Welcome back ! Welcome back Aggies and Tzu Chings! We hope you had a wonderful summer, and will be looking forward for the fall quarter. But, no worries! TCCA got your back because we have been planning NEW EVENTS & FUNS SOCIALS for you all! So get pumped!
“To frown or to smile are both facial expressions. Why not smile?” -Master Cheng Yan
I chose this Jing Si Aphorism because we all know summer just ended. But we shouldn’t let our frowns ruin the quarter! So keep smiling! ~ Julie Ling, PR
Again, THANK YOU so much for joining TCCA and taking your time to participate at our past events! Or if you’re new or not part of the club, don’t be afraid to join the fun! You can always contact one of the officers if you have any concerns. Thank you again, Tzu Chings! We hope to see you at our first meeting of the fall quarter!
i s
Tzu Chi?
W h a t
Tzu Chi means compassion & relief. As college students, we call ourselves compassionate youths.
In 1966, Master Cheng Yen (picture from previous page) founded Tzu Chi.
The Tzu Chi Davis Chapter was formed during Winter Quarter 2001-2002.
At the dental clinic, we basically helped members of the community by providing free dental care as well as education to improve their health and lifestyle. It was very stressful since there were over 40 patients to attend to in under 6 hours, but with the help of all the volunteers, we were able to coordinate and help everyone who came! Volunteers and doctors arrived as early as 6:30AM to begin setting up and did not leave until 4:00PM to help clean everything up. It was amazing how many people showed up to help on a beautiful Saturday when most people would take that time to relax and enjoy their weekend. Even though everyone gave a lot of their time, I think everyone would agree that seeing all of the patients' smiles was worth it. The feeling that you get when you help others is truly rewarding, especially when you're with all your fellow Tzu Chi members and z local volunteers.
This was the first time I attended TCCA Conference and had a great experience as a new Tzu Ching. Everyone was very friendly. Throughout the conference, I learned a lot on how to improve myself to be better person filled with compassion and mindfulness. Everything I learned about TC at the conference was ten times more than what I learned at Davis Chapter. I’m very proud to be part of TC and proud of what this organization has done in the past 50 years to relieve suffering for people from all over the world. This is a great opportunity to meet other Tzu Chings from all over the nation. I would highly recommend this event if you plan on going to the next conference. I’m sure you won’t regret it.
During those cold nights of winter quarter,
During Wisdom Hour
there is always one dish
we are shown clips or
that everyone craves
Volunteering at Nursing
for... hot pot! Every
Home was a really great experience. Being
year, TC would have a hot pot social that
able to play songs on
short films that support and teach the same principles Tzu Chi tries to instill. Questions may be asked to elicit
brings members and officers together to
my violin for the seniors
enjoy the delicious
they enjoyed listening
vegetarian meal.
was really fun.
During the event,
Performing sign
people would bond
language for them was
and connect with each other by preparing the
fun as well because the seniors really enjoyed
food together, gathering around the
learning some of the sign language with us. I
table while the food is
really enjoyed Nursing
cooking in that
Home because through
from and appreciate as we try to educate
simmering pot, or by
Tzu Chi, I learned about “giving without asking
Hour is an enlightening
for anything in return.” With this quote, I was
on continuing to
playing board games. It was a social that brought love, care, and warmth to our hearts.
and seeing how much
able to receive happiness and
~Lesley Chang,
satisfaction whenever I
saw the smiles on the seniors’ faces. Overall, nursing home was a fun
volunteering experience where we and the seniors are able to enjoy and learn from each other.
a discussion about the videos relating to values of TC as we discuss and share our opinions. Hearing the thoughts and views of others show multiple perspectives that everyone can learn
ourselves. Wisdom experience that I plan attend and enjoy as I am sure others may. ~Manpreet Badhan, Officer Deputy
3rd year | Psychology emphasis in Biology Hi, I am the President of TC at UC Davis this school year. If you like making friends and helping others, you're looking in the right place!! My favorite aspect of TC is that everyone is so inviting and thoughtful! People usually think I'm really outgoing but I'm severely introverted at heart, so if I'm not volunteering, studying, or doing research you'll find me curled up in my room watching a movie or reading a book!
2nd Year Mechanical Engineering
3rd year Biological Sciences
Hey guys~ I will be serving as TC's Vice President for the upcoming school year! In addition to leading general meetings with Sae, I also send out the weekly emails and reminders. TC is very special to me because the people here are genuinely kind and warm hearted. Come join us at our meetings to make some of the greatest friends! And feel free to ask me any questions you have about the club, about school, about anything!
