architecture saved my life [ahr-ki-tek-cher] by jk choi
Children’s book about architecture heroism, architecture saves the world in the final apocalypse.
Copyright ©2010 by JK Choi, or Chong K Choi. All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Publication Data: Architecture Saved My Life
Children’s book about architecture heroism, architecture saves the world in the final apocalypse. Story & illustration by JK Choi. ISBN- 978-0-557-90783-0
This book is dedicated to-
Architecture children of the future, who will save the world!
cit路y [sit-ee]- the major metropolitan center of a region
sub路urb [suhb-urb]- a district lying immediately outside a city or town
ar路chi路tec路ture [ahr-ki-tek-cher]- the profession of designing buildings, open areas, communities, and other artificial constructions and environments
void [void]- a completely empty space.
build路ing [bil-ding]- a relatively permanent enclosed construction over a plot of land, having a roof, wall, floor, stairs, and openings.
can路ti路le路ver [kan-tl-ee-ver, -ev-er]- any rigid structural member projecting from a vertical support
win路dow [win-doh]- an opening in the wall of a building, for the admission of air or light, or both.
roof [roĹ?f; roĹ?f]- the structure forming the upper covering of a building or vehicle.
wa路ter路proof [waw-ter-proof]- impervious to water.
stair [stair]- one of a flight or series of steps for going from one level to another, as in a building.
re路in路force [ree-in-fawrs]- to strengthen with some added piece, support, or material: to reinforce a wall.
in路te路ri路or [in-teer-ee-er]- being within; inside of a enclosed space.
trans·par·ent [trans-pair-uhnt, -par-]- having the property of transmitting rays of light through its substance so that bodies situated beyond or behind can be distinctly seen.
screen [skreen]- a movable or fixed device, usually consisting of a covered frame, that provides shelter, serves as a partition.
su路per路struc路ture [soo-per-struhk-cher]- A physical or conceptual structure extended or developed from a basic form.
skin [skin]- any integumentary covering, casing, outer coating, or surface layer, as an investing membrane.
ca·ble [key-buhl]- a very strong rope made of strands of metal wire, as used to support cable cars or suspension bridges.
scale [skeyl]- a graduated line, as on a map, representing proportionate size.
space [speys]- extent or area in two dimensions; a particular extent of surface.