Studio Earth Final Earth Book by Jun Da Ling

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Lost with all hands. A distant memory, gone and faded. Never seen, Never heard. Taken away so so sudden, Their last words were never even spoken. What of their treasure? What of their gold? What of their wives they never told? No closure, No end But the lost will forever stay in our hearts.



Contents 1.0 Three relationships 1.1 Point, Line & Plane 1.2 Mass 1.3 Frame & Infill

2.0 Herring Island, a place for Secrets 2.1 Site analysis 2.2 Conceptacle 2.3 Design Development 2.4 Final Design Drawings 2.5 Final Design Model

3.0 Reflection 4.0 Bibliography



1.0 Three Relationships Point, Line & Plane: MIDDLE GROUND Mass: BELOW GROUND Frame & Infill: ABOVE GROUND The concepts of these elements with the corresponding tectonics is explored.




abstraction of a...



PRECEDENT RESEARCH Frank Gehry Guggenheim Museum Bilbao (1997) The massive structure is an abstraction of a ship, with the curves evoking movement through the sea.



FINAL DESIGN / POINT LINE & PLANE MIDDLE GROUND The Hull. The structures created are an attempt at abstracting the outer cask of the ship, which is the hull. A curved plane, representing the hull itself is supported and complemented by two other structures representing the inner support system of a ship.




relax retreat



PRECEDENT RESEARCH Cappadocians Underground city of Cappadocia, Turkey (1909) An underground city that the Cappadocians created to retreat and hide from invaders. A safe haven for the citizens.



FINAL DESIGN / MASS UNDERGROUND Retreat. This underground space has multiple natural columns within and other holes or secret entrances to climb around. It is meant to stimulate and calm the mind when walking through the spaces, particularly letting the walls and columns guide you. It is a modern interpretation of retreat rather than running away from invaders, we run away from responsiblities.




interactive kinetic



PRECEDENT RESEARCH Henning Larsen Architects University Building in Denmark (2015) The facade of this building moves when the climate changes. There is a bi-directional interaction between the climate and the facade.



FINAL DESIGN / FRAME & INFILL ABOVE GROUND Kinetic Architecture This simple frame and grid has an animated infill. Each panel can be moved until it collides with the other panels. This was meant to alter the interaction from the precedent, that it would have a bi-directional relationship with the people who move the infill. The user who moves the panels alters the size of entrance for the infill, and through that the infill will control the air, light and particles that enter the frame.



2.0 Herring Island A Place for Keeping Secrets



2.1 Site Analysis Very specific things were done in the site analysis to pursue one goal, to find the most obscure land from the path to build on. That has to do with my definition of secrets: Secrets are hidden in plain sight, they are rewards to those who dare to question and explore. Activity is also looked at to find an area where there is not many people. Making the site even more obscure and hard to find.



2.2 Conceptacle


CRACKED OPEN PLP + MASS + FNL =? This conceptacle is an idea from my first tectonic exploration. Which is the PLP task, I choose to further explore the idea of abstraction from it. The conceptacle is a combination of my PLP and MASS project. The idea of depth from the MASS project is emphasised here through the multiple archways and the positive and negative spaces they form. The abstraction is a shipwreck of a old fashioned sailing ship. There are two layers to the conceptacle, the first being a distorted archway and the other being a more symmetrical and intact one. The distortion represents the integrity of the ship, which after the wreck, would be distroyed. Distance spaced between the arches and a asymmetrical placement shows that the arches were once a single piece, now broken open. The intact archways represent, well the parts of the ship that are still intact. The most protected parts of the ship are ones where the most valuable items are. This is where the concept ties in with the theme of SECRETS.




2.3 Design development To deepen my concept, I chose to do a poem that visualizes the abstraction.

Lost with all hands. A distant memory, gone and faded. Never seen, Never heard.

Being lost with all hands is to have your ship disappear without a single crew member surviving. This concept is made into a scenario through this narrative. Which becomes my SECRET.

Taken away so so sudden, Their last words were never even spoken. What of their treasure? What of their gold? What of their wives they never told? No closure, No end But the lost will forever stay in our hearts.



2.4 Final Design Drawings Elevation + Section Drawings.



2.4 Final Design Drawings Plan Drawings.



2.5 Final Design Model For my final design model, the conceptacle and concept had been turned into an architectural form. As you can see, the form of the model is heavily influenced by the conceptacle. As for my secret, it will be a narrative that will be played when you reach a particular area of the building. (next to the projector room) To further reinforce that a secret is hidden, the secret will only be played if someone chooses to explore the side of the projector room which is often dark and quiet. The secret is the architecture itself. That it is an abstraction of a sunken ship, but no one knows it until they dare to explore and find it. This secret may or may not be known to everyone.







3.0 Reflection Coming into my first official studio in my course, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared. But it turned out okay, I’ve learnt many things in the course that in fact propelled me further into the world of architecture. The encouragement mostly came from my active studio and my tutor. To see their work makes me want to achieve something of that standard as well. Though with the overall concept, I’m quite happy with it. Though after final the final crit, the feedback received was very valuable and I hope to further develop this idea in my own time. I’ve also developed a design process during this studio. One that utilizes the conveyment of concepts through poetic writing. I enjoyed writing that piece because it gives the project so much more life and excitement. Many things learned from this studio will stay with me until I work as an architect as well as my future projects/studios.


4.0 Bibliography Brian. P. (2013), AD Classics: The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao / Gehry Partners. Retreived from Alan. G. B. (2015), Henning Larsen’s university building has a facade that moves in response to changing heat and light. Retreived from https://www. Jennifer. P. (2015), Massive Underground City Found in Cappadocia Region of Turkey. Retreived from http://news.nationalgeographic. com/2015/03/150325-underground-city-cappadocia-turkey-archaeology/



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