2008 11 nov scrawls

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Great support for Olé Marketplace Jan Hill is Volunteer Extraordinaire 50th anniversary of Met auditions Transfer news, Spotlight 6 7 8 9 Annual Campaign November’s General Meetings Literacy program recognized President’s Message 2 3 4 5

NOV 2008

S C R A W L S The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc.

Giving thanks for 85 years By Nancy Woodall, Kathryn Howie & Brooke Shannon November is always a time of reflection and a time of the year to give thanks for the gifts that have been received. The 85th Anniversary affords a unique opportunity to look back and give thanks for many League accomplishments. Give thanks for the eleven founding members of The San Antonio Junior League, Inc. Without their determination and hard work the Children’s Free Clinic, which was funded by two Rummage Sales, would not have been possible. Give thanks for the C.E.R. King home which was purchased in 1929 by the League to house the Bright Shawl Tearoom. The tearoom was staffed for years by Junior League members who served as waitresses, hostesses and back-up cooks. The Bright Shawl has seen major renovations throughout the years and continues to serve both the community and the League. Give thanks for the 1946 vote by the League that granted $15,000 over a three-year period to initiate the Sunshine Cottage School for the Deaf. The San Antonio Junior League, Inc. has continued to support the San Antonio community through its many projects. The San Antonio Zoo, Boysville, Palmer Drug Abuse Center, Ronald McDonald House, McNay Art Institute , Seton Home, Metropolitan Opera, San Antonio Food Bank, St. Peter-St. Joseph Children’s Home and Fisher

House, Inc. have all been touched by the League through either volunteer or financial support. Give thanks for the Vision Statement which reads, “Through empowered women leaders, The Junior League of San Antonio, Inc. is the preeminent women’s organization, building a better community.” Women join the League each year with the hope of making a difference in the community. Be thankful for those that came before and those that will follow. Again as the League celebrates 85 years of accomplishments let us not forget that it’s about the Giving, it’s about the Commitment and it’s about the Women!

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