Meet the Community Advisory Board
Celebrate our success stories
What to read to your ghosts, goblins
Calendar of Events
Give Literacy a boost at Olé
Provisional news
OCT 2007
SA Works, and JLSA helps 5 Promoting voluntarism 2
S C R A W L S The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc.
President’s Message FUNDRAISING: It’s Everyone’s Responsibility
League and for San Antonio.
During one of the recent AJLI conferences and trainings, I sat in a session where the speaker began with a question: “Who in your league is responsible for fundraising?” This session was filled with league Presidents and PresidentsElect, and discussion began at each table about who in each league was responsible for fundraising. The speaker gave the room an opportunity to share and discuss for a few moments before she requested our attention. Once the room was quiet, her comment was, “Everyone who believes in the organization is responsible for fundraising.” You know, she is right. Each of us has a responsibility to the longevity and productivity of this organization, to participate in the fundraising efforts of the Junior League of San Antonio, Inc.
By fulfilling our mission through fundraising, we, as volunteers can mentor pregnant teens, comfort ailing children, and read books with children that may never have been read to. We can also provide auditions that enable talented musicians a chance to further their dreams. When all of us raise funds, the League has a chance to affect the illiterate population of San Antonio and ultimately make the city a better place.
For the Junior League of San Antonio, Inc., our fundraising season is upon us. October is the month that really kicks off our opportunities to raise funds. As individuals within this league, we have many opportunities to participate in the events and programs our league has chosen to host as the means of raising money to support our mission. Our mission is the common thread in all of these events…we should believe in the mission that sustains us…to promote voluntarism, to develop women’s potential, and to improve the community in which we live through trained volunteer efforts. Those two sentences are extremely powerful! If we believe what our mission says, we CAN all fundraise. It has to be the responsibility of every one of us. If we truly believe in our mission, it doesn’t matter what the event is: we would all support the event because it makes the mission possible for the Junior
There are many ways that we can all help to raise funds for JLSA. On October 20-21, you can bring every little girl you know to see the American Girl Fashion Show. This year’s eventwill be at The Bright Shawl. The Stein Mart Style Exchange is October 12-14, and is an opportunity for anyone, League member or not, to bring four gently worn items of clothing to Stein Mart and receive a discount coupon for regularly priced merchandise, courtesy of Stein Mart. The Rummage Sale will receive all of the donated items. Finally, the month closes out with Olé Marketplace on October 25-27…the League’s boutique shopping event. The event is filled with great vendors from across the country and there are great special events to invite friends, family and acquaintances to attend. I look forward to seeing each and every one of you out furthering the mission of the Junior League during at least one (and hopefully all) of these great events! “Making Our Mark” in San Antonio! Delaina
OCT 2007
The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. Board of Directors
Promoting voluntarism
Delaina Harrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Laura Talley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President-Elect Lauri Birkelo Crockett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer Laurie Kaplan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership Development Council Lisa Keller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Board Secretary Cathy Scanlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Community Council Gretchen Garceau Kragh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fund Development Laura Moreno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marketing Council Verr Soltes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer-Elect Debbie Serot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Placement Committee Anna-Melissa Cavazos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Board Member-At-Large Laura Peel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant to the President Tammy Dullnig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bylaws/Parliamentarian Gina Porter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Research & Development Jennifer Broome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strategic Planning
How to volunteer: Suit Your Interests If you’re looking for a volunteer program that’s tailored to your habits, hobbies, or personal convictions, check out these options for homebodies, families, the politically minded and more. If You Want To…Use your professional skills... Look for: Non-profit organizations that need your specific talent, whether that’s writing grant proposals or administering first aid; or Professional associations that arrange volunteer events for members If You Want To…Volunteer with your family...Look for: Church projects or fundraisers that involve the entire parish/congregation; Non-profit organizations with age requirements that don’t exclude your children. If You Want To…Help During a Crisis...Look for: Emergency relief organizations that are close to home, so you can react quickly. If You Want To…Work for a Political Campaign...Look for: Local candidates trying to get out the vote in a year without a presidential election . National campaigns that need grassroots support. If You Want To…Work in Your Own Home...Look for: School fundraising efforts that can be managed over the phone or online. Source: REAL SIMPLE. May 2006
