2007 12 dec scrawls

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Olé among League’s success stories 7

Save the Date for Rummage Get ready for Placement!

Calendar of Events




Literacy, reading in focus this month Building Better Communities 3

DEC 2007

Annual Fund to Kick Off


Focus on Transfers

The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc.

President’s Message “It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson ’Tis the Season of Giving….. If you polled a room full of people and asked them to describe the best gift they had ever received, the answers would probably vary tremendously…children, husbands, pets, friendships, family, and support in time of need. Some of the most memorable might include:




• “A surprise birthday party from your husband.” • “A child’s artistic masterpiece given with love.” • “A phone call from a friend on a day when it is much needed.” • “A family heirloom passed down from generation to generation for its sentimental value not its monetary one.” Among all of the responses I heard, the gifts that meant the most were those given from the heart. While the gifts clearly touched the receiver, they were probably memorable for the giver as well. These gifts were special because of the relationships they represented: the giver, the recipient, and the gift itself.

with fellow League members, donors and sponsors, agency partners, and most importantly, those people we work with through our placements. It is through these relationships that we, as a League and as individuals, get to use our gifts to benefit the community. The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. is incredibly thankful as we close out 2007, for all of those relationships that enable our organization to give hope, compassion, opportunities, and solutions to tens of thousands of people in our community. During this holiday season, remember that gifts are important no matter their shape or size. Gifts sometimes define relationships, and relationships are sometimes defined by gifts. Either way, there is tremendous value in the act of giving. Share your gifts: money, love, time, and talents. If you do, I guarantee the gift you will receive will be better than the one you give. Happy Holidays!

Relationships are important. They define who we are, what we do, and how we do it. In the Junior League, we are all about relationships: those

2 Every litttle bit helps as Annual Fund begins Many of us have a Starbucks favorite. My favorite is a “tall skinny Misto with sugar-free hazelnut” ($2.37). My friends, and even my children, have their favorites: Grande skim latte ($3.65) Venti white chocolate mocha ($4.15) Grande half-calf caramel Macchiato ($3.85) Venti chai latte ($3.75) Organic Chocolate Milk ($1.85) If you’re not a Starbucks regular, you probably have other indulgences that help keep you sane, awake, and provide relief from your busy day. Do you enjoy the following? Diet Coke – 12 pack ($3.50) • Pedicure – ($30 - $50) Game of Tennis – six pack of Penn balls ($18) Bottle of wine – ($8 - $75) A gift to the Annual Fund of your daily cup of coffee, a week of Diet Coke, or one deluxe pedicure means a great deal to the League. The Annual Fund was developed as a way to allow a higher percentage of our fundraising dollars to be directed toward the community. While the proceeds of other League fundraisers target specific projects of the League, donations to the Annual Fund are allocated to the general operating expenses of the League. Participating in the Annual Fund is important. Additionally, when the League requests grants from other organizations or foundations for funding various projects, we are often asked what percentage of our membership participates in our annual giving. Thus, the higher the percentage of league members that participate, the better our chances of receiving a grant, and in turn, the better the chance we have to increase our funding and participation in the community. As an added plus, your contribution to the Annual Fund is 100% tax deductible. You also have the option of making your donation in celebration, honor, or memory of someone. It is a great way to recognize those you admire while also helping the League. Please make a commitment to the Annual Fund this year, “Give” a couple cups of coffee or “Donate” your monthly pedicure. The impact on your wallet will be small, but the impact on the league will be great! Our goal for this year’s campaign is $30,000. We have matching funds and grants available when we meet this goal!

DEC 2007 The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. Board of Directors Delaina Harrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .President Laura Talley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .President-Elect Lauri Birkelo Crockett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Treasurer Laurie Kaplan . . . . . . . . .Membership Development Council Lisa Keller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Board Secretary Cathy Scanlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Community Council Gretchen Garceau Kragh . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fund Development Laura Moreno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marketing Council Verr Soltes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Treasurer-Elect Debbie Serot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Placement Committee Anna-Melissa Cavazos . . . . . . . . . .Board Member-At-Large Laura Peel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Assistant to the President Tammy Dullnig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bylaws/Parliamentarian Gina Porter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Research & Development Jennifer Broome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Strategic Planning Carolyn Kelley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Managing Director

