2007 09 sept scrawls

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Deck the Walls- Featured Artist Met Opera Auditions Board Nominations Corresponding Secretary Report Our Mission Member- At-Large Article Reading for Success Meet our new Managing Director 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 Ole Marketplace Illiteracy Costs Our Community General Membership Meeting Info Calendar of Events Sustainer Spotlight Sunshine Cottage 2007-08 Board of Directors Mary Harriman Award

sept 2007

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The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc.

President’s Message “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has…” -Margaret Mead The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. and its membership of almost 1,400 women, is that group of committed citizens that Margaret Mead speaks of in the above quote. For 84 years, this organization has been identifying needs in the community and finding solutions to aid those who are most needy in our city. Junior League members have founded organizations and non-profits; given money for capital improvements; started programs that were successfully turned back to the community; read, played games, loved and listened to hundreds of thousands of children and adults; built buildings, walking paths, houses and playgrounds; beautified countless buildings, landscaping, and interiors; advocated for those who didn’t have a voice; preserved historic landmarks, parks, and projects; and have devoted more than one million hours of volunteer service over the past 80+ years. The women of our organization are amazing women. They are parents, siblings, co-workers, teachers, students, board members, and more, and they give willingly of their time to the numerous projects and programs of the Junior League that need them most. These women, each of you, and those who have come before you and will come after you, are the essence of the Junior League. It is your relentless commitment to voluntarism and building a better community that allows San Antonio to be a better place. We have a rich history in this organization that we can embrace, we have an exciting present we can take hold of, and a promising future in tomorrow. 2007-2008 promises changes and opportunities to benefit our membership: the Provisional Program

has been re-vamped to better reflect our mission statement; a New Active Committee Chair has been placed to help smooth the transition from provisional to active membership; the transfer program has been changed to better educate newly transferred members on San Antonio and our league; the special events committee has been charged with planning and implementing more social opportunities for members to be able to interact in smaller groups, as well as some events that can include families, children, or friends; a commitment to a “little leaguers” group has been made that would allow league members and their children the opportunity to volunteer together; a sustaining member committee has been formed consisting of sustainers that will be planning all of the sustainer functions for the year; and last year’s Bright Shawl rejuvenation committee will continue their transformation of our greatest real estate asset. In keeping with our mission of trained volunteers and developing women’s potential, we are beginning a “Leadership Track” training program that will allow our members the opportunity to be trained on a variety of subjects and skills that they can use on the job or in everyday life. The website is getting a new look this fall, and there is going to be an area added to it that will allow for members to “business connect.” The Literacy project will have a link on the JLSA website, and the mega awareness campaign is scheduled to begin in the spring. The future is definitely bright for the Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. this year. I am honored and privileged to serve as the 2007-2008 President of this great organization. I look forward to working alongside each and every one of you this year. Cheers! Delaina

2 Olé Marketplace Makes it Mark Downtown, October 25- 27 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center Olé Marketplace heads back downtown for three days of boutique shopping, signature special events and a new Friday evening event. Plan to partake in the magnificent raffle and silent auction as well. What a perfect opportunity to jump start your holiday shopping with a unique selection of adult and children’s clothing, home décor, gifts, food, jewelry, and more from 100 unique merchants from across the country. Mark Your Calendars! This year Olé Marketplace will be open Thursday morning early for Ready, Set, Shop and will close on Saturday evening. Events include: Ready, Set, Shop – Thursday, October 25th - 9 a.m. to noon Delight in private shopping at its best. Get the first look at Olé’s must-have items before the doors open to the general public. Tickets are $30 per person and include a continental breakfast. Salsa & Shopping – Thursday, October 25th 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Bring your best guy or girlfriends to enjoy icy cold beverages and Mexican appetizers while shopping the awesome Olé merchants. Salsa & Shopping tickets are $40 each or $70 for two. Hors d’oeuvres, beer, wine and margaritas are included. H liday Soirée: Cocktails for a Cause Friday, October 26th – 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Round up your girlfriends and come enjoy this new event designed especially for women. A signature drink, light hors d’oeuvres, hourly door prizes combined with first class shopping. This is an event NOT TO BE MISSED! Holiday Soirée tickets are $15, which includes a signature drink and light appetizers. Cash bar available.