American Girl Show The American Girl Show will take place on Saturday October 20th and Sunday October 21st at The Bright Shawl. Show Times: Saturday 10:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00 Sunday 12:00-2:00 and 3:00-5:00 American Girl Committee Jennifer Adams, Jaime Cate, and Emily Seale October 9 12-14 20-21 23 25-27
General Meeting 12 noon & 7 pm Steinmart Style Exchange American Girl Parties Board of Directors’ Meeting 7 pm Olé Marketplace
1 12-16 22-23 27
Prospective Member Meeting 6:30 pm Meetings at Community Partners Office Closed (Thanksgiving) Board of Directors’ Meeting 7 pm
OCT 2007
Shop, promote literacy at Olé Marketplace Olé Marketplace heads back downtown to the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center for three days of boutique shopping, signature special events and a new Friday evening event. This year will welcome world renowned author, Heloise, and Carol Aebersold, author of The Elf on the Shelf. Make plans to attend these books signings on Saturday. This is a perfect opportunity to get a start on holiday shopping with a unique selection of adult and children’s clothing, home décor, gifts, food and jewelry from more than 100 unique merchants from across the country. Visit for a complete merchant listing! Shopping begins on Thursday, October 25th! General Admission tickets cost $8 in advance.Hours are as follows: Thursday, October 25th Noon to 9 p.m. Friday, October 26th 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, October 27th 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Special Events Ready, Set, Shop – Thursday, October 25, 9 a.m. to noon Delight in private shopping at its best. Get the first look at Olé’s must-have items before the doors open to the general public. Tickets cost $30 per person and include continental breakfast. ($15 is tax deductible) Salsa and Shopping – Thursday, October 25, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Bring guys or girlfriends to enjoy icy cold beverages and Mexican appetizers while shopping the awesome Olé Merchants. Salsa and Shopping tickets cost $40 each or $70 for two. Hors d’oeuvres, beer, wine and margaritas are included in the ticket price. ($17.50 is tax deductible) Holiday Soiree, Cocktails for a Cause – Friday, October 26, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Round up the girlfriends and come enjoy this new event designed especially for women. A signature drink, light hor d’oeuvres, hourly door prizes combine with first class shopping to make this a don’t miss event. Holiday Soiree tickets cost $15 and include a signature drink and light appetizers. Cash Bar also available. ($7.50 is tax deductible) Saturday Special Events JLSA has invited The Elf on the Shelf co-author Carol Aebersold to read her book at 10:30 a.m. to children of all ages. Afterwards, she will sign copies of the book to take
home. Visit for more information. Please join the League in welcoming Heloise, the premier lifestyle management expert, to Olé Marketplace at 2 p.m. She will bring her great advice, wit and Texas charm for a short Q & A as well as a book signing. Books that will be featured for purchase and signing are: Heloise from A to Z, In the Kitchen with Heloise and Get Organized with Heloise. All proceeds will benefit JLSA’s Signature Project of Literacy
Raffle Diamond Girl - Adorn yourself in David Yurman’s diamond and sterling Confetti Ice Collection that includes a bracelet, necklace and earrings. FORE! - Get a foursome together and tee it up at Sonterra Country Club, Hyatt Hill Country Resort Golf Club, Maverick Golf Club and Dominion Country Club. Wine Me, Dine Me- Delight in a private wine and food tasting for 10 at Copa Wine Bar. Jump, Jump! - A 12’ round Spring –free trampoline designed with safety in mind can be yours from Rainbow Play Systems. American Girl - Win one of six fabulous American Girl doll packages for your American Girl. Donations: $10 per ticket or five for $40 Drawing takes place at 4 p.m. on Saturday, October 25, and you need not be present to win. Any taxes, if applicable, are the responsibility of the winners. Shuttle and Parking Information Plan to use the new Olé Park and Ride! Park at Tripoint3233 N. St. Mary’s Street. Exit at the N. St. Mary’s/Mulberry Exit. The Tripoint lot is located on the west side of Highway 281. Parking is free and the shuttle costs just $5. We recommend parking in the following downtown locations, each within two blocks of the Convention Center: Marina Garage- Commerce @Bowie @ Market ($8 daily) Riverbend Garage- Commerce @ Presa @ Market ($8 daily) Rivercenter Garage- E. Commerce St. (hourly rates) Tower of the Americas - Bowie South of Market ($6 daily) Ticket Purchasing Buy your general admission, raffle and special event tickets early and on-line at, or by calling the Olé Marketplace hotline at #210-979-5710. Mark your calendar and make plans to attend this great event! Olé!