The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. Community Advisory Board Mr. Selim Bingol.........................................................Chairman Communications Consulting Worldwide Ms. Jelynne Burley ..................................Deputy City Manager City of San Antonio Mr. Darryl Byrd....Development Director, Silver Ventures, Inc. Mr. Chad Clark........................General Manager, Lee Michaels Mrs. Kye Kilpatrick Fox....President, Urban Advisory Services Ms. Zina Guerra ............First Vice President of Retail Banking IBC Bank Mr. Frank Guerra ................................................................CEO Guerra DeBerry Coody Marketing and Communications Mr. Joe Izbrand...Senior Vice President Fleishman-Hillard Inc. Ms. Kaye Lenox..................................................................CEO San Antonio Public Library Foundation Ms. Vicky Lockwood ...........Padgett, Stratemann & Co., L.L.P Mrs. Beverly Purcell-Guerra.............................................Editor San Antonio Woman Magazine Mr. Frank Ruttenberg ......Partner, Bracewell & Giuliani, L.L.P. Ms. Joanne Winik ............................Executive Director, KLRN Councilman Kevin Wolff ................District 8 City Councilman Mrs. Delaina Harrison ...............................JLSA, Inc. President Mrs. Laura Talley .............................JLSA, Inc. President-Elect Mrs. Tiffany Mills............JLSA, Inc. Immediate Past President Mrs. Lisa Vaello Keller ..................JLSA, Inc. Board Secretary Ms. Catherine Scanlon ..JLSA, Inc. Community Council Chair Mrs. Laurie Kaplan....................................................JLSA, Inc. Membership Development Council Chair Mrs. Lauri Birkelo-Crockett......................JLSA, Inc. Treasurer Ms. Carolyn Kelley...................JLSA, Inc., Managing Director


DEC 2007 What a difference a year makes

JLSA’s efforts ‘build a better community’ It is an honor to be part of an organization that is committed to making dreams a reality for the citizens of San Antonio. Never underestimate your role in the Junior League. No matter what your position or placement, it takes all of us to serve and meet the needs of our community. We can change our world for the better by giving our time and energy to the worthy causes the Junior League supports. Here are some of the accomplishments for the year: • Ole’ Marketplace and American Girl Fashion Show Fundraisers were held in October with much success. • JLSA Leadership has been meeting with numerous community members and agencies concerning literacy. Literacy San Antonio’s Community Partners list is growing: San Antonio Public Library Foundation, City of San Antonio Department of Community Initiatives, Communities in Schools of San Antonio, San Antonio Youth Literacy, Senator Carlos Uresti, Alamo Area Workforce Task force on Literacy. • Literacy San Antonio’s “friendraising and fundraising” quiet phase is well underway. • www.literacysanantonio.com website Phase I should be up by the time you read this. • JLSA has served 44,155 people June 1-October 31, 2007.

Junior League members help out at a recent event at Sunshine Cottage School for the Deaf

• JLSA has impacted San Antonio with an investment value of $113,991 June 1-October 31, 2007. • JLSA sent 200+ members to agencies and community locations of interest during the week of November 4th- San Antonio Food Bank, The Pearl Stables, The Majestic, The San Antonio Public Library, River Barge tour of the River North Project Area, Sunshine Cottage School for the Deaf, Roy Maas Youth Alternatives and more. • Holiday Open House at The Shops at La CanteraNovember 29th, 6:00PM-9:00PM benefiting The Junior League of San Antonio, The San Antonio Aids Foundation and The Brighton School. • JLSA Annual Fund Campaign kicks off in December.

Save the date for Placement Showcase in January Where has the time gone? The League year is flying by, but it’s never too early to think about how to Make Your Mark next year! Get a head start by saving the date for the upcoming Placement Showcase on Tuesday, January 8th at 6:00 p.m. (That’s right it’s just an hour before the January General Membership Meeting!) This is a great chance to have all of your questions answered and get more information on placements and requirements, including new positions and appointed jobs. Attendance is required for Provisionals, but all members are

Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. Annual Placement Showcase The Bright Shawl Tuesday, January 8, 2008 6:00pm (one hour prior to the January General Membership Meeting) Provisional attendance is required, and all actives are invited! Light appetizers and sweets!

welcome and encouraged to attend! Make plans to join us for food, friends and fun as we explore exciting opportunities for the ’08 - ’09 JLSA year!