Saturday, October 27th, plan to bring your children to hear the story of The Elf on the Shelf read by the book’s author, Chandra A. Bell. Afterward, autographed books will be signed by the author and will be available for purchase. Event is free with general admission purchase. General Shopping hours are as follows: Thursday, Oct. 25th Noon to 9 p.m. Friday, Oct. 26th 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, October 27th 10 a.m.-6 p.m. General Admission tickets are $8, in advance, or at the door. Want your chance to pick your raffle prize? This year you can! Just check the appropriate box and take a chance to win jewelry from Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry, a spring free trampoline from Rainbow Play Systems, a Golfer’s dream package, and more! Raffle tickets cost $10 each or $40 for five and will be available at both the September and October General Meetings or online at www.jlsa.org. Don’t want to mess with driving downtown? Don’t want to look for a parking place? Plan to catch the Olé Marketplace shuttle at the Tri-point parking lot off of Highway 281 at St Mary’s. The shuttle will run continuously Thursday through Saturday and deliver shoppers to and from the convention center. If the shuttle isn’t in vogue, there is plentiful parking throughout downtown at parking garages and surface lots. General Admission Tickets, Raffle, and Event Reservations General admission, raffle and special event tickets can be purchased on-line at www.jlsa.org., or by calling the Olé Marketplace hotline at (210) 979-5710. Mark your calendar and make plans to attend this great event! Olé!

Illiteracy costs our community in many ways - Here are the Facts. 1. Our economic viability as a city is dependant on our population’s literacy and potential. A city that reads, progresses. 2. If 25% of San Antonio’s population is functionally illiterate; our city is not seen nationally as a viable candidate for skilled labor & corporate expansion. 3. Illiteracy limits the economic growth potential of San Antonio and our own individual economic growth potential. 4. Illiteracy impacts our future. 5. Children who have not developed basic literacy skills by the time they enter school are 3 - 4 times more likely to drop out in later years. 6. 44 million adults in the U.S. can’t read well enough to read a simple story to a child. 7. Of those on welfare, 85% of unwed mothers and 68% of those arrested are illiterate. 8. About 3 in 5 of America’s prison inmates are illiterate. 9. Over 1 million children drop out of school each year, costing the nation over $240 billion in lost earnings, forgone tax revenues, and expenditures for social services. 10. Approximately 50% of the nation’s unemployed youth age 16-21 are functionally illiterate, with virtually no prospects of obtaining good jobs.

3 September General Membership Meeting Tuesday, September 11, 2007 7:00 p.m. Bright Shawl The Purpose and Vision for Membership Meetings The Education & Training Committee has designed this year’s meetings with the following goals in mind: • Our meetings will fulfill our mission – develop the potential of women, improve our community and promote voluntarism. • Our meetings will be an efficient use of members’ time where the members will receive relevant information. • Our meetings will be a good combination of fun, business, and training. The following norms are set for membership meetings: • Meetings will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. • All cell phones should be turned off or on silent mode. • All members are expected to stay until the end of the meeting. • All members are asked to refrain from sidebar conversations. • All members are encouraged to actively participate in the meeting. • All members are expected to be present in mind, body, and spirit. In exchange for your participation, all members will receive: • Relevant information regarding the Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. • Training Opportunities • Opportunities to socialize with of JLSA volunteers • Recognition • Opportunity to share your opinion



