2008 04 apr scrawls

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Calendar of Events Transfer group grows to 18 5


Girls Inc. reports on year’s progress Corresponding Secretary report 4


Little Leaguers make their mark Community values voluntarism

APR 2008



Family Affair for First-Year Actives Celebrating successes/Rummage 2


S C R A W L S The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc.

President’s Message “Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It’s what you do for others.”-Author Unknown JLSA has had visions, dreams, and goals since 1924. Eighty-four years later, we are fulfilling those goals, making dreams a reality and continuing to build on those long ago visions. Along with many women who have served before us, we have dared to dream and not seen a job too big but an opportunity to move forward. We have been willing to get out of our comfort zones and stretch ourselves beyond what we thought we were capable of…..AND, we’ve done it wholeheartedly! What does it mean to do something wholeheartedly? It means being intentional, exchanging fear with faith, and remaining dedicated until completion. It means being afraid but doing it anyway! Yes! We have certainly felt fear while moving forward; yet we have learned that courage is doing something while you feel fear. There are times I have said that “I could never do that” or “this job is way out of my league,” and then received the encouragement that I needed to complete the task. How thankful I am to all of those people, many who don’t even know it, who helped me discover the “gifts” in the opportunity. I can now say, “If the moment presents itself, don’t wait for the fear to go away—-just go for it!” The fear may never go away!! A number of years ago, my grandmother and I were enjoying one of our many afternoon conversations. She was a great role model and a significant inspiration in my life. My grandmother was the President of the Junior Women’s Club and the Women’s Club, was the first woman on the Parks Board, and the only woman on the City’s Zoning

Commission for a number of years. When I asked her what had made her get involved in all these different projects and various sectors of the city, I will never forget what she said to me. She posed it in the form of a question. She said,” One hundred years from now, will it have made a difference that I lived?” It made me ask myself: “Do I wake up everyday and give it my best —am I pursuing my dreams? Did I keep my heart full of compassion, open to helping others, giving, caring and serving? Am I striving to leave the San Antonio community a better place than it was before? Am I making a difference with my life? The Junior League has taken many of us out of our comfort zones and stretched us beyond what we thought ourselves capable of. Together we are “making our mark” on families, neighborhoods, and schools. If we dare to do what is on our hearts, then others will catch that vision and join us in making a difference in San Antonio. Lives will be changed forever with a caring smile, by taking that moment to tell someone how special they are or meeting the needs of that one child, woman, or teen. You are truly making a difference—and doing a great job at it!! I want to thank the members of the JLSA for all you do and for the courage and commitment you exhibit as we continue to “make our mark” on San Antonio and make our “moments worth remembering.”



APR 2008

Celebrating our successes

Leaguers continue to ‘make their mark’ A great big congratulations to Sarah Ware and Anne Ahlschwede, Rummage Co-Chairs, for their tireless efforts in leading their Rummage crew to a successful sale. What a great time everyone had! Beginning with the festive invites arriving in late January, to the fabulous style show enjoyed by the membership at the February General Meeting, to a great Luau, these gals and their hard working committee put together a fabulous event. Congratulations!

•••••••••• Congratulations also to the ENTIRE Rummage committee. Small as it was, they all pulled together and did a great job of hosting an incredible Rummage Sale! Thank yous also to Rummage Past Chairs, who were there throughout the weekend to help guide, move boxes, provide moral support and lend a helping hand. It was a great event!

•••••••••• A special thanks to Treasurer-Elect Verr Soltes, Treasurer Lauri Birkelo Crockett, and Fund Development Chair (and past Treasurer) Gretchen Garceau Kragh, for their tireless