4 Provisional News! By Cynthia Kerby, Provisional Chair Promoting Voluntarism…was the focus for the Provisional Class Meeting that was held on August 14th at The Bright Shawl. The meeting was one of three large Provisional Class meetings that will be offered this year for the new Provisional course curriculum. The large Provisional Class meetings will be offered to support the mission by providing valuable training for our new incoming members. The agenda covered the 2007-2008 Provisional year overview, AJLI, JLSA Council System, and the JLSA Signature Project. Research and Development also provided a survey to identify interests and scheduling concerns for next year’s community placement planning. The Provisional Committee would like to recognize and thank the following presenters: Laurie Kaplan (MDC Chair), Laura Talley (PresidentElect), Allison Singleton (Signature Project Chair), and Gina Porter (R&D Chair). The Committee would also like to thank Kristal Statler (E&T Media Co-Chair) for helping run the power point presentation and video. The next Provisional Class Meeting will be held on November 13th at The Bright Shawl. The focus will be – Developing the Potential of Women. Topics on the agenda will include: Placement 101, Appointed Jobs, Nominating Procedures & much more. The fundraiser training began in August with a Rummage Orientation at the warehouse and an Olé Marketplace Provisional Party in September. The Provisionals learned about the history of both JLSA’s fundraisers and how the proceeds make such a difference in the community. The Provisional Class Project is scheduled for October 13 at Girls, Inc. The project will concentrate on assisting with various projects within the facility as well as an emphasis on helping them create a wonderful library on location. This project will tie directly into the JLSA’s signature project – Literacy! The project is going to have great results for Girl’s Inc. as well as touch the lives of every Provisional who is there to make a difference!
OCT 2007 The
Junior League of San Antonio, TX
Stein Mart invite you to take part in
Style Exchange the
October 12 - 14 Bring your clean, gently-used clothing to Stein Mart at Fiesta Trails,12651 Vance Jackson, Crossroads Mall, 4522 Fredericksburg Rd. Lincoln Heights Shopping Center 999 E. Basse Road, Northwoods Shopping Center 18134 U.S. Highway 281 N.
In exchange for each garment donated, you will receive a coupon (maximum 4, while supplies last) worth 20% off any one item at Stein Mart. (You will also receive a tax receipt for your donations)
All donations will be for the San Antionio Junior League Rummage Warehouse Sale.
OCT 2007
SA Works
What a difference a day makes This past spring, SA Works started with a bang as Actives and the new Provisional Class began working sideby-side completing “Done In A Day” projects all around the City of San Antonio. This combined effort of more than 170 women has already touched the lives of over 5,000 people in our community and we have only just begun! “Done In A Day” projects are typically completed within one day by a team of volunteers working to make an immediate impact in the community. Volunteers have participated in projects such as: landscaping/beautification, interacting with children, delivering food to families in need and set up and preparation for other non-profit agency fundraising events. With a strong presence in San Antonio, JLSA has many agencies that have requested “Done In A Day” projects over the years and a few new ones. Projects are selected based on agency need, and volunteer and schedule availability. Longtime JLSA partners like Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Big Brothers Big Sisters, SAMM Ministries and Ronald McDonald House make up the majority of the projects while we welcome those fairly new such as: Communities in Schools, San Antonio Kids Exchange and Cibolo Nature Center.
