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JLB Provisional Tiffany Shelton Elected President of Beaumont Community Partnership for Children

in crisis. Shelton notes that there are more opportunities to help, for those interested: “Junior Leaguers could also support us by making donations, hosting a donation drive, or a baby shower. Please reach out to me if you want to help,” she said.
Tiffany Shelton is no stranger to service. Shelton has been an integral part in leading the charge to give back to Southeast Texas Children in a big way. Shelton was recently elected as President of the Beaumont Community Partnership for Children. “I was honored to be asked by our nominating committee to run for president. I am passionate about this nonprofit, and I’m humbled to have this role,” Shelton said.
If you aren’t familiar with the name Beaumont Community Partnership for Children (BCPC), you may be familiar instead with the Beaumont Rainbow Room. BBCPC is the nonprofit responsible for the Rainbow Room, an all-volunteer, in-house emergency supply center located inside the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Office. “The primary mission of the Rainbow Room is to provide these donated supplies for children that have been abused and neglected,” Shelton explained, adding, “When a child is removed from their home because of abuse or neglect, their case worker comes to the Rainbow Room to get clothes and hygiene items for them.” In 2021, the Rainbow Room helped more than 450 children. As of September 2022, it had already helped more than 301. “We have everything a baby needs, from car seats and pack-and-plays to diapers and wipes. We supply clothes until around age 12. Teens are given a gift card so they can pick out what they want with their case worker. These items come from our wonderful donors,” Shelton said.

Shelton said her parents have served as her inspiration to give back in a big way: “My parents have modeled servant leadership for me my whole life, so serving has always been an important part of who I am. I believe children in domestic crises are worthy of my time, and worthy of the service.”
The Junior League has been a major supporter of Rainbow Room, awarding CAF grants that have assisted in furthering the mission of helping kids
To get involved, email the Rainbow Room at beaumontrainbowroom@ gmail.com and stay updated with news and events at the nonprofit's website beaumontrainbowroom.org.