efforts in the treasurer’s room during the entire Rummage Sale! They helped two great volunteers, Rummage Treasurers Andrea Spanley and Sarah Little, first-year actives, count all the money and keep all the finances in order throughout the weekend! •••••••••• Thanks to Past President Karen Greenwood, for leading the efforts to make her fellow president and presidents-elect feel welcome during the AJLI mid-winter conference here in San Antonio. Karen, along with VIEW, arranged for and assembled 350 San Antonio style goodie bags for attendees, staffed a welcome and information desk, and arranged for mariachis and margaritas so that visitors could experience true San Antonio hospitality. Thank you, Karen! •••••••••• Have you checked out out the Bright Shawl lately? If you have been in the board or living rooms, you have noticed a DRAMATIC change! Thanks to Past President Beth Plummer and her interior decorator for transforming this part of the Bright Shawl. The renovation of these rooms adds to the lengthy list of renovations already completed: the Ivy Room, the main bathrooms, the replacement of the air conditioners and roof, painting and reupholstering the gallery fabric and trim. Thanks also to Managing Director Carolyn Kelley for her diligent scheduling to get this all completed! There are many items left on the to-do list, but the commitment the League has made to restore the facility is well under way! Thank you Beth and Jerry! •••••••••• Thanks to Education and Training Chair Stephanie Green and E&T Media Co-Chair Cassie Bale for all

the great general meetings the membership has enjoyed this year. Stephanie and Cassie can always be counted on when someone needs to set something up last minute, or when some group needs a PowerPoint presentation for a meeting. For this behind the scenes job we all say THANK YOU!

•••••••••• Past President Tiffany Mills and Sustainer Terri Herbold willingly agreed to plan and execute the Volunteer Extraordinaire Event honoring Mollie Zachry. The beautiful event was a huge success! Thank you ladies for all your hard work! •••••••••• WOW! Goes to Literacy Project Chair Pamela Toman, who succeeded in securing the LARGEST gift the league has ever received. Stay tuned for more information to come. •••••••••• What a great team! Thank you to PR Chair Laura Lopez, Creative Director Judy Riordan, and Advertising/Print Chair Lauren Moldowan for pulling together to get the Rummage Invites, Ads, Posters, PSA’s, TV spots, and other media secured and distributed on time. These ladies helped to promote the event toward its ultimate success! •••••••••• Our first Little Leaguers event, (JLSA volunteers and their children), was a great success thanks to Community Continued on Page 5


APR 2008

Community values JLSA’s work An excerpt from the Sunshine Cottage newsletter: Cowboy Breakfast at Sunshine Cottage “At rodeo time, when the rest of San Antonio is celebrating all things Cowboy, the cow-pokes at Sunshine Cottage are also hankering for some fun. This year we celebrated the annual Cowboy Breakfast with the gracious help of our friends at the Junior League. Volunteers decorated the gym in western style and served a hardy breakfast. Children enjoyed doing the chicken dance and watching Cowboy roper Kevin Kirkpatrick and his children perform rope tricks. “‘I love working done in a day projects at Sunshine Cottage! Everyone is so friendly and so appreciative of our assistance! It is such a happy place to volunteer and you always feel so good when you leave there!’ —Junior League Volunteer Through “Done-in-a-Day” projects, the San Antonio Junior League helps agencies by providing funding and volunteer hours for projects related to the Junior League mission and which improve our community. Since 1947 when they gave some of the seed money to establish Sunshine Cottage, Junior League volunteers have been lending a hand by providing volunteer help or grants to us. Tuition scholarships are awarded to two Sunshine Cottage students each year by the Junior League.” Seton Home moms experience JLSA hospitality at Rummage The rummage committee, especially Anne Ahlschwede, was amazing to our Seton Home mothers! Not only did she accommodate our group with everything that we asked for so that the women from Seton Home could do a

fashion show during the Sale on Saturday, she gave the ladies from Seton Home everything that they needed to pull together their “runway looks.” Anne also had her employer donate cute diaper bags filled with great products like makeup and facial cleansers. She was awesome to our mothers!! Allison James and Sherie Dickson, Seton Home Chairs for JLSA Family Service Association grateful for Community Cash program “I can’t begin to thank you enough for Saturday. Our staff filled and delivered 2 moving vans and dozens of cars/trucks worth of merchandise. Tear-stained client faces – overjoyed at what they received. Exhausted but VERY happy staff was thrilled to be the conduits for all the merchandise!! Thank you!”