RSVP online www.jlsa.org by Sunday, January 6, 2008.Questions? Contact Debbie Serot, Placement Chair or Billie Rose, Placement Chair Assistant at placement@jlsa.org


DEC 2007

Remember Y2K? What a time of opportunity! By Anna-Melissa Cavazos Member At Large The months leading up to the year 2000 were a time of excitement and some uncertainty. The world was worried about Y2K and if the new millennium was this year or next. The fear of the unknown as to what was going to happen when the clock struck midnight to the many computer systems that run our lives was worrisome. I cannot believe that was so many years ago! The most interesting thing for me at the beginning of the year 2000 was my opportunity to join the Junior League. I

did not know at the time how many new friendships I would make or the many opportunities for growth that I would be afforded just by saying “yes” to becoming a part of this organization. There are many other women in our League that also found the year 2000 as a year of opportunity. We thank you for your years of service and look forward to your continued leadership in years to come. Jenny Boozer Anna-Melissa Cavazos Claudia Clark

2008-2009 Junior League of San Antonio, Inc

Invite a friend to learn more about becoming a member

Information Session for Potential Membership

Colette Edwards Jennifer Fish Adrian Grant Christi Lankford Cynthia Lee Trina Lindemann Rebeka Mulac Michelle Noel Sandra Pratt Anne Rennen Hope Roth Jennifer Slator Melissa Thompson Jennifer Woodland Misi Woolard

Calendar of Events December 1 Breakfast with Santa 9:30 a.m. Bright Shawl 10 General Meeting 7 p.m. Bright Shawl 18 Board of Directors Meeting 7 p.m. Bright Shawl 24-25 Office Closed (Christmas) January 1 Office Closed (New Year’s) 2 Rummage Warehouse open 6:30-8:30 p.m. 4 Prospective Members Meeting 6:30 Bright Shawl 6 Rummage Warehouse open 9 a.m.-1 p.m. 9 General Meeting 7 p.m. Bright Shawl

Thursday, January 10, 2008 6:30 p.m. The Bright Shawl 819 Augusta

11 Rummage Warehouse open 6:30-8:30 p.m. 15 Office Closed (Martin Luther King) 16 Rummage Warehouse open 6:30-8:30 p.m. 18 Rummage Warehouse open 6:30-8:30 p.m. 18 Placement Showcase 6:30 p.m. Bright Shawl 23 Board of Directors Meeting 7 p.m. Bright Shawl

RSVP to admissions@jlsa.org or 225-1861 ext 316

23 Rummage Warehouse open 6:30-8:30 p.m. 25 Rummage Warehouse open 6:30-8:30 p.m. 25 Last day to turn in quota


DEC 2007

New placement to help integrate Transfers to new city, League

Some of the girls enjoying Ole Salsa & Shopping: Kellie Briggs, Victoria Webb, Carolyn Karger, Leisa Williams, and Anne Jennen

By Leisa Williams and Carolyn Karger Transfer Committee Co-Chairs 2007-08 In case you haven’t heard, the Co-Chairs of the Transfer Program have created a new placement this year. This is the first time that Transfers have been offered the “Transfer Program” as their placement. With the mission statement in mind, this program was created to be similar in nature to that of the Provisional Program in two areas: education and community. A much needed social component has also been added, which includes various events throughout the city. The goal is to help integrate these women into a new city and league, while fostering new friendships. Transfers will attend three of the large Provisional Cluster Meetings and will be given a tour of the city while visiting some of the Junior League’s community placements. Transfers will complete numerous community and educational hours in the Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. throughout this placement, including volunteering at Elf Louise for the holidays! What a great way to get an overview of our League while meeting plenty of great women along the way!

Transfer Spotlight

Please welcome Amy Hawk By Leisa Williams and Carolyn Karger Transfer Committee Co-Chairs 2007-08 Amy transferred to the Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. from Dallas, Texas and has been a league member since 1996. She brings extensive league experience and has held numerous league positions including: Research and Development Committee Researcher, Project Chair for Bryan’s House, Provisional Committee Director and Project Chair, Fund Development Council Member, Research and

Planning Committee Researcher, and Community Outreach Committee Project Coordinator. Amy and her husband Rick are parents to four children; J.P. 11, Sarah 9, Charlie 7, and Aubrey 2. The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. is thrilled to have Amy as a new member and welcomes her and her family to San Antonio!!! What goals do you have for the Transfer Placement this year? I’m looking forward to learning more about San Antonio and how the League

Amy Hawk, Transfer from Dallas is involved in the community. I’d also like to meet many new friends along the way.