Sustainer Spotlight By Lori Houston, Rosine Carter, and Becky Ownby Smith The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. has developed a committee of Sustainers that will be working with Lori Houston, our Sustainer Liaison, to organize activities that will be exciting and appealing to our Sustainers. Since this is the first year for our committee, it was decided to start out with a few events and eventually grow to include more opportunities for the Sustainer group. This year’s newly developed Sustainer committee is composed of seven women. The Sustainers who are volunteering for this committee are: Joy Furman, Cary Hill, Sedley Clark, Thille Newton, Lisa Uhl, Rosine Carter, and Becky Ownby Smith. They are excited to serve as the Sustainer committee for this year and are looking forward to seeing all at the various Sustainer activities that the committee has planned for this year, some of which may require nominal feel. The activities planned include: Central Library Tour with cocktails, Barge ride with narrarated history of the city, Luncheon at Neiman Marcus, and an End of the year Happy Hour. Also, don’t forget the Sustainer Brunch, which is scheduled for September 27th at 11:30 a.m. and the Volunteer Extraordinaire Luncheon which is scheduled for the month of March. You will be advised about the planned events through the newsletter, by E-blasts, and by sending out “signature postcards” that will be specifically for Sustainer events. Thank you to the Sustainers who have accepted leadership positions for the 2007–2008 Junior League year. The League is blessed to have their wisdom and talents serving as Sustainer advisors to Active League Councils and committees. They also send out a warm welcome to new Transfers and Sustainers and join in the “fun” for this year. The committee is very excited about the Junior League’s Signature Project this year, which is Literacy. The Sustainer’s will be actively involved in working with the Active League members to help out with this much needed cause. We look forward to seeing you throughout the year. Please let us know how we can best help you. Sustainer Liaison: Lori Houston: (210) 207-2129; lori.houston@sanantonio.gov Sustainer Committee Co-chairs: Rosine Carter: (830) 875-9332; rosinecarter@yahoo.com Becky Ownby Smith: (210) 829-0139; rsmith1@neisd.net; js3377@aol.com.

4 Sunshine Cottage Scholarships

2007-2008 JLSA Board of Directors

True to our mission, the Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. has provided scholarships to promising young students. Through June 2007, a total of $80,585 has been awarded in scholarships to Sunshine Cottage students. Below are two letters written the the members of the Junior League of San Antonio, Inc.

Delaina Harrison President

Dear Junior League: On behalf of Cora, the members of the BishopPetty family would like to express our renewed thans for the scholarship that you awarded Cora. Your generosity has greatlyl aided us in furthering Cora;s education at the Sunshine Cottage School for Deaf Children. Cora not onlly continues to improve academically, but has also blossomed this year as a leader among her classmates. We attribute this to the warm, caring, and nurturing environment that is the very essence of Sunshine Cottage. We cannot thank you enough for this exceptional education made possible through your thoughtful and generous scholarship. Sincerely, The BishopPetty Family Thank you for the scholarship. And I am having fun in 3rd grade. Just to say this again Thank you!! And I learned lots of new stuff like in math. I learned how to work backwards. From, Cora Ann Bishoppetty

Laura Talley President-elect Lauri Crockett Treasurer Laurie Kaplan Membership Development Council Chair Lisa Keller Board Secretary Cathy Scanlon Community Council Chair Gretchen Garceau-Kragh Fund Development Council Chair Laura Moreno Marketing Council Chair Debbie Serot Placement Committee Chair Anna Melissa Cavazos Board Member-At-Large Laura Peel Assistant to the President Tammy Dullnig Bylaws/Parliamentarian Gina Porter Research & Development Committee Chair

The Membership Directory is presented exclusively for member’s personal use. Please do not permit its use outside of the League. This notice includes both the printed directory and the online directory.

Jennifer Broome Strategic Planning Committee Chair Carri Baker Wells Sustaining Advisor to Board

5 Meet the Mary Harriman Community Leadership Award Recipient The 2007 Recipient of the AJLI Mary Harriman Community Leadership Award will be the guest speaker at the September General Meeting. Jan Langbein, a Sustainer from the Junior League of Dallas (JLD) will help JLSA kick off the year of “Making Our Mark” on the San Antonio Community. The AJLI Mary Harriman Community Leadership Award is the highest honor given to a member. It celebrates a woman of outstanding leadership in the Junior League who has used her talents and resources to improve the social and economic conditions of others and who exemplifies the Junior League mission and vision. One woman is honored with this award each year for the entire Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. Through her Junior League placement at Genesis Women’s Shelter, she became involved in the operations, services, and outreach program. She is now their Executive Director and attributes her skills to the valuable training skills she gained as a Junior League member. Public speaking, staff training and management and nonprofit budgeting and planning have all become essential in her job. Langbein served on a number of committees within the JLD including Sustaining Advisor to New Member Committee and the Branding Campaign.