3rd Year Managerial Economics Hi! I am your Treasurer for the upcoming year aka the bank for the club. I joined TC because of the all the fun and weird people that are in, which makes me more excited to work and be in TC. You can find me head deep inside my computer at the library either studying for classes or watching YouTube videos.
The name is Rodriguez, Eduardo Rodriguez but you can call me Eddy (with a "Y"). I will be the 2016-17 Secretary for this amazing club that has brought nothing but happiness and fun memories with the people that I can call my friends. Quick facts about me; I am a first generation college student born and raised in South East Los Angeles that enjoys spending quality time with friends and meeting new and interesting people so let me know if you ever want to hang out!
2nd year Biomedical Engineering
2nd year Nutrition Science
Aloha! I am one of your Public Relations for the upcoming year. I also manage the website and create our quarterly newsletters which you are reading right now! I joined TC because I was intrigued by the friendliness of the club during my first meeting. Our events are always fun and eye-opening, so you should come check us out! Also, I love watching Korean dramas, so if you ever need recommendations, hit me up!
Hi there! My name is Isabelle and I joined TC fall quarter of last year. I am very excited to be the PR officer with Julie this year to let people know more about TC! I love TC because of SG SB's dank food, but more importantly I love the feeling of being welcomed from the moment I step into the room. Super excited for all the events to come this year! See you around~~
3rd year Computer Science
3rd Year Transfer History and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Major; Biological Science Minor
Hello hello there! I am the one and only (the best) Social Chair, and will be planning all the socials for this wonderful club. I joined TC because I love what it stands for. Plus the people you meet here are great, so do come out!
Hey! I am your Events Chair this upcoming year. I manage and coordinate all aspects of each Tzu Chi related events our club participates in. I joined TC because I enjoy helping people in our communities. Come and hang out with us at our events, I promise they'll be super fun! My hobbies include video games and music so hit me up if you're ever down to play something.
2nd year Design
3rd year Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Hey hey! I am Maggie, TC's Historian for the upcoming year! Woo! My hobbies are playing basketball, making videos, crafting and binge watching The Bachelor/The Bachelorette. I joined TC because from day 1, our first meeting, I knew that it'd be good for my soul. Oh, and I love the yummy vegetarian food we have at every meeting! Go ethical eating! #BRBdrooling
Hello! I am your Officer Deputy. I assist the other officers in their duties. I joined and love TC because I admire the compassion and sense of community amongst everyone. I look forward to meeting more people at our meetings and events. :)
4th year Nutrition Science emphasis in Biochemistry; Psychology Minor Feel free to call me CL. As this year's student advisor, I hope to share the love, compassion, and wisdom I have experienced with TCCA to all new and returning members. While volunteering may be a simple act, each opportunity is a chance, a blessing, to learn and improve ourselves for the better. Looking forward to meeting you all who are willing to volunteer your precious time. Welcome to the TC family!
Nancy Shi-Gu (SG, meaning caring aunty) and Robert Shi-Bo (SB, meaning respectful uncle) are club advisors. We provide Tzu Chi information and share experiences to officers and club members, give suggestions on club operations, mentor officers on leadership development and interpersonal relationship, and give a helping hand whenever is needed.
3 Sat 22
FIRST GENERAL MEETING Location: ARC Meeting Room 1
Time: 7pm
Rides will be provided!!
Sat 29
RIVER CLEANUP Location: TBA Time: TBA Rides will be provided!!
Rides will be provided!!
PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE OR FACEBOOK PAGE FOR MORE EVENT UPDATES. P.S. Meetings are always on Monday 7pm at ARC Meeting Room 1 (unless stated otherwise)
N http://davistzuchi.weebly.com/ K https://www.facebook.com/groups/davistzuchi/ l davistzuchi@gmail.com X @DavisTzuChi Sae Yokoyama saeyokoyama@ucdavis.edu Lea Ouyang louyang@ucdavis.edu Eduardo Rodriguez edurodriguez@ucdavis.edu Sally Dear sydear@ucdavis.edu Julie Ling jyling@ucdavis.edu Isabelle Huang ihuang@ucdavis.edu Shelly Hsu shhsu@ucdavis.edu Carol Le cl5168@gmail.com Maggie Chang mtychang@ucdavis.edu Manpreet Badhan mbadhan@ucdavis.edu Celina Lee ceylee@ucdavis.edu