Calendar of Events Transfer group grows to 18 5
Girls Inc. reports on year’s progress Corresponding Secretary report 4
Little Leaguers make their mark Community values voluntarism
APR 2008
Family Affair for First-Year Actives Celebrating successes/Rummage 2
S C R A W L S The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc.
President’s Message “Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It’s what you do for others.”-Author Unknown JLSA has had visions, dreams, and goals since 1924. Eighty-four years later, we are fulfilling those goals, making dreams a reality and continuing to build on those long ago visions. Along with many women who have served before us, we have dared to dream and not seen a job too big but an opportunity to move forward. We have been willing to get out of our comfort zones and stretch ourselves beyond what we thought we were capable of…..AND, we’ve done it wholeheartedly! What does it mean to do something wholeheartedly? It means being intentional, exchanging fear with faith, and remaining dedicated until completion. It means being afraid but doing it anyway! Yes! We have certainly felt fear while moving forward; yet we have learned that courage is doing something while you feel fear. There are times I have said that “I could never do that” or “this job is way out of my league,” and then received the encouragement that I needed to complete the task. How thankful I am to all of those people, many who don’t even know it, who helped me discover the “gifts” in the opportunity. I can now say, “If the moment presents itself, don’t wait for the fear to go away—-just go for it!” The fear may never go away!! A number of years ago, my grandmother and I were enjoying one of our many afternoon conversations. She was a great role model and a significant inspiration in my life. My grandmother was the President of the Junior Women’s Club and the Women’s Club, was the first woman on the Parks Board, and the only woman on the City’s Zoning
Commission for a number of years. When I asked her what had made her get involved in all these different projects and various sectors of the city, I will never forget what she said to me. She posed it in the form of a question. She said,” One hundred years from now, will it have made a difference that I lived?” It made me ask myself: “Do I wake up everyday and give it my best —am I pursuing my dreams? Did I keep my heart full of compassion, open to helping others, giving, caring and serving? Am I striving to leave the San Antonio community a better place than it was before? Am I making a difference with my life? The Junior League has taken many of us out of our comfort zones and stretched us beyond what we thought ourselves capable of. Together we are “making our mark” on families, neighborhoods, and schools. If we dare to do what is on our hearts, then others will catch that vision and join us in making a difference in San Antonio. Lives will be changed forever with a caring smile, by taking that moment to tell someone how special they are or meeting the needs of that one child, woman, or teen. You are truly making a difference—and doing a great job at it!! I want to thank the members of the JLSA for all you do and for the courage and commitment you exhibit as we continue to “make our mark” on San Antonio and make our “moments worth remembering.”