Deck The Walls Linda Bateman, TWS PS, a Texas native, has lived and painted throughout Texas, Louisiana, Illinois, Maryland, and the Western States. Her landscapes and renderings of flowers display the influences of these diverse areas. Recently, she has expanded her interest to working in Plein Air. Linda’s higher education was achieved at Texas A&M University and at Prince George College in Maryland. She studied under Skip Lawrence while residing in the Annapolis, Maryland area. Workshops with Ken Hosmer, Don Andrews and others throughout the United States have also been influential. She displayed a talent in sketching at an early age and this manifests itself in her current portfolio. Linda’s ability for capturing lights and shadows earned her awards in photography and in design during her college education. Her early works in oils and charcoal evolved into her present medium of watercolor. Linda, who resides on the Guadalupe River in the beautiful Hill Country of Texas, is a Purple Sage Brush Signature Member of the Texas Watercolor Society, a member of the San Antonio Watercolor Group, the New Braunfels Art League, the Hill Country Art Foundation, the San Antonio Art League and Museum, Southwest Watercolor Society and the Coppini Academy of Fine Arts. LINDA BATEMAN, TWS Purple Sage Brush 125 Towering Vista Boerne, Texas 78006 Studio: 830-229-5643

“Make Your Mark” at the Metropolitan Opera Auditions By Jen Rubiola, Metropolitan Opera Publicity Chair The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. (JLSA) and the Metropolitan Opera National Council will sponsor the 49th Annual Southwest District and Regional Auditions and Finals on September 22 and 23, 2007. In 48 years, the San Antonio auditions have produced more than 30 national finalists. Many of whom have joined the permanent roster of singers at the “Met.” The JLSA has the distinction of being the only League in the country to stage one of the fifteen nationwide auditions, and this would not be possible without the help of non-placed volunteers who generously donate time and refreshments during the event. These gracious volunteers do everything from lending an ear to nervous auditioners to ensuring singers are on stage when required to making sure food and drinks are available to all. Anyone interested in volunteering is invited to an informative reception at Trilogy Pizza & Wine Bistro, located at 19141 Stone Oak Parkway, on September 10, 2007, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The Auditions and Finals will be held at Saint Mary’s Hall, and there are volunteer shifts to accommodate any schedule. Volunteers can sign up online at the September general meeting.or by contacting Roxanne Gladders at xanne@satx.rr.com. JLSA members and guests are also invited to attend the Finals Concert on Sunday, September 23, 2007 at 2:00 p.m.

6 BOARD NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN FOR 2008-2009! Have you ever wanted to be in a leadership position within the JLSA, Inc. but didn’t want to “toot your own horn”? Did you know that most leaders in the JLSA self-submitted for their current positions? Now is the time to set aside any modesty, and toot away! The Nominating Committee is taking submissions for all open Board of Directors positions as well as potential Nominating Committee members for next year. Do you have questions about our process, about the positions available? Feel free to talk to anyone on this year’s committee as we welcome questions and feedback. Our members include: Shannon Burns Shandelle Girdley Allison Hayne Amber Japhet Beth Reinhardt Debbie Struss Tiffany Mills (Immediate Past President) KaRynn Kolm O’Connell (Sustaining Advisor) If you, or someone you know within the JLSA, Inc. has the skills and drive to be a leader, please go to the “Members Only” section of the www.jlsa.org , “Forms”, “Applications”, “Nominating Application 2007-2008” to fill out the submission form. If you have any questions, please contact Suzie Bacon, Nominating Committee Chairman at 834-6334 or sdbacon@ gmail.com.

Our Mission The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively education and charitable.

Corresponding Secretary Report - May and June 2007 Resign in Good Standing Dana Hamilton (A) Mary Jane Hart (A) Kate Busher (SNR) Kathryn Nicolson (S) Barbara Stieren (S) Transfer In Lori Farley (A) From: Wichita KS Melissa Richard (S) From: El Paso TX Tobey Jo Cleek (S) From: Richardson TX Melissa Branch (S) From: Houston TX Jennifer Hillman (A) From: McAllen TX Transfer Out Sandra Boole (A) To: Emerald Coast FL Amanda Palmer (Prospective) To: Houston TX Tracy Barber (A) To: Ft. Lauderdale FL Jill Olickian (A) Orange County, CA Brooke Williams (A) To: Houston TX Mollie Cullinane (Active) To: Austin TX Katherine Johnson (Prospective) To: Nashville TN Ainsley McKinney (Active) To: New York NY Ginger Rangel (Active) To: Austin TX