This has been the first year to combine SA Works Active members and the new Provisional class completing their community hour requirements, into one SA Works placement. The change has been exciting and such a wonderful addition as our volunteer base grows allowing JLSA to make an even bigger impact on the community. SA Works Active member Kelli Cubeta says, “It is such an honor to work alongside the new provisional class and get to know them. Their enthusiasm is contagious!” JLSA, Inc. has always offered a great opportunity to bring together women that are passionate about making a difference in San Antonio with the projects to do so. The SA Works placement is that opportunity that brings these two critical pieces together for the good of the community. With over seventy “Done In A Day” projects scheduled before January, volunteers have the opportunity to work with a different group of women at every project. As stated by Provisional Libby McKelvain,
“I have thoroughly enjoyed my first year in JLSA and feel that I have truly made an impact with the agencies I have worked with. What a great way to meet so many wonderful women that share the same heart for our community and want to make a difference.” SA Works continues to be an important part of JLSA directly supporting the mission of “improving the community through effective action and leadership.” By May 2008, this fantastic group of women will have completed over 5,000 hours in “Done In A Day” projects giving back to the City of San Antonio. We look forward to continuing to assist our partner agencies as we all strive to better the city that we live in!
6 Advisory Board key to League’s strategic planning
OCT 2007 Celebrating our successes
Advisory Board members at Bright Shawl
What is The Junior League of San Antonio Community Advisory Board? The Community Advisory Board members’ primary purpose is to provide the Junior League organization with input, suggestions, and advice based on their various areas of expertise. These community leaders are invited to serve on the CAB by the JLSA Executive Committee. The Community leaders assist the JLSA Board of Directors with strategic planning, business issues, management strategies, and much more. The Community Advisory Board is comprised of community leaders, the JLSA Executive Committee, the JLSA Immediate Past President and the JLSA Managing Director. The Board meets twice a year (fall and spring). The fall meeting includes overviews of: the impact the league makes in the community, how funds are raised to make that impact, and the strategic plans of the League. The spring meeting focuses on planning for the upcoming Junior League year. The JLSA CAB provides invaluable counsel to the League. The 2007-2008 JLSA, Inc. Community Advisory Board members are: Mr. Selim Bingol - Chairman, Communications Consulting Worldwide Ms.Jelynne Burley - Deputy City Manager, City of San Antonio Mr. Darryl Byrd - Development Director, Silver Ventures, Inc. Mr. Chad Clark - General Manager, Lee Michaels Mrs. Kye Kilpatrick Fox - President, Urban Advisory Services Ms. Zina Guerra - First Vice President of Retail Banking, IBC Bank Mr. Frank Guerra - CEO, Guerra DeBerry Coody Marketing and Communications Mr. Joe Izbrand - Senior Vice President Fleishman-Hillard Inc. Ms. Kaye Lenox - CEO, San Antonio Public Library Foundation Ms. Vicky Lockwood - Padgett, Stratemann & Co., L.L.P Mrs. Beverly Purcell-Guerra - Editor, San Antonio Woman Magazine Mr. Frank Ruttenberg - Partner, Bracewell & Giuliani, L.L.P. Ms. Joanne Winik - Executive Director, KLRN Councilman Kevin Wolff - District 8 City Councilman Mrs. Delaina Harrison - JLSA, Inc. President Mrs. Laura Talley - JLSA, Inc. President-Elect Mrs. Tiffany Mills - JLSA, Inc. Immediate Past President Mrs. Lisa Vaello Keller - JLSA, Inc. Board Secretary Ms. Catherine Scanlon - JLSA, Inc. Community Council Chair Mrs. Laurie Kaplan - JLSA, Inc. Membership Development Council Chair Mrs. Lauri Birkelo-Crockett - JLSA, Inc. Treasurer Ms. Carolyn Kelley - JLSA, Inc., Managing Director
Congratulations to Cynthia MartinHajmasy who authored and received, for the Junior League, the Target Community Grant. Cynthia’s placement last year was corporate development and she wrote the grant on behalf of The Literacy Signature Project and Reading Camp. Thank you Cynthia! A Round of Applause to our active members who went above and beyond in their placement recently. The women who received applause awards at the September General Meeting are: Maddie Highsmith, signature project researcher, transferred to our league this past year and has jumped right in on the signature project committee. Maddie is passionate about literacy in San Antonio! In addition to researching for the project, she is a talented web designer and has helped the league with the literacy website, JLSA logos, and numerous other projects. Syndi Phillips, Ole Marketplace Secretary, gets the “whatever it takes” award this month. She is always willing to lend a hand or figure out how she can use her expertise. This year she has advised on many projects, including PowerPoint presentations and invitation design. Laura Moreno, Marketing Council Chair, had no idea when she said yes to nominating a few years ago for an elect or step up job, what she was getting herself into. She has done, helped with, or tracked down, just about every job on her council this past month. Cynthia Kerby, Provisional Chair, signed up to chair the provisional program before she knew we were changing the entire program, or that there 140+ provisionals! Cynthia has been willing to work through new ideas and suggestions, and is doing a great job leading this new program. Congrats to all of you!!
