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OCT 2007
SA Works, and JLSA helps 5 Promoting voluntarism 2
S C R A W L S The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc.
President’s Message FUNDRAISING: It’s Everyone’s Responsibility
League and for San Antonio.
During one of the recent AJLI conferences and trainings, I sat in a session where the speaker began with a question: “Who in your league is responsible for fundraising?” This session was filled with league Presidents and PresidentsElect, and discussion began at each table about who in each league was responsible for fundraising. The speaker gave the room an opportunity to share and discuss for a few moments before she requested our attention. Once the room was quiet, her comment was, “Everyone who believes in the organization is responsible for fundraising.” You know, she is right. Each of us has a responsibility to the longevity and productivity of this organization, to participate in the fundraising efforts of the Junior League of San Antonio, Inc.
By fulfilling our mission through fundraising, we, as volunteers can mentor pregnant teens, comfort ailing children, and read books with children that may never have been read to. We can also provide auditions that enable talented musicians a chance to further their dreams. When all of us raise funds, the League has a chance to affect the illiterate population of San Antonio and ultimately make the city a better place.
For the Junior League of San Antonio, Inc., our fundraising season is upon us. October is the month that really kicks off our opportunities to raise funds. As individuals within this league, we have many opportunities to participate in the events and programs our league has chosen to host as the means of raising money to support our mission. Our mission is the common thread in all of these events…we should believe in the mission that sustains us…to promote voluntarism, to develop women’s potential, and to improve the community in which we live through trained volunteer efforts. Those two sentences are extremely powerful! If we believe what our mission says, we CAN all fundraise. It has to be the responsibility of every one of us. If we truly believe in our mission, it doesn’t matter what the event is: we would all support the event because it makes the mission possible for the Junior
There are many ways that we can all help to raise funds for JLSA. On October 20-21, you can bring every little girl you know to see the American Girl Fashion Show. This year’s eventwill be at The Bright Shawl. The Stein Mart Style Exchange is October 12-14, and is an opportunity for anyone, League member or not, to bring four gently worn items of clothing to Stein Mart and receive a discount coupon for regularly priced merchandise, courtesy of Stein Mart. The Rummage Sale will receive all of the donated items. Finally, the month closes out with Olé Marketplace on October 25-27…the League’s boutique shopping event. The event is filled with great vendors from across the country and there are great special events to invite friends, family and acquaintances to attend. I look forward to seeing each and every one of you out furthering the mission of the Junior League during at least one (and hopefully all) of these great events! “Making Our Mark” in San Antonio! Delaina