Shannon Nisbet, Director of Development Family Service Association Community Cash provides necessary items to needy San Antonians: Other stories relayed by Family Service Association staff Four vacuum cleaners were purchased at the Jr. League Rummage sale and given to Senior Service clients. These clients are on very fixed incomes and these individuals have had the staff members who serve them, sweep carpets with brooms, so for them to be able to utilize a vacuum cleaner will make their environment much cleaner. The 4 individuals thanked us so much for these as they could not otherwise get them on their own. One family who is receiving counseling services for the son was given several Play Station 2 games that were purchased at the sale. The additional games

will entertain this teen at home and could potentially increase the family’s involvement with the child. This family is on a fixed income. Their clinician has been working to involve them in shared activities. The clincian encouraged family competition with the PS2 games to increase family cohesiveness. One of our families who had recently taken in a niece was able to get bedding, curtains and wall decorations to add to this child’s bedroom. The family was extremely appreciative. When the staff arrived at the home of a client, the mother met the staff at the door with tears in her eyes, she said she had been praying that somehow she would be able to get toys and household items that she so desperately needed. She has had her grandchildren living in the home and has been unable to provide them with toys as she indicated that her priority was just eating and being able to stay in their home. She stated, “Now, I don’t have to worry about them getting into things in the house, they can play with their own toys.” She was extremely thankful for the many kitchen items that were also purchased at the sale. One client expressed delight after she received various items from the Junior League Rummage Sale. Among the items were: two lamps, an end table, tables, and an entertainment center. This mother recently lost the temporary job she held and was very unhappy, prior to the delivery of the Rummage items. Without question, these household goods lifted her spirits and fulfilled the need of a displaced Katrina victim with two young sons. The mother expressed great thanks to Family Service Association, and Junior League for making this happen.

4 Corresponding Secretary reports Corresponding Secretary Report December 2007 and January 2008

Resign in Good Standing Cathy Blundell (P) Shelbi Glaeria (P) Autumn Johnson (A) Kate Carey (P) Jennifer Hindert (A) Transfer Out Lauren Brownlee (P) to Houston TX Catherine Burke (S) to Tulsa OK Transfer In Paige LaGuardia (S) from Arlington TX Mary Helen Acosta (A) from Dallas TX Katie Adkinson (A) from Tyler TX Maya Thukral (A) from Houston TX Reinstatement Michelle Kocurek (S) Deaths Shirley Heller (SNR) Annette Loyd (SE) February 2008 Resign in Good Standing Dianne Holcomb (A) Christel Pettinos (ANR) Jennifer Nelson (A) Nicole Tuggle (P) Linda Jacobs (A) Veronica Cobba (A) Dawn Domaschk (P) Transfer Out Paige Strode (A) to Ft. Worth TX Candice Tisdale (A) to Austin TX Jeanne Bonner (S) to Kansas City MO Transfer In Sara Davidson (A) from Austin TX Dropped from Provisional Class Veronique Barretto (P) Callie Strait (P) Clare Berchelmann (P) Kerry Jackson (P) Angela Loeb (P) Elizabeth Burt (P)

APR 2008 The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. Board of Directors Delaina Harrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .President Laura Talley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .President-Elect Lauri Birkelo Crockett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Treasurer Laurie Kaplan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Membership Development Council Lisa Keller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Board Secretary Cathy Scanlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Community Council Gretchen Garceau Kragh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fund Development Laura Moreno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marketing Council Verr Soltes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Treasurer-Elect Debbie Serot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Placement Committee Anna-Melissa Cavazos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Board Member-At-Large Laura Peel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Assistant to the President Tammy Dullnig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bylaws/Parliamentarian Gina Porter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Research & Development Jennifer Broome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Strategic Planning Carolyn Kelley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Managing Director Carrie Baker Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sustaining Advisor

