2008 01 jan scrawls

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11 Girl Talk and Placement Showcase 5-7 Building better communities

10 Books, books and Little Leaguers 4

Special visit with special kids

Strategic planning for JLSA future 9

JAN 2008


Apply for an Appointed Job

Update on the Annual Fund campaign 8 Leaders Welcome Comments 3

S C R A W L S The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc.

City Manager to address JLSA Make your plans for January 8! Make plans to be at our general membership meeting in January where members will have the opportunity to hear from the City Manager of San Antonio, Sheryl Sculley. Sheryl Sculley became San Antonio’s City Manager in November 2005 with 31 years of local government experience. As the City’s chief executive officer, she managers a full-service municipal government corporation as directed by policies of the City Council. She oversees an annual operating and capital budget of more than $2 billion that serves a community of more than 1.3 million residents and 430 square miles. Ms. Sculley supervises the activities of all City departments that include more than 12,000 employees. In her two years as City Manager, she has been extremely busy! She has initiated major changes within the City organization. Ms Sculley as reorganized structures, developed balanced budgets,

appointed numerous key employees, and recommended and implemented key service upgrades for local citizens. Ms Sculley has a Bachelor of Science degree from Ball State University, a Masters of Public Administration fro Western Michigan University, and the Program for Senior Executives in State and Local Government from Harvard University. Ms Sculley is involved in numerous organizations within the community and has received numerous honors including the 2005 National Academy of Public Administration Fellow and the 2005 Arizona Woman of the Year by Arizona Woman Magazine. We are honored to have Ms Sculley speak to our membership. The meeting is open to all members: provisional, active and sustainer. Make your plans to join us on the 8th of January at 7:00 pm.

President’s Message HOPE….The Promise of Tomorrow “Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation.” ~ C.Everett Koop Happy New Year! For many people the start of a new year means the opportunity for a new beginning...the opportunity to make a change, the opportunity to start over. Many people choose the New Year to begin a

lifestyle change like working out at the gym or going on a diet. Many others commit to add something, change something, or quit something. The promise of a new year brings hope….the hope that tomorrow will be a better and brighter day. As Junior League members, we are committed to the HOPE for our community’s future. We have the opportunity to provide a ray of hope for the thousands of people we interact with each day during our Junior Continued on Page 2

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