OCT 2007 The League Literary Corner
Read to your little ghosts and goblins
As the autumn leaves begin to fall, and we prepare all our little ghosts and goblins to go trick-or-treating, remember to spend a little extra time reading together. If you are looking for a new favorite to add to your Halloween repertoire, try one of these: Newborn – preschool Where Is Baby’s Pumpkin?: A Lift the Flap Book by Karen Katz Furry Fall Friends by Hall Associates Ages 3-6 The Great Halloween Costume Contest by Lauren Turnowski Now It’s Fall by Lois Lenski, Ages 5-8 The Big Pumpkin by Erica Silverman Five Little Pumpkins by Iris Van Rynbach Room on a Broom by Julia Donaldson Ages 9-12 The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury, Joseph Mugnaini The Best Halloween Ever by Barbara Robinson Halloween Howls: Spooky Sounds, Stories & Songs by Sourcebooks, Inc Adult Selections True Ghost Stories by Hans Holzer Our Haunted Lives: True Life Ghost Encounters by Jeff Belanger Weird Hauntings by Joanne Austin, Mark Moran, Mark Scuerman, Ryan Doan Family Fun Selections Cooking Around the Calendar With Kids: Holiday and Seasonal Food and Fun by Amy Houts Easy Halloween Costumes for Children by Leila Albala These are great books that you can share with others within the community, start your own reading corner at your church, a local hospital, playgrounds, etc, Be creative and share your success and ideas with us.
Dear Girl Talk
ByAnna-Melissa Cavazos, Board Member at Large Dear, I am looking at my calendar and I don’t know how I will get in 5 General Meetings this year due to work, travel and family. What can I do? Dear Meeting Challenged, Your question is a good one and easy to solve. We know that in addition to being a member of JLSA, Inc. many of us do a number of things outside the League. We want your experience to be a good one and have many offerings throughout the year for meeting credit. For example, you can attend a Board Meeting for a meeting credit: Check the JLSA website for dates and sign-ups. The October and February General Meetings are offered at noon and at 7 pm to provide flexibility. Also, look for an e-blast regarding November General Meetings that will occur at various locations around the city on different days of the week and at different times. These meetings will give you the chance to learn about community agencies and partners as well as various events throughout the city. Also, in April, Sustaining members will hosts neighborhood meetings. These meetings, like the November ones, will occur at different times and on different days of the week. If you have a JLSA question, please send it to No question is too big or small. If I don’t know the answer I will find out. Your question just might be printed next time!
Little Leaguers Mollie Claire Keller June 7, 2007 6 lbs, 15 ozs • 20 1/2 inches Proud Parents: Lisa & Brian Tyler James Lindemann June 11, 2007 9 lbs, 14.3 ozs • 21 inches Proud Parents & Siblings: Trina, Brad, Jenna & Lauren (Trina is on sabatical this year) Elissa Ann Foerster July 10, 2007 8 lbs, 10 ozs • 21 1/2 inches Proud Parents & Sibling: Stacy, Jeff & Emma
Madeleine Leah Wallis July 6, 2007 6 lbs, 8 ozs • 19 1/2 inches Proud Parents: Shalimar & Michael Devon Christopher Loehr May 25, 2007 8 lbs, 14 oz • 22 inches Proud Parents and Sibling: Nikki, Christopher & Grace Luke Lamoureux September 13, 2007 6 lbs, 6 oz • 19 1/2 inches Proud Parents: Liz & Scott
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