JLG SOLUCIONES is a Spanish company specialized in the selling, representing and distribution of high energetic efficiency products. JLG SOLUCIONES is aligned with the needs of its customers, putting ourselves to their service and providing them with the highest quality products, in a level not experienced before, in a new level of excellence. Our technological and design development is consequently aimed to the search of solutions for its customer’s people and needs. JLG SOLUCIONES develops its activities in areas such as Building with innovative systems and national patents, led lighting (ask for a budget) etc…. Product Portfolio: https://issuu.com/jlgsoluciones/docs/cat__logo_leds_marzo-2017 To achieve these goals JLG SOLUCIONES count with highly qualified staff, at national and international level, backed by companies specialized in several fields in order to provide the best of the services to our customers, knowing their needs thus resolving any type of problem using all its cleverness and attention capabilities. We respect more the solutions than the problems. It is a pleasure to adjoin you our building system, we appreciate if you have a while to deepen into our innovative system. *I suggest you to go to our web www.tabiclicksystems.com and register in the tab prescriptors. There you will find all kind of building solutions, technical data sheets, and test reports etc….of our system and its easy installation/assembly. You’ll also find a link to access price database ( .Zip / .bc3) which is associated to programs such as
PRESTO,ARQUIMEDES, MENFIS etc…. We have at your disposal a highly qualified technical office to assist you in any project or solve any doubt. Our product Tabliclicksystems, is a building system based in a sandwich panel formed by a concrete or laminated gypsum panel and a core of extruded polystyrene. Tabliclicksystems is a unique innovative system developed by Spanish companies, tested and qualified by Tecnalia which provides global solutions to both, flat and in height buildings. Our main technical difference is versatility: with only one product we are able to make all divisions and closures of the building, isolation included, you only need to paint or applying the desired finish. Do we talk of business?