2007 11 nov scrawls

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10 Volunteer Extraordinare sought

Sustainers invited for river cruise 6

News of Transfers, New Actives 8

Signature Project fights illiteracy 7

S C R A W L S The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc.

President’s Message Commitment… “Commitment is what transforms a promise into a reality. It is the words that speak boldly of your intentions. And the actions, which speak louder than words. It is making the time when there is none.

November’s Community Meetings

Metropolitan Opera Auditions

Olé Marketplace draws a crowd




NOV 2007

Bountiful crop in 2002 2

Coming through time after time after time, year after year after year. Commitment is the stuff character is made of; the power to change the face of things. It is the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism.” ~Author Unknown

10 Reasons to Commit to The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. • You believe in the mission of the organization: to promote voluntarism, to develop women’s potential, and to improve the community through the action and leadership of trained volunteers; • The league has 84 years of history in San Antonio, and 106 years nationwide and in four countries; • 44,000 people were served last year by Junior League volunteers; • Great friendships are made while working alongside other league volunteers; • The league multiplies its impact in the community by partnering its financial resources with volunteer hours; • Priceless volunteer experiences: the volunteer that provides a hug and a hot meal to a senior who may have no other visitors that week. • A volunteer who witnesses the smile on the face of a girl and her mother who have improved their relationship and learned how to talk to each other about tough issues through JLSA’s GIRLS, INC. mentoring program at the Children’s

Shelter; • The first look of hope from a homeless, unwed mother at Seton Home as she and a league volunteer share a hug and a conversation about the future; • A legacy of playgrounds, walking paths, playrooms, gardens, hospital rooms, school programs, arts programs, and Met Opera partnership visible throughout the city; • The opportunity to erase illiteracy in San Antonio in the next 5-10 years. We all have our story about commitment…We all have a different reason we are committed to this great organization. Your reason may be similar to one of the ones listed above, it may also be a completely different reason that you volunteer. Whatever your reason may be for your commitment to the Junior League, take it to heart…Be the very best you can be, for as long as you can be……together we can change the world… Delaina

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