Update on Olé Marketplace progress Placement mysteries revealed Partnership to generate ‘goodwill’ Junior League of San Antonio @ 85 7 8 10 11 SA reads to succeed Sunshine Cottage @ 60 Provisionals off to great start Met’s regional auditions @ 50 2 3 5 6
SEPT 2008
S C R A W L S The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc.
President’s Message One League, One Mission, The Power of One — 85 years and counting! The Junior League of San Antonio was established in 1924 by 11 dedicated women. These women realized that they could make a difference as “One” individual but could improve our community even more effectively as “One” organization. For 85 years, the JLSA has been serving our community by working to promote voluntarism, develop the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. This year the League will spend time honoring and celebrating our past and looking to the future and the next 85 years. Just as our eleven founders planted the seeds of the future for San Antonio by creating the Children’s Free clinic in the 1920’s, and members continued planting seeds for the future: Sunshine Cottage School for the Deaf, San Antonio Zoo and McNay docent programs, The Non-Profit Resource Center, Walking for Women’s Health Initiative, we continue to plant seeds for the future: LITERACY San Antonio, Goodwill Industries Partnership, The Rummage Legacy Endowment, JLSA Universityleadership development training program. The Board has worked hard to determine the needs of our community in the future and begun to plant seeds so our organization will be prepared for those changes. We are beginning an exciting partnership with Goodwill Industries so we may continue to provide much needed items to individuals who need them. We will establish the Rummage Legacy Endowment with the proceeds from the sale of the Rummage Warehouse. This endowment will help to further secure our financial future. We will kick-off our Signature
Project- LITERACY San Antonio this fall. This project will educate the public on the severity of the Literacy issue in our city and move community members to take action. We will focus on developing the potential of women and training volunteers by creating a leadership training curriculum and program. This program will allow JLSA to prepare leaders for the future needs of area non-profits and the San Antonio workplace. The Board is also working to increase JLSA’s visibility in the community and promote the League as the premier women’s training and volunteer organization in San Antonio. The Marketing Council is evaluating the JLSA brand and marketing practices. At the same time the Board is working to balance League donor-based fundraising with event –based fundraising. This 85th year will be an exciting one, full of new opportunities. To fulfill the mission and improve our community, the league needs “YOU”. What can you do to increase “The Power of One”? • Be an ambassador for the JLSA in the workplace and the community • Sponsor a new member • Support JLSA events- Fundraising, • Training, Community, etc. • Bring Friends to JLSA Fundraising events • Attend General Membership Meetings • Stay League informed- read The Scrawls and E-blasts • Nominate someone for a leadership position • Fulfill your member opportunities (obligations) Continued on Page 4