The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. Community Advisory Board Mr. Selim Bingol ...........Chairman, Communications Consulting Worldwide Ms. Jelynne Burley .....................Deputy City Manager, City of San Antonio Mr. Darryl Byrd .........................Development Director, Silver Ventures, Inc. Mr. Chad Clark .............................................General Manager, Lee Michaels Mrs. Kye Kilpatrick Fox .........................President, Urban Advisory Services Ms. Zina Guerra ...............First Vice President of Retail Banking, IBC Bank Mr. Frank Guerra......................................................................................CEO ...............................Guerra DeBerry Coody Marketing and Communications Mr. Joe Izbrand ........................Senior Vice President Fleishman-Hillard Inc. Ms. Kaye Lenox......................CEO, San Antonio Public Library Foundation Ms. Vicky Lockwood.................................Padgett, Stratemann & Co., L.L.P Mrs. Beverly Purcell-Guerra ..............Editor, San Antonio Woman Magazine Mr. Frank Ruttenberg............................Partner, Bracewell & Giuliani, L.L.P. Ms. Joanne Winik..................................................Executive Director, KLRN Mr. Kevin Wolff .......................................................Former City Councilman Mrs. Delaina Harrison ....................................................JLSA, Inc. President Mrs. Laura Talley ..................................................JLSA, Inc. President-Elect Mrs. Tiffany Mills .................................JLSA, Inc. Immediate Past President Mrs. Lisa Keller ...................................................JLSA, Inc. Board Secretary Ms. Catherine Scanlon ........................JLSA, Inc. Community Council Chair Mrs. Laurie Kaplan .........................................................................JLSA, Inc. .......................................................Membership Development Council Chair Mrs. Lauri Birkelo-Crockett ...........................................JLSA, Inc. Treasurer Ms. Carolyn Kelley ........................................JLSA, Inc., Managing Director


APR 2008

Please welcome four of our 18 transfers By Leisa Williams Transfer Committee Co-Chair 2007-08 We’re happy to report that our group of transfers has now grown to eighteen women! These ladies have kept busy during the beginning of 2008, taking a community tour of our city, learning some history of our league, and enjoying breakfast at Joseph’s Bakery. They also joined the provisionals for their Large Cluster Meeting that was an overview of all our community projects. Recently, the transfers and their families got together at Billy T’s for an afternoon of good food and fun!! JLSA is lucky to have such a fabulous group of women joining our organization.

Please welcome Mary Helen Acosta Mary Helen transferred to JLSAfrom Dallas, where she has been a league member since 2005. She was on the Grants for Innovative Teaching Committee for two years prior to moving to San Antonio. She and her husband Michael have a threeyear-old daughter named Anna Beth. We welcome you and your family to San Antonio, Mary Helen! What goals do you have for the

Transfer Placement this year? I’d like to understand San Antonio’s needs and find a great placement.

spending time with their pug named Muggsy. We’re happy to have you here, Becca!

Please welcome Katie Adkison Katie transferred to the Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. from Tyler, Texas, and has been a league member since 2004. She was on the Makea-Wish Community Council in Tyler. She and her husband Jason have a 10-month-old daughter named Claire. Welcome to San Antonio Katie!

Tr an sfer Pla cemen t goals? I’m looking forward to learning about the league and the community, as well as meeting new friends!

Tr an sfer Pla cemen t goals? I’d like to get to know some other women in the league, and learn more about the San Antonio community. Please welcome Becca Atchison! Becca transferred to JLSA from Athens, Georgia, where she was a provisional in 2006. Becca is a Catering Manager and Event Planner. She and her husband Jarrod don’t have children yet, but love

Please welcome Jenn ifer Ro drig uez! Jennifer transferred to JLSA from Washington, D.C., and has been in the league since 2001. During her membership there, she spent in years two Development & Training, one year in the Tossed & Found (Rummage Sale), and two years in Membership Resources and Retention. She and her husband Leonard have a daughter named Ellie who is 4 and a half, and they are expecting another baby in May! She is a freelance writer and research analyst, and stays at home to raise their daughter. We’re excited to have you as a member of JLSA, Inc. Jennifer! Tr an sfer Pla cemen t goals? I’d like to learn about JLSA, meet some women, and find a good spot for myself in JLSA

Celebrating our successes Continued from Page 2

Council Chair Cathy Scanlon and Kimberly Archer, Community Events and Communications. The group had a fabulous time and had many suggestions for Little Leaguers events for the future. •••••••••• Allison James and Sherie Dickson are two of the best chairs the League could ask for.

These women are the Seton Home Chairs and they immediately incorporated Literacy into their placement. Every month had a unique and appropriate Literacy component: They took the mothers and their children to the Children’s Museum; they read stories and purchased books from the museum to donate to Seton Home. They are prompt and efficient in all of their tasks as chairs. They are passionate about

Laura and Mollie Zachry

their placement. They are very creative and thoughtful in planning valuable experiences for the mothers at Seton Home.