DEC 2007

Remember in December: reading, litercy on tap JLSA Reads! Book Club Reminder Join us in January as we discuss Giving: How each one of us can change the world by Bill Clinton. We are meeting on Monday, January 28, 6:30 p.m. at StoneWerks in the Quarry Market. Take some time during the holidays to relax and read a book! Your Literacy Stories Needed The power of telling a story to engage others to take action is very powerful. The power of hearing a story that moves and calls us to action is even more powerful. We are all natural born storytellers if we really think about it whether relating what happened during our day to someone when we get home or just making up a fun story for a child to help her go to sleep. Stories have a power all their own. We want you to share your stories about an experience you have had related to literacy. It could be a few sentences on how you gave a book to a neighborhood child who didn’t have a book and the impact it had or maybe you taught someone to read-a grandparent or friend. We are collecting our own JLSA literacy stories that we can share during throughout our Literacy San Antonio campaign. This is an important issue that touches all of our lives and we can all do something to impact change. Your stories are important. Send your story to girltalk@jsla.org soon. Thank you.

SAVE THE DATE for a Rummage Luau! Rummage Kick-Off Party February 29th 6:30 p.m. Tables and tickets can be purchased on-line or by calling the League office!

League volunteers at a literacy project at Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center

DEC 2007


Celebrating our successes

Congratulations to the Olé Committee Congratulations to Nancy Woodall, Brooke Shannon, and Kathryn Howie, and the entire Ole committee on a successful Ole Marketplace 2007. The event looked fabulous, the merchants were great, and everyone had a terrific time! Job well done!

The Elf on the Shelf co-author Carol Aebersold introduces children to her book during one of Olé’s special events; Below, some of the League workers/shoppers!

Special thanks to Margaret Davis and Isabel Martinez, Junior League special event chairs. These ladies have planned wonderful wine tasting socials every month that members and their guests have really enjoyed. Margaret and Isabel hosted a social at the Witte Museum’s, Jazz in the Treetops event, assisted with the La Cantera Holiday Open House, and chaired Breakfast with Santa all in a three week time frame. Everyone who attended had a great time. Thanks for all your hard work! We love our Sustainers! The November Community Meetings at Sunshine Cottage and the Majestic and Empire Theaters were a great glimpse into what Junior League is all about… Attendees received a special treat as JLSA Volunteer Extraordinaire winners, Dela White, Sunshine Cottage founder, and J oci Stra u s, Majestic and Empire Theater renovation and Las Casas founding member, spoke about their inspiration and desire to fill a need in the community. Active members in attendance were awed and motivated by the interaction with theses wonderful women. We appreciate their willingness to share their knowledge with us! Hats Off to Pamela Toman! This remarkable lady is the Marketing Chair Elect, but has been spending the majority of her time working on Literacy San Antonio, JLSA’s signature initiative. Pamela has visited with and talked to almost everyone who works with literacy, and she is knocking on doors across the state pleading for awareness and support for the cause: wiping out illiteracy in San Antonio. We are so proud of you Pamela, and we appreciate your passion and relentless energy for this project!

Cheers and High-Five’s go to second year active, Kimberly Archer! Kimberly is the Community Council Events and Communications Chair, and she put together the wonderful community meetings the membership enjoyed in November. The lifesaver award goes to transfer Kellie Briggs. Kellie stepped in and offered to work in the JLSA office when Charlotte was out sick. She has managed the website, fielded hundreds of questions and calls, assigned meeting credit, designed flyers and invitations, attended just about every event JLSA has hosted this fall……..and the list goes on! We could not have survived the fall without her! Thank you Kellie!!!

ON T H E M OVE……. Sustainer and former JLSA board member Denise White has been appointed Assistant to the Headmaster for Institutional Advancement at TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas, where she will head the Development Office, with special responsibility for major gifts. Debbie Serot, Placement Chair and JLSA Board member, has left her job at AT&T to pursue a new career at USAA. Good luck in your new endeavors! Do you have news you want to share? Email amigos@jlsa.org.

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