7 Your Member-At-Large Working For You By Anna-Melissa Cavazos, Board Member-At-Large Have you ever asked yourself, “What can my JLSA Board Member-At-Large do for me?” I am proud to serve you this year as your voice to the Board of Directors. My job is to listen to your questions and comments and get answers for you if necessary, to ensure you have a rewarding and fulfilling membership experience. It does not matter how long you have been a member of the Junior League, we all have questions from time to time on League issues, or if you have questions as to why the League does what it does in different areas. Send me an email to girltalk@jlsa.org. I’d love to hear from you. You can visit the Member-At-Large section on www.jlsa.org for the question of the month; I would love to hear your feedback! September Question of the Month: What questions and or thoughts do you have about JLSA’s literacy Signature Project? Specifically, what do you wish you knew about the project, what would you like to see us doing, how do you see yourself getting involved and embracing this in our community? JLSA Book Club: I invite you to join me as we kick off a league book club in celebration of our commitment to wiping out illiteracy. Our book pick for this fall is a sweet, fun, and easy read by Sarah Gruen, Water For Elephants. No pressure! Just a fun opportunity to get together with fellow League members and embrace our commitment to literacy! More details to follow but start reading!

Reading For Success This year we kicked off our new placement…Reading Camp. Our volunteers worked with approx 30 children from Hawthorn Elementary School . The children are incoming 3rd graders who will have to take the State mandated TAKS test this coming school year 2007/08. The children read about animals from every continent, enhanced their vocabulary, and leaned about habitats, and had a lot of fun! Each child was able to pick out and take a book home with them at the end of Camp for additional reading during the summer. As Dr Seuss said it best “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go. --Dr. Seuss Here are some quotes from some of the kids who attended the reading camp: Omar “Projects and experiments were fun” Christa “The games we played” “Writers’s workshop was my favorite”

8 Carolyn Kelley Managing Director, Junior League of San Antonio Carolyn Kelley is known for increasing existing and creating new revenue streams, raising organization visibility locally and nationally, and building strong alliances with individuals and organizations from communities, businesses and public and government organizations. Ms. Kelley is an excellent change manager known for rising to and meeting tough challenges. As Director of Government and Public Affairs for the American Payroll Association, (APA) a $20 million, 22,000–plus member, national nonprofit organization with over 120 local chapters, Ms. Kelley received the American Society of Association Executive’s Award of Excellence in Public Relations for “National Payroll Week,” a multi-media campaign reaching over 20 million. Headquartered in San Antonio, APA has just been listed as the one of the San Antonio Business Journals ‘Best Places to Work.’ Carolyn was also honored by Presidents George H. Bush and William Jefferson Clinton for contributions to simplifying the U.S. tax administration system across more than 4,000 federal, state and local jurisdictions by invitations to the White House’s Rose Garden and the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Cash Room, respectively. Carolyn has testified before the United States Senate and House of Representatives on such major federal legislation as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), provisions of numerous tax and appropriation bills and President Clinton’s health care proposals. After 14 “great years” with the APA, Ms. Kelley accepted the position of Executive Director of the National Technical Services Association, (NTSA), a national non-profit 501 (c) (6) membership association. Most recently, Carolyn was District Manager, Donor Relations for the Alamo Community College District Foundation in San Antonio, TX. The ACCD Foundation holds over $6 million in endowments and serves five colleges with a student population of over 75,000. Carolyn has been published, quoted and covered by various news organizations, including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, CEO Magazine, C-SPAN, and various trade publications, including The Journal of Taxation and the Executive Management Forum, published by the American Society of Association Executives. Ms. Kelley is a founding member of Women for Economic Leadership Development in Columbus, OH, a member of the Board of Directors of the San Antonio Chamber Choir, citizen leader of the Tobin Hill Neighborhood Planning Team, a member of the San Antonio Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals and the San Antonio Chapter of the American Society of Association Executives. When not working, Carolyn can be found working in her garden, and/or on her 1920s cottage in Tobin Hill, reading, cooking for friends, listening to music or attending performances, or traveling. Carolyn received her Bachelor’s of Arts in Journalism for New York University. She can be reached at the Junior League of San Antonio at (210) 225-1861 x 302 or Carolyn@jlsa.org. Please welcome Carolyn to our great organization! We are thrilled that she is finally on board!

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