APR 2008

It’s a family affair for 1st-Year Actives First-Year Active Members enjoyed meeting the families of fellow league members at a family gathering held at Big’z Burger Joint on Sunday afternoon, February 10. We are thankful for the support of husbands, friends, and children as we “Make our Mark” in the San Antonio Community. Our next First-Year Actives Social will be Ladies’ Night Out on Thursday, April Tricia and Emma Cantwell

17, at Chuy’s (281 & 1604) at 6 p.m.

Dillon, Wes, Wyatt, Kelly and Savannah Micak

Mat, Patience and Kara Cleveland

Robert, Erin, Desiree and Jack Tillman

Marc and Lauren Moldowan

Melissa and Blaine Lewis

Little Leaguers

Erin Tillman and Mary Beth Buchman

Addison Grace Milikien 8 lbs 14 oz February 11, 2008 Proud Parents: Jennifer & Derek

Charles Edwin Jennen 6 pounds 11 ounces Friday, February 29th Proud Parents: Steve & Anne


APR 2008

Little Leaguers Make Their Mark On a Sunday afternoon in early March, Junior League volunteers and their children had an opportunity to work alongside each other in a hands-on volunteer experience — an exciting new program known as “Little Leaguers.” League members and their guests had a wonderful time assembling nearly 200 Easter baskets that were distributed to children at several area community agencies. During the event, attendees had the opportunity to hear from April Hernandez, Director of Community Relations at the Children’s Shelter, on the importance of the volunteer efforts completed that day, and the difference it will make to a number of children in our community. Also collected during the event were diapers and children’s toiletries that are continual needs of these agencies. Members also contributed books to support the JLSA Literacy San Antonio project, and each agency received an Easter basket full of books for the children in their care to enjoy. A good

Community Council Chair Cathy Scanlon, Kimberly Archer, CCE&M, April Hernandez, community relations director at the Children’s Shelter, and JLSA President Delaina Harrison at the Little Leaguers gathering. Below are additional photos from the event.

time was had by all who participated, and most importantly, will make a significant difference to the children who receive the gifts. Keep your eye out for additional Little Leaguer opportunities in the future!

Girls Inc. reports progress in schools By Rebecca Levine and Molly Salmon, Girls Inc. Co Chairs Girls Inc. and the Growing Together program have completed the first half of another very productive year. Sixteen Junior League volunteers have already served six elementary schools this fall and thirteen members are scheduled to serve six schools this spring. San Antonio has one of the highest teen and preteen birth rates in the nation. Studies show that as girls progress through adolescence, their confidence and self-esteem plummet. The Girls Inc. Growing Together program seeks to change this through their

abstinence-based curriculum, which teaches nine- to eleven-year-old girls about the many physical and emotional changes of puberty. The program is taught to both girls and their mothers together in a series of five evening classes. This facilitates communication between mothers and daughters and establishes a base of trust for later years. The girls are taught to seek help from responsible adults when facing the various challenges of adolescence. Many topics are addressed in the program. The physical changes of puberty are explained in a factual format with video and discussion based presenta-

tions. The girls are also taught how to make safe decisions when confronted with the prospect of risky behavior. The risks of teenage sex are addressed with an abstinence based curriculum and reinforcement with parental guidance. Nationally, girls who complete both this and the high school course have a 50% lower risk of sexual activity and pregnancies. They are also more likely to complete high school and obtain additional education. Girls Inc. Growing Together looks forward to making an impact this spring in the San Antonio community elementary schools.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS April Online Placement Get ready to Make Your Mark in ‘08-’09! All placed and non-placed positions will available as options during this sign-up process. To register, go online to www.jlsa.org, log in as a member and go to the “Placement” tab. Remember, all Active and Provisional members are required to sign up for a placement for the upcoming year! If you have any questions about the placement process, contact Deb Serot or Billie Rose at placement@jlsa.org. 7-11 12 25 29

7 13 20 26

Community Reception General Meeting Board of Directors’ Meeting Office closed for Memorial Day

Meetings in Members’ Homes Leadership Training Office closed (Battle of Flowers Parade) Board of Directors’ Meeting 7:00 pm

723 Brooklyn Avenue San Antonio, Texas 78215



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