNo. 'b<y wouIJn·!.
Not< I Tf>< ""o<I;,;on cl>u'" COn oom< ot tb< bq;inning '" tb< rnd of ,f>< ><nUnc•. If ;, rom.. "' tho b<Wnning. W< put. romm. " ,h. md of tb< ,11U"'. If it rom<> .. ,f>< .od, "'" do no' u'" • romm. Ifl hod fIlCH'< ';m<, I'd hdp. I'd f><lp;f! had mo", ';m< Iv,-,-,;, of'm u«<l instoad of "''' '0 tf>< rood,,;"o ,",u",. If I W<rc )Qu, I'd go to 00:1. iff>< ....", ,kV<r<r, f><'d luIow f>< """ miliog , mh.m.
The "",oDd ,ond;"no>! ;, u«<l '0 <XP""-'.oJ un",.1 or improbobk rondit;"n >nd ," prob>bk "'ul,;o tho p"'><nt "" fn'u",. 11>< ,oOO;,;"n i> un",01 b«au'" " ;, d;ff.""" from \f>< f..:" ,h.. w< I"'(lw. W. ",n ofw.~"f·B"t, If I him< Minister, I'd ioc",.", lOX fo••i<h p«>pl<. (But I'm !KIt P';nl< Mini,,«,) If I HV«!;n, big hon"" I'd 'I"'rty, (Bu' I ~¥< in, "",II 00"".) Whot would y<lU db ;f yoo .... , sho"! (Bu' r don't ""r«' thot l"U will >« ,ghos'.)
Mrg~' "'" ..
'is uowuoJ
I,;, ""'f '''mmon '0 "'~. qu"",;on with
+ ,.;11
Do l"U ,h,nk
Y"n'1I 8" h= on timo! , ;<'11 ";n' 'hey'll ,om< '0 ow- portr.
y<lU ,h;n~ I><ll oom<! Do l"U 'h;nk i,'l1 ',;n~
/)0 " ' "
I H, m,ght I It might.
Mjg~' i. u><d '0 "p""-' 0 fu'ut< p<>l-Si),;I;,y. It ront..", with will, whlCh,;o ,f>< ,pe>kn-', opinion. <XI"""'" , fu,u« <"'>!nly. FngLon<1 will win tb< m'telL (10m 'u'" 'hO)' w;II.) Ens",nd migh' win tl>< """b. (!l'. p<>l-Sibk hnt I ,lun', Imow,) NotlC. '0 ,f>< o<go';"", 'hek ",nt<<><,., ""p'''''' tl>< sam< Ideo of poosib;litf It mlK~t DOt roin ,hi> .~ernoon I Jon', think itl1 ro", th.. ,f"m""n
~" I 11>< u'" ,,{ ,h< I"'" trn", (If[ ~.d) .M """,1.1 do<> not ref« to post tim•. Borh \f>< f"".nJ ",c.. oJ ronJ;,;""oJ..,r" to tl>< p......nt.nd ,f>< futn"" 11>< p:ut "",b form' '" =J '0 show '11>;, ;. d;fk""" from ""li'Y. If I w'n ,h. «not" """h, I'll b< h.PP!'. (I '~;nk I hl"" • gO<><l '~'IK<.) If I _ • '''''usand pounds, I'd ... (lIu' I Jon', ,hin" I w;II.) W, do 00' u'" """,/'/;n ,he ,OM,lIon dm", Ifth......'h" .... "iu, NOT lftf>< .....'f><>. oi<•. If I had 100'" monO)'. NOT Ifr u.I~', < nlOr< nlOn<y
Gr~mmar Reference
Unit 13
Unit 14
111 Presellt Perfect
Iuuihavf + 1>«" + ';"1 (p"",nt IWt;eipl<)
!'<>si,i... ond n<1l"i...
Iu>d + -cd (p"t p"ticipkl 'The 1"" p,"i,iple of "'lIulo,. ...,;" <nd.< in .<d. 'The" ue m.ny co""""n i''''lIui>t ... ,bo. S« the I'" 0<1 p14J. I'o$iti", ond neg.atiY<
'... n"Y<) h,.e"t
'd(h>d) I1>dn't
bern "'Orting.
.,tivod befo"" 10.00.
" (has)
Q ....
Q u<>,'on
flow Ions
•• '" ,- ",-"
Short .nSWff Ycs.h< Iu<!. No. 'hey hodn',.
bern "",,'ing'
11>< P><t I'<rf«t IS US<'<! '0 <xp......n Ktion in 'he p>S1 which Iupp<n<d befofe onotb<t action in the pUt.
H._e to" bccn 'Wln;ng' tw be bccn .oopplng'
Yes, 11u",.lN<>, 11u",,,'t. y.., be h>sJN<>, I>t lusn'l.
11>< I't«<n' Pema Contin""", i< US<'<! 1 '0 ",p""".n "'ivitr wh",h bcg.-n in ,he I"',.nd ro.-.tio"", to the
p'<o<n' We'", bccn ..... tin~ he", for It', bccn t&iniog fo, days.
to f<f<r to .n .<fmty ,..,jth • ,«wt On tl>< p'<>ent, I'mOOt l><c>u,", r ... bccn nlnniog. I h.v<n·t got'll)' mooey b<c."", Iv.: b«n .hov!Hnl\-
~" 1 Sometime> the", i> littl< 0< 00 diffe",oce in mconing bctWtt1l the !'t<>ornt Pcrf<ct Simple .nd CootinOOt». How long h }'Ou "",.teed l>«rl !low long h }'Ou h«n wmking r.c«' Think of ,he V<,;" ,h" Iu,e ,r.c oJc. 01 • long time, 1o, e.:>mpl<, oro,*'mw1, PI..r. n- Y<Th< con be found;n tbe P""","t P<-tf<Ct eo",,,n,,,,,,,,. 1'", b«.. pl.yiog t<""'Hinee J ,..,. boy. 1'hiJlk of the ",,;,, t1ut oon't the ide> of • Ions time. fo, =mpl<. find, du-. Icr<. "'<Ill. ''''I'. It i5 "nu,u" to find th<>e Y<Th< On the I't<>en, Pcrf", Contin""".,
I've l;>o~sI>t
• t><'"
My""t h.. diod. My ....diQ·. hruk<n.
V""'" tlut <xp''''' • ".t<, ft),. ",.mpl<, like. Iovt-, bww, ita", fo,
'1"< not fOWld in the P"",nt I'<tlcct Continuou., We',.. kn""", coeh oth<r fo, • few "'C'Cll NOT We'Y<~", I," ;,!....m otl>« fo, • few "'C'Ck>. How long hoY< you h.d l""f co,t NOT How loug h.Y<}'O~); ,I ! }'O"' co.' The P""",", Pffl«, Simple k:><ol. " ,I>< «>mplcted ."ion. This is wh~, if ,h<&eot= gi..... O"",bet 0" q..."ti'y, the 1'=<0' I'<tfcct Simp!<" US<'<!. lh< Cont;nuou.t" 001 possibi<. rY< w,i"... th,« !<ttm too..y. NOT I'Y<I"" ""'8th"det1<ntO<by, poos<s<ion,
14.2 ReflOrted lIatements
11>< u.t\U1 ",I< i. ,.... t the vm form
'on< t""f book',
o;"",t <p«clI
Reported <p«clI
'1 loY< yO" '
~ He .. ,J he JoV«! ...... AM .. id sh< ,... going out.
'I'm going""t now' ~'P<efcc'
'We'..., ..... t before.'
PM' P<tf«t 51>< ..jd tl><y'd met hel",•.
"''Weot Simple in 1987:
PM' Pcri«t He .. id they'd "'rt;n J987
'J'U mend if fo.yOu'
She tlut <he """'lId .....nd i, fo, ......
"'n .wim:
She said ,he could ,"';m
Not< No"« the Uo< of sayft<U, Say + (t/w.<)
SIte >old (thotl 'hey w<" h.ppy togethcr, Tdl + Fa"'" ('lui') H< toW me (that) he Iov<d M.>ey.
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~ ~ EngJjsh Course .. e developmenl 01 me h'llhly suocessful mulu-Ievel ~y series. The orog'""l courseboob haw been .-r,nen to ,nclude _ '-tures. _vit..... Mld. et>ove "I, new ...-...... to male me ....rning of English stitnu~ing and moIJvating lor both eclult and young eclut! ....mers. The course combi... me _ of traditionel methods W>th mo<e"- ~ to help students use English aceurelely and n......lty. and ~ efully compo-ehenSlve ~ tNdaing _ _ from beg'nne< 10 _enoe<L ~ HfndwlIv ""Int~,ele follows on from the fouodaliGmlfaid in New HfI~y EHNntmtlJry, Studtnl.路 underSllJnding ot English is w;dened. end their abilities 10 use lhe langull{Je for communicative purposes lJrlJ extend....,
Key fee lure'
"'-sh, modem design, which mekes activities easy 10 follow, New, uni~.......1top;n selected from a wide variety of male....!. In-depth nat.-..t of 9'l'm...... WIth clear preMMations. self-dled< ...ertisn in me G"t,,,,nlJ'
Spot. _ detlJiIed exp!lJrtalion in IhI Refe ...... folio-.:! by e"'ensive prlJClice lJC!J-' Syst_tic: ~ ~ InCluding dictionary " ..n,ng., and work on syst...... such as c:oIloc:alion, Ptonunriation _ . """'od> .. "'t~rlJted .lit _"",oala poonlS. Int__ tlld skills work. where "I four skllls are
developed in COnte"', EwrydlJy English Melion, wIlle" po-&clises funcrional langull(Joll and social llIual,_
In addition, there is lJTe&Cha,'s Book w'lh e><lra photocopiable mlltarilll, II phOIOCop,,,bleTellCher's Resource Book, two Class CesseltesICDs, lJ Workbook, lJnd en oplio"""l Student'sWo,kbook ClJsselte!CD. The level is supplement"" by HlMdwlJ.,. Prtt-Inlermedi.. ,a Vi~ .. r'ld Ha"dwlly ""路In'a,medi,"a Pronunci..t,OII. John "lid liz SoIIrs ha..... meny yN" ()f experience aa end teachar Irai ....., They are _ known for ,,, '(;nel,on of the HoNodw...,. _ _ whodl has won ... t ~ ecdaun end has rtdeflt>ld -.dardllDr EngIbh ~ cou..-books l .. ac:t>er's
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